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Garret Keogh, Online Editor | 20:12 UK time, Monday, 7 June 2010

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Well Being Human fans, today is a double whammy.

Not only is it the first day of filming for series three, it's also the launch of our new feature... The Being Human Diaries. We're risking life and limb to get closer and more personal than ever with the cast and crew in our very own reports from the Being Human set.

This week we were at the read-through to see the BH3 scripts brought to life for the first time. For those of you who you'll know how excited we got about the new storylines. Toby has truly pulled out all the stops with a feast of humour, action and some very original challenges on the horizon for our foursome. (And if we had a pound every time we heard someone describe it as 'sen-say-shunal' we'd have been very rich bloggers indeed.)

There was also a cheeky copy of your good luck messages slipped into all the scripts, giving the whole team a massive boost for the series ahead.

Make no mistake... Being Human is BACK.


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  • Comment number 1.

    So.. Not... Fair.

  • Comment number 2.

    Aw, thanks Mr. P! You can go home at last....not actually watched it yet...I will now...

  • Comment number 3.

    Thanks, Barry!

  • Comment number 4.


  • Comment number 5.

    Oh yay! Thanks mr P!! It's great seeing the gang again! And Why exactly weren't WE asked to fill in? We'd have been so much better, pmsl!

  • Comment number 6.

    lovely stuff BHProd/Mr P - everyone looking so happy to be back - including the great Mr Teague who I guess is director for eps 1,2 and 3 (or is that 4??)

    so what evil things have vampires been doing to werewolves for years - and will Mitchell now join in???

    intriguing line from Annie about where she is!!

  • Comment number 7.

    Aww bless you. Thankyou for this. MWAH! Can't watch the video mind you, I'll have to wait for it to come on YouTube (soon, hopefully, yes?) But thanks for putting up with the pestering for vids - you know its because we love the show, the stars, the crew and of course you wonderful folks in Blog Towers. :D

    BH3 is off and running - WOOHOO!

    *waves hello to Lanill, Joooos, Silverdragon and anyone who may have posted while I was working on this* You okay, folks? ;)

  • Comment number 8.

    I can wholeheartedly say that, no none of us lot had noticed this AT pretty-ness you speak of....honest ;)

    Thanks a lot Mr P! Go home and put your feet up...you've done us proud again...we love you all lots...
    Let BH3 commence!! x

  • Comment number 9.

    oooh hoorah the interesting blogs are back!!

    thank you young barry!

  • Comment number 10.

    Lanill you know I am on your side.
    Let's pray together the Shiny that the video will soon be put onto youtube!

  • Comment number 11.

    @beinghumanfan no no... we hadn't even noticed what he looks like, did we? and we CERTAINLY don't all have rather naughty tweets about him!!!

  • Comment number 12.

    Kinky; Okay? OKAY!?

    Waited so long for a blog, and it'll probably be a while before I can watch it... Okay's not the word I'd use. :p

  • Comment number 13.

    Thanks so much. Ewan will love the reference to what the vampires have been doing for years to the werewolves, reminds me of one of his scribbles.he'll be pondering this one for ages.
    Interesting how they have folks covering for absentees-----including Mitchell-----so he must appear in the first episode.Very interesting.

  • Comment number 14.

    Barry, Barry barry...this is a fantastic vid darling...one of your best and SO great to see you fronting it!...let's have more of that!...( still think the extra stubble and Irish accent would have got you that aidan turbner read through part.....)

    So much going on in this vid wuill need to watch many times to take it all in. Lovely to hear from Sinead, Russell and Lenora ...they do all ove working together don't they...and Lenora thinks aidan's pretty?..yeh...and then some...!

    Noticed Derek popping in the background so hello to him

    And the Lord Toby...liking that beard better now I can see it properly...and the vampires have been doing something horrific to the werewolves for years?...will have to give that soem thought. loks like annie and nina at least in communication ..maybe through the tele again...in eps 1. Suspect annie stays behind the door having some sort of adventures for a few epsiodes..maybe she finds a new role of helping those who are 'waiting'

    all sooooo exciting!

