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Week 1 - Who's dancing on what day?

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Ö÷²¥´óÐã Strictly Gemma Ö÷²¥´óÐã Strictly Gemma | 01:00 UK time, Monday, 19 September 2011

The first live shows are fast appraoching and we can now reveal to all you Strictly fans the line up for each night.

On Friday 30th September the couples performing for the first time on live television will be:

Then on Saturday 1st October the couples performing for the first time together will be:

Please note the running order has yet to be confirmed. The celebrities have been listed above in alphabetical order.

So the question is who are YOU looking forward to watching? Share your thoughts below...


  • Comment number 1.

    I'm surprised Harry and Holly are dancing on the same night.....
    I'm looking forward to all of them. Roll on 30th September :):)

  • Comment number 2.

    Looks like Show 2 has the better depth of quality with Alex and Lulu probably the best of those in Show 1 to do the best on the night. Most of those I am tipping for a good lengthy run appear on Show 2. I think both Rory, Jason, Holly, Harry and Chelsee have potential to go far.

  • Comment number 3.

    Now I will be away on a weekend break to Dublin and Galway during the 2 live shows on Friday and Saturday night but will have it Sky Plused as I will be taking another day off to recover so I can watch it and will make my comments after I've watched them.

    But I will be especially looking forward to seeing Anita and Robin, Lulu and Brendan, and Dan and Katya on Show 1 the rest don't do it for me though don't rule out Alex Jones amd Robbie Savage definitley and of course the pantomime act Russell Grant as well just to see if he has anything resembling natural rhythm.

    Show 2 has to e the hot favourites Holly and Artem and Harry and Aliona closely folowed by Jason and Kristina and also the other two panto acts Edwina and Vincent and Rory and Erin wondering if they will make it through 1 dance without savage criticsim from the judges.

    Keeep Dancing

  • Comment number 4.

    I think Robbie has a chance of doing well if he has a ballroom first up. I hope you enjoy your break in Dublin then Fergal. When you say you Sky plussed the 2 shows will that be the same as going on the t.v menu and pressing the record button or is this another method of recording through the sky box that I haven't fathomed yet? When the launch show was on I was away for the weekend in Bristol so when I got home sunday evening I watched it on i player.

  • Comment number 5.

    Fergal @3 Just as well to have a day off to catch up on the two shows and you won't miss the first vote as it's not until the following week :):)

  • Comment number 6.

    Thanks for the update Strictly Gemma. Do you know if they will still be seperated when week 2 comes round or will all 14 couples be performing on the same night?

  • Comment number 7.

    PPTT @6 I'd be happy to see the shows separated for the first month then there would be two nights of Strictly. Bliss :):)

  • Comment number 8.

    Yes I can record the two shows you put a series link on the show in this case Strictly and it records the two shows for you and it also gives me the oppourtunity to fast forward through all of Brucie's segments as well.

    And yes ojtocs it will be a very long holiday for me go back to work on the Wednesday and wil have caught up before the first vote off.

  • Comment number 9.

    In Group 1 Alex and Lulu should do very well, will also be keeping an eye on Anita and Robbie.

    Yes the Sky link is great - once you have set up the series link the whole series of Strictly is recorded for you. I also find it envaluable to fast forward through some of the worst of Bruce's jokes!

  • Comment number 10.

    the only thing that i have to say is roll on the 30th September

  • Comment number 11.

    I was reading in TV Times CRH's judgements on the couples and surprisingly he favours the outsiders more than the hot favourites.

    Some of it I have to agree with and surprisingly he actually compliments Russell Grant which might lead to a difference of opinion.

    So my views are this and also my top 5 so far after reading CRH's views in TV Times today.

    Anita and Robin. One of my favourites as CRH put it Anita's stage work means that she is a proper little mover and will work hard compliment that with Robin's chereography and atention to detail they might just surprise in my opinion I think he has found a partner who he can work with unlike Patsy Kensit who frankly in my opinion was sheepish and had to be led by the hand half the time.

    Artem and Holly: CRH states Holly as laid back and Artem as a perfectionist a serious perfectionist who expects perfection from the minute rehearsals start and he predicts a cold war I disagree I think rather than a cold war these two might bring a whole new meaning to the words detente.

