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Week 10 - Pre-show Reactions

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Ö÷²¥´óÐã Strictly Suzy | 16:23 UK time, Thursday, 1 December 2011

Lights! Camera! Action! It's movie week guys and gals and that means we are in for a feature-length ballroom battle between our all-star Strictly cast.

We've already seen our screen sirens and leading men in rehearsal, but do they have Happy Feet this week or is Misery a better description? Find out what some familiar faces had to say about their routines ahead of tomorrow's live show.

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How will it end? No one knows! Just make sure you have found your seat in front of Ö÷²¥´óÐã One at 7pm on Saturday 3rd December. The results will be revealed at 7.25pm on Sunday.


  • Comment number 1.

    Good Luck Hali ♥ Hartem ♥ Chasha ♥ Jastina ♥ Jalex ♥ Savola ♥

  • Comment number 2.

    Looking forward to Jason and Kristina's AS and Chelsea and Pasha's Jive this week

  • Comment number 3.

    aw, don't doubt yourself Harry - we all know you're brilliant and will keep all our fingers and toes crossed until it's time to pick up the phones to vote you through to next week! :) I'm sure you & Aliona are going to treat us to THE Rumba of the season! I mean, it's the dance of love, so who can beat Maid Mariona and Harry Hood? :)

    Go Teams Hali, Hartem and Jalex - you all deserve to go through! :)

  • Comment number 4.

    Looking forward to movie night tomorrow and I wish all the remaining dancers the best of luck....x

  • Comment number 5.

    The only music I don't know for Saturday is 'The Train' so no idea whether it is suitable or not. I think 'Little Green Bag' is inspired. Wouldn't be upset if Holly left this week as I find her rather smug and dull. On ITT, Wednesday she talked about Artem having a cape and mask and said 'and I'll just sit there and hopefully look cute'... IMHO even if you think you are attractive, it is big headed and impolite to say it. It is something that someone else should say about you, rather than you saying it about yourself. I don't warm to people who just rely on their looks. I much prefer the humble, lovely and INTERESTING Chelsee and Alex.

  • Comment number 6.

    Zoe Ball asks a question and then procedes to talk, or continually attempts to grab the limelight, over the answers. Please rein her in - it is very annoying.

  • Comment number 7.

    Everythings looking good for tomorrow night - I have been supporthing chelsee and pasha so am hoping their jive goes well - Harry I'm sure will pull off his Rhumba - Love Singing in the Rain so I'm sure Jason and Kristina will give us an amazing AS. Holly looks as if she and Artem are pulling out all the stops this week - Alex just carry's on improving - Robbie is putting in the hard work with ola - just wonder whose night it's going to be tomorrow! Good Luck everyone!

  • Comment number 8.

    Hi all,

    This may shock you all but I have a feeling a very strong feeling that Robbie and Ola are going through to the semi finals Robbie is dedicating his routine to the late Gary Speed and I reckon the Football faithful will be turning out to vote for him this week and in my opinion just my opinion after what has happened over the past week to Robbie I think he derserves his place in the semis.

    There are two weaker dances this week to focus on for me and those are James and Alex and Holly and Artem.

    James and Alex simply because Pretty Woman is a music choice you would use in a Tango as pointed out by Mrs Arcanum but they are doing an American Smooth and this for me quite frankly won't work.

    I think Holly and Artem will be in danger this week because the bottom two twice and also I come back to the fact that there is no chemistry and passion between them because with me everytime they dance together I just see a very big cold front between them.

    Minor worry for me would be Harry and Aliona this week because they have the dance of death the Rumba the most boring dance ever and it's either going to be the most sexiest piece of dancing that Jilly Cooper could use for inspiration on her next novel about the passionate world of dancing or it could be used as inspiration by Beechams for a new brand of sleeping pills.

    Chelsee and Pasha and Jason and Kristina I totally exopect to nail their routines they have great dance choices and also fantastic music as well so they will be the top 2 standouts for me but I'll make judgements on who's safe and going home when I see it on Saturday night on Sky Plus.

