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Kooky Monday...

Bryan Burnett | 20:03 UK time, Friday, 15 October 2010

Monday night's show may be more than a little weird. Stuart McMillan got in touch to suggest crazy and kooky artists and songs. That could include everyone from Lady Gaga to Screamin' Lord Sutch. Do you have any songs with strange sound effects, lyrics with weird words or tracks that sound like they came from another planet?
A weird, but hopefully wonderful show...


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  • Comment number 1.

    Hocus Pocus by Focus
    to get the week off to a weird and wonderful start

  • Comment number 2.



    See #165 on the previous thread.

  • Comment number 3.


    'The Dreaming' - Kate Bush

    The title track of one of the first albums to utilise the Fairlight CMI (Computer Musical Instrument) synthesizer also features Rolf Harris on didgeridoo.


  • Comment number 4.

    Jesus Blood Never Failed Me by Gavin Bryars

    One of the strangest yet beautiful and haunting compositions ever....a bold statement but one I'm happy to make

    Thanks to my former Fopp colleagues for the education

  • Comment number 5.

    Crazy / Kooky artists / songs? ... Would love to introduce you to a couple of my current faves:

    'MechANICal Heart' ... Nostalghia
    Deliciously different! Would be so grateful!

    'Last Weekend' ... The Tiny
    Lovely, lovely stuff ...

  • Comment number 6.

    A night for The Tiger Lillies perhaps?

  • Comment number 7.


  • Comment number 8.

    If ever Gong were to stand a chance, then surely to goodness this is it ...

  • Comment number 9.

    Opposite sides of the country

    Two minds come together as one

    And the sound is.....


  • Comment number 10.

    'Magnetic Baby'. ... Works this theme in so many different ways:

    Tony Visconti produced filthy glamour from NYC's premier Garage Punk exponents. Have been trying for this since Madmac was in short t's.

  • Comment number 11.

    Oooooops ... Semi Precious Weapons of course ...

  • Comment number 12.

    Y o Bro ... Finger to finger, thumb to thumb, make a wish and it's sure to come (?) ...

    Anything by Gong ... For Fred

  • Comment number 13.

    Definitely a night for GONG and I can't see how Bryan can be so enthusiastic about Admiral Fallow who are not exactly straightforward, while rejecting GONG out of hand.
    C'mon GIO team, let's sort this omission once and for all.
    (Mind you, the fact that they didn't produce an Admiral Fallow track was interesting. Hmmm. Too Vic Galloway for the GIO listeners to dance around the kitchen to?)

  • Comment number 14.

    Lucky number - Lena Lovitch

    More to follow


  • Comment number 15.

    Get it ON Guys!

  • Comment number 16.

    Brian Eno / David Byrne - The Jezebel Spirit

  • Comment number 17.

    Yet again... the shout is one of some SKA on speed! Don't Knock The Bald Head by Headline.

    #10 Watch it! I'll see you on Monday if I have anymore cheek!

  • Comment number 18.

    Could we please get some GONG on?
    We assume the position.

  • Comment number 19.


    I dont think I have heard the expression `surely to goodness` since 1973.

  • Comment number 20.

    I sense Norrie is restraining himself from the obvious Bowie requst here.

  • Comment number 21.

    19 ... Bijou eh?

  • Comment number 22.



    must be another lad's night on the blog.

  • Comment number 23.

    Like, eh, see you on the flip side AFR ...

  • Comment number 24.

    #20 Please nooooooooo! Not that song.

  • Comment number 25.

    Roxy Music 'Ladytron' (Any chance of playing the live version from the double CD 'Roxy Music Live' (recorded 2001 released 2003)

    Bryan Ferry had asked Brian Eno to make a sound for the opening to this sound something reminiscent of the Lunar Landing. A synthesized drone lies underneath an eerie oboe theme at the opening bars. This use of modern with classical instruments was revolutionary for its time. The song was performed on The Old Grey Whistle Test on Roxy Music's first ever TV appearance. The title's sci-fi influence is a feature of 60's pop art paintings.

    Auto-girl, machine-woman. ‘Tron’ is a suffix meaning ‘instrument’ or ‘machine’ and tends to have a scientific, sci-fi or futuristic connotations, and sometimes, therefore, sinister overtones. Here it is used as a play on ‘mellotron’, a modern electronic instrument (literally ‘a melody-machine’) which creates the organ-like backing at the start of the song. The title actually conflates the ‘lady’ of the lyric with sound of the music.

