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Rebecca Maguire

Rebecca can't live without her mobile phone.

Who is your best friend? Chris is my best friend. He is also my gay best friend so he’s my wing man when we go out.

What can you not live without? My mobile phone.

When did you last lose your temper? Yesterday! I was on set. I was tired and it was first thing in the morning.

How many selfies would you take in a day. I don't take any during my working day but in the evenings it would be about 30.

Rebecca's crowning glory - her dog

Tell us something we don’t know about you? Before I went to do pharmacy I really considered doing medicine and did a work placement in the morgue as I had my heart set on being a Pathologist. I absolutely loved it.

I had my heart set on being a Pathologist

Who do you miss the most? Chris as he moved over to London recently. I try to get over every month to see him.

What would you delete about yourself from the internet? (Laughs out loud) I’m sure there’s a few dodgy press calls. I think there is one in particular where I was out all night then rocked up to a press call and afterwards thought, maybe I should have gone to bed earlier!

Pet hate? Rude people.

What would you save from your house? My dog and family.

Song on repeat? Something by Beyonce. Something kinda 'Girl Power'.

What are you most proud of? I’m most proud of my education and being a pharmacy graduate from Queens University and also being former Miss Ireland.

Who would you call in a crisis? My mummy.

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