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Judges' Scoreboards for Strictly Come Dancing 2010

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Ö÷²¥´óÐã Eurovision Paul Ö÷²¥´óÐã Eurovision Paul | 12:11 UK time, Thursday, 14 October 2010

Here's a handy reference guide to the Judges' Scoreboards on Strictly Come Dancing 2010. We'll update this page every week with the latest scores.



ÌýFinal: Show OneÌý


Matt and Aliona’s SambaÌýÌýÌý ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý 38

Kara and Artem’s RumbaÌýÌýÌý ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý 39

ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý Pamela and James’ V. WaltzÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý 40ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý


Matt and Aliona’s ShowdanceÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý 34

Kara and Artem’s ShowdanceÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý 36

Pamela and James’ ShowdanceÌýÌýÌý 37


Final: Show Two


Matt and Aliona’s Paso DobleÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý 35

Kara and Artem’s WaltzÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý 38


Matt and Aliona’s V. WaltzÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý 37

Kara and Artem’s A. SmoothÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý 37


Strictly scoreboard from Semi Final show 2



Semi-Final 1 scoreboard


ÌýStrictly Come Dancing Scoreboard Week 10




Top half of the Strictly Come Dancing scoreboard



Bottom half of the Strictly Come Dancing scoreboard


Top of the Strictly Come Dancing scoreboard
Top half of the Strictly Come Dancing Scoreboard


Bottom half of the Strictly Come Dancing Scoreboard


Strictly Come Dancing Scoreboard Week 6

ÌýStrictly Come Dancing Scoreboard Week 6



Strictly Scoreboard Week 5


Bottom half of Strictly leaderboard Week 5


Strictly Come Dancing Scoreboard Week 4
Strictly Come Dancing Scoreboard Week 4




ÌýStrictly Come Dancing Week 3 Scoreboard 1

Strictly Come Dancing Week 3 Scoreboard 2

WEEK 2 (Combined scores for Weeks 1 & 2)Ìý

The top half of the Scoreboard for Week 2 of Strictly 2010.


  • Comment number 1.

    Jimi & Flavia will be top one day, just you wait!

  • Comment number 2.

    I would love for Pamela to win it, proving that she may be over 60, but she can still shake her thing!

  • Comment number 3.

    pamela is over 60??? she is so awesome!!! (sorry about all the exclamation marks but they really are justified aren't they?)

  • Comment number 4.

    I am totally amazed by Pamela. She is fantastic. Has a great attitude, is funny and the chemisty between her and James is wonderful. I wish them all the very best and hope that they reach the final of this year's competition.

  • Comment number 5.

    Pamela has a great attitude & is doing really well.

  • Comment number 6.

    Hmm. I think Pamela may be what the Americans might call an 'un-blocked' character. Whatever it is, it certainly seems to be working for her. Well done.

  • Comment number 7.

    Thanks for the scoreboard - it really helps. I agree Pamela is fantastic and would love her do to well - the rumba has been James' nemesis so I think Pam will get him through it and break the jinx! Also as it will be great it should keep them at the top of the leaders board. Poor Scott looked absolutely knackered last night on it takes two - so hope he is ok as he is proving to be my favourite so far.

  • Comment number 8.

    Last Three could be Pamela, Kara and Matt. Pamela is a truly natural dancer you can see she feels every beat of the music and even at age 60 she and James could go all the way! Kara and Antem definitely have the best chemistry and could also come close. Matt even in week two is showing that he's fast mastering the dancing skills to lift the trophy. It's the best Strictly ever!

  • Comment number 9.

    I Think the 3 to watch out for in the compitition is Pamela,Matt and Scott they are all good dancers and the standards go up with every year but we need to have people that are prepared to have a go like Paul and Ann although its a dance show its an entertainment show too!!!

  • Comment number 10.

    @ Cuddles. Since you last posted, I couldn't disagree more. Pamela, Matt and Scott aren't good dancers. They are brilliant dancers. As you can see from screen dumps of the scoreboard, as it turns out, the last two weeks they have occupied the top 3 with Week 3 having Pamela top, Scott in 2nd and Matt in 3rd, and equal with Kata, and last week Scott went up two places on Week 3 top 1st, Matt runner up and in 3rd was Pamela. Plus they occupy the 3 highest averages and the 3 highest totals.

    Both Pamela and Matt are doing the Jive so I am salivating as to which one will come out top.

  • Comment number 11.

    Thought Matt & Aliona are doing the AT?

