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♥ Strictly Romance! ♥

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Ö÷²¥´óÐã Emily Ö÷²¥´óÐã Emily | 15:54 UK time, Friday, 3 December 2010

So Craig Revel Horwood thinks we've "finally had some passion" on the series!

Our couples'ÌýsizzlingÌýdances haveÌýignited the judges' imagination. As Len Goodman remarked, "we've seen a bit of a spark. Tonight; a fire!" Which is just what we all need during this ice cold December!

But what does it take to inject a bit of romance into a performance? Is it in the eyes? The hips? And what must our remaining couples do in order to portray more passion than Nigella in a sausage shop?

We caught up with our much loved Strictly Show Dancers to find out how the pros ensure their performance is more ‘seductive’ than ‘sedative’.

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So what do you think are the ingredients of a romantic and passionate performance?

And which couple do you thinkÌýcreates the most heat?

Need help deciding? You can still watch the likes of Matt Baker, Scott Maslen, Ann Widdecombe, Gavin Henson, Pamela Stephenson and Kara Tointon in our Live Show Highlights section of the website.


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  • Comment number 1.

    I think Matt and Aliona have the most passion on the dance floor. Their dances are always very seductive. Matt act's the emotion of the dance very well. Even in week two he had that seductive quality to his dancing. As you can tell I'm hooked.

  • Comment number 2.

    Definitely Matt and Aliona. He is constistently good. Gives me goosebumps while most of the others have me cringing, sorry!!!!

  • Comment number 3.

    Matt and Aliona are the best dancers in the series this year. The joodges always disgracefully undermark them but they are head and shoulders above any other partnership

  • Comment number 4.

    Why did Scott get 9 on Saurday - was a mistake or a fiddle

  • Comment number 5.

    Got to be Ann and Anton - they have far and away the most passion and romance, which is probably why they make such a great dancing couple. Not sure which was best though, the Rumba or the Samba. What do other people think?

  • Comment number 6.

    @ Plum3,
    Was that comment actually serious? I mean, no offence or anything, but Ann and Anton are terrible!! I totally agree with Craig (for once) about the ice berg showing more emotion than Ann. I though their Samba and their Rumba were almost mocking the show. They defiantly DON'T have the most passion and romance, if any to be honest. I think either Gavin and Katya or Matt and Aliona have the most passion and romance.

  • Comment number 7.

    Deffo Mattiona When Matt starts a dance with That Look in his eyes, it's nothing but romantic. That's the look on his fact at the top of this screen as the clip starts, btw.

  • Comment number 8.

    Matt & Aliona - can't argue with that picture at top of this page!

  • Comment number 9.

    The couple with the most chemistry and passion in their dancing is definately Kara and Artem. Their dancing takes my breath away.

  • Comment number 10.

    Matt & Aliona without a shadow of a doubt! Their AT & rumba were just spine tingling!

  • Comment number 11.

    willowthewisp999.....you may just have asthma, I will lend you my inhaler!!!!!!

  • Comment number 12.

    Definitely Matt and Aliona!! Their Rumba was amazing - great chemistry - and the clip at the top of the page says it all :)

  • Comment number 13.

    Clearly Matt and Aliona - they are a class apart

  • Comment number 14.

    Looks like Mattiona win this one, hands down!

  • Comment number 15.

    The chemistry between Matt and Aliona is out of this world. Great partnership! They are just lovely as they are, no pretence/pretend or anything like that, it's just honest and genuine.

  • Comment number 16.

    It must be easier for Kara & Artem to produce the 'chemistry' as they are supposed to be dating but unfortunately I personally do not feel this with them. Matt & Aliona have been consistently good and this is all down to their 'chemistry and partnership'. It is an inspired pairing. For me its Matt & Aliona.

  • Comment number 17.

    Matt and Aliona. They ooze sex appeal on the dance floor. The dancing from them is very earthy. They have wonderful chemsistry.

  • Comment number 18.

    The photo at the top of this article sums it up.Just look at the intensity and connection between the two of them. If Matt want married they'd make a wonderful couple. Their dancing has that bedroom feel to it - I mean that in a good way. Like they're goign to head back and make love just after they dance. Hot.

  • Comment number 19.

