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Garret Keogh, Online Editor | 18:50 UK time, Friday, 20 November 2009

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We're in the mood for a song today. Let's see, how does that old Sinatra track go again? Oh yes, I remember...

"And now... the end is near..." *sniff*

Ok, must stop now before we get all wistful, because with only a dozen BH2 shooting days left our emotions are running high. Time to look back on a fantastic production period and get excited about how close we are to unveiling series two in all its glory in early 2010.

At this crucial time we thought it was only fitting to get Aidan, Lenora and Russell together once again to give us their thoughts on how the production has gone and how they're feeling about leaving the big bad world of the Being Human set.

We'll blogging miss them when they're gone...


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  • Comment number 1.

    Yay...new video! You're spoiling us!

    Is it me, or is Aidan looking more gorgeous than ever???!

    Thankyou so much BH production team! I love you all!


  • Comment number 2.

    @joooos (Comment #1)

    BH BLOG HEARTS BH FANS! We think you're blogging ace.

  • Comment number 3.

    Yay first on the blog I think about the new vid!!

    "Nobody wants to see my blog"....really, Aidan? Well that's a new one on me! Just try us honey...there's no escape.

    Blog off indeed...OK Aidan, we are going to miss you all too, but at least we'll see you in January in BH reality...and you'll all be off having a good Christmas and stuff I'll bet and a lot of rest....

    Feeding the egos...well, it helps! And let's face it, we don't mind one little bit....any Shakespeare coming up Aidan...there's been a bit on the blog about that...keen to see you in more of that...let us know!

    Ö÷²¥´óÐã PROD TEAM: That was a great vid...sad to see them kind of at the end of S2 but good times ahead in January...we're gagging for BH series 2 as you may have noticed...Thanks very much for being very kind to the fan base...

    Have a blogging good weekend and an even more bloggingly good last couple of weeks filming. Hopefully see the cast again before Christmas..

  • Comment number 4.

    BTW, if any newbies are wondering who the blog Derek is, you can blogging well see him here...


  • Comment number 5.

    Ö÷²¥´óÐãBEINGHUMAN: Aw, thanks for that lovely offering guys....you've made our day....and Lenora was right, we have had our appetites well and truly whetted (actually, at Mayhem, when we saw all that stuff) but this is just a bit more encouragement (like we need more).

    And hello to Derek...lovely to see him again...love his hair!

  • Comment number 6.

    so does this mean there isn't gunna b a 3rd series please say you are it will be great! love your work being human team xxx

  • Comment number 7.

    Well blog me! Another fine video from the team :)

    Blog Christmas I want it to be January instead! Looking forward to new directions and not seeing them coming :D

  • Comment number 8.

    Thanks for this BH team, blogging fab vid! and loving the blog puns aha :p Seriously excited for January now :) Woo!
    And slightly off topic but how awesome would it have been for Being Human to have done a Children in Need mini-ep like Merlin does? Woulda been amazing! x x

  • Comment number 9.

    Thankyou so much for recognising us bloggers BH blog team! I blog you so much...and I REALLY would like to see Aidan's blog!

    Hi Anglo, lucy and Mrs Izzard and anyone else in blog land...yeah let's blog Christmas and go straight to January!

    More kisses: XXXXXXXXXXXxx

  • Comment number 10.

    Russell is looking hot and hot he shall always be... what a beast!

  • Comment number 11.

    Hi all...just a quick third viewing of the vid in case I missed something..

    Aidan "no-one wants us outside of this little world we live in"....eh? Where exactly have you been hiding? Clearly, you are not a spy because you have not been reading your blog at all (not that we ever thought you did)....but it's nice that you at least know that you have a lot of fans and support out here.

    Sounds like episode 1 is a blast of the nuclear order....just can't wait...

    BH PROD TEAM, CAST ETC. Thanks again guys..x

  • Comment number 12.

    Blogging hell! Jooooos, hi hun...been reading your tweets...and of course agree with every word...don't care if Aidan loses his hair...we can always run our hands elsewhere hehe

    James, Sherry, Mrs I, Lucy...hello one and all...been tweeting a while because it's always a bit busier on there than here except when there's been a vid of course, then it's mad for a few days...enjoy!

    VF: Where are you...we are missing you and brown enormously but I've heard from brown on Twitter...she's enjoying herself but is very cold and very busy...back next week sometime..try and join us and see the new video Vampy you will absolutely love it....I miss your banter and your own particular take on things...ahem!