    Well you did ask
    J.O'B. :-)

  • Comment number 26.

    I am still reeling from the news that the karaoke TV contenders are set to murder the classic Bowie song Heroes. That's my Christmas ruined.

    Thanks a lot Simon Cowell.

  • Comment number 27.

    #20 - That's because I challenged Norrie 2 weeks ago to try and not go for Bowie and The Boss 24-7 and he seems to have stuck to it!!

    #26 - I know you know I watch the X-Factor as a guilty pleasure Mr Maclean but I have to say I am with you on this one, Heroes (as a part time Bowie fan) is one of my faves and set to be ruined forever..the flip side argument is that it could turn lots of new ears onto the original blah blah blah but probably won't as they are too busy Facebooking and Tweeting to stop and listen to old music...(Julie FE's Catriona excluded from this sweeping generalisation of teenagers of course as she is a well educated, mature young lady!)


    p.s. I missed you Roxy John, why did I stay away so long?!!

  • Comment number 28.

    #26, 27 will they be able to give it 110% AND make it their own? If so will anyone notice it's a Bowie classic?

  • Comment number 29.

    Surely by now, what are we 7th or 8th series, that someone must be able to give it 115 per cent.

    #2 Like it

  • Comment number 30.

    Is this for a charity ensemble thingy or is it for the winning song.
    Last year Cowell wanted Don't Stop believin for the winning song and Journey said no. In fact I think their second word was cough!

    What is it with Cowells eye make up. It's hilarious. He should just go the full hog and get the Sylvian / Kerr look.

  • Comment number 31.

    A good x factor game to play if there's a few of you watching is to chip in a fiver each. Divide the programme up into say 5 or 10 minute segments
    and whoever has the segment where the first one greets wins the money.

  • Comment number 32.

    Charirty ensemble - in time for Xmas. Hurrah.

  • Comment number 33.

    #26 NO! I've missed that news...is that this year's Christmas No 1??? Is nothing sacred? Oh well, if so a counter campaign for the original shall surely ensue?

  • Comment number 34.

    OOps...didn't refresh page before posting...still ghastly thought.

  • Comment number 35.

    #31...they all cry...if they don't toe the line, Dermott pokes them in the eye off camera!

  • Comment number 36.

    Better dermott pokes them than Louis Walsh frankly....

  • Comment number 37.

    A poke in the west of Scotland was always a paper bag. I found out to my cost it wasn't a paper bag in Liverpool many moons ago when I asked the girl serving in the sweetie shop if I could have a poke and nearly got arrested!

  • Comment number 38.

    I wouldn't mind ;-)

  • Comment number 39.

    Not to deflate our expectations, but there is a massive difference between "Crazy and Kooky artists" and "songs with strange sound effects, lyrics with weird words or tracks that sound like they came from another planet". Some of the seemingly kookiest people have made completely ordinary pop music - sometimes, the kookiness is a substitute for genuine talent.

    De facto,there is absolutely nothing to suggest that on what should be Fred's night,his artists ( Zappa, Gong, Soft Machine etc) have any more chance than on any other night - which is, of course, zilch.

    The whole show will doubtless decend into clothes and haircuts rather than music - either way 'The Laughing Gnome' is on: Tiny Tim and Elton John,and Cyndi Lauper no doubt.

    And we've all heard 'Birdhouse In Your Soul' and The Crazy World of Arthur Brown - so here's a few suggestions that we probably haven't heard on GIO - all of these qualify imho, but, like Fred, experience has taught me not to put the champagne on ice.

    U don't dance to Tekno Anymore - Alabama 3

    no swearing, radio friendly, wonderful black humour

    The First Big Weekend - Arab Strap

    The entire repetoire of The Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band - Tubas In The Moonlight

    Tales Of Brave Ulysses - Cream

    American Dread - Dreadzone

    Arabesque No1 - Isao Tomita Debussey translated into synth - extraordinary, delightful, mental

    The Trip - Donovan bizzare lyric, but it works and a great tune

    Nice Weather For Ducks - Lemon Jelly

    Andy's Chest - Lou Reed

    If I had A Boat - Lyle Lovett completely surreal

    Jacky - Marc Almond

    The Windmills of Your Mind - Noel Harrison

    Dance Of The Psychadlic Lounge Lizards - the Neutrons

    the wombles on acid, this is great, bet they can't find it

    The Bogus Man - Roxy Music big 2nd for Ladytron

    Ladies & Gentlemen, We are floating in Space truly excellent, really does sound other worldly, the Andy Williams backdrop makes it - I'd really love to hear this on radio

