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Happy Christmas You Lot.

Chris Evans | 16:00 UK time, Friday, 19 December 2008

Went to a ...

... party last night.

It's a party that I go to every year and it's a party I always really look forward to.

There's always loads of fascinating people there to talk to and everyone always stays longer than they intend.

There was one guy there in particular last night who is a massive hero of mine,

"Why don't you go and say hello ?" said a pal, "he's a really nice guy, he won't mind."

"No thanks, that's not my style, he doesn't need me getting in his face and he's been surrounded by people all night." I replied

Five minutes later however, over the guy comes and says that it's really important to meet people you like or respect if you ever get the chance and that he was more than happy to spare me a few minutes.

He then refreshed both our drinks and regailed me about a time he had done exactly the same thing to Jimmy Stewart on Sunset Boulevard.

Included in the telling of his story was a pitch-perfect impression of the great man.

We ended up talking for ages and he turned out to be everything I ever hoped he was. How cool was that ?

I went home with a huge smile on my face, a smile I am still wearing this afternoon along with a particularly suspiciously over-flowery blouse of a shirt.

A brill party after a brill week of shows and now look here we are today with this year's Christmas ALL REQUEST FRIDAY.

Once again life has excelled itself beyond my expectations. May you all experience a bit of the same whenever and wherever you can.

And I finished my Christmas shopping today.



2008............. soon to be 2009.


P.S. Gingembre, we know where you live we're coming to get you. Well, at least the boot is!


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  • Comment number 1.

    It must be great to meet your heroes, I just asked my kids if Brucie was going to be the surprise guest at my 40th birthday party tomorrow, but sadly my son said Mr Saturday Night can't tear himself away from the Strictly final!

    Gingembre - am so excited for you, make sure you put a pic of the boot on fb won't you?!

    Em xx

  • Comment number 2.

    Merry Christmas & Happy New Year Chris and the Drivetime Team!

    We'll miss you over Chrimbo, enjoy your well earned break.


    Debbie x x x

  • Comment number 3.

    Hey Gingembre, bet you have never been so pleased to hear that you are 'getting the boot'.

    What a star CLP, you really didn't have to do that.....you are way up there with all the top, decent people in my book.

    Debbie x x x

    PS: CLP would love to meet you one day, hey a girl can dream ;-)

  • Comment number 4.

    Merry Christmas to all and Chris... Have a good one!

  • Comment number 5.

    Evening each

    Looks like only you and Emma know Chris is here Debbie!!

    Slipped away from our Christmas do. Everyone was getting rather loud and daft, but having a good time nevertheless.

    Bagpuss: Hope you're whiplash is hurting a bit less.

    Had a look at the Drumochter Pass webcam this afternoon and it was heavy snow. Hope Susan gets home all right at the weekend.

    Back later.


  • Comment number 6.

    Good afternoon/evening folks, Snowing quite heavily here. Think it's time for some pics.....

  • Comment number 7.

    Have a great Christmas big guy, I haven't been this excited about the big day for years. I think I'd be the same as you felt if I saw you at a party, in fact a few of us on here would I reckon.

    '09 - no huge wishes from me, I hope it's not as sad as March '08, I hope my knees are ok but most of all I hope that we're all happy and laugh everyday.
    Oh and my 40th bday party gives me a real bad hangover.....any bloggers want to come?

    I will have my camera out the minute the boot arrives - promise

    Joyeux Noel


    ps CLP thank you thank you thank you

  • Comment number 8.

    Gingembre: Hope getting the boot kicks off a wonderful New Year for you. You deserve it.


  • Comment number 9.

    Nice one Chris, nice one Gingembre.

    K. A 40th in the offing? My lovely aunt and uncle live in Norfolk and we have been meaning to head that way and stay with them for a while. A mixed combo perhaps?


    I don't know. I really don't.

    I want to DO stuff. You know, you come up with loads of grand plans and the year dutifully drifts by and you achieve exactly none of them. This time I want to achieve.