    Was that comment actually serious? I mean, no offence or anything, but Ann and Anton are terrible!! I totally agree with Craig (for once) about the ice berg showing more emotion than Ann.

    well, I most of thje time agree with Craig, but the iceberg did showed more emotion than Ann, Seriously

  • Comment number 20.

    Haven't seen any real, convincing, chemistry this year. Plenty of great dances and better-than-adequate acting, but, bizarrely enough, even James and Ola's Rhumba last week didn't work for me in the sizzle department. A brilliant performance, as one would expect from that pair, but the only part of it that 'rang true' for me was that little kiss at the end. Even that wasn't sexy/romantic. It came across as pure reassurance - a couple of mates saying to each other "job done. we are still good."

  • Comment number 21.

    Got to be Kara & Artem.

    Matt just seems too nice to be naughty.

  • Comment number 22.

    Has to be Matt and Aliona. Tremendous chemistry on the dance floor. They are very seductive together. They use their eyes a lot to help sell the dance and actually Matt does that a lot anyway. Watch his interviews. he'll give a woman an intense look which makes them all go giggley a putty in his hands.

    Sorry but Kara and Artem for a rumoured real couple have zero chemistry while they dance. Its technically ok but sterile.

  • Comment number 23.

    Good luck for Saturday to Matt and Aliona. Also good luck to the judges that they have a better view of the dancing than last week!!!

  • Comment number 24.

    Without a doubt Matt and Aliona

  • Comment number 25.

    Acertrees - come and join the Mattiona blog - you certainly seem to feel the same as the rest of us!

  • Comment number 26.

    O.M.G!!! Kara and Artem, zero chemistry and sterile?
    Specs Savers comes to mind. Agree with MrsArcanum, matts to much of a sweetie pie and needs to get some attitude.

  • Comment number 27.

    I enjoy the dance relationship of James and Pamela. They enjoy their training and they bring that enjoyment onto the floor on Saturday night.

  • Comment number 28.

    With Matt and Aliona I'm always lost in the story of the dance, which is what makes their dances stay with me longest. However beautifully executed their dances are, there's always this undercurrent of rawness that makes it feel just that little bit more real, for me.

    By this stage in the show most of the couples have built up a strong bond of trust between them, and it's lovely to see that showcased on the dancefloor.

  • Comment number 29.

    There is definitely chemistry between Kara and Artem! I like Matt and Aliona, but im not sure if they are quite as connected as is being suggested lol! Annn and Anton definitely have something special, doubt it is romantic though! Pamela and James are clearly comfortable enough in their respective relationships to flirt freely with nothing more being invovled! I think Gavin has a wonderful romance with a certain someone, but it is not Katya!!! :)

  • Comment number 30.

    My apologies for neglecting Scott and Natalie...although I don't think there is much romance there!

  • Comment number 31.

    Gavin romantic....hmmmm....oh, yes, I see!!!! ;)

  • Comment number 32.

    Agree that kara and artem are v goodd but considering they're meant to be dating each other you'd expect it to be more. Surprisingly I think matt and aliona seem to have a better connection as was seen in the V Waltz and AS.

  • Comment number 33.

    This one is a no brainer ... just go back and have a proper look at the photo at the top of this blog! Matt and Aliona's dancing and chemistry is spell-binding. A proper partnership with them looking to each other for support and encouragement, not just pupil looking at teacher for guidance.

  • Comment number 34.

    Without question the couple with the most romance in their dancing has to be Matt and Aliona.
    the most romantic dances so far...Rumba (check out the pic above!!!!) the Argentine Tango...wow..that was intense....and the American Smooth ..which was so emotional i cried..(i will not comment on the stupid scores here grrrrrr!)
    How anyone can say that Matt is not sexy needs their eyes testing!!
    ......sorry need a lie down now!

  • Comment number 35.

    Better get my eyes checked then, thanks for the tip.

  • Comment number 36.

    Sorry can look at the photo for hours & I still won't get that indefinable spark.

  • Comment number 37.