  • Comment number 15.

    Meh. I'm so jealous right now.

    but thanks Mr P. nonetheless!

  • Comment number 16.

    Hello Lanill, Silverdragon, Laurar, SweetLyssa, Celticgrace, Kinkyclawz and everyone else whose comments will appear whilst I'm typing!

    So great to see the gang back together..well, almost back together...hopefully we'll see Aidan in the next vid, and I'm sure it'll be worth the wait!

    Am I'm loving the fact that you're in the video this time Mr. P.... they should've let you fill in for Aidan!

    Oh, and doesn't Toby look hot, eh? Perhaps partly down to the fact that he appears to be wearing Aidan's clothes! lol

    Thanks again Barry

  • Comment number 17.

    Lyssa - Us BH twitterers....dirty? :O Never!
    I can't even begin to think what you mean ;)

  • Comment number 18.

    ...or even Aidan Turner..barry!

  • Comment number 19.

    SweetLyssa and beinghumanfan.....no, we're never dirty! In fact. I'd say we've been rather well behaved of late. Although that may change VERY soon!!

  • Comment number 20.

    I don't see the video but I agree with anyone who says that Toby is hot with a beard.

  • Comment number 21.

    Joooos - yeah thats what I was thinking....I'm sure I've seen that white vest/checkered shirt combo before? But he does look very dashing with the beard :)
    Gonna give Mr Turner a run for his money methinks!

  • Comment number 22.

    SweetLyssa...so right darling....what an opportunity the casting people have missed...all they had to do was to ask for volunteers from the bloggers and we'd have been there!

  • Comment number 23.

    Wow...brilliant vid Barry...thank you for that...Aidan isn't the only pretty one..hehe

    Talking of whom...pretty? Er, I'd not noticed...had anyone else? No?..

    Moving swiftly on...so something cruel the vamps have been doing to werewolves over the centuries...and its pretty sick...hmm... I wonder if Nina and George are aware of what that is. Probably not and Tully isn't around to tell them but I have a very, very good feeling about S3 already...full of loads of weird and wonderful surprises/shocks/revelations I bet...ooooh can't wait!

    Thanks again Barry...loved it!xx

  • Comment number 24.

    And hello to all the bloggers...lovely to see everyone together at last!

  • Comment number 25.

    Definitely need Mr. P and Toby to have little (or big, even) cameos in series 3. Toby wrote an episode of Hotel Babylon (series 1, I think), and he was in that as a wedding guest, so don't see why he can't be in this!

  • Comment number 26.

    Hello bloggers....you're right anglo its been ages on here!
    Gotta go, speak soon all x

  • Comment number 27.

    quite right joooos - has to be a vampire definitely! can just see the fangs!

  • Comment number 28.

    This new blog and all these comments are dragging me back deep into my BH madness! *_*
    I love it!
    I missed it!

  • Comment number 29.

    Celticgrace, Joooos: I think Mr Pilling would be a great vampire...a mad, eccentric one! He's a natural!

  • Comment number 30.

    Jooos...Toby looking extremely hot in this clip...remember last year's readthrough?...Aidan turned up sporting a beard...and wearing checked clothes....you know where I'm going with this.....Toby is becoming Aidan!...well, we know he *cough* admires him......

  • Comment number 31.

    A Toby-Aidan and a Aidan-Toby?
    Where do I sign?

  • Comment number 32.

    aidan turner... now that name rings a bell...

  • Comment number 33.

    Dorina (30). Yes, I remember it well. In fact, I may have another look at that vid in a minute...& yes, I was thinking the same thing...Toby IS becoming Aidan! Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery! Wonder if Toby will be wearing something different when Aidan returns......

  • Comment number 34.

    Mitchell can have two vampire friends played by Toby and Barry! It could work really well. I hope Toby and the other writers are reading this and taking note! lol

  • Comment number 35.

    Joooos, Dorina, Allyska, Indil: Are they morphing into the same person? lol...Toby was wearing the kit in the pic we saw...blimey, is TW doubling for Aidan?

