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Garret Keogh, Online Editor | 13:26 UK time, Friday, 23 July 2010

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I'm sorry, Twi-what? Bat-who? Spider-excuse me?

No, at this year's there was only one set of stars taking the event by storm... Lenora Crichlow, Aidan Turner, Russell Tovey and Colin Teague.

These four titans of the Being Human world appeared at the annual sci-fi convention in London to sign autographs, appear in photos and take questions from the crowd. They were well and truly amazed by the amount of fan love they got, and put on a great show for everyone who came along.

If you couldn't make it to the event, don't worry. Come on now, seriously, stop crying and pull yourself together because all is not lost... The BH Blog Team went down for you!


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  • Comment number 1.

    From those like me who weren't there. thank you BHP

  • Comment number 2.

    Please don't make us wait too long for the youtube version ;)

  • Comment number 3.

    This is great!! I wish I could have been there. Not at all bothered that Aiden doesnt wash lol

    Next year-im there =D Great to see the guys


  • Comment number 4.

    LOL ah Mr P - brilliant! Russell did make me laugh "A handshake's enough for me" In my defence he hugged me not tuther way around lol

    Oh and well done getting the kiss in - Dorina will be happy :-D

  • Comment number 5.

    just lovely thank you

    they look more like theyre having fun than on the pics - which is great - and lots of love for the bloggers too - thought they'd forgotten us!

    Dorina - jealous? - nah!

  • Comment number 6.

    Hi! :O))

    Dam,I also wished I could have been there,what fun!!! Everyone is just so down to earth and wonderful..and so funny!!..what a great act they all are...It's funny when Mr Turner sheepishly say's he hasn't brushed his teeth,lol..

    Love & Hugs

  • Comment number 7.

    A brilliant vid, it really captures the atmosphere of the event. Lucky Dorina with the kiss from Aidan! I shall have to console myself with my pics and autographs from the day.

  • Comment number 8.

    Fantastic!! How is it even possible for me to love them all even more??!

  • Comment number 9.

    I'm sooo jealous. Well done to Piratemoose and Dorina. I wish Aidan had cleaned his teeth though!

  • Comment number 10.

    9 maybe it was a cunning plan to reduce the cue for hugs with him? didnt work did it? what's the boy to do??

  • Comment number 11.

    Oh, Mr P and team...you lovely, kind, generous people..fawn, grovel, bow...thank you for that little video offering there...its nice to put faces to a couple of the bloggers (hello Piratemoose..I know what u look like now...don't worry, you've nothing to fear)...heh heh...and Dorina, I bet you were pretty happy yourself!

    All three of them, plus of course Mr P himself, look gert lush (in Bristolian-speak), even Aidan despite the fact that he said he hadn't brushed his teeth or washed (yeah, right)...Lenora looked fantastic as always and Russell...making love to the camera...oh, Russell, you will make several George-lovers extremely happy. All I can say is that thank god it wasn't Aidan doing it or we'd have several comatose/hyperventilating/gibbering/drooling bloggers around....for several weeks.

    Thanks again, folks...you've cheered me up no end!xxx

  • Comment number 12.

    Great, lively, atmospheric vid Mr P..shame about that woman in the white jacket ...talk about the beauty and the beast! *note to self ..NEVER get in front of a camera again...!*

    Sooo...Aidan hadn't washed or brushed his teeth? my definition of his 'just fallen out of bed look' was errr.....literally.. just fallen out of bed! Got to say he smelt good to me ..but not as good as Russell who smelt really gorgeous...as did the stunning goddess known as Lenora

  • Comment number 13.

    Well guess what I found on youtube for all the non resident fans.

  • Comment number 14.

    Don't do yourself down, Dorina. You come over really well, as does Piratemoose. I'm sure I'd be like a gibbering idiot - might risk it next year though, if I can.

  • Comment number 15.

