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16 October 2014


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Oh What a Night!

I had to give up my prep for an interview tomorrow ( I'm being evicted from my house and can't afford anywhere on the island so I'm having to pack up and move to the mainland) as I can't get the printer to recognise my laptop and Andrew couldn't come to fix it because he was going to a meeting about the housing situation. I've e-mailed everything to my hotmail account so I'll go to the library and print it all out in the morning. Also I've just found out I've only got powerpoint viewer so I can't edit my powerpoint presentation so will have to do that at the library too. It's a bit last minute but can't be helped.

I got home and noticed the mail had been chewed, so I've got a rat! I hate rats and am rather frightened of them. Especially after the last one got stuck under the boiler. So I phoned Hazel, being a Country Ranger she should come round and deal with deadly rat! Well she had the NTS rangers and gardeners round for dinner so she asked them what I should do and they all laughed! When I said it wasn't funny they laughed harder!!! Outraged I stropped round there, mainly as I was too scared to stay in the house, just in time for curry and sticky toffee pudding and the only ice cream they had was Magnums!!! Hell! So that didn't deal with the problem but it put it off for a while, had a great laugh with everyone (they thoroughly enjoyed thinking up all the places the rat is going to jump out at me from and doled out no sympathy) and I got to meet Jos' new baby!

When I got home I was a bit freaked as still scared of the rat. I started putting rat poison down. As I lent down next to the bin something jumped, I screamed and the frog bounced across the kitchen. So I got a mug and a bit of card and ran round the kitchen after it until I finally caught the little sod and put him outside. I thought, I'll text Hazel and give her a laugh, went into my bag to get my phone and found that the container of colslaw Hazel had given me had leaked all over the inside of my bag. I had to wash all that out and then pull my phone apart and clean every bit I could get at. To no avail, the mayo was right through it, my mobile is still not working. I'll have to buy a new one when I'm on the mainland tomorrow. Hope that goes better than tonight! Wish me luck?

Posted on Sunny at 01:42


welcome back Sunny - have you noticed we've all missed you? what a time you're havin. Flyin Cat - get over there ASAP. Please do not blog photo of rat! get in rento kill and you move out. Today I found a dozy but live wasp in my sitting room - we don't normally have wasps here, but hey this is global warming at work! - got it sealed up in a tupperware box. that was bad enough. good luck and I think you can assume life isn't going to get much worse.

scallowawife from shetland

Sunny!! We were just saying how we had missed you (see Digital Sands blog for proof!). I am so sad that you have to flit back to the mainland, Hope it all goes really well for you tho, and best o luck with gettin what you want in life! Will be thinkin about you and the interview tomorrow.

Ruthodanort from Unst

i'm sorry you have to leave the island to go back and live on the mainland! Is it really so expensive to live on a scottish island these days?? hope you will be able to go back one day. good luck for the future

carol from sunny france

This is bloody awful!!! Sunny don't go away/I'm here all alone/You're daddy's a sailor/Who never comes home/The nights are so long/The silence goes on/I'm feelin' so tired/ and I just can't go on.' No I know it doesn't all fit, but it''s one of fpu's fav. songs....We just wanted to give you a wee something afore ye go.*sob*

Flying Cat from buildingcastlesintheairforsunny

It's the clearances all over again.

calumannabel from Braveheart Cottage Brue

Hello again to our own dear Sunny. What a very sad tale. Could you put an "Arran Zoo" sign outside your house and sell tickets to tourists? Or get a few locusts in and call it the "Arran Museum of Biblical Plagues"? Hope the interview went well.

Annie B from the usual

You're right there Calumannabel, my family survied being cleared down onto the beach to make way for sheep but I'm the youngest of my family left on the island. When I leave next month that's the end of a family that's been here for at least 500 years. The sheriffs officers served the eviction notice yesterday. There's no need for that. I'd told the landlord I'd be out by the end of June but he's sending the heavies in anyway. I'm gutted, I've looked everywhere but back houses are renting at 拢1000 a month! And with the holiday letting market there's very few long lets. Holiday lets start at 拢500 a week upwards. No wonder the landlord wants his house back. The good news is that the love of my life and I are buying a wee house in Fife together and Dundee might have an art supplies store soon! I'll miss you all.