    We are detoxing again through January and that should give us the impetus to crack on with our plans. As I've mentioned, the 3 peaks is on my list, as well as a possible new road trip, this time taking in Utah and Monument Valley.

    Hey, who knows.

    Right now, all I really want is exactly what I am going to get this weekend, and that is to see the people I love.

    Pretty much the best Christmas present I could possibly ask for.

    Peace and love


  • Comment number 10.

    Matt: I couldn't agree with you more re your New Year plans, there are so many places I want to see and things I want to do and this year seems to have disappeared so I want to make the most of the next 12 months. In the meantime hope you have a fab weekend.

    Rosie x

  • Comment number 11.

    Matt/Rosie: In my experience, things happen at the right time. So, relax, enjoy the day and good things will come to you when the time is right.

    I hope 2009 is the best year yet for all my fellow bloggers.


  • Comment number 12.

    PS: And I do believe that, when the time is right, I WILL win a Wordscraper game.


    Back on my knees wrapping pressies. Sellotape is still stuck to the bl**dy floor.


  • Comment number 13.

    Meeting your heroes.

    Interesting one.

    I've never met anyone I would truly class as a 'hero', and I'm not really sure whether I'd want to, but I've met a few famous names and had pretty good experiences.

    I'm not going down the road of 'look who I've met' - I've probably done that before on here, and it is not big or clever - but I do have a few highlights.

    Cliff. Yeah, yeah, I know, but he was really down to earth and did make a nice coffee.

    Rick Parfitt. Top bloke, and was happy to share a packet of ciggies with me and talk music till the cows came home.

    Richard Hammond. Naturally, happy to talk cars. I think I was a bit squiffy and bored him a bit though....

    Chris. Not going to harp on about this again, but the nicest bloke you could ever meet. In a sauna. Or a pub.

    One other thing.

    This may be a record breaking night.

    I almost agree with PP on something.

    No. Really.


    Easily the third best Beatle, but more significantly, the worst post-Beatle.

    OK. I'll give him Band On The Run, but that is about it.

    PP. Pipes of peace, my friend (oops, there's our friend again), have a good Christmas.



  • Comment number 14.

    Matt, I so agree. Didn't notice how weak he was till John died and then it was pretty obvious who was the heavyweight songwriter.

    He sounded rather pompous and silly on the show last night.


  • Comment number 15.

    Christoff you jammy dog, getting to meet one of your heroes,no wonder you floated off into the ether with a smile on yer mug.

    I reckon it was Robert De Niro.


  • Comment number 16.

    Thanks Chris and a very Happy Christmas to you and yours and if you are right - please pop in and tell us on the blog before it hits the news re the wee one. I'm with Bingo - think its a boy!!!

    HIGNFY got some blog fav. peeps on!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 17.

    Evening Bsmum and JTT. How are you both? Am I the only FNWC member tonight? Feeling a bit billy no mates.


  • Comment number 18.

    Annie Thought you may be watching - hignfy - on same time as england tonight!

    Hiya hubby

    Bees xxx

  • Comment number 19.

    shhhhhhhhh..........................I'm not really here, just grabbing 5 mins to myself while the family are distracted.

    Managed to do the FNW bit even if not really in the club tonight.

    Have to say I'm with PP and Matt re Thursday's guest. But the Sally Army were great. I hope to hear our local band on either Sunday or Christmas Eve - really kicks things off for me.

    Best go - I'm being called!



  • Comment number 20.

    Bsmum - yes have got HIGNFY on too.

    Night DF


  • Comment number 21.

    Cos Clint does,nt do parties, Al P does though ,no will stick with my original good guess.

    I met Paul Newman at indianapolis when Nigel Mansell was racing for team Newman Hass.
    Not many approached him but I went up and said I came forom the same city as Nigel, Brum,and that I worked for the company where he started work as a young bloke, Lucas in Brum.
    I got to talk to him for 10 mins,and girls he was one good looking dude with the blueest eyes I,ve ever seen to this day.

