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Team Jastina - Jason Donovan and Kristina Rihanoff

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主播大秀 Strictly Nora | 17:15 UK time, Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Welcome to the fan page of Team Jastina this high scoring pair are no strangers to the top of the leaderboard with Len naming Jason "the midwife" because he keeps on delivering. Even Craig's reserve cracked during Broadway week, declaring a three syllable "stu-pen-dous" after the duo's camp-tastic Tango.

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If you are a fan of Jason and Kristina, find out a little more about them following our links, and show your love for Team Jastina by commenting below...


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  • Comment number 1.

    You're a fantastic team Jason and Kristina - think you'll go far in the competition - looking forward to seeing your brilliant routines

  • Comment number 2.

    Good Luck Jason and Kristina!! I can't wait to see your routines each week, i'll be supporting you all the way. x

  • Comment number 3.

    Team Jastina all the way!! Love the way Kristina is bringing out the very best in Jason. A fabulous partnership!!!! Can't wait to see Halloween week but the phone bill is going to cost a fortune :o) xx

  • Comment number 4.

    J'adore Jason and Kristina. Kristina is such a wonderful person as I've met her a couple of times and she is always so gracious and lovely. She is a fantastic dancer and choreographer !! Jason is doing so well, living up to the hype and working so hard, it's lovely to see! Go Team Jastina!

  • Comment number 5.

    setfordm - I voted loads last week because I thought they were great...think i'm going to hide the phone bill from my flat mates for a while!!

  • Comment number 6.

    Love watching them every week! Kristina's choreography is amazing! She brings out the best in Jason and make a fabulous team! Cannot believe how many times we have voted for them each week! #teamjastina

  • Comment number 7.

    Why was that not a 10? Mystified, is it same as last year with Matt Baker, because you show early promise they are harsher on anything else you do? Are you getting extra dance coaching from Mrs B?

  • Comment number 8.

    Thought your Paso was great, looking forward to the quickstep.

    Have truely enjoyed everything you have done so far. I love your work ethic and your professional attitude. I do think the judges are expecting a little more from you than the others but maybe its because they know you have it in you.

    So pleased Kristina has the opportunity to show off her ability to teach, to dance and choreograph.

  • Comment number 9.

    Love seeing Jason and Kristina on Strictly Come Dancing every saturday. can not wait to see this week's dance. Go Team Jastina. xxxxxx

  • Comment number 10.

    Lets all hope that Jason and Kristina are right back at the top this week.

  • Comment number 11.

    Really like the song you're dancing to this week and I love the quickstep, it's one of my favourites. Can't wait to see your performance at the weekend. xx

  • Comment number 12.

    Just seen the training footage on ITT for the quickstep - those running leaps were so in synch and high - wow !

  • Comment number 13.

    Ye, it looks great doesn't it. They looked in exactly the same position. Hope there's enough "in hold" for Len!! I think it looks fab though. Jason is such a hard worker, he's making his dances look effortless which can only happen with sheer practise. Don't over-think it Jason, you're brilliant!! x

  • Comment number 14.

    Team Jastina you are amazing. Jason I had a big crush on you in neighbours, saw you in Priscilla and am just loving you in SCD. Kristina I'm so pleased for you that you have a fantastic partner at long last. Hope you don't let last week's Paso get you down, I'm sure this week's Hallowe'en theme will give you the chance to shine again. Keep reaching for that glitter ball you deserve it xxx

  • Comment number 15.

    JASTINA Love watching you dance, your so professional in what you do, GO ,Jastina GO

  • Comment number 16.

    Good luck to Jason and Kristina, I always look forward to their dance.

  • Comment number 17.

    looking forward to a spookily good routine. If Craig doesnt give you a smile maybe you should scare him into it. go team Jastina!

  • Comment number 18.

    really looking forward to tomorrow night! Can't wait to see your costumes!

  • Comment number 19.

    Kristina you are an amazing choreographer, this is your year to win Strictly, Jason is fabulous at each routine you have produced so far, can not wait to see your Quickstep love watching you perform every Saturday.

  • Comment number 20.

    You are both sooo amazing - can't wait to see your next dance! Good luck for this Saturday, I shall be voting for you both as I do every week xx

  • Comment number 21.

    Watching Strictly with my mum a couple of weeks ago, she saw Jason come on and said, "oh I know him, he was in that Amazing Technicolour Raincoat!" Love the show, and everyone is doing so well.

  • Comment number 22.

