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Garret Keogh, Online Editor | 15:28 UK time, Monday, 26 October 2009

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We're very excited over here at BH Blog Towers, as Saturday 31st October will be Being Human's first ever HALLOWEEN!

To celebrate we've been munching endless party rings and having a Laurel & Hardy marathon... Oh, and we've also put together a special Halloween Week of fun here on the blog, with lots of updates and to get us all in the spirit (excuse the pun).

But first our favourite trio are here to tell us how to get into the Halloween groove with some awesome ghost, werewolf and vampire costumes. If you've got any more ideas on how to achieve the perfect Being Human look, leave us a comment below with your hot tips.

In the immortal words of Seth, it's time to "get into character!"


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  • Comment number 1.

    Aww love it!! You've made my day! :)

    Although just one thing. Why was Aidan in the shadows at the back!! Hiding him away so we don't get too over-excited huh?

  • Comment number 2.

    Ok new favuoite video lmao cant say favourie bits for laughin..oh dear lol

  • Comment number 3.

    Yay, this just made me so happy while doing essay! Thank you BH team! Can't wait to see you guys on Saturday!

  • Comment number 4.

    PS Oo what did lenora put in supercute pumpkin at beginning?!

  • Comment number 5.

    Gen_Gen - think they were celebrations or something. You'll have to come say hello to us lot on Saturday :-) I was gonna say get touch but for some strange reason I think you might actually work out who we are lol.

    Ok think I've composed myself slightly - it was Aidans "just look hot" that got me I think - might I suggest keeping him away from E numbers in future :-P (I'm assuming it was just E numbers - of course I'd never suggest they might be drinking on the job...no course not! :-)) and then the "just dye that you dye a jumper with" and Lenora looking behind the camera someone clearly saying "Christ make sure you tell em not to do that - those lot on the blog are daft enough theyd actually start drinking fabric dye "yes yes children only use food colouruing - and make sure you get a grown up to help" lol

    We cant dress up though - we're coming to see you guys instead!

  • Comment number 6.

    SQUEEE!! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! We love you tooooooo, our terrific trio! Hehe. Hey, you won't forget to give us a wave when we (hopefully) get to see you on Nottingham on Saturday, willya? ^^ As for the fuzzy pumpkin - Where can I get one!! Thats so CUTE!! *bounces*

    LMAO Cieria!! Eagle!! GenGen!! Hiya folks! *hugz tightly*

    GenGen (3) Are you going with the gaggle of fans from here?

    Eagle (2): I'm with you, this is my new FAVE vid! I feel better already! And tons more excited than I was, if thats even possible!

    Ulp, Lenora - you read the blog? Every word?! *looks shifty* Yeah, about that... *scampers off guiltily*

  • Comment number 7.

    I think I might stick in some fangs! :) haha hilarious videeoo!
    LOVE IT!

    ok. I'm back to my composed self- HAPPY HALLOWEEENNNNNN (in 5 days!)


  • Comment number 8.

    BH PROD TEAM:: lol....I loved that, they're all chilled and relaxed...what the heck was Aidan eating?..he seemed to be enjoying himself at any rate.... party rings, maybe, oh it was chocolate because I think Lenora said she was getting showered in it...he was shovelling 'em in.

    The fake blood recipe....yuk, I'd be throwing up...

    Lenora...do they always interrupt you when you talk?!!...

    Don't know what Aidan means, if he were to dress up as a vampire he'd
    "look hot, slick the hair back, pun a lot and eat sweets"...doesn't he do that already?? (Boy, there was plenty of tongue in cheek there wasn't there, Aidan, saying that!)...

    Dontcha just love the sound of those lupine yellow contacts....very attractive Russell!

    Thanks for the vid, guys...BH Prod Team ... nice little treat for us there..

    One more thing....Aidan....don't mention "sticking your fangs in"...you have no idea what we bloggers are like (or maybe you do)...we just might be tempted and it may not be in your neck..hehe

  • Comment number 9.

    Eagle (5) why can we not dress up too? Oh, yeah, might be awkward. And, erm, at least in my case, it might freak people out on the train when I'm going home. LMAO I mean fangs and glowing yellow eyes while travelling solo are probably not the best things for commuting. LOL I can see it now!

    Still want that fuzzy pumpkin! lmao
    :D KC

  • Comment number 10.

    i genuinely was actually thinking of dressing up as Annie. But the party i am going to has like a competition for best dressed, so i have to re-think. Any ideas anyone?