    Harry and Aliona: CRH sees them as the most technical couple on the floor and I have to agree I had them wrote off as a bad job due to Aliona's lack of enthusiasm with the chereography she gives her dance partners but I can see these two going all the way to the final possibly winning it.

    Jason and Kristina: Jason is a pefectionist as CRH puts it he has to get it right and is down on himself if he doesn't get it right years on the stage would have given him the perfectionist attitude but if he brings the boy next door look to the party they might go far taking bets on their first routine if it is a waltz to be danced Especially For You or Suddenley from Scott and Charlenes wedding.

    Dan and Katya: Personally CRH's favourite and okay he looks a bit wooden but frankly he looks like a winner to me someone who might just stick to the routines and work his cotton socks off and it will be great to see.

    Well off to watch Masterchef Ireland now
    Keeeep Dancing

  • Comment number 12.

    Fergal @11 Great summary. Thanks. I would add Alex and James to the list. I think they'll challenge for a top five spot. What does CRH say about them?

  • Comment number 13.

    Now for the next set.

    Alex and James: Frankly CRH doesn't rate them he rates them as both gobby to much talking not enough dancing and James Jordan has his habits of expecting his partners to treat him as Lord and Master and Alex Jones frabkly won't be taking that one lying down have to agree there because James Jordan is very tempromental and he comes from the Brendan Cole School Of Pro Dancing give them tough love make them work.

    Lulu and Brendan: CRH rates them as passionate and tempromental he is very worried as Lulu looked postively shaken to get Brendan Cole as a dance partner perhaps like Jimmy and Nicola King in Emmerdale if they can turn that to their advantage and give fire, brimstone and passion perhaps a sporting chance.

    Robbie and Ola: Now these two two two blondes and both take the same amount of time getting their hair just right trouble CRH points out is that Randy Robbie might not be able to stay focused on his dance routines as he will be more focused on eying up Ola's curves but that might be used to his advantage as well as it might make him keen in the Latin routines in my opinion

    Audley and Natalie: CRH's opinion a good combination and he has found a great partner in Natalie who will give him impressive chereography to work with but as we have seen from boxers on the show they have been more knockout to the canvas seeing stars rather than Title contenders has he escpaed the curse of The Boxers on Strictly only time will tell on his first live routine.

    And so the ratings of the rest and frankly I have to throw my teo cents worth in here on the next post as I have had trouble with getting long winded messages posted or condensed my fault I do type my posts like after dinner speeches.

  • Comment number 14.

    Now for the rest and my top 10 for this series as well this will change each week as the eliminations happen.

    Chelsee and Pasha: CRH's opinion he feels sorry for Pasha his first series of Strictly and gets Chelsee for a partner and I have to agree because personally for me she looks and sounds like one of the Footballers Wives from that ex ITV 1 show ditzy yet bubbly a bit like an Aero bar and when she said I'm single and ready to mingle the jury is most defnitley out on this one and in fact she comes across as a maneater in CRH's opinion and will probarbly spend more time checking out her next conquest than dancing I can't seeing her lasting her anymore than week 4.

    Nancy and Anton: CRH's rating it's all about Nancy and frankly I agree because the woman is self absorbed, self centered and for me will be the hate figure of Strictly this year it will have to be all about her and frankly we might see the first walkout of a Strictly pro in Strictly's 8 year run on the Ö÷²¥´óÐã for the good of peace and detente I urge the great British public from a friend here in Ireland put the nation first and vote her out first.

    Russell and Flavia: Now CRH is surprisngly complimentary of Russell in the group dance that he had some good movement but one group dance won't convince me he will do okay in the Ballroom but when it comes to the Latin routines no way and definitley he will have serious problems with lifts possible 3rd week exit or if the public like him.

    Edwina and Vincent: Now Vincent the Italian stallion and the Edwina the cougar who strikes fear into a many a sexy muscular pro's mind if he gets her as a partner hence Artem's face when he thought it was him being given Edwina priceless less convincing version of Ann Widdecombe and in my opinion god help Vincent she will leap on him like a Venus flytrap during the Latin rounds possible 2nd week exit subject to public approval of course.