    GOOD LUCK with your quickstep team Jastina!! I can't wait to see it, i'm sure it will be 'spellbinding'...yes, i'm sad,i know!! Anyway, you try your very best each week and it's always brilliant, really looking forward to it tonight. I'll be voting for you. xx

  • Comment number 23.


  • Comment number 24.

    Jason and Kristina you were truly 'bewitching' tonight ! A very polished, stylist routine - you sparkled (literally !)

  • Comment number 25.

    WELL DONE Jason and Kristina!!! Absolutely incredible. I loved the routine (I think the Bewitched theme tune is great) and you danced it with style. Best dance of the night, really made my evening. I've been voting, fingers crossed for the results. xx

  • Comment number 26.

    dear kristina
    that was verey bewich it the best dance of the night i thik you will go on to win strkly come daceing this year.
    yours truly

  • Comment number 27.

    At last! Jason has been given TEN good reasons to stay! (see what i did there, Jase?!!)
    Well done Jason - a really outstanding performance tonight. You were (for the most part) in perfect synchronisation with each other and at times i honestly felt like i was watching a professional dancer.
    Keep up the good work! You were both fantastic!

  • Comment number 28.

    Hi everyone! Kristina and Jason were both super! Well Done!!! Keep up the good work! Go Team Justina!!!

  • Comment number 29.

    Well done Jason and Kristina amazing Quickstep tonight I loved it. A 10 was well deserved. Team Jastina

  • Comment number 30.

    Good Luck with Rumba next week! Go Team Justina!

  • Comment number 31.

    Has Kristina ever done a rumba on Strictly ? Team Jastina's will be soooooooo awesome !

  • Comment number 32.

    Thought Joe's reaction was poor last night - he only got to his feet after the camera got to him and he wasn't even applauding. I hope he isn't sulking because of the rapport between Christina and Jason.

  • Comment number 33.

    Thank God that Kristina has finally been paired with someone she can push and show off her choreography skills..

    I think she's been dealt a bad hand in her first few years @ Strictly, but this year, I think there's a chance that, providing Jason Donovan doesn't start irritating people with his intensity and over-analysis of everything, that they are serious contenders to lift the trophy.


  • Comment number 34.

    Great performance tonight, Kristina's choreography was excellent, and it just shows how hard Jason is working. Perfect partnership. I hope they make it all the way.

  • Comment number 35.

    Kristina's AMAZING choreography again. Great chemistry. FAB to watch.

  • Comment number 36.

    neorich @ 33: I know what you mean about Jason's intensity - but he's also funny and I think he knows himself to try to take things a little less seriously !

  • Comment number 37.

    Wow loved the dance last night! The touch of humour was matched by the brilliant way he danced on his own! Kristina's choreography is unique and inspiring! Just loved it!

  • Comment number 38.

    Best dance of the night, well done Jason and Kristina.

  • Comment number 39.

    Fingers crossed for the results show, i'm sure there's no need to worry though!! xx

  • Comment number 40.

    So pleased Jason and Kristina are through. On to the rumba, a difficult dance for all the celebs, especially the men, but I have every faith in Jason's ability and Kristina's chreography. :) xx

  • Comment number 41.

    Really enjoyed your dance yet again. About time Kristina had a decent partner. Jason really throws himself into it. Well done for getting through this week. Keep up the good work! xx

  • Comment number 42.

    Sorry, Jason. For me you are too full of yourself, a little humility would not hurt. Take a leaf out of Anita's 'book'.

  • Comment number 43.

    Well done Jastina ! @42 - did you notice it was Jason who was rubbing Chelsee's knee reassuringly when they were chatting with Claudia tonight ?

  • Comment number 44.

    @42 - we all have celebs we're not fond of, but this is supposed to be a fun show, each entitled to support who they like. I would never go around writing on the blogs of the people I don't support just to be negative. Where's the point in that? Let's keep it friendly!!

  • Comment number 45.

    P.S. He was lovely to Chelsee in Tess's area. x

  • Comment number 46.

    Well said Emzz6 !!!!!!

  • Comment number 47.

    Hoorey! Jastina are through!

  • Comment number 48.

    I completely agree with Emzz6. Well said, Emzz6!

  • Comment number 49.

    Looking forward to next week - wonder what 'fireworks' there will be ? It would be fitting for Team Jastina to be dancing a 'red hot' latin dance on Bonfire Night !!!!

  • Comment number 50.

    We are all behind you & Christina, Jason, well done, you two are the best! Love from Tricia, & all your relatives in Kent. PS will your dad Terry be over any time? XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

  • Comment number 51.

    Had a mild heart attack as I saw you were dressed in green this week--was afraid you'd fall prey to the Green Curse. Voted compulsively to stop this.

