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Reviewing the ratings system

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Mark Kermode | 14:58 UK time, Friday, 28 January 2011

My recent blog on the meaning of the NC17 and my fulsome encomium to the earlier works of Colin "Oscar" Firth set many of your digits a- tippity-tapping and now it's time for me to review your welcome outpourings.

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  • Comment number 1.

    Isn't CH1O8 1337 (LEET) for Chloe?

    Just saying.

  • Comment number 2.

    If you like Paul Verhoeven it's time you pronounced his name right. Think "hoover" rather than "Jehova". First name rhymes with "foul"

  • Comment number 3.

    Raikage wrote: "Isn't CH1O8 1337 (LEET) for Chloe?

    Just saying."

    If it is I was not aware of it when I was creating an account. the ch part is my initials and 108 is just a random number, I'm not very creative when it comes to making names for myself on the web.

    Oh and Dr.K thank you for reading my comment it was a surreal experience, in a good way of course.

  • Comment number 4.

    Well that told me didn't it!

    Oh and I forgot to say, another great blog, thanks Dr K.

  • Comment number 5.

    Raikage wrote: "Well that told me didn't it!"

    Hey I didn't mean anything by it. I just wasn't that familiar with the 1337 language and any connection was pure coincidence, I must see "Hackers(1995)".

    All the best to you.

  • Comment number 6.

    I loved to hear the mentioning of the excellent 'Snowcake'. I missed that when reading the feedback.

    I am an adult with Autism (diagnosed in 2002) and Sigourney Weaver's performance as an adult Autistic is the very best representation that I have seen committed to film. It almost came as a relief to see a 'High Functioning' autistic portrayed in such a way.

    When it was first suggested to me that I might be on the Autistic Spectrum, I thought '...but I am not 'Rainman'...' Had I seen 'Snowcake' first, it would have saved me from a few early blushes.

  • Comment number 7.

    So how about a $ rating system, for example toy story gets $$$$$ and the Exorcist gets a $. This does not reflect the quality of the movie but simply how much it's going to make. Let the people decide... Or not as the case be.

  • Comment number 8.

    My mother Mitzi Waltz has written many articles on disability and how disability is represented in the media, she teaches at the University of Birmingham on range of topics on autism, oh by the way.... I also have high functioning autism.

    One of the problems with Rain Man is the person who Dustin Hoffman actually based Raymond wasn't autistic, he actually had FG syndrome, I think it's a actually a good film (well acted etc... and i've always liked Barry Levinson) but sadly Autism has been tagged with Rain Man since it's released in 88 when it's such a vast spectrum.

  • Comment number 9.

    oh for person who is finding it hard to find Trauma.... 拢2.50

  • Comment number 10.

    @ Vincent Kane
    Yup, I posted the proper pronounciation before too but he still says Paul Verhohven. While you and I know that it's actually Powl Vurhoovun. Powl Verhooven would work too but Paul Verhohven? No, sir. It doesn't really matter, though. If he wants to say Paul Verhohven, he should say Paul Verhohven. lol :)

  • Comment number 11.

    mark read out my comment... yay! :D

  • Comment number 12.

    鈥淚n the end the American problem is probably less to do with morality and more to do with money.鈥
    If they ignore censorship and ratings in favour of profitability that in itself is a moral choice. Separating money from morality will just make it easier for the studios/cinemas/etc to justify their actions.
    I always think this is funny coming from an American system, they often say they are a Christian country (obviously this is debatable) yet greed (a deadly, capital sin) is used as an excuse to forsake other 鈥楥hristian鈥 values. As an Atheist I find this false dichotomy extremely annoying.

  • Comment number 13.

    Jiminy! Mark read my comment.

    Still waiting for Trauma (the Firth version) to arrive, BTW...

  • Comment number 14.

    01:14 Jimminy, he read my comment too. Thanks for the shout-out Dr, K.

  • Comment number 15.

    Hi Dr K and gentle readers,

    Off topic, but I have officially had it with the third dimension having just walked out of Green Hornet, a terrible film made even worse in 3D. Thats it. Done. Enough! Please, I beg of you, let's all do our bit to help make 2011 flat.

    Thoughts anyone?

  • Comment number 16.


    Yeah, I've got a thought. My thought is: why don't you stop spamming every thread with off-topic links and references to the same article whining about 3D? Because it's getting really tedious and, like, there should be a code of conduct or something.

