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Team Flavistry - Jimi Mistry and Flavia Cacace!

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Ö÷²¥´óÐã Eurovision Paul Ö÷²¥´óÐã Eurovision Paul | 16:29 UK time, Thursday, 14 October 2010

Flavia Cacace and Jimi Mistry are TEAM FLAVISTRY


Judge Alesha Dixon reckons that Jimi Mistry and his dance partner Flavia Cacace - aka 'Team Flavistry' - are "one to watch" in Strictly 2010. Are YOU watching them?

If so, why not show your support for Team Flavistry on this Blog?

Not only can you discuss all things 'Team Flavistry' by posting your comments below, there's plenty of useful links below to keep you ocupied with all things Flavia-and-Jimi-Mistry-related. So join us on this blog and show your support for Team Flavistry!

Jimi's biography page

Flavia's biography page

Jimi's Training Diary

Jimi's Launch Interview

Celeb team names discussion

NEW Official Team Flavistry wallpaperÌý

PLEASE NOTE: This blog is an area for fans of Jimi Mistry and Flavia Cacace to share their enthusiasm and show their support for Team Flavistry. Overly-negative and critical posts will be removed as Off-Topic.


  • Comment number 1.

    I'm enjoying their work so far. Still lots of room for Jimi to improve, but thats what I watch the show for!

  • Comment number 2.

    I knew Jimi when he was 18 (this is Nik's Auntie Carolyn by the way). He was always good fun and we are all thrilled he is on Strictly.

    So c'mon Jimi - show us "the tiger within" and win the trophy.

    Hugs and best of luck xx

    PS - Can you give James a hug for me? lol

  • Comment number 3.

    I absolutely love Flavia and its so nice that she has Jimi this year who, as opposed to her last couple of partners, is showing a lot more potential in both the learning and performance aspects of things (plus loving it as well, which is always lovely to see).

    Really loved their Ballroom last week and, fingers crossed, just hope they are able to continue building and building as the weeks go by as Jimi is clearly dedicated and Flavia, well, the best choreographer and teacher IMH opinion :)

    Can't wait to see them again!

  • Comment number 4.

    I'm spotting some other names on here that also have been on Team Mattiona's blog but hey I can't criticise I'm also supporting both...
    Team Flavistry - just to begin with - has a totally awesome ring to it. And Jimi and Flavia are brilliant together, it's a MYSTERY how they manage to pull off such great routines! Every Saturday I can't wait for them to perform. They're gonna go far.

  • Comment number 5.

    Team Flavistry are my absolute favourites this year. Flavia is always my favourite and Jimi is a fab partner for her. Great fun and hard work are a winning combo on a show like SCD, and they are doing lots of both....Keep up the great work Team Flavistry.

    Anyone wanting to follow Flavia and Jimi and their daily banter on Twitter should follow these links. :)

  • Comment number 6.

    Sorry...the above links don't work.

    These are the Twitter links for Jimi and Flavia

  • Comment number 7.

    Loving everything Team Flavistry.

    Loving all the banter on Twitter and most of all loving the "Chanks" stuff.

    Flav's never going to live this down!

  • Comment number 8.

    The fun these two have his infectious. I adore them.

    Jimi & Flavia for the win!

  • Comment number 9.

    I was a bit disappointed they never got a mention on this weeks Friday panel, that's two weeks in a row now they have missed out. Looking forward to their Rumba though tomorrow night. :D

  • Comment number 10.

    I love Jimi and Flavia, so excited to see their Rumba tonight :D They've got such a fun relationship :D

  • Comment number 11.

    GOOD LUCK TEAMFLAVISTRY....Rock that Rumba!!!! x x x

  • Comment number 12.

    I could watch Jimi's hips move all night long!

    I thought he and Flavia were robbed of a couple of points, but this is a marathon not a sprint, and they will soon be up there amongst the best!

    Don't give up Jimi.

  • Comment number 13.

    Thought you were great last night, the judges marking was all over the place and you deserved a few marks higher than you got in my opinion. You are the dark horse though for me, so keep at it and we'll see you at the top of the leader board in no time! Flavia - your dress was absolutely gorgeous once again! :)

  • Comment number 14.

    I've only ever seen Jimi in one film.