    Think some getting a wee bit carried away. I am mainly a Kara fan but also like and can see the excellence in Matt and Scott- and I am one of those who Doesn't see why you have to put down others to show dedication to one team - maybe with the exception of Ann and Anton who need to go now.
    Think if that still shot for the clip had been of any of the other celebs in their dances it could be seen as having passion etc.
    With Matt don't think it's passion - hes to nice but guess its in the eye of the viewer - I do think they have a great chemistry as do K&A (who I think have shown passion since the paso and have a real connection that could be seen at the end of the American smooth)- both teams just work as do Scott and Nat who also have a good partnership, probably been the best year for partnerships - i.e the top four couples.
    For me Kara and Matt in the final and let it be about dancing!! No flying Widdy's please.

  • Comment number 38.

    You're a very calming influence vlat, Kara and Matt for the final.


  • Comment number 39.

    When I see screen caps of Matt and Aliona's dances I always find them quite intimate. I feel slightly voyeuristic.Thats as it should be in the sexy dances theyve been doing. When they were first paired up I never expected them to be so hot and passionate together but it works. Its been a delight over the last few weeks to watch them. I agree that Kara and her partner dont seem sexy together when they dance. Sometimes I dont get what people are seeing in Kara's dances. Each to their own I suppose. Matt and Aliona's dances are stuffed full of passion and I'm amazed at how well Matt has handled this side of the dancing. I'd love to see him act on tv. He'd be sexy.

  • Comment number 40.

    I also think seeing passion between the couples differs week on week as different dances require different emotion. Matt and Aliona probably would have passion in the jive as it will be a 60's influenced jive I would imagen where as Pamela has VW which will no doubt be emotional and Kara has the Tango which will have the passion.
    We have yet to see K&A do a Rumba and VW which tend to be the more romantic/ passion filled dances that Matt has danced and Matt still has to do Salsa and Cha Cha Cha that Kara has danced which dont call for Passion/ romance but the need to get the fun party feeling across that make you want to get up and dance.

  • Comment number 41.

    Definitely Matt & Aliona, they really spark together and have taken my breath away with their last dance, so full on! And as for the guyliner, well Matt can certainly wear that to devastating effect, the only man I have drooled over in make up!

  • Comment number 42.

    And as for the picture at the top of this page - THUDDING GORGEOUS!!!

  • Comment number 43.

    Sorry meant to say "won't have passion" in the Austin power based jive.

  • Comment number 44.

    ...Clearly, the only solution to this is to have Matt and Kara dance together and see if one of them puts more romance into the dance than the other. :P

  • Comment number 45.

    I'd agree that Kara and Artem's dances are clinical and a bit cold.They are doing well so its working for them. Matt and Aliona always seem to be dancing near to lust point (if not over it) which suits me just fine.I can live vicariously through Aliona. The one dance I didnt like was the At because Aliona picked bad music - bat out of hell didnt work at all. Their dances have been very passionate and lets be honest its brought Matt a big new fanbase because women can see that he's a man of hidden depths.Ive gone from thinking him cute to having very lustful thoughts about him so the dances are working. Aliona's plan is working. She said she turn him into a sexy stud or words to that affect and hell yeah its working. I cant get enough of him.

  • Comment number 46.

    This photo tells a thousand words Matt and Aliona with amazing intensity

  • Comment number 47.

    emily, easy, some are matt fans and some are kara fans, it's fine...

  • Comment number 48.

    It seems that Matt and Aliona has a good partnership going and am achieving the romance side of dancing.
    While I like Kara and Artem, their earlier choreography was too technical and Artem was more concerned about getting the wow side of all the lifts he put into the dances before it was banned! They are admittedly improving on the romance more now.
    Scot and Natalie seem too cold and again, while Natalie is a good choreographer, Scott with all his ape-like grimaces and jokes in their training VT puts the romance side OFF.
    Pamela and James has a good dancing partnership going, but its a friendly relationship rather than a romantic one.

    So its Matt and Aliona for me!

  • Comment number 49.

    Kara and Artem. Beautiful. Romantic. A match made in heaven.

  • Comment number 50.

