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Team Mattiona - Matt Baker and Aliona Vilani!

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主播大秀 Eurovision Paul 主播大秀 Eurovision Paul | 16:03 UK time, Thursday, 14 October 2010

Matt Baker and Aliona Vilani - together, they're TEAM MATTIONA

According to judge Bruno Tonioli, Team Mattiona - aka Matt Baker and Aliona Vilani - were so good that he's "never seen a Foxtrot danced with so much passion!"

If you agree and want to show your support for this couple during the series, there's no better place for it! Not only can you discuss all things 'Team Mattiona' by posting your comments below, there's plenty of useful links below to keep you ocupied with all things Matt-and-Aliona-related.

So join us on this blog and show your support for Team Mattiona!

Matt's biography page

Aliona's biography page

Matt's Training Diary

Matt's launch Interview

Matt and Aliona's Cha Cha - Week 1

Celeb team names discussion

NEW Official Team Mattiona wallpaper

PLEASE NOTE: This blog is an area for fans of Matt Baker and Aliona Vilani to share their enthusiasm and show their support for Team Mattiona. Overly-negative and critical posts will be removed as Off-Topic.


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  • Comment number 1.

    Without a doubt the team to beat , 100% committed they look great together they sound great together and most inportant they dance so well together the number 1 couple in the contest.

  • Comment number 2.

    Every year I say I'm not going to have a favourite and take it too seriously - and every year I fail miserably.
    This year would be different I told myself......unfortunately that resolve disappeared about 10 seconds into week 1 of Matts routine.
    Team Mattiona to WIN!!!!

  • Comment number 3.

    I am totally Supporting Mat and Aliona (Team Mattiona) as they are so much better then anyone else

  • Comment number 4.

    I love these two! (equally with Team PamJam, sorry). I always worry with teams that are so good from the off that they don't have the opportunity to show development through the series, but Matt looks to be a hard worker and I'm sure they'll get even better!

  • Comment number 5.

    Two very good dances already and, if he can keep the standard up, he'll be a hard man to catch up with.. let alone beat!

    When you're on top from the start theoretically the only way is down, but, I think Matt has the right attitude and won't become complacent in his learing of the skills or take for granted his positioning in the competition. And even if he did, he's only human :)

    I look forward to his up-coming routines, and am so happy that it looks like Aliona will probably have a longer run this year.

  • Comment number 6.

    These two make such an amazing couple, I LOVE the previous dances and every week I have to calm myself down every time I see either of them because the anticipation is too much - I love the routine every week and can never wait to see what's coming next!

  • Comment number 7.

    By far my favourites!!! Both dances so far have been fantastic - can't wait to see the quickstep!

    Matt is so lovely TEAM Mattiona all the way!

  • Comment number 8.

    I love watchin matt and aliona, they just make it look so easy, and i agree with catherine beak, i do the same every year, saying i'm not going to have a favourite, but i can't help myself.


  • Comment number 9.

    fantastic quick step best of the night well done u 2. How u can get a 7 for that is beond me!!! totally mint go team mationa

  • Comment number 10.

    Wow! How difficult was that quickstep?? Sorry didn't understand the marking how did Mattiona only get 7 from Len?? Thought he was a ballroom judge? Team you are the best ever, keep up the hard work and you will shine through

  • Comment number 11.

    Absolutely loved all three of your dances so far!!! I also think you have been underscored, but keep up the good work. You have my vote every week, you are such a good team and work well together. Go Team Mattiona!!

  • Comment number 12.

    Some very strange marking from Len. Peter and Matt getting the same mark??

    Anyway let's hope that they are safe for many weeks to come.

    Well done Matt and Aliona.

  • Comment number 13.


    You're so good that I worry that your skill will be blitzed by Yanky showbiz.

    Remember the great British xfactorish braindeads like an underdog so, if I may be so bold, put a bit more glitz (props and all that crap) into your routines for the early rounds. You have enough technical ability to get away with showing off. Then when it comes to the proper dancing you can compete with the best.

  • Comment number 14.

    Another great dance from Matt and Aliona ! I think you were being marked hard. Don't beat yourself up Matt..... it was (in the words of the great CRH) Fab -u - lous !

  • Comment number 15.

