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Garret Keogh, Online Editor | 16:13 UK time, Tuesday, 24 March 2009



New to BH? This post does not contain spoilers, but the comments might...


BEING HUMAN FANS.Ìý I take my hat off to you, you are an observant bunch.ÌýÌý


Many of you spotted the recent press release that announced a Being Human night coming to Ö÷²¥´óÐã Three on Saturday 28th March.Ìý Well, I am very pleased to be able to give you a few extra juicy details...


The night kicks off with Being Human: Unearthed, a behind-the-scenes documentary about the making of the show.Ìý It really is your most comprehensive guide to Being Human yet, featuring brand new interviews from the actors behind George, Mitchell, Annie, Herrick, Lauren and Nina.Ìý On top of that there's more from writer Toby Whithouse, a whole bunch of the production team and even a member of the BH Blog team.Ìý Who'd have thought!?


Oh, and one more bit of goss... the voiceover will be done by none other than Alex Price, the man behind legendary character of Gilbert , so Better dust off your Morrissey records in preparation for his return.


Following Unearthed, there's another chance to see Being Human episodesÌýone, two and three, followed by episodes four, five and six the following Saturday.Ìý So bagsy the sofa, put the cat outside and take the phone of the hook... that's some serious viewing timeÌýright there and you don't want to miss it.Ìý


Right, we're going to don our ninja outfits and attempt to get you some sneaky Being Human: UnearthedÌýpreview clips... wish us luck!



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  • Comment number 1.

    ooooh, i'm all excited!!!

    Shame my family aren't fans, oh well I guess a late night on iplayer will be required....

    surprised to have the first post - guess the rest of the BH bloggers don't appear till after dark....

  • Comment number 2.

    Hurrah! :-D

  • Comment number 3.

    Good 'ol Barry!

    God I can't until Saturday.. I've told a couple of friends to watch as I think they'll totally get this show but I've told them they have to immerse themselves in every scene no going off halfway through to go and make a brew or anything!

  • Comment number 4.

    Yeah!! This is MY saturday night sorted!
    Think I will have to order a pizza in... and see if the delivery guy can see me... and then ask him if he had to learn to drive a moppet... :-)

  • Comment number 5.

    Wahey cant wait for saturday ... may i ask are we moving to this page now last one is ridiculously long and well have new question friday so...?

  • Comment number 6.

    Nooooo i just re read - actors behind george, mitchell, annie, herrick, lauren and nina - great but what about dylan?! :-( ok maybe were asking too much lol this is still going to be great and yes clips please :-)

    any news on whether we can have the episodes on iplayer for another week? :-( just keep us going til april 20th lol actually mines due on 26th damn amazon

  • Comment number 7.

    ok last comment - dead chuffed about alex being in it even if just the voice over lets get the smiths cassettes out and partay gilbert stylie lol

    (usually people who say partay instead of party are the type of people id like to punch in the face lol but i feel it fits here :-))

  • Comment number 8.

    Is Barry being filmed?

  • Comment number 9.

    yeay im really excited.

    i no what you mean eagle i hate the partay people too.

    im just so glad we have a new page the last was just a tad long!!!!

  • Comment number 10.

    ok every one grab your branches and get ready for your gilbert fun to start

  • Comment number 11.

    Yes the partay people along with the people who use party as a verb lol but i think i have finally found a situation where its acceptable to use it :-)

    Hope Barry is on the show...and in the sexy gloves? :-)

  • Comment number 12.

    Yeah I hope it's Barry. I think he was the one who got Mitch's gloves.

  • Comment number 13.

    While we're all feeling the Gilbert love, don't forget the FB group dedicated to him

    Mr P should totally get to be on the programme!

  • Comment number 14.

    Haha, a one hour special on our favourite show and we are wondering what the blog editor will be wearing.

  • Comment number 15.

    Now I've just imagined that all the wardrobe stuff we asked to be prizes were given to Barry to give out and he kept them. A great image in my head of him appearing wearing all the stuff at once with the Uggs as well.

  • Comment number 16.

    Can't wait until Sat. I am esp. looking forward to the behind the scenes on a full size tv. I know iPlayer is good but you can't beat 42 inches can you?

