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Garret Keogh, Online Editor | 23:50 UK time, Thursday, 1 July 2010

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We here at the BH Blog are men/women/werewolves of our word, so when we asked you to send in your good luck messages to the cast and crew we made sure they saw them.

Unfortunately we could only take a small selection, but like ninjas we crept in early and slipped them into each script for the read through. The whole team were buzzing to know that fans everywhere were wishing them the best for BH3, and wanted to personally thank you in this BH Blog video. High fives to everyone who got involved *slap*

Stay with us over the coming weeks as we've got more goodies up our metaphorical sleeve, including the director's-eye view from Colin Teague direct from the BH3 set.

That's coming soon to a blog near you...

(This one, to be precise.)


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  • Comment number 1.

    Awww, bless 'em all. Such beautiful people, in more ways than one, just brimming over with talent. Thanks for all your hard work BH team!

  • Comment number 2.

    Oh my sweet god!! Thankyou BHP - you absolute stars! xxx

  • Comment number 3.

    Nope, sorry blog team you can't just come crawling back after leaving us for weeks with no word not even a quick tweet and...and...y'know what...I think we should see other people...and...and...Ohhhh ok you've twisted my arm...1 last time but if this video isn't good then it's over between us!

    Ok then - it's a lovely video :-) very sweet...Blog team...you're on the way to being forgiven but I'm gonna expect some super special treatment over the next few weeks...I think it's gonna take a bit of Aidan before you're *completely* back in the good books ;-)

    Now wishing I'd sent them a proper good luck message though but didn't know what to say really :-S glad they realise how much their fans appreciate them though :-)

    Joking aside - thanks for the new video blog team :-)

  • Comment number 4.

    Holy at this late hour just before I go to Bed a new blog Awesome thanks BHP

  • Comment number 5.

    Oh and EE how should are hopes be for another Vid high/low? please say high but I am aware a new program may mean more waiting but doesn't mean I can't hope.

  • Comment number 6.

    Hey Ewan how are you?

    Sorry video is pretty much not happening at the moment I do have my lovely shiny new computer :-) however I haven't figured out how to get the video into the right format have downloaded a ridiculous amount of different converters none of which have worked lol probably just me being a numpty and as soon as I have the time I'll sit and do have a proper go I promise :-) may be a while though but I'm sure we'll start getting some more blog videos now anyway...they need to keep us satisfied they would hate us to stray I'm sure :-D

  • Comment number 7.

    I'm Good thanks for asking, but bad news about the whole conversion issues your having. Good luck in the future I'm guessing that by now you have all the plans and none of the access but hopefully the right conversion program will be found and that the blogs will recover from their dry spot.

    Also seeing the video slightly wishing I'd given myself a more comment worthy name.

  • Comment number 8.

    Oh and I gotta say I am loving Mr Phil :-D more of him please...Also lovely to see Derek and Kai in the background :-D can we pleaaaaaaase have some more of those 2 lovely gorgeous men?? :-D

  • Comment number 9.

    Lol I'm sure I'll figure it out :-) have yet again had my hours cut at work (6 shifts in 3 weeks it's getting ridiculous :-() so you'd think I'd have loaaaads of time on my hand but have been helping my lovely nan out getting her garden sorted and also been buying and selling doing a bit of del-boying to make up for complete lack of funds from my job which actually takes up a ridiculous amount of time lol but glad you like my videos Ewan :-) and the name is fine :-P although I have to say I love "piratemoose" too makes me giggle :-)

  • Comment number 10.

    Is it just me being strange but I got a weidr visual of a three wheeled van with an Eagle in profile on the side.
    Just me still good luck and always a shame about the new work to make up for lack of old work taking more toe than the old work. I think that came out right but I'm never sure.

  • Comment number 11.

    Lol I understand...you know what Ewan if you can find me that van I would love you forever it sounds fantastic lol always did want Del Boy and Rodney's van :-D I don't care that our lord God Whithouse doesn't like it I think it's a brilliant program :-D

  • Comment number 12.

    Well I'm not even that good an artist I'm afraid but there is bound to be one on the blog if you ask nicely.
    Now I'm going now so good night and be careful to check the bars still there before you lean.

  • Comment number 13.

    Can't wait to see you all at San Diego Comic Con in a few weeks! :D

  • Comment number 14.

    Julie, please take video at SDCC, we will ALL love you!!

  • Comment number 15.

    Obviously all the angst generated here got through to BHProd LOL Though it is very nice to know they actually read the messages :)

    Hoping we get some behind-the-scenes/on-the-set type diaries soon.

    Oh and thanks Mr P for burning the midnight oil to put this up.

  • Comment number 16.

    Holy moley! They said my name! Wow, thank you so much for passing on my message BHProd! That has absolutely made my day! Thank you!!! :D

    Thank you BH cast and crew for everything you put into the series and for all the extras [like the Blog]! :D

    Now, please excuse me while I go and squee the house down...! *grin*

  • Comment number 17.


    Having spent some time watching BH Series 1 and 2 on DVD it was upsetting that there were no cast and crew commentaries. Can someone suggest that please?