  • Comment number 36.

    Yay!! Annie in from the start - my nightmares have not come to pass. Joy!

  • Comment number 37.

    Lucky Drama graduates...not jealous of them...at all.....

  • Comment number 38.

    there is a serious case of checked shirts in the BH house....

  • Comment number 39.

    Great to see a new Vid and blog :) and wonderful to hear there is going to be a series of BH diaries; hope we get to see you fronting more of them Mr P

    I can feel lots of speculation coming on over the vampire/werewolf confrontation.

  • Comment number 40.

    Allyska, yes...serious checked shirts alert!! Think they're all copying Aidan!

  • Comment number 41.

    I want aidan bck dam it i wanna see him before his bday ooooo hope theres a vid bout how tht goes on :D xxx

  • Comment number 42.

    Thanx Mr P - would like to echo what others are saying here - that we would love to see you more in the vids on the blog. It's all very exciting (apart from the fact that it's no longer set in Bristol - will just have a wee play on my violin!)
    Love Toby's beard - maybe he is trying to become Mr T! Maybe Mr T will return with a different look....clean shaven....short hair....maybe not. Love all the comments from Sinead, Russell & Lenora - very witty & dry as always. Will have to watch again to get full effect especially as my internet is sooo slow - it's like walking thru treacle!

  • Comment number 43.

    A definite plethora of check shirtedness on today's shoot...Aidan has set a trend! Toby could pass as his uncle or something lol

    And we'd love to see a vid with Aidan in it as his birthday is coming up very soon...and we'd all love to wish him a happy day!

  • Comment number 44.

    Just wathed the vid for the second time...now realise that it wasn't Nina talking to Annie through the tele as Nina says' how was she?' so it was obviously Aidan or Russell or both who were talking to her.

    Also this vid gives us a better look at the model on the table...that's not just a new house it loks like a village...or a huge farmhouse with loads of other buildings...what does everyone else think?

    Oh and yes BHProductions..can you get Aidan and Toby at some point to wear the same shirts...and beards...and glasses... so we can truly see if they have become twins!

  • Comment number 45.

    Yeah, we need a special Aidan birthday blog so we can send our love and kisses and hugs and anything else you want to send to him!

  • Comment number 46.

    Being unable to see the video, I get this.

    Mr T turning into Mr T. (with an alliterative effect)
    Lots of Checkedness going on.

    I feel I'm missing something great.

  • Comment number 47.

    Evening all, just popping on...
    How amazing was the vid, just really cute!! Thank God we have a new video with good content :) Exciting stuff indeed I feel!
    Hope everyone is good

  • Comment number 48.

    Dorina (44) Lol...Aidan & Toby are twins!! I've just watched the video for a second time. It did look like there was quite a big set. I need to watch again because there's just so much to take in, what with all of those checked shirts and all!

  • Comment number 49.

    Dorina: (44) Brilliant idea...get them to dress alike and wear specs and then we'll judge!

    The buildings on the table looked like a hamlet or a large farm... perhaps its better if they're on a farm, more space and yet a possible secure area for Nina and George to transform and not eviscerate the local sheep!

  • Comment number 50.

    Joooos: We have to see both of them side by side!

  • Comment number 51.

    Hullo my lurve! *_*

  • Comment number 52.

    Checked shirts are indeed "in" in the BH cast and crew :D

    Great video, cheers Barry P, really feels like BH is back! And better than ever. I hope we get these insights often, its an example of the Blog at its best getting right in there with the show.

    Toby is such a tease, now he has me thinking up awful things you could do to werewolves. The one that won't go away is trapping them in a really tight space before they transform then when they do, they crush themselves as they try to get bigger. That's nasty :)

    Lucky drama graduates, eh? Its strange they do that intead of getting Toby or someone to just read in for Aidan (didn't he use to be an actor? Or am I thinking of someone else?)

