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Garret Keogh, Online Editor | 15:45 UK time, Monday, 15 December 2008

Welcome to the Being Human blog - your ultimate behind-the-scenes guide to Ö÷²¥´óÐã Three's new drama about three twenty-somethings who also happen to be a werewolf, a vampire and a ghost. Here you'll find exclusive videos, pictures and insider knowledge about the show, the cast and the characters, directly from the set and the writers.

The original Being Human pilot first aired on Ö÷²¥´óÐã Three in February 2008 and it went down so well, a full series comes to Ö÷²¥´óÐã Three in 2009. We'll let you know exactly when, but until then - and during the series - this will be the place for everything you need to know about the story, the world, and more so make sure you bookmark it.


Being Human

For those of you who may have been living under a rock at the time, Being Human is about George, Mitchell and Annie, three seemingly normal flatmates struggling to keep their dark secrets from the world, and follows their struggle to fight both their curses and the enemies who want to bring them down.

Stay tuned for more updates soon.Ìý


  • Comment number 1.

    I don`t usually watch much telly but I won`t miss any of this series. Great stuff, especially Laura!!!

  • Comment number 2.

    Watched the first episode, absolutely brilliant. was devastated after the pilot that, there wasn't going to be a series. best decision beeb has made. fantastic first episode, very funny, frightening, uplifting and sad all in the same measure, characters are full and very rounded, you laugh, cry and feel for them whether they are one of us, or one of them. can't wait to see rest of series, will definetly buy it on dvd when it becomes available, if the rest of the series stands up, or exceeds the quality of the first episode. watch it, you won't regret it.

  • Comment number 3.

    Superb show i'm not a really big tv fan i watch top gear, gavin and stacey and thats about it i can't stand most of the other shows.

    This is a breath of fresh air and something i can watch without wanting to throw something at the tv because of poor plot lines (cough eastenders!)

    I'm looking forward to the next show and i do hope that the bbc release this on DVD with a bucket load of extras.

  • Comment number 4.

    I missed the pilot but the basic concept of the houseshare attracted me - I'm a sucker for a supernatural being (scuse pun).

    From the marketing I was expecting a comedy but it was so much more than that - decent drama in a deserted TV landscape!

  • Comment number 5.

    I was looking forward to this new show - but with a little trepidation. It could so easily have been played like a modern day version of the Adams Family, all predictable stuff with cheap gags. Instead we got something brilliant, original and wonderfully cast! Well done, I LOVE it!! Can't wait to see the rest of the series and I'm another viewer who is hoping you release it on DVD!

    Special mention has to go to Aidan Turner - fabulous job with Mitchell! Not only is he seriously gorgeous but also such an interesting and compelling character. Already I find myself worrying about him! It's rare for a character (even a hot one!!) to affect you like that. I'll stop raving now, suffice to say I am already a big fan!

  • Comment number 6.

    Loved the first episode. Inspired casting change. The original two actors looked too good to be true - like a couple of models just stepped out of a perfume ad in Vogue magazine. The replacements are far more 'real'.

    Can you imagine the original male model hunk of a vampire working as a hospital porter? Would have looked ridiculous.

  • Comment number 7.

    One question - why hasn't Russell Tovey been showered with awards! He's always brilliant and this is no exception. Love the series (even better than the pilot now that well-needed changes have been made) and can't wait for more!

  • Comment number 8.

    can anyone tell me where I can see the pilot? I watched ep 1 and 2 on Ö÷²¥´óÐãiplayer so I'm hooked.
    It's difficult to switch from angst to humour (good writing as well) the actors manage to make it appear seamless.
    I'm not sure what the story's 'rules' are for the supernatural forms? I have a favourite already in the show :-) It's been five or six years since I was excited about a new show on TV! A DVD release each season would be great *cross fingers*

  • Comment number 9.

    Hi I love the series and I hope the Ö÷²¥´óÐã decide to keep it going and expand the story Arc, Russell Tovey is a lovely guy as the very senstive George, this is the kind of quality programming the Ö÷²¥´óÐã is famous for keep it going

  • Comment number 10.

    This show is fantastic! The actors have remarkable chemistry with each other, especially Mitchell (Aidan Turner) and George (Russell Tovey).

    I hope that this series enjoys a long successful run on the Ö÷²¥´óÐã.

  • Comment number 11.

    I've never posted on a blog about a TV show before but I really enjoyed episode 1 of Being Human and just wanted to tell the producers that!! The Ö÷²¥´óÐã are getting loads of grief at the moment so I thought it's time I sent some positivity your way. I enjoyed the mixture of "fantasy" storyline played out by normal, amusing, everyday characters. I'm officially a fan. Not sure I'm very good at blogging though!

  • Comment number 12.

    Great series, changes from the pilot have been a well worth it, just one thing, my Orient fanatic hubby wants to know who the Orient fan is.

  • Comment number 13.

    Great series up to now, I just noticed that in the photo above most of the supernatural elements are connected to George (the sheep head, moon shaped light and the scars). Anyone else found any for the other characters, all I can see for Mitchell is the blood bag and Annie is her corporeal form.

  • Comment number 14.

    Can anyone tell me who sings the song that plays when annie tries to sort out owen's flat?, i think it is featured in the new halirax advert too!!!??? love the show - george, wow!!!!

