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Steph West

Steph has been a field natural historian for as long as she can remember, having always been fascinated by wildlife.

Ever since seeing bats on a school trip she has been hooked on this fascinating species group, but her interest in British wildlife is far wider, and she is just as happy identifying plants with a hand lens, insects with a sweep net and microscope or birds with a binoculars. She has worked with biological records in a local biological records centre, in planning as senior ecologist for a County Council and as a consultant ecologist, however through teaching she discovered that the thing she enjoys most is inspiring and enthusing others about the diversity and spectacle that is the wildlife on our doorstep. She now does just that, working with the Angela Marmont Centre for UK Biodiversity at the Natural History Museum. As UK Biodiversity Training Manager she develops and runs training for people from all ages, backgrounds and experience to build understanding of the wildlife around them.