  • Comment number 12.

    @ MrsArcanum. Sorry, I am sure when I got the info from Wikipedia it wasn't updated at that time. I am now sure who is doing what.

    Vienese Waltz - Scott/Natalie & Felecity/Vincent (x2)
    Argentine Tango - Matt/Aliona, Tina/Jared (x2)
    Jive - Pamela/James, Patsy/Robin & Michelle/Brendan (injury pending) (x3)
    Paso Doble - Kara/Artem, Jimi/Flavia, Gavin/Katya & Ann/Anton (x4)

  • Comment number 13.

    Thank you for posting these each week Andrew.


  • Comment number 14.

    For those who have come to check and query the scores I thought that I would update and post my explanation to those who are having difficulties resolving why better dancers leave early.

    Good Question - Well Presented!

    Be careful about any assumptions that you are making about the Strictly Statistics which have given the Producer of SCD and more importantly the Grey Suits problems in the past when a certain combination of results led to viewer meltdown.
    Firstly, unlike most sports competitions where a draw is awarded the same marks and then the next result is marked down appropriately, SCD carries the next points down. So in a heat with 5 contestants the marks would vary as follows:
    E.G. Sport A Posn: 1st:5pts; =2nd:4pts ea; 4th:2pts; 5th:1pt.
    SCD Judges Posn: 1st:5pts; =2nd:4pts ea; 4th:3pts; 5th:2pts.
    I presume that this system was adopted to avoid a "No Win" situation whatever the public voted.
    It is interesting that within the Judges Leader Board there is usually at least one draw which happens to ensure that the bottom team to date has not scored 1pt.

    Now to answer feribon's question we would have to make a mathematical assumption that the results after counting the telephone calls COULD have changed the relative couple’s positions thus:

    Couple Judges score--Pos'n-Pts---Public Vote-Pts Total--Final Place



    Of course Ann & Anton could have been so popular that they came 3rd,4th or 5th in the Viewers Vote, but in any case they would have escaped the dreaded Bottom Two Position.
    All done with Mathematics and not a proportional vote in sight, just a clever combination of a score for Dance Technique and a score for Entertainment as stated on the packet from Day 1.
    Sorry if I have bored anybody but there have been several queries about the scores that I thought a simple diagram might put the matter to rest.
    Ladies and Gentleman of the Great British Public, the vote is in your hands and it woz yew wot voted the lovely Tina & Jared off the show!
    Leave Ann & Anton alone, leave the Judges alone, the smoking telephone waz in yaw hands. OK!
    Be careful where yew point them or Dead Ringers will be doing a sketch on Crimewatch and yew will all be guilty!!!
    Keeeep Dancing!!!

  • Comment number 15.

    Up to the final, one of the remaining excellent couples will go now each week as AW clomps her way to the final, courtesy of the crazy public voting which looks to make fun of someone making a fool of themselves in the name of so called "entertainment" rather than rewarding high quality dancing. The couples producing that quality are I regret to say wasting their time. What a farce "Strictly Come Circus" has now become.

  • Comment number 16.

    Thankfully there are entertianing dancers still left in the competition and not just embarrassing comedy entertainers.

  • Comment number 17.

    I'm demented trying to remember what the piece of music called that Felicity & Vincent danced to. Can anyone help?

  • Comment number 18.

    You show the judges scoreboard at the end of the Saturday programme and also advertise it's entry on your website. However, do you show the FULL scores after the "Live" Sunday programme to show exactly how the final scores emerged and how the bottom two came to be in that position? I feel some clarity regarding the mathmatics is called for.

  • Comment number 19.

    Must admit to being very fed up with the "In no particular order".

    Would be brilliant to know the final combined rankings where all we know for sure is Y is second to last and Z is last. No idea where they rest of the couples have been placed.

  • Comment number 20.

    foxytrotter22 @17
    Sorry if you have already found out about the tunes but I only popped in to see what the blogs were about.

    Felicity & Vincent's track this week is the 'Habanera', Carmen's aria about love and life from the opera of the same name by Georges Bizet.

    I did refer to in my blogs because the music was very apt, although Dave Arch's version was not quiet so operatic as it should be.

    If you want to hear it again, with a proper orchestra and soprano then I suggest trying the Spotify website and just punch it in to the search engine. Spotify have a service where you get twenty free hours a month from their library. It is a bait to use their other services but they are a Swedish provider and all above board.

