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Team Robsy - Patsy Kensit and Robin Windsor!

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主播大秀 Emily 主播大秀 Emily | 15:43 UK time, Thursday, 14 October 2010

Team Robsy - Patsy Kensit and Robin Windsor

Our Strictly judges have been pleased to see Patsy and Robin, aka Team Robsy, "take command of the floor".

If you agree and want to show your support for this couple during the series, there's no better place for it!

Not only can you discuss all things 'Team Robsy' by posting your comments below, there's plenty of useful links here to keep you in the loop with everything Patsy-and-Robin-related. So join us on this blog and show your support for Team Robsy!

Patsy's biography page
Robin's biography page
Patsy's training diary
Patsy's launch Interview
Celeb team names discussion
NEW Official Team Robsy wallpaper听听

PLEASE NOTE: This blog is an area for fans of Patsy Kensit and Robin Windsor to share their enthusiasm and show their support for Team Robsy. Overly-negative and critical posts will be removed as Off-Topic.


  • Comment number 1.

    Have you seen Patsy's footwork in the mid-week training videos? She is quick! I'm looking forward to this week a lot.

  • Comment number 2.

    i suspect you've been talking yourself out of this dance from the beginning of the week. your training always looks fantastic patsy - believe in yourself. xx

  • Comment number 3.

    Patsy and Robin
    I wanted to take this opportunity to wish you both all the best for the competition and congratulate you on your hard work so far.
    Robin, you must remember that Patsy is a beautiful English Rose, but born from hardy Irish stock and she has a lot of talent under that mild exterior of hers.
    At the moment Patsy you appear to lack confidence in yourself, well don't because you have all the right gifts to make the final of this competition. I know that you can do it, Robin knows that you can do it and once you believe that you can do then the rest of the SCD audience will support you all the way.
    I know lots of good dancers many of them much older than you and the only difference between you and them is practice. Robin appears to have a good record in dancing and choreography so trust his instincts and believe in yourself.
    My dream final this year would be the Triple 'P', Pamela, Patsy and Peter, if only to prove that you don't have to be a young Adonis or Aphrodite to win SCD.
    Patsy you have experience and determination on your side, use it and make all the other Mothers see what can be achieved.
    Good Luck to you both and
    Keeeep Dancing!!!

  • Comment number 4.

    Robin, great choreography this week, you are obviously applying the right amount of training and style to suit Patsy, she certainly does not lack stamina whatever Bruno might say. I also appreciated the fact that you went for a straight dance routine with no silly distractions, good, basic is best and get it right, just like you did.
    Patricia, what a brilliant move going into character with the bob wig, that and the fantastic dress must have given you bags of confidence.
    Why did you knock yourself though on the Chicago comment? I remember that you were a Spice Girl before Gerri Halliwell had left school and a "Squeaky Reed" could not have got to No.7 in the UK Charts, especially as you were up against Kylie and co at the time.
    You have a lot of experience as well as good looks, talent and those eyes, on your side and remember "What does not kill you makes you stronger"!
    I thought that you and Tina produced the two best Charleston routines this week and I am looking forward to seeing you again on this Saturday, trust me, you really are a genuine contender.
    Whatever they may say to their mates, I bet that your boys are really, really proud of their Mum.
    Keeeep Dancing!!!

  • Comment number 5.

    Good Luck Patsy & Robin,
    Go and Mash the opposition this evening with your wonderful Jive.
    By the way Robin who was that sylph like woman you were dancing with in the training video on IT2 last night?
    Well done Patsy, I am still counting on you making it to the Final!!
    Keeeep Dancing!!!

  • Comment number 6.

    I love Patsy and Robin, they're so sweet, I love Patsy's shocked face whenever she gets through or gets good scores, bless her :) their Jive last night was sooo good, one of their best dances LOVED it!! Good luck for tonight darlings xxx

  • Comment number 7.

    One of the biggest compliments I could pay Patsy after her Charleston was that she reminded me of the 1920s silent movie star Louise Brooks, who was probably the original flapper girl with the bobbed hair/do

  • Comment number 8.

    i think last night's jive was great - brilliantly choreographed and danced, and so clean! (as in precise, not not-dirty) I think some of the other choreographers stuff too much gimmicky stuff into their routines but so ar robin has been spot on!

  • Comment number 9.

