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Team Brechelle - Brendan Cole and Michelle Williams!

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Ö÷²¥´óÐã Eurovision Paul Ö÷²¥´óÐã Eurovision Paul | 16:46 UK time, Thursday, 14 October 2010

Brendan Cole and Michelle Williams are TEAM BRECHELLE


Are you mad for the moves from our Independent Woman, Michelle Williams? Is it your destiny, child, to follow Brendan Cole's every move? If you, you need to be part of TEAM BRECHELLE!

Not only can you discuss all things 'Team Brechelle' by posting your comments below, there's plenty of useful links below to keep you ocupied with all things Michelle-and-Brendan-related. So join us on this blog and show your support for Team Brechelle!

Michelle's biography

Brendan's biography

Michelle's Training Diary

Michelle's Launch Interview

Celeb Team Names discussion

NEW Official Team Brechelle Wallpaper

PLEASE NOTE:Ìý This blog is an area for fans of Michelle Williams and Brendan Cole to share their enthusiasm and show their support for Team Brechelle.ÌýOverly-negative and critical posts will be removed as Off-Topic.


  • Comment number 1.

    I had to really lower my expectations with these two initially, but the only way is up from now on!

  • Comment number 2.

    Come on Brendan, use your magic on this lovely lady. She just needs to build up her confidence. She'll get there with a bit of encouragement. The prob was that everyone set her up on a pedestal before she'd even danced a step so the only way to go was down. Week by week she'll improve. And the lucky girl gets to spend all that time with Brendan - can't be bad.

  • Comment number 3.

    im sure michelle can be brilliant when she gets over her nerves. with brendan to help her along she stands every chance of making the final! he is a m a zing! went to see brendans tour in nottingham (needed a snow plough) it was magic!!! my daughter has danced for years and she would love just one dance with brendan so michelle is the lucky one!

  • Comment number 4.

    well done michelle, improving all the time! xx

  • Comment number 5.

    I thought Michelle you were much better this week relax and trust Brendan he is a total genius!

    Brendan my thought and prayers are with you and your family at this horrible time You will be missed next week x

  • Comment number 6.

    I hope Michelle will improve because I think everyone had a high expection of her. It would be nice to see Brendan go far in Strictly because over the years he had his own share of bad dancers not naming anyone.

  • Comment number 7.

    Sending sincerest condolences to Brendan & his family - I lost my Dad last year & know the pain is heart-wrenching. So brave of you to carry on you're a true professional Brendan. Michelle, I know you'll be thinking of Brendan & hope you can concentrate on this week - you've got a wonderful dancer in Ian whilst Brendan is away. Forget anything negative & just focus on giving the best performance you can - we're rooting for you.XX

  • Comment number 8.

    So terribly sad to hear about your dad Brendan - I'm sure he must have been so very proud of you and your wonderful talent.

  • Comment number 9.

    sending my condolence to Brendan and his family of the sad news and my thought are with you..
    Michelle were much better this week then last week so hope to get more improvement on this sat and am sure Ian will help you while Brendan away and Ian is lovely miss him in the competition.. go Michelle do your stuff..

    I was amazement of Pamela she was so good go Pam for your age you were brilliant even thou i am younger than you but don't think i can do what you do you prove that age doesn't matter, you can do it mean we can do it !!!

  • Comment number 10.

    glad that Paul Daniels gone cant stand him sorry Paul...
    again Ann made me laugh and Anton do all the work dancing round with her hee!! hee!!!

    Scott and Matt also Kara are good very strong competition this year..

    I still complain about Sunday result why not on sat night as it only half hour which i notice the people wear same clothes on sat night and Sunday so it must be same night for the result and hey when you phone up to what time do they stop phoning cos I wasn't sure!!! any body answer to me, I was going to phone but not sure when it stop ringing??

  • Comment number 11.

    I'm Sorry to hear the news of your father, Brendan. My thoughts are with you.

  • Comment number 12.

    I am certain all the 'Strictly' family is thinking of you Brendan and hope you and your family can feel their warmth.

  • Comment number 13.

    Condolences Brendan at this very difficult time for you and your family.

    Michelle will be in safe hands with Ian until you feel able to return.

  • Comment number 14.

    Just wanted to express my sincerest condolences to Brendon. Thinking of you.

  • Comment number 15.

    My thoughts are with you & your family Brendon xxxx

  • Comment number 16.

    Often Brendan comes over as brash and complaining, defiant of the judges comments etc., but in all honesty he always speaks the truth and doesnt put on any airs and graces to become popular - hes serious about what he has to do and deserves more praise than he often gets.

  • Comment number 17.

    Condolences to Brendan on the loss of his father over the weekend - he never once showed it during the dance, although he did seem quieter than his usual self during the judges comments. I have the utmost respect for anyone who goes out and performs in such circumstances.