Sunny from Arran

Oooooooohhhhhhhh. It's not just a tragic tale of eviction, but a real romantic love story!! It's great to hear that you have the love of your life. Aa da best in Fife!

Ruthodanort from Unst

what a terrible time, Sunny. hope you have alerted the Sun to your plight. or The News of the World. I feel a competition coming on - headlines for Sunny - best headline wins a copy of the Sun - worst suggestion gets to read it.

scallowawife from sos - save our sunny

Sunny alas you also become a visitor. And yer cummin tae fife. Efter leevin mull this is where ev also landed. So who kens we could meet an blether aboot the auld bloggers frae the isles.

scottish soldier from FRAE FIFE

Sunny, Am gutted at the way you got treated, but am obviously not party to the particulars. Hope (against hope) you don't need to leave Arran. If it does come to that - all the best :-(

Arnish Lighthouse from Stornoway

Sunny, how did the interview go? any good news on the housing front?

Ruthodanort from Unst

Change in life can be painful but your new life could be wonderful. I hope it is. Best of luck.

Upsouth1 from Been ther too

All the best, Sunny. Keep us informed. Anne might allow you to keep a blog: after all, once an islander, always an islander, eh? Take good care.

mjc from NM,USA

Sh*t, Sunny: I hate to see you go. Keep your blog! Chin up. Look at it this way, Sunny: those Arran frogs won't be marching through your house in Dundee.

mjc from NM,USA

Thanks everyone! I'm definitely leaving, simply can't afford to stay. I had a chat with the bank manager today and he says it's par for the course. People are leaving in droves and small businesses are struggling with the rising costs f living here. The housing front looks good and it is true love. I didn't take the job, it wasn't right. Got another interview on Thursday. Fingers crossed. I put the whole problem at the feet of North Ayrshire Planning Departement. If they would relax the planning rules to allow building outside the village boundaries land prices would drop and we could afford to build houses where there used to be plenty. There are empty houses all over the island and ruined clachans no one is allowed to develope unless it's a huge developer with plenty of money to throw around buildng holiday homes for 拢350K+ It's a simple problem being completely ignored.

Sunny from Arran

Hope this job's better suited to you Sunny. You are wise not taking the fist thing that comes to hand. And you are BOTH very lucky in finding True Love, it's not something that comes along every day, and we need to grab it when it does. Keep us informed of developments!

Ruthodanort from Unst

Sunny - how awful! What a shame you've got to leave such a fantastic place. Good luck in Fife - it's a lovely place too - especially if you've a true love to share it with! Say hi to Stephen at NTS if he's still there.

Bob from lewis

Hi BoB didn't know you know Stephen! He's still here, he used to blog but hasn't for ages. Have a look at the Arran page

Sunny from Arran


Ruthodanort from Unst

I'm still waiting....

Flying Cat from ancient music compendium

Hey Sunny, maybe you are so busy flitting that you have no time to check your blog these days. When you eventually do, please tell us whats happened to you! Maybe you should leave a comment on one o the more recent blogs tho, in case we forget to keep checking yours!

Ruthodanort from Unst

We will never forget.....

Flying Cat from paw-on-heart

My last comment soonded a bit grumpy, sorry, it wasn't supposed to! But all o us blogging regulars are interested to know what's become o you Sunny.

Ruthodanort from Unst

Keep us posted, Sunny. As Ruthodanort said, stick something on one of the active or hyper-active blogs. Hope your summer is alright.

mjc from NM,USA

sorry I've not been around, it's been a bit busy having to move. I've written a blog so hoe it gets published but to cut a long miserable story short I'm leaving tomorrow. I was going to leave tonight but with the motorway shut at Glagow I'll skip it for one more night on the island. Wish me luck on the big bad mainland!

Sunny from Arran

Dear Sunny, I'ma journalist from a magazine called Inside Housing - we cover the whoel affordable housign sector. I'm going to Arran tomorrow to write a feature on what is happening there, and after reading your blog I would love to hear you story. If you'd be up for a chat over the phone this week or next, please email me: simon.brandon (AT) insidehousing.co.uk Best of luck Simon

Simon Brandon from Inside Housing

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