  • Comment number 17.

    hahaha super i could see that happening to

  • Comment number 18.

    has everyone gone already

  • Comment number 19.

    what time is this shin gig kicking off anyway?

  • Comment number 20.

    I believe it's 9:15pm on Ö÷²¥´óÐã3

  • Comment number 21.

    a shin gig? LOL. Another great image in my head now, thanks Katy. :D

    Erm I'm here flitting about. I'm experimenting with the broadband capabilities. I have fifteen windows open and I'm downloading from itunes whilst watching stuff on youtube and it still hasn't crashed. *fingers crossed*

    I think a few of us are floating but not really posting. Never let the lack of relevant or interesting information stop you from posting. ;)

  • Comment number 22.

    That's my Saturday night sorted. Bottle of plonk, kick the family out (I haven't got a cat), and settle down in front of the TV. Perfect.

  • Comment number 23.

    Excellent - have set the box to record.

    And finally - another blog. Couldn't bring myself to post again on the last one - was getting far too long!

  • Comment number 24.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 25.

    lol i onliy mention the gloves because ii visited one of sperkii's FB pages the other day and he is a "Friend" on one (i use that word loosely as most people on FB are far from friends they barely make the christmas card list lol but you know what i mean) anyway on his picture he has fingerless gloves - i cant help have a little respect for a fellow fingerless glove wearer as i feared we were dying out - well apart from the mitchell groupies...

    ps. sperkii got new dylan moran dvdvd off amazon today :-) its like a little suprise present for yourself everytime one comes i love it lol next is IWTV book then after that BH on april 26th approx then thats it til christmas.

  • Comment number 26.


    I am SO happy Gilbert will be with us in spirit during the documentary.

    And hurrah! for brand new cast interviews and behind the scenes stuff.

    What quality.

    GOd Bless Barry.
    God Bless the Being Human team.


  • Comment number 27.

    lol shitaki mushrooms is a good one to use in an emergency around the children when you hurt yourself and accidentally say something you shouldnt...

  • Comment number 28.

    " em are we actually having gilbert fun yet?"

  • Comment number 29.


    lol i dont like the idea of bombarding the lovely barry with demands in capitals lol poor guy but hey it had to be said :-)

  • Comment number 30.

    "Are we having Gilbert fun yet?"

    Hmm checklist...

    Are either Fun boy 3 or the smiths playing?

    Are you dancing with some leaves?

    Are you wearing a rather fetching blue jumper?

    Hmmm not sure what else constitutes gilbert fun...

  • Comment number 31.


    I pre-ordered my dvds weeks ago!! SO excited!

    Have 2 pairs of fingerless gloves already, and i had them BEFORE the show came about. Now i think i need more.

    Was having my daily BH daydream earlier and was thinking about them all going on another trip to a nightclub. The club scene in bristol is so great so they really should take advantage of it i think. I would suggest Thekla as it's on a boat.. but they did do that in skins this series.. eurgh.

    Anywho i just thought i'd like to see the gang on a club night. Much comedy/drama potential..

    Nina insisting they all try to have a bit of normal fun (pales in comparison to gilbert fun obviously but what can you do?)

    Annie trying to dress herself up for the night out but the clothes keep just falling through her and her hair keeps returning to its normal position and she gets really frustrated..

    George doing dorky dancing and making Nina laugh.

    Mitchell getting a tad excited by some sexy dancer and going black-eyed and Annie/George has to intervene and tell him off and the girl is like.. 'i think you give your friends a llittle too much control...'

    Annie stealing drinks for everyone and getting mitchell a bloody mary which he does not find amusing. George is of course horrified by the act of theft.

    Maybe mitchell would find another vampire drinking someone in a toilet cubicle, tries to intervene then discovers the person is a willing victim - maybe a goth kid! Then he gets all disgusted and gets in a big fight and they all get thrown out.

    George 'well that went well'.

    maybe i'll write it as a fanfic at some point.

    i never write fan fic but this show makes me want to..


  • Comment number 32.


    urrrm eagle...

    im starting to get very afraid..

    my forum bourgeois message was typed without seeing yours...

    do you think WE are psychic?!?!

    and i'm not trying to be mean to barry. It's all in good heart which is why im combining it with quotes. I just want our wish to be noted and perhaps considered.


