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The reverend

Maritime chaplain Reverend Roger Stone looks after seafarers’ welfare whilst they are visiting Southampton’s port.

About Roger

The Reverend Roger Stone provides pastoral care to seafarers.

He works for a charity called Apostleship of the Sea which supports and helps the well-being of seafarers who visit Britain’s shores.

Dozens of ships arrive in the port of Southampton every week and each brings a small crew who are often far from home.

In this series of Sea City he helps a crew member from Goa track down the grave of his grandfather.

Neither Myron Pereira nor any of his family have been to visit the cemetery where Florian was buried after he died in hospital in Southampton.

Florian too was a seafarer, and became fatally ill miles from home.

Roger locates his unmarked grave, and he and Myron visit to lay flowers and say prayers.

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