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Your ideas for Autumnwatch

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Tim Scoones Tim Scoones | 17:41 UK time, Thursday, 16 June 2011

Autumnwatch is not that far away!

Do you have any specific ideas about who, what or where we should feature? Are there any themes, concepts, or debates we should bring up and discuss? If so, please post your comments below.

As we've done for the last two series we'll be 'on the road' across eight weeks of autumn, allowing us to really 'watch' the full season, throughout October and November. We hope to showcase the very best of the UK's autumn wildlife, featuring a different region of the country each week.

Where should we go? What should we cover? Which autumn stories should we follow? Over to you. Get posting below. We're all ears. Thank you!

Tim Scoones is Executive Producer of Springwatch and Autumnwatch


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  • Comment number 1.

    Portsmouth, Hampshire. Portsdown hill, which runs along the north of Portsmouth, divides two completely different habitats. On one side a densely populated city, and on the other farmland and woodland. Both hold a vast variety of wildlife. In Portsmouth I've seen and filmed Buzzard's, Kestrels, Kingfisher, water vole, Brent geese, Roe deer, Badgers, Fox, Stoats, Peregrine, Sparrowhawk, Marsh harrier, lizards and much more. Seals are common in Langstone Harbour to the east of Portsmouth, and Farlington Marshes is a great spot for many rare and migratory birds. Whether it's marshland, woodland, farmland, coast line or built up areas, I think Portsmouth has a lot to offer.

  • Comment number 2.

    How about some filming of the Nightjar before it leaves in Autumn? We have them here in on the heath in Hartley Wintney, Hampshire:

  • Comment number 3.

    I think you should visit Dumfries and Galloway in southwest Scotland as it's such a beautiful place and so overlooked with people heading to the Highlands or the west coast instead. There's such a variety of wildlife in this region and plenty of places to visit including the Galloway Forest Park which is the largest in the UK and it has also been awarded recently the status of Dark Sky Park the first in Britain! So much to see and do here!

  • Comment number 4.

    You could report at wetlands centre Arundel as you could talk to us about Water Voles and Arundel has lots of them also it has 3 habitats reeds, a large hill with buzzards living on it and a lovely river.

  • Comment number 5.

    so long as there are the live webcams i'm happy

  • Comment number 6.

    Come to Devon for Autumnwatch! :)

  • Comment number 7.

    A lot of bird filming!

  • Comment number 8.

    Explore more of Essex, rather than just a rubbish tip!

    Rural Essex Girl - aka Sara Biggins

  • Comment number 9.

    Come to Egleton Nature Reserve, Rutland Water! I have visited it's website, and the variation and density of birds and wildlife is incredible! I looked at the recent sightings in the autumn, and there was a sighting of a female otter with cubs, and lots of beautiful birds! I just love this reserve!
    Also, are any of the presenters going to the birdfair? If so, who?????xxx

  • Comment number 10.

    I work at a school on the outskirts of london with amazing school grounds and i think it would be fantastic to show the amount of wildlife that you can find in london and in a place as busy as a school. We have a school pond which i have seen frogs and newts in aswell as a tree lined school field and an organic vegetable garden. The building in very old and bats are a definate you would also be meeting the most enthusiastic science department possible when it comes to wildlife and conservation.

  • Comment number 11.

    A bit more unsprung! :D So we can watch autumnwatch for an extra half hour each night! :P

  • Comment number 12.

    I just want to see Kate , Chris and Martins faces again! x my Dog loves the birds on your show!!! (he keeps Barking at them) May0514 - aka Alice

  • Comment number 13.

    Why don't you try Anglesea again or the area around the river Dee in North Wales.
    It would be nice as well to feature the sealife at night and how different it is compared to the daytime.

  • Comment number 14.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 15.

    I would like to see more foxes and badgers. I think it would be a good idea to follow the lives of these animals fr 8 weeks. It would be good for the veiwers to see the inside lives of them.

  • Comment number 16.

    How about the south Wales valleys. Now that the pits have gone, the wildlife is amazing. Buzzards, kites, herons, owls, urban foxes......etc.

  • Comment number 17.

    maybe if you have any baby animals you could have a camra that takes a picture every day one a day at the same time so we can see the progress then at the end put it all together into a little film. that woulld be cool if you do that.

  • Comment number 18.