    Feels so good to be back on the blog. i have missed you all

  • Comment number 11.

    there are loads of fake blood recipes on the net. you are supposed to use cocoa powder, red and green food colouring, corn flour and corn syrup (sounds lovely)

  • Comment number 12.

    *giggles @ Anglo* (8) Dear Lord, that poor man is gonna be in danger, making comments like that. Sticking fangs in - classic!

    Well, at least we know the trio like chocolate, right?

    ^^ Maybe I should wear my contacts and see what the reaction is - they had a profound effect on James Bradley (Arthur in Merlin) when I wore them to the May Expo in London. ;)
    ^^ KC

  • Comment number 13.

    Well in that case.....HI LENORA!

    Awesome vid, thanks BH Prod & everyone :)
    Nawww, gotta love them really.....
    May have to try the treacle thing...:)

  • Comment number 14.

    KC - I knooooooow!! Lol I'm even more excited too! I've almost forgot I have to go shopping and to the dentist - 2 of my least favourite things - before then lol

    Oh god Aidan made me laugh so much - do you think he was getting jealous because of what we said about Russell and Lenora being an amzing comedy duo? :-P Well Aidan you're hilarious too - god I was absolutely in stitches

    I really wanna dress up now lol - we could always just get some fangs and contacts :-P also - you know you always get that fat smelly bloke who comes and sits next to you on the train? Think I might have an entire carriage to myself if I went with jet black eyes and fangs...oh I'm so gonna do it lol

  • Comment number 15.

    KC & Eagle & Co: Well, that got us all blogging again! lol

    I'm not dressing up for it...I'm in a state as it is, without having to figure out what fancy dress I'm up for...

    What the hell were George and Aidan on....they were totally hyper....hope it was just the fact that they were let loose on the vid, so to speak, and just hammed it up for all they were worth...good on yer, we enjoyed it.

    KC: What did you do to that nice blonde actor who played Arthur? lol...what did he do when he saw you?

  • Comment number 16.

    Anglo - Russell and Aidan? I thought at one point Lenora was about explode :-P

    by the way loving Russells PJ's lol

  • Comment number 17.

    Anglo - Chocolate/E Numbers caused the hyperactivity I believe...
    Isn't it sweet how Aidan doesn't get the photo thing - look at his face when Lenora is explaining it...Bless!

  • Comment number 18.

    ATfan1: Yeah I wondered about that....he just looked totally bemused (unless of course he was acting and I have to say, there was a LOT of acting in that little vid!)...

    Russell getting all squeaky... "what would you wear?"...and I loved the way that Russell called Aidan 'Mitchell' before calling him Aidan...

    Aidan was just funny...wind-up merchant! What's he like on set?

    Lenora was getting excited but she was the one who held it together I thought when the guys were getting giggly....trust the woman to be the sensible one lol

  • Comment number 19.

    Anglo - thanks for the PM on twitter. Much appreciated :)
    But yeah, he's gorgous all round isn't he? Probably hell to live/work with though(As is JB I'm told)
    Willing to give it a go though :D

  • Comment number 20.

    aidan's confused reaction is one of the best i have even seen. Bless him

  • Comment number 21.

    ATfan1: hehe....oh yes, I'd definitely give it a go....those fangs....where do you think I should stick mine (I do have slightly prominent canines)...

  • Comment number 22.

    see. i've been off this blog so long that i didnt know people had twitter. what are your usernames so i can follow you?

  • Comment number 23.

    Mine is beinghumanfan. Most people's are the same as on here...

  • Comment number 24.

    cool. i will look people up now. mine is just iamnotagiftshop

  • Comment number 25.

    (22) iamnotagiftshop: give you your full title there...it's a difficult one to shorten!

    My name is the same here as Twitter and yt, it's easier for me cos I'll forget my own name otherwise lol

  • Comment number 26.


  • Comment number 27.

    Oh I swear to god these sodding...just grr...estate agent just rang AGAIN "someone coming to look round the house in half an hour" seriously Ok, now I know I don't have a life but how do they know that?! Lol grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr talk later guys - off to hoover...again...and mutter under my breath a lot lol

  • Comment number 28.

    What about Gift? That would do....
    My Username sucks too, just wanted to make one quickly so I could blog straight away! No time to think of a fancy name..

