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Jimi Mistry Leaves Strictly

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Ö÷²¥´óÐã Eurovision Andrew Ö÷²¥´óÐã Eurovision Andrew | 20:00 UK time, Sunday, 7 November 2010

Jimi MistryÌýandÌýFlavia CacaceÌýbecame theÌýfifth couple to leave this year's Strictly Come Dancing. TheÌýHollywood heart-throbÌýperformed anÌýQuickstepÌýlast night butÌýwas eliminated from the competition by a combination of the judges' scores and the public vote.

We caught up withÌýa host of familiar facesÌýfor their reactions to Jimi's dramatic exit. ÌýWatch our exclusive video here and let us know your thoughts on tonight's results by leaving a comment below.



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  • Comment number 1.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 2.

    This weekend's result has knocked me for six.

    I've grown so attached to Jimi & Flavia and saw them as genuine contenders after their wonderful Quickstep. It broke my heart to see the beaming smile on Jimi's face replaced by tears.

  • Comment number 3.

    absolute outrage

    do the honourable thing and step aside ann

  • Comment number 4.

    Madness this should not have happend.

    I know Anne is funny to watch in the beginning now it's not anymore.
    Jimmy and Michelle had no bussiness being in the bottem 2.

  • Comment number 5.

    can't believe it. Jimi was one of my favorites and I thought he danced brilliantly. Please public, get some sense and stop voting for Anne, I don't want to see more good dancers leaving before her :(

  • Comment number 6.

    I am so disappointed by yet another week when Anne Widdicombe has got through when once again much better dancers do not. Enough is enough - why is the Ö÷²¥´óÐã pandering to the ridiculous public reality show mentality. Its boring and loses credibility! No wonder Craig is being so critical.

  • Comment number 7.

    Another ridiculous result, but that is SCD for you. I found Jimi Mistry much more entertaining as a person and a dancer than Anne Widdecombe. It is becoming a farce now, yet another year ruined by the urge to improve the ratings.

  • Comment number 8.


  • Comment number 9.

    Pooooor Jimmi. He was about 5th best!

    Not keen on the frankly libelous comments on the hapless Ann tho :( - even
    though it plainly shoulda been her turn to go.

  • Comment number 10.

    seriously?? How can this be allowed to happen? Anne is a terrible dancer and I am getting really fed up with her 'sketch' routines every week, she isn't entertaining me! This is a dance competition, and we are loosing good dancers at the expense of a woman who can't dance!! It's a disgrace.

  • Comment number 11.

    people have got to stop voting for Ann Widdicombe - her dancing is a joke. Good dancers are now getting knocked out while she stays. Jimi & Flavia should not have gone tonight.

  • Comment number 12.

    please bring back the dance off, this situation is ridiculous. Ann, bless her, can't dance! Jimi could, this is becoming a farse.

  • Comment number 13.

    I have to state that this must be a Ö÷²¥´óÐã fix - how on earth is Ann managing to stay in.

    Sorry i will continue watching but i wont bother to vote as i think it counts for nothing. The public should be voting on ability not stupidity but the bbc probably cause a change to keep it entertaining.

  • Comment number 14.

    Gutted for Jimmy and Flavia. Please please please folks let this be the last time a good dancer is voted off the show at the expense of people who just can't dance! Such a shame - people, please think carefully before you vote next time, otherwise imagine what the final is going to look like!!!!

  • Comment number 15.

    think its now gone on too long, anne really needs to look at herself and leave. This kind of result will only end up harming the show as good dancers are now starting to leave all for the sake of a talentless donkey staying in. leave now before everyone stops watching the show as its becoming a joke.

  • Comment number 16.

    Noooooo. A joke is not funny when it has gone too far!!! Glad the judges are cracking down on the lifts every dance was beginning to look the same.

  • Comment number 17.

    watching jimmy get kicked out bosses at bbc must be in a sweat that the great dancing talent that is ann widacombe might actual win this popularity contest oh sorry i mean dancing give the judges power back please

  • Comment number 18.