    I am getting frustrated with Aliona's choreogaphy. It's too intense. She could blow this for Matt. REMEMBER what happened last year with Ricky, he was the better dancer but because Chris and Ola showed the fun element they were taken to peoples hearts. She must lighten up and stop trying to make him a professional dancer. Foxtrot was like a tango - quickstep was like an exibition dance. Compare Natalie and Scott's dance. Matt is the better dancer but be honest whose performance did you enjoy more. This comment is from someone who absolutely loves Matt's dancing and is afraid he won't make it through. I wish I could speak to her and make her realise how close she is to blowing it. Anybody agree.

  • Comment number 16.

    Mattiona seemed a bit frenetic and I know what lEN MEANT BUT TO GIVE THEM THE SAME MARK AS FELICITY AND pETER SEEMS A BIT HARSH!

  • Comment number 17.

    Mat and Aliona to win
    I love love love him. His attitude is brilliant and I cannot wait to seer him improve each week. Although this may be the kiss of death, because I rooted for Rachel Stevens and last series for Ricky. Sorry Matt

  • Comment number 18.

    I have watched Matt and Aliona's cha cha cha about a thousand times already!

  • Comment number 19.

    you two are an inspired pairing - a fiery russian with an amicable northerner. matt you are so great to watch. you are a lesson that when you believe in yourself you will take your audience with you.

  • Comment number 20.

    i think matt and aliona were really undermarked last night, must admit i was a bit worried about matt doing the quickstep, when i watched him on ITT last week, it seemed the routine looked really difficult and he looked like he was getting fustrated, but after watching him last night he made it look so easy, good luck for tonight.

  • Comment number 21.

    Len definitely undermarked Matt and Aliona, I do agree though that the routine was too frenetic. Scott and Matt are equally good dancers, what separates them is Natalie's incredible routines. Aliona's routines have moments of inventiveness and are never dull but there are always one or two awkward clunky moments, where she's trying too hard to show off Matt's skill, that don't quite gel with the rest of the routine. They just don't seem to flow throughout in the way that Natalie's routines do.

  • Comment number 22.

    Warming to Aliona a bit this year, but she needs to calm it down a little. Loving Matt's talent, but as someone said above, it's about having fun with it and making the dreaded J word! Oh, and more tight trousers for Matt, please. Ahem.

  • Comment number 23.

    It's only Week 3, and what can I say...WOW!
    Matt Baker should be awarded the MBL (Master of Ballroom and Latin)
    Aliona and Matt dance well together, and make a great team. Aliona has created some amazing dance routines.
    Go Team Mattiona!

  • Comment number 24.

    I love Matts dancing but really worried that the choreography will be his downfall. Matt does not need gimmicks he has so much talent already.
    Go Matt go!

  • Comment number 25.

    I totally agree that matt was undermarked this week, don't the judges like him? his fantastic performances from week one have blown us all away. There is no way he should have got the same marks from Len as Peter did don't know which routine Len was watching. Lets hope he can wow us all again next week!
    Good luck Matt

  • Comment number 26.

    how could len mark matt's quickstep the same as peter's and call his routine manic - he had the most control over his top line than any other celebrity!

    good luck for next week

  • Comment number 27.

    I;d love Matt to win but I dont think Aliona's choreography will be good enough.

  • Comment number 28.

    I agree that it was ludicrous that Shilton got the same marks as Matt. Len hasnt got a clue.

  • Comment number 29.

    Is Matt doing the Charleston or the Tango this week?

  • Comment number 30.

    I also agree that Matt was undermarked last week. I wish Matt a very good luck on this Saturday. Go Matt!

  • Comment number 31.

    I love Matt and Aliona! Week 1 I (foolishly) assumed that like the average male celebrity, his cha cha was going to be a little awkward and self conscious, but with the usual glimmer of potential - NOTHING could've prepared me for the onslaught of hips and latin fever! Setting the bar so high is a bit of a poisoned chalice, but I really hope that Matt can continue to be the benchmark as the the other celebrities catch him up!

    Loving Aliona's choreography - remember everyone that this is only her 2nd year after going out very early last year with Rav Wilding, so she's still experimenting with what works for both Matt, the judges and the viewing public, so she's still getting the balance right of wow factor and less is more. I can't wait to see their Charleston this weekend! Go Team Mattiona! :D

  • Comment number 32.