    Gaucho - Steely Dan as usual, something seriously weird going on here, intreguing

    Does Caroline Know? - talk talk the most accomplished 80's experimenters, this is unusual but radio friendly

    The Kids Don't Stand A Chance - Vampire Weekend unusual mix of Soweto rock and chamber music, strange but it works

    Impossible Germany - Wilco odd lyric, fabulous music

    The Sacro- Illiac - 10CC genuinely kooky

    Walk Away Renee - Billy Bragg similar idea to Arab Strap

    Waiting For The Great Leap Forwards - Billy Bragg lovely tounge in cheek political humour - I think we've got Kirsty MacColl and Johnny Marr in there somewhere

    That'll do - hope you had a great weekend wandering around the Van Gough museum, Bryan. Hopefully, it'll inspire you to think about briliant musical artists who deserve the kind of recognition on your programme that Van Gough didn't get during his lifetime..... here come The Neutorns.

    regardez youse


  • Comment number 40.

    oops.. forgot to state Ladies & Gentlemen, We Are Floating In Space is by Spirtualized.... but you knew that.


    The Pilgrim - Nitin Sawhney

    It's Not Over - Talvin Singh

    regardez youse


  • Comment number 41.

    almost forgot...

    Delta Disco - Transglobal Underground 'egytian pharohos fell form the sky and played the blues'

    how can you resist?

    regardez youse


  • Comment number 42.


    The Beach Boys used Theremin, cello and harpsichord on Good Vibrations in 1966. The Beatles used the aforementioned Mellotron with trumpets and cellos on Strawberry Fields a few months later.

    To me the main novelty of Roxy Music was their use of the oboe. A band called Gryphon were already using a bassoon.

    We never got the unusual instruments theme.

  • Comment number 43.


    Surely Christmas had already been ruined by Annie Lennox. Her new single sounds like a poor man's "From A Distance".

  • Comment number 44.


    Surely to goodnesss you`ll be able to get some in on Monday Glen.

  • Comment number 45.

    I don't consider orchestral instruments strange, weird or even 'kooky'.

    Kooky is supposed to have its origins in cuckoo but it's contemporaneous with the hipster Kookie, whom I'm sure you remember. It's funny to hear kids today using 50 year old slang like cool.

  • Comment number 46.

    Definitely seconds for The First Big Weekend, Henri - heard it first on Vic Galloway's programme and though I've yet to meet Malcolm Middleton, I worked with his girlfriend who's one of the nicest people you could know.

    If it's slightly unusual instruments then Admiral Fallow deliver on that count with clarinet, flute,and upright bass. And also odd lyrics
    you're like gasoline.
    You're like the willow tree.
    You're like a split-screen.
    But you're the green in me.

    Dead Against Smoking - Admiral Fallow

    God Shuffled his Feet - Crash Test Dummies

    The people sipped their wine
    And what with God there, they asked him questions
    Like: do you have to eat
    Or get your hair cut in heaven?
    And if your eye got poked out in this life
    Would it be waiting up in heaven with your wife?

    I would like to hear CTDs on GIO, many times requested etc

    It may be just me, but I always thought the drumming on

    Out of Time - Chris Farlowe

    was a bit mental - I mean I think I could manage it with a tin tray and wooden spoon. Still one of the best records of all time.

    And tracks that come from another planet, well of course, Planet Gong

    Dance with the Pixies - Gong

  • Comment number 47.

    Definitely different ...

    'Open Heart Zoo' ... Michael Grech

  • Comment number 48.

    Another request for the Lynyrd Skynrd tribute

    Play It All Night Long - Warren Zevon

    on the grounds that it is one of the few records to feature the word 'brucellosis'.

  • Comment number 49.

    ok ... so you want big time kookyness?

    'Schwartzenegger Ãœber Alles' ... The Punk Rock Orchestra

    Hearing is believing ...

  • Comment number 50.

    I see those big gong fand Colin and Justin are presenting the show on Friday.

  • Comment number 51.

    They're big gong fans as well

  • Comment number 52.

    lastly ...

    'Holiday in Cambodia' ... Richard Cheese & Lounge Against The Machine

    the epitomy of kooky kool ...

  • Comment number 53.


    x factor wannabe on a motorbike singing born to run......

    .....just like Peter Kay in the spoof show a couple of years back.

    Naive or whit?

  • Comment number 54.

