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Whoever said that life was easy??

Nickie | 19:50 UK time, Thursday, 22 April 2010

*Update! Lots of people are online now, about to watch tonight's EastEnders on the team of their choice - , and/or Why don't you join in too??*

As the Masood family reaches crisis point, we're starting to worry about everyone involved.Ìý

Can there possibly be a happy endingÌýto this?? As you probably know, things are only going to get more dramatic! Join us on Monday 26th April at 8pmÌýto chat while we watch, on whichever team suits you best - , Ìý´Ç°ù . Gah! We can hardly stand it!!

Plus! Watch the exclusive vid of John Partridge (Christian), Marc Elliott (Syed) and Preeya Kalidas (Amira) getting up to high-jinx at their most recent photoshoot

Marc Elliott (Syed), Preeya Kalidas (Amira) and John Partridge (Christian) Christian's dilemma Amira's dilemma

Syed's dilemma

Masood's dilemma

*This post was updated on Sunday 25 April. Text removed from the first paragraph - thinks that not being pregnant is the biggest problem to befall the family... little does she know. waited and waited for Syed to come clean, but how long can he stand to wait? Masood's doing his best for his family, but is he breaking his son's heart in the process? And ... Syed has to decide whether he can risk losing everything for Christian. *


  • Comment number 1.

    I realy cant wait lol

  • Comment number 2.

    Poor Christian though :( he was so crushed when Masood told him. Masood was mean the way he spoke to Christian, he was basically trying to say "Amira is pregnant so you and Syed are over and you should leave him alone and move away." I guess he is trying to look out for his son but he needs to understand the way he is.
    SYED. You need to come clean and be with Christian!! Tonight's episode was so emotional :( OMG, i really cannot wait for Monday's episode, it's the long waited episode i just have to see :P.

  • Comment number 3.

    I'm so scared!! Seriously... Chryed.. PLEASE get together!

  • Comment number 4.

    This storyline is very touching, Christian and Syed are so beautiful together, flawless performances from ME & JP. There is only one team for me, Team Chryed !

  • Comment number 5.


  • Comment number 6.

    Having spent so much time building up this lovely 'Romeo and Juliet' style love story I REALLY hope they don't give us the tragic ending!
    Wouldn't it be great if the writers used this solid grounding to start an open relationship? They've made Ian and Jane last and they have zero chemistry, these two sizzle! I have a bad feeling something's going to go horribly wrong (eg. Christian protecting Syed?)
    I hope I'm wrong, I love these characters and I'm tired of the Ö÷²¥´óÐã killing off beautifully written gay couples in the name of drama (it almost seems like punishment!)
    The love story is all the drama needed thank you. Tears followed by smiles please!! For once in Eastenders that would be just lovely.
    Besides, John Partridge brings the joy to Eastenders!

  • Comment number 7.

    hi i love christian

  • Comment number 8.


  • Comment number 9.

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  • Comment number 10.

    So bored i have decided to become a little obsessed with eastenders...Again (although i cant watch it til tomorrow because im stuck abroad but blogs are very good!). When/if Syed tells all i bet Tamwar will be thinking 'Muhahahahaha! Amira is mine *evil grin*'

    I feel sorry for all of the charecters involved! (especally Christian and Amira, Syed has been an idiot but hes confused and thats okay)

    This girls for Team Christian, hes my favourite charecter (exept for Tamwar,ofcourse lol =]) xx

  • Comment number 11.

    I really can't wait for Mondays episode!!! Im glad that Amira is not pregnant with Syed because it wouldn't be fair bringing up Syeds child when she knows that hes gay and the child was not meant to be... but i was thinking that when Chelsea put both the pregnancy tests in her pocket, couldnt she of mixed them both up??? So that Amira is pregnant and Chelsea isnt?

  • Comment number 12.

    I am so looking forward to Monday's episode!!!! I just hope that there's not going to be a tragic ending for Christian & Syed! I think it would be absolutely amazing if EastEnders carried on with this love story! This has been my favourite love story of all and i'd be sooo crushed if it was destroyed just because of Syed's religion. He really shouldn't let that get in the way of him being with Christian! Please please please let Christian & Syed become a proper couple!!! Chryed Forever!!!

  • Comment number 13.

    I can hardly wait for Monday!! We've waited so lonnnnnggg!!!! I'm watching Friday's now... can hardly sit still!

  • Comment number 14.

    god amira is soooo pretty ... do u think the pregnancy tests got mixed up ??? i love chryed !!! Cant wait till its all comes out its gunna go off like a bomb

  • Comment number 15.

    I feel so sorry for amira! coz she has just found out about christian and syed. Poor her :( she is so pretty and amazing though

  • Comment number 16.

    the episode was explosive!! its sort of scary because im muslim and gay myself, im in the same position as syed, and if this is whats coming then wow 0.0...

  • Comment number 17.

    Oh my god, how can i possibly wait until monday?
    At the start i felt really bad for Syed when he walked in on Masood and Zainab talking about how he was put this family in shame. DON'T MAKE HIM LIVE A LIE. Although when he told Christian that his love wasn't enough for him my heart went out to Christian because all he wants is for Syed to be honest for once. So i'm sort of glad that he undecorated the decorated wall. (I must say i rather prefer it). I feel bad for Amira though as she's just found out!! :O I wonder what will happen. Chyred♥ :)

  • Comment number 18.