    Still I'm sure it made those guys' day. I wonder who the girls were filling in for, maybe Cara and Daisy? And the other guy Herrick? We shall see, its probably someone completely new. :S

  • Comment number 53.

    44 - Yes let's put them side by side and then play "spot the differences".

    In my mind this is getting kind of tricky..

  • Comment number 54.

    Lurve_bh: Evening...take it you enjoyed the new video then? hehe

  • Comment number 55.

    DF - Toby played in Bridget Jones if I'm not mistaken..

  • Comment number 56.

    If we ever get to have a BH blog meeting I suggest we wear all checked shirts..

  • Comment number 57.

    Hello indil, how are you stranger??
    And Anglo..... just a tad!! I am just about calming down now, this is not good! Haha! You alright?

  • Comment number 58.

    Dear Techno-Geek-O-Files,

    Is there anyone who can help? I have asked the Ö÷²¥´óÐã why can't the video diary files been seen in Australia as we get a message saying "service not available in your area".

    I have embedded the device on my own blog and foreigners can watch it but local Aussies can't. So close, yet so far!

    Hope you can help,

    Tom in Oz

  • Comment number 59.

    LBH, stranger indeed I am.
    Stranger in a strange land, where bbc content is not available. blimey!

    But I am truly and utterly happy by the life that's running into the blog's veins once again.. I really missed it!

  • Comment number 60.

    Deadly Furnitire...hi there..yes Toby was an actor...and a stand up comic for while I think...then he got into wriing and....etc etc
    I guess Toby and Colin and Phil and others didn't want to cover during the readings so that they could concentrate on the actual read throughs and guage how they sounded.

    Will give some thought to how 'sick' the vampires could be in their behaviour towards the werewolves..can't imagine thta it involves the vampires getting up front and personal with the werewolves soooo..will need to ponder.

    And I can't wait to see what Herrick has become...still a vampire..zombie...or something else?

  • Comment number 61.

    B.H. is DEFINTILY back,and it's so good to see the team all having fun!
    Oh 'Happy Birthday' wishes for Mr Turner when his bday comes around!! :O))

    Love and hugs to all


  • Comment number 62.

    Lurve: (57) I'm good thanks...just about getting over seeing the video...lovely to see Mr Pilling on camera instead of lurking in the background!

    Tom-In-Aus: (58) If you bear with us, and if we're all lucky, sometimes these blog videos end up on youtube...fingers crossed this one will, and soon, because a lot of the blog videos from the last series did so hold out for that and keep checking!

  • Comment number 63.

    i would imagine that toby wanted to hear what the scripts sounded like... hence getting the drama students in. noone called me... i'm positively insulted. my vamp is magnificent!

    now last year the crew did charity fundraising by growing moustaches - movember. perhaps this year they could do something with a checked shirt theme...?! perhaps 'funds for lumberjacks,' 'checked up for charity' ... actually why not go all the way and for one of the blog videos they could do a rendition of 'i'm a lumberjack and i don't care...' monty python style...?!

    or they could do 'strip for shelter' - all the crew could wear football team strips and leave aidan and russell to take it literally...?!

  • Comment number 64.

    Indil, I feel for you dearie!! I would be lost if I couldn't see it :( glad you are well besides this though!

  • Comment number 65.

    he he! Producer Phil loves Annie too. Loving his cheekyness about her return too. He's a bad man!

  • Comment number 66.

    looks as if Jason was also missing at the read through?

    The model of the new house looks spread out - but if I remember right the set for the pink house interiors had all the rooms on the same level for filming even though it appeared on screen like a downstairs and an upstairs - so maybe this is the same? all the rooms on one level but just for shooting? The designers will have fun anyway sorting out the look for each of their new rooms. Wonder if the "boys" will have a room made ready for Annie?

  • Comment number 67.

    Anglo I admit I had a chuckle, he is rather funny "wales... (wales)... (wales) ... bless him!! He does make me smile!

  • Comment number 68.

    This is terrible I leave for one evening I miss the new blog starting and now have to catch up on the Drums and Children and theories on what vampires do to werewolves back soon after catching up.