  • Comment number 29.

    Ooooh selling up Eagle?
    Moving anywhere nice?
    Good Luck!

  • Comment number 30.

    just shorten it to whatever. i dont really care

  • Comment number 31.

    Hi Everyone!
    Hi Aidan, Russell & Lenora!
    I love, love this vid...BH prod team, you sneaked that in early so I couldn't be the first to comment!

    Why is Russell wearing his pyjamas? *Hides in corner in case Eagle throws something* lol

    Right, I DEFINITELY think we should go in fancy dress on Saturday. I was thinking of a vampire cape and fangs, then Aidan and I can compare fangs and bite each other........

    Off to watch again and more comments later! Ooh, and have The Clinic waiting on RTE!

  • Comment number 32.

    Russell's probably wearing pj's because he was wearing them in a scene he filmed before hand

  • Comment number 33.

    I made my username from letters pulled out of a scrabblebag. Beat that!

  • Comment number 34.

    Joooos you are naughty!
    & lucky you with RTE :(
    Are you in Ireland then?

  • Comment number 35.

    Iamnota: Owh....I thought the pyjamas were meant to be some trendy trousers or something! My twitter name is joooos1..Hi

  • Comment number 36.

    i've sent people requests but you all protects your tweets so you wil have to accept me.

  • Comment number 37.

    ATfan1...no am in England but somehow able to access RTE player on the web...not actually the RTE channel as I said before (too excited at Aidan mentioning fangs!) Anyway, how are you?

  • Comment number 38.

    Iamnota: Have accepted and am following you!

  • Comment number 39.

    joooos thank you. i was just wondering, is your name meant to be a reference to Michael McIntyre

  • Comment number 40.

    Things are marginally better, I'm being spoken to again by man, got two houses to look at tomorrow and funeral arrangements (which are technically not even to do with me) are almost done. So yeah, looking up a bit. You?
    Thats very bizarre, I wish I could get RTE player :(

  • Comment number 41.

    Right, need to behave myself and only put well thought out comments on here, otherwise I'll be too ashamed to identify myself to all you guys on Saturday!!
    So no more biting references...for a while!

  • Comment number 42.

    Boooorrriiing :P

    Haha, well I'm off the hook in that case, you don't have to meet me yet...

  • Comment number 43.

    joooos, who puts well thought out comments? No one cares! :P

  • Comment number 44.

    ATfan1, C: You're right of course! Just been catching up on rest of blog posts from the Sinead video...I've missed all the excitement while I was in work! I'm like a little kid again...like waiting for Christmas, but waiting for Halloween instead!!

    C: I hope you feel better soon...hopefully you'll be back to your old self in a few days.

  • Comment number 45.

    Yeah, get well soon C. x

    Joooos, ahh well gotta earn a living I guess...
    Yeah, I wissssssh I was going to Nottingham :(

  • Comment number 46.

    For anyone who's been following BH Blog Team's efforts at carving the first ever Being Human pumpkin, here it is!

    *Sits back with a warm feeling of achievement inside*

    We'll show you how you can make one too tomorrow... get stocking up on those pumpkins folks!

  • Comment number 47.

    Yeah, thats awesome Prod :)

    But as I said on Twitter, you should make the cast/crew do one...:P

  • Comment number 48.

    Well and hello to all 3 of you my darlings ( talking to Aidan, Russell and Lenora here you understand...not the other darlings on the blog)
    Loved the vid..you all look and sound like you're having a ball filming BH2. Great to see how fantastically well you all get on.

    Russell..the pjs?..setting a new trend?...could catch on...and plenty of room for that action figure you wanted in there....

    lenora...not that we don't love you but ..it has to be said...every woman on this blog would kill to sit on those steps and cuddle up with those two hot guys in your place..!

    Aidan...so vampires look 'hot'...mmm I thought they looked 'cool'..

    If I make it to Nottingham I won't be in costume..there are reasons for that...but had things been different I may have had to find some fangs...and Aidan?..oh yeh.there would have been some nibbling and sinking of my fangs going on....I know you'll be *really disappointed* that this won't be happening.

  • Comment number 49.

    ATfan1 (comment 47) they've got a job to do making the new series! And we wouldn't want to distract them from that too much... ;o)

  • Comment number 50.

    Yeah.....I guess...Well if they ever have a spare moment ;)

  • Comment number 51.