    Eastenders has a great storyline even tho people criticiesed it for the gay muslim affair which i believe is nonsense. This is a great story line :D Syed should go with christian. If his loves him more then amira then they should be together. Just to let u no, Syed is not gay but really is bisexual. He loves christan and amira but christan more. Cant wait for Monday :D

  • Comment number 19.

    Loved this episode but loved amiras dress more anyone know where its from pls thanksxxxxxxxxx

  • Comment number 20.

    Syed may love Amira, but he's IN love with Christian and there's a whole world of difference.
    I've been catching up on Christian and Syed's love affair via youtube and it's got me watching Eastenders again for the first time in years - I am rivetted!
    It's beautifully,heartbreakingly played by Johnny and Marc, brilliantly supported by those cast as their families and I'm really hoping that the producers don't cop out with a tragic or "safe" ending. Please allow us to see how, against tremendous odds, these two people, who really belong together,can fight to make a happy life together. That direction would,I'm sure, make for some compelling drama, more heart-stopping,lump- -in-the-throat performances from Messrs Partridge and Elliot and eventually something really joyful, which,let's face it,"Eastenders" really needs!
    Have to say, a long life for Christian and Syed's relationship has another added bonus - the chance to revel in more of the exuberance and general deliciousness of both men concerned! Ding dong!

  • Comment number 21.


  • Comment number 22.

    da actual truth is dat amira is pregnant nd chelsea is not coz wen denise cam into da salon chelsea took amiras pregnancy test nd put it in her pocket so den it got mixed up!!!!!!
    cant wait 2 watch mondaais episode


  • Comment number 23.

    OMG last night was awesome!!! felt for christian when Massod told him Amria was pregant on Thursday. Poor Christian always gettin his heartbroken. Felt for Syed last night too but im not likin Massod and Zainab right now cant wait for Monday so excited!!!!! Hannah xxx

  • Comment number 24.

    hannah, i know! i found it really hard to relax! the tension! the drama! waaah! and there'll be even more on monday!!!! i loved the mas and syed scenes. thought they were really well acted.

    mizcheeky - i think mas did the right thing in telling zee (who knew already tut tut!). think that it would have been wrong for him to stay quiet, but would have been wrong to tell amira himself. think syed should have to do it. but the idea of syed keeping quiet and not telling amira... well that's another thing altogether.

    Nadine - Ding dong indeed! Glad you've come back to Albert Square. I think the Chryed/Amira storyline has been my biggest storyline of the year too... although the live episode was pretty amazing as well. Hmm...

  • Comment number 25.

    love the story line .love christian just want them to be together.Think the acting is brillant.well done eastenders another great story line.

  • Comment number 26.

    has anyone noticed this age differance thing. syeds about 25 and christians about 40 - so christian is as old as syeds mum - (not that its wrong - just a bit weird). syeds young - he's probably just working out if hes straight or not! thank god other people have worked out about the pregnancy tests being mixed up - i though i was the only one! youd have thought that chelsea and amira would have worked that one out!:D i want syed to be with amira - and for christian to stop intefereing with there lifes! the actors/actresses are amazing - theyve kept this going for such a long time, i expect the'll be glad when its over!I really dont want amira to go - shes a good actor- and i liked the friendship she was developing with chelsea aswell! byebye:D

  • Comment number 27.

    I So Can Not Wait :)

  • Comment number 28.

    i really really really hope that christian and syed stay together! i feel sorry for amira but i hope that chryed stay together :D xx

  • Comment number 29.

    OMG cant wait for tommorwo so excited!!! Hannah xx

  • Comment number 30.

    I hope Chryed end up together at some point i love this couple Marc and John superb acting throughout this storyline. Hannah xx

  • Comment number 31.

    Cant Wait For 2morrow, It Will Be Very Exciting. I Wish Preeya Was Staying, I Love Amira. Marc's Acting Is Fab Too. Syed and Amira Are A Cute Couple. I Wish Christian Left Then There Would Be At Least One Happy Family In The Square. Why Is It All Doom And Gloom?

  • Comment number 32.

    Oh no Amira's gonna be so sad and she's leaving but is Syed leaving too?

  • Comment number 33.

    Tamsin - waah! is that true?? i guess the reason why christian is being so patient is because he went through it all a long time ago, so he understands. He's certainly endured a lot of mixed messages, on-again/off-again-ness.

    poor old amira though :( part of me feels sad, part of me CRUELLY CAN'T WAIT TO SEE IT HAPPEN COS I LOVE THE DRAMA!

  • Comment number 34.