    Rory and Erin:CRH's impression of him with him doing impressions Erin will have a hard time getting him to be himself have to agree because with an impressionist every routine he will come out as a different character every week till he's voted off eventually hopefully Ms Whiplash can get him into some kind of dancer mode.

    There you have it.

    So my top 5 are.

    Harry and Aliona
    Anita and Robin
    Lulu and Brendan
    Holly and Artem
    Dan and Katya

    My top 3 Wildcards are

    Jason and Kristina
    Audley and Natalie
    Robbie and Ola

    Keeeep D

  • Comment number 15.

    Sorry forgot to say.

    Greetings from Ireland
    and Keeeep Dancing

  • Comment number 16.

    Does anyone know how many couples will be going on the first weekend? is it two or just the one?

  • Comment number 17.

    Flatfeet @16 I don't think anyone goes on the first weekend as there's no vote :):)

  • Comment number 18.

    By going on the last couple of years of Strictly, no one went on the 1st night or weekend of it.

  • Comment number 19.

    My top 5 are:

    Jason and Kristina
    Brendan and Lulu
    Holly and Artum
    Dan and Katya
    Harry and Aliona

    My wildcard would be at the moment be Audley and Natalie.

  • Comment number 20.

    Like Fergal I too will miss the first live show, I am going to record it and watch both together on Saturday night, SCD marathon here we come!! I think Saturday night will have the better couples, I'm surprised they didn't mix them up a bit more... Having said that, the ones I'm really looking forward to seeing are LuLu and Brendan, her reaction when they got paired was priceless and fair play to Brendan for being a good sport about it. Can't wait for it go get started now :-)

  • Comment number 21.

    re flatfeet (message 16) Just to enlarge on ojtoca and lostchachachamp have said last year they reduced the amount of celebs back down to 14. When they did that for the 1st week they had 2 shows with 7 couples each night performing either a waltz or a tango and their marks from week 1 were carried over to the 2nd week when all 14 couples danced on the same night either a salsa or a rumba.

    Just the one couple got eliminated during week 2 although in the semi finals there were 5 couples so they had a double elimination. The likelihood is that this series will start the same although I hope they have added an extra week so we don't have to worry about a double elimination this time.

  • Comment number 22.

    PpTt @21 Perhaps the Ö÷²¥´óÐã save five couples for the semis in case one drops out along the way and they are left with only two couples for the final.
    If you remember this happened in series 7 when Jade withdrew with an injury leaving a semi final of three and a final of two. Any thoughts?

  • Comment number 23.

    I shall miss out on the first weekend's shows as well...unfortunately it clashes with a dance weekend we have booked in Devon...now how about that for bad planning! Thank heavens for the old Sky + box... going to be busy Sunday night watching it back to back. That means I shall miss Spooks and Downton Abbey...I'm never going to catch up?

  • Comment number 24.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 25.

    The Latin Dancer @23 Surely there'll be a TV wherever you stay in Devon.....
    and won't all those keen dancers want to watch Strictly?

  • Comment number 26.

    If reports in the papers about Nancy Del'llio are anything to go by temper tantrums and demands she is getting more irritating by the minute

    As said do the nation a favour and get her voted off first.

  • Comment number 27.

    As far as my weekend break goes I love Strictly and I will have a great TV in the hotel room where I'm staying but I'm not planning to stay in I'm hitting the town with my best friend from the US and we are hitting the bright lights of Dublin and Galway.

    So I will be watching when I get back from my weekend break and will make my comments when I get back.

    So memo to the Briths voting public vote Mrs Hissy Fitter off first because as the advert says.

    You can't get better than a Hissy Fit Fitter.

    If Brucie's looking for a gag writer I can do freelance work.

    Keeeep Dancing

  • Comment number 28.

    You just reminded me about the double elimation in the semi- finals, Pasopeter tangoedtony. I didn't think that far ahead. It would be great if they add another week to the series, so we wouldn't have the double elimation and the Ö÷²¥´óÐã should have It Takes Two on the Monday after the final.

  • Comment number 29.

