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Apple and Cranberry Turnovers

Apple and Cranberry Turnovers with Cinnamon Butterscotch Sauce

1 sheet ready rolled puff pastry
1 egg yolk
250g peeled, cored and chopped Armagh Bramley apple
75g castor sugar
50g dried cranberries
50ml rum
1 teaspoon mixed spice
Pinch nutmeg
50g brioche breadcrumbs
25g butter

Soak the cranberries in the rum overnight.
Place the apples, sugar, spices and soaked cranberries in a pan and cook until just soft. Cool completely. Fry the breadcrumbs in a butter until golden. Cool and mix into the apple mixture.
Set oven to 200oc and lightly butter a baking tray.
Cut the pastry into 6 squares.
Brush the edges with the egg yolk and place a spoonful of the apple mixture in the middle. Fold over to form a triangle and crimp the edges with a fork. Place on a baking tray brush with egg yolk and sprinkle over a little castor sugar. Repeat with remaining pastry and filling.
Bake for 15 minutes or until golden and crisp.

Cinnamon Butterscotch Sauce

50g dark brown sugar
50g butter
200ml whipping cream
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

Chop the butter and place in a saucepan with the sugar.
Cook until the butter has melted and sugar starts to caramelize.
Add the cinnamon and cream and simmer to a spoon coating sauce consistency.