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A short taste of summer on the way

Paul Hudson

After a spell of very unsettled weather, the jet stream is expected to move northwards in the next 24 hours, leading to a spell of fine and warm weather from Wednesday.

Computer models have recently been indicating that high pressure would become established across the UK around the middle of the month, with temperatures by Friday in Yorkshire and Lincolnshire reaching 21C (70F).

As usual the biggest area of uncertainty will be the longevity of the fine and warm weather.

Unfortunately current indications suggest that the early taste of summer will be a short lived one, with unsettled conditions returning to some areas during the second half of the weekend and lasting through next week.

The prediction of an early breakdown in this fine weather is based on a range of computer models, using standard meteorology.

Of possible interest to some readers is an alternative prediction from , published in early May, which is based on solar considerations.

Their forecast is hugely different, predicting heat-wave conditions to develop next week, lasting until the end of the month by which time a thundery breakdown would be under way.

It will be very interesting to see which scenario is correct.


This week's weather show features the climate of Antarctica and the torando season in America, which is now available on the

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