    Looking forward to the both shows. I'm not judging anyone until I see the first dance. Remember Pam Stevenson last year. I thought she would be out early on but how wrong was I? I'm giving everyone a fighting chance. He who trains hard will start to reap the rewards - hopefully !! Can't wait to see some wonderful dress designs. Keeeeep trying.

  • Comment number 30.

    When is the first eviction? I am having a strictly party on the first and want to have a sweepstake on who will be voted off... x

  • Comment number 31.

    Why are so many couples training videos still missing? With only a week left to go we should be getting one per day (Monday to Friday) surely?

  • Comment number 32.

    I agree Mrs A!!. With too much time on my hands at the moment I'm getting a bit bored with all the nothing coming from the SCD powers that be.Maybe the other training videos would be a bit too telling, but then again maybe I'm becoming unjustifiably over excited. :)

  • Comment number 33.

    why no faith in James and Alex, I think they will be good. James is so much nicer in the last few years. I went to launch and it seems ages until next Friday!!! Looking forward to Zoe on takes two, she was fab with Ian, and should have won!!!!. do we know what dances they are all doing?

  • Comment number 34.

    I asking the same question, Why no faith in James and Alex. I think they have a good chance.

  • Comment number 35.

    All's quiet on Nat & Audley. Has she gone to America to train with him?

    Please amend as necessary but is this the dance list for week 1?
    Alex - waltz
    Anita - waltz
    Audley - Waltz
    Dan - Waltz
    Lulu - cha-cha
    Robbie - cha-cha
    Russell - cha-cha

    chelsee - waltz
    Edwina - cha-cha
    Harry - cha-cha
    Holly - cha-cha
    Jason - cha-cha
    Nancy - waltz
    Rory - waltz

  • Comment number 36.

    Thanks Bruno. Only six days to go..... Friday 9pm. Just checked the TV guide.
    Friday night looks great; Saturday night a real sizzler ;):)

  • Comment number 37.

    I've got tickets for the first Saturday night show - soooooooooooo excited!!!
    If I don't get in, I'll be gutted!

  • Comment number 38.

    Lucky you!!! Hope you get in :):)

  • Comment number 39.

    Adorable_ Matt, I'm sooooooooooooooooo jealous for you. But I hope you get in.

  • Comment number 40.

    I have just cast my eye over who's dancing what and well I do like look of the couples who have been selected to do the Waltz favourites being Anita and Robin and Alex and James but Anita stands out for me because she has been given a dance that will settle her into the competition nicely rather than throw Latin routines at her Alex has a nice taskmaster in James who will maximum perfection at all times and these couples will carry it off.

    Dan and Katya not confident about as there some height issues I have and I think Dan looks like a plank of wood and is way taller than Katya personally speaking I think it will be like he's waltzing a doll around the floor.

    Now Lulu I am definitley looking forward to see doing the Cha Cha because like Brendan she is firece and feisty and will really shake her booty on the night and Robbie and Ola she is pure sex appeal he is a cheeky chappie perfect pairing can't wait to see him shake it all about. Also I have high hopes for Rory and Erin in the waltz provided he can stay in character throught the duration of the routine.

    The heatwave of sex will be provided by the temple that is the body of Artem and the lucious sex appeal that is Holly Valance expect red hot action from them and hopefully a shirtless Artem as well by the way anyone asks why I prefer to see Artem shirtless I'm gay and proud of it. Also another guy I want to see flashing the flesh is Harry Judd pair him and Ola is magic he has a body to die for his Attitude mahazine photoshoot was pure proof of that and the gorgeous and leggy Ola provided James can hold in the jealousy.

    Some great dance choices there now I'll get onto the worst.

  • Comment number 41.

    Now for the first Edwina and Russell three words absoloute car crash it's all I can describe the dance choices they have been given as.

    Because if Strictly want to make these two into pure laughing stocks their goiing the right away about it I mean there first week in and what do they give them a Cha Cha I mean I have a mental picture of what Edwina will be doing during her routine shaking it all about leaping on Vincent like a venus flytrap and at the end of the routine him running as far away as possible the song choice my guess will be Maneater.