    Awesome!!!! Loved it... especially Aidan's advice "look hot"... thanks... perfect advice there!! lol

    My little girls have been invited to a girl's house for a little party followed by controlled Trick or Treating (where they only go to the houses of their school friends).

    I wasn't planning on dressing up but will be wearing my fingerless gloves so might just go as modern vampire, lol.

  • Comment number 52.

    Awww...thats sweet - controlled T or T. Bless them.
    I remember the days of that.......

    Haha yeah go for it, I already have Annie's boots, so might just dress up like her on Halloween, not going anywhere special, but nobody will know that I'm dressed up....Catch my drift?

  • Comment number 53.

    Well I can't go overboard cos it's little kids... overwise I'd have hunted down some black contacts too... I'm well used to contacts and now I've had the laser op I can see through fancy ones, lol

  • Comment number 54.

    Ooh while I remember - the guy who plays the vampire in true blood was on T4 the other day doing an interview and they asked him what people ask him the most and he said "people ask me to bite them a lot" lol the interviewer then asked him what he replies to something like that and he said "well occasionally I'll just go in for a little nibble - it'd be rude not to" Just thought I'd share
    Aidan - take note :-)

  • Comment number 55.

    Haha, quite right Eagle :)

  • Comment number 56.

    Eagle... lol... love that!!

  • Comment number 57.

    Eagle (54). That's great! Hopefully Aidan's got his replies ready!

  • Comment number 58.

    Eagle: (54)...ooo can I join queue please, please??? Stephen Moyer is a British actor isn't he...the Brits are conquering USA with their vampiric skills it seems hehe....James Pattinson, Stephen Moyer and now our man from over the Irish sea...world domination ahead I think.

    Love the remark about his nibbling fans....was just pondering on where I could, should I decide to "put my fangs in" bite our own favourite vampire... any suggestions, folks?

  • Comment number 59.

    eagle (54) :)

    now..talking of hot vampires..well weren't we?...I've been watching this week's eps of The Clinic......brief rundown...

    As expected our man is not in it as much as last week…. We don’t see his da’s funeral which I was expecting.
    Ruairí struggling with dealing with the death of his da so hiding a little from his mama. He offers to help Daisy( Business Manager..who he fancies) with some painting in the Clinic…this is more to do with the fact that he wants to be with Daisy than anything else..she seems oblivious to this....get some specs girl I say!
    Storyline involving Ruairí helping with an online emergency with Clinic doc who is also local radio doc….he sets up webcam and tells child online how to operate it…. and this impresses Daisy….and is followed by my possibly favourite line so far from all epsiodes....

    Daisy ( looking at Ruairí) ‘ you’re quite good with your hands'

    Ruairí ( looking at Daisy) ‘so I’ve been told’

    it's clear from vid that both actors are fighting not to snigger after this !

    I took some screencaps and will combine them with next few epsiodes in a few weeks to produce Aidan in The Clinic 4.
    Jooos will no dobt provide the real deal.
    In the meantime I'll put up a few of the pics on Twitpics

  • Comment number 60.

    Would love to see the "Your good with your hands" bit on a YT vid *hint hint*.
    Subtlety was never my strong point...

  • Comment number 61.

    he's in scrubs cos Daisy gives them to him when they're painting...grrh!

  • Comment number 62.

    Hi Brown
    I haven't watched it yet...if you could tell me what time he's first in it, then that would be great, otherwise I'll watch it from the start. Quite getting into the story now...Dan's not a nice fella is he!

    ATfan1: The hands bit will be the first bit I put up on YT, but may take me a few days to get round to it (need to sleep!)

    Only "quite" good though???

  • Comment number 63.

    added a couple more..

    Jooos..the 'hands' bit is about half way through I think where they are all round the computer

    Dan?...an MCP

  • Comment number 64.

    Just showed other half the pic of the Being Human pumpkin. He said "Ooh, you must be Being Human's biggest fan!" He clearly doesn't know about you guys and is in for a shock when he meets some of you on Saturday! He's not yet aware he's meeting any superfans on Saturday...just thinks he's going to watch a BH preview!

  • Comment number 65.

    (59, 61, 63)...brown you are extremely good to us....those pics...I can well believe he's good with anything....he fancies Daisy, eh? That was the one he was hugging in Joooos's vid in the clinic when he collects delivery of his studio his da bought him, the one with long hair? She's the one who's getting hitched in real life, isn't she (thank god)..

