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Garret Keogh, Online Editor | 10:00 UK time, Friday, 19 June 2009



New to BH? Watch out, this post contains spoilers from series one...


Oooh, he's a bad one, that Herrick.Ìý Between the killing sprees and the attempts at world domination, he also managed to fit in a healthy dose of Mitchell-fighting, George-taunting and the odd bit of cafeteria-employee-snogging.Ìý (His diary must have been chocca).Ìý With some brilliant one-liners and a wicked sense of humour, he's a classic baddie.Ìý In fact, we've been inspired to assemble some of Herrick's greatest, most-villainous scenes in one ('super-eeeevil') BH Blog exclusive video... and we need your help.


So this week's big question is... What's Herrick's most evil moment?


The better your justification and the more passionate your argument, the better the chance of us featuring your evil Herrick moment in our video, so get forming your arguments now. We'll analyse all the comments and come back to you with THE definitive video listing Herrick's 'official' most-evil moments. Remember, the BH Blog team's decision is final and we are waiting for your suggestions...



  • Comment number 1.

    Happy birthday Aidan :-)

    Ok hmm question...

  • Comment number 2.

    Ha "chocca" was that a hot chocolate reference? :-P

    I think overall though his most evil moment has to be trying to kill Mitchell. Killing humans is just part of being a vampire really I dont think thats evil and recruitment is again just part of the job but killing one of his own kind - and someone that he actually recruited as well - thats evil!

  • Comment number 3.

    The whole 'blood letting' room thing kind of freaked me out. Btw who was that actor with the tube in his throat? I thought he was great.

  • Comment number 4.

    I think his most evil moment was when he sad that Seth was an idiot. Seth rocks!! Insulting Seth is the worst thing anyone could ever do.

  • Comment number 5.

    I agree chris. Seth is the best character in BH.

  • Comment number 6.

    Herrick was mean when he sang "bad moon rising" while George was transforming painfully. Good he got was he deserved :D But also, yay, intertextuality!

  • Comment number 7.

    When he staked Mitchell? I thought that scene was very well done and sudden. I'd say that's the evilest one I can think of that hasn't already been mentioned. I mean he could of at least given Mitch a chance. :P

    (And Happy Birthday to Aidan. :))

  • Comment number 8.

    Oi I said it C! Thats what I meant when I said trying to kill Mitchell :-)

    Ooh yeah I loved it when he sang bad moon rising - so annoyed they cut that out as well - really didnt like the line it was replaced with either...but wont get grumpy again I promise :-)

    Oh and the actor who played the guy in the feeding room (billy - you know toby likes to name everyone lol) his name's Josef Altin - yeah he was great :-)

  • Comment number 9.

    Hmm I know nobodys going to agree with me on this but I cant help thinking that the feeding room is really not that different from humans milking cows or whatever...dont get me wrong i drink a ridiculous amount of milk so its not an animal rights thing lol just saying...

  • Comment number 10.

    The feeding room is the same as cows being milked??? wt flying f?
    I really hope you are a die hard vegan eagle.

  • Comment number 11.

    Whoops sorry Eagle. Didn't notice that you'd said that. Well I agree with you anyway. :)

    And feeding room is not different from cows being milked? What the hell are you on right now E? Yeah no different except for the fact that blood is life and without it the people will die. Cows can survive without milk but people can't live without blood.

  • Comment number 12.

    In that last post I meant E as in short for Eagle. I need to read through my posts before posting shouldn't I? *feels embarressed.

  • Comment number 13.

    i think his most evil moment was when Mitchell was trying to go straight again in ep 5 when he was just talking but with so many threats

    the way he was telling him it will be quick and telling him to pick a chair sharpen a leg that conversation just in case i confused you

    i get what you mean eagle to vampires we are just cattle so i understand what you mean by saying that like we dont need to drink milk to live and the vamps dont need to drink blood just look at Mitchell

  • Comment number 14.

    Happy birthday Aiden!

