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Garret Keogh, Online Editor | 17:44 UK time, Friday, 16 October 2009

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Annie's was killed there... Mitchell was staked there... George even transformed there. Yes, the bright pink, oddly-decorated Being Human house saw so much drama it was almost a character in itself.

So we here at BH Blog Towers we thought it was time to let you inside for the first time since series two began filming. And look who we found... it's only bloomin' Russell and Lenora!


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  • Comment number 1.

    Yay Thanks team....they are turning into a proper comedy double-act aren't they.
    Nice that they thank the fans again.

  • Comment number 2.

    Thanks BHProduction Team pps...

    Ah...aren't they lovely together...clear how close Russell and Lenora are....body language speaks volumes I say.

    So..Russell likes jellybeans eh!

    Is that a different dressing gown he's wearing from BH1?...colour looks different to me

    maybe back later

  • Comment number 3.

    Yay...a new video to keep us going! I must say Russell is looking sexy today!

    Thanks BH team for this!

  • Comment number 4.

    Thanks for this :) Lenora looks beautiful as always. Can't WAIT to see the next series.

    I'm hoping to be able to be there for the Mayhem festival so hope to see you both then :)

  • Comment number 5.

    Awwwww aren't they cute?
    Lenora's looking very pretty as usual! Like the hair....
    Thankyou for the vid guys!

  • Comment number 6.

    VF & Co: Back again....why won't they let me blog at work boo-hoo...well I know why, probably read some of my Aidan blogs and its frightened them hehe..

    So...nice little vid there....aw sweet! Yeah I know they prob don't read the blogs but it was nice of them to thank the fans...

    Now, today, little ones, I spied an article in a local paper from work, can't remember the name because I was staring at a little pic of our Aid., in a grey vest...admittedly, you couldn't see much of him because there was a person on his right so her back was partially obscuring the right side of him, and a bloke he was talking to on his left, but the middle bit was visible and so I scanned it in and emailed it to my home email where I will attempt to Twitpic it so that somehow most of you can see it...I will also attempt to put it on YT where the rest of you can see it...the quality ain't great (I enlarged it before I scanned it and it's a bit grainy, but there are going to be 2 pics, one larger one smaller, so you can choose!)...don't be expecting Millais here...it might be nice, it might not be, in which I apologise in advance, but it was nice to find something (I've kept the original) plus the two enlarged paper copies...he looks pretty damned good... hey is that new? Will let you know when/if I've achieved this..

    ...and have we all had a good day?

  • Comment number 7.

    Aww. I love the way that Russel says "aww lea" at the end. The second time when he like hugs her and such.

    And lol they don't have a roof. :P

  • Comment number 8.

    Hi Anglo, ATfan1 and everyone!

    Yay it's the weekend and still trying not to get too excited about Mayhem Halloween...esp. as it looks like they will be there (but still subject to filming commitments)

    Anglo, looking forward to seeing that pic...got your tweet earlier, so hopefully you've got mine back by now.

    Trying to figure out how to edit video clips I've taken, but not having much luck with the software I've got (or lack of it!)

    Once again BH TEAM, nice video!

  • Comment number 9.

    Oooooh would love to see the piccy.
    Do I follow you on Twitter already?

  • Comment number 10.

    Awwww lovely vid.... THANKS BH team greatly appreciated

    Anglo) you are so good to us i would'nt know how to get pics on u tube but i love all the clinic ones. Checked out u tube Casualty Ben Turner I really think their is a family resemblence.

    A couple off suggestions for music with the pics:
    Photograph....Def Leppard
    My one Temptation...Mica Paris

  • Comment number 11.

    Yeah I agree angiefan, they're obviously related.
    Bless them!

  • Comment number 12.

    What is your Twitter called anglo?
    I can't find you :P

  • Comment number 13.

    Have a look on Twitter

  • Comment number 14.

    Evening all...been playing with twitpics as well anglo: found it quite easy to upload...put the pic of Aidan in bed as a trialrun...link is on my Twitter profile. Loking forward to your pic.

