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'Stefan's return just broke my Twitter feed.' New torment for Titchener causes unbridled joy on social media.

A shadowy figure emerged from the darkness... "Evening, Mr Titchener. Have you lost something?"

"Yes!" screamed Archers listeners! "He's about to lose everything... we hope!!"

But what happens next? And after Scruff and Stefan... is there another figure, presumed dead, who could return to torment Titchener?

Grab your popcorn, folks... this is going to be good...

"Well and truly in the sh**"

Suffice to say... Stefan... quite popular right now...

If this was you, Justin... all is forgiven...

And what will Rob do next?

... Fiddle Justin's books?

... Murder?

Who's to say that it would be Rob doing the murdering?

And now that Stefan is here... Will there be a queue forming behind him?

Is it time for Freda to rise up from the great hotplate in the sky and wreak her revenge!?

Time will tell...