    I think it was def when he staked Mitchell, there was some definate evil madness going on there.
    But also all the comments he makes to Mitchell about him coming back and taking over humanity, he truly believes it right- which is really evil because it's very Hitler.

    I do love that bit though when he pays for the drink off the canteen lady and George asks him what that was about and he says, 'manners'. I love that bit, you expect him to say something evil and vampirey but he doesn't. Despite all that evilness he still thinks that manners are important, that is really a little bit sociopathic of him.

  • Comment number 15.

    Haha knew thatd be contreversial (how on earth do you spell that? :-S) but no i do drink milk - far too much of it :-S but at the end of the day its about the food chain and humans are a lower down than vampires just like cows/sheep/pigs etc are to humans - but the milking thing well really its similar - they arent killing the humans (not on purpose anyway the odd accident is always gonna happen) but yeah knew people would think im off my rocker but you have to admit it makes sense you just dont wanna think about it like that cos it makes you feel bad :-P but you shouldnt - its just nature at the end of the day - if we didnt mil cows we wouldnt breed them so there wouldnt be any - if vampires took over the world and didnt wanna feed from humans they would have no reason not to just kill them all - like herrick said...

    C that E comment made me laugh :-P

    And Bunny yeah I love that bit too :-) (although it was mitchell not george but i wont mention that dont wanna be too much of a BH nazi :-))

  • Comment number 16.

    Oh and another evil moment - well it wasnt that he was doing something especially evil but when hes in the lift with Mitchell in the hospital and gives that speech about blocks on a mountainside then "this chose me" and all of that - thats very hitler lol i like that scene.

    I think the moment hes scariest is when hes getting ready to meet mitchell and the washing hands and canteen woman putting his coat on and just yeah that freaked me out a bit - its when hes just so calm with it - he seems so in control and think thats why hes so scary - its all so clever and calculated not just some nutter flying off the handle and going mental with a stake...

  • Comment number 17.

    I think making Lauren have sex and kill that man on the DVD was pretty evil.

    Also when he sees Annie in the street and chants "tick tock - tick tock" was quite chilling. I'm intrigued as to how he knew who Annie was at that time...

  • Comment number 18.

    Oh yeah Laurens dvd definately that was sick for any creature - nothing to do with being a vampire just generally evil...yeah that definately...possibly even above staking mitchell - I mean if Mitchell had had his wits about him a bit more (he was about to go out anyway silly boy) then it wouldnt have happened - but the thing with Lauren that was manipulative and just eugh yeah really horrible how did I forget that - I guess because we didnt actually see Herrick have anything to do with it just told about it.

    Hmm if theyre gonna put that bit in the video I guess they could use the opening to episode 4 where Mitchell confronts him - he kinda admits to it there.

  • Comment number 19.

    not that they need my help with the videos obviously lol i was just kinda thinking aloud sorry :-S

  • Comment number 20.

    As much as I love Herrick, I cannot forgive him for plunging the stake into Mitchell..... anyone who does anything bad to the vampire....well you know my feelings about that!

  • Comment number 21.

    hmmm so many to choose fromyes to all the above! Totally agree with the washing hands bit. His evilness wasnt just the mwahahaha bloodthirsty world takeover thing no self respecting baddie can do without, but the uber calculating, self controlled side he uses to effortlessly manipulate others. Gotta love his new labour slogans & that manic zeal every time he says Darwinism.

    For sheer dramatic impact the staking of Mitchell surely has to be included, and the break a leg and sharpen it scene of course, with his chilling calmness and the way he says but it feels so nice in such a creepy voice after all that rhetoric - smoke & mirrors! But Id also add:-

    When mitch storms into the funeral parlour to demand Lauren back and herrick knows exactly how to twist Mitchells words and use his guilt and self loathing to defeat him. (incidentally he doesnt bat an eyelid while mitch is throttling poor little seth)

    When he tells George he wont let mercy and nostalgia deter him or he wont feel fit to be a leader think hes totally sincere at this point shows his ruthlessness & dedication to the cause.