    What a smashing looking bloke and a wicked smile..
    Yep, there are "better built," guys in the show this year but give me Jimi anytime.

    I love the fact that he's brought his acting skills to the dance and particularly his focus, he's "there," from start to finish. It's a skill that many actors & sportspeople seem to harness very well & is a refreshing change from the "eyes & teeth," which seems to blight some ballroom dancing I've seen.

    I wonder whether he was slightly hampered by his injury last night?

    I believe he may be a serious dark horse, though my favourites remain Scott & Natalie.


  • Comment number 15.

    i love both flavia and jimi. they are so fun. keep improving each week jimi i know you have a 10 inside you. :-)

  • Comment number 16.

    Nice to see you again Rich mate :)

    I thought it was refreshing and very brave of Flavia to give Jimi so much to do in the Rumba. He wasn't merely posing while Flavia danced around him. It was a very respectable effort.

    And Jimi's smile never fails to light up our living room. He's great :)

  • Comment number 17.

    I think neurotic wasn't the right word, but, Bruno will be Bruno, lol.

    Jimi will bounce back next Saturday and do a lovely dance. Hopefully he'll get the Tango and Flavia can come up with something wonderful for them.

  • Comment number 18.

    I'm very very excited by this pairing - poor Flavs has had dire partners the last couple of years, but Jimi is looking really good... Come on my son!!!!

  • Comment number 19.

    Breathing a huge sigh of relief here! I think the overly harsh criticism of Jimi & Flavia's dance will have motivated lots of viewers to come to their defence by voting for them.

  • Comment number 20.

    So happy Jimi and Flavia got through for another week. The Rumba is a hard dance for a male celeb and its good that its out the way now. Tango or Charleston for next week, and I don't really mind which one they get. Hopefully a stronger week for them this time and not quite as nerve wracking for us TeamFlavistry supporters, lol.

    Good luck TeamFlavistry with this weeks routine...x

  • Comment number 21.

    What tune did Flavia and Jimi dance to - was it a Chris Isaak number?

  • Comment number 22.

    @vectafrank : They danced to Ain't No Sunshine.

  • Comment number 23.

    I could spread Jimi on a cracker.

  • Comment number 24.

    Well I thought the training for the Charleston looked good tonight considering it was from Tuesday...a couple of minor issues but hopefully they'll be sorted out for Saturday :)

    Jimi and Flav are on ITT on Friday btw....:)

  • Comment number 25.

    It appears the judges have already picked their favourite couples and Jimi & Flavia aren't one of them :(

    They are consistently undermarked and overlooked.

  • Comment number 26.

    Absolutely agree Sid. I don't know what they need to do to get a fair critique in comparison to everyone else. They got pretty harsh and totally unjustified comments tonight from the judges..and yet again the scoring is just barking mad!!!

  • Comment number 27.

    He's got a fabulous smile and I thought he gave the Charleston his best shot yet; we all enjoyed it enormously - but I don't think he will win unless he learns to relax more, both mentally and physically. A difficult balance to strike when trying to remember the routine and all it involves at the same time. I think the judges’ comments were fair, though I had hoped for better scores this time.

  • Comment number 28.

    i'm always baffled by the judges comments about you two. maybe the routine needs a bit more sharpness but otherwise you guys are so good to watch! you both have fabulous smiles.

  • Comment number 29.

    Jimi's charleston was my favourite dance of the night as it was so fun and had so much content! Yes a couple of others were technically better, but with this dance in particular, isn't the character and energy more important? I don't understand why Jimi and Flavia are undermarked every week! The only people who dance better than Jimi at the moment are Matt, Kara, Scott and Pamela...he should be coming around 5th each week! Don't get disheartened Jimi, you by far come across as the most fun and genuine person, really lovely guy!

  • Comment number 30.

    Jimi and Flavia might not be the strongest dancers just yet, but they have the strongest connection and that's not something you can teach. Their Charleston went down very well in our household.

    Team Flavistry forever!

  • Comment number 31.

    Team Flavistry's charleston was so full of energy and fun and you just can't help smiling whenever Jimi's there. He's such a happy person and his determination will hopefull take him through many more weeks as he deserves. :)

  • Comment number 32.

    Flavia - I love your new hair cut - what is the style called and which hairdresser do you go to? I love your Tango - amazzzzzzing!