    The stuff going round in my head you could not believe, cool hand Luke I,m talking to ya baby.

    A very soft spoken and gentle type of person the mechanics loved him.


  • Comment number 22.

    JTT you're a brummy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!yahooooooooooooo!! me too!!!

    How's the pressies coming on Annie? May I sent you mine - actually purchased a couple! well courier delivered one or two m&s parcels!

    Bees xxxx

  • Comment number 23.

    You lucky so-and-so JTT. That's one person I would have loved to meet.


  • Comment number 24.

    send even??

  • Comment number 25.

    Hiya Annie and Beesmum,
    Ladeez luvly Ladeez.


  • Comment number 26.

    Bsmum: Still have a list to take to shops tomorrow! Huge bums!!!!

    Have wrapped gorgeous little boys pressies and knees are sore. There has to be a better way to do it!!


  • Comment number 27.

    Very good evening to you JTT. Have you unwrapped the sellotape from your forehead??


  • Comment number 28.

    Just need to pop off for a mo and load dishwasher and freeze me beef curry - why do I always cook for 3/4 - we try but I'm bursting and poor Mr B snoring !! nice? not!!!!

    Then brain racking - did meet someone once - well he flirted achtuaaly! There were a few others now come to think! not Matt style meets though!

    inabit peeps.

    Bees xxx

  • Comment number 29.

    Ed Byrne AND The Clarkson!!! F A B !!

    CLP - thanks for a great year of shows, but thanks even more for making Gingembre's year - he's had a rough 'un and I can feel his radiance all the way from Norfolk down here in sarf suffolk.

    You truly are a gent, an I hope to meet you one day, altho not in a sauna. I'll leave that to MfR!!

    Talking of which .. a Norfolk bloggers meet. Now there's a thought ...!

  • Comment number 30.


    Every year, for as long as I can remember, our family have always raised a glass to each other at 8pm on Christmas night, in our respective houses / family groups.

    So, I'd like to say to all of you on here


    and please join me in spirit (or wine, or beer, or J20) at 8pm on Christmas night for a Bloggers Christmas toast.

    Lots of love

    Cheryl x x x

  • Comment number 31.

    Evening all

    Just had a bath, may have been a little too warm though, feeling quite light headed. Actually that might be the large glass of red wine that I took with me that's to blame.

    I left Mr Debbie to take LM to bed and come down here to find them both asleep on the sofa.

    Now I can't carry the wee man so therefore have to wake the big lump to take him up.


    x x x

  • Comment number 32.

    Cheryl - I'll be at my lovely daughters and will definitely raise a glass at 8pm to you and all my lovely blogger friends. The gorgeous little boys will be in bed by that time and we'll be sharing a glass or two.

    I will toast you all and wish you a wonderful 2009.




  • Comment number 33.

    As I said on prev blog - huge thanks Diva - I can truthfully escape from you know where and say have to get back - drinks with friends at 8!!!

    OK Tom Jones flirted - anywhere I can get something to eat darling? urm yes right where I'm standing waiting to go to college do - to see Manfred Mann!
    Jasper Carrot asked me the way to his gig with his jenson interceptor (sp) bursting with women - urmmmmm
    Parties? Mottson - spielbergs pa - mfi main man - ooops fair while ago - one who turned it round! Still thinking!

    Bees xxx

  • Comment number 34.

    Bsmum: You are soooo showing off now.

    I loved Manfred Mann. Pretty Peter Noon.


  • Comment number 35.

    You OK Beezer?

  • Comment number 36.

    oh I see now - famous names eh?

    Well, I've met Dissin Dave, super_bagpuss, DebbieC, Prof Plum, MW,a!, Errol, Tinsel, Sweetsugarplumb ..... spes that count?

  • Comment number 37.

    Hello there everyone! I soooo wanted to join in tonight, but I've missed the blog and the show all week (will be listening again while I wrap the pressies tomorrow) and I've never met anyone famous.

    AF xx
    *Slinking away looking rather sad*

  • Comment number 38.