    All the guys are looking great - especially Russell?!? Loving his 'sexy times' face :0)

  • Comment number 16.

    Thanks Mr. P great video and thanks for getting it on youtube so quickly :D, looks like fun was had by all.

    Thanks Ewan for putting up the link.

  • Comment number 17.

    I was there! very near the frong of queue, really wish I jumped in and said something. The cast were lovely, to be fair everyone in the show involved seems well lovely :) me and mate john got chatting to Colin Teague before the Being Human talk too, loved john's The Master costume. Bring on season 3!

  • Comment number 18.

    omg.. at 4mins on this vid u can see my Bald Patch lol!!

    BTW Russell is a god!! SO sexi lol

  • Comment number 19.

    I have seen us 3 times well.. U Jo throughout that vid.. But once u can see my bald patch at 4.00mins lol sat next to u with Sarah!! Grrr...

  • Comment number 20.

    @MsHorror nor do i! to be fair he pulls off the 'unwashed' look particularly well...

    and Russell using hand sanitiser, was that a bit of a base joke to the fans?! hmpf...

    and next year i must go there... i was sure i had never known about a UK ComicCon! they'd better be there aswell!

  • Comment number 21.

    Fantastic video Barry. You're extremely talented! :)
    Fantastic to see Dorina and Piratemoose on there too.
    Aidan, Russell, Lenora, Barry and Colin looking gorgeous.

    I must say Russell's looking particularly lovely on that vid, and I know that from seeing him at past events he looks even hotter in the flesh. lol
    As for Aidan well, there's really no need for me to comment there. It just seems that the less effort he makes the sexier he looks. How lucky is that!

    Thanks again!

  • Comment number 22.

    Ooh, well done Dorina and Piratemoose by the way. Both of you looking absolutely fabulous.
    There's no way I could ever do that....I'd never be able to watch myself and can't stand the sound of my own voice!
    I wish I'd been there to watch all the goings on!


  • Comment number 23.

    Just re-posting this link that Ewan put up (thankyou) on the previous blog comments. It's from SDCC.
    However please BE WARNED...do not listen with your headphones on because you will go deaf due to a person with VERY loud screams!!

  • Comment number 24.

    Do we know if Mr P has gone with them to the US, or will we just have to trawl youtube for vids of this event?

  • Comment number 25.

    That was a fun video thanks BHP! AT and Colin Teague had obviously been having a good time somewhere, they both looked like they were suffering "the morning after the night before" syndrome :)

  • Comment number 26.

    Thanks for the video and new blog Mr P and BHProd! Is that what I sound like in real life though?!? Slightly embarassing lol :P

    joooos [22] - Thanks! :D I know what you mean though; I don't really like watching or hearing myself on tape either - it's a tad disconcerting :P

    Jan [14] - Thank you :) That was a seriously edited interview though... which is a good thing! I stutter and repeat myself a lot when I get nervous ;)

    Anglo [11] - Hello! :D

    drivingsuzanne [9] - Thanks! :)

  • Comment number 27.

    Hi all!! Lookee here!!

    Better quality version of the previous vid and without screams!!

  • Comment number 28.

    Thanks for this, Birkin. Is it my ears playing tricks or does the host call Annie 'Carrie'?

  • Comment number 29.

    Yes, Jan, I guess ur right, he calls her Carrie, unbelievable!!

  • Comment number 30.

    Hehe just watched again...yeah bosses - Colin is right no one let anything slip about series 3...honest...especially not a fascinating story about filming a vampire orgy and leather and erm...chaffing lol...nothing like that honest... :-D

  • Comment number 31.

    Here is a question if he's not saying anything about series 3 why would he mention the orgy. unless it was to either throw you off the scent and be expecting it and it never comes or a cunning double bluff if you don't believe it and it turns out later to be true.
    oh dear cross eyed

    Nice one Birkin less screaming always good, and I did think it was strange he named Annie Carrie as well.