    Well done both of you on breaking the '30' barrier - the only way now is 鈫慤P鈫!
    Whilst I am not in favour of props because they distract and invariably spoil the smoothness of the routine, I think you may have got away with it this week.
    It was a classic jive with lots of knee bending and hip rocking and a good try at the up and overs.
    Patricia, not only have you visibly lost weight and found a nubile waistline, you are smiling and moving a lot more smoothly - well done.
    Robin, apart from good choreography, fortunately the 'Monster Mash' was kind to you; the training that you are giving Patsy is an inspiration to those of us who need to lose a few pounds.
    I would guess that the last few weeks of your training regime has taken Patsy down at least two dress sizes, well done to both of you.
    Good Luck Patsy, I am sure that both your sons are really proud of their 鈥榊ummy Mummy鈥, whatever they might actually say to you.
    Keeeep Dancing!!!

  • Comment number 10.

    You two are my favourite ;-) carry on the good work,you can do it Patsy

  • Comment number 11.

    Patsy and Robin are my favourites! She has shown great spirit week by week and is definatly progressing as a dancer!! As much as I love the other couples, I think its quite boring when others are consistently good throughout the series, I like to see progression and I think Patsy is the underdog, (Just like last years winner Chris!)
    Robin is a fantastic dancer amd the chemistry between him and Patsy is great!! Patsy........Keeeeep dancing xxxxxxx

  • Comment number 12.

    Well Patsy and Robin, so this week you are Cha Cha Chaa-ring Dahling!
    I shall have to keep my fingers crossed on both hands, if you are going to brave dancing down those stairs.
    Still Pamela got away with it last week, but the only way that I would go down them would be on a Stannah Stairlift, like Thora Hird used to.
    You hinted that you would be playing the part of a pop icon, dancing to a strong beat. That must be either Dusty Springfield with "I Only Want To Be With You"; Kylie Minogue and "I Should Be So Lucky" or Eight Wonder's "I'm Not Scared!", but I cannot recall who sang that song. All I can remember was she had beautiful eyes and a confident, sexy smile.
    Patricia, it's just as well Robin put you through 'Boot Camp' as you have now got a good pair of hips to swing whilst Cha Cha Chaa-ring across the dance floor and if your boys thought that giving Len a kiss was embarrassing, wait until you start kicking those legs of yours to that Latin Rhythm!
    As for Robin, I am sure that his Latin costume will be sPECial again this week; as Max Bialystock is always saying "If you've got them baby, flaunt them!" and he should know.
    Joking aside it is great to see Patsy giggling and smiling during the dance routine, that is what Strictly is all about; having fun and improving week by week.
    At this rate Robin, you will have to be introducing really special choreography to set Patsy's standard even higher.
    Keeeep Dancing!!!

  • Comment number 13.

    I'm so glad that Patsy and Robin have got the Cha cha cha this week, Patsy'll be so brilliant I can't wait to see some clips of the training tonight on ITT! I expect Robin has choreographed another fantastic and fun routine for everyone, including our girl, to enjoy :) woop love you Patsy and Robin, can't wait till Saturday xxx

  • Comment number 14.

    On behalf of all your fans - Go for it - Patsy & Robin
    Now that you are in the thirty zone you have to keep on going UP!!
    Patsy, shake those legs wiggle those hips as if you are in sunny Havana not smokey Hammersmith!
    None of these excuses like "But I'm middle aged", you are one of the younger competitors left, so let us see what Crepe Suzette can do now that she is not a beginner any more!!!

    Buona Fortuna, Buena Suerte, Bonne Chance, Adh m贸r ort - Break a leg!!

    Keeeep Dancing!!!

  • Comment number 15.

    Looking really really good in training today on ITT - c'mon Patsy, give it some welly girl!

  • Comment number 16.

    Patsy and Robin are fast becoming my favourites - Patsy didn't start well but gradually she has improved more than any other contestent from where she started. Also love her and Robin's attitude they don't take themselves seriously but work very hard and have the best fun. Patsy is now full of confidence and has at long last started to believe in herself. I do now feel that Team Robsy really could reach the last stages of the competition - I do hope so.

  • Comment number 17.

    Good luck for tonight Patsy and Robin, you'll be brilliant Patsy as usual :) I shall have my voting finger at the ready at the end of the show, love you both lots GO TEAM ROBSY :D xxx

  • Comment number 18.