    Keeeeeeeeeep Dancing

  • Comment number 9.

    Yes Fergal, you are absolutely right!! Ola, and Robie will go through this weekend, as you said, because he dedicated his dance to his mate, so everyone will feel sorry for him!!!!!!!!!!! which is WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I will keep my fingers for Harry!!!!

  • Comment number 10.

    So my final words before I sign off I'll be watching on Sky Plus fast forward through Brucie's inane banter so I'll drop into see what happens so looking at it from a competition point of view.

    Guranteed Saves

    Jason and Kristina(Will be a fantastic quickstep danced to a great Gene Kelly dance routine and song Singin In The Rain will be best of the night for me)
    Chelsee and Pasha(They are dancing to a faster version of I'm A Beliver from Shrek so another standout for me as well)


    Harry and Aliona(Rumba bit iffy it will either be a Jilly Copper red hot sexual hotbed of a dance or a damp squib not tonight I've got a headache dear kind of dance)

    Danger List

    Robbie and Ola( Yes I do agree Monica this is a dancing competition and it is getting serious semi finals next week and Robbie I would say has come to the end of the line he should have went last week it will be down to his fanbase not the dance but as I said it's time's up)
    Holly and Artem(Bottom two twice Paso this week either we get passion and fire or it's third time unlucky)
    James and Alex(American Smooth to Pretty Woman no way more suited to a tango she lands in the bottom two it will be down to the music choice)

    So I'm off work in the morning will drop in during the show to see how things are panning out oh and by the way I really do enjoy reding the analysis and marks from the teddy on the couch pass on greetings from Ireland to the teddy on the couch look forward to reading what he has to say.

    Goodnight all
    Keeeeeeeeeep Dancing

  • Comment number 11.

    I agree with comments on here that Robbie will go through and think that Holly may be in danger again. We shall see, I would not mind seeing the back of Alex and james as try as I might, I really find her irritating. I know that is no basis for wanting someone to go but I agreed with Craig's take on their dance last week and even if I didn't, James's constant getting narked because of the scores is getting a trifle tiring

  • Comment number 12.

    I think Zoe Ball is fab! I think she has done a really good job on ITT so far this series :)

  • Comment number 13.

    I do hope that the judges and the public ensure that the best dancers go through this week; it shouldn't be a popularity contest with people voting who don't even watch the show. It's not the X Factor.Holly and Artem should not be in the bottom 2 this week. If they go out it will be a travesty.

    I wish all the contestants the very best but I hope the GBP rank them in the right order.

  • Comment number 14.

    I worry for Harry & Aliona this week. All the others have wow factor dances & music, I find the rumba dull in comparison. Even with the improvement in his dancing, Harry doesn't have enough hip movement to carry it off. Robbie & Alex will get through on their popularity with the public, Jason's a shoo in too so I think it'll be Harry & Holly bottom two.

  • Comment number 15.

    I too like Zoe Ball - but wish she'd get her fringe cut!

  • Comment number 16.

    PoshFrockand FeatherBoag: I think you are a bit unkind over Holly. To me Holly is very modest, quiet and dignified - unfortunately too much so for the judges and for much of the British public. I think she will leave this week but it will be a travesty of justice. I will certainly be voting for her - good music this week. She seems to get less publicity than the others and I do hope that this week she dances near the end. I have no doubt that Robbie will get through. I am sorry he has lost his friend but I think it a great shame that he seems to be announcing to the world that he is dancing for him this weekend. It could have been a private gesture which would have meant much more. The judges will probably feel obliged to mark Robbie higher and he will get a lot of votes in memory of his friend - not fair on the other contestants.

  • Comment number 17.

    Pat mil I agree -wot exactly r some of u looking for? There is plenty of chemistry between holly and artem. I love this couple and I think holly is getting a bit of a rotten deal - give her a break! Her nerves must be in tatters after being in the bottom two twice so a little support please!