  • Comment number 69.

    Lurve: (67) I thought that bit was brilliant...he is a natural, he'd be great as a slightly dotty vampire! Mind you, if Toby and Aidan dress any more alike, Toby will be Aidan's stand-in.. :)=

  • Comment number 70.

    63 allyska - checked up for charity sounds great! XD
    perhaps we could do a thing for them, wear a checked shirt and take a picture of us and then post it on the blog, for the crew to see that we "checked" their message and we got it!

    would be nice!

    getting crazy without even seeing the video.. but that's why we keep being nice to Mr P., in hope he tubes this!

  • Comment number 71.

    Just caught up thank god for speed reading yes I did have an idea about the werewolves DS-13 if you do read scribbles it's under Conrad and Sheffield and it is quite dark the other option could be locking two of them in a room together and seeing what happens.

  • Comment number 72.

    Allyska: (63) lol... Can you imagine that...all those checked shirts being peeled off...never mind Monty Python, more Full Monty!

    You know something?...now that Joooos mentioned putting Mr Pilling in for a cameo role in Series 3, I think he would be excellent at playing the part of a dotty, vamp with an extremely dangerous side to him...I can really see him being very good at that..

  • Comment number 73.

    69 - he does have charisma and enthusiasm thats for sure - he looked like a little boy on Christmas morning!! hehehe!! Hasn't failed to tickle me immensely, bless him!

  • Comment number 74.

    so do we reckon we're gonna have a blog a week now? I do hope so!

  • Comment number 75.

    Anglo...let's campaign to get Mr. Pilling in series 3 then...as a dangerous, dotty vampire! I can just see it now....lol

  • Comment number 76.

    Wow, I want to see some of Toby's stand-up, he's hilarious in his scripts so it might not be that bad. :)

    Definitely glad he chose to concentrate on writing though. It will be interesting to look back on these videos after series 3 and see what all the hints we get turned out to be. But maybe that's going a little bit far ahead. :D

    Ha ha, I love all the friendly mickey-taking out of Toby, is he really dressed that similarly to Aidan? :D I think everyone is just missing Mr Turner, seeing him everywhere you look, you know. :D

    I think Mr Pilling should play a fan of our heroes, always following them around with a camera, trying to find out what they are up to, I have a feeling he'd be good at that. :)

  • Comment number 77.

    Tom in Oz..hi there..sorry darling but the Ö÷²¥´óÐã blog vids ..and Iplayer...can only be opened if you're in the uk.... the BhProduction team are excellent at getting the vids up on YT as soon as they can so hang fire and you'll probably be able to see it soon.

    allyska and indil...oh now I could get seriously excited about your ideas....but why stop at the bloggers just sending them a photo of us wearing checked shirts ...and..emmm beards..specs...Better still...let's suggest a get together ( for charity..natch) of Bh cast and crew and bloggers ALL wearing checked shirts etc!

    Loving the 'strip for shelter'...ooooooorrr
    how about a Being Human Charity Calendar..you know the style I have in mind..aka WI style.!

  • Comment number 78.

    agree Dorina - we can't really tell if TW is channelling AT until we see with and without checked shirts - so we can see if Toby has also been working out at the gym. Im thinking AT's arms will win it?

  • Comment number 79.

    'Strip for Shelter' or for Chairty of the bloggers.. I like it.. u_ù
    Let's strip them down to the bone..just for the sake of seeing checked shorts fying in the sky.

    My idea was to get pictures of us because it's easier for me not being in the uk, but my first guess was an all-checked BH meeting, so..

  • Comment number 80.

    Deadly: (76) Well, Aidan's pretty much into checked shirts it seems as he wears them a lot, sometimes with a red, white or yellow t-shirt underneath...seeing that video we suddenly realised there were quite a few of the guys there dressed similarly...so we're taking the mickey a bit! Aidan and Toby seem to be competing as to how alike they can look lol ...we need to see them together to get the full effect...can this be arranged, BH PROD TEAM?

  • Comment number 81.