  • Comment number 13.

    Anglo (12)...tweets...I've got no idea what you're talking about! lol

  • Comment number 14.

    Joooos: Well get back on there and see the latest two!!

  • Comment number 15.

    Ooh, hehe! Right, this has made me too hyper for my own, good, *laughs so much brings on a coughing fit*. Yes, you have all cheered up my ill-ness day, so thankyou all! Oh, that's an interesteing new expletive "God I HATE Mr Morrison; he's a stupid blogging, bloggerish bloggy gym teacher, and he's blogging well got a blogging vendetta against me. Hew actually expected me to be blogged to join the netball game! Son of a BLOG! " LOL

  • Comment number 16.

    *He actually ...etc
    Blog, my blogging fingers won't type fast enough.... I'm getting quite into this

  • Comment number 17.

    Breatrice: Hi...how you feeling now? Nasty flu stuff is...nasty... Lionesskeeper very unwell a few weeks back.

    Love the blogging verb..."nobody wants to see my blog"...yeah OK Aidan, you know we do..

  • Comment number 18.

    Hi Derek and BH team *waving frantically* to be honest i think alot of us definately want to see Aidan's blog. Aww they're all so lovely engaging with us fans, its quite refreshing and definately individual compare to other mini sites on the beeb. You keep us entertained, you keep us informed and you definately indulge us. Hope all the cast and crew have great remaining weeks and a fantastic christmas/new year.

    Let's see Aidan's blog! Love you and will happily brush your ego anytime *mwah*

  • Comment number 19.

    First of all, thats for the bloggin' lovely vid BHProd. We loooooove you.....

    Aidan, we want to see your blog. Fact.
    And was that some French I detected there, me and and you would get on well dear ;)
    Awww...lovely vid, they all look lovely as usual. Oh yeah, and I wan't you Aidan, there's always somebody who wants you......

    Am glad you read all of this Lenora, apologies if we've mentally scared you, you'll probably never look at a chair in the same way again.
    I love you all, cant wait until S2! X

  • Comment number 20.


    Lol I can't type today. It's Aidan's fault....

  • Comment number 21.

    OK can't concentrate on Gossip Girl, Aidan's got me all in a blogging tizz! Think i'll watch the vid again!

  • Comment number 22.

    Hi guys!

    Aidan telling Russell "Go blog yourself" lol

    Don't be shy Aidan...show us your blog...you know you want to..

  • Comment number 23.

    Hi Anglo, yeah love muscle Russell was very cheeky to our Aid - bless their cotton socks!

  • Comment number 24.

    That was blogging marvelous! :) I didn't see it when it first went up because I was out with my writers, and then I had issues getting through the vid (It kept getting a loading thingy up. But I think that was my net connection)

    But yay!!! I was a great vid. BH prod you're just do good to us. :)

  • Comment number 25.

    Sorry love you guys but John Barrowman...dancing...in his pants...and singing...in his pants...on telly...in his pants...BeingHumanProduction now just how are you going to match that?! Thats an actual question by the way lol

    Yes anyway John in his pants...ahem its been about 2 and a half hours since I watched it the first time I think I've about recovered enough to watch this...Ok I'll go watch John once more then you guys...promise...phew anyone got a glass of water they could chuck over my head??

  • Comment number 26.

    *chucks a glass of water over eagle's head.*

    You're a hopeless fangirl arn't you? Go on you have to admit it now.

  • Comment number 27.

    Haha bless em lovely BH people I havent read the comments but I can guess there'll be lots of Aidan is gorgeous talk and I expect (and I dont know why just a sneaky suspiscion) that you may have picked up on Aidans "nobody wants to see my blog?" and possibly offers to feed them and "getting up for you guys" and possibly his french accent at the start...

    And yay for Derek :-) we love Derek although "working hard" leave it out that was facebook! Lol can't fool me!

    And now...sorry but I'm such a traitor...John is in his blogging (ok that could get annoying lol) pants on iplayer now! So byeeeee :-D

  • Comment number 28.

    C I blogging well am! Lol I've never been a fangirl :-S but oh the...just oh...

  • Comment number 29.

    eagle, I should have known that it would incapacitate you for the rest of the night. See I (a normal fan who doesn't fancy him, but appreciates his work) just gave a "Hee! He's in his boxers. That's awesome!" and that was that. You are unable to talk properly for the rest of the night!!