    Hi all, Just cannot wait for Sat, I have now got over Len's weird mark for your excellent Quick-step- maybe it was just so quick he missed the best bits! Know we'll get loads to 'whoopp about' this weekend. Go team Mattiona go, will be screaming at the telly

  • Comment number 33.

    WOW - what a fabulous dancer Matt is, how straightforwardly down to earth and modest - and filming all over the country at the same time too! Matt & Aliona to win. You have my family's votes. Can't wait for this weekend's dance.

  • Comment number 34.

    I can't wait to see Matt and Aliona's Charleston, it will be brilliant!! Hope the choreography meets Len's standards and they get decent marks!!! I will be voting for them anyway.

  • Comment number 35.

    After that Foxtrot I was hoping for a Tango but I'm sure they'll do a great Charleston.

  • Comment number 36.

    I think matt and aliona's charleston will be brilliant, i watched them on itt yesterday, after watching there training footage it looks really fast. GO TEAM MATTIONA

  • Comment number 37.

    Can't wait till Saturday. Really wanted to see Matt do a tango but am looking forward to the charleston and am sure they will make a grand job it. GO MATT GO!

  • Comment number 38.

    Good luck for tomorrow team mattiona!!! Keep it up!

  • Comment number 39.

    I think Aliona is trying too hard to showcase Matt's talent and should just concentrate on doing a good routine without being too flash next time Matt does ballroom.

    Guess the Charleston will be action packed and entertaining but hopefully not as frenetic as the quick step.

  • Comment number 40.

    This will be my prep for tonight's programme (Does anyone do something similar??):
    Bolt the door, close the curtains, dim the lights. Choose a small chunk of something chocolatey, a medium bowl of something savoury, and a large glass of something bubbly. Remove stray washing and the family dog from the best seat in the house in front of the TV. Place the land line phone and mobile on either arm of the chair for synchronised voting for Team Mattiona OOOh so exited ...

  • Comment number 41.

    my god, how good was TEAM MATTIONA last night he just getting better and better everyweek, vista98 didnt have anything chocolatey last night had a cream cake instead while watching matt, matt and cream cake, yum yum. GO TEAM MATTIONA.

  • Comment number 42.

    Do you know Pippadoble (41) you have described my almost perfect night in?
    Nearer to perfection would be watching Matt, with cream cake AND chocolate. Perfection would be the above plus Matt wearing very tight trousers and being scored 10s. I can dream.

  • Comment number 43.

    I agree with those who are concerned over Aliona's choreography. For me it is at times too hectic. She must remember that there are quite a few of us who were taught ballroom as young people (it was the done thing) so as a result we tend to be traditionalist. I want Matt to win but I have to say that Scott is a very good dancer. His quickstep was brilliant and Natalie's choreography was also brilliant. Aliona has a need to be different which probably is fine for some dances but please Aliona could we see some smoothness in the ballroom dances and music that is appropriate. I have to confess I have been thinking of changing my allegiance to Scott. It is important Aliona to consider what the audience would like and not what you would like if Matt is to win.

  • Comment number 44.

    aliona, i think your choreography is usually very good. its all a bit on the show dance scale though and could probably do with a little restraint. i wouldn't advocate sticking with the traditional music necessarily but matt is so good, he doesn't need the hoopla. its a little distracting.

  • Comment number 45.

    Matt & Aliona .... we think you are the best and have great technique and energy. We loved your Charlston and even more when we saw your lift when you pick up Aliona with her legs wrapped around your hips, then she loops down and through your legs before you finally role out.
    This was exactly the same lift that my Son and his Partner did in their "Aerobic Gymnastics" routine at the World Championships in France, back in June. They represent Great Britain and they won the Junior (under 18) Silver medal.
    See the move on YouTube
    Great minds think alike

  • Comment number 46.

    YAY! My boy is through! Was there ever any doubt? Love him, love him, love him. Could anyone tell me what Matt and Aliona are dancing next week? I cannot wait to see it. Have replayed the charleston at least 20 times. Well done Matt. Keep it up!

  • Comment number 47.

    Love love love them! Definitely my favourites! :o)

    Really hope they have the AT next week!