    Yes Annie,will be going through the same routine again soon, leave mine till Christmas Eve.
    Its a breeze as not many shoppers,do the same thing every year.


    See beesmum always knew we were kindred spirits x

  • Comment number 39.

    Diva's crystal ball sez 19th Jan Diva will meet Russell Brand. She will stick her leg out in the aisle at the Ipswich Regent and trip him over. Russell Brand will literally fall at Diva's feet.

    Oh yes!

    hi flower!

  • Comment number 40.

    Ah Cheryl, that made me smile :-)

    Not forgetting LM by the way, still talks about the zoo and 'Cheryl from your facebook computer' when dressing up as a pirate hehe.

    I don't think that I've met anyone 'famous'

    Does Lyndsey De Paul count?

    x x x

  • Comment number 41.

    Diva - get a grip! was responding to Matt - btw Matt how close did you come to Dan!! he must have walked right past you. and another btw Dan - twasn't my glam bag on table - twas Divas!!!!

    Don't you feel 2009 going to be a fair number of meets??? plus weddings and 30/40/50/60 birthdays etc?

    Flower if you have not caught up on blogs thanked you for card - very special as you made it - well impressed!! clever girl.

    Bees xxx

  • Comment number 42.


    Lyndsey de Paul is a LEG!!

    Rock bottom. Tradegy. We got 'em!

    x x x

  • Comment number 43.

    Oh really Cheryl.

    She's mates with my Dad. Think he has a bit of a crush on her actually.

    x x x

  • Comment number 44.

    Hello Everyone! Is there a glass for me tonight?Any white wine? Finally in for a short visit, after an evening of computer chaos!

    In response to previous posts:
    Can do a Norfolk bloggers meet
    Agree with CtD about meeting famous people in Docklands
    Will have a toast with you at 8pm Christmas night!


  • Comment number 45.

    hellp ssp! i'm on bitter lemon. gotta do the "nan" visit tomorow!

  • Comment number 46.

    Was Peter Noon ever in Manfred Man?

    He was in Herman's Hermits.

    Mike D'Arbo and R2's own Paul Jones were MM singers

  • Comment number 47.

    Ok, so I'm getting dizzy now jumping from here to facebook, you lovely lot.

    Off to watch a bit of tv for a bit then back soon.

    x x x

  • Comment number 48.

    Jovial surrounded by ladies - in element me man? more than kindred too I'm a buy plus wrap christmas eve shopper!

    Diva - see you are going to use my idea #39!! but I did say pretty leg!!!!

    Debs of course l de p counts! when did you meet her?

    Bees xxx

  • Comment number 49.

    Hello, like derbyfi just popped away for two minutes; just watched Peter Kay in the follow up to the Britain's got pop-talent etc etc. Just love him. Watching the extended HIGNFY tomorrow evening. Also like derbyfi have been doing the FNW without the C.

    Good to see all the regulars out and on form - hello to CtD, Beezer, Debbie, Annie, Jovial (now a tip-topping part of the furniture!)and Alright Flower, have a great rest of the evening!

    Oops, I forgot, brought you some mince pies, enjoy!

    A x

  • Comment number 50.

    boleyn - that pastry is divine. did you make the pies, or the Year 9 Ö÷²¥´óÐã Ec class?

  • Comment number 51.

    Hi Bsmum. At the Animal Centre that Dad run. She helps to support the charity and has done so for years. Dad talks to her and she is doing something on tv soon to help raise money for them. First met her just after LM was born.

    Hi boleyngirl. Don't like mince pies but really fancy some baileys ice cream right now.

    x x x

  • Comment number 52.

    CtD, can't lie, it was "Jus-rol".

    A x

  • Comment number 53.

    I'm afraid I was way back when Paul Jones was with MM when I saw them Maryevans!!

    Hi sugarplum - as I said I see a fair number of meets for 2009!!

    Stop jumping then Debs!

    Bees xxx

  • Comment number 54.

    Oops. Mr Debbie up and taking LM to bed.