  • Comment number 17.

    @Alina - re:16

    I think that's a bit unfair - if you click on Mr. Stanton's profile, that appears to be the only time he's referred to either 3D or posted that link (well, unless the 主播大秀 blogs design is wrong!)

  • Comment number 18.

    I am surprised nobody mentioned that Marlee Matlin, who is deaf, was nominated and won the academy award for best actress for depicting a deaf person in "Children of a Lesser God"(1986).

  • Comment number 19.

    Noctivagus & Ian Schultz. This feels like an I'm Sparticus moment. I'm an aspie.

    Interesting that some think that Jesse Eisenberg's Zuckengerg in The Social Network portrays him as an aspergers; a more subtle depiction of the condition perhaps.

  • Comment number 20.

    Mark, I would to get your thoughts on Christopher Nolan's best director Oscar snub.Is he hated in Osvar because he dares to throw together art and the mainstream. It seems like oscar don't like Nolan in the sanme way they didn't like Kubrick. Nolan hiopefully be getting an award closer to hom than the oscars and it will be well-deserved. Nolan works for warner brothers should they have put mopre of a compaign behind him for an oscar nod. I am sure he doesn't make films for awardss as he says he wasnts to take an audience on a journey. However I find it horrible that Nolan is unloved byu the Oscars.

  • Comment number 21.

    @17 Joel Cooney. I've noticed an intriguing set of facts.

    On the "Reviewing the ratings system" thread @15 Arch Stanton provided a link to the ebert article.

    On the "When is a remake not a remake" thread @12 ninthconfigurator provided a link to the ebert article and @23 mrEmachine provided a link to the ebert article.

    On the "Black Swan" review @5 luhspeak provided a link to the ebert article, @17 BLee provided a link to the ebert article and @21 Jakob Vind provided a link to the ebert article.

    We have had 6 off-topic posts (allegedly from different people) across 3 threads providing links to the same article. I conclude that there is a conspiracy, I conclude that we're being spammed and I conclude that I'm sick of it.

  • Comment number 22.

    On the subject on a disabled actor playing a disabled role, remember we have the Dark Tower in planning at the moment with all manner of names being mentioned for the role of Susannah. This would be a truly wonderful role to find a real disabled actress to fill.
    Would have been nice if Simon hd bought this up with Ron Howard the other day when he interviewed him.

  • Comment number 23.

    As an advocate of the dying breed of projectionists, I thought you might enjoy this article:

  • Comment number 24.

    I don't think Zuckerberg is autistic, I just think he is a sexist greedy scumbag.

  • Comment number 25.

    Alright - re "23".
    As we're officially very off-topic, I complained recently about the standard of projection at a recent showing of "King's Speech".
    To cut to the chase - I've lately been getting used to the ultra-clean steady picture of digital projection.
    To actually see a physical 'film' projected (and a pretty lousy copy, as was later confirmed by 'the management') brought home to me how, maybe, 'film' has really had it's day.
    Light blue touch paper.....

  • Comment number 26.

    There has been a disabled person playing a disabled person and, for her trouble, getting an Oscar nomination and, in fact, winning the Oscar: Marlee Matlin for Children of a Lesser God.

  • Comment number 27.

    'I conclude that there is a conspiracy,'

    Or that people don't look very far afield for film reviews and criticism. It's like most people use Facebook, YouTube, Apple & Microsoft; some brands (sites) just dominate regardless of how many other alternatives exist.

  • Comment number 28.

    Ahhh, Showgirls.

    Like Taken, it's a film I have bought in the bargain bin because it is SO unbelievably bad on every conceivable level that it demands repeated viewings. Preferably with people who haven't seen it before so you can see the look on their faces when they realise just how bad it is.

    Although when I saw the fantastic Black Swan, I was reminded of Showgirls a bit...

  • Comment number 29.

    Mark, given today's news about John Barry ~ a suitable topic for a thread perhaps? One of our greatest composers.

  • Comment number 30.

    Off topic, although RE your Wally Pfister song in last week's show.

    He does indeed have a sister, who I met at a wedding in Portland, Oregon last Summer. She's lovely!

  • Comment number 31.

    This particular comment blog is suffering from web 2.1. That is, ADHD...

  • Comment number 32.