    Complete and utter rubbish. Ö÷²¥´óÐã degenerates into its usual farcical entertainment show instead of a proper dance competition.

    Jimi and Flavia did not deserve to go out under any circumstances. Brendan and Michelle equally didnt deserve the bottom two. Should have been Ann.

    But have you all noticed that Len has started saying this is an entertainment show, so the Beeb have got to him too.

  • Comment number 19.


  • Comment number 20.

    I thought this was Strictly Come DANCING.

    Yet again I'm thoroughly aghast by the way Anne is still in the show. Yes it's an entertainment show, but it's a DANCING competition.

    I thought Craig was harsh with Jimmy and Flavia but that's his opinion and I feel it swayed the public.

    I'm sorry but I think it's *bleeping* ridiculous that great dancers are going out when someone who clearly can't dance is still in.

  • Comment number 21.

    change the rules, this is ridiculous now!

  • Comment number 22.

    Once again the public are making a mockery of this show!!! ITS A DANCE COMPETITON!!!!!! When is Ann going to do the decent thing and take a leaf out of John Sargent's book!!! Jimi did NOT deserve to go at all!!

  • Comment number 23.

    Jimmy should be saved its a disgrace. Bring back the judges dance off. Ann should not be there now come on Jo Public stop being sentimental and vote on dancing ability!

  • Comment number 24.

    You went out on a high point and danced beautifully. Robbed non the less.

    Proves to everyone you MUST vote to save your favourite. You cannot rely on leader board position or someone else voting for you.

  • Comment number 25.

    this has turned into a joke bbc you need to get it back on track to show the talent and improvement that stars show and develop through the series which is the whole point of the show!!

    Disgraceful - Ann should have gone long ago she makes a ball room dancing look a joke!

  • Comment number 26.

    It's supposed to be a dance show and yet one of the best couples have been sent home. It's not fair that you have the likes of anne left. Its turning into the lets have a laugh at anne show rather than a genuine dance show.

  • Comment number 27.

    I agree, it's outrageous that such good dancers are now being forced out of the show. Anne certainly was entertaining, but it the performance last night was the poorest of all the performers, and is becoming repetitive and painful to watch now. This is a dance competition, and Anne is not improving, whilst the remaining contenders are.
    I honestly couldn't believe that Jimmy lost out, and really felt for him.

  • Comment number 28.

    Oh dear, loved Flavia, she will be missed.

  • Comment number 29.

    Jimmi was great this week. I cannot believe that the British public kept Anne & Anton in. She's not funny anymore. Definately time to go. Keeping her in at the expense of some decent dancers!!!! Show losing all cedibility.

  • Comment number 30.

    Unbelievable, is this a dance show or not? Ann should leave, if this continues millions will switch off do you want the series to be a farce? The judges should decide the last two rather than the Ö÷²¥´óÐã trying to get as much money through the phone calls.

  • Comment number 31.

    For goodness sake, my Sunday evening has been completely ruined.The beeb really must change the format for next year or be a bit more careful about who is invited to take part.

  • Comment number 32.

    No dance off, no fairness! Strictly continues to become a popularity contest akin to our friends at ITV and their rival show, surely "best man wins" is the only way to go if Strictly is to continue as a dance competition? Sort it out Beeb!!!

  • Comment number 33.

    I am appalled! Tonight's results confirm what I thought at the start of the series: you have ruined the format by taking away the dance off.
    Since the show began you have slowly and surely eroded the whole point of having the judges there in the first place.
    It is becoming a farce when people who clearly will NEVER be able to dance are allwoed to go on week after week after week.
    I am so fed up with the whole thing.

  • Comment number 34.

    This has become a farce I agree, people should think about the reason they vote, afterall it is about the dancing

  • Comment number 35.