  • Comment number 48.

    Matt and Aliona are one of favourites, too. Love them!

  • Comment number 49.

    Loved the charleston, glad they are through, I hope they have the AT next week too, I think their chemistry is really good and it would be electric!!! Hope Aliona's choreography is sensible.

  • Comment number 50.

    I was quite worried when I saw Matt's outfit but I thought that their Charleston was FAB U LOUS!!

  • Comment number 51.

    yes, the lovely matt is through, does anyone know what dance he is doing on saturday, GO TEAM MATTIONA.

  • Comment number 52.

    Mattiloveyou and vista98 - totally agree with you both! Team Mattiona is the BEST! Loved the Charleston and as for the outfit ....mmmmm.. muscles on show and tight trousers ... gets my vote! And the dancing was pretty amazing too!
    Please, please, please let it be the Argentine Tango this week...my fav! (apart from the Rumba! ;-) )

  • Comment number 53.

    hi Kris121nurse, fingers crossed that they do the Argentine Tango its also one of my favourites aswell, but whatever dance they do, it will be fantastic. GO TEAM MATTIONA.

  • Comment number 54.

    Oh wouldn't Matt doing the argentine tango just be amazing?... The paso doble would be great too - the masculinity and the open shirt. Hmm. Their charleston was so full of energy and the storytelling was brilliant! The moustache wasn't exactly suited to him, but that was made up for by the costume...my mum thinks he looks like Waluigi with that moustache but heck no, I said, Matt's actually got some nice muscles...
    Looking forward to this weekend :)
    Keep up the amazing work GO TEAM MATTIONA

  • Comment number 55.

    YAY! Watched ITT tonight and My boy and Aliona have the A T! Roll on Saturday night. Will be arming myself with box chocolates, bottle of red wine, and the record mode of the remote so I can rewind it several times and I will be one happy bunny. GO Team MATTIONA! Its bound to be brilliant.

  • Comment number 56.

    would love to be able to see again the Blue Peter clip (1999) of Matt disco dancing - truly brilliant!*!* Any chance of it going on YouTube or a 主播大秀 site where one could pay-to-view for Children in Need?

  • Comment number 57.

    I am so pleased Matt and Aliona have got the AT this week, can only imagine it will be HOT!!!! I will sky plus it and then rewind it a few times! Still keep watching their Cha Cha Cha, that was brilliant!!!
    Go team Mattiona!!!

  • Comment number 58.

    My husband has just noticed that the only recorded programmes on the SKY+ are all from Strictly Series 8. NOW he wants to know why I am insisting he goes out on Saturday night and stays out as long as he wants. If he finds the stash of chocolate and red wine the game will be up! Matt what have you done to me?

  • Comment number 59.

    I think Matt has done something to all the ladies out there!! He is just sooooo exciting to watch! He knows how to use the cameras to full advantage!

  • Comment number 60.

    waltzingjenny - you are soooo right!! Real showman in the Charleston. Loved it, and keep watching it over and over! Adore the way Matt dosent realise how much the ladies love him. Great personality and he and Aliona seem to have so much fun together...jealous of Aliona - dancing with Matt, stunning girl and fab with her routines!!
    Mattiloveyou - that's really funny! My boyfriend insisted watching SCd on Sat - 1st time ever - and wondered why i kept shushing him when Matt was dancing!!! I mean ... come on!! Need to watch in peace to absorb every little detail ;-) lol
    AT on Sat...woo hoo!! On Twitter Aliona refers to Matt as 'Vamp man'. As its halloween .... this sounds really gooooood!! I cannot wait!
    Disco dancing on ITT... omg! that was soooo funny - bless him! Not sure what Aliona thought of that...her face!! hahaha
    GO TEAM MATTIONA......love you!!!! x x

  • Comment number 61.

    OMG! Have just watched ITT and saw a very little snatch of Matts practice of the AT. It looks GREAT! I am not an expert but I know what I like and he is it! Cannot WAIT till Saturday. I am so hoping they get 10s this week.

  • Comment number 62.

    Watched ITT last night - really good training for Team Mattiona, but segment so short! Noooooo!!! want more of Matt please!!
    I soooo love his passion for each dance - seems to throw himself into it every week. Well done Aliona on having a fab partner to work with!
    Roll on ITT tonight and SCD on Sat! Yey!! :-) xx

  • Comment number 63.