    And I love that look on his face...cheeky chappy that he is!

    Good with his hands....hmmmm....best read Twitpic for my thoughts on that!

  • Comment number 66.

    ...would love to get RTE....*wanders off, forlornly*

  • Comment number 67.

    Just watched the vid again. The bit where they say not to use your own blood when dressing up as a vampire... They don't say anything about other people's... I mean that is kinda the point about being a vampire right? You drink other people's blood... not your own. So it would make so much more sense to use someone elses when dressing up.

    I think the medicine I've taken today has go to my head...

  • Comment number 68.

    Jooos I have to say I'm a little worried now lol I cant get out of it now because you all know what I look like - cant size you all up first and if you're too mad even for me just keep walking lol...oh well at least theres a bar! :-D

  • Comment number 69.

    Lol C - that bit made me laugh - they don't give us much credit do they really lol although perhaps they have good reason :-S

  • Comment number 70.

    lol eagle. Well they do give us the credit that we won't kill anyone... Though seeing as you're a vampire I guess they're wrong in that respect ;)

  • Comment number 71.

    Aww he's lovelllllllyyyy.

    Can't wait for the vid though, link for me please? I'd so technophobic it will take me several days to find it when it goes up.....
    Thanks :D

  • Comment number 72.

    I'm not very good with the blood stuff :( *faints*

  • Comment number 73.

    *splashes water on Joooos*

  • Comment number 74.

    Lol jooos oh no not another one - bit of a confession here lol one of my many bosses gets really sick at the sight of blood and goes woozy has to sit down - anyway shes the really horrible one ive told you about who makes my life hell, anyway it was a boring night she was being really mean to me so when i happened to paper cut my finger that night I pretended I didnt know about the blood thing lol squeezed it a bit made sure there was plenty of blood held hand out and asked her for plastter - hilarious lol revenge is sweet :-D anyway she stayed away from me rest of the night - brilliant :-P

    hat may sound mean but if you knew what hell that woman puts me through youll know it was totally justified - and hilarious :-P

  • Comment number 75.

    Eagle: haha....good for you, now you know what to do in future..lol

    Gotta go to bed now guys, work in morning first time in five days...how am I going to cope??

    'night all...will I ever get any sleep after those pics and that vid, I wonder lol

  • Comment number 76.

    Hahaha nice one Eagle :)

  • Comment number 77.

    Good one Eagle :O
    I'm not as bad as I used to be...I'd be useless with the vampire wouldn't I?
    Still in middle of watching The Clinic...is funny seeing Aidan in scrubs in this too....

  • Comment number 78.

    'Night Anglo...hope you get some sleep

  • Comment number 79.

    I'm fine with blood.
    Don't understand how you can not be. You have to see it in life...

    Then again I am petrified of planes/flying. If one even comes low then I panic and think its crashing...Stupid phobia.

  • Comment number 80.

    Haha have a good one anglo.
    I have most of this week off. Lovely :)
    Night x

  • Comment number 81.

    sorry was completely absorbed in the world of Shakespeare for a few hours!
    Eagle (54) omgosh hope so! oo maybe we can ask russell to ravage us?! :D
    Hmm I wonder if I will just recognise you guys! Will post on here what I'm wearing the night before as well! But I'll be the one navigating my brother through the crowds of aidan fangirls!

  • Comment number 82.

    I fine with blood. I do have a phobia or down escalators though. And outside spaces.

  • Comment number 83.

    Right. Telly time.
    Night all x

  • Comment number 84.

    Aww that was great. But was Aidan wearing a wedding band?

  • Comment number 85.

    Wha?! Nobody was looking at his hands too busy laughing lol ooh do we think mitchell gets married? Surely not

  • Comment number 86.

    (84)..yeah, I saw that too...then forgot about it...Eagle: Mitchell gets married...there's a thought!

  • Comment number 87.

    omgosh he is wearing one!!! agh! panic

  • Comment number 88.

    How can Mitchell get married :-S well at least we know one thing - it won't be church wedding.

    Unless it's Aidan - we know he's not with his gf anymore - I think marrying someone else would be cause for a break up lol either that or he married her so when they said she's no longer his girlfriend they meant now she's he wife lol.