    Jason, I never watched Neighbours and Joseph was never my cup of tea (unlike most Weber/Rice), but I'm now gutted even more that I missed you in Priscilla. You light up the screen every week. Thank you for your hard work and your consummate showmanship.

  • Comment number 52.

    Yes did notice on the Results Show saw that Jason was doing his best to pacify Chelsee and make her feel better - also notice he was also very supportive of Nancy as well - obviously a really nice bloke - exremely hard working as well and comes accross as being really genuine which is great to see from a celeb. So often everything goes to their heads doesn't it?

  • Comment number 53.

    Jason's been in 'the business'' for years now and is very professional - but grounded too. I've been a fan from the start - been to his concerts but not had the chance to see him in the west end (yet !)

  • Comment number 54.

    Sorry Fincensed but if you think Jason lacks "humility" you obviously missed Robbie ranting he was better than a 4 and Nancy saying she was going to watch her performance again to see what she did wrong.

    Jason is a perfectionist and professional, who is throwing himself into this wholeheartedly, but is unable to overact on Anita's level.

  • Comment number 55.

    Finally we get to see Kristina flex her choreographic muscles with a terrific dance partner. Her imagination and ability to actually shape different themes and stories to the dance, rather than allow it to over shadow the dance, has been inspired. The dance is always the main central thing, not the props.

    Jason commits 100%, and takes it seriously, which shows in his hard earned results. So he鈥檚 a perfectionist/intense/studious/sometimes
    serious/sometimes goofy - who cares, because, at the end of the week, we get to see a potentially amazing performance 鈥 and for that I鈥檓 grateful! Jason & Kristina Rock! Woop Woop! xxx

  • Comment number 56.

    Sorry Fincensed but having been Jason fans for years I cannot believe you think he lacks humility! Listen to him on his radio show! he is shocked every week to be through! He is not a natural dancer!He trains hard each week to achieve good results. He genuinely likes and cares about the other celebs as he showed towards Chelsey!
    We knew nothing of Kristina but her natural flare and amazing choreography and sparkling personality come together to produce an amazing partnership!

  • Comment number 57.

    Jasdon is a professional and has had lots of training so he will never get my vote, not to say he isn't good ... but with his lifetime career in showbiz, eh should be .... a bit unfair on the others I think!

  • Comment number 58.

    No more unfair than Anita who has stage experience and training, Holly who has danced for music vids and trained in acting, Chelsee who's a performer or Russell who's been in musical theatre. It's the same evry series, some have a little more experience. Jason isn't a trained dancer, just a seasoned performer. He still works hard to achieve what he does every week and he isn't faultless, he's learning like everyone else, but at the end of the day, you're entitled to vote for who you like best of course. I think they're all working very hard. x

  • Comment number 59.

    Know what you mean but , everyone's got a bit of "history". Lulu ,for example, was , I think,"flying" years ago in Peter Pan. But that's not her fault. You've got to have a mixture of occupations to make the show what it is. But please don't knock 'em just because they have a showbiz background. That's not fair. I could go on.But I do think that one should vote for who you think is the best regardless of their past - or present. The good thing this year? There are NO real duffers !! And even the less good dancers show real humility. Good luck to 'em all ! And.... ....PLEASE ,PLEASE celebs don't let me down ...I've not heard .... so far , those immortal words...."the great British public won't let us down"....God , how I've hated those words over the past few years from one or two rather (VERY) ordinary dancers.

    Of course ,the ideal situation would be , if we could , just for one series , vote for who we think is the weakest couple, But that will never happen. That would be just a wee bit TOO fair. ! And not much revenue from multi - voting phone calls ?? !!!

  • Comment number 60.

    Undoubtedly a very good dancer! Such a shame you were given a silly 10 when it is clear your performance was not perfect, even you said that you had made mistakes!!! Hopefully you wont be given silly marks again this weekend, if you make mistakes then I hope your marks reflect so that you can stive to improve them and the same if you dance perfecty! Good luck!

  • Comment number 61.

    i think this partnership is fantastic ,, iv always liked kristina and i think its time she won , and do you know what im behind you pair all the way because this year with a partner like lushous Jason youv got it in the bag ,, go get em xx

  • Comment number 62.

    Emzz6, post 58, I agree with you. Jason is trying very hard to do his best. He is a perfectionist. I saw him reheasing his steps behind Tess when she talked to other contestants. Many of celebrities have musical or acting backround but it doesn't mean they have proper training in ballrom. All they can do is to try their best. Jason is a very hard working person. Good luck to him and Kristina.

  • Comment number 63.