  • Comment number 30.

    Blogging hell... well a blogging good blog! he he!!!

    And Aidan.. Of course we want to see your blog... and anything else on show too... he he!!! Tho no way does he read this or he would be blushing for sure! he he!!!

    Yay for Being Human
    Yay for housemates, looking loverly as always
    Yay for Derek, working hard as always, that guy will need a good holiday after all this is done and dusted.

    Now... off to do some more writing so I'll say Blog off and blog night!!

  • Comment number 31.

    Lol I have to say I don't fancy him as such - well not in the same way as the teenage girls I met at his signing who were fainting and throwing up and crying etc :-S just think is he is ridiculously talented and a lovely lovely man - which are pretty hard to come by lol and yes he is blogging gorgeous or ogging gorgeous for those who were around in Russells newfangle days lol thats not to say I'd kick him out of bed mind :-P

  • Comment number 32.

    Oh and C surely you know by now that itd take much more than that to shut me up for the night :-D hed have to be absolute stark bloggock (Lol that work? Yeah sure it does...) naked and in my house...dancing and singing - to me...and to be honest I'd probably still ask him if he wanted a cuppa and update my twitter lol

  • Comment number 33.

    Yeah, JB in his pants last night....mmmmm....... & DT in a clip fro the Christmas Special!
    And lovely Ben Turner in the casualty thing, overall a rather ummm productive evening!!

  • Comment number 34.

    That was blogging terrific!

    Did anyone notice the "publicity" picture of the three of them in bed pinned up on the wall behind them?

  • Comment number 35.

    Oh Eagle JB in spotted pants, he was simply gorgeous!!!!.I didnt know where to look...I thought of you....did you bid.?? Dw a bit odd ,ood ood, still cant work it all out......Ah new vid, we love you, all of you, BHP a million THANK YOUs, friday is pure excitement day waiting for new vids, blogging brilliant.!!!!!!Beleive us Aidan there are many of us who will offer to look after you, feed you, help the ego.etc.......Cant wait for series 2...

  • Comment number 36.

    Brilliant, DrivingSuzanne: Hi guys, how are you both today?

    Really enjoyed the vid...gave us a whole new outlook on things to look out for...Lenora saying how no-one can really guess what's going to happen in Epi 1 S2 because it's all a bit fast and furious and with twists and turns...I hope she's right (sure she must be)...it's been fun guessing all the stuff even if we were way off target lol

    Then of course there was the Aidan blog thing...course we want to see it, hell we've been discussing it for months, particularly after seeing Des Rom... if your next job isn't as, forthcoming in the let's-spoil-Aidan department, there are no shortage of those who will ensure you are never lacking for anything....anything, do you hear?....ever again hehe

    Didn't CIN do well last night? So far, the target for cash is a little down on last year but not all the cash has been collected yet so the final total I think will be higher...at work, people got together and provided/cooked cakes, sandwiches, sausage rolls, etc, then sold it to the rest of us in aid of CIN...by next week we should have a finite sum of money to give to them so I think CIN will have done very well this year, seeing as there's a cash shortage in general. Good for everyone who organised and contributed countrywide!

  • Comment number 37.

    Brilliant - no didnt bid they were over 1 and a half grand within minutes! If I won the lottery last night I was gonna give ten grand to children in need for em but no such luck :-(

    I think they did well to get what they did considering how many peopole are out of work and everyone else is at least struggling so it was never gonna be as much as last year was it :-S

    Although big well done to John - the things he donated went for more money than ANY oher celebrity donations so well done mr Barrowman! x

  • Comment number 38.

    thanks guys nice to see you all still having fun!

    i wanna see his blog!!!

    i cant wait for the new series its going to be so good.
    I'm gonna miss the hamsters to!

    i saw cin last night and i to thought about eagle while watching john strut around in his pants. (bet shes still watching it)
    and the doctor who clip looked good to

  • Comment number 39.

    Katy: Hi there...

    JB in boxers...great legs...not sure about the song but great performance for a worthy cause and the energy levels...off the scale!

  • Comment number 40.

    Lol actually not watching John in his pants anymore...I was up til about 4am watching it on a loop lol which for a 2 and a half minute video...well yeah :-S but it was brilliant and a song I absolutely love!