    Good luck for tomorrow, Matt and Aliona! Can't wait to see you. Love you!

  • Comment number 64.

    Cant understand anyone who doesnt think Matt is lovely. Part of the attraction is his modesty and willingness to allow himself to look silly, although cant imagine that happening.The fact that he can dance is a huge bonus and more than justifies the support he gets.A couple of other contestants would do well to take a leaf out of his book.

  • Comment number 65.

    Good Luck Matt & Aliona,
    You certainly are one of the happiest couples dancing in the competition, second only to SuperAnn and Atom Anton for smiles and laughter.
    Keeeep Dancing!!!

  • Comment number 66.

    An AT tomorrow, oh goody.

    Off to iPlayer ITT.

    Good luck Matt and Aliona!

  • Comment number 67.

    Right Matt, no more Mr Nice Guy, forget your Blue Peter etiquette training!
    You have just been on the range for three months, surrounded by cattle with only your horses and fellow Gauchos to talk to and your Bolas to play with.
    You have now hit town with your pay in your pocket, determined to have a good time with the most beautiful woman in the dance hall. If you can imagine all that then the rest is easy.
    Aliona is a consummate professional and will be in your wallet faster than you can say 鈥淥l茅!鈥.
    Between your smouldering and her being sensual you should knock the Judges right out of their seats.
    Keeeep dancing!!!

  • Comment number 68.

    It is going to smmmmoooouuuulder.

  • Comment number 69.

    I do not know if there are enough ice cubes in the freezer! How am I going to watch MATT, rewind again and again, vote for him and Aliona on my mobile, my landline and the husbands mobile, whilst fanning myself and keeping a constant supply of ice to my forehead so I dont spontaneously oombust AND appear totally unflustered and in control when the old man comes back from the pub asking how I spent my evening?

  • Comment number 70.


  • Comment number 71.

    Sorry Guys I did not realise that you were carrying a handicap in this competition, which is the music!
    I have written several blogs about the inappropriate music that some couples have been using, but I shall be interested to see how you put a Spanish double step to Meatloaf.
    It will be either a work of genius or a road crash - Good Luck.
    Of course Matt you can still be moody and magnificent and Aliona is always smouldering and sexy; but I think that you would have been better off choreographing a bar fight to that music.
    You were obviously doing so well that Management decided to make it more interesting for you.
    Don't worry though, if they really cost you points through this, I'll send the boys round to discuss your Producer's Pension Plan.
    However I'm sure that you're 鈥淕onna make the most of your one night together!鈥
    Keeeep Dancing!!!

  • Comment number 72.

    Our boy is going to need the votes tonight. He is wonderful but the choreography was not the best. Please keep him in. What a dancer but not the argentine tango I hoped for. Still he did brilliantly as usual

  • Comment number 73.

    Matt's Halloween performance was fantastic! Well done Matt and Aliona, supporting them all the way!x

  • Comment number 74.

    Was really looking forward to Matt's and Aliona's Argentine Tango. But was disappointed, mainly down to the music. I think i was expecting a more traditional dance . And expected it to be hot and smouldering.
    But with the Halloween theme, it was hard to find a song to suit.
    Matt was still brilliant though and I hope he wins.

  • Comment number 75.

    Loved the halloween theme tonight - was a bit distracting from some of the dances and do agree meant the music wasnt the best...but on saying that i loooovvvveeedd it!! Really good fun and loved all the costumes.

    Now Matt....OMG!! I dont like guys in make up (and i know this was over the top) but WOW!! HOT HOT HOT!! Very Sexy .... and i wanna picture of 'Mr Darcey'at the photo shoot! Double Wow!! lol!

    I really enjoyed the AT - not as good as i hoped - but Matt amazing as always, and those lifts were seriously good. I agree with others - it was the music choice - but Team Mattiona did good! Yay!! Love you both xx

  • Comment number 76.

    Who couldnt think he's the sexiest dancer this year? ButScott had the best music I'm afraid.

  • Comment number 77.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 78.