    Kristina, please can you choose a music which reflects the dance. It helps a lot. For example, Passo didn't have the right music, no disprespect to "Queen". I adore their music but it doesn't match with Passo nature, moves, etc.

  • Comment number 64.

    I love the fact that, despite what some people like to suggest, he's not a natural or professional dancer, but that he's giving it 100% every week and IMHO is making the show WAY more watchable than if he wasn't in it. I look forward to their performances every week. Good luck to them both, I think they're absolutely brilliant! The Halloween show was poor on a number of levels but their dance finished off the show with a lot of hope. Will be supporting them all the way! xxxxxx

  • Comment number 65.


  • Comment number 66.

    I think their rumba will be very passionate. Jason's acting skills + Kristina's choreography = hot hot hot !!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 67.

    So exited about this weeks Rumba , Kristina has commented its her favorite dance . Jason and Kristina are a great team .

  • Comment number 68.

    They are a great team dj - one I think who deserve to be in the final. Looking forward to their rumba. Hope Kristina doesn't have silly hair extensions for the dance (a lot of the dancers have them & I think some of them just don't look right !!)

  • Comment number 69.

    Hello Jason!
    I'm looking forward to seeing you dance again this week.
    You're "Doing Fine"!!!!

  • Comment number 70.

    See what you've done there mistress-meaker - nice reference !!!

  • Comment number 71.

    Although I am supporting Holly I am also a great fan of Jason and do hope that he will reach the final. Loved it when he and Kyle were in Neighbours - many years ago now!

  • Comment number 72.

    me too patmil (@71) !! Jason was not much of a dancer in those days was he - he's having to work so hard to give us these incredible performances - well done Team Jastina !

    'Especially for You' 鈾モ樅

  • Comment number 73.

    Ian Waite on ITT tonight said Jason looked like a dancer - yay !!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 74.

    Rhumba looking good on itt

  • Comment number 75.

    Bet Jason's relieved to be performing a slow number this week !

  • Comment number 76.

    Figaro 77 - (63) Agree with you over the Paso music - just not suitable - not strong enough. Have also been on Holly and Artem's thread and expressed unhappiness over their choice of Jive music. Concerned about it. Glad a lot of people on this thread are standing up for Jason following criticism of him. Think he is a great guy.

  • Comment number 77.

    Sorry if this isn't what Jason fans want to hear, but many of us are really put off by him always trying to be in the picture when Tess is interviewing dancers after their performances. He is desperate to always catch the camera. I'm surprised the producers don't tell him to stop doing it. Apart from that, he's a good dancer. But a nice bloke? Not sure.

  • Comment number 78.

    The celebs and some of the male pro dancers play around behind Tess every Saturday! (Yes, Anton,Brendan and James we鈥檙e looking at you - the biggest jokers). Seems a bit harsh to single out Jason, one minute he is criticised for being too serious, now he鈥檚 being criticised for joining in the fun with the lads!

    I鈥檇 rather see a bit of life behind Tess than have them all sat their poker faced looking terrified. Good luck to all on Saturday, the competition is cranking up a gear. Kristina and Jason Rock!

  • Comment number 79.

    Should be 鈥渢here鈥 not 鈥渢heir鈥, so bite me! Just as I hit enter I realised, oh the shame of it all! (and the timed delay restriction between entries on this forum don't help!) LOL :-) xx

  • Comment number 80.

    I dont really think people should comment on whether or not the celebs nice people. We don't know them personally and it seems an unfair thing to say. Don't get me wrong, I know we all judge them from the way they present thenselves which is the name of the game, but everyone is bound to have different opinions which is why we all hove our own favourites. I certainly won't be posting comments on the threads of those I don't support, it isn't fair. Jason seems a very serious hard working guy. It's been commented on that he's too serious so like 78 said, he's probably just trying to lighten up and have a laugh at the back with the others now. People do seem to pick fault with him whatever he does compared to others and I don't know why. He was probably told to practise in the background so some random could ring in Points of You and say they'd spotted it!!

    Anyway, fair enough, i'm clearly a Jason fan so obviously I bias towards him cos I like him. Rant over. Good Luck for saturday. Looking forward to ITT tonight, I enjoy his interviews. xx

  • Comment number 81.

    I do wish Alesha could control her 10 paddle as it seems too early to have it out to me and as you say, Jason admitted he wasn't perfect just like Harry the week before. I still wish we could have Arlene back or at least Karen Hardy. Oh well, 主播大秀 never changes its mind!

  • Comment number 82.