    Just letting my nan watch his DVD now shes absolutely glued to it lol she wants me to take her to one of his concerts if he does another tour so I might have to treat her...purely for her benefit you understand! Cant really warrant paying that much money just for me to go enjoy myself but if its for her too then I feel much less guilty about forking out half my life savings on a show (he might be good but he's bloody expensive!)

    Sorry being human...yeah cracking program that...I'm on topic honest...show me Russell singing and dancing in his pants and I'll stop talking about John in his lol...I don't think he'd mind...

  • Comment number 41.

    Aidan Turner's French accent is so cool. He reminds me of a character called Dominic, a fictional French midfielder who used to play for St Etienne and now lives and works in Clifton. Uncanny!

  • Comment number 42.

    Which makes me wonder.... what happens to the hamsters when everyone goes home?

  • Comment number 43.

    I can't believe they've pratically finished filming. I suppose the edit will take a while. I wonder if we'll get to hear from the lovely Mr Teague again - s'pose it depends who's directing the other eps

  • Comment number 44.

    Nup, JB is quite sickmaking if you ask me.

  • Comment number 45.

    I'm sorry did someone just slag off John Barrowman? I felt something...

  • Comment number 46.

    BH Team please note, last series we had an 'aidan's video diary' but not this series! sob.... come on lets see Aidan's blog - or video, or anything of from him really...promises of marshmallows and party rings if you can work on him!

  • Comment number 47.

    Hi all, I have been sooo blogging sick but back now....why, when I was last capable of taking note of anything was I quite happy that there was going to be a third series and now after watching this little vid , it seems that there is to be no more after S3...with apologies if this has already been discussed.

  • Comment number 48.

    Ya see, still not right....meant S2 not S3...sorry

  • Comment number 49.

    Vampy:: Hellooo back with us! yay...

    I thought S3 had already been commissioned? Thought they said that on a vid or at Mayhem?? Is there nothing after S3 or is it S2? Did I imagine that....probably hehe..

    Did you enjoy the vid...take it that's a yes!

  • Comment number 50.

    Hi Vampfan!
    Hope you're feeling better! Great to see you on here again!

    All this talk of BH S3 etc has got me wondering what Aidan (& Russell & Lenora) are up to next. Has anyone heard anything? I really hope Aidan isn't off to the states just yet...

  • Comment number 51.

    Hi anglo::: No, I thought we were all set for S3...but this little vid just sounded like it was all goodbye after this series...it's probably just me...I hope so.

    You well? Whilst I have been incapacitated, has anyone asked you what your thoughts about the Irishman are? (cos I am sure you have been bottlin' your feelings up)

  • Comment number 52.

    VF: Glad you're feeling better...thought you might have been off with the lurgy...yu all better now?

    In your absence Joooos has been helping me keep the end up as it were....as you may have noticed in the above blog, we are all unanimous in that we all desperately want to see Aidan's blog even though he says no-one wants to see it..yeah right...we have to ensure that he does show us at some point...any ideas as to how to do this would be greatly appreciated...

    I am off to eat now but will be back in about an hour or so to catch up and think of a few ideas of my own...this will not be too difficult...blogging hell!

  • Comment number 53.

    ok all this talk on twitter about a desert island is making me want to see Aidan's blog even more. ooh the ideas he could give us for even more kinky debate/fantasy!

    Mind you i think Russell would be good in a crisis keeping everyone calm and he would certainly have a few stories to tell but my instinct suggests AT would still be better on an island - good with his hands (i mean for building not what you're thinking!!!)

  • Comment number 54.

    BeatricThomas - GET OUT!
    Lol, I wouldn't slag the practically holy JB off, me & eagle (amongst others!!) will come and eat you.

    He is lovely, you should ge to like him. It would be good for you ;)

  • Comment number 55.

    Yes thanks anglo...better now...think I had 'Aidanitis' (I caught it at Nottingham)

    The only thing I can suggest is "AIDAN SHOW US YER BLOG".....don't worry anglo, that should do it!! Hehe

  • Comment number 56.

    Lol :)
    Gotta love him, that one strand of hair was really bugging him, he kept pushing it back (thought they paid a lady to do that though...has she been fired??? I want that job ;D) Anyway.....I agree with VF 100% on the er...."blog" front....

  • Comment number 57.