  • Comment number 32.

    Hi everyone

    Thanks for the link Birkin much easier to hear. Yeah Jan it dose sound like the announcer calls LC Carrie. He dosen't have a clue he keeps looking at his cheat sheet before he announces each of them, what a shame they didn't use someone who knew the show.

  • Comment number 33.

    Ewan I was joking - obviously it was something they were allowed to tell us I don't think I've just given away a big secret lol I asked for a little tidbit to take back to tell the fans and that's what we got :-) they know us sooooo well hehehe :-D

  • Comment number 34.

    Well now that gets added to the list of things we know.
    Mitchell travels to the underworld
    There is a big fight?
    three becomes four as Annie returns and briefly five - is that the danger within?
    Mitchell appearer in a compound of some sort possibly in flashback - what I guessed from ATs talk with MrP
    Kia Owen, Lacy Turner and possibly Robson Green as a werewolf join the cast

    And a vampire orgy - which I'm guessing here but you might one particular vampire to star in.

    anything I've missed?

    Oh something sick vampires did to werewolves in the 20th century that Mitchell may or may not have been part of.

    small note if they are doing despicable anti-werewolf behaviour flashback does that mean we get to see Seth again?

  • Comment number 35.

    Dorina - I am madly jealous. Unwashed AT, who couldn't even be arsed to brush his teeth? Mmmmmm (no, I aren't joking, I LOVE a skanky fella!)
    Thanks for putting this up BH prod team, I wish I'd known/checked my emails in advance, I coulda been there! :(

    I'm glad I don't have to work with Russell, I'd be corpsing every couple of minutes. His 'making love to the camera' is unforgettable!

  • Comment number 36.

    Comi con vid about series 2 but Toby isn't that clear

  • Comment number 37.

    more volume wise than anything he say's

  • Comment number 38.

    According to this Robson Green is a definate now.

  • Comment number 39.

    thanks Jan Conformation is always good and it seems he has a bigger role to play than just a guest star, will he be the werewolf equivalent of Ivan seemingly cool and collected but really tired of it all? and will he and Mitchell have any history were not touched in the article but that just means we'll have to wait and see.

  • Comment number 40.

    Another vid from SDCC with Aidan!! Enjoy :))

  • Comment number 41.

    Good evening darlings and a special hi to all newcomers to the BHblog. Special hi to another Northernbird...not enough of us around!

    The vampire orgy...apparently (not saying who told us) they were so..'at it' that they had to request more talc for the 'chaffing'....!mind in overload over that titbit....

    ewan...you've forgotten that Mitchell finds love in BH3..whether he keeps it is another issue.
    Also...and just remembered this from my question to Aidan..he possibly goes 'through the door' to rescue Annie with someone who can travel back and forth through the door...stragiht up from the gorgeous lips himself....but note the word possibly...because Aidan followed this with 'dunno' when I asked how he could do such a thing!

    Issydalek...with you on the Russell using had sanitiser thing...what about his comments on the waffles?...I'm sure whoever gave them to him will think twice about giving anything to Russell in future seeing as 'just shaking hands' is all he wants..

    Jooos...true about Piratemoose...but me?..you really need to go to Specsavers darling!

    Can't remember but somwone asked about Coin teague...he told us he'd been on the razzle with Aidan the night before in Cardiff for the wrap party for Block 1 ..unlike Aidan he'd made it on time to LFCC and looked perfectly ok...maybe slightly older men can take it and yonger men...obviously can't!

    Not had time to look at anything SDCC related today due to family being over but will look later. I did retweet this am a pic of the fab 4 at their entrance to the screening of first eps of Bh2.....Sinead the star I thought...Aidan at least had washed ...but what was going on with that bushy hair?

  • Comment number 42.

    Thanks to everyone for putting up the links for vids from SDCC. x

  • Comment number 43.

    Hi Dorina - I suspect Aidan may be suffering with bushy hair due to the humidity in San Diego?!! lol It's a common problem!