    Hope you've all seen Lionesskeepers screencaps of eps 1 of The Clinic ( Twitter)...someone needs to tell me how to screencap..haven't worked that out yet..

    Found this elsewhere on Twitter....depends on whether or not you believe the 'informed source'....if it's tru we'll need to find a new best friend in Swansea.

  • Comment number 15.

    Just a quickie...oh matron...THANKS to BH Production for the latest vid, you are a terrific bunch.Much appretiated and greatly watched.

  • Comment number 16.

    Gah, cannot find your Twitter anglo! Befriended you all on my brand spanking new YT account :)

  • Comment number 17.

    Jooos...just seen your 2 new vids from The Clinic via Twitter..good on ya girl...can't help with editing...still waiting for help on sceencap from video on the Player!...talk about learning by trial and error!

  • Comment number 18.

    Yeah awesome vids Joooos! Thanks so much :P

  • Comment number 19.

    Brown: There was a larger article inside which is where I got my little pic from and I can't put it on Twitpic because it's a pdf and Twitpic doesn't support that...will try to get it jpg'd at work next week and try again on Monday...what a pain! Bet your pic was one of the supported ones, brown.

    I don't believe half of what I read but it may be that there are rumours going around, which there always are about everything, so it's a case of waiting and seeing....if they do move it, what a shame...

    Joooos: Lovely little vids from The Clinic....said it before, will say it again...he would good in a bin liner. Thank you for those little treats!!

  • Comment number 20.

    Found you anglo :)
    Panic over....

  • Comment number 21.

    Anglo : I agree with the bin liner. And of course, he would also look good with nothing on...

  • Comment number 22.

    ATfan1: Have accepted your friend thing on YT so all should be well now! Sorry, been fighting with some salami and cottage cheese in the kitchen so missed a few blogs...

    Eagle and I are coming back to Bristol on Halloween and she's staying 2 nights til Mon 2nd Nov...lots of time on Sunday for walking then, to various film locs...can Bristol handle this??...wait and see...if we can provide a few pics, well if she can cos my camera is rubbish and you can barely speak into it let alone take pics, will post them somewhere..got my train tickets today yay, excited now, and apprehensive if you can believe that...I doubt we'll actually meet them but then I don't know what else is planned...apart from the Q&A session, will they be signing the odd autograph? No idea, must wait...

  • Comment number 23.

    That would be awesome, videos of locations & actual "meeting" would be out of this world :P
    I'd take a pen and a photo just in case....

  • Comment number 24.

    Prob last blog of evening...getting ready to go to our Salsa Club shortly ....
    I haven't totally given up on going to Nottingham...checked ticket price and not too bad...could make up that money by extra hours in bar....might be able to resolve transport probs..friend has offered his car but only for pm on that day...
    but main prob is the date....and the effect of this date on Man ( and me as well). Not a religious thing but a tragic thing. Bottom line is that if Man won't go I'm not leaving him alone on that day. Need to handle this carefully...he wants to support me but in this case it's more important that I support him.
    Sounds ridiculous I know but don't want to say anymore here. Those interested can message me via youtube.

    Anyway..to lighter things..enjoy the evening and weekend everyone.

  • Comment number 25.

    ATfan: Be an ideal time to hatch a scheming plot for a kidnap...only joking...something tells me there are going to be hoards of screaming teenage girls there, all going for the vampire...I'd love to hear some of the questions they come out with lol...and we'll be there to hear them which will be an eye-opener...one of us is bringing her laptop, all of us have phone cameras except yours truly but don't know if we'd be allowed to use them... be great if they handed out signed photos or something...

    and I gather we have previews of S2...that's worth going for alone...problem is we can't really say much about that on here because it would spoil it ... this is going to be more difficult than I thought hehe

  • Comment number 26.

