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"Just wait until Toby starts calling David 'grandpa'!" Listeners react as David learns of Pip's pregnancy

Over chilli and walnut cake, ... and who is...

"No-no-no-no-no-no!" bellowed . "Yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes!" chimed Archers listeners. Here's what happened...

Well... it could have been worse...

Not sure how though...

Not since Kirsty's jilted cry, has a noise emitted from an Ambridge resident been so remarked upon...

The seismic vibrations were felt many miles from Borsetshire...

Back in Ambridge, an extreme response was required...

And that's nothing compared to the noise he'll make if this happens...

Then, there's the not insignificant matter of Jill learning the news...

She'll be absolutely THRILLED, won't she?

Borsetshire Emergency Services have been given advance warning...

Such a good feeling when two families are united, isn't it?

David and Toby are going to have SO much catching up to do...