    Fabulous news on the weight loss Patsy - Just goes to show how hard you are working. :卢D

  • Comment number 19.

    Well done Patsy & Robin'
    I saw the Cha Cha Cha on IT2 last night and you still need to roll those hips a little more to hit the right Havana Harmonics in your dance.
    I see in the newspapers that I was right about your weight, well done to both of you.
    Now Patsy, you are only two months older than Kylie so cut out the hero worship, don't forget that you were No.1 in Japan when she was No.1 in Australia and I don't think you speak much Japanese!
    Your sons will just have to live with the fact that their Mum is just as talented and sexy as Kylie. I am sure that you have proved to them how determined you can be when you have set your mind to a target, now prove it to yourself.
    Robin, if Patsy starts trying to gain sympathy just remind her of the following verse:
    " Tonight the streets are full of actors
    I don't know why
    Oh, debarrasses-moi de ces chiens
    Avant qu'ils mordent
    Avant qu'ils mordent
    Tonight I fought and made my mind up
    I know it's right
    I know these dogs still snap around me
    But I can, I can fight"

    That was in the Hit Parade about the time you started Secondary School, Robin, so carry on motivating our star of Stage, Screen and Television to achieve the best she can in this competition.
    Patsy ignore the dogs and carry on the fight!!

    Keeeep Dancing!!!

  • Comment number 20.

    Patsy, oh Patsy what were you thinking by using the Mezzie and the stairs, you are much better than that.
    The dress was sensational, you looked fantastic, those eyes, those hips, those legs! I thought Bruno was slightly OTT, but he had a point, however I could imagine your lads cringing as no boy on this earth likes to hear a man call his Mum S**Y. Never mind they will have to live with it, because you are.
    I had to agree with most of Craig's comments because the Cha Cha Cha is roisterous but not raunchy and there is a thin line between the two. So next week more grooming and less grinding. I am sure that you deserve to get through and have voted accordingly.

    Keeeep Dancing!!!

  • Comment number 21.

    You really enjoyed last week - it showed. This week you were brilliant and boy did it show. And you have finally worked out that you are young and light, not middle aged and heavy. Perfect musicality.

  • Comment number 22.

    Dear Robin,
    I've been having some fun looking at the couples from an astrological point of view - but can't find your date of birth anywhere - is it OK to share it with me/us?
    Best wishes,
    Ps. Really hope you are safe tonight (specially as Patsy's a Pisces like me!) - improving every week!!

  • Comment number 23.

    Right Patsy - Positive Mental Attitude!

    I am praying that you got through last night on the professional entertainer, yummy mummy and all round Good Time Girlie vote.
    If that is the case how about making one of your future dances rock to Eighth Wonder?
    That will be good for your morale and I am sure that the boys need the royalties on their 25th Anniversary.
    It would be good to see Kylie dancing to one of your records for a change as she scored two dance tracks at this week's show.
    Keep up the training Robin, remember "What does not kill you strenghthens you".
    Pisces eh (Just to prove that I read other peoples blogs) if I remember correctly in Greek Mythology Pisces represented the goddess Aphrodite. So we just have to get more people loving your dancing!

    Keeeep Dancing!!!

  • Comment number 24.

    Patsy and Robin you were absolutely fabulous last night, I'm so glad you got through, Patsy you looked stunning last night my darling, your Cha cha was great :) I'm so glad you've got lots more confidence, I love seeing you smile instead of looking really worried/nervous like you were in the first couple of weeks, but you're amazing keep it up hunny, can't wait to see you both next week, love you lots xxx

  • Comment number 25.

    Sausage in tinsel? Are you crackers? You looked amazing, just like Kylie herself! So sexy and confident. Keep up the good work, I love you guys you're fantastic and you're growing as a real dancer Patsy xx

  • Comment number 26.

    You two are the revelation of the whole series as far as I'm concerned! Patsy, you look as if you've lost a fair ammount of weight and I feel your dancing and stamina have improved immensely! Keep up the good work and hats off to Robin for some great choreography!!!
    Keeeeeep Dancing!!!

  • Comment number 27.

    Patsy & Robin
    I hope that you were watching Karen Hardy on IT2 this evening.
    To sum up her comments: Keep it Quality rather than Quantity.
    I totally agree and once again Robin it is your task to ensure that Patsy does a good routine at the right pace to the correct style of music.
    Patsy do as you are coached and leave it to your smiling face and lovely eyes to charm your public.
    Keeeep Dancing!!!
    PS I hope that James and Lennon are working as hard on their studies as you are on yours?

