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Monday's theme...

Bryan Burnett | 09:00 UK time, Saturday, 23 October 2010

Alright bloggers, here something to get the imagination going.

Mondays's theme is:

"I was there when....."

All you have to do is complete the sentence!


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  • Comment number 1.

    "I was there when...." Katrina Trolle

    Someone else will complete the sentence.

  • Comment number 2.

    ha ha ha ha ha

  • Comment number 3.

    Glen - you did it again. This time it's red wine all over my computer screen. Worth the waste. ;o)

  • Comment number 4.

    OK Henri, put my out my misery please......

  • Comment number 5.

    I was there when the last time Justin and his wee boy were on and I'm not making the same mistake again.

  • Comment number 6.

    So it's imagination they want? Cool.

    I was there when Tom Petty invited a few folk over to his place and played us a few songs including

    Southern Accents which he sang to me alone after the others had left

    I was there when Arcade Fire did an impromptu gig in Buchanan Street to promote their utterly stonkingly good album The Suburbs

    City with no Children - Arcade Fire

    I was there when Arlo Guthrie said New York State throughway is closed, man and then sang

    Walking Down the Line - Arlo Guthrie

    I can still remember the mud, man. Love and peace, man. Far out. V

    I was there when the Beatles walked across Abbey Road. There I was in my mini, driving down the road and there were these 4 guys, all in a line, one in a fancy white suit. Imagine. Oh no, that was later wasn't it. Well anyway

    You Never Give me Your Money - the Beatles

  • Comment number 7.

    and where are we supposed to post our edible entries for tomorrow? BTW, what happened last time, Norrie?

  • Comment number 8.

    #5 that's a pity - I always enjoy your contributions of an evening. You've got to suggest something! I don't think you've got the dynamics of that couple right, though. Colin is far from being anyone's "wee boy". He's a very witty, eloquent and talented man. I haven't heard them do the show before, so can't comment on the choice of music. I just like their banter and hope it'll be a great show.

  • Comment number 9.

    Well if Glen though Graeme was bad because of his lack of Beatles knowledge then he is in for a real treat.

  • Comment number 10.

    #8 I'm afraid I just couldn't stand them when they had the (thankfully short-lived) Friday teatime show. I didn't find their 'banter' at all amusing...I'm glad I didn't have to explain it to The (at that time quite young) Daughter. They're Babs's celebrity chums though so... Sigh!

  • Comment number 11.

    #9 But there'll be a producer there to help.....
    #10 I didn't hear that either. You may be right that their banter isn't necessarily suitable for certain time slots. Again, there's a producer there.
    Anyways - I like them. ;o)

  • Comment number 12.


    Please fill me in. I was listening to an MCC special on the Bob Harris show.

    Mondays's ???

  • Comment number 13.


    It's 'Big City' by Dandy Livingstone.

  • Comment number 14.

    I've not heard this lot on the radio.

    Gay disco? Would you like to suck a Fisherman's Friend? all that stuff?

    I'll spend the evening chomping on banana loaf and reading about Katrine Trolle, thanks... I'd no idea that the SSP's idea of redistribution went as far as sexual congress.I could have been tempted to join.

    regardez youse


  • Comment number 15.


  • Comment number 16.

    #13 Thanks Henri, how did you get it?

    #14 Henri, steady....

  • Comment number 17.


    Victor and Barry would be cool! Or Alison Craig...

  • Comment number 18.

    Re: Friday; edible items?

    Re: Monday; are we expected to be honest, or can we make stuff up?

  • Comment number 19.

    Why is this thread 1½ days early?

    We should be telt!


  • Comment number 20.

    Someone's got to start this. Even if it's the one who's least likely to come up with anything worth listening to.
    Friday Edible items.
    Meatloaf Two Out of Three Ain't Bad

  • Comment number 21.


    I`m at a complete loss too, SG. Only get to Listen Again tomorrow.

    Are Justin and Colin the two guys in The High Life?

  • Comment number 22.

    My attitude to Colin & Justin doing GIO will be the same as it is for food...

    I'll try anything once


    Make It With You - Bread

    Double Whammy? - ish!

    Paul from Ayr

  • Comment number 23.

    #19 & 21

    Reckon BB was sprinting for the door and gave tomorrow's theme the 60 seconds pass over!

    BTW why did JimfraeErskine merit special treatment / shout tonight?

  • Comment number 24.