    It is absolutely ridiculous that the good dancers are being penalised and knocked out of the competion so a minority can laugh and joke at the disgraceful performance Ann displays week in and week out. I feel sorry also for Anton who is being made a laughing stock.

  • Comment number 36.

    Oh so sad that Jimmy & Flavia have been voted off.....there were quite a few couples that should have gone before them. I will miss his happy smiling demeanour...Take heart Jimmy....you definitely deserved to still be in the competition. Not sure who to support now....but am certain it WON'T be Anne Widdecome.

  • Comment number 37.

    Why don't the Ö÷²¥´óÐã set up another show for Ann and Anton as a comedy and leave the dancers to continue in the dance competition. I agree with others that they were funny to start with but others who are improving each week and getting knocked out, let's get back to a proper dance competition

  • Comment number 38.

    I'm in shock, I think Jimi was brilliant, didn't know much about him before the show apart from seeing him in a couple of movies, but he is a real star, what a gentleman. Jimi we will miss you, you've got the best smile in the show. Very sad night indeed.

  • Comment number 39.

    There is some speculation with the male pro dancers and their sexuality, but does anyone know if any of the female pro dancers are gay?

  • Comment number 40.

    This is JUST RIDICULOUS......thought this was a 'DANCE' competition, we are avid followers here in IRELAND but really........so disappointed.......BRING BACK THE DANCE OFF and let the people who care about DANCING have the final say!!

  • Comment number 41.

    Absolutely disgusting result. I feel like boycotting the show. I have watched programme ever since it started. I am so angry. I think you need to change format at end and get judges to chose who goes when it is the last two. It has really spoilt my evening.

    From A very upset and Avivid Ö÷²¥´óÐã viewer Jackie Douglass

  • Comment number 42.

    Absolutely gutted Jimi and Flavia should so not of gone tonight...public voting should remember that this is a dance show when voting; if this carries on and we keep losing the good dancers i will no longer be watching I WANT TO SEE DANCING....
    Bring back the dance off !!!

  • Comment number 43.

    I love Strictly but I am getting so frustrated that the good dancers are leaving when those less able are left behind, Jimmy you were fab and don't deserve to leave, I feel for you so much.

  • Comment number 44.

    Come on Ö÷²¥´óÐã, this is beyond a joke now, I thought this was to be a dance comp!!!!

  • Comment number 45.

    Absolutely disgraceful that Jimmy went and that useless woman stayed in!

    Change the system, it's a dance competition not a comedy show.

    This threatens to spoil this series and our enjoyment of it.

  • Comment number 46.

    What a joke - how is Ann still in this competition? Is it rigged? - how can Jimmi and Flavia be going? They are brilliant together and getting better with every dance. Isn't about time that Anton started getting coupled with partners that may actually win through dancing and not just by making the country have a good laugh - There is no bloody justice that they are still dancing whilst the couples that have real emerging talent are getting voted off!! Come on people!! Seriously?

  • Comment number 47.

    Is this Strictly Come DANCING or Strinctly Mickey Take???
    Come on people, stop voting for the worst 'dancer' on the show and let's have some common sense now! For Jimi to go is absolutely farcical.
    Let the programme continue as it did in the first few series as a dancing show, not a mockery!

  • Comment number 48.

    I have never commented on here before but I had to tonight. Strictly is about learning to dance , good improving dancers are leaving the show whilst a dancer who is showing zero talent and no improvement is staying in. I wont be watching again and I have watched since the show began - shame.

  • Comment number 49.

    There is a real danger that Ann could win! John Sergeant stepped aside to avoid this eventuality. I rather doubt Ann will do the same. What a complete farce this season is turning into. It is a sell out.

  • Comment number 50.

    What a shame. I know Ann is getting votes for entertainment but Jimmy was entertaining as well as showing a lot of promise. I wish the public would listen to the judges. They do know what they are talking about.

  • Comment number 51.

    I am gutted that Jimmy has been knocked out! Although Anne is fun, it is time for her to leave.

  • Comment number 52.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 53.