  • Comment number 33.

    lol Bexter!

    *whispers* Eagle hearts Barry! *runs off*

    I don't think its possible to create forums on here. We might need another site completely.

  • Comment number 34.

    Garrr Superochre you may have a point...

    ok i'll do some research...


    (sorry i'm finding it too fun to stop now)

  • Comment number 35.

    love these bex:
    "Mitchell getting a tad excited by some sexy dancer and going black-eyed and Annie/George has to intervene and tell him off and the girl is like.. 'i think you give your friends a llittle too much control...'

    Annie stealing drinks for everyone and getting mitchell a bloody mary which he does not find amusing. George is of course horrified by the act of theft.

    Maybe mitchell would find another vampire drinking someone in a toilet cubicle, tries to intervene then discovers the person is a willing victim - maybe a goth kid! Then he gets all disgusted and gets in a big fight and they all get thrown out."

  • Comment number 36.

    :) yes i like them a lot too. i came up with them over course of several hours while i was really slacking at work.. considering i do customer service i should probably be spending a lot less time staring dreamily into space with my mouth slightly open, ocassionally muttering the words 'tottering about in totterdown, tottering.. totterdown... ahhh'

  • Comment number 37.

    Lol ok i actually just laughed really loudly at the thought of annie getting mitchell a bloody mary as a joke lol oh dear just pictured his face in my mind was very funny.

    Oh and cant remember who came up with the idea of Annie getting frustrated at not changing her clothes so "dressing" the boys so she has an excuse to clothes shop and experiment with outfits...well whoever it was just to let you know ive written that scene lol thought its only right i tell you - dont worry it was purely for my own entertainment because i thought it had great comedy potential :-) not stealing it honest :-S just an idea i really wish id come up with first lol

  • Comment number 38.

    OK I think I've made a decision. I'm moving to this blog from now on. The long one is breaking my posts up.

    Eagles gone quiet. It must be true then.

    otter, totterdown, thousands.

  • Comment number 39.

    thousands of otters tottering in totterdown.

  • Comment number 40.

    and i know youre not being mean to barry only joking...

    and the day i "heart" someone you have permission to shoot me :-D but at least you stopped short of ...sitting in a tree... *roll eyes* lol

  • Comment number 41.

    I was so going to type that as well!

  • Comment number 42.

    must be true? whats true? what i do? lol

  • Comment number 43.

    It's true that you sit in a tree with Barry. K.. I...S... OK I'll shut up now.

  • Comment number 44.


    sorry had to be done.

    and superochre i have to say hes a rather attractive young man ahem god im glad these things dont show our real names lol...

    Jesus I think I have a case of benjamin button - im regressing to teenage state lol i think im over compensating for the fact i was far far too sensible as a teenager...oops.

  • Comment number 45.

    eagle oh my goodness you wrote it!!!

    that was my idea too, i just think annie's clothes thing is really interesting.

    oh please please let me read it!

    by the way i've created a forum.

    it's youforum.co.uk/beinghuman

    i was going to call it the goat and ghost but realised no-one new would ever join us because no one actually knows about that...

    but i could create that too as an inner-circle type deal! lol.. but i think id rather keep the beinghuman love an egalitarian kinda thing...

    im working on the first post now, get excited!!

  • Comment number 46.

    'a rather attractive young man'? lol.

    Yeah he's lush. Do you think if we big him up he'll push for a forum?

  • Comment number 47.

    i think he's a contender for world's sexiest website editor

    (forum please forum please)

    are you guys saying you've seen barry?

    how? where? when?

    or are you just ummm... guessing?

    also i cant work out how to post on this new forum thing so maybe it's all pointless...

    maybe we should just hold out until the bbc realises they've GOT to have a forum...

  • Comment number 48.

    I think we have to wait for a proper forum otherwise everyone spreads out onto little forums.

    Yes we've seen the world's sexist website editor. He wears fingerless gloves and erm... likes to.. eat stuff. I can't say anymore for fear of Barry fangirls.