    Back soon. When he falls back to sleep.

    Mr Debbie that is.

    x x x

  • Comment number 55.

    Meets bound to be successful, Bees! There is always so much to say. x

  • Comment number 56.

    And never enough time to say it. Longer meets in 2009 I think!

  • Comment number 57.

    Anyone see Jamies mince pies tonight? no not his eyes - v unusual - may give them a go when I have time!

    btw nice thanks Boleyn - mince pie v tasty!

    Debs - that reminds me - ldp being on tv - when's LM due to air? Are they still going to show it on ceebeeb's?

    Bees xxx

    someone prod jovial - he's dozing!!!

  • Comment number 58.

    Def Diva - long boozy evenings and overnight stays - then prob sheepish brekkies!!! but still talking!!!

    Bees xx

  • Comment number 59.

    but not talking with out mouths full coz that's bad manners!!

  • Comment number 60.

    Hell. I've got so much to do tomorrow:-

    marzipan and ice 4 christmas cakes
    pack up and wrap nans hamper
    go to see nan
    go to see aunt and uncle
    come home and cook dinner
    see Mr Diva off to party then wrap all his prezzies

    I'm gonna be knacked.

  • Comment number 61.

    CtD, that'll be you up at 4 then???

    Folks, I'm off to hit the hay. Been a long week, and I've had a pint with my dad and now I'm just plain t-i-r-e-d.

    I'm a wuss, I know...

    Have a great weekend everyone, will try to catch up and may post Susan-like blog at some stage!

    Nighty night xxxx

  • Comment number 62.

    Nite Nite Flower. Well done on the new job hun. Sweet dreams x x x x

  • Comment number 63.

    I'm also going to bed. Knackered after struggling with laptops all night!

    Driving to Bridlington (from Kent) tomorrow, and will have sporadic access to fb, e-mail and blog in the next week. Spending Christmas with my Jen and her Steven.

    Love to you all! You are good friends.

    Best Christmas to you all, and will catch up when I can.


  • Comment number 64.

    night sweetysugarplumb.

    drive carefully x x x

  • Comment number 65.

    Nite flower.
    diva -
    Daren't list what I have to do tomorrow - would scare the pants off me! Just have to do what I can when I can - in between the tea breaks!

    Bees xxx

  • Comment number 66.

    Have a lovely one sugarplum - keep in touch when you can

    Bees xx

  • Comment number 67.

    Right, I'm off to bed now. nite nite xx

  • Comment number 68.

    Nite Diva - wont be long meself - when Dara has finished on the box - the ironing alone would keep me busy all week-end!!! aaaargh!

    Bees xxx

  • Comment number 69.

    All these posts and not a mention of wine!!!

    What is going on!!!

    DD out and merrily stewed!

  • Comment number 70.

    Hi guys, a late one from me - been out with one of my oldest and great friends - special.

    CLP - wonderful show tonight - listened while getting ready - heated rollers, gin and tonic, dancing round the bed room - best fun! Will miss you and the rest of team till 2009.

    Meeting heroes - lots of them - mostly good friends. But famous people - well does Omar Sherrif count? Long story.


    Big love

    Suzie x x x

  • Comment number 71.

    chris, the door is always open with the kettle on, welcome anytime!

    morning all, v quiet FNWC last night I see, credit crunch must be bad if virtual drinking has been compromised!??

    Couldn't believe how quiet our city centre was last night, perhaps I should just be glad I'm not on tonight eh?

    Matt - it's the night before Valentines and you are more than welcome, I have set up a fb invite thingy so will add you (and others) could turn into an unofficial meet I guess? There's a link on there too for a cheap hotel very nearby!

    I was going to ask Chris if he could DJ it but I reckon he'll be a new daddy by then ans will have other things on his plate!

    Have a great weekend everyone, I can't wait for the postman to arrive this week

    bonnet de douche


  • Comment number 72.

    Just popped in to say great news Gingembre.

    So it's Monopoly round your house for the blog on Boxing Day. Do not fear I have a stack of Iceland Party Food.

