
Archives for February 2010

This week on EastEnders: Life goes on...

Nickie | 20:00 UK time, Friday, 26 February 2010

RIP Bradley

Bradley RIP

Oh dear as Mo rolls home from her holidays in a sombrero... Might want to ditch that happy holiday feeling toot sweet. The grief was palpable. Flowers at the Vic, Stacey's little tear-stained face, her disappearance, err Max feverishly polishing a pair of Brad's brogues and the allegation that Bradley was Archie's killer. Well... anyone who still thinks that obviously didn't watch the live episode. Marsden didn't look too convinced anyway...

And on a related note, ill-advised come-on of the week: Ronnie speculating that the upshot of Bradley's gruesome death might be that she and Jack could have another smooch. Err... he was Jack's nephew, Ron, you might want to show a bit of compassion if you fancy a bit of the other. Tut tut.

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Watch the live episode alternate endings. Ooh!

Nickie | 16:17 UK time, Thursday, 25 February 2010

So... we scanned the scripted alternate endings but... WE WANTED MORE. YOU WANTED MORE. So here... now... in this beautiful moment. *See with your very eyes* what could have been if Max or Billy or Phil or Peggy or Janine or Ronnie or Ryan ´Ç°ùÌýJackÌý(but not Ian which we haven't got on tape) had confessed to being Archie's murderer.



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Get more 25th anniversary goodness - diary room confessions, the 25th anniversary quiz, the top 100 characters in EastEnders history and more

"It's been the best three-and-a-half years of my life..."

Nickie | 11:46 UK time, Thursday, 25 February 2010

Find out how Diederick feels as he prepares to get his final black cab out of Albert Square, after nearly three-and-a-half years as EastEnders Executive Producer. What's he most proud of? His top storylines? Watch the video and wave goodbye in the comments below. And tell us your favourite storylines of the past three-and-a-half years...

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Alternative endings revealed! Who else could have killed Archie?

Nickie | 17:08 UK time, Monday, 22 February 2010

Ever fancy living in a parallel universe? Where every eventuality is possible? Well...Ìýwith theÌý murder of Archie Mitchell, the wand of fate could have fallen on any of 10 shoulders.

We all know that it was Stacey whatdunnit, but pssst! Fancy finding out how it might have been otherwise ..?

Janine What if... Janine Butcher had dunnit!?

Janine script


Read on for the other 9 possible endings...

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Max visits RIP Bradders

Lou | 11:30 UK time, Monday, 22 February 2010

Just days have passed since poor Bradley fell to his death in Albert Square,Ìýbut the shock will never go away. RIP. WE'LL MISS YOU.

Max takes a pair of rather nice shoes to the hospital for "Bra-lee" in Monday night's episode andÌýtries to come to terms with his death. Hardly father of the century, but he apologises to his son for everything...Ìýmaybe an affair too late, Max?

Will Archie's murderer, Stacey, stick around to face the music? We shall soon find out!Ìý

Bradley and MaxÌý... to be aired on Monday night from 8pm.

Live episode behind-the-scenes pics

Nickie | 21:16 UK time, Friday, 19 February 2010

What. an. episode. It was live! It was revelatory! Take a look at the rehearsal and backstage pictures to witness the glory and see what the cast got up to behind the scenes... *Sniff* RIP Bradley

Bradley's fallBradley nooooooooooo!!!! OH there's a massive cushion underneath it. In that case... that looks like fun... can we have a go?

Lacey Turner (Stacey)

Poor old Stacey. Bradley's gone. At first we felt sorry for her. Now we're all like, HANG ON A MINUTE. HOW COULD SHE DO THAT TO BRADDERS? Must be the second stage of grief.


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Live episode: As it happens!

Lou | 11:30 UK time, Friday, 19 February 2010

20:45: That was some rollercoaster ride! It was over so fast, we had some twists and turns, but the adrenalin drove everyone through... Brilliant. Let's go again! Maybe in another few years.

Ajesson on : "Can you believe that Stacey killed Archie? Did not see that coming. The EastEnders cast were amazing for not messing up!"

20:42: Send in your questions to the Exec Producer, Diederick, and we'll put them to him on Monday... did you enjoy it? What do you want to know? Let us know on here, and . Just add

#eastenders and #askdiederick to your tweets. Boooootiful.

20:40: How could Stacey let Bradders go through all that stress! Why, why, why??!! He's a gonna now. *welling up*. WatchÌýour quiz with Charlie Clements... his last interview on Bradders. He even fashions the nut-allergic's wardrobe.