    You can find all the tunes for this week's SCD on the chapters section of the Show iPlayer, this week's link is:

    You can access via the TV Section of the SCD Ö÷²¥´óÐã website in future weeks.
    Keeeep Dancing!!!

  • Comment number 21.

    Regarding this continuing debacle. I thought strictly was a dance show!!!!! VERY DISAPPOINTING. If this continues, I'll be switching off!!!

  • Comment number 22.

    I suppose if you think the Earth is flat, that the moon's made of cheese, and that bears don't defecate in the woods, then you'll also believe that Scott and Natalie deserved only a 4 on Saturday.

    What exactly was wrong with Craig this weekend? Perhaps it was wind, if what came out of his mouth was anything to go by. (And don't even get me started on his ludicrous comments about Matt's thumbs…)

  • Comment number 23.

    AW is gonna spoil this whole contest for REAL dancers

  • Comment number 24.

    Sorry - In my blog I made an error by omitting the 'Gavin & Flavia' points awarded by the Judges. Therefore I have revised the statistics by adding their 29points to the calculations.
    With regard to the 'judges versus public voting system' it is time for change as the present format is bringing the programme into disrepute! Why not use an 'average percent' system?
    Judges Scores
    Celebrity points awarded/total points awarded in evening x 100=Percentage
    Public Vote
    Celebrity votes counted/total votes made by phone in x 100=Percentage
    Total Points
    Judges percentage + Public Vote percentage = Celebrity total points.

    For example Judges % Jimi & Flavia 32/298 x 100 = 10.74%
    whereas Anne & Anton 17/298 x 100 = 5.7%

    As the votes are not published I am unable to complete the scorecard. I (and probably many other viewers) will be interested to see the revised positions (if any).

    In my opinion this system would reflect the true statistics of Performance versus Public Vote. A dance off - only in the event of a draw (very unlikely)

  • Comment number 25.

    This problem (Ann remaining in Strictly) is caused because of the curious way the Ö÷²¥´óÐã allocates points when scores are tied.
    On Saturday Ann was last according to the judges, however because three dancers scored 29 points they each received 5 points, Scott, who scored 28 should have been allocated 2 points but was given 4 and Ann instead of getting 1 point received 3.
    I have never seen this method used outside of Strictly as normally ties are all allocated the same position/points but the next person drops their position by the number of ties that are above them.
    Jimi received 7 points from the judges and as he came last he obtained only 1 point from the audience making 8 in all. For Ann to survive she had only to come 5th with the audience, which would have given her 6 points which, when added to the 3 from the judges was enough to beat Jimi.
    If however the normal method of allocating points were to apply, Ann would have needed to come 3rd with the audience. Now it is possible that she is actually the dancer getting the most votes, but I rather doubt it.
    For as long as points are not adjusted as suggested above the worst performers will continue to get an unfair advantage.

  • Comment number 26.

    @ Cyril Williams

    Looking at the mess there seems to be at the moment your idea seems to be the best suggested. Would even be fair in a worse case scenario such as happened with Lisa & Rachel equal first & Tom 3rd.

  • Comment number 27.

    I cannot believe some of the scores the judges are giving.
    Scott a 4 from Craig, cannot understand how he gave that.
    As for Alesha She has favourite's Her score's never add up.
    Lens getting soft with some.
    Bruno's usually fair.
    I cannot understand them this year, they have always given proper scores in the past.
    love the SHOW. Don't know what's happening this year, are they all on silly pills.

  • Comment number 28.

    The scoring system is supposed to be 50/50 between the judges and the public. However when there is a tie on the judges' leaderboard the last couple are allocated either 2,3 or 4 points - depending on the number of tied scores. With the public vote there is not going to be any tied scores and therefore the last couple in the public's opinion will only get 1 point. This system mitigates against the better dancers in the competition and hence some surprising results as happened with Jimi & Flavia. I would suggest that the Ö÷²¥´óÐã grade the judges' scores by allocating the last pair of dancers only 1 point and work "up the line" in allocating the other positions. I would appreciate a response from "the powers that be".

  • Comment number 29.

    I agree with the comment about the scoring system being biased but this week AA have only got 1 so it will be far harder to stay in. Have they had their day?

  • Comment number 30.

    Len - you were TOTALLY wrong this week with Kara! She danced the choreography she was given perfectly. If you have an issue with the choreography, take it up with the professional dancer and not the celebrity who dances what they were given. A 9 instead of a 10 would have been acceptable but your score was an absolute insult to a brilliant dancer who outshone everyone tonight. If she goes tonight, on your head be it!!!