    ATfan - thank you - I dont think she was slaging him off she must have meant sickmaking in - oh my god hes so wonderful im so excited I think Im going to be sick. Who could not like JB...Lyssa you comment now girl I'll come over to twitter and kick your cyber ass lol just keep schtum. But yes hes wonderful he can do everything its quite unfair lol and I do truly believe that nobody could not like him in some way be it his looks, singing, dancing, presenting, acting, judging, his books...whatever - he does everything!

    And thats the end of this public service announcement...tune in next week where I will be dicussing the many merits of Mr Russell Tovey. Thank you.

  • Comment number 58.

    Haha :)
    No Aidan ftw.
    Although Russell does seem lovely too. Ahem. No, joking aside, he seems like a very nice young man.

    ^^ That French - pmsl! Gotta love him really! Have watched that vid several hundred times already :)

  • Comment number 59.

    I think I would've done too if it wasnt for, what will be known from now on as the "John/pants incident" and the QI marathon on dave this afternoon lol

  • Comment number 60.

    Haha :)
    I have only viewed that particular...ahem....incident...100 times....Lol ;)

  • Comment number 61.

    *coughs* right, will keep JB out of conversation from now on in. You people are scarier than 'Twilight' fans! God knows what would happen if I said I thought AT was irritating or George was ugly.... you'd have me burned at the stake! Well, anyway, they aren't (irritating or ugly that is) so you can all sit down.... yes, yes, I;m sure JB's all very nice

  • Comment number 62.

    Um, interesting French there. Not a bad accent though....

  • Comment number 63.

    VF: (55) Back again after dinner but you're probably having yours right now! Yep "Aidan show us yer blog" would do nicely...I don't know why he thinks no-one would want him once they've left their little world either...laughed like a drain when he told Russell "go blog yourself" ...haven't a clue what he meant.

    ATfan: The French was interesting...the way Aidan pronounced 'oui' was the Parisian way...I used to work with a Parisian woman and asked her and that's what she told me...she was nice and wasn't winding me up lol

    Beatrice: lol...there was a discussion a while back about Twilight fans vs BH fans...we'd beat them hands down...

    Do you know what I found really irritating about that video....god you're going to hate me for this...that slightly hammy yeah-we-read-the-blog stuff they seem to be coming out with...guys, you don't...we know you don't or at least all of you don't...you may get fed the odd bit from it now and again but you don't read the blog...believe me, you don't want to...Aidan would never take his kit off again poor guy...poor us, actually lol

  • Comment number 64.

    Perhaps its a good thing if Aidan dosent read the blog.....!!!!Kit on ,kit off, tied to a chair, etc etc...all our wildest fantasies etc, yep Anglo, poor lamb would never kit off again.!! If Lenora does read it, whatever does she tell Aidan? !! well, im off to watch JB, not in those spotted underpants but as Jack....Im giving the Utopia/Sound of drums/LOTT another go, as im very keen to work out just what hapened to the Master. Go on Beatric, give JB a chance ...who could resist him in his first two stories....?

  • Comment number 65.

    Beatrice did your mother never show you bambi as a child? "If you don't have anything nice to say dont sa anything at all"

    Cleverest lesson anyone can ever learn and you learn it from a rabbit lol go figure.

  • Comment number 66.

    And yes we could take twilight fans in a shot - the majority are about 15 so just run into a club lol or drive off...they'd never catch us on their heelies lol and we have super, who as a BH fan first and twilight fan second - she knows her stuff but would still be on our side so she could infiltrate and be our man on the inside lol...with all that on our side how on earth could we fail!?

  • Comment number 67.

    sigh years ago I would have loved to see Aiden's blog, but now I work in a blog clinic and once you've seen one blog you've seen them all.Never mind. Could we have a third series please, I know I'm being a tad greedy as we haven't had series two yet, but, pleaaassse, also what would be really cool. Being Human novels, Dr. Who has them, so does torchwood, oooh, and they can be put on tape, read by our fav stars, any takers? any budding authors? I know there are fan fiction website, but I do like to read in the bath, not a good place for a laptop.

  • Comment number 68.

    Ahhh, just blogging brilliant (in all senses of the word!) - we love ya guys and gals! Get this blogging verb in the blogging dictionary soon. ;)

    To everyone both on and off the camera for the blogs and for the show as a whole, thankyou so much for doing all these wonderful videos and interviews and behind the scenes visits just for us! *hugz everyone* gotta say it again, "We LOVE you ALL!!" Thankyou!