  • Comment number 28.

    Patsy & Robin

    I am looking forward to a beautiful Vienna Waltz this weekend from you. No gimmicks or props to trip you up - Keep It Sweet & Simple!

    You both know that a good VW well executed, will win extra points with Len and Craig and hopefully get you back into the Thirty Zone.

    Patsy will also have the advantage of being in hold and wearing a posh frock. All you need then is some beautiful music and you will stand a great chance of scoring high.

    Keeeep Dancing!!!

  • Comment number 29.

    Loving your work Patsy Kensit, or Kensy Patsit as my sister called you after a few too manys vino's! Robin, are you Australian? Keep hearing a little twang, but it's not full on Kath & Kim!

  • Comment number 30.

    I hope you do really well with the waltz. You seemed to come alive when you were dancing to the Monster Mash. You got right into acting mode. So get into Ginger Rogers mode and take control of the floor.

  • Comment number 31.

    mrspurplehayes @29

    Apologies if you have found this out already.
    Robin Windsor was born in Ipswich, Suffolk, but he has had an international career in dancing performing in America and Australia.
    Indeed he has been in the Australian version of Strictly Come Dancing.
    You can read more about Robin and others on the SCD Website.

    Robin's link is:

    Welcome to the fan club.

    Keeeep Dancing!!!

  • Comment number 32.

    patsy , i really love the way you dance ! and loving you too !
    you and robin are doing brilliant , keep going because we will definately be seeing you in the final. you are gorgeous patsy

  • Comment number 33.

    Enough of the modest maid routine, as Robin so rightly says you have to be "serene, elegant and floaty" in your Viennese Waltz. Think Johann Strauss, the height of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, The Blue Danube, The Age of Innocence or even the first three minutes of Strictly Ballroom.
    Glide across the floor, rotating like the couple in a music box with that beautiful dress doing the talking for you. You will be in hold with Robin leading, you only have to act the part and remember to keep timing and footwork together. Remember to Keep It Sweet & Simple (KISS).
    Right, before I go to a dark room, a couple of comments on tonight's IT2.
    Of course your sons will say they want you to dance behind closed doors, trust me they really are proud of you and lording it over their mates with ordinary Mums.
    I am glad that you met Kylie and were too polite to clarify that the reason you had to curtsey to her, was that you are 5 inches taller.
    I expect to see the Belle of the Ball on Saturday dancing with Mr Windsor (Remember there is a Prince inside that Beast).

    Keeeep Dancing!!!

  • Comment number 34.

    Patsy and Robin- emotional dance, that ticked all the boxes- well done.

  • Comment number 35.

    Patsy, loved your performance tonight; magical story-telling and sooo emotional. Book your Blackpool ticket now!

  • Comment number 36.

    Beautiful dancing tonight Patsy!

  • Comment number 37.

    The judges would have been a bit more generous with the marks tonight. I've little time for the VW because of the little effort people think it needs but you did it the way it should be done - grandeur, smoothness, used the whole floor and you had me thinking I was in Austria.

  • Comment number 38.

    Well Patsy, even though Robin's choreography was not strictly the classic Viennese Waltz tonight, it was "serene, elegant and floaty" and it brought me to tears.
    I believe that Robin tends to make his routines a little showy (because of his background) and that may be why Craig's mark was lower than the others. Nonetheless your performance was excellent and you are back into the 30 zone, hopefully for good this time.
    The dance story was a little sad but definitely benefited from KISS and leaving the props at home.
    My only confusion was when I saw they described your song as "Dusty Springfield's, Anyone Who Had A Heart". 'Anyone Who Had A Heart' was written by Burt Bacharach and Hal David for Dionne Warwick in 1963 and became a UK No.1 Hit for Cilla Black in 1964. Although Dusty did record a cover version in 1964 it did not get into the Charts. The Dusty version has been on various albums since then, including a tribute in 2008 by Shelby Lynne on the album Just A Little Lovin'.
    It would be interesting to know just why the 主播大秀 or Dave Ash or whoever gave the credit for your song to the late Great Dusty Springfield? Sorry but I am a bit of an 'Anorak' when it comes to music.
    I am keeping my fingers crossed that you do not become the victims of this week's 'Strictly Statistics Syndrome' and have voted for you as my favourite performance of the week.