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Don't forget to tune into LIVE EASTENDERS: THE AFTERMATH on Ö÷²¥´óÐã Three now.

20:34: And there was me thinking it was Max!!!! Fabulooouuus. I. AM. SHOCKED.ÌýTOO.Ìý

*Louise takes over*


20:30: Oh no Bradley fell. Blood! I'm nearly crying!

20:25: Oooh a video trip down Walford memory lane round the Beales. Sharon! Michelle! Den! Ange! Weenie Ian! What a nice touch for the 25th anniversary. Oh what a quarter century it's been.... anyway BACK TO WHODUNNIT NOW

Comagirlx on : "I want to give Bradley a hug!!!!!!!!!!" So do we Comagirlx. I'm sure if we could give him hugs we could make it all better...

20:20: Oh no, Stacey and Bradley. I can hardly bare it! They're only young. They deserve a life together! Oh whyyyyyyyyyyyy!? Berlimey, Bradley left the passports behind or so he says.. we know he really left the iron on. STOP EVERYTHING. FIRE HAZARD!

20.13: Don't go Stace and Bradders! Don't leavvvveeeeeeee!! Halfway through and there's everything to play for.... and herrrrrre's Marsden!

20.10: Hoorah! Furnisher-smashing and kitchen dismantling round the Beales! Phil, you're a dangerous man. Can you flush Ian's head down the toilet again now, please.

20.08: Roxy - "how do you know he did it?" Ronnie - "because he's done it before." gah!!!! meanwhile, DON'T RUN BRADLEEEEEYYYYY!!!!

20.03: Ugh... poor Roxy, finding out that her dad was a good-for-nothing evil so-and-so. BUT WHO KILLED HIM!?Ìý

20.01: Ooooh it's happening RIGHT NOW as I live and breathe!

*Nickie takes over*

19:59: I've just seen Diederick (Exec Producer) smiling. The man knows too much! Not long to go now though lovely people... the theme tune will beginning in a matter of seconds! *hyperventilating even more*.

19:45: Well, well, well. 'Who killed Archie' is the biggest trend on . We're all overtaking the woooorrrld. Can you imagine if Archie survived? Vicky the bust wouldn't be famous. It was worth it.

19:30: The cast are now congregating in the Vic... quick pee runs please. Get the bouts of flatulence out of the way. Burp to high heaven.

RocketingRotars via Twitter: "It was Mrs Peacock, with the revolver in the study." Not Mrs White? I always thought she was a sly one.

Himesh Patel - the jester

19:10: *Hyperventilating* Under one hour to go! Don't forget to watch EASTENDERS LIVE: THE AFTERMATH which starts straight after the programme for a whole hour on Ö÷²¥´óÐã Three. George Lamb will be capturing all the drama and excitement behind the scenes. Larry's son will be grilling the cast and gauging their reactions on who the murderer is.

Eastendersforever from this blog: "IT WAS TAMWAR!!!!!!!!!!!" Hmmm. Not sure on that one. Perhaps he used his comedy act on him... the wit on that lad.


18:49: Just seen only one of the longest-running extras in EastEnders' history... WINSTON! He just said hello to me with a big grin... and looking very dapper I may add. We LOVE Winston!

18:20: What's happened!? The stomping of footsteps has severely reduced. The microphone calling has stopped... and the rainbow of party outfits rushing to and fro on various cast members have vanished. One crew member sings whilst chomping on an apple; "It's all sooo quiet..". Tis great, but slightly eerie.

The cast are going through their final rehearsal... and I can't see any of it. Damn it. Roll on 20:00!!

Jane Slaughter plays innocentCupcake_77 from : Getting very excited for tonight. I think it was Ronnie... can't wait to find out!

Alberta Nika disagrees on Facebook: "Honestly, I don't have a clue however its going to be someone so obvious, or someone who you won't expect it to be :), but I have a feeling it's Jack or Tracy."

Only two hours to goÌýuntil we allÌýfind out! *starts getting delirious*. Put us out of our misery.

17:32: The whole of the cast and crew have just posed happily in the studio where the Vic is built. Diederick said a few lines too - he's "very excited!" That's an understatement. I'm ready to collapse! They're now calling the cast for a "company call". Brilliant. (This is the part of the ride where you get giddy and feel a bit sick).