    That awesome canteen confrontation with George,(wheres my action hero? Lol) saying hed chase him to the edge of the earth and pick the meat off his bones. How COULD he?

    The fangs in the ep1 opening sequence!!!

  • Comment number 22.

    ok so not really on topic but it has just come to my attention that apparently russell is a favourite with the older generation lol i was showing my nan something on my laptop and she spied my walpaper which happens to be a rather nice picture of russell in doctor who (yes sad i know but lets face it hes nicer to look at than any of the men i actually know and just yeah lovely) anyway she asked me who he was etc (she did think he was actually someone i knew and asked why shed never met him lol) then told me she lieks a man in uniform and if only she were a few years younger :-P

    we then had a conversation about the awful fact of life that is - all the best ones actually are gay lol which unfortunately does appear to be true :-(

  • Comment number 23.

    "how am i meant to innovate when you're carrying on like an autistic cricket?!"

    Lol ahh I do love newfangle :-D took me ages to find radio 4 though so missed first 5 minutes :-(

    "drowning in a sea of dung beetles whilst trying to teach you the square root of idiot!" lol ahh

  • Comment number 24.

    Eagle I heard Russell and Maureen Lipman on R4 this morning just before noon..is this what you've been on about - forgive me if i've been a bit slow.

  • Comment number 25.

    Yeah shes great in it too :-D loved her in ladies of letters too her and anne reid were brilliant. But yeah thats newfangle 11.30 - 12.00 on a monday morning radio 4 - first time I'd heard it "live" this monring I've been listening on iplayer because I'm normally at work so was fun this morning even though I missed some because I couldn't get the radio to tune in.

    But I really like it it makes me laugh but kinda wish I'd recorded it or something because theres only 2 episodes left :-(

  • Comment number 26.

    Ooops eagle you're right (of course), I was thinking of the bit where george and herrick were in the canteen together squaring off and I got my faces confused.

  • Comment number 27.

    S'ok :-D

    Hmm ive never really been into a radio sitcom before - do they release them on cd like they do tv ones to dvd? everyone ive asked says no but i dont wanna believe it lol i really like this program and kinda dont want it to end in 2 weeks so anyone know if they do?

  • Comment number 28.

    Yeah they usually put a few of the popular shows on CD: I know the earlier "Ladies of Letters" were.

    I loved newfangle on Monday I just caught it in the car by chance. I wonder if the writer (Adam Rosenthal) might be Maureen Lipman's son as she was married to Jack Rosenthal (the late playwright) Note to self: must stop being such an anorak.

    The fact that she's in it might improve the chances of it going to CD.

  • Comment number 29.

    lol yeah well i thought because she was in it...was ladies of letters on radio first then? Damn I missed that - loved the tv version though :-) really hope it comes out on cd it almost makes doing the washing up bearable :-D

    Note to Russell...if it doesnt can you get me a copy...pretty please?? :-D I got the show at least 5 extra listeners lol if not more - and im forever promoting being human - even in the queue for britains got talent i was telling everyone about it and showing clips on my phone and they swore to watch the next series because it looked great lol...oh dear i really need a life dont i :-S

  • Comment number 30.

    I think it's got to be the taunting of George in the cafe. There we see Herrick at his very worst. I mean, think about it. He is at that point, far stronger, far more powerful than George - he could kill him in a second if he wanted to. Or, for all the threat that George posed at that moment, he could leave him be. But instead, he chooses to mock him, and taunt him. Why? Because he enjoys it - it's like a cat playing with a mouse - the difference being the cat doesn't actually know it could do any different. Herrick doesn't need to go out of his way to be unpleasant to George, but does it anyway. It's like the bully in the school playground, but with pointier teeth...

  • Comment number 31.

    My nother died 30 years ago on Monday - I did not believe in life aft er death until my late husband and I were with her until she left us - looking at her I knew we wouldmeet again and I told her


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