    Ohhh, and huge hugs for you all, too, gang! How are we all?
    ;) KC

  • Comment number 69.

    Yeah, it was a regional accent, so he probably got it of the telly, or was taught by a french person.
    Used to live in Paris, thinking of going back but man isn't having it lol

  • Comment number 70.

    Wereratty (67)...lol...blog clinic eh?....oh, they're the worst...seen the insides of a few of those on a professional level (used to work in NHS)...like you say, seen one blog, seen em all...

    Series 3 has been commissioned I've been told....where it will be filmed is, I think, still under discussion, so until an official announcement has been made we don't know much if anything about that. DOn't even know of the date Series 2 is starting yet!

    Hello everybody providing you've not been blown away/rained out...how are we all? Had a good Sunday?

  • Comment number 71.

    Joooos, KC: You are naughty...a baby Aidan...that doesn't sound like too bad an idea to me, actually (this, coming from someone who really never wanted them and has the vapours at the thought of pregnancy)....must be all that desert island talk...so then, the new plan is....forget the stuff we said to take, I'll go with the flow (but I will need factor 50 cos I burn as well) hehe

  • Comment number 72.

    Hi folks, hope you are all well. Glad to see Vampfan back.

    ahh what a lovely vid. Thanks BH team. Aid looks gorgeous as usual. Thought Russell looked a bit sad 'though - hope I'm just imagining it. Made me think perhaps he is the one that gets killed! argh!! No, no can't possibly be I'll erase that thought from my mind immediately.

    Seems like series 2 has lots to deliver. Can't wait til January. Wonder when it starts. I am presuming it will be on Ö÷²¥´óÐã1 now not Ö÷²¥´óÐã3.

    On the subject of Aidan, as I was a moment ago - as much as I am enjoying Daniel Craig as Bond I don't think we have ever had an Irish Bond have we?

  • Comment number 73.

    Baloo: Hi there briefly, about to go to bed...

    Pierce Brosnan is Irish....born there, lived in England, then the USA, but he is Irish through and through...and what a fab Bond he was....grrrr....very, very tasty, a fine actor and a lovely man I think..

    They all looked a bit tired in that video and there is only 2 weeks left of their filming and then I think they'll have a dirty great party, lots of hugs, home to parents and family and friends, then a lovely long break over Christmas and see what happens next. I really hope there is a series 3; some folks seem to think there won't be but I thought it had been commissioned already...

    No dates for Series 2 yet...can't even get a day of the week off the BH team lol....but can't wait either...Episode 1 is supposed to be out of this world, and the final 10mins of Episode 3 is a wow as well..

    Here's to 2010 January the whatever!!

  • Comment number 74.

    Oh yes, of course Pierce Brosnan is Irish! Forgot. How silly of me. But I guess there is always room for one more.

    Maybe the commissioning of series 3 relies up on the success of series 2 - or is that stating the blogging obvious?

  • Comment number 75.

    Ive been doing my bit for the BH marketing team tonight lol been run down with twilight fans so i figured I'd be half way there - they're already vampire/werewolf fans :-P anyway introduced plenty of new people to the world of Being Human tonight although I have to say you need a better tagline guys I could see their eyes glaze over and something in their brain going "dear god shes lost it" When I got to "vampire werewolf and ghost share house in Bristol...but no no dont laugh it really is good!"

  • Comment number 76.

    Rain and more rain.....great start to a Monday.....Get on the Blog.!!does make you feel good, cheer you up, Lenoras right, but we knew anyway.!! No-ones picked up on th "Tina" Turner bit....hes Simply the Best, vampire of the lot.!Well I watched Utopia.(DW) I will attempt the next one...Hope the BH Hamsters are fine, we all love them too.

  • Comment number 77.

    Brilliant: Morning...crap weather again, huh?...feel sorry for those poor devils who've been affected by it.

    Noticed the Tina Turner thing which made me giggle ....then I got to thinking Anthea Turner!... don't think Aidan would've appreciated too many female comparisons on the blog somehow lol...I really liked that video apart from the hammy bit about how they all love the blog which I did find a bit weird but it's nice that they get feedback from it, even if they don't read it themselves, and that someone, somewhere actually likes the fans despite what we write on here (or perhaps because of it!)