    Off to stock up right now.

    MFR Maybe I'm amazed.


  • Comment number 73.


    Hope you and Natasha have a wonderful Christmas - this time next year, you will not be able to believe just how much your lives will have changed!

    Just popping back out to the shops (I hate them) but had a quick look at the blog, will have to read it all later. Now, I don't want a squabble this close to Christmas (!), but I have to disagree with what some of you are saying about Paul McCartney. Of course, we all must have our own opinion, but for me, I think he is a genius. No More Lonely Nights is one of the most fantastic songs he wrote (totally under-rated), and my daddy loved it! And he wrote Yesterday when he was about 22 - an incredible song.

    Still, each to their own. For the record, I adore John Lennon's music too, but I think some of Paul's stuff is just stunning.

    "Jet" is "our song" for me and MrS!

    Back later, after all my money has gone!

    C xx

  • Comment number 74.

    Evening each and hallo Chrissie. Hope you made it home with your bus fare.

    Now - I think Lisa should win Strictly, great dancer and such a lovely smile.


  • Comment number 75.

    Oops. Was watching a Knight's Tale and switched over to see them dancing - but it was their swansong, having been chucked.



  • Comment number 76.

    Hi Annie - well done - you'll get there - gonna vote for Tom I think!!

    Can't get on fb - how bout you!!


  • Comment number 77.

    Me again - Billy no mates.

    Tom to win!!!!!!


  • Comment number 78.

    Oh, hallo Bsmum. Yes, on FB.

    Wasn't he just great??


  • Comment number 79.

    I can't get on fb ho hum

    but hope tom wins - that dance was brilliant!!!

    Bees xx

  • Comment number 80.

    Let me tell you what you're missing - Cheryl is on the booze and Steve has been shopping in Aldi's, cos his Christmas shopping only cost 70 squids.


  • Comment number 81.

    Blimey annie - 70 squid!! spent pre chrissy 300 in butchers alone! and going again tues! missing diva on the booze bums!
    will try again in a mo to get on fb - doesn't like me at all today - been trying since half way through afternoon!

    Bees xxx

    wanted to put pics on - I'm wrapping!!!!!!! had to record it!!!!

  • Comment number 82.

    Tom won!!! Well deserved, if only for that last dance.

    Got your card Bsmum. Thank you muchly.


  • Comment number 83.

    Hello Dahlings

    I am ex-haust-ed!!!

    Been on the go all day, did the nan visit this afternoon, called in on auntie and uncle, did ELH (UGH!!!!!!), then cooked dinner.

    Mr Diva gone out for the evening to a party and I stayed behind and wrapped. And wrapped. And wrapped. Two flippin' hours of wrapping. All now under the tree, resplendent in red and gold and black.

    Now sat here with lump in throat - yay Tom and Camilla! and a bottle of Pinot Grigio at my side. Lovely!

    BM - sometimes I have trouble getting on FB. Keep trying and you'll get back in eventually!

    Howdies doodie everyone else! Anne - you're never billy-no-mates!!

  • Comment number 84.

    Right. Me in house on own. Wine nicely taking effect (it took 3 goes to type that!) so time for Bridget Jones I think!

    Night Night you lot.

    Love yooooooooooooooooooooooooooooos!

    Cheryl x x x

  • Comment number 85.

    Cheryl: I had a little tear too. They so deserved it, didn't they?

    Have been wrapping too. There has to be a better way than on my knees, on the floor. It hurts. A friend uses her ironing board, but can't be arsed getting it out of the cupboard. Now have bottles in bags and humungous bag of pressies for gorgeous little boys to deliver tomorrow. As well as the man in the cupboard's pressie. He's sad just now, his son has split up with his partner and he's wondering if he'll ever see his beautiful little granddaughter again. Ain't life sh**e sometimes?


  • Comment number 86.

    Just sobbed me heart out too - wanted Tom to win so much!! that last dance was brilliant.