    Really enjoyed spring watch at Ynishir -wonderful landscapes and wildlife. I will miss my usual 8pm chillout ! It's so relaxing to watch and helps me to forget the stresses of the day .I hope to get involved with local RSPB as a result. thanks to everyone - a special mention for Iolo who is a real star - I'm off to Skomer soon!

  • Comment number 19.

    Hi everyone

    Ju how many watches does the cute Martin have because every night he has a different coloured watch on his wrist? One night orange, the next night bright green and tonght it's silver!!!

    Lucies Mum x

  • Comment number 20.

    Stay in beautiful mid wales, with Simon king on the isle of rum watching the stag rut.

  • Comment number 21.

    Oops... here's the missing "st" from 'just' in my message above!

  • Comment number 22.

    Webcams on the Isle of Rum to watch the Red Deer Rut. Farne Islands to watch the seals. Migration watch. Classic Autumnwatch! May seem unlikely with other priorities but would be nice to see Simon back even for a smaller feature. Scottish Highlands. There needs to be more advice and tips on how to watch wildlife whilst causing minimal disturbance. Perhaps it would also be a good idea to go somewhere that Autumnwatch has not been before, to show everyone no matter where you are in the country there is wildlife to be seen, not just in the remoter areas.

  • Comment number 23.

    For me the odd time I dipped into Springwatch was spoiled by the painful spectacle of the presenters that seemed to have bumbled out of an Enid Blyton story. Did the production get taken over by CÖ÷²¥´óÐã? What a shame for the hard and brilliant work by all the production team. And another thing: what was Kate Bumble doing talking on-air about 'Story Developers' - I thought TV was partly about the suspension of disbelief, or something, which is why we don't have to hear the production crew's talkback. Sorry, Springwatch, great production spoilt by your presentation style.

  • Comment number 24.

    i think that autumn watch should go to the cotswolds or around that area and then go to the forest of dean because there is a lot of wildlife there and you can look out for the wild boar also maybe gordan buchanan, simon king and bill oddy could get involved also the team could show us how to get some good photos of wildlife using basic cameras and then the more powerful ones. also near ross on rye there is symons yat and there are different birds of prey around there that are easy to see in the rocks and around also the landscapes are beautiful around there.

  • Comment number 25.

    At the moment I have some very reliable Badgers. They ate their peanuts at about 20.15 to-night. I live about 20 mins walk from Ö÷²¥´óÐã Bristol and as long as I do not have to be on TV perhaps you would like to use my Badgers in the autumn.

  • Comment number 26.

    I would like too see badgers !!!

  • Comment number 27.

    Fantastic editing on the final credits team

  • Comment number 28.

    In the East Ayrshire village of Darvel there is an abandoned road (Brown's Road) that runs along the far side of the river for a good couple of miles down to a dam. In the Autumn this road sees huge amounts of foliage, fruits, berries, and nuts, as well as loads and loads of animal life. Badgers, deer, foxes, small things like mice, and even the odd red squirrel. All amazingly accessible and wandering across the tarmac and verges. Because of a landslip in the 1960s this road is completely useless for traffic as it is a total dead end (there is the odd farm tractor, but that is it) and has been left to its own devices. A perfect place to film.

  • Comment number 29.

    I have been watching this year's Springwatch alongside my cat and was greatly encouraged by Liz Bonin's report on brownsites and landfill sites.
    For Autumnwatch it would be great if you came to HINDHEAD CROSSROADS on the A3 as this Summer we will be having the Tunnel opened which means the Hindhead Common will be reconnected with the Devil's Punchbowl and the road dug up and regreened, with the soundbaffle shrubbery beside the roads taken away to open up new habitat for birds nesting close to the road. This will happen within weeks of the tunnel opening in July, so please come along during Autumnwatch to see how the new connection has positively affected the local nature. The Devil's Punchbowl area is a SSSI as it is rare heathland. We have both highland cattle and New Forest ponies to stop trees taking over. There is also a Youth Hostel on the land.

  • Comment number 30.

    I can see Badgers live and would love Autumnwatch to share them.
    I live about 20mins walk from Ö÷²¥´óÐã Bristol.

  • Comment number 31.

    My little brother misses the videos that used to be on springwatch with voiceovers for different creatures telling their life stories - like the one about the mice falling in love and having babies!! (:

  • Comment number 32.

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  • Comment number 33.

    Marine life please

  • Comment number 34.

    I live in Nottingham and a a place called woolaton park, there is a heard of dear. They are so interesting to watch.And at the nottingham University at the jubilee campus , we have a huge lake with lots of wildlife, including herons.

