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Exclusive Backstage Gallery Week 6

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Ö÷²¥´óÐã Eurovision Andrew Ö÷²¥´óÐã Eurovision Andrew | 15:07 UK time, Saturday, 6 November 2010

We were backstage at today's dress rehearsal and managed to grab some exclusive pics as the couples prepare for tonight's competition.
Patsy Kensit in the Strictly Come Dancing dress rehearsal
Pamela Stephenson and James Jordan in the Strictly dress rehearsal
Our Strictly couples take to the dancefloor in the dress rehearsal
Jimi Mistry and Flavia Cacace say
Brendan Cole and James Jordan smile for the Strictly Website camera


  • Comment number 1.

    I have often commented on how impressive the new Ö÷²¥´óÐã SCD Set is with its fantastic lighting and imaging screens.
    However with all the hard work that went into designing it, would it not have been a good idea to think through how the Show production and direction teams were going to use this facility to the best advantage of the audience at home on the settee?
    Time is lost moving down the stairs, which look treacherous in the first place.
    Flashing lights break up the view of the dance and probably bedazzle the competitors as well.
    The cameras angles are moving around like a Star Wars Battle sequence and do not give the audience time to fully appreciate the dance routine.
    If you are going to give the little boys and girls these toys perhaps you should send them back to direction school to learn how to use them properly.
    At the moment SCD is being overwhelmed by the technology. Talk to ABC and look at some episodes of DWTS before subjecting the British Public to any more Flash, Dash and Frazzle!!
    Keeeep Dancing!!!

  • Comment number 2.

    A couple of points:
    1. These back stage photos look like they've been taken by a very old mobile phone. If you're going to publish exclusive back stage photos, please at least use a decent camera.
    2. I agree with Chaswick's comments about all the camera angles and the flashier set. However just a few minutes of watching Dancing with the Stars will show you just how superior the production values are by the home team. DWTS is recorded 'as live' which means God-knows-what. They stil manage to regularly show cameras, microphones and crew in shot. It's hopeless - and makes me realise how much better the Ö÷²¥´óÐã is.

  • Comment number 3.

    @lulabelle1 The camera-phone we use is an 8 megapixel one - unfortunately we're not allowed to use a flash during rehearsals

  • Comment number 4.

    lulabelle1 @2

    I agree with your comments about the quality of the shots behind stage, but I think that they are more for 'atmosphere' than anything else.
    I do not pretend to be an expert on DWTS, but the few clips that I have seen, tended to have steadier camera shots which permit the viewer full length views of the dancing couple which might appear boring to some or reminiscent of the 1980s.
    Sometimes one has to strike a happy balance and I have seen background crew in the peripheries on SCD at times.
    I bow to your opinion of DWTS, but I still feel that there is a heck of a lot of room for improvement amongst the Ö÷²¥´óÐã crew, who appear to be emulating the news reporters in Desert Storm.

    Keeeep dancing!!!

  • Comment number 5.

    Dear Andrew,

    My partner is a wonderfully talented musician and was invited to sing on Strictly a few years ago but the people that made this decision, shortly after this offer, sadly stopped working with SCD and he missed his opportunity. I couldn't find another way to contact you, other than through this comments site, and just wanted to ask you if you would be able to forward details of him to the relevant people as he is wonderful. www.davidbellmusic.com You can hear him singing on this site. I hope you can pass on his details to the right people as I know he would make a fabulous addition to the already incredible music that is performed each week. Your sincerely, Julie Lines.

  • Comment number 6.

    i can't believe that everyone does a standing ovation when ann widdacome & anton dances are they told to do so before they come into the studio? they are just garbage can't dance and certainly not entertaining. All the good dancers will go just so someone like that can say in. I can't believe the score craig gave to scott & natalie tonight it was disgusting.The dance was not their best but it was still good,

  • Comment number 7.

    Chaswick - thank goodness for your comments on the camera work. I have found the moving aerial shots badly timed, distracting and adding no value to the enjoyment of the dance. So often such technique lessens the enjoyment as insufficient time is spent filming the couple's footwork (heel turns, fleckels etc) at key moments. In contrast, certain dances have been captured brilliantly and have reflected the effort, passion and expertise achieved by the couple.

  • Comment number 8.

    What a travesty that Anne Widdecombe is still there in place of couples who really put their hearts into the dancing. With all the grace of a bulldozer and a penchant for smart-alec backchat that she presumably considers amusing, she is spoiling the whole experience. I hope the voting public have finally had enough of the poor joke and exercise their power to exorcise her.

  • Comment number 9.

    Please beeb replace miss Dixon with a judge who knows what he or she is talking about.

  • Comment number 10.

    I agree with Graham Hay that it is a travesty that Anne Widdecombe is still in the competition. Do the public not realize it is a dancing competition? I haven't seen Anne dance a single step yet. Why wasn't she voted off the first week?

  • Comment number 11.

    Thought Natalie had the best outfit tonight for her Rumba but quite liked Kara's too. Actually I liked Kara's Paso dress last week as well and generally have thought that the 'dress makers' have done very well her (apart from the very first week!) lol.

  • Comment number 12.

    As usual loving it all. I do wish, though, that Craig and Bruno would be less unkind in their comments about Ann W. We all know she isn't a great dancer, but she's a good sport, loads of fun, and I find some of their comments tasteless, even cruel.

