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Professor Karim Vahed

Karim has had a lifelong fascination for insects and other invertebrates.

Some of his earliest recollections are of watching ants in his back garden and, as a child, he filled the family home with an assortment of live exotic invertebrates and natural history specimens.

After studying Biological Sciences at the University of Exeter, Karim conducted his PhD at the University of Nottingham on the evolution and function of nuptial feeding in bushcrickets. He joined the University of Derby in 1993, where he is currently Professor of Entomology. He also leads an MSc Programme in Conservation Biology and delivers lectures on Entomology, Invertebrate Biology and Behavioural Ecology to undergraduate and postgraduate students. Karim’s research has continued to focus on the evolution of nuptial feeding and the reproductive behaviour and natural history of crickets and bushcrickets