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Strictly In Step - our celebrity gameshow!

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Ö÷²¥´óÐã Eurovision Paul Ö÷²¥´óÐã Eurovision Paul | 16:08 UK time, Friday, 17 December 2010

They've spent the last four months in each others' pockets, learning how to stun us with beautiful dance moves. But how much do our couples REALLY know about each other? We decided to find out, by challenging the finalists to take part in our gameshow STRICTLY IN STEP!


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  • Comment number 1.

    lol cats? interesting choice Artem

  • Comment number 2.

    Matt and Aliona are cute as a button together!

  • Comment number 3.

    Good look to all three contestants but I do hope Pamela and James win.

  • Comment number 4.

    I loved the questions! It is funny to see how everyone reacted differently. Matt looked obsessed at having to get the right answers, Kara looked amused at knowing the answers (will they, wont they still developing) and Pamela tried anything to get the answers!

  • Comment number 5.

    Really looking forward to the final tomorrow want them all to win they are so good. They have all worked so hard and battled through so much. Good Luck to all of them for keeping me entertained the last few months. How will I survive post Strictly.

  • Comment number 6.

    Matt and Aliona are so cute together. The bond between them looks really strong now. They are so different from each other and come from very different backgrounds but this partnership really works. other couples talk about how they feel about each other. These two don't have to. You can tell by looking at them interacting with each other they are very fond of each other.

  • Comment number 7.

    Hey why did she tell them the answers before they had a chance to answer! They are bound to agree!!

  • Comment number 8.

    I feel that Matt has not been marked fairly throughout the serious and the judges have had a downer on him! I believe they have their favourites and Scott was one of them, thank goodness the public were voting! I'm hoping the final will not see the same biases and Matt will be treated fairly and recognised for what he does. His professional partner is different in her approach, verging on a contemporary feel to many of the boring ballroom dances, she makes them exciting and they come alive. Please judges, particularly Len, recognise this and embrace change. Can't wait for an exciting final, anyone could win!

  • Comment number 9.

    My wife and I are serious fans and watch Strictly Come Dancing on Dutch, Flemish, German and of course British TV, including It Takes Two every day. Wouldn't it be nice if we could watch the videos on this website too! But surprisingly, in this modern Europe that is gradually integrating more and more, there are still rules that enforce national borders for no obvious reason. I am sure that Ö÷²¥´óÐã just adheres to some law or EU guideline, but it is still disappointing.

  • Comment number 10.

    Thanks so much for making this available to viewers outside the UK - please keep it up with the other online content too!!

  • Comment number 11.

    @ beebbaby - I think the Professionals answers had already been given so all they were doing was confirming them.

    Some of the answer choices were a bit obvious by their weirdness. Very funny that Pamela didn't know James's birthday given all the hassle she got for not remembering her hubbies. :¬D Kara & Artem know each other well though.

  • Comment number 12.

    To js8: what a coincidence that you post this just 8 minutes after I complain that we can _NOT_ see the videos outside the UK. I get "Not available in your area" across the preview picture. We live in Belgium, where do you live?

  • Comment number 13.

  • Comment number 14.

    Tenderman, the reason you cannot access such video content is two fold.

    (i) You do not pay the licence fee (or TV tax) here in the UK for the Ö÷²¥´óÐã, and are therefore not entitled to watch such content.

    (ii) There are intellectual property rights issues. The Ö÷²¥´óÐã has licences for showing such IPR in the UK only. If they allowed non-UK viewers to view then the Ö÷²¥´óÐã would be infringing another broadcasters IPR/licences, and could be fined for such breaches.

  • Comment number 15.

    to tenderman I'm also living in Belgium and I agree whit your comment.
    maybe js8 as find a way to a paying program online.
    I think that Belgium people are discriminaded, whether or not whit the EU or UK rules.
    Buth... I keep dancing!!
    Wachting forward to ho gonne win the tonight show? Strictly technicly and the beauty of the last dances whith, whitout doubt, ther Rumba what an elegance and beauty, I say Karen and Arten , from my heart Pamela and James, the are so good togheter, Pamela is so a nice and dinstinguished person.
    Any way, much of luck tho the 3 couples remain for de finale
    Greetz from Belgium

  • Comment number 16.

    Anyone but Psmela. Will never hear the end of it

  • Comment number 17.