    I'd like to know what Music AT is into, and of course if he's single...
    I doubt there will be more than about 10 horrors (sorry, I meant 'teenagers'), as its not that bigger show - the twitter feed only has 200-odd followers...
    But yeah, if there are any signed photos, get a couple of spares for us lot? Mail them? :P Only joking, have a nice evening.. :)

  • Comment number 27.

    Yeah kidnap sounds good to me.....Except I won't be there *sobs*.

  • Comment number 28.

    Thats me off for the evening too. TV awaits.....
    Have nice evenings & weekends you guys.
    I'll try to get on tomorrow but I have a very busy weekend.

  • Comment number 29.

    AT: OK hun, enjoy yourself...some of us will be dipping in and out so may bump into you over next 48hrs or so....have fun!

  • Comment number 30.

    Talking about AT with nothing on (21 ATfan1 )lots of bare botty bits of AT from Des Rom they would be great on YT... any takers?

    If the kidnap plan comes off I have somewhere we can stash him!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 31.

    Angifan: Yes they were lovely shots weren't they...lovely bum...nice and peachy from what I could see...bitable..

    You planning on hiding him?? I'm gonna stick with just handcuffing him to the bed...if I had a headboard of course, one of those iron ones...there'd be no stopping me.

  • Comment number 32.

    Thanks BH team for the new vid, love the look behind the scenes. Its very scary knowing that my ex used to live on the road you use for the house! scary thought if only this were a few years ago.

    Looking forward to the next video (hopefully full of lovely AT - miss his gorgeousness and smiles).

    Keep up the great work guys - party rings and jelly babies in the post for ya! x

  • Comment number 33.

    Hey up Angloirishgal go with scarfs - much more comfortable for our Aid, don't want him getting hurt! *wink*

  • Comment number 34.

    Evening guys!!!

    Great vid... Said we needed a bit more Lenora... wish it was them messing round rather than sitting with the specific reason of the blog vid... I like it when they are more spontaneous, lol.

  • Comment number 35.

    (33) lol....don't worry, there's a way around that, but not with scarves... something a bit more....appropriate *winks slowly*... there are all sorts of things....but I digress hehe

  • Comment number 36.

    Digression is what AT does best with our minds! lol.

    In regard to comment 6, where do we see this pic? I've spied you on Twitter but can't see the pic :(

  • Comment number 37.

    (36) Racey: ...ah....slight cock-up on the Twitpic front...I pdf'd the pic instead of jpg-ing it and Twitpic doesn't support pdf's so I'm going to try jpg-ing it on Monday and see if it works Mon night...it's not great cos it was grainy to start with...I enlarged it (not a word to be used lightly when discussing the vampire), which made it grainier still, and will hope that it gives the general impression of the bod...pity about the folks standing either side of him are blocking his left and right sides but the rest is there from head to waist...not quite as effective as brown's bed photo but not too bad all the same!

  • Comment number 38.

    Hey lets face it, every fix helps! ha ha ha

    Good luck with the converting.

    Hey BH Team have you thought about adding to the gallery section of this site? It kind of stops early S1 and surely there are more screen shots from S2 or behind the scene pics. Please consider guys - am open to bribbing! *big cheesy grin*

  • Comment number 39.

    ALL: OK, getting more wrecked, had a long week....sleep tight folks...don't forget those lovely pics/vids of Aidan and Russell on YT KC and others have drooled over this eve...

    I'm sure you'll all have a brilliant night's sleep. x

  • Comment number 40.

    Damn internet wont let me watch :-( saw the first 20 seconds or so though and Russell looks ever and I do love his laugh :-P

    Back from horrible night at work really really blah I'm too excited at the minute about halloween and meeting JB etc to be stuck at work being bored and having to be boring and quiet and well behaved lol

    Will take laptop and use work internet for a bit tomorrow to watch it :-D

    So hows everyone tonight? Have I missed anything exciting?

  • Comment number 41.

    Nice hair cut Russell, hope you get the roof fixed soon, hehe.

  • Comment number 42.