    @Zoe post 6. Oh, Zoe, you poor thing - I was just being sarcastic. Simply trying to highlight the sheer stupidity of a debate like this when we all know it doesn't matter - quite possibly Matt or Kara will be booted off this week in favour of AW, so what's the point? Everyone knows now that AW will probably win, despite her appalling attitude to the 'competition' as we all thought it still was. Now her presence on the tour is being touted as the 'highlight', so you might as well forget about things like passion and romance in the dances - presumably noone cares about things like that any more. Hope everyone enjoys watching this week - we won't be, having decided last week that enough was enough.

  • Comment number 51.

    Well it definitely ain't Gavin. The guys a block of wood. Personally I like Matt.

  • Comment number 52.

    Matt and Aliona :)

  • Comment number 53.

    Er....a dance that denmonstrates passion....i suppose this has been succesfully achieved through the connection and relationship between the dance couple, the selection of the right music and the requisite timing to express the emotion of that song.

    I thought Kara and Artem's American Smooth was an excellent example of a passionate dance, followed by Matt's and Aliona's. Felicity and Vincent's clasical piece choice for their paso doble (I think) was preety right on the nose as well.

    However, I did like Anton and Anton's Titanic pastiche was brilliant pasion-comedy...though obviously not passionate

  • Comment number 54.

    @ David Liversidge (comment 51),
    Well sure, maybe Gavin isn't the most passionate, but he's a rugby player what do you expect? For the last 10 years he's been bottling up emotions and now suddenly he's been told to be all loving and passionate - of course he's going to find it hard. I think comparing him to a block of wood is incredibly harsh though. It's not like he's not trying. And deep down inside he does have emotions, they just rarely come up that's all.

  • Comment number 55.

    I just signed in to read whats been going on because I have stopped watching this series. This is primarily a dance competition and Ann and Anton are not dancing, its a complete and utter farce. Good dancers are going out because of these two. It was funny to start with and I thought that they would last three or four weeks but now its ruined a good programme and I find it so very odd that so little is said about this. Judges please mark them sensibly based on the quality of the dancing.

  • Comment number 56.

    @Johnrh post 55. Quite a lot is being said on the other blogs on this site John! Read any of the 1500 comments in total posted last week after patsy went out (2 separate blogs), and you will see that the vast majority of bloggers are furious about AW and the effect she has had on this programme. There is currently a campaign running to send complaints direct to the bbc at bbc.co.uk/complaints, as they obviously don't read what's being written on these blogs, or don't care. Likewise, we decided to give up watching SCD last week and now that Wagner has finally been kicked off XFactor, might give that a go instead - apparantly there are some good singers left on there.

  • Comment number 57.

    The most passionate pairing is Pamela and James IMO.

    Matt is a lovely bloke and great dancer but he is clearly pretending to be passionate and not really succeeding.

    I can't see any passion in Scott, Gavin is clearly embarrassed by the proceedings, Ann and Anton are clearly mates.

    Kara and Artem should be the passiobate pair as they are supposedly having a relationship but all I see is clinical competance.

    So PamJam it is.

  • Comment number 58.

    OMG! People, grow up! We are all Homo Sapiens after all, aren't we? Everybody is entitled to like or dislike. You have rights to choose who to like and vote - tastes are differ. I like Matt, Kara, Ssscott and Pamela. Nothing wrong with anyone's passion, they are just different. We all are united with one thing-it's SCD. No matter how much you try to convince your dancers are the best it cannot change other dancers' supporters' opinion. Keep voting for your favourite couples and smile. Cheerio!

  • Comment number 59.

    "21. At 10:04pm on 03 Dec 2010, MrsArcanum wrote:

    Got to be Kara & Artem.

    Matt just seems too nice to be naughty."

    who are you kidding here ?? Matt's very sexy and more consistant than Kara, Matt for number 1 and Kara for the judges darling !!

  • Comment number 60.

    Kara and Artem - just watch their tango tonight !!!!

  • Comment number 61.

    Kara is not judges' darling - she is constantly undermarked and underestimated. I agree, nevertheless, Matt is adorable, so is Kara.

  • Comment number 62.

    I could think of Matt as someone who wears tank tops, pats dogs on the head, does to church and is nice to his mother. To imagine him as sexy or even in the slightest bit capable of passion takes the biscuit. To me he is more a cross between Norman Wisdom and Mr Bean. Nice, but not quite all man, if you know what I mean. Kara can put on the sizzle when she wants and can also be frosty as the mood takes. She'd get my vote for the romance front, although Artem hasn't quite figured out what to do next apart from look for sympathy when he is in pain. Typical man!!!!!!

