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Bionic - June 2024

We contacted Bionic and it said that it sends emails to all digital renewal customers, but that it has learnt that for various reasons a few customers don't see these emails, which is why it is now also sending text messages when it has a mobile number. It’s records show that both cases cited by Watchdog were sent emails and text messages.

It went onto say that when it hasn’t got something right, it will always work with its suppliers to release customers from their supply contract. It said it will be investigating these customer issues further and make every effort to ensure that it can find a solution.

It said it always apply the highest standards to everything it does and always puts its customers’ interests first. It said it’s agents always ensure the customer opens the contract, talks them through the Key Points, and asks if they understand and are happy to proceed. Every customer has the option to think about it, and in the two cases Watchdog have cited both customers took a day or more to think about their quotes before signing the contracts.

When we asked further questions around their initial response it followed up to explain it’s purpose is to make life easier for small business owners, by helping them compare, switch and renew their business energy, insurance and broadband contracts. Over the 9 years of our energy digital renewals scheme, it said it has renewed over 200,000 small business customers, saving them a total of c. £200m vs going onto expensive out-of-contract rates. It said it understands that unprecedented price volatility has meant that some customers who have signed digital renewals agreements are dissatisfied with the prices that they have received. It said it appreciates this is frustrating for customers, but remain confident that it has acted in a transparent manner and have always put its customers’ interests first.

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