  • Comment number 49.

    lol i have only seen a photo on facebook and that was an accident! before you start i wasnt stalking i just noticed the name on one of sperkiis pages and thought ooh thats the website guy...
    yeah ahem.
    oh and that shoulda been...
    but im more than just a little bit useless lol but hey i had a bang to the head on monday how long can i use tht as an excuse? :-S

  • Comment number 50.

    you could just backtrack and say you were dropped at birth. I tried that for a while.

    Eagle! the fangirls! 'You're a spy aren't you, because the way you held it together there was chilling.'

  • Comment number 51.

    Lol wow worlds sexiest website editors....now that calendar would sell millions wouldnt it?!
    lol poor barry its hardly a title worth competing for is it...

  • Comment number 52.

    I'd vote Barry (the worlds sexist website editor and creator of the BH forums) all the way!

  • Comment number 53.

    I bet you £100 bex is now searching facebook.

  • Comment number 54.

    Lol ive had training...:-)

    Yeah I couldnt get away with saying i was dropped at birth - i was fairly inteligent once - until being human took over my brain now anytime i think of something remotely intelliegent gilbert dances across with a branch and aidan and russell say a mixture of tottering, totterdown, three, laurel and hardy and otters lol

    ooh speaking of which been house hunting again today and found a lady with the larel and hardy ornament thing that mitchell has :-) wow so far whilst house hunting ive found that and their cow picture...i had half a mind to check the larel and hardy dvdvd collection :-)

  • Comment number 55.

    soo.....i'm missing something, how did you guys discover Barry?

    was really confused in the last blog where you guys were talking about him, assumed it was a randomly assigned name to mister invisible!....

  • Comment number 56.

    lol yeah i was wondering if thered be anyone here in the next 10 mins.

    Barry huge apology if you have lots of strange (not that im calling you strange bexter2001 lol) young girls adding you now :-S although i guess you get it all the time anyway but kinda didnt think of that :-S feel free to delete the incriminating poss lol i wont kick up a fuss :-)

  • Comment number 57.


  • Comment number 58.

    Well we 'discovered' Barry when he was a hobo and then made him into the star he is now.
    We didn't discover him, we don't know him. All we know is that he is the worlds sexist website editor.

    Really eagle? Do you think it was an omen? That you should buy that house?

  • Comment number 59.

    lol says at top of page although not sure if its his real name - not sure how these things work

  • Comment number 60.

    We just made the Barry thing up as a really bad joke so don't waste your time looking, we need posts here instead.

  • Comment number 61.

    lol- 'worlds sexiest website designer' - a title i'm sure he'll be proud of - hehe

    did a good job of the site though...

  • Comment number 62.

    ah, so he's made up then....ignore my last post,lol

    good site in general from whoever designed it....

  • Comment number 63.

    lol well the woman was 65 and actually the most amazing person i have met in a very long time - she told me i was born to the wrong time lol we had the same taste in just about everything - apart from the fact she had cats - i dont like cats - well actually i do they just dont like me anymore. It was an awesome house though - you felt as though you could fall through the floor at any time which made things interecsting lol its not for me anyway its for my mum i could never afford somewhere like it - i could imagine it as a set for BH if they hadnt used the house they did lol looked normal outside but then inside its all rickety and creaky and ups and downs - i think you can tell a good house if you trip or fall at least twice on the first visit lol. anyway not that your interested in my house hunting at all but hey it was the most interesting thing that happened (doctor told me to rest but i dont do resting lol so did something productive:-))

  • Comment number 64.


    ok im back from... umm.. wherever it was i've been...

    and i agree it's probably best to brush this issue under the carpet to avoid fangirldom... which i agree is very likely if more word of this gets out.

    if that all sounded very cryptic to newcomer readers then don't worry it's all for the best.

    i am going to continue building the forum.. just so we have somehwere to post links and fanfic if enyone gets motivated enough to write some..

    eagle i want you to post your annie-clothes story there when i've finished setting it up!!

    and i am strange. proud of it. damn straight.

  • Comment number 65.

    Sounds great. I've always wanted an old house with odd rooms and sizes.
    I have two cats. As a result my neighbours hate me and my mum worries that if I continue refusing date requests that I'll become an old spinster with 50 cats.