  • Comment number 63.

    Matt and Aliona without a doubt. He has gone from being nice country boy to Mr Lover Lover (in Aliona's words).

  • Comment number 64.

    @ Johnrh post 55,
    You know, the worst part about the AW thing is not losing great dancers, but losing great viewers. Surely you could just do what I do and go out the room or switch the channel? Plus don't the other couples need your support? Isn't it worth putting up with Ann for 90 seconds to enjoy the rest of the show? And yes I understand that perhaps your favourite couple might have been voted off before Ann and Anton, but I'm sure you don't hate everyone left in, do you?

  • Comment number 65.

    @ Zoe

    Agree. I just use the time for refreshing my drink, then I am also ready for Merlin to follow.

  • Comment number 66.

    Matt and aliona are soooo good i hope they get to the final!!

  • Comment number 67.

    For me it is Pamela and James who frequently take my breath away. Brilliant performers.

    Kara and Artem, Scott and Natalie have also had many dances which are exciting to watch.

    I think Matt is a nice lad and I always think he dances very well with some clever moves, but he never makes my pulse beat faster.

    No point in mentioning the other two couples.

    Sadly I think Pamela and James are leaving tonight.

  • Comment number 68.

    Well, looking at the competitors that are left.

    Ann & Anton - romance seriously, they are good friends but nothing else ever shows in their dances despite Anton's best efforts.

    Gavin & Katya - Pretty boy,Katya is really trying with him but he's really had too many years locking down his emotions. He's not an actor after all.

    Scott & Natalie - He's intermittent, sometimes he can do romance, sometimes not. For an actor this shouldn't be an issue but he did look really uncomfortable doing the Samba, and don't you think he's getting very gaunt looking.

    Kara & Artem - Technically very good, very sharp. She's an actor so can do romance but given that they're supposedly dating I think she's holding back a lot to hide it and it shows in the dances.

    Matt & Aliona - For a farm boy he's got some great moves. Not an actor but has shown some great emotion throughout the series so far. And doesn't everybody know, it's the nice ones you've got to watch out for.

    So overall I actually think Matt's done the best in showing romance in the dances for this series.

  • Comment number 69.

    JadeDragon you forgot one ...................

    Pamela & James - are both happily married which cannot help but influence the way in which people interpret their dances with regards to romance, but for me they portray romance well.

    as for ..... Ann & Anton - really words fail me here. Anton copes and smiles as if dealing with a rather quaint elderly relative. Romance there is none.

    Gavin & Katya - Gavin is really too in love with himself and Katia is struggling to get a look in.

    Scott & Natalie - Ssssscot is a clown, he can play serious, he can be funny but he is not consistent and that is sad. Maybe his work schedule on Eastenders (or is it Coronation Street ... (sorry can't recall) is taking its toll. He has great promise, just hope he can cope physically with the challenge.

    Kara & Artem - Have great real chemistry but I feel they hold back a bit with the romance in their dances, although the routines are breathtaking. Maybe the tabloid effect.

    Matt & Aliona - Matt can move beautifully and if I was his wife I would have heart twinges seeing him holding and looking at Aliona like that.

    So all in all the couple that seem to be the "hottest" are Matt and Aliona ... pour on the custard!!!!

  • Comment number 70.

    I think Matt's transformation into a intense passionate dancer hits home more because he's not the sort of guy who would shove you out of the way of the mirror. Somehow the quiet guys turning into latin love gods has far more impact.

  • Comment number 71.

    70 Oops so I did.

    I like Pamela & James, their dances are been very good and the VWaltz? was very romantic but I agree that their very public respective marriages probably do take the heat off it.

    Pamela is very good at romance but still I have to go with Matt.

    It's just a point of personal preference. After all everyone's view on romance will be different. But boy can he move.

  • Comment number 72.

    Every picture tells a story - look at the picture above. Matt and Aliona of course

  • Comment number 73.