    Russell and Flavia I mean how could they give this bloke a Cha Cha is beyond me I mean give him a Waltz show what he can do as far as Ballroom goes then give him a Latin because all I can see is he will be relieved when the routine is over and let's hope he's not sensitive as far as judges comments goes.

    Yes Nancy is getting the waltz for her choice okay I have slated her but I'm hoping for style and grace from her to match Anton's style as he is as far I am concerned the Saville Row suit, the Rolls Royce Cornish, the day out at Harrods authority on ballroom dancing provided she doesn't have a strop and stamps on his toes she'll be fine.

    Keeep Dancing

  • Comment number 42.

    Fergal @41&42 You've got quite a way with words ;) That's a compliment :):)

  • Comment number 43.

    Thanks ojtocs well I do write type my messages like their after dinner speeches and that's just a taster glad you like them.

    If you want to see more of my dramatic way with words look at the archives for last year you'll see what I mean.

    Thanks again
    Keeeep Dancing

  • Comment number 44.

    Oh and I've applied for the post of Brucie's gag writer if someone wants to provide me with a reference I'd be truly grateful.

  • Comment number 45.

    Oh and apologies for the typing errors I haven't just mastered speed typing yet.

  • Comment number 46.

    re ojtocs (message 22) I think you have come out with a good theory as to why that was but at the same time I don't necessarily think it was a bad thing that the injuries forced the final to just be between 2 couples. My mind goes back to series 6 which Tom Chambers won. Yes he was a good dancer but he was inferior to Rachel Stevens and Lisa Snowden by quite a way and yet the GBP voted for him as their winner. Last years final was the 1st 3 couple final where all 3 deserved to be there and you wouldn't have begrudged any of them winning it. So the 2 couple finals usually see the correct person come out on top whereas in the 3 couple finals it is hit and miss as to whether that happens.

  • Comment number 47.

    PpTt @46 I agree. A two couple final in series six may have given a different result. Say it was Tom v Rachel (and all of Lisa's fans transfered the vote to Rachel) she may have won. It does depend how many people vote once their favourite has gone. Personally I don't but I guess a fair percentage of people do.

  • Comment number 48.

    I cant wait to see Robbie and Lulu. I think Robbie will be amazing as he is doing this for his mum and will not want to let her down. Lulu is just amazing anyway !! Good Luck everyone xx

  • Comment number 49.

    I have an odd feeling those who are doing a Cha Cha first are getting the better end of the deal as they get a ballroom number for when voting commences.

  • Comment number 50.

    Thank you pasopeter tangoedtony for explaining so well how the eliminations usually work.

    It's strange how you hear loads of news from some couples and nothing from others isn't it? I'm beginning to wonder if Audley and Natalie are actually still in the competition at all!

    Going by rehearsal tapes and articles I've read - my favourite five couples so far are:


    Wildcard: Anita

  • Comment number 51.

    MrsA @49 I agree. Voters have short memories including me ;):)

    Flatfeet @50 I read (on Digispy) that Audley is in US having dance lessons and will only return and start training with Natalie today..... Not ideal if it's true.

  • Comment number 52.

    Oh and I've applied for the post of Brucie's gag writer if someone wants to provide me with a reference I'd be truly grateful.

    Fergal, you would do great as Brucie's gag Writer.

  • Comment number 53.

    Firstly thank you lostchachachamp for your reference sent in the CV waitng for a reply back.

    Secondly flatfeet I'm afraid I have to disagree with you in relation to Anita and Robin I wouldn't place her as a wildcard because she has a great pro partner in Robin Windsor he will nurture her and get the very best out of her which is a positive the trouble he had with Patsy Kensit from last year was she lacked confidence and did not believe in herself the flipside is that Anita Dobson is a talented performer on stage and screen and a proper mover on the floor and I doubt she will have problems with self confidence issues I'm expecting big things from her in the first week.

    The Top 5 couples for me in my opinion in no particular order and I want them to see them advance for as long as they can.

    Anita and Robin
    Harry and Aliona
    Jason and Kristina
    Holly and Artem
    Robbie and Ola

    Wildcards for me are.