  • Comment number 66.

    I have to say though i want that model :-( ive never seen one until today.

    Also saw something else on the set i liked the look of but cant remember what now lol they have lots of funky bits.

    Although does anyone find it interesting that the house is completely empty end of ep1 after george destroys it all mitchell says its all in bin bags but then a couple of episodes later they have a lifetimes worth of trinkets again? :-) i dont like to nitpick but wondered if anyone else had wondered that lol

  • Comment number 67.

    yes! I wondered that immediately. I registered everything that was there before and then after (picture, glass!). Poetic license.

  • Comment number 68.

    yip, esp when annie goes through her angry poltergeist phase, and starts throwing this around, and George says something like 'oi, that was a present'.

    didn't seem too concerned about senitimental stuff when it was him throwing things around.....

    ....but maybe he kept all sentimental things in his room, and then they moved everything down when he had a specified place to change?

  • Comment number 69.

    lol superochre i did think that - i walked in and though uh oh wierd old cat lady then 5 mins in i thought ok shes a witch (she is absolutely off her rocker its great lol)...then after 10 we were chatting lie wed known each other for years much to the annoyance of my mum who thinks i should be going out geting drunk with other twenty somethings not stood talking art, furniture, books and stand up comics with an old lady lol and the fact i was neglecting my measuring duties...

    anyone know if someone actually lives in the totterdown house?

  • Comment number 70.

    lol at 'wowww' I doubt anyone website editor or not deserves that.

    bex: there are already a few fansites fully developed on lj and proboards atm. I worry that you'll waste your time a wee bit.

  • Comment number 71.

    yeah mitchell did say to put things in their room but he still sits with the tv on his knee? i figured he didnt have time to get upstairs before he started changing? hmm yes poetic liscense :-)

  • Comment number 72.

    yes someone lives there.

  • Comment number 73.

    I love the tv hugging scene.

  • Comment number 74.

    with the smashed stuff..

    mitchell did say they had to move anything they wanted saved.. so maybe they did move a bit.. although it didn't seem like it happened on screen..

    and maybe it was empty when george returned in the morning because annie and mitchell had moved everything salvageable into another room and then bin-bagged the rest.. just a thought.

    but yeah there should have been a few casualties.. i agree, poetic license is required!

    and with the forum.. i dont understand livejournal i find it very hard to navigate.. but proboards? will check that out.

    but either way i'm still putting it up just in case.

  • Comment number 75.

    and i think the tv was mitchell's most prized item and he didnt want ot take the risk of leaving it anywhere in the house :)

    glad he realises tv is greatest invention of 20th century.

  • Comment number 76.

    proboards is pretty vacant, livejournal is for people who understand what they're doing (not me). So I'm waiting on a proper forum.

  • Comment number 77.

    oh and lol bexter ive written quite a lot of scenes - when my own ideas are a bit thin on the ground but i still like writing so nick tobys show :-(
    was gonna write an entire episode but i dont really have the time to put into it at all and im only really any good at writing comedy - so i just write funny scenes lol.
    but i am thinking of writing some of my "annie meeting a ghost victim of mitchells" thing which is more drama than comedy i guess...

  • Comment number 78.

    loads of fan fic at lj eagle.

  • Comment number 79.

    I thought the tv hug was quite powerful. It showed Mitch as a very scared and normal person underneath the black eye, teeth thing.

  • Comment number 80.

    lol yeah i cant navigate forums - the only one ive ever used is imdb and that wont work for me anymore - went on a couple more and it was all graphics and funny colours and just thought no this is much more me :-)

    yes that was a great insight into mitchell the fact he saved the tv - it made me laugh and when my mum watched it she reckoned thats what id do too which made her laugh lol i wouldnt though id rather save my dvd collection thats years and years of work getting that together lol or my sax... hmm good job i have 2 hands lol

  • Comment number 81.

    I'd reach for my ipod and monitor... oh and my children of course.

  • Comment number 82.

    well eagle if you ever feel like posting your writing, please put it on the forum so i can read it!!

    i'm probably getting carried away cos it's 2am and i've had 6 diet cokes but at least if the show gets any more successful i will be leader of a forum! Cool!

    here's link:

    just there for stuff we cant post here and for anyone who happens to stumble onto it..