    # 16

    I'd a vague feeling or memory of a reggae number along those lines. I went into Amazon and typed 'reggae'. Dozens of compilations came up. The first one I looked at had 'Big City - Dandy Livingstone' about half way down the playlist.

    I went onto Spotify and listened... and there it was. Bingo.

  • Comment number 25.

    #24 that was good thinking, BTW I think I had a K-Tel compilation album with a Dandy Livinstone track on it - "Suzanne Beware of the Devil", liked it a lot too.

  • Comment number 26.

    #25 I had that LP too.

  • Comment number 27.


    Colin and Justin, you'll probably be aware that this is the programme where We Choose the Music. No point in choosing stuff you can hear all the time on lots of other programmes, I'm sure you'll agree. Here is my selection from the menu:

    Flute Salad - Gong
    a particularly melodic instrumental, just the thing to chill to on a Friday after work, and regular readers will know how popular Gong are with the bloggers, Fred in particular

    Play Something Sweet - Frankie Miller
    Frankie Miller is a Scottish singer who is known as one of the best white exponents of soul music. His songs have been covered by dozens of other artists notably Bob Seger, the Eagles, Chris Farlowe, Rod Stewart, Joe Cocker and many many more. He suffered a major brain haemorrhage which robbed him of his ability to sing and write songs, but he is not forgotten

    Peaches - Captain Beefheart
    requests for the Captain appear fairly regularly but he has only once been played as far as I can remember, and of course he fits the theme twice over here

    Uncle Meat - Frank Zappa
    another very nice instrumental from someone not afraid to experiment and cross the musical boundaries. I'm sure that as arbiters of inventive decorating, C and J, you'll appreciate this

    Candy - Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers
    Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers are a band of superlative musicians: the lovely Mike Campbell a guitar virtuoso, Benmont Tench, master of the keyboard; and Tom - I need say no more

    Candy Man - Hot Tuna
    another in our two for the price of one specials, a fantastic song

  • Comment number 28.

    Or Jack and Victor. We could all request Rose Marie!

    Fraid I ain't Colin and Justin fans so I'll give this one a bodyswerve.

    Think there was just nothing to play. Must be the least requests since the 'Brits' Show. Never mind JFE, he played a couple of songs that noone requested :-)

  • Comment number 29.

    Justin and Colin,

    Not so very long ago Vic Galloway was given an opportunity to become a Get It On legend. Sadly, he lost his nerve and attempted a compromise. Thus managing to annoy everyone.

    As Gaie rightly points out, (see #27), we choose the music. (Allegedly).

    Justin and Colin, you have a chance to endear yourselves to us forever! Don't blow it.


    'Ananinginaneana' - Saint Andrew


  • Comment number 30.

    #26, if you had then Sailing & Lovely Day were on it, a great place to start!

  • Comment number 31.

    From No Mean City, once notorious for its razor gangs, we present - two fellows who'll come round and criticise your curtains.

    Justin, though - you couldn't make it up.

  • Comment number 32.

    and for tonight's special request

    Gong - ya bass

  • Comment number 33.

    #30 Yes it did!

  • Comment number 34.

  • Comment number 35.

    I fully endorse all Gaie’ excellent choices and would add a few more: ~

















    Bryan’s away, now’s our big chance!

  • Comment number 36.

    I was there when... Bryan timetravelled to the future.

    (Or rather: I was there when the blog's developer allowed publish date to be set in the future, but forgot to filter future dates in display)

  • Comment number 37.

    ...very tempted to try a Little Bobby Tables on the blog:

  • Comment number 38.

    #36 eh?

  • Comment number 39.

    The blog's run by software that lets Bryan (etc) add new posts from a nice web interface.

    Part of the input (as well as uploading an image, setting the title & body) will be a publish date field, which allows you to write a post for publication in the future.

    What the blog software doesn't appear to do is restrict displaying posts to those whose publish dates are in the past, so you get posts scheduled for publication in the future displaying too. Which is a bug.

  • Comment number 40.


    No Beefheart this year - I do recall one track being played waaayy back, but not in the period where I've got data.

  • Comment number 41.


    Sweet would be sweet ... 'Teenage Rampage'

  • Comment number 42.

    Food glorious food:

    * Bill Bailey - Unisex Chipshop
    * Billy Bragg - Milkman of Human Kindness
    * The Rutles - Cheese and Onions
    * Chordettes - Lollipop
    * Sinead Lohan - The Fish
    * Oysterband - Love Will Tear Us Apart
    * The Soup Dragons - I'm Free

  • Comment number 43.