    Celtic, Indil: Strip for Shelter?...shirts flying into the sky?...I need a cold shower and a lie down...

  • Comment number 82.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 83.

    AND I would like to point out that now that they got back BH Prod and BH crew together, they will have to give us the Dance Off they promised at the end of Series 2.

    We do not forget.

  • Comment number 84.

    I think the real tell will be when Toby grows his hair long!

  • Comment number 85.

    For those who can't see the blog yet the lines we get to debate are

    George : Annie? Annie!
    Annie : They've got drums and their cheering, and I can hear ch-children cheering.
    Nina : Is she Okay? What did she say?

  • Comment number 86.

    So excited you are filming new series - something to look forward to after recent boring telly. By the way have you set up all the music for the new series? I know a new songwriter who has a couple of spooky new pieces of music would really suit Being Human.

  • Comment number 87.

    So from bells and whistles we have moved to drums now a question might be are they pounding - do they have a beat or are they steel like you get at a carnival?

    the cheering is this to a form of entertainment or something Darker explaining where those their not supposed to talk about go? After all in Rome there were Drums and cheers in the Circus. so many thoughts to keep me up tonight.

  • Comment number 88.

    Allyska: (82) It's for real...great stuff...I wonder if they'd at least wear checked shirts for that & auction the resulting pictures for charity?

    Indil: The dance-off sounds interesting...something like the Jai-Ho video on youtube that the cast of Casualty and Holby City did for Sports Relief? It was brilliantly done and very funny.

  • Comment number 89.

    88. Anglo - I just checked the video on youtube, I didn't know about it (and now the world checked is becoming kind of weird! XD). Btw the video is very funny!

    It all comes back when we were talking abou AT's dancing skills and BHProd was bragging that tey could beat him anytime, so we asked for a dance off "Cast vs Crew". They said they would, but the series ended and everyone went on vacation..but now they had time to reharse and now we want to see the Dance Off.

  • Comment number 90.

    87 - interesting ref to Annie being in Hell? did I hear that wrong? I thought we had all decided she was in a sort of Limbo? how could Annie possibly be in Hell - what has she done?

  • Comment number 91.

    90 - Annie was Exorcised maybe that has something to do with where she ended up as if by not going through her own door to where she was meant to go other sides can now go after her and she can end up where she was never meant to be.

  • Comment number 92.

    90 - If Hell existed.
    All we know about the world of the dead is that there's a corridor with men with sticks and ropes and a line of ded people standing and waiting.

    as far as we know, there could be no helle, purgatory,heaven..

  • Comment number 93.

    Well shiny one are you by chance a John Lenon fan?

  • Comment number 94.

    91 - sounds plausible - but she was in a waiting room before - so has she moved on? maybe for what she did with Kemp - or maybe just Phil's shorthand?

  • Comment number 95.

    (90) It did seem quite hellish though, I mean if that is limbo, hell must be really terrible.

    Or he could've been joking. Or maybe in the BH world you wait in hell til you get taken to heaven. Sort of like guilty until proven innocent.

  • Comment number 96.

    No, actually.

    Except for his upcoming reincarnation by lovely Mr Eccleston.

    I actually don't know anything about him except that he was a beatle, married yoko ono, and was killed. Maybe that's because I don't like hippies very much..

  • Comment number 97.

    94 - true they weren't happy were they?

    96 - "Imagine there's no heaven it's easy if you try, no hell below us above us only sky" - that was why I asked

  • Comment number 98.

    oh yeah 96 was meant to answer to ewan (93)

    It could be in a sort of classical hell, you know.. like the Romans or Greek or Hell (the domain of the goddess Hell I mean).

  • Comment number 99.

    also you have no idea how much like Cartman you sounded just then

  • Comment number 100.

    95 - youre right DF - Im so glad I dont believe in it! It's just Toby's imagination so it will all be good in the end - nasty but good.

    Nice presumption reversal - tho Toby doesnt seem to think anyone is guilty - look how he excused Mitchell - just so long as he's sorry?


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