    #53 ...and he would have to be the one from Edinburgh too...how embarassing!

  • Comment number 55.

    Think you could describe Jesca Hoop as kooky...she also used to be Toms Waits' children's nanny!:

    'Money' - Jesca Hoop.

  • Comment number 56.


    Beyond the help of Autotune

  • Comment number 57.

    Imani Coppolla - 'Legend of a cowgirl'...violin-playing rapper, now performs as Little Jackie.

  • Comment number 58.

    Impala in Co-op

  • Comment number 59.

    oh here we go...sigh! ;0)

  • Comment number 60.

    Portishead Numb
    Portishead Sour Times
    The first makes great play of dissonant beats and warped sound effects.
    The second one heavily samples Schifrin's "Danube Incident". The sampled refrain features the unmistakeable sound of the zither. An instrument that could do with a revival.
    Beth's voice is also other-worldy - weird or kooky, if you prefer. Can't deny it works well together.

  • Comment number 61.

    A colonial pimp

  • Comment number 62.

    Ursula 1000 - 'Kinda Kinky'

  • Comment number 63.

    Cap in mail loop

  • Comment number 64.

    Local piano imp

  • Comment number 65.

    Oh I departs

  • Comment number 66.

    Scotch, surely to goodness this is the night to campaign for David Devant and His Spirit Wife and the magnificent Ginger?!

    I saw this band many times and I think seeing one grown man grate a carrot over his band mates head can surely qualify under "kooky?"

    They also used to bring out the "Spirit Wife" as the finale...she was a nightie on a broom handle but she got a raptuous welcome every time, superb!!!

    Had we been drinking these aforementioned gigs? I think so....


  • Comment number 67.

    ....to quench your thirst for entertainment.

  • Comment number 68.

    For Monday...

    Dr. Demento --- Funny Farm

    Just back from a lovely few days in St Andrews...
    on my way back i passed through the quaint hamlet of Cellardyke... nope, couldn't find him.

  • Comment number 69.


    No-one Lives Forever - Oingo Boingo

    You think you got it rough
    What about your darling doggy?
    Ten short years
    And he's getting old and groggy
    I don't think it's very fair
    Cold, chop, low, but it's all relative my friend 'cause
    No one lives forever!!!
    Let's have a party there's a full moon in the sky
    It's the hour of the wolf and I
    Don't want to die (but) . . .

    Free Radicals - the Flaming Lips

    Coin-operated Boy - the Dresden Dolls

    Goin' Down the Road - Roy Wood

    not because of his appearance but because it's a great wee tune with bagpipes and described as a Scottish reggae song - ?!?

  • Comment number 70.

    If you like the pipes, check out.

    It starts in Dundee and ends up in Dakota.

  • Comment number 71.

    that's very good, Glen. I do like - never heard it before.

  • Comment number 72.

    Joe Le Taxi - Vanessa Paradis

    Also anything by GONG

    Feed The ><[[[[[[[°>


  • Comment number 73.

    I trying not to be too predictable with my Bowie and Boss requests but I really do think this track is unusual and also a really great Bowie song from a highly underrated lp

    David Bowie - Move On

    The music for this is actually All The Young Dudes played backwards.

  • Comment number 74.

    Monday Kooky

    Sharkey's Day ~ Laurie Anderson

    Smoke On The Water ~ Señor Coconut... "kooky latin style"

    Be Stiff ~ DEVO

  • Comment number 75.


    If you liked that you may like and

  • Comment number 76.

    Love those Glen. So whats the starting point for Jefferson Airplane? A greatest hits?

  • Comment number 77.

    Bark, Baron Von Tolbooth and the Chrome Nun, Volunteers and After Bathing At Baxter's are my favourites.

    Hot Tuna's Phosphorescent Rat and Jorma Kaukonen's solo work are worth a listen.

    I'm beginning to sound like
    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  • Comment number 78.

    strange hair-dos, weird vocals, album covers that hurt your eyes, pretty much everything about B52s was kooky and anything from the first album would do, preferably the less often played stuff such as...

    Dance this Mess Around
    Hot Lava
    52 Girls

    Paul from Ayr

  • Comment number 79.

    Regina Spektor is a kooky woman - How about Folding Chair?

  • Comment number 80.

    A night of kook, eh? Could be a strong showing for Goth, or Prog...