Barbara Windsor poses16:40: Legend, Barbara Windsor (Peggy) is in da hooouuuse! She reveals that she isn't nervous... she's petrifiedÌý(WHAT?!!!). She explains that it's nothing like doing theatre. She's also so glad to be a part of the 25th anniversary.



Wanna know what she got up to last night when she got in? Her old man asked her to sit down, have a cuppa and watch last night's episode. She did, and she got emotional - she says she can't believe she's a part of the show. Well, she is and she's fabulous! Don't leave, Babs. And "Stacey" is her choice on whodunnit... she doesn't think Peggy did it.

16:26: Diederick, the Exec Producer is strolling about. He's so calm. Does he not know that there's a LIVE episode tonight? Someone tell him.

16:20: The lovely Jane Slaughter who plays Tracy the barmaid reckons that if she'd 'dunnit' she may have knocked the bust off of the bar and onto Archie's bonce by dusting. That's some vigorous hand-action, gal! She'd also like to go on a night out on the town with Sharon Watts. 'Oh whatta niiight!'

16:08: Aaaawww. Jamie B just told us how he watched his video last night and really liked it. If you haven't see it - check it out on our 25th anniversary page.

From louise_g_x on : "My money's on baby George!!!! But I think it could be Ryan."Ìý

15:36: Diane Parish (Denise)Ìýand Tiana (Chelsea) have been browsing through our fetching snaps of faaaaamilies over the years. Both of them are looking very pretty. Diane points out she has no make-up on yet. But, you look fab to me, love.

15:20: Cliff Parisi (Minty) is in good spirits and keeps popping in to say hello. He's also rounding the troops to come into the diary room... we love 'im.

14:59: Ooooh Charlie Jones (latest suspect, Ben) has just sat himself into our comfy chair - if he was to play any other character apart from Ben... it would be Dirty Den! Rock on.

Neil McDermott pulls his best shocked expression14:25: Neil McDermott (Ryan) has just walked into the diary room to share his thoughts. He says he's not nervous. What!!?? And what three words describe EastEnders to him? "Cockney, shouting and geezers."

14:10: Crew with head microphones are pacing the corridors. Perry Fenwick meanwhile is chilling in front of the box. Glad to know he's not letting this live lark get to him.

13:51: Wowsers. It seems like a lot of you on think it could have been wayward Sean Slater who did the dirty deed. The plot thickens.

Adam Beale on : It was Sean!! He was hiding behind a curtain in the Vic during the Christmas episode."

13:36: So the sun may have his hat on, but it's freeeeeeeezing here in Elstree. You may well be seeing some chattering teeth later.

Sam and Cheryl show their whodunnit expressionKarl D on says: "I think Archie accidentally killed himself." Hhmm. Was he not holding the snow globe at the same time? Perhaps he has four hands. Crafty.

13:00: Make-up and costume will be applied and worn from 15:00. That's when butterflies may be kicking in. I'll be finding out how nervous they all are and will let you know.

12:44: I'll be mixing wih the cast and crew today to bring you all pics and informations on what's happening. Oooh, it will be like a rollercoaster ride. Or, perhaps just a drive out with Janine at the wheel. Seatbelts on please.

12:00: It's all go here already. interviewed past cast members Gillian Taylforth (Kathy Mitchell) and Martin Kemp (Steve Owen) earlier. Both of them re-lived their experiences of being on the soap and Steve said: " When I was here it was a competition to see who could get that doof doof moment." Well, who's going to win that competition tonight, eh? Ooooh, the excitement.

From Aiysha319 on : "I think Tracy killed Archie! I'm probably gonna change my mind soon. :)"

11:50: Guess what? The sun has popped out from the dull, ashen clouds here at Elstree. Let's hope it stays that way for EastEnders' 25th birthday. No rain dances please.


11:30: Today's the day of the LIVE episode! Hooray! And... OMG. Today's also the day we hear the doof doof of all doof doofs... who the hell killed Archie Mitchell!!??

Send in your whodunnit thoughts, questions and queriesÌýto us throughout the day. We'll be adding some of the best comments on here. Send 'em viaÌýthis blog, or .ÌýAll you need to do is put #whokilledarchie (no queston marks 'ere, guv) and #eastenders in your tweets. Thanking you.

Who you think killed Archie: the final results!

Nickie | 11:20 UK time, Friday, 19 February 2010

Over 150,000 of you voted! The results have been counted andÌýverified. And we can exclusively reveal...