    I love you guys!!! :-) Just caught this on YouTube. THANK YOU SO MUCH for making it available worldwide right away! :-) No need to wait anxiously and read people's scattered comments in order to decipher the action this time. Youse is da best!

    Ah, Tovey, ever the adorablee charmer! And Lenora looks lovely, moreso than even last season.

  • Comment number 43.

    ALL: Morning everybody...dragged myself out of bed this morning, did shopping, am now going to plug myself into some heavy rock whilst doing the chores as it's the only thing that makes them bearable...

    Quick catch up on a couple of bits from last night...

    VF: What's your hubby planning, you found out yet?....if Nottingham, that would be cool...you're not too far away so not too hard to get to...Eagle and I are both coming back to Bristol that night so not staying over now - the money we've saved can go on a few drinks and a meal over the next few days! It seems from the newspaper article I saw that some of the cast have been seen living it up in Bristol restaurants and even on some sort of city tour although you can't believe all you read so I'm not sure about the last bit, but I have seen at least one pic of them in a restaurant in Bristol so I know that bit's true. Let us know what's occurring..

    Brown: Hope you had a good night's dancing...have YT'd you - it'd be great if you could come to Nottingham but will understand if you can't...keep us posted. I'd love to join a latin-american dance club but believe it or not there are none within public transport distance of me! There should be because I'd be first in the queue...it's a long way from the ballet I used to do but then I did tap (still got the shoes) and loved it...and can't find tap classes witin easy distance either...annoying but true.

    Eagle: Sorry to hear about last night's work hun...it sounds dire...you can still stay 2 nights btw, not a problem....cooking not my forte but I can rustle something up fairly bog standard on at least one night...you a vegetarian or not? Hope you get to see the above vid and that your PC is behaving!

    ATfan: Bin liner or no bin liner...that is the question....well it's not because we all know the answer! lol

    Actually, of the pics of Russell tweeted on Twitter last by either by beinghuman3 or lioness, one of them look as if Russell was in fact wearing a bin liner with sleeves...wonder was Aidan would look like in the same?

    Monster: You a happy bunny? You sound it now you have immediate access to vid on YT...beg and plead for future vids to be up within same time frame so more can enjoy them, and the bigger the fan base gets, the more support they receive, the more chance we get of Series 3 and possibly 4... and the more chance we stand of it being in Bristol..

    Phew...back to housework folks, see you all laters!

  • Comment number 44.

    Yay, Lenora and Russell totally rock :D

    (Ow, my back is sore with this stupid chest infection)

  • Comment number 45.

    Hello all, flying visit I'm afraid.
    Just off out to do the horses for the evening, then charging home & changing because man is taking me out for dinner tonight. Then have horses to do & family tomorrow, hectic much?!
    Will try to keep up with you all, speak soon x

  • Comment number 46.

    ATfan1: You have horses?....you lucky woman, always wanted one but couldn't so rode friends' nags instead! Am a rubbish rider but never fell off probably cos I didn't take too many risks lol...have a lovely meal tonight and blog when you can.

    When you can, check out Twitter - beinghuman3 and lionesskeeper have put a couple of pics of AT up on their tweets, and one is attached to an article for the Irish Times done in London I think.... seems he's thinking about USA but it was only a matter of time really...you gotta make your living how you can so good luck to him though will miss him over here...let's hope he can do a S3 and S4 of BH in between doing stuff in the States and not wear himself out!

    Enjoy rest of weekend x

  • Comment number 47.

    Hi all,

    Yeah anglo think it's just a matter of time before LA gets a taste of our Aidan ( did you know the name Aidan means little fire well we all know he's hot) girlfriend in LA told me a while back he had been sent scripts by her company, thats why she was interested in this blog and his following....

    Well I dont think he will abandon us altogether LA isn't all its cracked up to be, been a couple of times (to see friend)might be going a bit more often in the future. Good luck to him LOL

  • Comment number 48.