    Michelle you're improving every week - still got a long way to go, but we all think you've got potential, and you're in very safe hands with Ian for the tango. I can't wait to see it!

  • Comment number 18.

    Seeing as Brendan as unfortunately had to return to New Zealand for personal reasons and has handed Michelle over to Ian what about changing their team name to Team Maites?

  • Comment number 19.

    Michelle, you are in safe hands with the king of Tango, Ian Waite. it nice to see Ian doing the Tango.

  • Comment number 20.

    It's a sad reason for Brendan not to be around, but HOORAY, Ian's back! I've missed him in the competition this yaer

  • Comment number 21.

    Thnak you Brendan for your magic on the dance floor, my husband and I always will you on. Will miss you this Saturday.

  • Comment number 22.

    my heart goes out to you brendan. i lost my 2 friends to cancer in the space of 2 weeks. now one yr on i still see my best friends mum cry every time i go round to her. i know its annoying when you get told to hang in there by everyone. im thinking of you every day and look forward to seeing you in feb in st albans. lots of love x good luck michelle for this sat.

  • Comment number 23.

    It was very unfair that yourself and Ian should have been in the last two pairs on this week's competition, your performance this week was graceful and you took to Ian's choreography like a duck to water.
    I actually voted for you as my Most Improved this week and I was shocked that despite a reasonable score from the Judges you were fighting for survival.
    Please do not take this personally or as a reflection on your skill alone.
    The Welsh, Rugby players and wide girls will vote for Gavin; Tories and Old 'Uns will vote for Ann; Eastenders Fans will vote for Scott and so on because of they already have fans in those groups.
    Therefore you must raise the profile of the young, sassy American Artist who was singing in the Church choir as a child and had a professional career before she left University. Unfortunately Destiny's Child was some while ago and you will have to wake up the TV audience to the fact that you have been working your socks off on Broadway etc.
    British Artists are used to the fact that the public think you are resting simply because you are not on the Telly.
    You will have to get the British as well as the Yanks in Britain on your side if you are to win the 'Hearts and Minds' war for telephone votes.
    Good Luck and while you are about it try and recruit some of the Aussies in Britain as well, as there are quite a few of those over here too.
    Chin Up and Keeeep Dancing!!!

  • Comment number 24.

    Dear Brendan
    When my family all died in 2000 I went 2 wrk and carried on my life - I also behind the scenes fell on doors, I did what u do in honour of what they made us.
    The only thing our parents wanted was for love for us - for us to live.
    You will do that as were given soul - and, just an ordinary UK and Australian diligence, ordinaryness and sense of what is right.
    By gawd your dancing goes beyond, I see you know ordinary folk of passione and devotedness.
    Devotion rules!
    Take care

  • Comment number 25.

    I was surprised to see Brendan back but glad he is ok, just wanted to let him know we're thinking of him in this awful time. Must be so hard to carry on with his commitments but admire him for it.

    Take care x

  • Comment number 26.

    Nice to see you back, Brendan.

  • Comment number 27.

    Hello there michelle and brendan, Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time and i think your brave to come back so soon, my girlfriend has just lost a brother so i can understand how hard things are. I've been getting quite frustrated over the last few weeks because i think that you and michelle have worked so hard and yet the judges and public really dont seem to be appreciating the effort. michelle, I actually thought both the dances you did when you ended up in the bottom two were actually very good. I really do hope the judges and public start getting behind you and really spurring you through, as i really want you to win because you make a brilliant team and i think that you(michelle) are such a warm genuwine person and i think you have much much more to give if your given the chance, plus i look forward to seeing more of you in the uk in the future as i think you could make it big over here. Hope the training goes really well this week and i'll definately be voting for you this weekend. we've got your backs on this one. God bless you both. xxxx

  • Comment number 28.

    Great routine this week guys!!!
    I thought Len was a bit harsh with his criticism.
    OK - I know nothing about dancing so i can't comment on the technical aspect but from a viewers point of view your routine well and truly rocked!
    Keep up the good work!

  • Comment number 29.

    I've just been rewatching this routine online and I have to say, I love it, its so hilarious! Those two were dancing with real WELLY, lol.

    The technique wasn't amazing but it was, without doubt, the most entertaining performance of the night for me!

    I mistook them for looking like a pair of dancing nutters when I first saw them but on reflection, they just simply went for it and Michelle looked like she actualy enjoyed herself for the first time!

  • Comment number 30.

    Great to see Michelle getting moreand more confidence - lovely to see Ian dancing back in Strictly again - would be great to have him back permanaently he's always such great fun. Brendan and Michelle danced really well on Saturday and yes Michelle really does seem to be relaxing and finally enjoying herself.

