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16 October 2014

On Top Of Ward Hill - January 2007

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Oh No Not Another Dog Blog

I thought that the feline fraternity would like a little more competition from the Canine Corporation.

They say that Dog is a mans best friend , Well when people look at Hooch they dont know if they should run or stay. At 10 stone he is an imposing figure of a dog, with jaws and slobbering jowls, he might be mistaken for a small calf.

We acquired Hooch from an RSPCA rescue home that Mr B worked for in Essex. The kennel girls couldn't hang onto him when he was let out of the kennel he was too strong and pulled them across the compound wherever He wanted to go. Mr B fell in love with him and so did I when I saw him.

One small problem!

He hated cats and we had 2 at home.

We took Hooch home to Essex and introduced him (on a lead) to the cats!!!!

They flew under the sofa and the dog managed to lift the 3 seater sofa with me and my son on it in an effort to get to the cats. Plan B came into action we put up a stair gate and slowly introduced the cats to the dog. It became apparent that the cats were very clever to run under the stair gate and taunt the dog. After a short while the tollerance of both cats and dogs waned and they are now the best of friends.

When we moved to Orkney, Hooch had to contend with another cat ( Billy) that came with the house but Billy was used to dogs and gave Hooch the 2 fingers and ignored him.

Hooch is now at home with cats, chickens, ducks and even the postmen.

As for the cats they have commandeered his bed and even eat from his bowl and he just looks at me to say 'Mum do they have to do that'

He is our gentle giant

Posted on On Top Of Ward Hill at 13:58

Haggis and Clapshot

The annual Royal Lifeboat Guilds Burns Night Supper and Ceiledh was held in the Community Centre on Saturday night and all that attendended were treated to a mixture of dance music and tradition from a wide spectrum of people.

The Shapinsay School children entertained us with poems dance and a rendition of 'a whim away' The Wood family performed music and traditional dancing. Counsellor Sinclair was compere and The Shapinsay Sound and the Music Group and Jennifer Ridley played for us.

The Piper preceeded the Haggis and Robbie Burns poem was read and Haggis was addressed and attacked with great passion.

We all tucked into Haggis Clapshot and mince. Then the local band struck up for the Gay Gordons , The dashing White Sargeant and young and old danced the night away.

In all a very enjoyable evening was had by all.
Posted on On Top Of Ward Hill at 17:07

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