    Did you notice the bit at the end where Aidan told George "Go blog yourself"..!!

  • Comment number 78.

    lol, its all a bit quick, trying to catch every word.!! Does Lenora say " Hate the blog" or "have the Blog", or neither.! Well, the sun is out, it could well change by 1pm when i go to work....Ugh, no floods here, even tho near the sea (creek/estuary).Blogging weather.!Im on here twice again, it really does cheer you up.!!Aidan still in costume, well mitts anyway....... Vid once more before facing the elements.!!

  • Comment number 79.

    Brilliant: Aw, it does kind of cheer you up, brings a smile to your face when dealing with a rubbish day and dire weather...it's just a bit of fun, a lot of us have other mad lives we live and it's a bit of escapism...we should all enjoy it for what it is.....and we do.

    Just watched the vid again and that's very cheering, too...Aidan's cheeky grin makes me want to join in....and haven't Lenora and Russell got amazing laughs....really infectious...I don't imagine for a minute that Aidan doesn't get his ego massaged outside of Being Human (can I say that?) as he would have us believe "No-one wants us outside of this little world..."..clearly, he has not been reading the blog lol

  • Comment number 80.

    VF: You around? You often are on Mondays unless you're still a bit unwell..will be on this evening..hope you've had a good day and had a chance to view the video again a few times...you know you want to..

  • Comment number 81.

    Brilliant (76)...yeah, I noticed the "Tina" Turner bit! I can just imagine Russell & Lenora winding Aidan up and calling him Tina on a regular basis! Reckon they all wind each other up actually!

    Hey Anglo! Fancy seeing you here again! lol

  • Comment number 82.

    Hi Joooos: What a surprise seeing you back on the blog! It's usually Twitter time around now...

    I think we've exhausted the desert island thing....or have we? I'm sure we can think of something else...baby people, perhaps? hehe

  • Comment number 83.

    Hello, twitter is all quiet tonight.....
    Going out to the pub (sophisticated huh?) with man later on.
    But will be on here/twitter/YT until 8ish....

  • Comment number 84.

    Ö÷²¥´óÐã PROD TEAM: Think there is something a little wrong with the blog site...every so often, I get an error message warning on the right of the screen and the font becomes huge for no reason...someone else was saying they couldn't post anything earlier and have given up I think...could you look into it please and let us know if there is a problem or that we are in fact all mad and imagining it? Thanks a million guys x

  • Comment number 85.

    Morning all...everyone well?

    Finally had chance to watch this little vid (for only the second time!!) Yes, I was that ill but back now and fighting fit. Hehe. And of course everyone's comments now make sense.

    And although I don't believe a word of 'we all love the blog' and 'no-one will love me after BH'. Thanks TEAM anyway. But now I wondered (especially after Nottingham) that the fab three should be the fab four, why isn't Sinead in these little vids? Not complaining, just wondering.

  • Comment number 86.

    Dear TEAM,
    You see this is my problem....I don't think things through....If Sinead is not there because she is not on set anymore as in something terrible has happened to Nina....please forget my last question. (Just don't let George have a broken heart. O.K.?)
    Thanking you in anticipation.

  • Comment number 87.

    Hi Jooos (81), yeah I reckon they wind each other up.!!Oh God its a month today to Xmas Eve.!!!!Im getting there slowly, with pressies, cards etc...Bringing the End of Time ever nearer.....Need to focus on BH in New Year...Power cut for 3 hours last night, not very nice coming home in pitch black, why do you never have a torch/ candles ready for such emergengies????!!

  • Comment number 88.

    VF:: Hello...lovely to see you back in the land of the living which perhaps is not a good word to use when discussing vampires and the like but apt all the same! Hope you're all better and ready for half an hour-ish of blogging...btw have you got the hang of tweeting yet?

    Its good of BH team to keep us provided with lovely vids and snippets of info etc about the actors...much appreciated...Sinead has her interview today, along with Lenora...Aidan and Russell and the director for 2 of the episodes whose name i can't remember (sorry whoever you are!) had theirs yesterday...can't wait to see them all.. there's a great pic of Russell on Twitpic taken just after his interview apparently, in typical thumbs-up pose...

    I wondered about Sinead too but didn't think it might be because of the reasons you thought about...actually, I don't know what I did think but they've probably got so much to do maybe she's had to go off and do promotional work, or other stuff and just wasn't around..