    Popping off to try fb again diva - must put pics on - been wrapping all pm and only third of way through - lounge looks like a bomb been dropped - boxes everywhere - Mr B brought 2 trees down - dumped on floor to test and that is where they still are - doggy knicked tree skirt - not noticed - chewed - lights now dont work and he's just shot off in to garden with me santa hat!! Mad house!

    Bees xxx

  • Comment number 87.

    Just got an email from my brother: Munch, chew, gulp,chew, burp, chew, and munch again. Thank you munchly.

    Guess he got his Hotel Chocolat Christmas pressie through the post then.


  • Comment number 88.

    Hurry up Bsmum. Think I'm thrashing you on Wordscraper.


  • Comment number 89.

    Just tried again not using icon - still wont let me on - going to shut all down count to 10 and try again!! I may be a long while!!! This laptop takes about 15 mins to boot up!!! You'll probably have gone to bed by time I'm back!!!

    Bees xxx

  • Comment number 90.

    Might still be up Bsmum. Having breakfast in bed tomorrow. Yippeee..


  • Comment number 91.

    Shut computer - switched off wifi -went for a w** plugged back wifi turned on puter - nah - sorry error we are trying to fix as soon as we can - praps it is just this area or something? Any other midlanders having problems - and how come I can get on here and not fb!!!!
    Am starting to stamp me feet now!!!

    Bees xxx

  • Comment number 92.

    Bsmum. Go to bed or pour a glass of Cheryl's Pinot Grigio. It will be sorted by tomorrow.

    Night night.


  • Comment number 93.

    Annie - I think the aliens have landed - dvd player wont do anything - tried all sorts off - on - dvd drawer wont open - think you are right - turn all off at mains switch - send flying saucer off to next massive electric consumer - have a huge glass of red - and try again tomorrow!


    Bees xxx

    All I wanted to do was show I had started wrapping! boo hooo! Not that I could - Mr B is zzzz'ing in chair and can't remember how to take the thingy out of camera - put wherever in puter etc etc! duh!

  • Comment number 94.

    anyone still up?

    mr diva not home et. have just watchd bridget jones and the bottle of pinot has all gone. as has a packet of cashew nujs.

    forgot how sexy colin firth is, and it's gotta be one of Hugh's best roles.

    oooh. MOTD on day. Fulham. Hi Matt! hope you enjoyed the time with your dad at the game! i like that, full circle and all that!

    Blinky Blimey. Looking at the result I should think Matt;s still doing a boogie!

    better go - hungry cat eyeing the few cashews left in the bowl. that's not good is it, cats and cashews!

    nitey nite gang.

    Diva x x x

  • Comment number 95.

    oooops. just read that back. teeeeee heheeeee


  • Comment number 96.

    Hi Cheryl. You still there?

  • Comment number 97.

    morning all
    Please excuse my prolonged absense, been sooooooo busy!
    Friday was last day in work til 29th and had Secret Santa lunch to sort. Went really well and everyone seemed happy with their pressies so that was good! But, only had 90 mins left of work time with about 150 mins of work left to do, aaargh!
    Did manage it thoug, crawled out of orifice in frazzled heap but am recovered now!

    Will raise my glass of soft beverage on ThursdaY at 8pm as requested, may even jump on here!

    Can't wait for next meet, will defo make the effort to attend this time!
    Tiggs xx

  • Comment number 98.

    Just got back from HIS works do in Oxford, fab weekend, all expenses paid. The D J did a tribute to drivetime and we had our very own 'D' spot!!! Was brill, can't wait for next year.

    Ta ta Lin x

  • Comment number 99.


    Happy 40th Birthday!

    Have a wonderful evening - and remember, 40 is the new 30!

    Lotsa luv

    Cheryl x x x x
    (Age 40 !!!!)

  • Comment number 100.

    Just a note to CLP and the bloggers to say Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all!!
    And to any that are interested jovial and me had a great night at the Jools Holland concert in Birmingham last night and we can confirm again... bloggers are really top people!

    & Booboo


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