    I so agree with the comments tonight, sorry firstly this is a dancing competion, Ann Widdecombe can NOT dance its been lovely watching her BUT Jimmy CAN dance so why has he has gone. Surely she has to go before any more GOOD dances go! Come on Ö÷²¥´óÐã do something about this before we are back in the same mess like last year!

  • Comment number 54.

    agree with all the comments about to-nights result. Ann should do the honpourable thing and leave. Its gone too far now. Jimmy and Flavia should not have gone. Absolutely terrible. So disappointed.

  • Comment number 55.

    What a joke strictly has become - good dancers are leaving and Anne is left when it's quite clear she can't dance at all. Won't be watching it again

  • Comment number 56.

    Shame! The bookies may be shortening the odds on Ann winning SCD but please let's get some sense here and not lose any more good dancers!

  • Comment number 57.


    Watching Ann and Anton was funny at first but it really ruins the show for me when the good dancers start to leave.

  • Comment number 58.

    I'm all for a bit of comedy, but this result is ridiculous. Jimi did not deserve to go - I feel very sorry for him and Flavia. Next year, please don't invite people who have zero dance talent to join the show. Most viewers want to see celebrities who can truly learn how to dance better and provide real entertainment. This year may be ruined...

  • Comment number 59.

    Absolutely agree with all comments. The one show where hard work and talent counts. I refuse to watch Ann dance again while Jimmi and Flavia are not there. Last time I have watched Strictly. Viewers are not to blame the producers make the rules.

  • Comment number 60.

    What on earth is going on.....has someone lost their marbles...No way should Jimi & Flavia have been kicked out.
    Ann was good for a laugh in the beginning but now to loose someone with talent over someone like her is beyond a joke let alone beyond belief...come on Ö÷²¥´óÐã play the game...
    If Ann is not kicked off next week then I am just 1 of many who will no-longer watch the show...Its a farce or fix but either way its wrong.
    I don't pay my tv licence for this!!!

  • Comment number 61.

    shocked jimi left he did so well! gavin and michelle should have been in the bottom two and gavin should have left - he just gets through for showing his chest off, its so annoying. glad matt and pamela went through!

  • Comment number 62.

    The result tonight is an absolute sin. I really feel for Jimi and Flavia.
    What are the general public thinking about.

  • Comment number 63.

    Absolute joke. I dont know how Ann can stand there and let it happen.

  • Comment number 64.

    The Judges should be given the chance to save one of the final two as they were able to do last year. The way it works now the show could lose one of its best dancers beforetime just because the public waste their vote.

  • Comment number 65.

    I cannot believe Jimmy and Flavia are out. This result makes a farce of the whole programme. Bring back the dance off!

  • Comment number 66.

    This is absolutely awful ! Jimi and Flavia should not have gone tonight.
    Enough with the 'entertainment' thanks A W ! Step aside and let the dancing competition go on......... Jimi and Flavia always entertain !

  • Comment number 67.

    As a fan of strictly since the first series, it saddens me to see the show ruined by people voting for contestants who clearly have no dancing talent. Sad to see Jimi and Flavia leave tonight. Come on the voting public open your eyes to the talent its not a comedy show.

  • Comment number 68.

    I can't believe that Jimi Mistry is out of Strictly. He is such a natural dancer. This is so UNFAIR to him and to us viewers. He is an absolute pleasure to watch dancing. So, so, so unfair.

  • Comment number 69.

    I can't believe this! What an absolute nonsense of a result. Come on, viewers, vote for the dancing - it IS supposed to be a dance show. Poor Jimmy, he couldn't speak - he and Flavia certainly didn't deserve that.
    I know Ann and Antoine are funny (up to a point) but this is going beyond reasonable. Get rid of them or stop watching. If you want "entertainment", watch a different programme. This is dancing.

  • Comment number 70.

    BRING BACK JIMMI, get someone who can count!