That you think... Tracey Dot BRADLEY DUNNIT!Ìý



Right from the off, you had him as your number 1 most wanted. In second place, Jack Branning always looked decidedly dodgy to you lot. After his initial placing of 4th, he took up residence next to Bradders and refused to budge. Third in line, in a surprise move up the suspect board from last week's 4th place, Ben Mitchell. Like father, like son... only Phil isn't even in the topÌý5!ÌýAnd next to young Benjamin... new entry Sean Slater! Back to avenge his sister's name, or maybe as revenge for Roxy'sÌýtwo timing?ÌýIn fifth,Ìýanother Mitchell - SamÌýis the only female who makes your top 5.

Thanks all for your votes.ÌýYou can stillÌýhave your say on our Facebook and Twitter pages

Plus watch Adam Woodyatt (Ian), Scott Maslen (Jack)Ìýand more in the live episode diary room

And don't forget toÌýtune in tomorrow night at 8pm to find out if you lot were right!

So.... who's got a speaking part in the live episode?

Nickie | 10:00 UK time, Friday, 19 February 2010

Here are the pics that reveal who'll have speaking parts in the live ep! It's the cast read-through of the scripts f´Ç°ùÌýFriday's episode. Now... if only we could zoom in and take a sneaky peek at what's going to happen...

That said, the cast won't find out whodunnit until 30 minutes before the episode.ÌýLet's hope they all manage to learn their lines in time...

The cast sit in the read through

Sam Womack (Ronnie) and Rita Simons (Roxy)

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The live episode: Vital statistics!

Nickie | 09:59 UK time, Friday, 19 February 2010

Here are the top ten facts you didn't know about the EastEnders' 25th anniversary l!i!v!e! episode. Get ready for some numerical revelations!

  • An average episode of EastEnders has 4 camera operators the live episode will have 36
  • There are 13 make-up artists, 12 dressers and 16 props people for the live episode.
  • 7,500 metres of cable from 2 outside broadcast trucks will link all the technical equipment together.
  • 51 members of cast will be taking part in the live episode.
  • 3 golf buggies will be whizzing cast from one set to another. The shortest length of time an actor has to get from one set to another is 2 minutes 11 seconds.
  • There will have been 1 read through, 2 full dress rehearsals, 3 full days of rehearsals andÌý1 technical rehearsal in the lead up to the big day.
  • There are 10 suspects but none of the cast know 'whodunnit', the actor/actress will find out if they are the killer 30 minutes before the episode goes live.
  • Executive Producer, Diederick Santer, came up with the 'whodunnit' idea a year ago; it has taken 9 months of planning to get the episode live on air.
  • There will be over 400 shots in the live episode.

Watch the cast have a nice sit down and a chinwag in our live episode diary roomÌý

Switch over to Ö÷²¥´óÐã Three after the live show to watch cast interviews, behind-the-scenes footage plus the moment the actor/actress is told they're the killer.

Get chatting on ourÌýFacebook and Twitter pages

Annie Mac and Nick Grimshaw in the Square

Nickie | 20:14 UK time, Thursday, 18 February 2010

It's the question on everybody's lips - who killed one Archibald Lionel Mitchell?

Ö÷²¥´óÐã Switch's Annie Mac and Nick Grimshaw throw the finger of suspicion on Patrick Trueman and a deadly duvet dispute. Plus, June Brown (Dot) revealed as a drum n' bass fiend. Who'd have known?

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Plus, Annie and Nick give Charlie G Hawkins (Darren) and Melissa Suffield (Lucy) some tricky choices for who they'd like to snog!

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Behind-the-scenes set photos!

Lou | 20:00 UK time, Wednesday, 17 February 2010

'Looky what we have 'ere then..'. this couldÌýwell be a line out of DCI Marsden's vocab, sussing out her latest in a line of 10Ìýsuspects. Has she not figured it out yet?! ÌýShe's practically moved into the Vic.

Check out the snaps we've taken around the SquareÌýbeforeÌýWednesday night's live rehearsalsÌý(we've cropped out DCI... she was poking her nose in all of 'em.)

The Queen VicÌý

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The Square goes round! Making the new Ö÷²¥´óÐã ident

Nickie | 18:20 UK time, Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Cor blimey, guv. Has Fat Elvis been sprinkling magical pixie dust on the knock-off granola that Mo's been flogging round Walford? We could have sworn that Albert Square got it's name by being... well... a square. But it's turned into a magical sphere for the latest Ö÷²¥´óÐã ident (in industry speak, that's the bit that appears between shows).