  • Comment number 44.

    40. Birkin, thanks for the link. Notice AT and LC sitting very very close to each other, and then a big gap to Toby. I see......

  • Comment number 45.

    Ok, you've probably already seen this vid, but I just found it out and wanna share with you!!

  • Comment number 46.

    Thankyou birkin (45), I hadn't seen that one.

  • Comment number 47.

    Ewan & Birkin: Thanks for those vids...will catch up with the latter one later!x

  • Comment number 48.

    Birkin thanks once again for sharing with us. You are very good at finding them

  • Comment number 49.

    Hehe, thank you, I'm really really glad you enjoyed it :D

  • Comment number 50.


    Thank you for those great video's 'Birkin'....

  • Comment number 51.

    45 - Don't forget the werewolves Birkin

    [Unsuitable/Broken URL removed by Moderator]

  • Comment number 52.

    birkin...thanks for the links..gotta say i gave up listening to the interview with toby as he sound was so poor. The one with aidan wasn'r much better but have to say i've never heard Aidan say so much in response to a question before! Trying to impress an gomerican audience or what Mr Turner..way to go!

    ..and those of us who have seen Aidan and lenora together in recent events over the last 9 months are not the least bit surprised to seeing them cosying up together...not reading anything into the gap between them and Toby ...just a gap!

  • Comment number 53.

    41 - yep there is always one thing I forget. When it is time for another list I'll try to remember to put that up.

  • Comment number 54.

    Dorina: Agree with you about the sound quality on the more intimate vids...Aidan was pretty animated....the last time I heard him as talkative as that was the interview he gave about Rossetti's character for Desperate Romantics! Nice to see him and Lenora looking comfortable...Russell's entrance was somewhat dramatic and Sinead was of course looking amazing.

  • Comment number 55.

    Hello all! I've been reliably informed by Dorina that this is the place to be for all the BH goss! *waves*

    Absolutely loved LFCC, met some lovely people (and that's not even including the BH cast!) and found out about this place. The video is excellent- I was there when the camera panned around with the many photo-takers. Wish I could've gone to SDCC!

  • Comment number 56.

    @Ewan: That's a really quite terrible oversight! Lovely seeing Sinead and Russell, they're very nice and sweet!!

  • Comment number 57.

    I got almost every other plot point down and Mitchell having a love interest is admittedly a big point to miss it's not like there wasn't Lauren in series 1 then Lucy in series 2

    if you want a talk about it will Mitchell's love this series end tragically as the others did.
    whoever it is they would do well to stay away from sharp pieces of wood.

  • Comment number 58.

    52.Dorina. By mentioning the gap I was emphasising the closeness of AT & LC.

    Ewan I hope Mitchells love interest doesn't follow the same old formula as in S1&2.

    Welcome to the blog Ann.

  • Comment number 59.

    Hey all, long time no blog :)
    Liking the video.. my God they are lush aren't they!! Beautiful! Hope everyone who went had a lovely time.
    Lenora was clearly looking as gorgeous as ever.. lucky sod!
    I don't think I can explain how much I love Russell! Everytime I see him, I love him that bit more... *looks dreamy* He makes me laugh with his quirks, using the hand sanitiser (he looked so pleased to see it!), I have to say I would be the same I think lol.
    Also had a chuckle about his comment about the waffles.. Understandable I think. I know I am rather the hypochondriac and worrier, but I think I would say the same as him. You just don't kknow nowadays do you?!!!
    Deadlysecret... hello my dear, I have to agree with you about the gap enunciating the closeness of AT and LC. If I am reading it right, you were merely stating that fact, not that there was any friction or anything just because there was a gap between them and and the Tobemeister. Is that right? ha! Hope you are alright dear!
    Oh and hi new bloggers :)
    Hope everyone else is well

  • Comment number 60.