  • Comment number 33.

    Looking forward to TeamFlavistry on ITT tomorrow night...They have a great partnership and I love their weekly ITT spot. Plenty of laughs between them and their training VT's always great fun. :D

  • Comment number 34.

    Jimi & Flavia

    I was very impressed by your professionalism on this evening's edition of IT2 by not criticising the Judges scores and taking the view that lessons can be learned and to stoically carry on improving your performance.
    After reading Sid1979's comments on the Blogs I watched your Charleston again for a couple of times and realised that I must have been influenced by the Judges comments.
    Your stick work and timing was very good, but like Len I believe that the preamble in the Play School set of windows may have prejudiced my opinion of your routine.
    It is interesting that I was distracted by the window props and yet the use of canes, which was very clever, almost went unnoticed.
    I shall try to do better next time Sid, but I still feel that the use of props not only wastes dance time but also represents an extra pressure on the celebrity dancer who already has lots of new things to think about.
    Classic examples of this were Peter Shilton with a hat too far and Gavin Henson stumbling on the stairs.
    Flavia I had not realised that you were into bondage until your ‘Tied Up Tango’ the other evening, but I am getting really worried now I have seen how you treat Jimi when he is not paying attention. I always thought that Erin Boag had the reputation as Miss Whiplash or is this standard teaching technique?
    I hope that you will accept my apology Jimi & Flavia?
    Keeeep Dancing!!!

  • Comment number 35.

    Hey Chaswick!

    You're right, props can be distracting at times. I'm undecided on whether I liked windows - they were part of the story I guess. But I felt that the cane work really enhanced the routine and added to the difficulty level which the judges didn't seem to appreciate at the time.

    Anyway, it's nice to hear people reviewing their assessment of Jimi & Flavia's routine :) And for pros such as Karen (and Kristina in her blog) defending the couple.

    Hopefully the judges will be paying closer attention this week!


    Sid :)

  • Comment number 36.

    Good Luck Jimi and Flavia, if nothing else your routine will definitely be interesting tomorrow!
    Keeeep Dancing!!!

  • Comment number 37.

    C'mon Jimi, this is going to be your dance!
    Hope we get to see Flavia in Pro dances this weekend as well!

  • Comment number 38.

    I think this Paso is going to be special :)

  • Comment number 39.

    The hard work Jimi is clearly putting in is paying off. His and Flavia's Paso ticked all the boxes for me. I was gripped from start to finish. Can't wait for their next dance.

  • Comment number 40.

    Jimi's Paso was so stunning last night, I can't believe Len and Craig only gave it a 7, I'm getting really sick of the undermarking reguarding Jimi I think he's so brilliant and is one of the few who improves every week :) xx

  • Comment number 41.

    Jimi and Flavia, I loved your paso routine. It was full on performance all the way through, and I thought the dancing was excellent aswell, (although I know nothing about paso doble technique). Flavia, you are one of my favourite pros on the show and you and Jimi make a great partnership. Hope you stay in tonight.

  • Comment number 42.


    Jimi & Flavia rightfully earn their place in the next round.

    Hoping they have a Ballroom number for a change. Remember how good their Foxtrot was?

    Happy days :)

  • Comment number 43.

    Come on Jimi and Flavia,we want to see you at the top of the board,we know you can do it .

  • Comment number 44.

    Jimi cracked me up telling us about his adventures with his foot spa!

  • Comment number 45.

    jimi and flavia - can you two come live in our spare room for the series? i'm a great cook, you two provide the entertainment and i'll sort your food out.

  • Comment number 46.

    C'mon Flavistry - posture, posture, posture... but remember to love the dance as well!

    Jimi, you'll be fabulous as always - and those eyes were the creepiest/best thing about the Halloween show.

  • Comment number 47.

    Please, plase, please can someone do me and I guess a lot of Jimi fans a favour and on ITT next week show a clip of him in a film called Ella Enchanted - the last scene with the dancing? It'd be great to watch his reaction :)
    Team Flavistry is amazing! (woop woop)

  • Comment number 48.

    Jimi looked like he was born to Quickstep. He's coming on leaps and bounds. The energy and joy he and Flavia share is infectious. Keep up the good work guys!

