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Orlaith McAllister

Orlaith doesn't have any regrets and is most proud of her children.

Who is your best friend? My children are my best friends.

I'm a newly qualified florist

What can you not live without? My children!

What is your biggest regret? I don’t have regrets and I don’t believe in regrets.

Who is your type? Ryan Gosling would be a good type for me but my new crush is on Cillian Murphy from . I am devasted it's ended and can't wait for the next series.

When did you lose your temper? I kind of lose my temper everyday with myself. If something doesn't go right, I have a bit of a moment with myself but then I get over it quickly.

Tell us something we don't know about you? I’m a newly qualified florist. I just recently graduated! I love it as a career and i'd eventually I'd like to open my own business.

Who do you miss the most? My granny.

How many selfies would you take in one day? Selfies bore me! I only take them when i'm on a night out with with my friends.

What would you delete about yourself from the internet? Nothing!

What is your pet hate? People that are full of themselves.

What would you save from your house? My children.

What song would you put on repeat? 'I’m like a bird' by Nelly Fertado.

What are you most proud of? My children.

Who do you call in a crisis? My mum.

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