    Don't believe any of those things though - think BHP are just testing how observant we are :-P

  • Comment number 89.

    Is it definately his left hand? my internets a pain cant see it.

    Maybe hes just sick of women coming on to him lol one of friends wears a ring on that finger when she goes out so she doesnt get pestered lol - see there is an upside to being so ugly - I dont have to worry about these things lol

  • Comment number 90.

    *Jumps up and down excitedly then becomes sad because of absence of Halloween party for which to dress up.* Gosh, I’m ashamed of myself for not getting here earlier.

    What’s that about using dye as in for a jumper? If it were anybody other than Aidan Turner, I might say they were a goon, but I think that someone might hurt me if I say that here *ducks away from brick flying through screen*. I’m hoping it was only the excess of chocolate which made him say that, and not just a general lack of common sense (and/or culinary ability).

    Leonora reads ALL the comments? Somehow I don’t quite believe that, surely only ‘being human’ FANS spend that much time in front of a computer!

    What’s the deal with Russell’s pyjamas? Presumably they’re for a scene from the program, not his idea of a Halloween costume!

  • Comment number 91.

    It was definitely on his left hand - I thought maybe it's a plotline but how intriguing.

  • Comment number 92.

    P.S where can I get a pumpkin like that? I need one for a hat!

  • Comment number 93.

    Lol that made me laugh - the first bit of the video lenora and russell talking well semi sensibly and aidans just sat at the back scoffing the sweets - I dont think even I could get em in that quick without being sick...haha you know the ferrero rocher challenge they did on britains got talent? We should challenge them to it on halloween lol

    Ok so I dunno about the ring but seriously Aidan laughs like a madman :-P managed to watch the first tiny bit and yeah - scary laugh lol

  • Comment number 94.

    well he is wearing a ring on his left hand ( hi btw drivingsusan, beatric , Gen_Gen and anyone else I haven't said hi to in a long time) ....but...

    every married man that I know who wears a ring wears it on his right hand. I don't think he's married....I know these 'celebs' can meet someone and get married the next day ( Peaches Geldof anyone...) but seeing as Aidan and Charlene only split last month ...no...I don't think so.

    Looking at the vid again what strikes me also about Aidan is that he isn't one of these actors who worries about having to be made up or have his hair all 'sorted' before being seen....I really like that about him...what you see is what you get. Good on ya Aidan...don't let those folk in LA change you ( we know you'll be snapped up there soon.....enjoy but hurry back home)

  • Comment number 95.

    Yay I managed to watch hte whole thing again lol and dont think its a wedding ring its just a normal ring but hes hilarious isnt he? Think we were so focussed on Russells amazing comic talent and how funny him and lenora are together but Aidans actually hilarious the "just look hot" thing really made me laugh even second time round. Although seriously aidan did your mother not teach you any manners - dont talk with your mouth full lol

  • Comment number 96.

    Lenora reminds me of so many people I've worked with with the kids - I'd think of something really fun to do with the kids and theres always someone who comes up with some health and safety reason we cant do it lol Aidans just yeah drink dye itll be fine - have a go at the cillit bang and the bleach while your at it - its all good lol and Lenoras the one chasing round afterwards trying to stop us lot killing ourselves with red dye :-P

    Don't worry blog team we're not that thick but its all that blame claim stuff they have to cover their backs I suppose - like the guy on the advert "I were up a ladder fixin't gutters and nobody had turned the gravity off so I rang freeinjurylawyers and got a holiday to majorca" can just imagine someone off here on the next advert going "the vampire told me to do it!" lol

  • Comment number 97.

    ...haha..just watched it again....LOVE Aidan's 'face' and attitude when he says...'oh, I dunno just pretty much look hot'...LOL!!!!
    I thought then they talked about him pouting but now I realise he says 'point a lot' ( hence the finger action...dahhhh!)

  • Comment number 98.

    Talking with your mouth full indeed *shakes head*. Though it's proably more likely to be said fangs taking up the mouth space rather than sweets.

  • Comment number 99.

    watching Michael Buble on Graham Norton...he's a v. funny guy( michael I mean) ...well Graham is as well of course. They're talking about those 2 Irish boys John and Edward ( I won't call them singers...!)

  • Comment number 100.

    just watched some mitchell vids on youtube and it looks like hes always worn that ring! weird that we haven't picked up on it before. maybe theres a backstory to be picked up there this series!


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