  • Comment number 49.

    I'm not keen on the Quickstep usually but I thought that Jimi did really well - and I loved Flavia's costume too. I hope they're safe.

  • Comment number 50.

    Jimi and Flavia you are fantastic, I really enjoyed your dance tonight. Another great costume Flavia

  • Comment number 51.

    Lovely Quickstep Flavistry!

    Flavia, always loving your choreography. x

  • Comment number 52.

    imi and Flavia -

    I never do this kind of thing but was honestly moved by the results tonight.

    It's just so very wrong that you were voted off. If the dance-off were still happening, it would never have happened. Unbelievable...

    Jimi, you should seriously keep dancing.


  • Comment number 53.

    Jimi & Flavia's exit has knocked me for six. Having made such strides, I thought they'd be destined for the final. I will sorely miss Jimi's exuberance and dazzling smile.

  • Comment number 54.

    Jimi and Flavia I am wringing out my Hankie after watching you leave the competition TOO early.

    Your dance on Saturday was brilliant.

    Jimi you are one of the best celebrity dancers to appear on Strictly. I will miss your dedication in learning to dance, your enthusiasm, your smile I could go on for ever.

    Will miss you both.

  • Comment number 55.

    Hi,i am so sorry you are out,it's terrible you never make it to the
    final,hope you are not to upset.

    Take Care

  • Comment number 56.

    Omg Flavia and Jimi, so SAD you're gone. You were undermaked in most dances and then on your best scored dance, you're gone!!! :(

    It's not fair, you had so much potential as a couple and I actually believed that this might possibly be Flavia's year with such a dancer like Jimi (as he could actually dance).

    Your relationship was one of the best, if not the best, of all the couples as you genuinely liked training and dancing with each other, and it truly showed. You were the 'fun' in Strictly this year.

    Oh man, I still can't get over it! At least everyone knows you were better than that result.
    Love to our lovely Jimi and gorgeous Flavia.
    Kisses and lots of hugs to you both (you prob need them right now).

  • Comment number 57.

    I am seriously upset that Jimi and Flavia have gone...it's an absolute travesty and simply CRUEL given that this was his best week.
    Jimi, there's a lot of people that will miss you, your amazing enthusiasm, your infectious smile, the way you throw yourself wholeheartedly into the competition, the brilliant dances you come out with every week...I could go on. The judges never fully appreciated you and undermarked you several times. There are people in this competition that certainly do not deserve it, in fact you deserved to stay in at LEAST until the semis. Be really proud of everything you've achieved on this show and know that we really loved watching you every week.
    Team Flavistry forever :)

  • Comment number 58.

    I was genuinely choked up watching you two leave the compitition. You've been my favourite couple this year, and your final dance was gleaming with charm.
    I'm so gonna miss seeing both of you perform and rehearsing in the training room next week.
    You're a genuine delight to watch.

  • Comment number 59.

    Strictly has become a farce with this last vote out.is it worth watching next week? At least last year one candidate did the honourble thing and walked away.

  • Comment number 60.

    My wife and I both choked that you were voted off. You obviously worked hard to stay in and were enjoying it. The show has become a farce and has nothing to do with dancing any more.

  • Comment number 61.

    You entertained and danced beautifully every week. So glad that the sorrow of your leaving has been tempered by your BEST dance of the series.

    Good luck for the future Jimi and ((((Hugs to both)))).

  • Comment number 62.

    Jimi, you are fantastic. Your enthusiasm spilled out of the tv screen, you will be sadly missed. You and Flavia were my favourite couple as you have been consistently improving each week. I'm from Ireland so cannot vote and I think the British public are watching a different show........can't understand it. Shocked! I think Strictly are in danger of losing a lot of thier loyal fans over the new format....so sad... xx

  • Comment number 63.

    I'm so sad that Jimmi and Flavia are out of Strictly - they just did not deserve to leave so soon. Their charm and enthusiasm lit up the show and the other couples are dull by comparison - I won't bother to watch the rest of the series. :-(

  • Comment number 64.

    Shame, Jimmi you are good at dancing, and showed great flare for it, you should not have gone.

  • Comment number 65.