  • Comment number 83.

    yea i dont read fan fiction it depresses me - makes me realise how crap i am lol doesnt really matter i only write because i enjoy it not because i ever expect it to go anywhere - hardly anyones ever actually read any of them anyway:-)

    Ohhh cant wait until saturday :-( so glad i got new dyan moran dvd or theyd have carted me off in a straightjacket by now lol

  • Comment number 84.

    That looks great bex. I'll be on there posting crap tomorrow. :)
    Hmmm might be time for bed.

  • Comment number 85.

    tartan- I had forgot about the present quote till you reminded me. Lj are excellent for the word by word accounts so I'm hoping a full finished script will be published somewhere online.

  • Comment number 86.

    i have written a little fanfic in scrappy ideasform in my diary from time to time but never posted.. and usually find most fanfic very poor quality..

    but maybe a quality show with quality fans will inspire a better standard!

    we live and dream...

    yeah may be right superochre and thanks i'll look forward to seein you on the board!!

  • Comment number 87.

    i always come up with plot ideas in my head - never write them down - then forget them.....

    .....anywhoo, time for bed, uni at 9 tomorrow, boohoo....

  • Comment number 88.

    has everyone gone?!

  • Comment number 89.

    ok just my computer being strange...have tested out the new forum bexter not sure if i did it right :-S
    i may have to sleep also - doctors orders :-)

  • Comment number 90.

    you did very well! Thanks for your support! I hope others follow i think it'd be good to have a back-up place for our famously lengthy and rambly discussions so we can keep track of the thread better...

    ok well night night.

    im visiting a friend tomorrow so probs wont be on again til thursday (tear!) but will miss you all terribly.

    au revour! ( i dont do french, sorry if that's wrong)

  • Comment number 91.

    lol well i think people would appreciate less of my ramblings on here!

  • Comment number 92.

    one of my comments has apparently been taken down but i have no idea which??

    It's none of the ones i expected.. sauciness, rudeness and linking have all slipped under the radar, and i cant find what has been removed...

    anyone know? lol. i doubt if that if IM unwilling to trawl through all my past posts, someone else is, but im hoping maybe someone with a very good memory (im looking at YOU eagle) will know ...

    anyway, in casse my link does get removed, i've created a forum for being human fans at youforum dot cohm (misspelling intentional to avoid detection i know im super stealthy like a ninja)

    oh and there's a forrward slashe and then beinghuman. You'll find it, i believe in you!

    it's very pretty now ive got picture of george annie and mitchell and topic headings and stuff...

    and there's a good 30 posts.. all by me and eagle eyes.. but still...


  • Comment number 93.

    oo just had the thought that maybe one of my ideas was TOO close to the TRUTH!! and they've taken it down so toby can go ahead and write it in...

    here's hoping :p

  • Comment number 94.

    Woohoo cannot wait for this
    Definatly one for the bookmark:D
    While the BH Team is at it, could you please put up the werewolf storyboards, that would be great:D

  • Comment number 95.

    On Youtube
    Could you please put up the werewolf storyboards on Youtube

  • Comment number 96.

    Hi Lionesskeeper, this is being sorted as we speak. Well, type. Expect it soon.

  • Comment number 97.

    anyone here except me?
    superOchre? sperkii? eagle?
    oh well.
    flipping marvellous about the repeats and the unearthed show on saturday, I did already know courtesy of sperkii and her FB spy, but it's great to have a new blog to post on, that old one was getting exhausting!!
    well, I'm going to see if anyones on Bexters forum, ttfn

  • Comment number 98.

    I would like to suggest that Toby fits in the following line for Mitch's dialogue:

    "Three thousand otters tottering in Totterdown."

    I'm positive that could be easily squeezed into the script somewhere.

  • Comment number 99.

    I second the motion.
    In fact he can say anything related to otters, or tottering.
    or maybe "Hotter" would sound nice too - could be easily written in as regards central heating, Annie, summertime etc etc
    omg I need to get out more.

  • Comment number 100.

    100! Sorry it just got way too tempting.


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