  • Comment number 18.

    Can someone explain this to me. The rumba is a slow latin dance but it has steps and is danced largely in hold. Once again I say, have a look at the rumba in the movie Strictly Ballroom. Why then, has every single rumba I've ever seen on Strictly looked nothing like this, but more a freestyle showdance, danced largely out of hold? No wonder it's boring because no celeb, and even some of the pros do not have the wider dance training - a mixture of ballet and modern dance perhaps - to carry it off.

  • Comment number 19.

    Totally agree with sealjay. Hope the Public vote for dancing ability and not mediocre dances disguised for the less able.

    Alex and Robbie should be in the bottom 2 this week both are just too much on the Ö÷²¥´óÐã and the public are voting for them because of their over exposure.

    The judges have their favourites except Craig who to me marks the fairest, some of the celebs have illegal lifts and mistakes but still get high marks why ?

    I am begining to not like this years SCD, the Celebs are not a patch on last years no wonderful dancing in my estimation, Seems to be developing into a popularity contest.

  • Comment number 20.

    But to tonight's event...

    OK... it's movie night.... and some weird music choices... again!

    Alex and James - American Smooth to, I'm sorry, Pretty Woman? Which movie does that come from, apart, perhaps, from the Roy Orbison bio-pic, whos name I forget? That aside, I can't imagine which dance the AS will be based on with this choice. Certainly not a Foxtrot, can't imagine a Quick Step and as for the waltz... Alex has improved week on week but why give her music that makes it doubly difficult for her to perform well to?

    Chelsee and Pasha - Jive to I'm a Believer. Good song choice and should work well for them, but let's remember it's by The Monkees. OK it made an appearance in Shrek but only tangentially, so has little to do with the movies. However, I won't hold that against them and think they'll be stunning... again.

    Harry and Aliona - rumba to Everything I do. Good music choice and at last a movie related song (Robin Hood - Prince of Thieves). The song isn't actually featured in the movie although much of the incidental music is based on it - we only hear it over the end credits. Could be brilliant but see previous remarks on the rumba.

    Holly and Artem - Paso to The Train... OK, never heard of it - quick check on You Tube - ahhh Bollywood (if I've found the right one). Right... not sure if this is Paso music although it's movie credentials are pretty sound. Let's see if Dave Arch's singers are up to speed on singing in Hindi. As someone posted, Holly is modest, dignified and quiet - and that's her problem. Something as feisty as the Paso demands quite the opposite.

    Jason and Kristina - AS to Singing in the Rain - song choice bang on the money... right feel with impeccable movie connections. Jason should storm this one.

    Robbie and Ola - quickstep to Little Green Bag - OK another visit to YouTube. Right... Reservoir Dogs and its by the George Baker selection - who's Pete Green? Might work - at least it has the right tempo. Let's see which part of the song they use. Robbie is now the weakest of the celebs, but let's see how he does.

    So... let 'battle' commence!!

  • Comment number 21.

    I would disagree with aimeeaimee1000's comments on Alex. She's on the Ö÷²¥´óÐã a lot - five nights a week on the One Show - because that's her day job. No-one would have said that about Matt Baker or Bill Turnbull in previous shows, despite the fact that they were on TV every day on the Ö÷²¥´óÐã Breakfast Show. And wasn't Kara Tointon still appearing in East Enders when she was on the show? Alex is still in the show because she obviously has appeal with the viewers and is not, by any means, the worst dancer.

    I would also disagree with the comment 'no wonderful dancing'. Chelsee has put in some stunning performances, all with no 'faffing about' and proper steps. Harry is now looking like a pro - did you see his quickstep last week? And Jason can also turn it on when he gets it together - what about his Charleston?

    The rest, apart perhaps from Robbie Savage, are by no means mediocre. However, at this stage it's looking like a choice of Alex, Holly and Robbie for the bottom two. If there's any justice - and I mean voting on dancing ability and not simple popularity - it should be Robbie that goes, but we will wait and see.