    Arlene was on This Morning earlier and was discussing Jason, saying how she had worked with him after Joseph and jokingly confessed that he had 'no natural rhythm' back then. She said she had noticed a bit of improvement when she saw him in Pricilla, but she looked mightily chuffed with him in this series. There are an awful lot of people in 'the industry' who seem to have an awful lot of love and affection for him as a person. If the people who are trying to make out that he's smug or up himself want to think that, let them. They're trying to make Jason look bad to make their own favourite look better. I think he's seen as a threat. Personally I LOVE the guy. Yes, he could lighten up a bit when questioned, but I think some of that is just a nervous reaction. When you see him being interviewed when he's relaxed he's an absolute joy to listen to. Can't wait for Saturday! x

  • Comment number 83.

    I'm another of those dancers that think that the judges should not criticise the choreography like they often do...just judge the technique..the posture...the hold...the top line...the musicality...but leave the professionals to sort out what suits their partner best. Kristina... you are doing great things with Jason..keep it up and you will be holding that trophy this year!

  • Comment number 84.

    Well said everyone, a lot of the people he's worked with seem to have a great affection for him. He must be very nervous just like all the others every week and it must be so hard for them to finish and then have to answer a load of questions, especially since as a performer you start analysing yourself immediately. He's so good because of his hard work and yes, Alesha is definitely giving out 10s too soon, but Jason is doing great. I think he's brill. x

  • Comment number 85.

    You are my favourite male celeb couple!

  • Comment number 86.

    Katy - 82 I have not been very positive about Jason I'm afraid but I think you are right and its because I prefer another couple and I may just be a little jealous!! Jason is a great dancer and although not my favorite, deserves to go a long way in this competition.

  • Comment number 87.

    You're forgiven DDD - don't think you've said anything too negative anyway !!

  • Comment number 88.

    On the VT on ITT tonight Jason seemed more exhausted rehearsing the rumba than last week with the quick step ! 鈽

  • Comment number 89.

    You make such a great team, can't believe what great routines Kristina coreographs. Hard work definitely pays off. Good luck for the weekend!

  • Comment number 90.

    Rumba training looks fantastic , the rumba is notoriously hard dance to master for the male celebs but this could be Jasons dance from what the footage showed . Looking forward to Sat , grt song choice too !

  • Comment number 91.

    Only 2 posts so far today - where is everyone ?! Was there any mention of Team Jastine on ITT tonight - I missed it !!! Thanks

  • Comment number 92.

    Biggins and Sporty Spice on the friday panel both gave Jason as their prediction to win. Biggins said he worked with him in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and he was a pretty hopeless dancer! Other than that their wasn't much else. Looking forward to the rumba, hope he can pull it off, it looks difficult for a bloke.

  • Comment number 93.

    Thank you Katy !! Yes the rumba is harder for the men - the other 'top' teams have more upbeat dances too this week - hope this doesn't put Jastina at a disadvantage - although I'm sure they'll be outstanding !!

  • Comment number 94.

    Think maybe we'll be on page 2 tomorrow ....

  • Comment number 95.

    Can't stop watching Bewitched on Youtube, it's one of those dances that just gets better the more you see it. What great chemistry!

  • Comment number 96.

    Think it will be remembered as one of the 'classic' dances on SCD - it was 'bewitching' !!

  • Comment number 97.

    Just got in from doing a concert and was going to bed the first thing on my mind...NO, it was to come on here and wish Jason and Kristina GOOD LUCK for their rhumba. Training looks good, stay calm and enjoy it, i'm sure you'll be great. I'll be voting. xx

  • Comment number 98.

    Well done Emzz6 for posting so late !! Doing a concert - you've got me intrigued !

    I think Jastina's rumba is gonna be one of the best we've seen on SCD as it's apparently Kristina's favourite dance & she's never danced it on SCD before !!

  • Comment number 99.

    Really hope it's good too. They need to make it special if they're going to compete with some of the other faster routines tonight. Mind you, going by their dances so far, I can't imagine it won't be. Wonder what the running order will be as they've been last twice now. Certainly seems a disadvantage to go first, although they've had their turn at that too. Hopefully they're somewhere in the middle, anyone know how they decide it?

  • Comment number 100.

    It must be so great for Kristina to finally be able to use all her ideas after being knocked out so early every year!...and she must be so excited that she can actually showcase her stunning choreography rather than simplified versions of her routines. I can't wait for tonight, i'm a bit nervous as the rumba is notoriously difficult and not as visually interesting as some of the quicker dances but i'm sure they'll pull it off brilliantly. I hope strictlycharlie is right and it's one of the best we've seen. Fingers crossed!!

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