  • Comment number 35.

    Bradgate park in Leicestershire.

  • Comment number 36.

    Some Webcams on the website like springwatch

  • Comment number 37.

    Port Meadow in Oxford would be ideal for Autumn. Lots of over wintering ducks and waders -maybe a rarity or two.

  • Comment number 38.

    You should go to RSPB Fairburn-ings. It's a not well know reserve and is awesome for wildlife (it's under-rated).

  • Comment number 39.

    Could we please have a piece on Lichens and the first ever Lichen trail here in Bristol done by the Avon Gorge & the Downs Wildlife Project.

  • Comment number 40.

    how about an article on how various insects prepare for the winter

  • Comment number 41.

    Please please please please put on percy the deer and all of his family!!!!!!!!!??????? Thank you!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 42.

    Come see the black squirrels in Letchworth for Autumn. What's Kate up to instead of Autumn Watch?

  • Comment number 43.

    Try the Isle of May in the Firth of Forth where loads of seals haul out to have pups. There's also a bird observatory on the island where they monitor migrants - could be worth a trip? Combine it with the gannets leaving the Bass Rock, perhaps?

  • Comment number 44.

    Come to Thetford Forest, loads of fantastic wildlife, rivers, forests, breckland, fantastic!

  • Comment number 45.

    OK, its a long shot but I go windsurfing at El Yaque in Margarita, Venezuela and there is so much wildlife id love you guys to go over there and do a show for a few weeks.

    For all the negative the cocktails are great and most people are really nice.


  • Comment number 46.

    Please visit, at least for a film or two as I know you'll be back at Ynis, the wonderful Rye Harbour Nature Reserve in East Sussex. Take a trip to Dungeness while you're at it. All part of the most fantastic shingle habitat that reveals its wonders when you get up close. Migrants, sea watching, bird observatory, amazing invertebrates, incredible flora....

  • Comment number 47.

    To encourage nature in our communal garden (a block of flats) in Haslemere, Surrey, I have bought a large plastic bowl (like a large washing up bowl) from the local garden centre and put in water lilies, pickerel weed for oxygen and iris and other plants. I only started it last year but now it is settled and thriving, with clear water. I am hoping to encourage frogs and invertebrates to join, so will get a jar full of water from the pond behind our Educational Museum to kick-start it. We already have many kinds of birds including coal tits, blue tits etc and foxes and even one badger I saw during the Winter snow last November, even though we are behind a petrol station off the main A287. EVERYONE can make a wildlife friendly habitat even in a small area.

  • Comment number 48.

    I live in nottingham and we have a place called woolaton park, there is a herd of deer, very interesting to watch.Also I go to Nottingham university and we have at the Jubilee campus a lake with heron and other wildlife, great to photo

  • Comment number 49.

    I found the cuckoo tracking done by the BTO (complete with maps) fascinating. Would it be possible track a selection of animals throughout the series, giving a weekly update on where they've moved to and what they're doing and where they've gone?
    This would be interesting not only for animals that migrate, but for those who stay in the UK.

  • Comment number 50.

    I'd like to ask if there will be any information regarding the many ponds, lakes, canals and rivers in the UK? The fishing season has just started and there could be information on the great fish spawn period in early May and anything associated with fish and pond life. There are millions of anglers young and old who potentially watch your shows and this might of great interest. The beauty of fish is something I love to be involved with and seeing these creatures is amazing.

    Best regards.

  • Comment number 51.

    I am a farmer in North Lincolnshire. Not really an area you would associate with amazing wildlife I know - but I would love the chance to welcome Springwatch onto my farm.
    We have nesting barn owls in boxes I put up last year, Cockoos, Reed Buntings, Tree Sparrows, House Sparrows, Sky Larks, Turtle Doves, Linnets all in abundance!
    We also have a huge number of Brown Hares - that many that I may have to control their numbers next year!
    I have joined environmental schemes on my farm and I would love the chance to show exactly what is possible with a little effort on a modern working farm.

  • Comment number 52.

    I live in Fareham not far from Portsdown Hill in Hampshire and the amount of wildlife in that area is fernominal! or The New Forest! Hampshire is full of amazing places to film or even the base location for autumn watch! come down to the southcoast!
    We also have a breeding pair of oyster catchers on fareham creek which is amazing they come back every year and have done so for the past4/5 years!
    So i would suggest Hampshire as the place to hold autumn watch.