  • Comment number 13.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 14.

    I love Strictly Come Dancing and always have a 'Final Night Party' for my girlfriends but I cannot work out when it is this year, can someone help me with this one please? Also, can someone, anyone, please, please teach Alisha Dixon how to speak English correctly. Her grammar is awful, Bruno speaks better English. Sher's a nice lass but sounds terrible, sorry Alisha, but it's true!

  • Comment number 15.

    Oops! Just found the date for the final, 20th December so I con now get that party booked, YES!

  • Comment number 16.

    So many things different this year!

    I have stated previously that I am not so keen on the new format.

    There is something now that has crept in which I am finding it increasingly difficult to accept.

    Yes there used to be disagreement between the judges, but it never reached the levels of vitriol that it now does.

    Craig is the only one left who has any credibility in my opinion.

    I also think that the way Bruce Forsyth encourages the audience to heckle when Craig is speaking is so rude.

    If anyone bothers to read these comments please take them on board especially the one about Bruce and the audience.

  • Comment number 17.

    I don't think AW is a 'good sport' - she just wants more money and will get it the longer she stays in. She can even go off and do awful corporate gigs like John Sargeant did - where he blathered on about SCD rather than his jouranlistic career and counted the money...

    AW always has to mouth-off and pre-empt Craig's judgement - which is his task on the show (though now there is no dance off, the judges seem to count for very little). Can't they turn her mic off? - I'd rather not hear the kind of thing she'd come out with when a Tory MP on a Saturday night. She does remind me more of the Emperor from Star Wars with each performance.

    It wasn't dancing and if you think that's "entertaining" and "funny" perhaps the Ö÷²¥´óÐã should bring the Rollypollys back? The dance off has to come back as AW will no doubt come bottom one week and will be against a good dancer.

    Having heard the result before the fake live show on a Sunday, it's a travesty two weeks in a row. AW must go - what's good about a dance routine where she manages not to dance any of the routine? But she gets to stay in and top up her pension while dancers who try get to take an exit?

  • Comment number 18.


    I have just read comments re SCD and agree with 'Baldybloke' it is about time that the BEEB did get rid of Alesha Dixon, she has no idea what she is talking about and on another comment she cannot speak proper English, plus she is so full of herself and very self-opininated.

    Please BEEB bring a professional dancer back who does know what is what. Also it would not be a bad idea to get rid of Craig, he cannot give many of the dancers a good word and he is so sarcastic, especially to AW. I sincerely hope she is not voted out just yet as she has a good sense of humour and it very entertaining. and also she can give as much to the judges as they give her.
    I really hope that Gavin Henson is soon voted off as he thinks he is 'Gods gift'. has no musicality and nothing going for him, except showing off his body, and this nobody wants.


  • Comment number 19.

    It seems to me that there is no pleasing everyone on this show. There is only one way that the better dancers will stay in the show and that is to take only the judges score into consideration. Then the public will complain that they don't agree and that their vote should count too, and this is what is happening now. So someone please tell me why, when the public have what they want (the ability to vote and have their say), they are still complaining about who is in and who is out? If the public want to have a say they have to accept the final results - everyone is entitled to their own opinion and just because "your" opinion doesn't match other people's doesn't mean it is right! Besides, has anyone considered that people may actually enjoy watching Ann and Anton because Anton has the knack of turning whatever they do into light relief? It would be very intense and boring without them. I enjoy watching them too, but wouldn't necessarily use a vote to keep them in - there again I don't vote anyway! :)

  • Comment number 20.

    Thank you JasonParkes, I thoroughly agree. AW is the most disagreeable person and, even before she overstayed her novelty value welcome on SCD, had already established a countrywide distaste for her unpopular views and outspoken manner

    All this mouthing off at Craig - who is the ONLY judge to remain objective and utilise the full marking range - is not funny. It is coarse and boorish.

    The woman has no style at all and could raise her respect profile immeasurably by doing the honourable thing by bowing out before those who make an effort, with both their dancing and their personal appearance, and who have something to offer are forced out of the show prematurely.

  • Comment number 21.

    @Graham - hear, hear!

  • Comment number 22.

    19. At 4:36pm on 07 Nov 2010, anothernonvoter wrote:
    It seems to me that there is no pleasing everyone on this show. There is only one way that the better dancers will stay in the show and that is to take only the judges score into consideration. Then the public will complain that they don't agree and that their vote should count too, and this is what is happening now. So someone please tell me why, when the public have what they want (the ability to vote and have their say), they are still complaining about who is in and who is out? If the public want to have a say they have to accept the final results - everyone is entitled to their own opinion and just because "your" opinion doesn't match other people's doesn't mean it is right! Besides, has anyone considered that people may actually enjoy watching Ann and Anton because Anton has the knack of turning whatever they do into light relief? It would be very intense and boring without them. I enjoy watching them too, but wouldn't necessarily use a vote to keep them in - there again I don't vote anyway! :)

    I agree wholeheartedly.


  • Comment number 23.

    absolutely right. i thought craig was completely bullied last night. it was very uncomfortable.

  • Comment number 24.


  • Comment number 25.

    Ö÷²¥´óÐã can we have more Kristina Rihanoff on IT Takes Two pls , she is a expert in makeup and costume design .Would much rather have her on there with all her expertise and glamour than some other recent guest. Poorly underused Ö÷²¥´óÐã IMO .X


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