  • Comment number 31.

    i think gavin is fab and gorgus !!!!

  • Comment number 32.

    the scoring of Kara by judge Len does seem weidly harsh...

  • Comment number 33.

    Gavin gets one mark more than Kara & Widdy only one mark less? Len needs to decide to stay in America or stay here as clearly the flying has addled his ability as a judge.

  • Comment number 34.

    There is something strange with the marks this year...

  • Comment number 35.

    We think Ann should go and that the judges should revert to the old system of having the final say after a dance off.

    Saw in the paper that Ann is not happy with the dresses that the other women are wearing. Perhaps she might like to know that the programme does not revolve round her. She knew what they would be like when she agreed to join the programme.

    It will be very unfair if celebrities are voted off in preference to Ann when in the main they have improved hugely.

  • Comment number 36.

    Well we all know pigs can fly(!!) and equally we all believe that Ann deserved to have only one mark less than Kara. After all it was just an interpretation of the dance--pity someone didnt tell the other dancers that was all they needed to do. Someone tell the naughty little boy that is the viewing public that actually the emporer IS wearing his new clothes.

  • Comment number 37.

    Why do the Ö÷²¥´óÐã not declare the public vote scores after the results show? Doing this might give some idea of the 'sympathy' or 'entertainmnent value' of Ann & Anton's contibution in the publics opiton. Personally I think would be better now for them to be eliminated, so that it can contiunue as a dancing competition. I know it is possiblke for them to actually win the final with the scoring method this year, but that would be an absolute travestry and totally devalue the show.

  • Comment number 38.

    I would like to say that I am disappointed that the judges (presumably the people who know what they are talking about) are overruled by the public. As the title suggests this is a dancing competition and not a comedy show. I have religiously followed Strictly for years and enjoyed the show very much, but I think it is not right that reasonably good dancers have been voted off by the public. There are still some very talented dancers on the show and it would be very sad if they were ALL VOTED off.

  • Comment number 39.

    Judges marking this year has been a joke, the only judge with any credibility for me is Craig.

  • Comment number 40.

    It is time to change Tinky Winky, Laa-Laa, Po and Dipstick
    Just get 4 new judges - poor marking last night - Patsy could go out when she should have been higher than Scott - total JOKE!!!

  • Comment number 41.

    cfccheers @40

    I do not always find myself agreeing with you Mr Cheers but I am afraid the way that certain Judges voted this evening they appear to have ensured that the EastEnders favourite remains above water.
    Gavin is also at risk but has consistently been saved in the past by the Welsh/ Rugby/ Admirers franchise and I am sure he will be again.

    I agree with chachaem that CRH is the only Judge that appears to be both conscientious and consistent.

    The SSS for this week could result in a projection like this:

    Judges Leaderboard:

    Team________Score__Points__Tel Vote*_Points___Total

    In the event of a draw then the celebrity with the highest home vote wins and therefore Patsy would be returning to domestic goddess bliss and the foot spa in time for Christmas.

    The column * is only an estimated forecast based upon blog sites and general support received from fans etc., but it works.
    There's no business like Showbusiness (Statistics)!!!

    Keeeep Dancing!!!

  • Comment number 42.

    Ah found this. Was wondering if it had been deliberately taken away.

  • Comment number 43.

    For those SCD Bloggers who think that there may be dirty work afoot, you may not be paranoid. If the Judges had not kept Scott above Patsy then Gavin could be going home for sure this week.
    Last week's Yahoo SCD Poll has been published and shows the support from over 642,000 voters as follows:


    Therefore if Scott had not beaten Patsy by 1 point (say if he had scored 8s instead of 9s or she had scored 32) and IF the public voted in accordance with the poll the final result would work out as:

    Kara&Artem-12 pts.
    Matt&Aliona-10 pts.
    Pamela&James-9 pts.
    Ann&Anton-8 pts.
    Patsy&Robin-8 pts.
    Scott&Natalie-6 pts.
    Gavin&Katya-4 pts.

    It is obvious therefore that to keep Scott safe and the pressure on Patsy and Gavin that by hook or by crook the Judges had to ensure that the scores achieved the end result.
    As the Ö÷²¥´óÐã Production staff have access to all this type of data well in advance of publication, it would seem very convenient that all has gone according to plan and that whatever happens it is Patsy and Gavin who are fighting for survival.
    There are the figures, I shall let you judge for yourselves.

    Keeeep Dancing!!!

  • Comment number 44.