    Just watched the vid again and have to say how I understand about RT and the waffles and sanitising his hands. As a teacher, and even more so as a senior teacher, I'm constantly having to shake hands with parents and I always give them a good scrub afterwards. I'm also given all kinds of pressies of food and again I don't touch them, you can never be too careful.
    Must say that R T comes across as a really nice chap.

  • Comment number 61.

    hahaha!! DS... snap! Weird :)

  • Comment number 62.

    Hi LBH, yep I wasn't inferring at all any friction between AT, LC and Toby. I was emphasising the closeness of AT and LC.I'm glad you understood it ok.

  • Comment number 63.

    Just wanted to raise a really important and significant point...Lenora looks really good in hats - that's not fair - when I wear hats I look like the lovechild of postman pat and a victorian chimney sweep lol...like I said - reaaaaaally important that was mentioned I think lol.

    Wishing them all safe flights back today and if I remember rightly they start filming again tomorrow...no rest for the wicked :-) xx

  • Comment number 64.

    Ah good.. Glad I was right for once!! Makes a change! But yeah I watched it when you had mentioned it and I completely agree... most definitely cosying up, but not in anyway bad atmosphere for the Tobe! :D

  • Comment number 65.

    Photo of the Fab Four signing at SDCC

    Ann...welcome to the BHblog darling

  • Comment number 66.

    Aww as for the closeness of her good self an mr turner think that's lovely I mean they've been together a while now and always felt the need to sort of hide it - well my hide it but almost not "flaunt it" where the fans might see... possibly lenora fears getting her eyes scratched out my a few hundred angry fangirls lol so that's quite nice to see just a lil bit of closeness even if it is only scooching a chair up lol

  • Comment number 67.

    LBH, great minds think alike.:-)

  • Comment number 68.

    I did of course mean and - still not great at typing on the iPhone lol

  • Comment number 69.

    67 - they do indeed!! Although you know, I do have to kind of warn you off RT... he is mine!! lol ;)

  • Comment number 70.

    check out Aidan!!!!!

  • Comment number 71.

    LBH, he's all yours, I want AT, but RT has grown on me a lot, he's a nice bloke & i'd like him as a brother!

  • Comment number 72.

    DS - I know. Everyone loves AT... :( Gotta love a bit of the Russ and his smashing arse!! Hehe. I think he is just hilarious!! Bless him!

  • Comment number 73.

    I can't imagine BH without Nina:

  • Comment number 74.

    RT is soo cute! I did chuckle at the hand sanitiser bit though - I carry a baby bottle of the stuff in my bag incase of emergencies!

  • Comment number 75.

    Ooh dorina it won't let me play it on phone but will put laptop on in a minute for a look! :-)

    and deadlysecret - the only person who would ever wanna hear that is your actual brother lol

  • Comment number 76.

    74 - hahaha! Love it!! You are as bad as eachother!

  • Comment number 77.

    Lol Dorina love it but...is Aidan wearing lipstick..AGAIN oh someone needs to have words with that boy lol he needs to stop kissing the women does he not realise it rubs off? :-P I loved the "gotta go do stuff now"

  • Comment number 78.

    all four of the cast get interviewed on youtube hope the link stays this time see 51

  • Comment number 79.

    This makes me cringe!

  • Comment number 80.

    Lol 79 that made me laugh I hadn't seen that one so thank you! Not sure about the interviewing skills but our 4 looked GREAT lol all very funny and charming but for goodness sake Aidan keep your eyes in your head lol he's such a tart I love it :-P

  • Comment number 81.

    74. laurar I do to, and one in the car, and one in my desk,and one in the stockroom!
    75. EE, He's be honoured to be my brother.

    Thanks everyone for all the links to Comic-Con, so nice that everyone shares.

  • Comment number 82.

    79. laurar just watched it. the interviewer didn't know a thing about them!!! Dear God, they made her look a realidiot and she didn't even realise.