    Strictly was Fab-u-lous tonight, and I know how popular Anne Widdecombe is, but......it's about time she left, if she gets saved it means one of the fantastic dancers has to go, Kara, Pamela, Matt,Scott,Gavin, ALL beautiful, I think even "Widdy" would agree that she's just not up to the standard of the others, it's her time to go out.

  • Comment number 74.

    Hi, I don't really like the new format. It is all glitzy. I preferred the programme with its old format. By now the couples would have had to do 2 dances and also performed group dances. Also the results show used to be much more interesting. Please less glitz and more content.

  • Comment number 75.

    Kara and Artem they are so involved with their dancing that I believe this will continue after the competition.
    Antem is doing in choreography that any lover would expressing himself.

  • Comment number 76.

    Kara and Artem. They move as one when they dance, both in timing and light connections through the moves. You can only do that with incredibly good chemistry. Jive aside, when Kara went blank, they have always been completely in unison when dancing, which is quite rare for a celeb-pro pairing that has only been together for a short time. They couldn't have even attempted such a high content salsa if they didn't have a great partnership - as Kristina Rihanoff also pointed out in her blog.

    I also think you can see the emotion between them both, especially in the passionate dances such as Paso, AT and Tango. The American Smooth was packed with chemistry and that moment at the end when they paused a bit longer than normal with Artem holding her face with his eyes closed was just lovely.

    I do think all of the remaining couples have very good chemistry though, as they have been put together so cleverly. I find nerves and concentration get in the way for Matt with Aliona at times, but in other dances they have seemed really great together.

  • Comment number 77.

    Wow, there are lot of Matt fans on this section of the Ö÷²¥´óÐã blog aren't there? *smile*

    I don't see the sexual chemistry between Matt and Aliona. I see him as being terrified of her overt sexiness.

    Personally I agree with 76, I think Kara and Artem have incredible chemistry - I think Alesha can see this too. They're not flashy or overt - thankfully - but I'd say a charged atmosphere is there especially during their AT, AS and Tango. I think they're pretty private people and are terrified that Tess will open her great, big mouth and embarrass them for the umpteenth time.

    I also think Scott and Natalie have had some good chemistry.

  • Comment number 78.

    Um I just wanted to point out that Matt is married too and no-one seems to be having trouble seeing his romance. I think they all to a certain level portray the dances to the best of their ability and thats all that can be asked but in my opinion I love watching

    Pamela and James - because I am hooked on their interactions both dancing and behind stage I think they are very entertaining.

    Kara and Atrem - because technically she is brilliant and watching her dance just intrigues me plus theirs is prob the only romance on the show and thats always fascinating to people.

    Matt and Aliona - I love watching them because they are really impressive together but I don't see what others see by this romance? I don't really feel romance from them although I do think he interprets dance beautifully.

    Scott and Natalie - I just love watching Scott cause he is such a cheeky boy. I like seeing him dancing and behind stage and its very entertaining. Someone else said it earlier that he is looking a bit gaunt lately and I agree and so just hope that his health is ok and the crazy schedule he is doing isn't burning him out. (Um a little reassurance Claudia please would be nice on ITT ty)

    And finally
    Gavin and Katya - what is it they say God loves a tryer? Well I am no God but I can't help but love Gavin for the attempts he has made. He really does try and when he gets it right it looks great I just wish he was a bit more consistant. Apart from that whats not to love he's hawt, she's hawt, together they are hawt and even though I watch through the gaps in my fingers at his performances on Saturdays and he makes me the most nervous, I still can't help but love these two.

    Just my opinions. x

  • Comment number 79.

    For me the most romantic dance of the series so far is Scott and Natalie's viennese waltz on the Halloween show.I thought it was mesmerising, and the music was so seductive.After that Kara and Artem's tango is a very close second, again with the music being the key element for me.Lovely as he is Matt is essentially a family man and for that(very good) reason I think any hint of chemistry between he and Aliona is definitely acting.Although I think their dancing is brilliant I havent really liked their music, but that of course is purely a personal taste thing.

  • Comment number 80.

    Totally agree with you mollag - it's Kara and Artem for me and always has been even before the rumours. They have always looked so together in their dancing and very comfortable with each other. Pity Tess has to make her comments - I have a feeling they had their arms twisted to make their announcement during last Saturday's show. Great dancers, brilliant choreography - let's just leave them to their privacy.