  • Comment number 15.

    Just had to write in to say how fantastic Being Human is,I absolutely love it and Mitchell is gorgeous!!

  • Comment number 16.

    Thank God for iplayer. I watched episode four by chance and now i am hooked and have caught up, yay! Let's hope that the Ö÷²¥´óÐã realises what a gem they have with Being Human.

  • Comment number 17.

    I love Being Human, i have tried to get other people to watch it and when i say its about a vampire, werewolf and ghost they think i'm mad! However the people i know that watch it are as hooked as me.

  • Comment number 18.

    Love everything about the show, originally watched for the vampire element but have stayed for the humour,and because I love George! It's not a genre that tends to garner many awards, but this show definately should. Wasn't sure about the cast changes, but it all worked out better than I hoped, and Russell stayed - yay. It's a challenge to play a werewolf with no confidence - Tully is what you expect from a shapeshifting beast, not George, and Russell makes me wanta cry when his lip starts wobbling. Give that man an award, somebody!

  • Comment number 19.

    P.s. Hot bod, too, Russell, not surprised you've got no problem doing all those naked scenes lol

  • Comment number 20.

    can any one tell me where i can buy some string lights like the ones in the kitchen of being human please. much appreciated if you can thanks

  • Comment number 21.

    I have been hooked on this series from day one. It is so good to see something fresh with brilliant characters and great acting. Really looking forward to last episode but hope that it is left open in some way for a series 2.
    Congrats to all concerned for making such brilliantly watchable television.

  • Comment number 22.

    love this series.
    Especially having to count the times we get to see Russell Toveys botty!!!

  • Comment number 23.

    Hi - I just wanted to say how much I love your series - it is the best thing on TV at the moment. The writing is fab and the actors are fantastic. It is scary, funny and sometimes sad but always brillant. I loved the gay ninjas comment.

  • Comment number 24.

    Hi - I wanted to add that the 3 actors who play Mitchell, George and Annie are all gorgeous and the chemistry between them is awesome :) xx

  • Comment number 25.

    Hi just adoring every second of the series and am going to be completely bereft after Sunday can't wait for the DVD but will there also be a CD of all the wonderful music featured including Richard Wells' fantastic arrangements?

  • Comment number 26.

    Gutted that it's the last episode of series one tonight. Been glued 2 the tv since it started. When does series 2 kick off. Please keep em coming cuz it's a wicked show
    Luv Chattywitch. x

  • Comment number 27.

    How do I get in touch with Barry Pilling onine editor?

  • Comment number 28.

    Best thing i've seen in ages, compulsive viewing, can't wait for the next serise, Glad to see the Beeb is still able to produce top quality drama with imagination.
    Give us more!!!

  • Comment number 29.

    Wow what a series! Loved it! Can't wait for series 2.
    The Ö÷²¥´óÐã really has got all the quality drama at the mo - keep it up please!!!!

  • Comment number 30.

    Hi, i only became a fan of BH this year from the ads and first episode, and wasn't aware of the pilot last year... is the pilot going to be available on the dvd, as i've tried to find it on the internet and it doesn't exist anymore :(

    I have full confidence it will be worth watching, and now the series is over i just want more!

  • Comment number 31.

    O.M.G I can't wait for series 2......Being human first series was great. George is hilarious, Mitchell is Sexy and cool lol! and Annie is amazing....brave ghost!!!!

    W.T.G to the writers!!

  • Comment number 32.

    I thought I was the only person watching this amazing series until I found this site.
    I'm so relieved they've commisioned a secound series.

  • Comment number 33.

    Loved the witty script and the characters were relateable. Absolutely devastated the series has ended. Hope there are plans for a new series.

  • Comment number 34.

    When I saw this series advertised 'a ghost a vampire and a werewolf.... share a house in Bristol' I thought it was going to be some rubbish attempt at a crass sitcom. However, when channel hopping I happened upon it and decided to see how bad it was and was shocked to really enjoy a novel well written addictive programme. Totally not what I was expecting but I'm hooked! Where's series 2!!!!! Oh and can you show the pilot- I missed that when it was on, I know its a different cast but I'd still love to see it.

  • Comment number 35.

    Hi guys - commenting on old post instead of emailing, as there's no email addy available (to cut down on emails like this no doubt! Sorry).

    I'm aware this is a fairly frivolous request, and that you are all working hard, so i won't be all at surprised or offended if i don't get a reply from you, no worries at all. :)

    As an enthusiastic fan of Being Human i would love to come and stand on the sidelines of some filming some day. I know you film in Bristol and can get some information on locations, but don't know when you film in public areas (obviously). Is there any chance you could release this kind of info? If it helps my case, i've spent two weeks work-experience on the set of Stargate in Vancouver and am well aware how to conduct myself professionally on set, i know not to get in people's way, not to make noise during filming, etc - i know everyone on set is just doing their job and trying to get all the scenes shot to a deadline. To be honest i'd just want to watch from the distant sidelines - that's enough for me.

    I'm aware it's unlikely you'd encourage visitors, just thought i'd give it a try. :)

    Keep up the excellent work on the show (and the fantastic content on the website/blog), i'm really looking forward to season two in January.

    Best wishes,

    Camilla T.

    PS: Quick heads-up - your link to the Facebook page isn't working.


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