  • Comment number 83.

    79 - I did have a thought 10 seconds and an picture and she could have done better. the blow off method was a classic.
    again know the way to the bathroom but not the stars of being human for shame.

  • Comment number 84.

    Its shocking isn't it?! I hope that woman is suitably ashamed of herself. Haha

  • Comment number 85.

    Thanks for sharing links everyone :) that last one was so amateurish it looked like a spoof!

  • Comment number 86.

    Hi all, nice to see all the US comic-con stuff too. I just got back from seeing Inception which I thought was brilliant, and guess what? I noticed Lloyd Pinky has a cameo in it. I wondered where he got to when he escaped from CenSSA.

  • Comment number 87.

    Yaaay someone noticed mark's bit without me banging on about it hehehe I haven't seen it yet is he good? Who am I kidding course he is lol he said it's about 3.5 seconds was that an exageration or is really that short lol either way one of the biggest films of the summer so way to go! I'm dying to see it but I used to work in the cinema and have recently left on not so great terms so it's a bit awkward lol! Is it worth a DVD buy d'you reckon? :-)

  • Comment number 88.

    79. Laurar. I just can't stop watching this, its weirdly compelling to watch the four of them, but especially AT and RT ,really making the interviewer look a total and utter ........
    And she had no idea they were doing it!

  • Comment number 89.

    DS - I know! Its hillarious isnt it? They are so unimpressed by her. I love it!

  • Comment number 90.

    [86] Blackdog23 - So it was Lloyd! I thought it was! :D

  • Comment number 91.

    I still like the moment where Aidan realises he's left himself as the vampire so pauses and claims to be the zombie. A moment to be proud of.

  • Comment number 92.

    Afternoon bloggers...been walking by the sea so missed all these lovely SDCC links this pm

    Laurar...know what you mean about the cringe worthyness of that interview but agree with Eagle that it made me laugh...mainly because of their send up of the so-called interviewer. And Aidan Turner ...no way must you shave your hair off lovely boy!

    Thought the Fear.net link interview put up by ewan was great..all the guys are articulate in it and give away an amazing amount of info to the American audience for the start of 'season' (can't get use to that word...or even like it) 2...believe that BH2 kicks off tonight or tomorrow on Ö÷²¥´óÐã America. And all four of them looked so cute and grrrr gorgeous.

    Has anyone found a link yet to the BH Comic Con panel talk?

  • Comment number 93.

    not yet but be assured the race is on first seen first posted gets full bragging rights. the problem is I know it will come when I'm out and I will lose the thought is not pleasing as I like to brag.

  • Comment number 94.

    Love the comic con video.... i was there :)))) can't wait for series 3

  • Comment number 95.

    Hey, hey! New blog video, thanks BHP! This has made my hungover day at work so much better! Jelous of all u lot who went hehe, they look gorgeous!

    And Laurar - That video was so funny, surely wou would do a wee bit of research first???

    There are loads of videos from SD up on the livejournal! Especially liking the one where lenora takes over the camera - ATs face is classic haha.

  • Comment number 96.

    *you, sorry!

  • Comment number 97.

    27. If you look in the vid link you see that LC and AT after they link arms then briefly hold hands before separating bless.

  • Comment number 98.

    (90 + 87) Yeps it was our man in the film he really is just a walk on, or should I say walk past part and he looks into the camera. Less than 3.5 seconds but for me to recognise him straight away lol.

    By the way a small birdie told me that BHP were doing some small bits of filming in Bristol recently. I have to say the location that someone mentioned to me about was unfortunately not the old house I must say. However if it's true then the location they were filming on is a great place that should of used before.

  • Comment number 99.

    That is information that could be flashbacks but the team are in California so does that mean. (smile full of glee) Herrick?

  • Comment number 100.

    Or just the police investigating something no you said new location so I will not stop believing that it is the man himself. Jason Watkins might mean Cara as well though?


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