Watch the cast mucking about as they film it...

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Happy birthday EastEnders video messages!

Lou | 16:57 UK time, Tuesday, 16 February 2010

It's the show's 25th anniversary!! If you didn't know that by now... where ya been? In Spain with Grant? I ask ya.

To congratulate the show, four of the soap's jubbly actors are remembering their favourite memories over the last 25 years. More cast will be sending their messages over the next few days too.

Jake Wood...

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Charlie G Hawkins...

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This week on EastEnders: Dot arrested! Ronnie in custody!

Nickie | 20:29 UK time, Friday, 12 February 2010

The Cagney and Lacey of Albert Square investigate saucy goings on at Bianca's hen

review_stripper.jpgYes, the self styled Cagney and Lacey* of Albert Square (to quote Denise: "I'm the sexy, complicated one and Zainab's the frumpy one with the gob") were on the case of Walford's big whodunnit. Forget who killed Archie Mitchell - who bedded Leon Small? And how exactly did, what started off as a 'hen night with a load of middle-aged women and a footspa' turn into a full-on knee-trembler for one of the hens? All we knew was that the lady in question had a girly giggle and some chipped red toe nail polish.ÌýWe'd like to point out that around 0:14 of Tuesday's episode, Pat revealed her scarlet toenails (unchipped, but it could be a fresh coat - see below). We're still not entirely convinced that it wasn't her... Heart attack or no heart attack, she's still all woman. But it turned out to be Lucy Beale who was under the covers with the stripper. Won't Zsa Zsa be pleased if she finds out. Well, at least it wasn't Bianca and the wedding's still on for next week. Hooray!



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Clements' quickfire Bradley quiz!

Lou | 16:25 UK time, Friday, 12 February 2010

Slim-fit jeans?!!! *deep breath* You won't find suchÌýskin-skimmingÌýfabric in Bradder's wardrobe! Oh no. What we'd find crying out for helpÌýare vintage cords and stonewashÌýloose-fitÌýdenim trolley'sÌý(didn't he wear them the first-time round?!) But, WE LOVE 'IM FOR IT!

We decided to test the loveable lad aboutÌýhis nut-allergic Dr Who-mad character. Is that it? Of course not *Cue Dracula laugh*. We couldn't let the man escape without him wearing as much of Bradders' wardrobe as we could muster. Watch himÌýstrip it all off too. Oo-er.

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Week three: Who killed Archie, the results so far....

Nickie | 12:00 UK time, Friday, 12 February 2010

*Updated on 18th Feb: The vote is now closed. Results coming soon. Keep airing your suspicions here or get on our Facebook and Twitter pages*

Greetings, super sleuths!

The investigation's heating up and Marsden reckons she's got the evidence that'll make it game over for Archie's killer

But while the DCIÌýwastes her time sifting through forensics and trying to separate fact from fiction, you lot have been pointing the finger of blame at whomever you goshdarned like.

Oi Marsden, you should look at our random predictions and guesstimates, love. Go home, put your feet up. Stop hanging around the Vic, check out the results so far:


Only one week of voting left and our top 4 haven't moved. Bradley's still your top suspect (always the quiet ones...), but new entry Peggy Mitchell makes a surprise entry into the Top 5. Will she work her way up the suspect board by close of play next Thursday? You decide...

The results: Walford Biggest Villain...

Lou | 10:01 UK time, Thursday, 11 February 2010

From pushing your new hubby off of a cliff to trying to poison your littleÌý'ol ma... these villians stop at nothing to grab the limelight (and a few pennies in the pocket). How selfish!ÌýSome of them are just plain twisted (yep... that's you Trevor!)

At our EE25: The Exhibition a lot of blueÌý'Doof Doof' stickers were placed by you lovely lot to see who you thought Walford's biggest villian is. 'Who's Walford's biggest villain?' board.

And the winner is... silence...no drum roll, thank you... Janine 'Brutal' Butcher! Sit yourself down love. There's no medal here.
Here's the rest of the crim rundown in order of how you voted at our East End exhibition...ÌýÌý

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Bianca's wedding pics! Plus Stace and Bradders get hitched!

Nickie | 09:22 UK time, Tuesday, 9 February 2010

The live episode! The revelation of who killed Archie! TWO weddings! Next week is going to be a WEEK OF WEEKS on EastEnders.

And if you feel you can't wait, like seriously you're going to explode with the vein-tingling stomach-churning thrill of expectation, well maybe these behind the scenes piccies will help you with your Enders bends.