    I still thinks Matt was undermarked and Scott overmarked :-(

    I really hope Matt gets a good dance this week (no doubts in my mind he'll stay in) and music improves. Just re watched the Cha Cha Cha, and his amazing Charleston...
    Wow.. That boy is goooood. Mmmmmm... how about the Rumba? Ladies what do you think??

    PS if anyone knows where the 'Mr Darcy' photos are to be published please let me know.... seriously want one!!!! (gulp) mmmmmmmm!

  • Comment number 79.

    I think Matt is the best dancer, but the judges seem to be very hard on him, but appear to gush over scott! Am I just being over protective because I want him to win?? Go Matt!!!

  • Comment number 80.

    Good morning everyone. Just looking at all your comments from last night.
    I think Scott danced really well and deserved those scores, Matt made a couple of mistakes but I think he was slightly undermarked. The judges (especially Len) are a bit harder on him because they know he is the best dancer in the competition. I thought his AT was sexy and hot!!! but agree the choreography could have been a bit better.
    I also keep watching the cha cha, I still think it was amazing!! and Kris121nurse I think if they did the rumba it would have been really sensual and another dance that we would all keep rewatching!!!!!!
    I would also like a 'Mr Darcy' photo, please anyone who finds out where they will be let us all know.
    Good luck Matt and Aliona, hope you got through to next week, you certainly got my vote xxxxx

  • Comment number 81.

    Good Morning All! Having slept on it, and dreamt mostly of MATT in his Mr Darcy pictures I agree with dancingjenny. Scott did do the better dance but Matt was absolutely fantastic and sooooooooooooooooo sexy with his eye make up that he could have walked around the floor and I would still have voted for him. (Sad or what?) Anyway I have a big confession people. Every year since season 1 have I picked out a person who I was SURE was going to win and every year they come second or third, sometime even though they are the better dancers (Ricky, Rachel et al)I am a jinx. If I bought a lottery ticket with the winning numbers someone would cancel the prize money that week. SO do I transfer my allegiance and not support gorgeous, modest, talented sexy incredibly modest Matt - (no thats not going to work is it?) or what?

  • Comment number 82.

    Last year Ricky was the best dancer and the judges favourite, but the peoples champion, and who everyone voted for was Chris, so as long as everyone votes for, as you put him 'mattiloveyou' gorgeous, modest talented sexy Matt, I think we may have a winner. Just look at how many comments are made about him at the bottom of this page, compared to all the other couples, he has the most!!

  • Comment number 83.

    Matt looked very sexy last night. I loved his look.However Aliona's choice of music and more importantly her choreography was as subtle as a brick. I have to agree with Len (though it pains me) that the lifts while flashy were not in keeping. Natalie is a superb choreographer and if Matt had been with her then he'd win the show easily. Its much harder for him with Aliona. She said on It takes 2 that she doesnt listen to what the judges say but they give good advice so that saddens and worries me. She's too frantic with her choreography and there is no light and shade to it. Matt's fans will need to make sure they vote each week.

  • Comment number 84.

    I think Matt is best dancer with the most pazzazz but his routine this week was ruined by the horrible music. Do they get given the music by the producers or do they choose it themselves? I was hoping the AT would be as good as Mark & Karen's but the music was awful. I have loved Matt & Aliona's other dances and hope the music improves for next week. Have to say though (like many others) that he looked gorgeous in the eyeliner

  • Comment number 85.

    As much as I would like Matt to win I do think that Scott is gaining from Natalie's choregraphy (I agree with hollygolight). I think Aliona you are too frantic and we are not having the opportunity to see 'light and shade'. I also do not like your choice of music. I actually voted for Scott last night because I appreciated very much the beauty of his VW. Aliona if you want the likes of me to vote for Matt you really have to let us see beauty as well as frantic dancing. At the moment I am reminded of a classical pianist who impresses us with how fast he/she can play (clever though it is) but we are not touched by the beauty of slower, lighter and more emotional music.

  • Comment number 86.

    Good sensible comments from everyone. So we just have to keep voting for our boy and hoping that Aliona will take on board a bit of advice. perhaps Matt, who I know is listening intently to the jusdges to try to improve, will be able to slow the frantic pace down a bit. I agree with the other comments clever though frantic is we need light and shade and Matt deserves to be showcased at his best.

  • Comment number 87.