    Lovely to have you back to banter with...sure we can come up with some typically fruity stuff before the next video and give the mods a heart attack hehe

    Brilliant: Sorry to hear you've had a bit of a dark old night of it.. I've got candles galore because I love the things...but they wouldn't have been much good for you up there! It's always the way though..how are you now? Bearing up amid the power cuts/wind/rain?

    I'm holding out for a DVD player/recorder this Christmas, and for my birthday afterwards?....the BH DVD set of course!

  • Comment number 89.

    Enough of this "somethings bad happened to Nina" talk - you do realise if Sinead's gone by the end of this series we'll be starting another petition lol ok ok Toby knows best and all that but we love Sinead :-( anyway we've all kinda guessed she'll be going so its WAY too obvious and boring now...

  • Comment number 90.

    eagle ::: Hi sorry to be obvious and boring but in my defence I wasn't suggesting....was asking. And for what it's worth, I think you will find that many, many weeks(or is it months?) ago I was the first to raise the whole "something bad's happened to Nina" thing. But having said that, I would be first in line to sign the petition.

  • Comment number 91.

    Lol vf I wasnt saying you were being obvious or boring just trying to put them off killing her off :-P

  • Comment number 92.

    eagle::: Have just re-read my 90 and was on the point of posting again to say I didn't mean it to sound as snotty as it did....it's the meds sweetie....hopefully, you know me well enough by now to know I don't do snotty (snotty::::bad choice of word after the fortnight I've just had).Anyway love you loads and was thinking of you when JB was doing his underpants thing on CIN.
    Long live Nina

  • Comment number 93.

    VF: And so would we all...hello briefly, got to dash in a min just catching up briefly...do you think you'll do Twitter at all in the next couple of weeks or so? Hmmm? Be great if you could but understand if you couldn't..you did say it was difficult..its that busy life you lead and all those naughty thoughts you've been having about a certain vampire hehe

    Another vid this Friday with luck..it was a bit later last Friday which was great because I actually had chance to check it out twice or three times before posting (as you do)..

  • Comment number 94.

    Lol VF no worries takes a lot more than that to **** me off :-D

    Oh and JB in pants - don't! Lol I lost a few days to that...also his dvd came out a few days before so I've had a JB themed week or so :-D


  • Comment number 95.

    anglo:::cannot tell a lie....it was the naughty thoughts that have got me through the last two weeks....gives a whole new meaning to "you give me fever" Yay for next Friday

  • Comment number 96.

    Hopefully the mayhem video should be up soon wonder if this friday? The guys said it was due up about 2 weeks after the event...cant wait for the new interviews too :-)

  • Comment number 97.

    VF:: (95) lol...fever...yesss!

    This Friday I hope...we've had 2 vids in 2 weeks...either they're trying to wear us out or they're as excited as we are and can't stop producing stuff about BH hehe We're hoping we'll get another vid this week and next week, and now they have these 5 interviews in the can so heaven knows when we'll see those...Christmas is arriving before, er, Christmas...and those naughty thoughts are just what a girl needs to keep her going through all eventualities.

    Oh, and Lioness mentioned something about The Clinic being canned by RTE...am unsure whether this means RTE have ditched it (if they have a hand in actually making it, that is) or it's going to carry on being a soap, just not shown on RTE...bit of a bummer really but may find out more later. See you later...must do the post now (exciting stuff huh)?

  • Comment number 98.

    Just a thought....mainly to anglo...this little vid at .12..that shot of HIM looking all brooding and mean....your thoughts dear?

    It's also a verb....yeah, right

  • Comment number 99.

    VF:: 12 seconds in? Hang on I'll check...

    OMG I see what you mean...oh that's a definite yes...wonder what he was thinking of, looking all pensive and deep? Looked well into his own thoughts, didn't he? Don't think he was being filmed either tho i thought he was initially..it really shouldn't be allowed him standing around looking all 'hot' in his words...did I mention he is apparently disrobing again in this series (although how often and who with we don't know of course)...a couple of times was mentioned at one point...something else to look forward to in the anti-climax of Christmas...oops..can I use that phrase?

  • Comment number 100.

    VF: Right off home now...blog laters, Vampy...and can you please think of some (in)appropriate thoughts about the vampire for me to mull over once I reach home, in the meantime, please? hehe

    Ta-ta for now.


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