    Keeeep Dancing!!!

  • Comment number 39.

    Well done Patsy and Robin for last night, you both looked so gorgeous floating around the dance floor, the emotion in that dance was so overwhelming I was almost in tears by the end. A truly beautiful dance which was fantastically choreographed and beatifully executed. Patsy you have completely transformed in your ballroom, I'm so glad you've got the hang of it now, just keep it up my darling because you're doing so well. Definately deserved your best score of the series, really hope you get through tonight, love you lots xxx

  • Comment number 40.

    Patsy, You looked stunning on saturday and you performance with Robin was beautiful, watching you improve and grow in confidence over the weeks is wonderful and makes me proud to be a robsy supporter!

  • Comment number 41.

    Really loved your dance Patsy and Robin and hope to see you both in Blackpool.

  • Comment number 42.

    Each year I follow the male and female celebrities that are closest to me in age. This year it's been Jimi and Patsy - one shouldn't have gone when he did but Patsy and Robin could go to at least the semi if she keeps improving. Patsy and Robin, good luck in Blackpool.

  • Comment number 43.

    So glad you two are through to Blackpool, I can't wait to see what dance you've got for this week, but whatever it is I'm sure do fabulously :D xxx

  • Comment number 44.

    Patsy, just know you are a dancer! Come on girl, you can do it!
    Love watching you and see how you do well in this journey.
    Glad you're still in!
    Keep up the good work, Robin and Patsy!

  • Comment number 45.

    Patsy and Robin are becoming serious contenders.Patsy is a lovely woman who somehow doesnt really realise just how good she is.Full marks to Robin too for a splendid routine.These two seem to train very thoroughly.......it shows

  • Comment number 46.

    Patsy, as you have gained confidence you have blossomed as a dancer, good luck.

    Sorry, but does anyone else out there still think of her as the cute little birds eye pea pod girl?

  • Comment number 47.

    Patsy and Robin, a quick post to wish you luck for Saturday after your brill performance last week; for my money you'll still be with us come December!

  • Comment number 48.

    Patsy the character in your head is off to the Carnival in Rio this weekend. You may think you and Robin are going to Blackpool, but it will actually be Brazil, home of the circular, hip shaking, rhythmic dance of the shanty towns.
    Think Jacqueline Bisset, hot & sultry; think Mickey Rourke, masculine and erotic; think Wild Orchid, two people living their lives for today.
    Your Pink & Black dress with the shimmering glass beads will make you look like a water nymph, fluid and fantastic.
    I am sure that Robin has given you a dance routine that will make your sons hide behind the settee with embarrassment. Good, go with the flow, match your partner step for step and enjoy the sensation.
    When they get to school on Monday your sons will be the envy of all their mates and will be very proud of you.
    Fill the Tower Ballroom with your presence as though you were in the centre of Rio de Janeiro on the 2nd of December, the Brazilian National Samba Day.
    Performed properly you will make a thousand people want to join the pair of you on that Ballroom floor.
    Go Patsy Go! Knock them for six!!

    Keeeep Dancing!!!

  • Comment number 49.

    Patst you were so hilarious on ITT on Tuesday, I'm sure you won't look like someone in drag, you'll look stunning as usual, I can't wait to see you and Robin in Blackpool I'm sure your Samba will be amazing, just think positively my darling and good luck to both of you xxx

  • Comment number 50.

    Drag??? Patsy, where's the self esteem? Ok, you are in Blackpool so it's maybe not scorching, but you are an actress - think carnival, feathers, fun, Brazilian men (helps get the temperature up) and party on! And for once, pleaaaase don't just try to get the dance over and done with. Enjoy the routine all the way through.

  • Comment number 51.

    Patsy don't be so down on yourself hunny, I know you're nervous but I'm your bounce is fine, you'll remember the routine and you will definately not look like anyone in drag because you're beautiful. Just have faith in yourself and in Robin because you're both fabulous and we love you :) xxxx

  • Comment number 52.

    Good Luck tonight darling.
    Keeping my fingers crossed for a great score
    You deserve a graet score

  • Comment number 53.