    Flavia and Jimi have been my favourites from day one. I loved how much Jimi loves the show and being a massive fan myself it made me even more excited for this years series. I wouldn't have cared if he couldn't dance because the enthusiasm and the excitement he showed would have made voting for him and Flavia completely worth it. The Fact that he was crying and completely speechless at the end of the results show shows that. The fact that Jimi can dance and the fact that he was partnered with Flavia made me want to watch the him even more. Last year I said on the Message Boards that Flavia is My Favourite Professional Dancer and everytime I watch her dance I'm reminded why and that still stands true to this day. I'm devastated that they are both out of the competition Jimi's improvement each week is fantastic and although I hate saying it they were heading on a fantastic journey. No strictly partnership is right without a journey. Jimi and Flavia's Dance this week was sensational it was the best they have done by far it was energetic it was bouncy and it was the perfect routine for Jimi.As a partnership they brought something to the show that i cant quite put my finger on but it created that magic that you very rarely see.
    I'm absolutely gutted that Jimi and Flavia aren't going to be on the show anymore and the rest of the series isn't going to be the same without them.
    Jimi has well and truely made this series of strictly for me and I just wish that people had voted to so that i for one could have seen more.
    Jimi and Flavia will be missed (especially by me).

  • Comment number 66.

    Jimi! I'm so sad that you had to leave Strictly... :((
    It was so great to see you regularly on TV & I loved your dancing. You are such a lovely (& gorgeous!) guy, & I wish you all the best & hope you carry on dancing as you were so great at it, & clearly loved it.
    Big hug Sarah.D xx

  • Comment number 67.

    The other thing i have to say is that it is very clear that Jimi is loved by everyone at strictly the this the pros and the other celebs have said on Twitter are so genuinally kind!
    I was saying to a friend on a different site earlier today that

    Flavia means the world to me and her and Vincent are just beyond words. There Choreography and there dancing skills alone make them fantstic. Flavia has the Ability to Teach anyone to dance and make them look good. She is kind, she is geniune and she is a complete and utter genius. My life really wouldn't be the same if I didn't have an idol like her in it.
    As for her Partnerrship with Jimi, there Chemistry is amazing it reminds me of the chemistry Chris Hollins and Ola as it truely unique.

  • Comment number 68.

    totally unfair and no reflection on you either as people or dancers..

  • Comment number 69.

    Jimi made me cry! Sorry to see him voted off.

    Jimi, dear man, I feel for you! You and Flavia are a great team.
    Thank you for all the enjoyment you brought us the last couple of weeks!
    Best of luck to you.

  • Comment number 70.

    Jimi - thank you for brightening our lives for the past few weeks. You and Flavia did my favourite dance, the quickstep, proud. You couldn't have left on more of a high. Keep dancing! Twinkle Toes

  • Comment number 71.

    Well done Flavia and Jimi for all your hard work and entertainment - I thoroughly enjoyed watching your journey from start to finish, be positive and look on the bright side - you have learned a new skill !!

  • Comment number 72.

    Flavistry travesty. Chin up, Jimi. I think you just got lost in the mix - that "middle of the leader-board" syndrome - and your departure is in no way reflective of deficiencies in you as a person or dancer. Cheers for being a great guy and a terrific sport.

  • Comment number 73.

    Jimi you are a star!!! You were great with Flavia. I can't believe you have gone. You made such progress and tried soooooo hard to get it right. Keep smiling and remember you have so many fans who really love you. :) :) :)

  • Comment number 74.

    I have voted for you every week. I was a fan of your work in the Guru, so I knew if you could relax into the moves you would dance well. I really liked the last dance and you worked hard on it. Top scores too! Sorry you are out we loved the way you too danced especially to thriller the week before! My family and I hoped you two enjoyed yourselves and take away a lot of fantastic memories. The public did love you. Such a shame. We will miss you and will not be watching next week as we are too upset. Good luck! - The Wilson's of Cambridge.

  • Comment number 75.

    Jimi, I shed tears with you. You and Flavia should have been there to the very end. Sadly, I think you were unlucky victims of people voting to save those they believed to be in danger of going out. You are hugely popular and brought pleasure to millions, so be proud, not sad. xx

  • Comment number 76.

    Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy, I am gutted you are out the show as Brucie would say "your my favorites". You have been a ray of sunshine on the show and i could see how much you loved taking part. Please come and do the tour, You will go down a storm at the Echo Arena Liverpool!! :-)x

  • Comment number 77.