  • Comment number 31.

    One of the best routines I thought, I do hope that Michelle is safe this week.

  • Comment number 32.

    I really hope Michelle does so well in this competition. I've always been a fan. The competition started with high expectations of her but she's just gone on humbly trying hard to improve each week. I think it's great she's on our screens and hope she comes out of this with mega-credit from the British audience. Keep going, Michelle!

  • Comment number 33.

    Michelle I loved the way you stepped in to smooth down Brendan, brilliant timing. I am surprised that anyone could spot the difference between the Jive and the Time Warp, I just follow the others whenever I try to dance it.
    Brendan, I liked the dance and it has certainly raised Michelle's profile which is what was needed.
    You can be a brilliant choreographer when the 'Wild Child' is under control so go for it and show us what 'Destiny's Child' is capable of.
    Keeeep Dancing!!!

  • Comment number 34.

    To Michelle + Brendan,
    I don't think those comments were necessary from Len. Your dance was awesome and captured the essence of the halloween show - I love the bit were you jumped across the stage. I wouldn't like you to go anytime soon!
    Keep enjoying all the dances and you'll be superb!
    Jonny (age 8)

  • Comment number 35.

    I loved the jive!!! I'm pulling for you, Michelle. Any chance you will sing for the show? My vote is "15 Minutes"....very dramatic! Even if you just danced to it, it would be amazing! :)

  • Comment number 36.

    Good Luck Michelle and Brendan

    You have raised the profile of the confident Cinderella Colonial Contestant and now you are going to 'WOW' them with the wonderful Waltzing Williams!

    Fulfil every girl's dream Michelle and enjoy your spotlight moment with Brendan on that dance floor.

    Keeeep Dancing!!!

  • Comment number 37.

    Once again a fantastic routine this week guys!
    An excellent performance!
    Nice to see Len giving you some well deserved praise too.
    I hope you get through this week - you make a great team and I think that there's plenty more still to come from Brendan and Michelle...

  • Comment number 38.

    Now that was more like it! Definately the best dance so far by Michelle and Brendan, keep it up.

  • Comment number 39.

    The grace, elegance and charm was consistent throughout. With this dance normally I'd only be happy seeing 20 couples on the floor, chords all building up a musical harmony. Tonight you were a song in itself. I was really impressed with you last week - totally bowled over this week.

  • Comment number 40.

    Fantastic dance tonight michelle. You and Brendan were just sensational. I thought you looked like a true princess and you floated around that dance floor so gracefully. I hope and pray you go through tomorrow night, because i think you have so much more to give and you are so full of potential. Go for it hon. We love you both babe. God bless you both. xxxx

  • Comment number 41.

    Well Brendan, at least you coughed up and confirmed that you had handicapped your celebrity by waltzing to a four beat tune. It would be interesting to know why you selected that song in the first place.
    Nonetheless I thought that the dance was beautiful and your routine brought tears to my eyes.
    There were no props or gimmicks, you went straight into the dance, Michelle's framing was good and she reminded me of Alesha Dixon in 2007.
    I gave you my vote for improvement this evening and I hope that all her new friends from the NFL ring in as well.
    You both deserve to be back next week!
    Keeeep Dancing!!!

  • Comment number 42.

    I was so happy to see Michelle and Brendan get through. Brendan is doing a great job because Michelle is really improving week after week and seems more confident. I won't use the "J" word but in my opinion that is what strictly is all about. I hope that being in the bottom two again doesn't affect Michelle because she has a lot of fans supporting her. Perhaps what they need is a great piece of music or routine like the Time Warp (which was such fun), as they often seem to get forgotten because of all of the other fancy routines. I hope they make it to the final!

  • Comment number 43.

    @Chaswick - I've been wondering who chose the music too. By it's very definition a waltz is in triple time - therefore danced to anything other than 3/8, 3/4, 3/2 or 9/8 makes it a nothing! Shame on whoever made that decision and if it wasn't Brendan, then shame on Brendan for not overruling it, and shame on the judges for not making a comment about it (esp Len)!

  • Comment number 44.

    Jimi gone ? what are people thinking ????????

  • Comment number 45.

    What a star-just seen Brendan on Lorraine on ITV!!!!! This interview should be where everybody can see it!! what a fantastic brilliant ambassador for Srictly he is

  • Comment number 46.

    Michelle, when you found out that Jimi was going and not you you acted with such grace. You gave him t he hug of hugs!
    I really liked your dancing this week and can see so much progress. You also seem more relaxed.
    I know you have been in the bottom 2 a few times now but, please, don't think for a second that you don't have fans over here. Your personality is shining through on TV and I sooooo hope you stay in the show for many more weeks. Keep training hard and all my best wishes go to you.