    Wow Matt's AT last night was so good, the story telling was superb, I almost felt like crying at the end because they portrayed the story so well and I thought it was quite sad, a bit undermarked though I thought and Len was just being a bit ridiculous about the lifts they were fantastic. Love Matt to bits I hope he gets really far xxx

  • Comment number 88.

    Where oh where can we find the photoshoot of Matt & Aliona??

    If ever I need cheering up, all I have to do is watch Matt's first dance (cha cha cha) and it puts a huge smile on my face - those hips don't lie!

    PS: I loved the eye-liner too!

  • Comment number 89.

    Apparently according to Gillp on the main blog it was done for HELLO magazine. I am rushing to newsagents now to get a copy or 2 or 3........... Matt mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

  • Comment number 90.

    Please have a think about your choice of music for next week.
    I don't think 'Bat out of hell' was the best choice for an Argentine Tango' You could probabaly have got higher marks if the music had been more suitable.
    You are my favourites but you have to use your assets. GOOD LUCK!

  • Comment number 91.

    I am a huge Matt fan but didn't like this week's AT. The music didn't help at all and I thought there were too many lifts and not enough of the flicky feet business.

    He's still my favourite but I hope Aliona comes up with something a bit 'purer' next week.

    Matt to win!!

  • Comment number 92.

    I love Aliona's choreography, I want to be entertained, and Matt and Aliona are the team that are doing that.

    I get the feeling that Aliona can do no right in some peoples eyes.
    I am sure that if she slowed the pace down, then she would be criticised for not testing Matt enough.

  • Comment number 93.

    I love Matt, but I'm in agreement with those who are critical of Aliona's choreograhy. She is absolutely beautiful and very good fun, but the AT last night, in comparison with some purer and much sexier routines from previous seasons, was very disappointing. Matt totally looked the part, but had no chance to show his fab ability as he spent 50% of the time lugging Aliona around. Len was right - too many inappropriate lifts. Music didn't help at all - but am I right in thinking the couples are just given the pieces? They don't have any choice in the matter?

    Go Mattiona!!

  • Comment number 94.

    hey Mattiloveyou - dont buy all the HELLO mags - i WANT 1!! I had serious problems today, i own a horse, was filling her hay nets in the barn and just kept getting visions of Mr Matt Darcy....in his eye-liner!! OMG! seriously bad...need help! Lol.
    Cant wait for SCD results show tonight...but know our boy will get through.. fingers crossed though! x x Go Matt and Aliona! x x

  • Comment number 95.

    Love the Mattiona team always wonderful to watch - they seem to being marked down for some reason so keep upir votes coming. Yes another case of the music being chosen for the theme rather than chosing something more appropriate for them. Agree about the lifts Len but there is no way they won't get through to the next round.

  • Comment number 96.

    Hi Sorry to be a pain, but my tv has gorn orf. Have they said anything about Matt yet? Is he through? Can I breathe yet?

  • Comment number 97.

    I do like the way they dance together, they seem to have a real connection.
    Yes, they are through to next week.
    (is it just me or did Matt look REALLY hot this week?)

  • Comment number 98.

    Thank you deeplystrange. I can breathe again. No - It's not just you. Matt looked REALLY hot this week.
    Matt looked REALLY hot in the Mr Darcy photoshoot. Lets be honest Matt looks REALLY hot - end of!

  • Comment number 99.

    mattiloveyou and deeplystrange .... LOL! Matt is REALLY hot..and not just this week! Love countryfile but now keep grinning at the telly every time 'someone' appears or i hear that mmmmmmm voice!
    Dont forget guys to buy your Hello magazine tomorrow with the ...... OMG! Mr Matt Darcy photoshoot in it! Yay! :-D
    Eek..cant sleep ...what time do the shops open!

  • Comment number 100.

    Guys...if you go on facebook and look up TeamAlionaVilani you'll find pics of Matt... AND MR DARCY SHOTS!!!!!! YESSSSSS!! Woo Hoo! (does a little dance in glee) xxx
    Oh there are also videos of their dances and ITT clips which are fab!
    Dont forget to find Matt on Twitter.... bakermattbaker. Arent i good to share.... ;-)
    Is this too much advertising of other sites?? oops! Loving SCD on twitter - fab twitpics!

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