    I have been a big fan of strictly for the last five years. I think it's a fantastic programme for all age groups. Brucy is an amazing gifted funny presenter.
    You feel disappointed sometimes when the results come out, but I never felt as disappointed as yesterday.
    I guess life generally is unfair, but the results last night, especially putting more charge in the public voting made me think people are voting for the wrong reasons, and that's why I felt obliged to leave a comment on here.
    It is a disgrace that Jimi is leaving as he is not just a talented actor and very good dancer, but it is totally unfair and I kind of lost faith in the public voting.
    I hope to be pleasantly surprised to see Jimi still there next Saturday. I was one of the celebrities on this show, I would have agreed with my friends there that we won't take part in next week's show unless Jimi is there with us.
    Yes the show is all about fun and having a good time, but when the judges are being tough sometime it's for the couple's own benefit as they want them to improve. I also think it is unfair when a couple is still on the show, when everyone knows that they will not reach the competitive standard required for this show. If I was that couple, I would have gladly left my place for Jimi.
    I just think something should be done about this as it is really unfair!

  • Comment number 78.

    :-( I was genuinely so sad with Strictly for the first time. Sorry Jimi and Flavia, you were my favourites. I've always liked Flavia and Jimi comes across so nice, a real gentleman, sweet and charming, loves the dancing plus most importantly a great dancer. I was really disappointed with there being no dance off this series, I thought of not watching but gave it a go. Poor Goldie and Tina went out and they shouldn't have, now Jimi and I'm so sad. Poor Jimi was so gutted. I'm not bothering to watch Strictly anymore, I knew having no dance off would be ruinious. sorry Jimi and Flavia :-( xXx

  • Comment number 79.

    Plus I was desperatley looking forward to Jimi and Flavia doing the Argentine Tango (Flavia with Vincent - masters of the dance) it's my favourite alongside the Rumba. I've never been so disappointed with Strictly before. Again I feel so bad for you Jimi and Flavia, so sorry and sad to see you go. I can't be bothered with Strictly anymore. :-( Usha xXx

  • Comment number 80.

    Hi Jimi and Flavia. For the first time I actually put a comment on the SCD blog page because I thought it was so unfair that you were voted off far too soon!! You are such a natural, down to earth guy and your family should be proud. I think you should get yourself a prog on tele so we can enjoy you again. I found you and Flavia highly watchable and I hope we see you again soon. It was a pleasure to watch you and your enthusiasm for dancing was highly contagious. Good luck!!!

  • Comment number 81.

    I dont even have a TV, but watch Strictly days afterwards on my computer. I was so appalled that you were voted off that I have not been able to stop thinking about it since - and got driven to actually register here and make my comment.
    It seems to me that, for whatever reason, the quality and level of entertainment is fast deteriorating into that of a circus - extremely sad, given the commitment, hard work and integrity of judges and performers, and the few chances we the public get to see really high-calibre dancing. Last weeks result just endorsed my opinion.

    I would fully support any performer who declines to appear on next week's programme. I wont be watching it myself. It has become meaningless- and like you, I feel 'gutted'.

    Very best wishes to you and Flavia, and hoping we will see lots more of you both on our screens very soon.

  • Comment number 82.

    Yay I listened to when Jimi and Flavia came on the Ö÷²¥´óÐã Asian Network (Radio) and announced they're going on the Strictly tour. Never fear people Jimi and Flavia are still here, well on the tour that is yay :-D They have a Bollywood inspired ruotine in the pipeline too - again YAY! I've never seen the Strictly tour but I will definitely buy tickets this year to see everyone but mostly to see Jimi and Flavia - YAY! OK enough with the yay. I wish they were both in the competition still but at least there's the tour :-D

  • Comment number 83.

    I'm GUTTED jimi and flavia have gone. DANCE OFF DANCE OFF DANCE OFF!
    Not a happy strictly fan at all.

  • Comment number 84.

    So sad to see you leave, but wow what a dance to go out on.

  • Comment number 85.

    So missing you guys in the show .....with the scoring and the comments ,it is crazy ...not a happy strictly fan.
    Can't wait to see you on the tango tour Flavia xx


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