  • Comment number 22.

    StuartHX - Sadly I do not think there will be justice. Robbie is networking like made and is dedicating his dance in memory of his friend who died this week - bound to bring in masses of votes and probably higher marks from the judges!

  • Comment number 23.

    I do hope people watch Robbie's dance of dedication out of respect. Rather than possibly just voting instead!

  • Comment number 24.

    So frustrating that Robbie, talkin about his friend to gain sympathy votes. I can just see him and Alex making it through and probably one of them winning it. Like when Chris Hollins won over Ricky Whittle, which was pathetic. Even when I look at his Charleston now. Nothing special.

  • Comment number 25.

    6. At 19:27 2nd Dec 2011, fandando wrote:
    Zoe Ball asks a question and then procedes to talk, or continually attempts to grab the limelight, over the answers. Please rein her in - it is very annoying.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    It was exactly the same when she and Ian visited the ITT studio in series 3 and poor Ian never got a word in edgeways. I also find her style too hyper, and those constant deep breaths before she says something at 90 miles an hour like an overexcited teenager. I don't deny she's a good presenter, but is just sometimes irritating, and I wish the producer in her earpiece would occasionally say 'the viewers can't understand what's being said as everyone is talking at once'. However she has done a good job overall in taking over from Claudia, and knows about all the dances, which is the main thing.

  • Comment number 26.

    patmil, I'm sorry you feel I'm unkind to Holly. I was very careful in my use of words because I've been disappointed with some unnecessarily unpleasant comments on this forum in the years that I've been using it, and I don't set out to be unkind. We are all able to interpret things differently. What you see as quiet, I see as dull. You see modesty, I don't. It won't be a 'travesty of justice' if she goes (which I don't think she will, I just wouldn't be unhappy if she did), it will be democracy in action - if she doesn't get enough votes she's out! I think she has performed extremely well on many occasions - I loved her 'black swan'. I loved the one where she wore the pink number that was cut high on the leg (can't remember which one that was) I'm not totally against her.... I just don't care whether she is in or out. Now Chelsee...

  • Comment number 27.

    Firstly, oh no, another theme night.... that will be 3 this series and they are getting boring!!! no doubt the vt's will be even more cringy than normal. Robbie has had a dreadful time this week and I hope he delivers a great dance, please give him a bit of credit for that. Holly is my least fave, I dont know what it is about her but she just annoys me. Bottom 2 Holly and Alex, and I think possibly Alex will go. I love Harry but hate Rumba, it is pointless and dull...mind you Alesha will probably give him a 10 just for being Harry. Looking forward to Chelsee n Pasha, although her kicks could cause her a problem... lets see what happens tonight..

  • Comment number 28.

    oh no-don't vote for robbie on the back of his friend's death! he doesn't need the sympathy its the family who should get it!

  • Comment number 29.

    go teams holly and harry

  • Comment number 30.

    Your excellent programme Strictly Come Dancing has a large and enthusiastic audience. At age 83 I still dance ballroom whenever there is an opportunity with a lady, who like me, learnt after the last war when Victor Sylvester was teaching ballroom on the Ö÷²¥´óÐã. We and our friends increased our knowledge from him. At the same time Victor Sylvester wrote a book entitled "Modern Ballroom Dancing",published by Herbert Jenkins Limited showing all the steps diagrammatically. I still have my copy but there is no date of publication which is probably recorded at the Ö÷²¥´óÐã.The Victor Sylvester Ballroom Orchestra also recorded
    gramophone records on Columbia records for the Ö÷²¥´óÐã.

    There are few opportunities up here to dance ballroom and when we do we are approached by young people saying "We would love to do that","where can we learn it",etc.

    Isn't there a golden opportunity to do follow up Strictly with Victor Sylvester type teaching, CDs, booklets etc. to reactivate this type of dancing which is difficult or virtually impossible to do in many parts of the U.K.? I think that this would be greatly appreciated by many of your audience


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