    Dan and Katya
    Alex and James
    Lulu and Brendan

    Not to confident about these two couples Dan and Katya because frankly from the group dance at the launch show he danced like a plank of wood could be wrong. James and Alex doubtful James has passion but he also comes from the Brendan Cole School Of Charm expects his partners to treat him as lord and master. Lulu and Brendan possible wildcards as she was scared to death of getting New Zealand's finest export and he does demand perfection because he judges it as he's a judge on the New Zealand version of Strictly so Lulu will have her work cut out coming up to his high standards.

    I'm planning to have some nice meals at the place I'm staying in Dublin at the weekend and if these three novelty acts were main courses on a dinner menu Russell, Edwina and Rory were on the menu I'd be returning then back as raw , overcooked and underdone and demanding my money back.

    And Nancy well if she was a main course on the menu I'd brand her acidic and inedible.

    Keeeep Dancing

  • Comment number 54.

    Fergal found your last blog very interesting - you didn't mention Chelsee and Pasha - have you any thoughts? I saw them on the i-Player right at the end slot of the new Blue Peter programme and she's come on a great deal since their early rehearsal material was shown. Pasha appears to be the ideal partner for her, she has a really nice 'sparky' personality and she's toned down the early brassy look and now really feel she is one to watch.

    Lulu and Brandan I'm sure are going to be fantastic - both soooo competitive and know Brandan will take good advantage of their height difference in the dances where he can lift her.

    Nancy will stay in a few weeks because of Anton's fan base, but after that there will be just too many voters wanting to cut her down to size for being such a diva. Hope I'm wrong for Anton's sake!

  • Comment number 55.

    Can't wait for Friday. Its been ages. I wonder how Kara feels about Artem dancing with Holly?

  • Comment number 56.

    Hellooo DDD. Great to see you :):)

  • Comment number 57.

    Just a note: Jason knows entertainment, both camp and otherwise--remember, in the West End he premiered the role of Tick in *Priscilla*! I think if he gets an early breakthrough in body understanding he'll go much, much further than people above think he may.

    In terms of hates for the year, so far Chelsee is the one I'd most like to go, followed by Nancy. The "single and ready to mingle" comment was more Big Brother that SCD. Nancy started ahead of her, but then I saw the rehearsal footage, and she was not all glammed up, so I second-thought myself.

    And you know, I like everybody else, and no one's been hopeless in the training vids so far!

  • Comment number 58.

    And, on a related note--does ITT start this coming Monday, or only after the first vote?

  • Comment number 59.

    I just can't wait to see all of them. Just wish we did not have to have put up wiith Brucie as well. Can't we have somone who is actually funny to host it?

  • Comment number 60.

    Hi flatfeet well my thoughts on Chelsee and Pasha I think they will make a great combination because if Chelsee is single and ready to mingle then I'd say Pasha will be the same wanting to put a bit of passion onto the dancefloor as long as they heat things up they will be fine can't see them lasting the pace though and the trouble is I think Chelsee is more suited to Latin dances rather than Ballroom as she comes across as very feisty.

    As for Nancy I hate to disagree flatfeet but I do becuae it doesn't matter about Anton's fan base it's the partner he's dancing with that is the problem and the fact is Nancy Del'olio has no redeeming qualities about her she's self obssessed, self indulgent and just plain demanding I think the public will defnitley use their power to vote because if it comes down to it would you rather Nancy survives for a couple of weeks while better couples go out on the back of her.

    Just a thought
    Keeeep Dancing

  • Comment number 61.

    Fergal, You welcome.

    Only 53 anf a half hours to Strictly to start and couning. Roll on the 30th of Septmember.

  • Comment number 62.

    My favourite so far are:


    Good luck to all couples, anyway

  • Comment number 63.

    re Fergal (message 41) I think you are probably right about Edwina and Russell but with the latter it might not be as much cut and thrust as we think. I watched Match Of The Day 2 on sunday evening. Robbie was one of the analysts and just before they finished they unsuprisingly turned the conversation toward Strictly and Robbie said that Russell has got rhythym which suggests that (if Robbies analysis is to be trusted) Russell might be good in at least the latin. One to watch out for I would say.