    Angiefan: Hi there....yep something tells me that he might go over there, do a couple of bits and pieces, maybe make a film or two, but it's a very very different culture, and I'm just wondering if he'll divide his time in the end and do more work over here and a only few pieces there once in a while...not a place I personally would want to be but that's just me...LA is a bit odd...worth going to see what it's all about but, no, prefer our little group of islands in which to live, although I love to travel and experience stuff.. living in that environment is one thing, travelling around it is another.

    Little fire....suits him...and yes he's hot! Hope your friend is keeping her eyes on this blog....been informed he has an American agent already...

  • Comment number 49.

    Ok did I even leave a message earlier? Doesnt look like it :-S I did write one thought honestly. Watched it when I came home from work and it was just what I needed to cheer me up lovely lovely Russell :-D He's been cheering me up all day without even realising lol everytime something went wrong (and its happened A LOT today believe me :-S) I just kept thinking of Halloween meeting Russell (hopefully!) and of Bristol and meeting John Barrowman and its kept smile on my face :-D

    On a very different note - I dont normally watch X factor - just the auditions for a giggle lol but I'm not really into reality TV (excpet strictly but hey sexy men with wiggly bums I'm only human lol) but I'm at mums and shes got it on - some of them are brilliant arent they? Rikki and Ollie mainly...but all the girls so far have had the collective charisma and stage presence of a toilet brush :-S the boys more than make up for it though them 2 are awesome. Oh and the twins? I didnt quite know what to do everyone else was laughing I just sat in shock - what the hell was it? And hey I'm proud of my irishness and nothing against the irish at all but that is just irish hair through and through isnt it?! Lol

    Oh and the Jamie fella just been on - BRILLIANT

    Sorry enough X factor talk...how is everyone tonight?

  • Comment number 50.

    Eagle: You must have read my mind....I tweeted you a while ago and haven't checked that yet....wondered how you were....sorry to hear about work and that other job....what happened? Message me on YT if you want to...what kind of job was it? Was a bit concerned when I didn't hear from you...you OK?

  • Comment number 51.

    Anglo - no I'm not a veggie :-)

  • Comment number 52.

    Eagle:: Sorry just checked...you did reply....you enjoy your Chinese meal?

  • Comment number 53.

    Sorry anglo was busy making myself feel better with a huuuuuuuuge amount of noodles lol will check twitter/youtube etc - I always forget the direct message things - I only remember because they come to my email but not checked that yet...

  • Comment number 54.

    Eagle: Not veggie...good that leaves me more scope to cock up some culinary disaster then lol...and we synched our posts...we'll get you out for a few drinks when you get down here and walk you round Bristol till you feel you know the place...

  • Comment number 55.

    Wait which one are you on about..oh I'm so confused lol right I'm gonna tootle over to twitter see what I have/haven't done :-D

  • Comment number 56.

    Lol was that a freudian slip or did you mean to write that - either way it made me laugh lol

  • Comment number 57.

    Anglo gonna d.m you on twitter in a sec before I book tickets are you here?

  • Comment number 58.

    Eagle: Yep just been watching Have I Got News For You....back now.

  • Comment number 59.

    (56)....Eagle...help me there, what did I say that was a Freudian slip... sometimes I have to have these things spelt out a bit! lol

  • Comment number 60.

    "cock up some culinary disaster" didnt know if you meant cook up lol

    Replied on twitter by the way :-)

  • Comment number 61.

    (61) Eagle: lol....both probably.... I've actually forgotten how to make it properly but I'll have a bit of a trial run...we can always turn it into chili con carne if it goes belly-up half way lol

  • Comment number 62.

    Haha thats fine lol - but hey easy on the garlic I'm hoping for a snog off John Barrowman the next day lol

  • Comment number 63.

    ALL::: 'Night blogettes....blog soon

  • Comment number 64.

    Night night all I gotta head off home now so talk tomorrow if I can get tinternet to work :-) have to go clothes shopping - my least favourite thing in the world but has to be done unless I'm to meet Russell and JB in my work uniform lol I know what I'm like though I'll spend about 5 minutes looking at girly stuff then get so annoyed and go **** it and just buy a couple of T shirts lol I need someone to teach me how to be girly I'm just no good at it!