    Michelle, needed to go, one good dance does not make a dancer.....................at least anne entertains I go to sleep when michelles on

    PLEASE Ö÷²¥´óÐã>>BRING BACK JIMMI.......he deserves the chance

  • Comment number 71.

    Everyone appreciates that Strictly is an entertainment show but this is getting ridiculous and good people who try hard are leaving at the expense of Ann Widdecombe. I sincerely hope the Ö÷²¥´óÐã learn from this for next year; a decision needs to be made - is this a show where the celebrities who take part are expected to become reasonable dancers while entertaining us or is it just to be a giggle in future, the latter of course would not require a judging panel if the Ö÷²¥´óÐã are looking to save more money!

  • Comment number 72.

    Absolutely ridiculous that Ann is still here - she should do the right thing and offer to go. Bring back the judges final vote as well.

  • Comment number 73.

    Jimi and Flavia did not deserve to leave the show it is outrageous. The judges should decide who leaves out of the final two, not the public. This is a dancing COMPETITION, the best dancers should stay.

  • Comment number 74.

    agree with other comments - Anne & Anton funny at first but this is ridiculous now that good dancers are being voted off. Why do the powers at be continue to tinker with the format - why no more dance off (not that it would have made a difference to the bottom two this week). I can only think as said previously its for the viewing ratings. Have been an avid viewer for the past series but getting a bit fed up with the situation now.

  • Comment number 75.

    When will this farce end?? Just accept the judges vote.They know what they are talking about. This happens every year & everyone seems so surprised They all work so hard but it means nothing.

  • Comment number 76.

    Couldn't agree more Madge .. this is now getting ridiculous! I am very tired of the whole Ann Widdecombe thing. Joke has worn thin and I am also fed up with the way she argues back as if she has a right to be there. Sadly,it doesn't seem as though she will do the honourable thing and "retire" as John Sargeant did

  • Comment number 77.

    Cannot believe Jimi and Flavia have been voted off. What is the point is there for voting for your favourites when 2 of the worst dancers get through week in week out. This is slowly becoming a farce now as the public seem to sympathy vote certain dancers through and we lose the better dancers. Its time for the public to wake up and vote the GOOD dancers through instead of sympaty voting or to see how bad the following week will be.
    And don't get me started on Craig and his low voting, which I think is to get rid of the dancers he doesn't like.
    Hopefully next week the public will wake up and realise this is a dancing competition not a popularity contest.

  • Comment number 78.

    We can't believe it. Jimi and Flavia were one of our favourites....PLEASE bring back the dance off so that no-one else that good will go too soon.

  • Comment number 79.

    I totally agree with everyone I haven't even watched the results yet but accidentally saw on the homepage and it's a disgrace. I'm heartbroken that Jimi's gone, this shouldn't happen! I'm losing the will to watch this program and that's a lot coming from me.

    Still can't believe Jimi's gone...


  • Comment number 80.

    I have watched every single series of Strictly Come Dancing and now I have to say that the judging must change in some way. Tonight's result was absolutely disgraceful! The dancers are supposed to be judged on their dance ability and not their entertainment ability!! Perhaps, if the public are unable to understand that particular concept, then the way that the show is judged should be changed in the future. Afterall, what is the point of these celebreties practising all hours with the view to being as professional as possible when Ann can just be thrown around the floor like a sack of tatties and still get through to next week? I am disgusted and will have to stop watching if this continues.

  • Comment number 81.

    Sorry to see Jimi go. Dancing seemed to be a lot to him. However, I can just be glad to have seen the dances he did.

  • Comment number 82.

    Totally frustrating, its Sargentgate all over again. It takes the fun out of watching SCD when celebrities who have no dancing ability remain in the show.

  • Comment number 83.

    well what is going on, not a good vote off

  • Comment number 84.

    This wasn't fair at all. Wake up people and stop voting for Ann. I'm really upset about Jimmi to go. Wake up people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 85.