  • Comment number 53.

    I'd love to see something on how climate change is altering migration patterns, or even the patterns of the season. Some of the more ecological responses to global warming; it's well discussed in the academic sphere, but very little makes it on to the TV. I think the RSPB might have something interesting to contribute, too.

  • Comment number 54.

    Salthome nr Billingham,fantastic bird reserve,doesnt get enough publicity

  • Comment number 55.

    Has the team ever thought of filming from the canal. We cruise the Leicester Arm of the Grand Union Canal and see all sorts of wildlife including Kingfishers, Buzzards, Otters the list goes on. With the UK's waterways thriving maybe it is a great time to do a Spring or Autumn watch from them.
    I would love to thank you for a wonderful Spring watch. I did however miss Simon King. Everyone did a fantastic job and long live Bob the Barn Owl.

  • Comment number 56.

    we have bats, hares, badgers, hedgehogs and plenty more on our smallholding in the Brecon beacons. you are most welcome anytime. :-)

  • Comment number 57.

    Autumnwatch should come to north Essex! This part of the country is much maligned but where I am it's beautiful and very atmospheric - with lots of animal madness going on!
    I live in woodland near an estuary, and there is a great diversity of wildlife. Would be great to know what half of it actually is.......

  • Comment number 58.

    Please put on Percy the deer and his family from Scotland on and also the area around the Chilterns is so beautiful and covered in wildlife, especially there are loads and loads of Red Kites!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 59.

    more foxes would be nice to see and rabbits/hares

  • Comment number 60.

    What about Danbury common and the surrounding area? Of personal interest to me is Priory fields in Bicknacre.

    You have access to Lakes, ancient woodland, ancient fields and not far from the Essex coast as a follow up from the Pitsea Springwatch feature.

    More than your far share of Badgers and Foxes!! A must for every Spring/Autumn Watch.

  • Comment number 61.

    I have just watched tonight's episode of Springwatch which I thoroughly enjoyed. I wanted to congratulate the team for their enthusiasm and interest in nature.

  • Comment number 62.

    At Muncaster Castle in the Lake district there is a bird of prey centre. Each evening one of the staff takes the chicks not eaten by the birds of prey and feeds the herons on a hillside within the castle. The herons start flying in from the surrounding area and wait in the trees for "feeding time". We counted 17 herons and it was quite a sight. I think it would be a nice thing to show on one of your programmes.

  • Comment number 63.

    Think I suggested this a couple of years back, hope you don't mind me bringing it up again, but I'd love to see a feature about the work of a local conservation centre I regularly visit near me called the New Forest Wildlife Park does with orphaned otter cubs. The park is the national centre of otter rehabilitation and rescued otter cubs who are commonly found orphaned are located here at a certain age from rescue charities across the country to be paired up with other rescue cubs where they learn to become truly wild again in over two dozen off-show rehab pens before been returned back into the wild. In the last fifteen years or so they've released over 120 otters successfully, so it would be great to see their hard work appreciated on screen.

  • Comment number 64.

    Dear team last series you managed to film a wasp nest up close do you think you will do the same again. perhaps we could get an insite into hornets and their nests. fantastic spring watch welldone team. i live in the portsmouth area i would love to show chris and the team round some of the top spots if hes interested.

  • Comment number 65.

    The Derwent Walk, just outside of Newcastle, is pretty spectacular. Loads of birds, deer, otter, foxes, and bats, as well as the plant life. And it's woodland right on a river, so you get the best of both worlds!

  • Comment number 66.

    Cow Green reservoir in Teesdale has arctic plants and conditions, could you use this to show how harsh conditions affect different species of wildlife

  • Comment number 67.

    As the Springwatch/Autumnwatch Flickr groups prove, photography is a very popular way for anyone to go out and enjoy nature. So, how about teaming up Mr. Packham with Andy Rouse? I think Andy is an excellent speaker and combined with Chris would I'm sure be able to create a great feature on fieldcraft so that people can learn how not to disturb their subject in pursuit of a photo, and also some advice on technique. A feature on both would be ideal, and would be (I think) hugely entertaining.

    As for location, I can only add to post 1.... I have taken most of my pictures around Gosport, (the other side of Portsmouth Harbour) where there are two SSSI's, all sorts of habitat, an ideal council countryside section in old farm buildings perfect for Ö÷²¥´óÐã OB trucks, and in addition to the great locations listed in post 1, Titchfield Haven, which has all manner of migratory bird life overlooking the Solent and Isle of Wight.