  • Comment number 65.

    [46] Yes I have 3 lovely boys, been riding since I was a kiddie. Its well worth the stress!
    [62] Good Luck with that! I was in snogging distance of him but I didn't reeeeally want to be arrested!
    Probably wont get on again until Monday eve.
    Speak soon x

  • Comment number 66.

    I'm quite happy for my licence fee to go on "Critchlow's barnet" in fact I consider it an honour!

  • Comment number 67.

    Probably won't be on for a few days. I've been eaten by coursework.

    Hope you're all okay.


  • Comment number 68.

    Morning all ( is it still morning...?)
    Thanks to those who messaged me on YT...i've replied
    Trying to put a nice surprise up on Twitpics for all you Aidan lovers...but Twitpic not playing at the mo for me or anyone else

    Drivingsusan...good to hear from you again

    Cieria....coursework...mmmmm remember it well...keep going baby...how's the writing going?

    Out later but will come back on at some point...if TwitPics decides to work I'll upload befire going out

  • Comment number 69.

    Writing preparation isn't going too well. I've got everything that I personally need to do to be ready to write on November 1st. But I can't get hold of the hotel that in order to give them the numbers for the event happening on the 31st/1st. Plus there's a consent form type thing being posted to me by a 16 year old's parents saying that she can do it with us, and that looks like it's gonna get caught up in postal strikes and not be here in time. So I've got to sort out that. Then I've got to poke the writers in my city to just choose between the two venues we've got permission to write in and they're not doing anything.

    Plus a lot of people haven't homed our region so they're total wordcount won't add to ours and count towards the word war with Manchester so I need to sort out what I'm doing about that.

    Oh and my co- seems to have backed off a bit so all the work is falling onto me, which I don't mind except that now I'm worrying that it's me pushing forward and not leaving anything for her to do. *headdesk*

    Wait I'm not meant to be here. Right yes coursework needs to be done. *wanders off*

  • Comment number 70.

    Afternoon all....must dash shortly but before I do...

    (68 & 69) Hi brown, in and out today...will catch your Twitpics (it won't let me in at all) at some point...blog later..

    C: Keep at it hun, do your level best which I'm sure you always do ... can that form you need be scanned in, emailed to you and you email it/fax it to who ever needs it? Just a suggestion, we have to do this at work quite frequently.

    I'm disappearing now for an hour or three but back on later...

    VF: Having a busy weekend there? Hope to catch up with you soon....you've got a few little clips to see from folks on YT...message me on there and I'll try and 'share' them with you or point you in the right direction lol

  • Comment number 71.

    Morning ladies....Found a snippet of news on google news...typed in Being Human. From Bristol paper.Looks like third sreies to be filmed in Cardiff.Check it out.. back later, tiime fo dinner alas...

  • Comment number 72.

    Brilliant (71) I saw that article in Friday's local rag....am so unbelievably fed up with that and hope it's just rumour-mongering and the press being mischievious...I know it's a Ö÷²¥´óÐã Wales production but one of the reasons why it was based in Bristol was because the place has a dark old history, what with the slave trade bringing in so much money...if you ever get to Bristol and go round the smart bit, check out some of the huge beautiful buildings there...they were built on the slave trade cash...

    Another slight issue might be that, if S3 is already being written, and then the filming for that gets moved to Cardiff/Swansea, they might have to re-write some of the stuff....expensive and time-consuming I'd have thought, and money is an issue here...how are they going to explain that in S2 everyone is in Bristol (assuming they are of course) and then in S2, they've all moved to Wales...hmmm....

  • Comment number 73.

    Anglo, I sent off the form yesterday. It's just confirming numbers and stuff with the phone call. Need to ask about wireless and check how they're doing the coffee.

    What? Oh yes right. Coursework.

  • Comment number 74.