    At this rate we could see both Scott and Gavin leave the show before Ann even feels the hand of Fate on her shoulder.

    Keeeep Dancing!!!

  • Comment number 45.

    I have been asked by several bloggers for an opinion on the two AS routines and I must agree that I believe from the footage that I have seen that Scott was overmarked by Alesha and Bruno.

    However, that is only my opinion and they are the official Judges and the responsibility lies with them.

    Keeeep Dancing!!!

  • Comment number 46.

    Knock Knock, who's there?

    Oh hello Craig!!

  • Comment number 47.

    re 43, Chaswick - Paranoid??? Who says I'm paranoid? Who has been talking? What have they been saying? I knew I couldn't trust anybody. Paranoid? Imagine thinking I'm paranoid!


  • Comment number 48.

    We have just caught up with the 27th Nov show via iPlayer. I am not too sure what Aliesha and Bruno were watching, Matt did the best dance maybe the whizzy camera work didn't pick something up and they saw it. Scott and Kara made glaring errors. We have been around the ballroom and latin dancing circuit for around 20 years, in our opinion, Matt was the better dancer on this occassion.

  • Comment number 49.

    I hate to be proved right but the statistical analysis showed that it would be either Patsy or Gavin and as Patsy was in the bottom two last week the odds were in favour of her departure.

    That is the trouble with Opinion Polls, they can indicate trends but you need to look at all the factors involved.

    So unfortunate that it was Patsy's time to go and the Runes indicate that it should be Gavin and Scott in the bottom two next week.

    Keeeep Dancing!!!

  • Comment number 50.

    If Scott goes Len will then finally go ballistic.

  • Comment number 51.

    2 Red Shoes

    I think that the EastEnders fan club will save Scott for at least another week, but at least they will have had the wake up call.

    Have you got your Ruby Slippers back from THRAW yet?

    Keeeep Dancing!!!

  • Comment number 52.

    lol - I could not believe the cheek of it. Mind you, if she clicks her heels and whisks off to Kansas she would save a lot of trouble. It would put her hair out of place and scare the birds, but these are small concerns. If there is one thing I cannot imagine it is that THRAW is any friend of Dorothy!

  • Comment number 53.

    I cannot believe the score's from the judges this year. Only one that is giving proper scores is CRH. I used to think he was to hard on the contestants, he's gone a bit soft but at leased he is honest.
    I cannot believe Len this year. Is he getting to old, hope not, bring back the old Len we could depend on for giving proper scores.
    Bruno always gives an extra point but this year he gone over board.
    Alesha well she's always wrong with her scores.


    Saturday nights scores were all over the place.

  • Comment number 54.

    All we need now is for Ann to get her first 10 - then we'll KNOW the judges have lost it.

  • Comment number 55.

    Remember where you read it first:

    Saturday 4th December 2010
    Warning - MAY contain Spoilers.
    Based upon historical patterns and precedence the mathematical trends indicate that Gavin & Katya will be leaving this weekend.
    Depending purely upon how the Judges vote then either Scott & Natalie or Pamela & James will be joining G&K in the final two.
    The other three couples have always secured such a large share of the viewers votes that although their individual positions may change it is very unlikely that they would exit the top three.
    It would take a calamity such as Karen & Artem coming bottom of the Judges Scoreboard to change the prediction's outcome.
    I would love to be proved wrong, but I suspect that the SCD Production Team have been aware of this forecast for at least a month.

    Keeeep Dancing!!!

  • Comment number 56.

    It will be interesting to see how this week's Movie Theme affects the quality of the dance routines.

    Keeeep Dancing!!!

  • Comment number 57.

    How very interesting that the Judges Scoreboard tried to award Scott & Natalie a total of 37 points this week.
    This would have put Scott into 3rd place and no tied scores.
    Perhaps the Judges misread their voting instructions from the Producer?
    This family show is growing more like an American Presidential Election every week.

    Keeeep Dancing!!!

  • Comment number 58.