    It was 'Bluejeans & Moonbeams' - probably the most Radio friendly Beefheart track.

    I had petitioned for it very hard on the day, though it wasn't my shout.

    There followed a long and interminable row between Jim frae Eskine and myself over the playlist 'guidelines' and the extent to which we should be protesting about the (then) deaf ear being displayed to Greggary Peccary.

    His attitude was 'the more you protest, the less they are persuaded' as though he had some insider knowledge of the playlist guidelines. Anyway, we kept protesting. About 8 weeks later 'Peaches En Regelia' got played. Greggary adopted a new identity for the next campaign, which has turned into Gong.

    JfE fell out with DC and quit the blog, contrubting by email.This was an astute move,it turns out,as he has been singled out for special treatment ever since, as Madmac points out at at #28 above.

    regardez youse


  • Comment number 44.

    #42 Food glorious food:

    Divine Comedy - My Lovely Horse

  • Comment number 45.


    Pluto Shervington - 'Ram Goat Liver'

  • Comment number 46.


    I was *very* tempted by this (hey, I've worked in an office whose canteen served individually cooked horse steaks every day), along with Tweeter & the Monkey Man and other non-traditional foodstuffs.

  • Comment number 47.

    'Creep' ... Richard Cheese & Lounge Against the Machine

    'Smooth Operator' ... Senor Coconut

    A creative couple for a creative couple ...

  • Comment number 48.

    One for

    Do You Want Fries With That? - Tim McGraw

    Hello, Colin & Justin! We love country music on a Friday! This will help to fill your quota.

    And don't forget to Feed The ><[[[[[[[°>


  • Comment number 49.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 50.


    C&J - A Friday programme also nearly always has about 4 or 5 prog rock tracks in it.

    One that fits into the theme nicely would be
    * Incredible String Band - The Hedgehog Song

  • Comment number 51.


    Hot Dog - Led Zeppelin
    Sugar Me - Lynsey de Paul

  • Comment number 52.

    #50 Oh now, Capn, you've put me in a very difficult position. I can't approve the eating of horses, even if the steaks were individually cooked (as opposed to what? grilling the whole animal?) and I can't approve the eating of hedgehogs, dear wee souls who eat the slugs and do a very useful job.
    However, it is, of course, absolutely true C & J that we usually have lots of prog rock and other non-mainstream tracks on a Friday and it would indeed be excellent to hear

    The Hedgehog Song

    in its entirety

  • Comment number 53.

    'Burr Under My Saddle' from 'Someday Soon Things Will Be Much Worse' by The Meat Purveyors.

    Mmm...Van Morrison seems rather keen on Jelly Roll...'And It Stoned Me','And The Healing Has Begun' or 'Philosopher's Stone'.

    'Diner' by Martin Sexton

  • Comment number 54.

    #53 Julie you clearly don't know what Vans Jelly Roll refers to! It is not a jam piece.

  • Comment number 55.

    Dear Justin and Colin in my country destination home I like nothing better than a big plate of Black Eyed Peas.

    Black Eyed Peas - Where Is The Love

  • Comment number 56.

    #23 - You think it was that special Mac?

    More for tonight:

    "New Age Girl" - Dead Eye Dick (song about a vegetarian)

    something meatier by the butcher band

    "Silverside Machine" - Porkwind (cr R&M)

  • Comment number 57.

    #54 Mr M - perhaps you misunderestimate me ;o)

  • Comment number 58.


    Hmm we could have a whole show about horses:

    * Stones/Subo - Wild Horses
    * Oldfield - On Horseback
    * Fr Ted Crilly & Fr Dougal Maguire - My Lovely Horse
    * Morricone - Death Rides a Horse
    * Goldfrapp - Ride a White Horse
    * Cardigans - A Good Horse
    * anything by Neil Young & Crazy Horse
    etc etc

  • Comment number 59.

    'When the Kids are United' ... Ham 69
    'Emma' ... Hot Chocolate
    'Hillbilly Heaven' ... Tex Ritter (bar)
    'I Had Too Much To Dream (Last Night)' ... The Electric Prunes
    'Jelly Belly' ... The Smashing Pumpkins
    'Lose Yourself' ... M&M('s)

    Keep it eclectic CJ!

  • Comment number 60.

    #56 Adam to be fair it was a great wee story to round off the show and a smashing track!

  • Comment number 61.