    Wait did JB just say teh words "wow thats a mouthful" with no pun or naughtiness? Oi what gives Barrowman?!

  • Comment number 75.

    Oh my post didnt post before oops here we go...

    ATfan (65) Its Ok I won't get arrested - he's fancied me for years didnt you know? Lol the gay thing is all just one big cover up...it's me he wants and when he sees me he won't be able to resist :-P what do you mean that was just a dream I had?! Lol ah damn...

    Oh and I've ridden since I was about 1 and a half too :-) still not very good though lol had to give up on and off over the years when money gets tight :-(

    Brilliant and Anglo - KEEP BEING HUMAN IN BRISTOL!! On the other hand - Doctor who and Torchwood are going **** up so maybe it'd be nice for Cardiff to have a decent program there?

    Oh and Big thank you to Cieria who reminded me that JB is on the radio this morning :-D and to think I almost missed it what a bad fan! Managed to email them btw C :-)

    Oh I love this song...

  • Comment number 76.

    Coursework is finished!!

    Gotta keep the puppy amused for a bit then I might be on later.

    Have fun everyone.


  • Comment number 77.

    You may have seen this article on Aidan from Sats Irish Times but if not....

    Sounds v. laid back...but waiting for call to the US I think.

    Says he's homeless..I know a good home......

    Given up on Twitpics.not working..will try later

  • Comment number 78.

    C, Eagle: Back again..had to get emergency birthday card, we have industrial action re post at the end of this week so I'm having to get all my cards off earlier than normal, just in case...already thinking about Christmas - scary.

    C: Glad coursework is done...brings back memories, not all of which are good! Still, onwards and upwards, positive thoughts and all that...you'll do great things C, I'm sure..

    Eagle: What a good weekend I've had...not like me usually lol, but feeling very good, have done loads and only got a 3-day week this week as have Thursday, Friday and next Monday off (yay)...time to sort out spare room and other stuff I never get time to do...

    I just knew JB had the hots for you...all that other stuff a mere trifle, sure you'll find a way to his heart hehe...

    I'd like Bristol to keep BH because a) it's good for trade and tourism a little, b) Bristol 'fits', i.e. all the dark stuff that's happened here just slots into the BH storyline really well, and c) it might mean a fair bit of upheaval and re-writing and messing around to get it changed (I'm only guessing here but it might because these things have to be sorted out well in advance, like more than a year or so) and can imagine it could cost a great deal to do that not only in time but financially). On the slightly more practical side, Bristol is nearer to London for cast/crew so travelling will take less time and money.

    There....thought of some reasons why it should stay here...

    On the purely emotional side, if Casualty and Torchwood are in Wales, can we please keep BH here? Just the one show... Wales can have others but can Bristol please keep this???

  • Comment number 79.

    Brown: (77) Nice article there...sounds like he's heading across the pond.. gotta go where the job offers are....at least the weather might be better... poor baby, living out of an hotel which I guess is where he's shacked up, or in a rented flat....he could stay in my spare room while he's here, I wouldn't mind...my room is only across the hall.

  • Comment number 80.

    I don't see how BH could be anywhere other than Bristol. I mean the house is in Bristol, it just wouldn't be the same without the outside shots of the house...

  • Comment number 81.

    C: Exactly....I'm sure we could come up with all sorts of very logical, sensible reasons as to why it should remain here if we tried (along with a few that are just purely personal)...if it comes out that there's a good chance it's moving, we'll have to get a petition up or something lol

  • Comment number 82.

    Petition might be good. Though it's only a rumour at the moment so maybe wait until we here it confirmed. (Know anything about it BH prod?) and then as soon as we know we can start a petition.

  • Comment number 83.

    Definitely keep BH filming in Bristol...was there a reason given for the potential move (cost, I suppose)? Surely they'll finish series 2 in Bristol?

    Been busy with my camera...

  • Comment number 84.