    Patsy and Robin :) well done for tonight my darlings, a fantastic opening to the show, loved every second of your Samba, can't wait to watch it again, incredibly addictive dance you've got there xx Patsy you looked so gorgeous, no way did you look like anyone in drag, you looked stunning and well done you did brilliantly there was loads of bounce in there and I throughly enjoyed it xxx Robin loved the choreography and music choice once again and you looked absolutely gorgeous as well :) hope you two get through to next week, the show wouldn't be the same without you...love you both lots xxxx

  • Comment number 54.

    Another consistantly very good performance from Patsy.I think Robins choreography was not adventurous enough this week.I say that as a big fan of the pair but I think if Patsy is pushed into complex footwork etc she is entirely capable of delivering a classy performance.Patsy mabey lacked as much of the natural emotion and musicality that she displayed last week...just my opinion of course but last week I saw a Patsy that showed glimpses of musicality brilliance

  • Comment number 55.

    Can anyone tell me where Robin got the cream nordic style jumper he was wearing in rehearsals? My husband wants one !!!

  • Comment number 56.

    @tollpuddle I think that Robin didn't have as many challenging steps in the routine this week because he probrably realised how nervous Patsy was going to be tonight once she got onto the floor. I actually thought their ending was quite adventurous with the drop, they've never done anything like that before, but I do see where you're coming from, I just think Robin may have been looking after Patsy and making sure she was really comfortable with the routine so she wouldn't be half as nervous xx

  • Comment number 57.

    Patsy, you are doing so so well......fab. You are an inspiration to all us single mums.x

  • Comment number 58.

    Hi robin , it's mr m !!! from r&b hsk .... Just want to say r&b and myself are all behind you ... Your doing really well and hope you all the best for the rest of the show ....

  • Comment number 59.

    Patsy & Robin
    I thought that you both did very well at Blackpool but perhaps Patsy got a little overawed by the occasion as partway through the routine her swaying got a little choppy.
    That was a pity because I thought that your attitude this evening was very positive and you looked fantastic. That outfit is guaranteed to have both your sons glowing with embarrassment; Mummys are not supposed to look that sexy.
    It was a very good finish and I prefer it when you do a relatively simple routine well than go too far out of your depth and lose confidence.
    Whilst Pamela beat you to my Most Improved Vote, I threw a vote in for you because you have tried so hard. It may not be enough to beat Ann, but I hope that it helps to keep you both in the race.
    Well done to the both of you.

    Keeeep Dancing!!!

  • Comment number 60.

    Patsy and Robin, I am not in any way qualified to comment on dance, but I gave you a vote last week and again last night because I was entertained by and enjoyed your dances. You seem such a genuine couple. Hope you make it to next week!

  • Comment number 61.

    Patsy and Robin I love you two so much, I'm so upset you were in the bottom two when your dance last night was no where near being the one of the worst two!! Patsy I hope you're ok now, I hate seeing you upset, just keep your confidence up my darling because you're still fabulous and gorgeous and I love watching you dance and you and Claudia are the perfect pair on ITT lots of hugs and love xxx
    Robin try not to let Patsy get too down on herself again in the coming week because you know better than anyone else how amazing she is, love you lots xxx
    Can't wait to see you both next week love you xxxx

  • Comment number 62.

    Patsy you lucky lucky girl getting up close to Robin grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

  • Comment number 63.

    Hi All! Anyone know whyt Robin wasnt on ITT? Nothing was said.

  • Comment number 64.

    Hello Patsy, Just wanted to show my support for you and Robin. I have been watching you every week and willing you on. You are a real inspiration. It's been awesome to watch your confidence grow each week, keep it up, you look absolutely stunning and your dancing is going from strength to strength. Would absolutely love to see you in the final and really think you have it in you and deserve it. Go Patsy and Robin!! (Sorry if this sounds like a teachers report - whoops - have not blogged before :)!)

  • Comment number 65.

    @2lipsAmsterdam No I don't know why he wasn't there, seems a bit strange that nothing was said though...x

  • Comment number 66.

    You looked very confident on IT2 this evening and it was very touching how you felt about losing Felicity from the competition.
    Although Robin was not with you; you seemed much more at ease than you have in previous shows.
    I am sure that Robin has prepared some more suitable choreography which uses your strengths and overcomes your weaker points.
    Whilst I like your modest outlook of treating each week as your last I hope that you can prove good to enough to keep entertaining us for a few more weeks.
    You are a natural performer (probably your celtic genes) and you become alive out on the dancefloor, so please keep up the effort for your fans.

    Keeeep Dancing!!!