    So in the spirit of balance:
    * Cocteau Twins - Donimo
    * Genesis - Trick of the Tail
    * The Cure - Lullaby (although Love Cats has better SFX)
    * Pink Floyd - Bike (anything involving Syd is high on the kookometer, and this has tonnes of SFX)

    And for this show's inevitable Beatles track, I present
    * Being for the benefit of Mr.Kite
    for your consideration. Or if you prefer
    * The Rutles - Piggy in the Middle

  • Comment number 81.

    At the risk of merging into Geek Rock, we should also have some They Might Be Giants.

    My preference: Shoehorn with Teeth

  • Comment number 82.

    To keep
    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
    happy, we could also have:
    * Barnes & Barnes -

    Does Tom Waits have the kook? I think so. Therefore:
    * 9th and Hennepin
    * Little Drop of Poison

  • Comment number 83.

    Right! I've cracked. I can't let AFR down:

    David Bowie - Kooks

    or the Danny Wilson cover......

    Sorry mazzy*

  • Comment number 84.

    Robert Palmer went a bit kooky on 'Change his ways'
    Yodelling and everything!

    And I could never quite get
    Madame Butterfly / Malcolm McLaren
    But kooky yep definitely.
    One of those tracks I didn't want to like but couldn't help myself in a strange marmite kind of way

  • Comment number 85.

    On second thoughts...just listened to Mme Butterfly again....I must have had a sherbet or two back in nineteenlongago. It's mince.

    Seconds for Gaie's Roy Wood track. There's not enough RW on the programme. He also used bagpipes on Are you Ready to rock and if we ever get a theme of unusual instruments surely to goodness he would feature.

  • Comment number 86.

    McLaren was kooky and eccentric though. I think he would be a worthy artist to have:

    Malcolm Mclaren and the World's Famous Supreme Team - Buffalo Gals


    Malcolm McLaren & The Ebonettes - Double Dutch

  • Comment number 87.

    More of the unusual suspects ...

    'Smoke on the Water' ... The Japanese Traditional Orchestra & Choral Ensemble

    'Pretty Vacant' ... The London Punkharmonic Orchestra

  • Comment number 88.

    'Deeply Dippy' ... Pinky & Perky

  • Comment number 89.

    Ursula 1000 - ‘Kinda Kinky’…lyrics are ice-cream flavours…or are they paint colours? Very retro.

    The Tiger Lillies - ‘Bully Boys’…dark cabaret…fabulous falsetto with accordion backing.

    Camille Dalmais - ‘Cats and Dogs’…she’s a bit mental

    Imani Coppola - ‘Legend of a Cowgirl’…samples ‘Sunshine Superman’ and features violin-playing female rapper…who now performs as Little Jackie.

    Jesca Hoop - ‘Money’…quirky…used to be Tom Waits’s childrens’ nanny.

    I’m backing the Roy Wood song too!

  • Comment number 90.

    Never Mind the Bhangra Here's the Opium Jukebox

    Will we have Anarchy tonight, I hope so as it's been along time coming!

    Anarchy in the UK ~ Opium Jukebox

  • Comment number 91.

    Songs with strange sound effects, lyrics with weird words or tracks that sound like they came from another planet - A morrissey description if ever I heard one, however, I’m going to request something normal.


  • Comment number 92.


    I second that and with any luck we could get a list of support up to the GOAL posts?

  • Comment number 93.

    Could we get Chasing cars by The Red Hot Chilli Pipers.

  • Comment number 94.

    PiL - flowers of romance

  • Comment number 95.

    #83 - you are relinquished from the witches curse Norrie! Hasn't the Boss done something "kooky?" Oh yeah, that's right, it all sounds the same...sorry, couldn't resist ;-) Still friends?!


  • Comment number 96.

    Magokoro Brothers - My Back pages, it should not work. It does.

  • Comment number 97.


    Can you or tonights Producer confirm if we're wasting our time suggesting artistes / tracks that are on smaller independent labels I.E. is there some form of reciprocal agreement between the Beeb & major labels / acts?

  • Comment number 98.

    #95! ha!

    The Boss - Dream Baby Dream (Bruce goes kooky and covers the electronic protopunk sounds of the band Suicide)

  • Comment number 99.

    Well, this will be interesting... there's nothing much requested on here that is likely to be what we'd expect to hear. So the test will be one of integrity to the theme.

    My guess is that despite what are doubtless great suggestions on the blog we'll decend in clothes and haircuts and nothing much to do with the music.

    I should have checked the friends on f***book, though, to see if they are all Gaga etc.

  • Comment number 100.

    hell, why not


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