    Eagle: An hour of Dr Who from 7-8pm tonight Ö÷²¥´óÐã3....just to get you going for book signing lol

    Joooos: Do I sense another vid? Really enjoyed your little ones....all on my favourites list!

  • Comment number 85.

    Hello all, yet another flying visit I'm afraid.
    Had a good, yet hectic day :S
    Starting to get wet,muddy horses which is not pleasant. Winter is almost upon us. Ewwww.
    Hope you're all well, will be on either later or Monday hopefully, various commitments allowing... x

  • Comment number 86.

    Just re-read that news article,from Bristol press, Ö÷²¥´óÐã press denied reports and Toby will fight again (im sure) to keep it there, it has to STAY IN BRISTOL!
    Doctor Who is and will
    continue to be filmed in Cardiff, of course.Just going to check out that Irish press article on AT....then a little Gilbert fun .....Did anyone see Synth Bittania on fri Ö÷²¥´óÐã 4 ? Some very good stuff, Gilbert would heartily approve.!

  • Comment number 87.

    grr wrote long reply and it all disappeared grr.

    C you hear JB say about torchwood? you gonna give it another chance? Looks like rtd is staying (grr) but ianto might be coming back so thats something. And John'd be devestated if it failed so im gonna give it a go for his sake at least :-) looking forward to more jb stuff :-)

  • Comment number 88.

    A little treat for all Aidan lovers

    up on Twitter


  • Comment number 89.

    Brown: *can't speak*...

  • Comment number 90.

    have internet breifly woohoo brown - that pic - lovely - hello my new screensaver lol

  • Comment number 91.

    Brown: *head on computer table, gasping for breath*....

    It's Sunday night....I'm supposed to be up at 6am for early start....and you've done this to me *howls*...

    Please don't think I'm complaining...it's just...how can I sleep....with.... that....that....in my mind....all night (and probably the rest of the week)... of course, I've saved it in My Pictures...I'm not letting this chance escape me...whenever I have a bad day, or even a vaguely "off" day (every day that is), I shall look at this and dream of wonderful things.... like double-sided tape and socks (as if).

    All that's holy...but thank you very very VERY much, all the same, you naughty girl brown...you wait until VF catches up with you..

  • Comment number 92.

    Needless to say, that pic is now my Desktop pic...

  • Comment number 93.

    Awwh :) How cute :D

  • Comment number 94.

    Midnight (93)....Cute? Cute?? Is that it? Dear god I was floored for several minutes...speechless....just kept looking....and thinking how I was going to sleep tonight....but perhaps it's my age lol

  • Comment number 95.

    Eagle, I'll probably watch Torchwood. I've lost enthusiasm for it, but if it's on then I'll probably watch it.

    Brown, I think you're trying to kill me. Very nice pictures but a little too much for my brain to handle really. *looks at picture again and gapes at computer screen for a while*

  • Comment number 96.

    C: lol....yes, it's really all you can do at times like that isn't it.... gape and admire..... and wish....

  • Comment number 97.

    OMG !!!!!! It's just to much for the old ticker (well not that old).

    Just finished checking out HOT Henry Cavill (The Tudors)thought i would check out blog and WOW palpitations!!!!!! What are you doing to me.

  • Comment number 98.

    Anglo, drooling is an option too. But I don't think my computer will like that.

  • Comment number 99.

    ALL: Sorry, really must go to bed now....look at what you've done to me (you know who you are)...how can I even imagine I am going to get any sleep now? Still, if I do dream, I shall recount every damned second of it, just to torture you...hehe

    Please try not to put any more of this stuff on with Aidan in it on Twitter until tomorrow, as I won't know about it if I'm in bed trying to sleep and if there's too much on there I won't know where to start looking tomorrow and I do want to look, oh yes I do....not unless you put links on here as well that is....it's easier to track down...or on YT....not too demanding am I? lol

    Sweet dreams little ones....

  • Comment number 100.

    C:: Yes drooling can be done but it's ruined my keyboard and I gather Vampy has had the same problem in the past...

    'night-night! x


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