  • Comment number 81.

    I do not see any romance with Matt, maybe when he was on Blue Peter! Yet I do like him (honest!)

    For me the romance & chemistry is definately wih Kara & Artem, for the supposed 'we will go out after SCD' lark - I leave that to the likes of Tess;

    From the Paso Doble onwards these 2 are true dance partnership, several times commented on as Kara as good as a professional dancer;

    Their AS was beautiful and as for Saturdays Tango, I think I have worn iplayer out!! Will watch again later.

  • Comment number 82.

    All the remaining couples have a chemistry with their dance partners, they wouldnt have got this far in the competition if they didnt.

    But in terms of "believable" romance for me it's Matt and Aliona. I disagree with the poster who says he is terrified of her. Matt does not exhibit any sort of embarrassment factor at all. He is up for everything, which I think is admirable.

    However, am also loving the chemistry between Katya and Gavin, although wouldnt call it romantic

  • Comment number 83.

    I would be very disappointed if our actors could not show romance when needed. It is where the actors are at an advantage. Not complaining, because all the dancers have something they can showcase, be it acting, torso, athletics or humour.

    I love Matt & Aliona because their friendship seems to be growing each week and that shows in the dances. I was totally blown away by the emotion they displayed in the AS and it was the only dance I have seen so far that made we want to jump up and scream YES!!!!!!

    And as for Aliona being scary, well think all the pro's can be a bit intimidating at times (well maybe not Anton :-) )

  • Comment number 84.

    hmm, bit of daft thread, maybe a little bit geared towards Kara & Artem's 'big romance'?? but I'll play along:

    PamJam- obviously great fun in training but I find Pamela's face 'looks a little bit forced' with trying to act the emotion of dance. In fact her early dance faces made me cringe.

    Kartem- loved the AS they did, was technically amazing (and cruelly underscored by Len), but most of their other dances leave me cold, as they are just that: technical, no passion.

    Scotalie (no idea if that's even their team name!)- the Bond Paso should have been stunning but lacked passion. I think Natalie scares the crap out Scott.

    Mattiona- Okay, I'm prejudiced! But Matt who's not an actor seriously brings the heat when the dance needs it - great vibes during the Rumba as shown above, and in the Samba, I thought he was red hot sexy :) Winner!!!

  • Comment number 85.

    Matt all the way!!! Him and Aliona have a chemistry that not even actors Kara and Scott can match... I won't mention Gavin.

  • Comment number 86.

    The fire is definitely in Kara and Artem's dancing, they have the most chemistry. For me, their American Smooth was the most emotional, romantic dance of the whole series and in their Paso, AT and Tango the passion and intensity exuded from them! I do also like Matt and Aliona, he is a very good dancer, but there is something missing, he shows tension but lacks any sexiness! I find Scott's passion more convincing, but he is too inconsistent.

  • Comment number 87.

    Matt & Aliona by a country(file) mile! Kara is incredibly sexy on her own but for me not so much with Artem - don't know why.
    Matt & Aliona just seem to have a spark between them which you can't act or fake - the AT, the Foxtrot, the look Matt gave Aliona at the start of the rumba could have powered the national grid for a week

    I'll shut up now.....

  • Comment number 88.

    It's all in the eye of the beholder really. As I said further up the thread I don't see Matt and Aliona as a romantic couple, I can't get past Matt's complete niceness and his devotion as a married man. Personally, I think he's not letting himself go with Aliona because in RL he can't and as a dancer he's not a convincing enough emoter.

    I thought Kara and Artem had terrific Argentine fever during their AT - all repression and tension - and their AS was romantic and emotional as they come. During their Tango on Saturday I could definitely feel the passion, I think this image gives a clue what Kartem fans see when look at them dance -

  • Comment number 89.

    Kara and Artem are so totaly (did i spell that right) the couple with the most romance

  • Comment number 90.

    Matt and Aliona have the best romantic connection for me. I do love Pamela and James but I can't see a romantic connection there. I think Pamela is a great contestant. She could win.

  • Comment number 91.

    Kara and Artem without a doubt.

  • Comment number 92.