  • Comment number 47.

    Brendan: You gave some very generous and sensible comments about Anton and Ann when you were talking to Claudia on 'It takes two' this evening. A pity that all those who possibly didn't vote at all are now making a great fuss. Anyway I hope you and Michelle keep dancing....!!

  • Comment number 48.

    As you were brave enough to confess about using a difficult beat for Michelle's Waltz I feel that I must owe you an apology.

    I, amongst many others, or so I believe, was confused by the number of lifts that were being employed in the various routines except yours and James'.
    Not only did I blog but I also used the complaints procedure to try and clarify the situation. I am sure that others may have followed suit but I am at least partly to blame for the Judges' announcement upon restricting lifts.
    I do not feel guilty at all because I have been used to the original ruling and was confused by some dances being treated as show dances.
    As you stated it is better to have something in reserve for when the celebrity is more proficient and confident.
    However, I hope that you will accept my apology if this has in any way inconvenienced you in developing your choreography.
    Personally I think that you are bringing Michelle along a treat and as I said previously, this week's routine was so beautiful it brought me to tears. Indeed I have watched it about ten times now on the iPlayer, as I thought that it was so good.
    Keep up your excellent training schedule and turn your sassy singer into La belle Michelle. By the way don't forget that the Beast is really a Prince under a spell.

    Keeeep Dancing!!!

  • Comment number 49.

    Now if there is any justice you will shine like a star on Saturday. Paso Doble? If you get the usual patronising bull from the judges I hope you ram your horns into them. So many times I've seen you glide across the dancefloor, stay perfectly true to the music, dance in a light way (although you gave the Jive the right amount of welly) from start to end. And yet still no proper recognition. Get up to the top of the board M&B!

  • Comment number 50.

    I am sure that Brendan has stressed how important your acting skills will be this week with the Paso Doble. You can do stern, but not miserable Michelle, for this week you are the beautiful temptress Carmen.
    Brendan is the brave, merciless Escamillo (no real change there then)who will woo you in this strong duple meter march around the dance floor.
    Brendan I am sure that your choreography will be at the usual high standard this weekend.
    Good Luck
    Keeeep Dancing!!!

  • Comment number 51.

    Hey everybody it's Michelle!!! Thank you soooooooooooooooo much for the loads of comments and suggestions!!! I have had the best time here in London.......I've learned so much about dancing and I've learned so much about myself as well!!!!! Whatever happens this week....just know that I've had a lot of fun and made new friends!!! Take care!!!!

  • Comment number 52.

    Michelle, you are an American darling! I think you danced beautifully and I loved your dress! Do they ever let you keep a dress or two? Keep up the good work!

  • Comment number 53.

    I can't believe you have gone.
    You will be missed xxx

  • Comment number 54.

    Michelle, I'm gutted you've gone. I really enjoyed you being on the show. Please come back soon. XXX

  • Comment number 55.

    On the positive side however... I get to save some money at last cos I wont be voting from now on!
    Must also mention your positive vibe... you got on with the job, didn't fish for votes by giving us emotional nonsense and you made me smile each and every week. Thanks a million and good luck in whatever you do next.
    And I really meant it... do come back soon. XX

  • Comment number 56.

    Michelle you should still be there ..Going to Blackpool . Im sorry that you have lost when there is one particular "dancer" should have been out in the 1st round . Strictly come dancing should be renamed strictly come farcical

  • Comment number 57.

    boo hoo!!! my lovely Brendan gone and Michelle what can i say!!! you have really work hard may be to hard!!
    I am going to miss my Brendan on telly can't wait for 6.30 ITT tonight to see him..
    Grrr! Ann still there what a waste of time all working so hard to get it to the top then Ann dance like nothing hard work and still here I feel it not fair but like you all say it entertainment but she should be another group for the age in strictly am sure she will win then...
    So I hope for Kara, Scott and Gavin.
    What I like about Gavin is he can't dance and now he improve that what strictly is all about and not people like Ann!?
    Any how I won't be on the blog again till next year because Brendan not there any more for me to say!!!! so hope you all have a nice Christmas I know i say it early cos am not on it any more cos I have nothing to say
    :( and happy new year love kiss x
    I only watch it cos of Brendan, I would have carry on if he still in but he is not!!! I know I am sad hee!!

  • Comment number 58.

    Ha! back again it was lovely to see Brendan on ITT, so handsome!!
    Can't wait for watching them at Blackpool, wish got the tickets for it and don't know how to apply for one so.

    tara am watching the telly now but I will keep watching SCD never miss one since series one and will continues to do so! Hope Brendan can keep dancing as I love watching him dancing round the floor!! phwor!!!!

    so keep dancing eh!x


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