    Whilst I, for one, am pleased that the under-rated "Showgirls" is finally being reappraised, it seems like the similarly under-rated "Trauma" (the Dario Argento one) is in need of reappraisal too!

  • Comment number 33.

    Hey Dr. K, checked out Cruising at ur recommendation, was brilliant, loved the ending....What other william friedkin films do u or any1 recommend besides the exorcist of course!

  • Comment number 34.

    RE: Alina@16

    Steady on. Next up, you'll be telling us that the Earth is flat, man didn't land on the moon, JFK was assassinated by a lone gunman and that 9/11 was an inside job. Calm down. Have a cup of tea. Perhaps a biscuit.

    I have posted numerous times -on topic- and on the one occasion I vent about 3D, post Green Hornet walk out, I'm labeled a 'spammer'. Well, excuse me.

    Your half-baked notion of contributors here being part of some anti 3D conspiracy is utter clap-trap. I, as others, am entitled to express thoughts and opinions relative to the various debates raised by Mark's blog entries. Hence my posting of the link regarding Walter Murch and 3D. A topic on which Mark has previously posted and one that I had recently become VERY sensitive to.

    If my recent experiences with Tron:Legacy and Green Hornet are anything to go by, I'd suggest you might like to opt for a Studio marketing conspiracy based upon hiking up ticket prices for a diminishing return on the quality of their product.

    Joel_Cooney@17 thanks for your level headed support. Who would've thought that we'd have to keep the opinion police in check?

  • Comment number 35.


    It's looking like JFK was assassinated by a lone gunman. The conspiracy viewpoint would be that ... it was a, um, conspiracy.

  • Comment number 36.

    Richi #33: Friedkin movies.

    Try The French Connection, Sorcerer & To Live and Die in L.A. All - much better than the Exorcist IMO.

  • Comment number 37.

    @ Arch Stanton.

    Sorry, Arch, if I've offended you.

    I am one of those people who read every single post on every single thread - so when I see 3 off-topic posts on 1 thread referring to the same link, then 2 off-topic posts on another thread referring to the same link and then yet another off-topic post referring to the same link I start to wonder what is going on.

    Don't people realise that someone else has posted the exact same link a couple of posts above them thus rendering their post redundant? Apparently not. Don't people realise that 5 other posters have already referred to the same link on other threads thus rendering their post redundant? Apparently not.

    The traffic on the Kermode blog has traditionally consisted of pretty hard-core fans who usually don't post unless they have something to say that needs a couple of paragraphs to express. But I guess as the Kermode blog becomes more popular we'll have more "drive-by" posters - people who don't bother to read the other posts before posting, people who limit their contribution to a posted link and a one line statement.

    I've found that people here genuinely want to engage in debate and learn from each other (it's one of the best resources you could find for recommendations for little known brilliant films).

    Arch Stanton said:
    "Your half-baked notion of contributors here being part of some anti 3D conspiracy is utter clap-trap."

    Um, I don't think I actually said anything like that. In fact, I didn't make any comment about 3D at all - just about the same link being provided over and over and over and over and over and over (yes, 6 times exactly).

    "I, as others, am entitled to express thoughts and opinions relative to the various debates raised by Mark's blog entries."

    Yes, but are you and others entitled to rush into the room shouting "3D sucks" when others are quietly discussing the movie Black Swan or debating the nuances of refilming existing films?

    I'll declare my opinion on 3D - meh. Like many predicted downfalls of Western civilisation (emancipation of slaves, votes for women, the publication and dissemination of numerous books and films) I don't expect 3D to have much long term impact on the already parlous state of filmic artistry. I don't think 3D adds a great deal to a film but I don't think it takes much away from it either - and sometimes it's fun.

    I really can't understand people getting foaming at the mouth rabid about it though - it's a technique, that's all it is. IMO people would be better occupied venting their rage at movie making by Hollywood moneymen committee than exercising themselves over filmic technique.

    From what I understand Green Hornet is a completely abysmal movie and Tron Legacy is a cynical money making exercise. 3D has nothing to do with either of those things.

  • Comment number 38.

    @21 Alina wrote:

    'I conclude that there is a conspiracy, I conclude that we're being spammed and I conclude that I'm sick of it.'

    So, in conclusion then... It's a blog. We are all entitled to express our individual opinions. Including your good self.

  • Comment number 39.


    I think most people find hypocrisy irritating not just atheists as you see it.

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