  • Comment number 67.

    Patsy you looked gorgeous on ITT yesterday, I am so excited about your Argentine Tango this week, I can't wait to see it, I'm sure you'll be brilliant. So glad that that's another one of your Strictly boxes ticked...love you lots good luck on Saturday xxx

  • Comment number 68.

    Dear Patsy... you are looking great, dancing better and better and come over as fun and genuine - so stop being so grateful! Stop apologizing all the time! Stop treating each dance as your last - you deserve to be there as much as anyone. There's such as thing as talking your way out of success - and you deserve to go much higher!

    Robin - go on, confess who your secret crush is (as revealed on ITT last night) ......lots of girls have a secret crush on you, the quiet but rather gorgeous one. We hope you're not gay, it would be a major disappointment!

  • Comment number 69.

    Just want to wish Patsy & Robin all the best for their Argentine Tango on Saturday. Patsy you are such a genuine person. You & Robin have been such a joy to watch right from the start of the series & you deserve to get to the final. Can't wait for Saturday to get here. Good luck & have a great night

  • Comment number 70.

    Patsy & Robin

    How is your sensual Argentine Tango coming along and have you both got the timing right yet?
    Robin I am sure that you can play the Gaucho coming into town for a good time with a sensual, street wise woman.
    Patsy, acting head on for your new character who has to be harder than Sadie King, more cynical than Katie from 21 and as lusty as Eugenia in Angels & Insects. You are going to show this rough man who the boss is and that the only thing you are interested in is the contents of his wallet.
    With that attitude you may forget your sore foot and concentrate on being the uber-bitch of Ladbroke Grove.
    When your boys see you after the show they should be afraid, very afraid of their new Argentine Mother.
    You are a brilliant actress Patsy so knock Craig's socks off with your steamy, sexy, style of strong, slinky siren!
    Keep It Sweet & Sexy, no silly props to mess up your timing or stunts to stumble over, just oodles of emotion.
    Get a score in the mid-thirties, you can do it!

    Keeeep Dancing!!!

  • Comment number 71.

    really hope its been a good week in training for you both. Patsy please really give it your all tomorrow i really dont want to see you in the bottom too tomorrow. very entertaining last week and good recovery. just relax honey and stop talking yourself off the show be great to see you in the final xxxxxxxx

  • Comment number 72.

    Good luck for tonight Patsy and Robin, I'm sure your Argentine Tango will be fierce and stunning just as any tango should be :) love you lots, will be voting madly for you at the end of the show xxx

  • Comment number 73.


    Released by the Press Association - 12.50 Saturday 27 November 2010

    Patsy Kensit has revealed that taking part in Strictly Come Dancing this year has helped her get over the collapse of her fourth marriage.
    The former Emmerdale and Holby City actress split from DJ Jeremy Healy in February, but says learning to dance has lifted her spirits.

    "I was glad to be asked this year," she told the Daily Mirror.

    "I would advise anyone to try it. If you've had a rough time, go to a dance class because it does lift your spirits - just don't do it front of Craig Revel-Horwood! It's turned out to be just what I needed," she said.

    But Patsy admitted she may be the next contestant to leave the show.

    "I am not a betting person, but if I was I would say it was probably coming to its natural end for me," she said.

    "But that doesn't mean I won't try and put on a great show on Saturday. I have a responsibility to the fans of the show, there's a lot of them and they are really passionate about it."

    Keeeep Dancing!!!

  • Comment number 74.


    Patsy & Robin

    You probably won't see this before you dance but Good Luck or Break a Leg, whichever you prefer.

    Just do your best girl and don't forget that the Irish are a tough lot and the blood of warriors runs through your veins.

    Keeeep Dancing!!!

  • Comment number 75.

    Patsy you did a good job tonite and i'm really annoyed you didnt score higher much cleaner performance than some of the supposedly better dancers have voted for you many times tonight hope it keeps you out of the bottom two.

    best of luck and big snog to Robsy x

  • Comment number 76.

    Patsy and Robin your dance was completly gorgeous tonight, I loved it, I thought it was one of your best Latin dances to date. Brilliant timing all the way through Patsy, so glad you nailed that, it was precise, passionate, stunning, loved it!! Patsy you looked amazing, loved the dress, and your hair and makeup looked lovely as well xx
    I was very disappointed with your score I thought you deserved a lot more than that my darlings :)
    Voted for you lots, hope it made a difference and your safe and dancing next week cos I love you both to bits and your an absolute joy to watch every week, I will miss you greatly if you leave xxxx

  • Comment number 77.