  • Comment number 68.

    hi there, after watching springwatch each time i feel motivated to go out there and do something. i go and watch wildlife and film the wildlife which i enjoy so much. I live in Dumfries and Galloway and within this county there are gems which i think should been shown of the uk as they are well hidden. One of the places i enjoy is Mersehead Nature Reserve which is owned by the RSPB. During the winter 12000 barnacle geese come back from svalbard to spend the winter here which are amazing birds and you have amazing views first thing in the morning and at dusk. I have sat on the beach at this reserve and watch the barneys go out to roost on the mudflats and once there noise has disappeared and faded into the sunset the natterjack toads start to croak and snipe start to drum which is just the most amazing feeling. There are also otters, natterjack toads, canada geese and tree sparrows. Within the reserve there are some great wildlife moments which i have enjoyed which i think the rest of the uk would like to see and there are badgers which hopefully you can see aswell!!

  • Comment number 69.

    I live in Cookham Berkshire and would love to show off our red kites. They are so common here they drop raw sausages, pinched from garden bbqs onto children playing in the park. A few people in the village feed them (controversially) and they put on the most amazing displays with up to 40 of them circling and diving. The buzzards lurk in the distance! I think it would make for an interesting article and could promote some discussion about their possible status as a pest bird again as there are members of the community who don't like have these enormous raptors wafting past at head hieght! For the record, I love them!

  • Comment number 70.

    Suggest the Isle of Arran, perhaps for one of the weekly specialist presenters.
    In a week you should see Golden Eagle, Raven, Hen Harrier, Red Squirrel, Otter,
    Gannet, Deer, Seal and Oyster Catcher. No foxes, no grey sqirrrels, no badgers (but
    we don't see them anyway).

  • Comment number 71.

    Here's an idea, How about showing crossbills in Autumnwatch.

  • Comment number 72.

    Thanks for a wonderful Springwatch. Autumnwatch wouldn't be the same without the deer on Rum. Perhaps you could fix tags to the presenters to see where they are migrating to Bill, Simon and Kate! We would love to hear more about the grass snakes so please, please can you record them emerging. See you in Autumn.

  • Comment number 73.

    Why don't you go to Knole Park in Sevenoaks, Kent. - you could focus on the deer and the resident ring - neck parakeets

  • Comment number 74.

    I absolutely loved watching springwatch and also loved keeping an eye on the cams during the day and through the night. Thank you so much you have taught me so much and inspired me to go out and learn more about nature, cant wait for Autumn watch even though it will mean the cold weather is on the way!!

    I cant fault the programme, keep up the good work!!

  • Comment number 75.

    Come to the Isle of Skye!! Has so much impressive wildlife. Sea Eagles and Golden Eagles are a regular site, as well as a large variety of other unusual species!! Plus lots of Whisky for the crew!! :D

  • Comment number 76.

    I would love to see more on Fungi, I record the fungi on my local patch for our ranger & would love to see how many different fungi there are growing up & down the country, getting an accurate picture countrywide is not an easy task & would love you to cover the subject in more depth.
    Thank you.

  • Comment number 77.

    I would like to suggest the Isle of North Uist. Perhaps the spring is better weather wise, but the area is beautiful any time of year. In the few days I was there last summer I saw Sea Eagles and Otters swam around the water just feet away from me as the sun was setting. Of course there is so much wildlife over there and so many different habitats from the machair to the 'carribean' looking beaches, mountains and lochs everywhere. It might be a better place to go for spring watch rather than autumn watch.

  • Comment number 78.

    Would like to add to my comment above that the walk to my daughters' school in the morning is punctuated by close heron encounters, green parakeets, nesting morhens, kestrels, kingfishers and stag beetles. Please visit Cookham!

  • Comment number 79.

    My ten year old and I would love to see Simon King in Autumn, will miss Kate and think Ynys Hir has been absolutely beautiful - more Wales definitely.

  • Comment number 80.

    Here's an idea, How about showing crossbills in Autumnwatch

  • Comment number 81.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 82.