    WHAT? COSA? CHE? WAS? Quoi?
    Strictly voting MUST change!!! What is Ann still doing there? Who is voting? Jimmy and Flavia did not deserve to be sent out. You were great guys and you know it!
    Rubbish! Rubbish Voting System!!!

  • Comment number 86.

    Well that was ridiculous. I am so cross I am at the point of not watching anymore. I love strictly but cutting the dance off was a big mistake. If Anne is in the final it definitely won't be worth watching. You will lose a lot of viewers this way producers.

  • Comment number 87.

    Can't believe Jimi and Flavia are out. Not fair. Good dancers should still be in the competition. Was great to see Jimi and Flavia dance and it's a real shame they're not going to be there next week. Will be missed. My 6-year old daughter is particularly sad about it!

  • Comment number 88.

    I AM, FOR WANT OF A BETTER EXPRESSION, GOB SMACKED!!! It brought tears to my eyes to see poor Jimi and Flavia go out tonight. Are the general public MAD. Why, when there is so much uproar on here and in the audience, are there so many people voting for Ann Widdecombe??? All I can think is they are supporting Anton who has a VERY difficult task with her. As has been said before THIS IS A DANCE COMPETITION. The joke is wearing pretty thin now.

  • Comment number 89.

    How can ann live with herself? More to the point how can anyone honestly have it in them to pick up the phone and vote for someone who had no charleston steps in her dance, yet who believes herself to deserve to still be in this competition? BRING BACK THE DANCE OFF!

  • Comment number 90.

    How absurd can it get! Tina last week (no way bottom 2) and this week Jimmy. The hole concept of a dance competition is so flawed by the system. Widdi, Patsi and 2 others far worse than Jimmy. Total farce!

  • Comment number 91.

    Who are these people who keep voting to keep Ann and Anton in.I was shocked that Jimmi left tonight and once again Ann was saved please God can others not see how rubbish she is its time for her to go and let the dancing begin in earnest. Each week she remains another far better dancer is voted off its frightening to think she could actually go on to win this WHAT A TRAVESTY that would be. GET HER OFF NEXT WEEK PLEASE

  • Comment number 92.

    We totally agree with the comments. Stupid result. Totally unfair. Jimi should not have gone, we do not want Ann in the show, not funny or entertaining to watch. It's a dance comp for goodness sake!! She can't dance! Who is voting???

  • Comment number 93.

    There is a clue in the title as to why I watch this programme.....STRICTLY DANCING. I do not watch it as a comedy programme despite Brendan's valiant efforts. The producers should rename the programme Strictly COMEDY Dancing. Ö÷²¥´óÐã have just lost another viewer.

  • Comment number 94.

    so sorry Jimi has gone this is a dance show why is anne still there jan

  • Comment number 95.

    There is no greater fan than I of this programmme but tonights result is an insult to the other competitors. For good ness sake and to restore the quality of the programme remove Anne Widdecome. She is a disgrace to the programme, an embarrassment to Anton and to herself.

  • Comment number 96.

    Nooooooo Jimmy!!!!

  • Comment number 97.

    Abolishing the dance off was a huge mistake. That way at least the judges had some final say and let's face it, they are the experts.
    This has taken all the fun out of the show for us. Bad move.

  • Comment number 98.

    Oh my goodness as a true strictly fan this is riduclous. Hopefully Ann, or at least Anton as a professional will find the decency to step aside before Strictly is ruined in the eyes of true fans. Hopefully Ö÷²¥´óÐã will re-think losing the dance-off for next year, after all it is a dancing competition and not a comedy show.

  • Comment number 99.

    This is now becoming a total joke,REAL TALENT and potential is now being lost.Widdecome must GO!!!.Or it will risk laughing stock status. It's a dance competion not a cartoon.!!!.

  • Comment number 100.

    Enough is enough. The programme has become a joke. Taking away the judges' final decision has left it open to the voting public's perversity. It's a gimmick which has ruined a good show. I am giving up watching.


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