    Arlette Bosmans, see my comment at post 14. You are not being discriminated against. You do not pay the licence fee that us in the UK do. Therefore, why should you get free access to what I am others in the UK have to pay for. And I might add, we do not have a choice, by law we have to pay the licence fee.

    I get so fed up with non-UK based posters complaining that they cannot access certain parts of the Ö÷²¥´óÐã website. Well, tough. I pay for it, you do not.

  • Comment number 18.

    They are all so good, I don't know who should win, it is so close, GOOD LUCK to you all, may the best couple win.

  • Comment number 19.

    The right 3 couples got to the final & have done brilliantly to be guaranteed 1st 2nd or 3rd place, whatever happens next. Well done everybody! My favourite couple to win is Pamela & James. Pamela brings her life experiences to the dance & is so elegant & expressive. Her interpretation of the music is wonderful & her self-confidence shines through alongside her obvious enjoyment. Her energy is amazing by all standards, & not just 'for a woman of her age.' Go for it Pamela! (But good luck to all!) Can't wait to see everyone at their finest tonight. Thanks so much for the entertainment!!

  • Comment number 20.

    An interesting experiment with a brilliant result for Kara and Artem, although they were all questions that reflect on normal likes, even the Desert Island one.

    Good to see that not all of Pamela's psychotherapist tricks work, no wonder Tim Roth got the part in Lie to Me as he is much better at it.

    Matt reminds me of me; Ice Cream or Pick 'n Mix??? Great debate with self and still gets it wrong. So so so sorry Matt, but at least you were big enough to admit that you were not sure.

    Keeeep Dancing!!!

  • Comment number 21.

    The bookies have Matt and Aliona to win but somehow I don't think they will I would say the it's going to be between Pamela and Kara.

    Anyway may the best couple win.

  • Comment number 22.

    So happy that one of my question suggestions was asked to Matt and Aliona :)

  • Comment number 23.

    This is a plea to the beeb.
    I stopped watching this series because of the ludicrous AW scenario and the stupid and unrealistic judges scores, like Len giving AW 6's and Matt 7. It seems to me that this series has somehow been manipulated to create these situations and as much as I am hate how people always suspect conspiracies, this time I really think the Beeb has had a hand in this.
    I will not watch tonight because I have no faith in the scoring and the outcome but I will give the next series a go providing I see more clarity in the public vote and more consistency in the judges vote.
    Throughout this show there has been one judge who has been consistent and its Craig!

  • Comment number 24.

    Yes, I agree in the end the best dancers got to the final and I was going to say I would be happy whatever the result but looking at two newspapers this morning I see lots of free publicity for Pamela who says she is going to do a really sexy tango - so what? The emphasis on her age is getting tedious. So despite Kara's obvious technical ability I feel I shall probably vote for Matt - provided we don't get another dancing mannequins effort!

  • Comment number 25.

    Hello There

    Please do not under mark MATT & ALIONA - They are by far the best, All Pamela can keep on about is are 'age' and being a 'Grandma'. surely this wears thin after a time

    Kara give me the impression that 'I am beautiful' amd I know it, after all she is an experienced dancer, why should be be there anyway?

    NO FIXING - MATT AND ALIONA TO WIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    No favourtim


  • Comment number 26.

    I admire all couples who participate on this year's competition, but Pamela and James are outstanding in every way and they do deserve to win. Pamela is just as an inspiration a remarkable, beautiful woman and an amazing dancer. Pamela and James TO WIN STRICTLY COME DANCING 2010

  • Comment number 27.

    Margaret - how can anyone undermark anyone tonight? It's viewers votes only. It's pure popularity contest time - nothing to do with "grannys" or "experienced dancers" unless you reduce it to that. Everyone has their own mind (apart from the unfortunate few) and will vote as they see fit - nothing whatsoever to do with undermarking in any shape, appearance or form.

  • Comment number 28.

    Seems unfair of the Ö÷²¥´óÐã to put pressure on the contestants and expect them to work hard to learn four dances but then to tell them they might not perform two of them if they don't get through the first round. Bad organisation on their part but then this series has been full of bad decisions.

    Come on Ö÷²¥´óÐã, we the viewers want to see Pamela and James perform the Argentine Tango with the training they received from Vincent and Flavia.

    We also want to see ALL THREE SHOWDANCES.