    I know, Christian is about 37, but i have no clue to what Syed's age is. I won't be able to take my eyes off the screen for tomorrow's episode!! All you need is the popcorn and your in Eastenders heaven!! CANNOT WAIT (i keep watching the preview over and over).
    I hope Amira doesn't get hurt although i can safely say that is unlikely to happen. Still, i hope Syed doesn't leave with Amira and that there is a future for him and Christian and much more drama in the episodes to come. :)

  • Comment number 35.

    cmon east enders the story line have to end cos is against their religion.there is no gay or lesbian in islam.we love east enders to bones but they way they are makin it am is not nice and cool.plz the masood family are muslim so their is no way they even have to acting this story line is totally haram forbidden.it wil cos most good muslims not to watch it again which is not nice.we all love the soap.sorry if i crossed most of you sound mates.

  • Comment number 36.

    for a better soap

  • Comment number 37.

    Amira's dress was from www.boutikee.com

  • Comment number 38.


  • Comment number 39.

    Amira you need to get your life sorted and find someone better than Syed! You deserve much more. I don't feel sorry for Christian in any way shape or form. GO AMIRA!

  • Comment number 40.

    Cant wait for tonight the big secret to explode!! lots of tears going to rolling !!

  • Comment number 41.

    i think it's about time syed came clean, even if someone else (christian) had to do it for him. Poor amira not being pregnant and she loved syed so much.

  • Comment number 42.

    I Think Christian And Syed should get together,But stay in the square...and flaunt there love ;)
    i think zainab is an interfering old goon (one of ma fave characters though) :) ... any way yeh she needs to stop interfering and so i think they should make her anoied/jelus then karma will turn :P
    Lovee Eastenderrss :)

  • Comment number 43.

    Amira has one deformed nose!

  • Comment number 44.

    Syed and christian shud b together coz its just so meant 2 b but all of the characters r brilliant nd act really wel so amira shud b really sad at first but then decide she loves syed so much shes happy tat hes happy wif christian so b frends wif them both nd stil all stay in it nd then if amiras pregnant they can c each ova stil coz can't get rid of any of the characters there all 2 gd :D there everyones happy :D

  • Comment number 45.

    Its going to be a good one. Can't wait :)

  • Comment number 46.

    Not long to go now!!

  • Comment number 47.


  • Comment number 48.

    Amiras leaving

  • Comment number 49.

    OMG!!! ITS ALL GONE...

  • Comment number 50.

    omg ameria has left and found out she is pregnat n chelsea aint

  • Comment number 51.

    I want Christian and Syed to be together, Amira is just his wife, okie we now found out she is pregnant but... Christian loves syed so much and i want to wish them the best...
    Amira has been hurt and lied too but, i can see syed and Amira getting back together coz of the baby!!!

    Tonight was fab but plz change the story to christian and syed getting together with out Amira ruin it!

  • Comment number 52.


  • Comment number 53.

    I feel sorry for amira and i whish amera and saeed could be together again and all this didnt happen because amera and saeed suit eachother and he could have been a good dad to there kids with amera

  • Comment number 54.

    I know :O:O. How can he reject Christian after it's finally out. :( I love Tamwar, he stuck up for Syed, well done :) Watching behind the scenes now. I LOVE CHRISTIAN. I hope they still will end up together. Such a good episode, totally lived up to my expectations.

  • Comment number 55.

    To Hannah he can reject Christian, because it was not his decision to make, christian is proud and out and the consequences to the rest are not his to bare, he acted selfishly no matter how you dress it up. Everyone is free to make their own choices, but those choices should not affect those of your loved ones adversly or be made for you by someone else for any reason. It would be completely unrealistic imo given the circumstance and position if they were still together after this, to think differently demonstrates little understanding for or in the given faith and values.

  • Comment number 56.

    I Cantt Believe Thattt. That Is Unbelieve How Could Christian Do That To Them. Syed I Feel Sorry For Him. Amira I Feel More Sorry For Herr !! I Love Amira As In The Character Wayy!

  • Comment number 57.

    Well done to the beautiful Amira for being more human than those two pathetic men. She has done the right thing by leaving and will bring hapiness into her childs life.

    Christian is a disgusting individual who has ruined multiple lives. He deserves never to be happy. He will probably pray on some other weak bloke in the square now.

    Syed is a coward who has disgraced his family. They should throw him out and forget about him. He had many chances to stop his affair and doesn't deserve any sympathy.

  • Comment number 58.

    Well, I registered here because Eastenders has really got to me tonight. What are the writers and directors trying to do with the show exactly?? Make Eastenders...Hip? Haha...It used to be a right royal Eastend show, where as now, they are bringing in useless charictors like Zsa Zsa, I mean, what does she do exactly? And while the storyline with Christian and Syed was a fantastic one, the outcome could have been so much better, it's been so frustrating seeing Zainab boil and then bringing Amira's Father in from nowhere to kick the kidneys out of Christian, when he is such a loved charictor just made me sick...
    Basically, Eastenders, you need to try giving MORE storylines to beloved charictors within the show that we have grown to love, like Charlie, Big Moe even, who is really left???...Stop bringing in stupid easily replacable charictors like Fatboy and pyschoannoyance Becka and giving them no real purpose, it's crap...I watch the show religiously in hope it will perhaps be as good as it was, I live in hope (:

  • Comment number 59.

    i hate christian and syed for putting poor ameera through that !

  • Comment number 60.

    i think the producers should make ameera forgive syed and they can get back together because they really suit each other !!!


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