    Definitely Matt and Aliona. No one else comes close. That picture at the start of their rumba should be all the evidence you need.They also have the warmest relationship off the dance floor. If you watch the body language of the couples when the results are read out. The hug Matt and Aliona give each other is totally natural, totally spontaneous. They look so comfortable with each other. At the end of last weeks results show they were chatting as they walked down the stairs towards Ann and Anton.

  • Comment number 93.

    ♥ Strictly Romance! ♥ The question is:

    So what do you think are the ingredients of a romantic and passionate performance?
    And which couple do you think creates the most heat?

    The answer is:
    Suggestive body movements/positions/close intimate touches etc.etc.etc.♥♥
    Facial expressions & eye contact.....THAT LOOK!! ♥♥
    Appropriate dance/music/costumes♥♥
    Chemistry between couple/great acting♥♥
    Reaction of watching audience...THUDS/TINGLES/STIRRINGS/PASSIONIONATE THOUGHTS........!!!♥♥♥♥


  • Comment number 94.

    I love this thread. Its great to see that so may see what I see - that Matt and Aliona have by far the best chemistry and intensity on the dance floor.

  • Comment number 95.

    If by heat you mean barely concealed loathing then yes I'd agree that applies to Matt and Aliona. I'm also at a loss to understand the claims that they're the best dancing couple this year. They haven't turned in one memorable performance or defining dance - unless you count the bad ones like AT and Jive.

    As for true dance floor chemistry, it's obviously Kara and Artem.

  • Comment number 96.

    It puzzles me why women aren't going wild about Scott the way they are over Matt, when Scott is just as good looking and obviously a lovely guy, and just as beautiful a dancer. Just look how they're licking the TV and thudding to the floor over on the Mattiona blog, whereas the Scottalie blog hasn't really got off the ground.

    I think it's because Scott really doesn't feel comfortable being sexy and intimate in front of millions of viewers, or with someone other than his adored wife. So for his sexier dances he doesn't really let go, and this limits the chemistry between him and Natalie which would enthuse the public more.

    I know he can act, but maybe he can't see dancing as acting? Matt clearly can, so can dance sexy while still being faithful to wife.
    Anyway, lucky Estelle, is all I can say! You've got a wonderful man there!

  • Comment number 97.

    I must admit I am finding it strange that there aren't more Scott fans on here, he is a good looking bloke after all.

    As for me, would be repeating myself and think Babette has said it all!

  • Comment number 98.

    Eh? What is this thread doing, coming back into focus?

    I don't mind it personally, but it suggests a strong inconsistancy by the Ö÷²¥´óÐã, givven the incident on ITT on (Wednesday?) where those three flibbertigibbets got into a "Kara/Artem are they/aren't they" - and Claudia had to manhandle them off that discussion line, as she appeared to have been advised it was out of bounds.

    I've no idea why it was ruled 'outside' of the strictly bubble, especially as it is being actively encouraged here - my best guess would be to avoid possible scandal/libel legal liability, but thats a long shot.

    I do think that whoever is promoting this thread - and whoever was yelling into Claudia's earpiece, need to have a word with one another. Start singing from the same hymn sheet. Preferably with the results made public. Ideally, the 'policy' for what is/isn't allowed on ITT etc. should be in an internet viewable document, otherwise you leave yourself wide open to dark mutterings from conspiracy theorists about 'Ö÷²¥´óÐã thought police'.

    As a related aside, I think Claudia does a fantastic job of trying to keep ITT 'on-track'. I doubt I'd have the discipline to keep on passing up all those juicy tidbits.

  • Comment number 99.

    The real test is how much the passion is felt and projected, then cooled off at the end of the routine. All it takes is an intense, lingering gaze, a magnetic attraction that keeps the bodies in sync and holds going from strong and leading to light and pleading. Scott and Pam seem to be very good at switching it on and off. And when they switch it on it is convincing. Kara was at her best in the Argentine Tango with the smouldering looks. The foxtrot was very passionate as well, but more sensitive. She has progressed with the passion so much throughout the series it jumps out. Last Saturday's dance showed me that. Well, that's only my opinion.

  • Comment number 100.

    No 95 - typical kara/artem fan being really nasty about Matt and Aliona.Why doesnt that surprise me.


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