  • Comment number 29.

    This promises to be a spectacular final with three couples who each deserve to be there. I love the coy way in which Kara knew Artem's favourites ... but there they really have an advantage in a way over the others as they are both single and no doubt have shared more intimate thoughts and who can blame them!

    Down to the dancing it is a close call but I really hope Pamela and James win as their win will mean so much more as it gives inspiration to those of us who are beyond the springtime of our lives. Pamela shows that with a bit of effort what can be achieved despite the march of time. So my vote is for Pamela, despite my sheer admiration for Kara. Shame they cannot both win this year.

  • Comment number 30.

    Totally agree with the couples working hard to perfect four dances, the viewers should see ALL the dances the couples have been rehearsing especially ALL three showdances and then let the voting begin.

    Come on there is precious little else in the schedules, so come on Strictly give is a spectacular final, let the couples perform and THEN let the voting begin.

  • Comment number 31.

    apanil @ 26

    What a wonderful positive note, I could not agree more.


    Keeeep Dancing!!!

  • Comment number 32.

    Wooo hoooo! Let's have millions of PAMJAM votes! Two votes for each of the others as they have done very well.

  • Comment number 33.

    It's going to be a wonderful final.
    They could all win....they are all fab.
    At first i wanted Pamela and James to win but now the sheer beauty of Kara and Artem's dancing has stolen my heart.

    And pickled my walnuts.

  • Comment number 34.

    Well peeps, only 50 minutes to go. VOTE FOR KARA AND ARTEM.


  • Comment number 35.

    A interesting little diversion. Struck me as a useful 'training ground' too - although I don't know if that was part of the original intent or not. A little suprised that the questioning didn't go BOTH ways - it was always celeb getting grilled about their dancer. Since the nearest prior art would be the old 'mr and mrs' quiz show, I would have expected each partner to have a go at the other.

  • Comment number 36.

    Do you think the bbc strictly it takes two could have an eppisode on the monday after the final so that we as avid veiwers could be re live the final with the winners why they dont is beyond my husband and I. So think about it bbc okay

  • Comment number 37.

    Must admit I agree with a couple of the comments on this blog that Matt and Aliona always appear to be undermarked. Matt is technically sound but still seems to get a lower mark than some of his peers who make mistakes. The judges are always telling the dancers to take risks and when Aliona does this with her choreography they mark her down, and then in then they were marked down for only doing basic steps in the samba - appears that they can't win.

    Enjoyed the final but was disappointed that once again we saw Matt marked lower than he should have been.

  • Comment number 38.

    Although Kara was the one and only winner of Strictly last night, my wife and I were looking forward to seeing Pamela & James dancing their Argentine Tango. Pamela was one of the most consistent dancers with the least mistakes. Perhaps we could see Pamela and James dance the Argentine Tango at Christmas. I strongly believe that Pamela and James were about to stun us all with this dance. Myself I would have like to have seen the final contestants dance three dances before the vote was called.

    Keith&Ann Trotman.

  • Comment number 39.

    I agree with Keith and Ann. I was really looking forward to seeing Pamela and James dance the Argentine Tango - maybe they will be on the Christmas special!

    Having said that I think any of the three would have been worthy winners and I was so pleased for Kara and Artem - they looked so happy, and so in love!

    This year was the best series yet and I can't wait for the 2011 series!!!!

    Happy Christmas to all who bring Strictly to our screens. I shall now be getting withdrawal symptoms!

  • Comment number 40.

    Unfortunately, the Christmas Special was recorded a couple of weeks ago. So those that want to see Pamela & James' AT, and yes, I am one of them, will be disappointed.

    As I mentioned on another post, the perfect time for P&J to perform their AT was either as their "last" dance upon being voted out on Saturday evening, or between the 1st and 2nd dances performed by Matt/Aliona and Kara/Artem. The second option would have allowed both couples to have a bit of a breather and change of clothes.

    As others have said, there was a lot of "padding" in both shows on Saturday night, and it would have been so easy to fit in a 90 second dance routine.

  • Comment number 41.

    Oh my gosh, James is hilarious! In the beginning he's all happy and "Yay!!!" But at the end he's just "That's useless." LOL!

  • Comment number 42.

    In this Game.... for me there is only one winner.....
    the modest, hugely talented, polite, decent man that is Matt Baker!


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