  • Comment number 64.

    Fergal you are right of course - Anton has unfortunately drawn the short straw this year getting Nancy as his partner. He can do much to improve her dancing technique and create wonderful choreography but cannot do much about her unattractive self obsessed personality! Like you I'm convinced the public will take the first opportunity they can to vote her right off the show. I've been thinking about how she will handle some of the judges comment - should be interesting shouldn't it?

  • Comment number 65.

    Hi flatfeet. I'm not sure (until I see her dance at least) if you need to worry about those concerns.

    Remember Anton had Ann Widdecombe last year and she has plenty of negative qualities off the dance floor as well as a distinct lack of effort and breaking the rules when it came to attempting a latin. Yet the public kept voting for. Either she found fans or it was Antons fans voting for her because it is clear having read the blog both this year and last as well as the message boards in previous years that Anton has a powerful fan base.

    So just because of any perceived character flaws in Nancy it doesn't necessarily mean she won't get the votes. I have to admit though it will be interesting to hear how she copes with the judges comments. If she gets some negative ones will she do an Ann and reply in kind to someone like Craig?

  • Comment number 66.

    I have just been watching everyones training footage and as someone else said there doesn't seem to be an obvious disaster waiting to happen. However as Erin rightly said on her video with Rory they might get stagefright. Just from the videos nerves look like the only thing that would create any "Complete Dance Disasters" to coin a Craig phrase

  • Comment number 67.

    PpTt @66 I agree. All the celebs come across well in their training videos. Some have alot of potential; others have great personality; some have both :):)

  • Comment number 68.

    FANTASTIC news for all of us overseas. There is ONE clip we are allowed to see. News came through on FB today that for those of us abroad we can view Flavia and Russell. Perhaps this is the start of good things to come for us!!!

    DDD great to "see" you again. Ready for a few more cocktail parties!!!

  • Comment number 69.

    Only one more day to go..... sooooo excited for friday night even more for saturday night :):)
    Here's my top five: Anita, Holly, Jason, Rory, Alex. Good luck to them all :)

  • Comment number 70.

    24 hours and 35 minutes to go to the first live show of Strictly. Can't wait. It take Two is starting on Monday the 2nd of October.

    2lips Amsterdam, thanks for leaving us know about that. I was on you tube last night and I think we can see them on you tube.

  • Comment number 71.

    LCCC @70 - Last few years I've worked evenings and weekends with an occasional Sat off. Had to call in favours from friends to call me with updates on sat nights.

    This year I AM FREE!!!! SCC on any night and ITT here I come!!!

  • Comment number 72.

    Again LCCC @70 - just been on youtube. Saw some training clips for this years series.

    Cannot understand why Ö÷²¥´óÐã can upload clips onto youtube which anyone ANYWHERE can see (or whoever it is who does it) , but loyal fans of SCD (or any other programme for that matter) abroad cannot get to see anything on the Ö÷²¥´óÐã website.....

  • Comment number 73.

    Must add Chelsee to my top five..... Or top six. I think she's going to be a surprise but may struggle with the vote as she's not very well known.

  • Comment number 74.

    LCCC @70 22 Hours and 18 minutes..... ;):)

  • Comment number 75.

    Tomorrow ladies and gentlemen I am departing for Dublin and Galway and I intend to have some fun and hopefully pull a bloke I'm gay by the way and proud of it but enough about that I won't be able to watch the Strictly weekend so I've Sky Plused and will watch and assess when I get back Monday night and Tuesday as well.

    Now the top 5 couples I expect to see excel are in no partilcar order.

    Robin and Anita
    Jason and Kristina
    Robbie and Ola
    Holly and Artem
    Harry and Aliona

    Best Of The Rest

    Dan and Katya
    Audlie and Natalie
    Alex and James
    Chelsee and Pasha

    Total dance disasters darling

    Edwina and Vincent( the thought of her leaping on him like a Venus flytrap during that Cha Cha is laughable)

    Russell and Flavia(He does not need his PHD in Astrology to discover how this will work out)

    The Naughty Step

    Anton and Nancy(Not so much Anton but his sulky self obssessed partner Nancy it's all about me Del'lolio who if given poor feedback will scream stomp off and sulk and will require the naughty step and a session with Supernanny Jo Frost)

    So enjoy the Strictly weekend
    Hopefully I pull a bloke
    Greetings From Ireland
    Keeeep Dancing

  • Comment number 76.