    Hello Colin & Justin

    I sincerely hope the show goes well for you and we all have a great time.This is, as Scotch points out, a great opportunity to endear yourselves to the GIO blogging community.

    Here is an irresistable double whammy:

    No Fish Today - Kid Creole & the Coconuts

    This really is fantastic, great story telling with an important message - really radio friendly - I'm sure Miss Babs will find it for you. You'll be blown away with this one.

    I'm going to Mother India for a curry at 6;15 so if you could play it early, it would be a bonus. It's also a big favourite of Sister Margaret and The Ayatollah (my mother) who'll be listening in whilst chomping on their weekly banana loaf.If you do play it, they'll probably bake you a banana loaf.Highly recommended, ask Bryan.

    regardez youse


  • Comment number 62.

    #61 other Indian restaurants are available.....but that is one of the best.

    Bring Me The Naan Bread of ...ah forget it

  • Comment number 63.


    Horse and Hound - already suggested as a theme!

  • Comment number 64.

    Given that , we really should have

    * The Slits - Heard it through the Grapevine

  • Comment number 65.

    #64 Agreed, sad thing is she was only 48.

    #43 & 56, more along the lines of preferential treatment I.E. Where was the playing along with the theme idea... given he named both the artist & song!

    Maybe Space Trucker has an opinion.

  • Comment number 66.

    Where is DC? Has the lobster community turned on him?

  • Comment number 67.

    Ö÷²¥´óÐã Four now for Chopin Gala feat. Garrick Ohlsson.

  • Comment number 68.


    He is probably looking like one by now.

    Half term holidays, hmmm? Marvellous.

    It was time aff to go to the tawties in my day.

  • Comment number 69.

    So how did the show go tonight?

  • Comment number 70.

    Good Evening Blogites - been a while since I checked out the action but nice to see nothing changes.

    #65 - Perish the thought madmac that anyone gets preferential treatment on the blog. [Still when you're "in" with the gaffers you're more likely to stand a chance].

    #43 - Reading Henri's note, looks like the "insider" card is still being played to great effect and still managing to down the bloggers as a moaning bunch.

    Surprised DC hasn't logged in from his sunshine paradise or maybe he's cleeking for labsters in foreign climes.

  • Comment number 71.

    Hey, hey, hey... glad yer back. Stick around!

  • Comment number 72.

    Re: Playlist

    I didn't hear the show tonight, but a brief glance at the playlist shows 8 songs in which neither the song title nor the name of the band/singer has an obvious link to anything edible.

    Never again will I complain about Bryan moving goalposts.

    Well, no' furr a wee while...


  • Comment number 73.

    That's all very well Scotch but you should see the difference the pastel shades have made to my apartment.

  • Comment number 74.

    I'm a convert,too.

    You should see how they've transformed my cornice.

  • Comment number 75.

    #73 are you taking the pistachio?
    Haven't the foggiest how Florence, Steps, Lady Gaga, Bros or Bublé fitted in there. Must have missed something when preparing the S & M £10 meal deal noone ever seems to admit to resorting to.
    Wondering why I didn't suggest George Michael's Careless Wispa.

  • Comment number 76.

    Wheeeeeeeeeeeeee! That's sailed right over ma heid and hit the wall behind me!

  • Comment number 77.

    Breaking news:

    GIO in Y-fronts and sticky tape morality dilemma ...

    Ach well ... At least this means Richard Cheese should be in with a shout next time!

  • Comment number 78.

    Strange playlist right enough.

    As for Monday I'm sure Norrie and Roxyjohn could fill the programme themselves!

  • Comment number 79.

    I was there when - HMS Astute ran aground.

    The Tide is (no) high - Blondie
    Bump & Grind - R Kelly
    Blown it all Sky(e) high - Jigsaw

  • Comment number 80.

    'I Was There When It Happened' - Johnny Cash.

  • Comment number 81.

    I had very much hoped this would work out, but being honest, it just didn't work. Worse, Jim frae Erskine's Guidelines went down the pan.

    I'm glad I didn't waste much time thinking up lots of great food suggestions for tonight, although the one I did put forward (which is really rather good and worth hearing) didn't get anywhere near it, obviously.Maybe we were perceived as hostile on the blog or something.

    Nevertheless, lots of non thematic tracks got played.These two explained how much they loved hearing the detail of Kathy Shappell's? plans for the weekend and what folks were having for tea - predictably,and somewhat camped up, it is this that explains the inexplicable.