    The standard last night with one exception was high. There are four very good competitors. One who is improving with each show. And one other.
    I wish that the first five will go through. I fear that one of the top four will be eliminated to make way for the other one.
    That other one danced as badly as ever last night with lifts risking permanent damage to avoid having to dance too many steps. this is not entertaining. Speeches from David Cameron are more entertaining than watching the other one.
    the other one will go through and Ö÷²¥´óÐã will have to eat a lot of humble pie as a result. The viewers of the show do not want to watch the other one. It is simply mischief from people who take pleasure in decrying the genuine efforts of the competitors. Ö÷²¥´óÐã are too ashamed to divulge a detailed breakdown of the results which i am fairly sure would reveal that a huge number of votes for the other one are the result of repetitive voting from same numbers. Ö÷²¥´óÐã profit as a result of course and the viewers lose out. If the Ö÷²¥´óÐã respected its viewers and I am beginning to wonder it would change the voting system post haste and ensure simply that the best dance wins and not one which is promoted on the back of what is suspected to be rigged voting.
    So a Freedom of Information request should be raised to force the issue. And if the other one wins then the show is very much over for good as the FAT lady has most definitely sung. And the rest of the nation vomited.

  • Comment number 59.

    the problem with this country is an obsession with the underdog. Time we gave up that obsession and welcomed success not failure, effort not lack of it and beauty and grace not ugliness and clumsiness. Time for this country to wake up but little chance it will I'm afraid. The reason why this country is in a mess is due to politicians like Ann W. Ever thought about that when you idiots cast your vote ?

  • Comment number 60.

    Len very clearly and obviously does not like Artem or his choreography. The Ö÷²¥´óÐã made huge efforts to salvage Mr. Goodman's reputation after the American Smooth debacle but, it is nonetheless clear that there is a problem.

  • Comment number 61.

    Forecast @ 55

    The Strictly Statistics Syndrome has finally struck Team A2!

    It is ironic that in the week when Ann & Anton perform their 'best' or 'most proficient' dance routine, they should lose the support of the GBP.
    Was the equipment at fault or had people just lost interest in the contest to keep the controversial couple in the competition?

    If my prediction above galvanised the GBP including the fans of Manic Street Preachers (of which I am one) into adding their votes to mine for (IMO) the most improved celebrity couple, Gavin & Katya, then I am pleased. Whatever the reason, a massive swing kept Gav & Kat safe and sound out of this week's sin bin.
    Nevertheless my prediction about Scott did come true and one wonders what happened to the traditional strong support from the EastEnders fans?As I do not watch his day job show I cannot know if his character is currently committing crime, murder or mayhem but he certainly seemed concerned about his fall from grace.
    Whereas Ann Widdecombe accepted her fate very gracefully and acknowledged that her time had eventually come. After thanking Anton and the viewers for keeping her in for ten weeks, the Titanium Lady retired from the field of combat with her colours flying.
    Next week we see what the effect of the Swing-a-thon will have on the SSS.

    Keeeep Dancing!!!

  • Comment number 62.

    I think there is a problem with the use made of the judges scores. If they are scoring the celebs from 4 to 40, why are they diminishe from 1 to x (the number of contestants)? In this way, the difference in 'real' scores gets lost. This is obvious in the scores of Anne in the past weeks. Every celeb scored at least twice the number of points from the judges that Anne scored. To be fair she should also get at least twice the number of votes to be able to stay in.

  • Comment number 63.

    @) Bluecity girl
    Hi, you are right about the judges and their scores. The only one who is always scoring fair is Craig. Bruno's favorite is: Scott Maslen and however poor that guy is dancing, he is getting scores of 9 from Bruno and Aleisha as she also favorites Scott.
    Len's favorite is: PAM and Bruno and Aleisha are following him .
    By the way: did you also see that board of judges is always passing a note along each other ?? Probably they are sharing their points with each other. So of course Bruno will give a higher vote for Scott, just to avoid that he will get to the bottom two.
    The best dancers right now are: Matt and Aliona and also Kara and Artem !!! Scott Maslen is always just showing off and it's also only bla, bla, bla !!!

  • Comment number 64.

    Matt should take heart from all the public support he has.... The scores and comments for Matt and Aliona tonight were harsh and spoiled an otherwise great show. Vote Matt!

  • Comment number 65.

    I think the Ö÷²¥´óÐã should seriously be considering a triple elimination... All the judges except Craig (I can't believe I'm saying this) as he seems to be the only one who has a realistic, consistent view of the performances. Kara fabulous as she was last night did lift her feet off the floor so why were three tens given by the judges? Len, I seem to remember was very critical about the content of her American Smooth. Where is the consistency in this? It's hard enough for the professionals and their celebrities to choreograph and learn routines without having to second guess what pedantic frame of mind the judges might be in.

  • Comment number 66.

    Do you think the judges may have already picked who they'd like to be in the finals? Poor Matt, hopefully the public will get him into the finals because 3 of the judges seem determined to keep him out. Shame on them....


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