    Fergal @75 Have a great time in Dublin. Looking forward to your reviews..... ;):)

  • Comment number 77.

    Is the who's on tonight still correct only a certain tweet claims Alex is dancing on Saturday?

  • Comment number 78.

    I've been trying to confirm and correct final Team Names can anyone help please?......

    Lulu and Brendan: Team Brulu
    Rory and Erin: Team RoBo
    Edwena and Vincent: Team?
    Jason and Kristina: Team Jastina
    Anita and Robin: Team Dobbin
    Robbie and Ola: Team
    Dan and Katya: Team Danya
    Nancy and Anton: Team ?
    Chelsee and Pasha: Team Pastee
    Harry and Aliona: Team Hali
    Alex and James: Team ?
    Holly and Artem: Team Hartem

  • Comment number 79.

    Robbie & Ola are definitely Team Savola

  • Comment number 80.

    Thank you MrsArcanum

    Lulu and Brendan: Team Brulu
    Rory and Erin: Team RoBo
    Edwena and Vincent: Team?
    Jason and Kristina: Team Jastina
    Anita and Robin: Team Dobbin
    Robbie and Ola: Team Savola
    Dan and Katya: Team Danya
    Nancy and Anton: Team ?
    Chelsee and Pasha: Team Pastee
    Harry and Aliona: Team Hali
    Alex and James: Team ?
    Holly and Artem: Team Hartem

    Just Nancy & Anton, Alex & James and Edwena & Anton to go!

  • Comment number 81.

    Flatfeet & Mrs. A. Thanks for the team names. That's great :):)

  • Comment number 82.

    Mrs A. I've just read on DS that Holly is dancing instead of Alex tonite.....

  • Comment number 83.

    Lulu and Brendan: Team 'Brulu'
    Rory and Erin: Team 'RoBo'
    Edwena and Vincent: Team?
    Jason and Kristina: Team 'Jastina'
    Anita and Robin: Team 'Dobbin'
    Robbie and Ola: Team 'Savola'
    Dan and Katya: Team 'Danya'
    Nancy and Anton: Team 'DellBeko'
    Chelsee and Pasha: Team 'Pastee'
    Harry and Aliona: Team 'Hali'
    Alex and James: Team 'Jalex'
    Holly and Artem: Team 'Hartem'

    Edwena & Vincent to find?

  • Comment number 84.

    Dear Flatfeet - what about Audley or am I being totally blind??!!!!!!

  • Comment number 85.

    Looking forward to the show tonight. Would like to see Lulu do well, Russell may surprise us.
    Well tonight and tomorrow will give use a view to who may be good.

  • Comment number 86.

    Can largely relax and enjoy tonight as my long-term favourites, Anton and Erin, take to the floor with their partners on Saturday. As a Glaswegian, must also give Lulu a "shout". Just have a feeling this could be a year of big surprises.
    Anyway, bring it on, and Enjoy!

  • Comment number 87.

    Strictly Kirstie us bloggers have been gradually getting together a Team Name list and it's finally complete - presume as you did last year you will be letting us know which Team Names the dancers have finally chosen so we can include them in our blogs - thanks

    Lulu and Brendan: Team 'Brulu'
    Rory and Erin: Team 'RoBo'
    Jason and Kristina: Team 'Jastina'
    Anita and Robin: Team 'Dobbin'
    Robbie and Ola: Team 'Savola'
    Dan and Katya: Team 'Danya'
    Nancy and Anton: Team 'DellBeko'
    Chelsee and Pasha: Team 'Pastee'
    Harry and Aliona: Team 'Hali'
    Alex and James: Team 'Jalex'
    Holly and Artem: Team 'Hartem'
    Audley and Natalie Team 'Audalie'
    Russell and Flavia - Team 'Flavant'
    Edwena and Vincent - Team 'Vincurrie'


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