Sob as Ricky and Bianca tie the knot! Coo as Stace and Bradders hop up the steps of the registry office with merry abandon. Let's hope it's second time lucky for both of these loved-up pairsomes...

Bianca and Ricky

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EE25: The Exhibition photos

Lou | 15:25 UK time, Friday, 5 February 2010

Would you Adam and Eve it? This weekend a bit of Albert Square is on display celebrating 25 years of dramatic endings...Ìýand cor blimey it's a blinder.

Iconic props such as the Queen Victoria bust... better known as the murder weapon that walloped Archie isÌýon displayÌýat the EE25: The exhibition inÌýLondon's East End. Don't worry, the claret's been wiped off.

Take aÌýbutchers atÌýsomeÌýof these pics from the press night of the event... there was even a quiz to test everyone's knowledge of the show. We love it.

Sam, Himesh, Charlie, Devon and ThomasSam (LeonÌýfrom E20) gets domesticated with Little Mo's weapon of destruction behind the Queen Vic bar.ÌýThe iron used to bash herÌý'orrid husband is in fact made of foam.ÌýWhat a revelation.

Cosily attached toÌýstriking Sam is high-spirited Himesh (Tamwar), host of the EastEnders' quiz Charlie G Hawkins takes central positionÌý(George's pop, Darren), Devon (returning Billie) and Tall Thomas (Peter) finishes the line up.

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Week two: Who killed Archie - the results so far...

Lou | 14:36 UK time, Friday, 5 February 2010

*Updated on 18th Feb: The vote is now closed. Results coming soon. Keep airing your suspicions here or get on our Facebook and Twitter pages*

Archie may beÌýsix feet under, but the mystery of his murderer is still very much a mind-boggler. Whodunnit? Well, you pretty lot have been trying to solve the crime and have been voting for who you think has blood on their hands. Okay, their black gloves.

I wonder if Marsden's latest investigation back at the cop-shop is clever enough.

Last week's top five has changed rank from the previous week...

Suspect Bradley Branning1. BradleyÌý(non-mover)


2. JackÌý(up 2)


3. SamÌý(non-mover)


4. JanineÌý(down 2)


5. BenÌý(non-mover)

You have until 18th February to make your vote count! Come on... who's up for the slammer?

Get your anoraks on... trains are coming!

Lou | 17:03 UK time, Wednesday, 3 February 2010


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GrabÌýyour notebooks and slip that parka on... trains are hurtling through Walford.

From Thursday, 4th February the show will feature trains all thanks to computer-generated technology (CGI)... how ruddy exciting. Check it out!

Warning: You may feel inclined to watch this more than once. I played it seven times. Okay, nine.

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The trains will be shown on screen on a regular basis from 4th Feb. You just have to spot them! What do you think?

You can also chat with other (rail)fans on .

Queen Vic fashion dos and don'ts

Nickie | 12:50 UK time, Wednesday, 3 February 2010

In the dog-eat-dog world of Walford, you need to stand out from the crowd. You get up in the morning, you apply your warpaint, don your choicest threads and walk out into the Square ready for battle.

Who'd mess with Pat Evans, when she has what could arguably be a pair of ballistic missiles hanging from her ear lobes? Don't tell me that Mo Harris is trying to go unnoticed in this rave get-up. And Kat Slater... well lock up your husbands and sons. She's wearing clingy man-made fibres, and she ain't taking no for an answer....

Check out 25 years of Vic fashions - Sam, Janine, Sharon, Stacey, Alfie, Wicksy, it's basically an Albert Square all-star hall of shame...



Or join the discussion on our .

Who you think killed Archie - the results so far...

Nickie | 15:20 UK time, Monday, 1 February 2010

*Updated on 18th Feb: The vote is now closed. Results coming soon. Keep airing your suspicions here or get on our Facebook and Twitter pages*

Well, well, well. That Marsden might be investigating and looking for clues and evidenceÌýand what not, but I think we all know that random conjecture is the way to solve a crime. And that's why if Marsden isn't reading this right now, she might as well resign from the force - because you lot have been predicting who you think killed Archie Mitchell.

And last week's Top 5 are as follows...


*drum roll*

1. Bradley

2. Janine

3. Sam

4. Jack

5. Ben

We'll be asking for your predictions right up until February 18th, so we'll see if bloodthirsty Bradley remains in the top spot or if anyone else will tickle your suspicions in the meantime!

Go on, make your prediction!

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