    Ideas for Autumnwatch? How about greater in-depth coverage of foxes? The government may at any time introduce a bill to repeal the Hunting With Dogs Act. This would mean that people could legally set a pack of fifty hounds onto a fox to rip it to pieces. In the name of sport. Or chase hares and deer until they die.
    The more the public know about foxes the more they would find this behaviour abhorrent. Thus they would express their opinions to MPs and hopefully stop the return of this cruel sport in its tracks.
    If the Hunting Act can stay in place for a few more years, a new generation of people will be voting who will find the hunting of wild animals a bizarre, unnecessary and cruel form of entertainment. Autumnwatch could play a significant part in this by nurturing the public's innate love of wild animals

  • Comment number 83.

    There is a large area of land in the north west of Cumbria which has been left completely to nature since the end of the last war when it was owned by the American navy. It was purchased in the last few years by Allerdale Council and named Derwent Forest, they have recently sold the land and it is due for development . It would be fantastic if you could look over the area and assess what is living there before everything is destroyed.

  • Comment number 84.

    How about the water of leith in Edinburgh?
    Alread this year i have seen a mink (twice, or different ones), nesting moor hens and .. . otters! all within a miles stretch. Who knows what else is there?! I have heard of people spotting kingfishers, but not seen them personally.
    I think it's quite special purely for the ever growing variety of wild life in the heart of the capital city, amongst daily bustle of city life, and now punctuated by Anthony Gormley, standing figure, sculptures. - Do it!

  • Comment number 85.

    I would love to see some ways that we can use in our gardens to help all hibernating animals over the winter. We have always tried to think about nature and wildlife in our garden and as the winters have been very harsh of late, please give us some helpful hints and tips.
    I have been told that some birds will take shelter in birdboxes, sometime on mass when the weather turns colder....is this true and if so, have you any footage that may prove it??
    Thank you for the wonderful programmes...please keep up the good work.

  • Comment number 86.

    THANK YOU to everyone involved with Springwatch. It's been absolutely wonderful as always. The TV licence is worth it for Spring/Autumnwatch alone!

    Fab, fab, fab - my hub and I just love it. i get quite upset when it ends!

    Thank you again and long may these programmes continue.

  • Comment number 87.

    Lincolnshire is a vibrant, wildlife-rich county that is spectacularly under-reported and inadequately advertised by television. It is one of the five largest counties in England, and is a migration hot-spot. On the coast are:

    1 - Gibraltar Point. Migration hot-spot south of Skegness.
    2 - RSPB Frampton Marsh. Has attracted Black-winged Stilt, Oriental Pratincole, Collared Pratincole and Lesser Yellowlegs. Garganey is regular in summer. Water Vole can be found in a couple of locations on the reserve.
    3 - RSPB Freiston Shore. Ö÷²¥´óÐã to breeding avocets and Black-headed Gulls.
    4 - Straddling the Humber Bridge are two reserves. Far Ings (Lincs Wildlife Trust) and Water's Edge.
    5 - Alkborough Flats, 8 miles west of the Humber Bridge.
    6 - Donna Nook. Very large seal colony.
    7 - extensive mudflats / marshland between Mablethorpe and Grimsby. Tetney Lock, Saltfleetby/Theddlethorpe Dunes and Humberston Fitties being the main areas of bird interest.
    8 - Of course, there is the enormous Wash at the south of the county's coastline. Snettisham has been featured on Autumnwatch before, but the Lincolnshire side of the Wash is equally as good for wildfowl, waders and seals.

    The coast also attracts an impressive number of migratory rareties. Red-flanked Bluetail is a good possibility. Tawny Pipit has recently visited Tetney.

    Inland, Snipe Dales has a sizeable Grass Snake population and butterfly diversity, as does Crowle Moor right up in the far north-west of the county. Peregrines have nested on Lincoln Cathedral and Grantham's St Wulfram's Church and on Louth's St James' Church. A small population of Ravens can be found around the National Trust's Belton House. A new reserve is being developed at Willow Tree Fen west of Spalding. Another good site for wildfowl are the gravel pits at Kirkby-on-Bain, which have, in recent years attracted Ring-necked Duck and Smew. More snakes can be found on nearby Kirkby Moor. A juvenile White-tailed Eagle has recently, and on numerous occasions been sighted on the eastern fringe of the Lincolnshire Wolds. The farmland around the western side of Boston is excellent for Brown Hare and Rabbit. Deer and Green Woodpecker can be seen in Boston's cemetery.

    As you can plainly see, Lincolnshire would certainly not disappoint wildlife-watchers and film crews!

  • Comment number 88.