    A beautiful serene and sensual tango. Different from what the judges wanted maybe, but totally enthralling and gorgeous. At home we stood and clapped - you looked like Marilyn Monroe - we loved it! We love your dancing, we love your style, and will be very miserable if you don't get through.

  • Comment number 78.

    Patsy and Robin, enjoyed your performance again tonight, and feel you were undermarked whilst others, notably Scott and Natalie, were grossly overmarked. Very unfair! Hope a phone vote helps you stay in the contest. In my opinion it should be Gavin leaving, but you never can tell. Anyway, thanks again for your efforts.

  • Comment number 79.

    Patsy & Robin,

    I enjoyed watching your Argentine Tango, although the chair was obviously a mistake (and the hat as well Robin).
    The choreography was excellent and told a touching story. I'm not surprised Patsy's feet hurt if Robin has been dragging you around the practice room like that.
    Patsy, you looked absolutely gorgeous, the hair, make up, that dress and your demeanour did you proud. Your sons should be very proud that their Mother looks so beautiful.
    I have to be honest that although I managed to vote for you whilst being surrounded by a crisis last night the signs are not good.
    It's between you and the Welsh boy by my reckoning and unless you have got the Irish behind you it may be curtains.
    Still, what a way to make an exit!
    As Bruno said "Better to go in flames, than in shame".
    Good Luck for the future, whatever it holds.

    Keeeep Dancing!!!

  • Comment number 80.

    I love Patsy and Robin and thought she did so well tonight - I don't think being honest they have a chance of winning SCD but I think Patsy has made the bigest journey of all the celebrities and she is such a genuine and nice person. The programme has been so good for her and seems to have gained so much more confidence since week one. I do so hope she keeps dancing whatever happens.

  • Comment number 81.

    Was sad to see you guys go tonight, have really enjoyed watching your confidence grow, Patsy, and you gave it your all. Be proud girl you were great ;) x

  • Comment number 82.

    What was the name of the song Patsy danced to last night?

  • Comment number 83.

    Patsy and Robin, I'm so sad to see you two leave the competiton. Patsy you've improved so much, in confidence and in dancing ability. I've completly adored watching you every week, you're an incredibly lovely person, so sweet towards your fellow competitiors and one of the most gracious exits I've seen on Strictly. I wil miss yours and Claudia's combined craziness on ITT every week. I hope you keep dancing my darling because you're fantastic.
    Robin your choreography has been so stunning every week and you're such a sweetheart, I hope so much that you are back next series.
    Love you both to pieces, will miss you so much and I hope you keep dancing together because you're such an adorable pair, love you lots xxxx

  • Comment number 84.

    Kirstie MacKenzie @82

    Patsy Kensit and Robin Windsor danced their Argentine Tango to Jem鈥檚 鈥淭hey鈥.

    Keeeep Dancing!!!

  • Comment number 85.

    Sorry to see you go, and thanks for the memories!

  • Comment number 86.

    A most gracious and dignified exit.

    Well done and thank you for all you efforts. A joy to see.

  • Comment number 87.

    Patsy and Robin, your appearance on It Takes Two had my lower lip quivering. I've enjoyed watching you both so much this series and I am sad you had to go. Thank you for making Saturday evenings such a pleasure. :)

  • Comment number 88.

    Sorry you and Robin are out of the competition, Patsy. I thought your Viennese waltz was excellent and for me your best dance and very moving.We could see it was for you. Very well done and thanks for being such a lovely competitor.

  • Comment number 89.

    Patsy & Robin

    You have both left the show with your heads held high.

    Patsy you are a very beautiful person both inside and out, have a Merry Christmas and enjoy your foot spa.
    Robin, well done, lovely vest.

    Keeeep Dancing!!!

  • Comment number 90.

    Hey Patsy,

    I am really going to miss you. You did absolutely wonderfully, and you can be proud of the performances you made. I could see the amazing progress you made under Robin's instruction. Thank you, Robin, for taking her as far as you did. :)

    It is not about winning or losing, and I could tell you share that opinion. In Blackpool, you went to great lengths to entertain the audience, and you certainly did.

    Aside from the dancing, you are just a doll.

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