    A programme themed around songs about food unsurprisingly became a programme about domestic trivia.How fitting, the music had little to do with it because it was really all about these two: the show where they ignore the remit,choose the music and talk drivel.

    Being fair and balanced I only heard the earlier part of the show on my way to Mother India ( I'll listen again tomorrow to check my impression). We've moved from one presenter who has never heard of Rocky Racoon to two who have never heard of Goats Head Soup.

    I suppose the justification for this rubbish is the the desire to have presenters with 'personality'(and let's face it,they are tremendously short of personalities on Radio Scotland - they seem nice people who know their music,in some cases, but personalities, they are not.)The 'zoo' radio aspect of GIO is often dismal.

    Arguably, the 'personality' can be bigger than the music on a music radio show (Kenny Everett)but on the evidence I did hear, these two presented neither charismatic personalities nor any insight into any of the music played.

    Quite frankly, I could do very much better myself on both counts and that's not being remotely egotistical.

    regardez - youse


  • Comment number 82.

    Please move your ego, the tide is waiting to come in.

  • Comment number 83.

    You are quite right. It was entirely wrong of me to criticize the real professionals in the world of radio.As a listener, I only have the evidence of my ears, which is as we know, utterly worthless.

    Doubtless, it was in reality a really great fun show, beautifully presented by two charismatic personalities, the Eric & Ernie of Radio with a big career in front of them. I shall listen again tomorrow to verify this impression.

    It was additionally quite wrong and inappropriate of me to proffer the preposterous suggestion that any ordinary license fee payer could remotely begin to present to the outstanding standard achieved this evening.

    I am humiliated and humbled by my outburst and your justified disdain.

    regardez vous


  • Comment number 84.

    Let's be honest here ... it was a load of self-indulgent tosh ... I'm sorry to say

  • Comment number 85.

    'I was there during the C + J show when many of the GIO audience were heard to shout ...

    'Is Vic There?' ... Department S

  • Comment number 86.


    astute adj. from Latin astutus cunning.

    Did you know that this is the first Royal Navy submarine not fitted with a periscope?

    They made a cunning stunt of it.

  • Comment number 87.

    #81 - Gawn yersel Henri

    #86 - "Didn't see that coming" - Commander Andy Coles

    #84 - self indulgent tosh from Haudit & Daudit - never!! (they've made a career out of it.

  • Comment number 88.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 89.


    You may be right. I didn't hear the show.


    I note that the Ö÷²¥´óÐã's maritime expert is a man who happens to live on the shore. I suppose it's the budget cuts.

  • Comment number 90.

    It was poor, the bit that I heard and the playlist for the rest is baffling. Either they simply chose people, regardless of the musical input, who were cooking something they fancied for their tea, or more worryingly, they simply played what was put in front of them.

    I think they should ask Paul Jones to do the next locum.

    Blues night - yes! I'll be there

  • Comment number 91.

    The C&J event to be honest was fairly inoffensive but lacking in anything inspirational. The main feature was the boys relentless prattling which left my ears feeling like they'd done a couple of rounds with Amir Khan.
    The only real highlight was hearing the Captain's name pronounced the way it's spelt.
    I'd agree with SG that Alison Craig was a very good stand-in but I don't know what Vic did to cause offence as I always enjoy his programs.

  • Comment number 92.


    He played 'Living in the Past'

  • Comment number 93.


  • Comment number 94.

    I want to ask something and it is a serious question. Bryan deserves a night off, my word he earns it having to wade through this treacle,I do not have a problem at all with that.

    But...in these times of austerity measures who makes the decision to hire in celebrity when

    a. Their last effort was appaling
    b. They are not music presenters and they dont appear to have much musical knowledge
    c. There are "in house" presenters such as Graeme Stewart, Catriona Shearer, Vic Gallowy who coulod do the programme

    d. If it MUST be an external freelance or whatever then why not someone like Jim Gellatly who pours his heart and sould into the Scottish music scene and I am sure could do with the "gig"

  • Comment number 95.



    I vote for Alison Craig.

  • Comment number 96.

    I am aware coulod is not a real word.....

    Nor is sould........appaling....

  • Comment number 97.


    I was there when Alison Craig stood in for Fred MacAulay.

    (i.e. I listened on the wireless).

    'You're Such a Good Looking Woman' - Joe Dolan

  • Comment number 98.


    A wee bit early to indulge in sould-searching...

  • Comment number 99.


    Apologies. In mitigation, it presented an easy target.

    One might even say an open goal...

  • Comment number 100.

    One might


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