    In Autumnwatch I would like to see red squirrels preferably in Cumbria or Northumberland.

  • Comment number 89.

    Dolphins are quite hard to spot around the southern coast of england. But they are very easy to spot in northern areas of scotland and remote northern places in England. So why are they really hard to find on the south coast. Could you investigate for me. I'm dying to know the answer. Thanks

  • Comment number 90.

    I would like to see the wildlife that live alongside Mercia's numerous and diverse lakes. Whether ornimental, commercial reservoir, or water sporting, family picknicking, artist inspired leisure pools. They are all treasures that by a lot of people, but not all, but alot, who just drive through Mercia and find it boring or full of strange people for some reason, go unhunted and unappreciated. This is so unfair when there is a lot of beautiful scenery, wildlife, plants, parks, forests and meadows etc, etc. Please show off this spectrum of grace, show to all that Mercia is full of treasures just waiting to be found.

  • Comment number 91.

    Would like to see an update on the red deer of rum. And could we have an Autumn Watch Unsprung? I mean its not just spring where viwers could send in items and such.

  • Comment number 92.

    Hi Tim
    The Pocklington Canal is a wonderful environment all year round but especially in Autumn, with beautiful autumn colours in the foliage reflections in the canal water surface.
    To see an example of this diverse canal please look on YouTube under Pocklington Canal 'a walk along the canal' - a slideshow I have created.
    There are a few local people with much knowledge about the canal.
    Recently I sent you three photos of - otter spraint, large fresh water mussel and a large bug.
    The otter spraint I found two days ago on a landing stage, and I caught sight of an otter swimming across the canal, but didnt have my camera with me!
    I hope this info is enough to whet your appetite for a visit to the canal, the slideshow gives more information
    carol booth

  • Comment number 93.

    Thanks for asking us. Please, please could we have something on fungi ?
    They are very autumnal and folks so often ignore them or don't understand their beauty and variety.
    You did very briefly show about three types in the studio in a previous Autumnwatch - but if you are planning pre-filming in a location maybe you could do some time-lapse on their development to obtain some 'movement' in them.
    Many fungi are dependent upon a particular type of tree or plantlife so you could add variety by looking at - say - beech woods; birch woods and coniferous.

  • Comment number 94.

    I think you have to try and avoid repeating yourselves too much. It's difficult, I know, as the show has been going for a few years now. There has perhaps been an over-dependence on birds and mammals - for obvious reasons - but there is some scope for looking more at fungi, plants and invertebrates. You could also inject variety by doing more on activities that people can potentially do themselves, such as wild food, drawing & painting, sculpture, photography (e.g. macro techniques), sound recording, practical conservation work and wildlife gardening. A good future base for a series - perhaps Springwatch rather than Autumnwatch - would be the isle of Mull, as it has such a concentration of varied wildlife. Perhaps an autumn visit to that Scottish estate (Allerdale?) where they have exotic re-introductions such as elk and boar would also provide interest, if the owners are amenable. Generally, it keeps the show lively by having humorous presenters with a bit of personality. I watched every show.

  • Comment number 95.

    There is a new nature reserve in Preston, Lancashire called Brockholes - unusual location, bit different

  • Comment number 96.

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  • Comment number 97.

    There are many people out there who do much conservation, much of it, as voluntary, in their spare time. I think that, it would be good to award these people for their work, make films about their work. Also, much more on how to HELP wildlife and schemes to get involved with

  • Comment number 98.

    Definately Dumfries and Galloway. Thousands of overwintering geese and whooper swans, otters on the River Nith, variety of habitats red squirrels.
    A veritable cornucopia.

  • Comment number 99.

    RSPB Leighton Moss: Bearded Tits on grit trays. Also we know where Hen Harriers come back down from on high for winter. Also work at an amazingly huge Public School estate where I am trying to get all to focus on biodiversity (not happening at mo) and we have Heath, moor, river, woodland, pasture (species often seen: roe deer, badger, tawney , barn owl, fox, brown hare, stoat, rabbit, mink and I have found tracks and signs (spraint) of otters... Need big advoce about how to get our boarding students (African, Mexican, Asian, European and UK) interested in Biodiversity in our priviledged setting (15 miles from Leighton Moss) Come on AW.....

  • Comment number 100.

    What about coming to the Isle of Skye? Wonderful wildlife including whales and dolphins. Easy access to Raasay (totally unspoilt) and Western Isles.


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