    If they don't do it soon the people involved will drift away and be busy elsewhere. The commentaries I have enjoyed most were the ones where they have the cast/crew sitting in-screen. Having the production team and cast together often gives the viewer a more intimate snapshot of how some of the tech work was carried out as well as the cast getting another chance to tell their anecdotes.

    Tom in Oz.

    PS Hope all is going well for the current shoot and those guest stars are not too demanding!

  • Comment number 18.

    Hey! Thanks BHP and all everyone else!

    Oh my, I didn't know my message was on there! Woo!

    And why did I make my name so insanely long haham?!

  • Comment number 19.

    So how is everyone anyway? Long time no blog! Hope you're all well :-) xx

  • Comment number 20.

    plotting and planing possible scenarios that could appear in series three and what could the 'threat from within' be. also working out an idea in my head of a possible way to have them tun on each other that I'm going to save till a week before airing to share.

  • Comment number 21.

    Wow...hah!! Didn't I say they'd come up with something good shortly?

    Thanks all the cast and crew and BH Prod team, Uncle Tom Cobbleigh and all, for that little video....I suspect Aidan was hiding! Lovely to know that our messages got thru.

    Hope Aidan and Toby had wonderful birthdays and best wishes to all for the filming...we haven't forgotten you, not really!!

    Break legs, guys!xxx

  • Comment number 22.

    Barry P: Sorry missed u out of the blog post there...bet you've been working your butt off so a BIG thanks to you and your team for being sorted and stuff. Whoever it was who picked my message, thank them for me please! Was surprised to say the least. Am sure you're having a brilliant time in Wales...Wales...Wales..Wales... and look forward to seeing your latest personal blog...when you have time that is, so not for a millenia or two...loved the Broken Britain poem..hehe

    Admiration, awe and respect to you & yours xx

  • Comment number 23.

    Aw, thankyou for showing us this Mr. Pilling. Wish I'd left a message now. lol
    Don't forget all of us fans who don't comment on the blog so much these days....we're all still following everything that's going on you know and love you all!
    Looking forward to the next blog vid now, and hopefully it'll feature Aidan.
    Love joooos

  • Comment number 24.

    Well done to all you guys that got a mention....totally should've prepared a name a bit more out there for myself but never mind lol x

  • Comment number 25.

    And for all those not in the UK not yet viewing this new blog I found it for you

  • Comment number 26.

    Yay! Thanks for saying thanks back! No Problem the pleasure is all ours!! of course that's if i may speak on behalf of all of us faithful here?..... I can't wait to see the new show! Omg it's going to be a total and absolute triumph!! *Hugs* Yay! :o) xxxxxx

  • Comment number 27.

    It is quite cool that they actually did read them. Was it just the one page that they got, and was it the same page for each of them??
    One is rather curious...

  • Comment number 28.

    I think it was one double sided page SK made reference to reading the others on the blog so if you name was mentioned then you were on the sheet.

  • Comment number 29.

    It is lovely that thet actually got the messages, and that they responded to them. I dont think i even made an actual specific comment to them, which is quite random really. But i'm not complaining - yay!

  • Comment number 30.

    Well at least your not going through cool name envy when you hear people comment on the coolness of other peoples names.

  • Comment number 31.

    My names crap. Theres no point pretending it isnt!

  • Comment number 32.

    All names can seem that way if I'd been in a clever mood what I'd have chosen as a name might have been obscure reference 'quince-scared' or a Celtic birth name but no I was in unoriginal mode. shame.

  • Comment number 33.

    sorry that doesn't work that means 5 scars. Unless four scars seen and one big emotional? No too obscure?

  • Comment number 34.

    Hi all, hope everyone is doing well.

    BHP thanks for the new blog and putting it on YourTube.

    25 - Bless you ewan for posting the link.

  • Comment number 35.

    A BIG thanks/hugs Ewan for making sure us people on the opposite side of the planet get to see the YouTube versions of the blog vids.

    News to the colonies just trickles through some days!

    Tom in Oz

    c/o Russell Tovey - A Star In The Making

  • Comment number 36.

    Whats the deal on sunday nights now?

  • Comment number 37.

    oh didnt hear my name but ohh well

  • Comment number 38.

    Hi everyone...just returned from Spain and back to a rainy NW of England..ah well!
    Thanks to Lenora, Sinead, Russell, Toby and Phil for their lovely comments...special hi darling to Sinead as I know she pops on here from time to time. I'm thrilled they all received our messages and of course huge love to Mr P and team for making it happen. Sorry about the no Bafta...you were robbed!

  • Comment number 39.

    Awww, just been rewatching some old blogs. BHP really are good to us when they're on form. Just want to say a massive thankyou for that - even though we moan alot, we love you alot too! x

  • Comment number 40.

    ewan [33] - sounds good to me, my login means nothing whatsoever.
    Going to have a new scar soon though when my bandage comes off...that'll be three for me then.

    [recently sat on a folding table without realising it was a folding table, wher it then promptly folded beneath me and onto my finger, chopping the tip off. I've been telling people I was in a fight with a rabid swan to save face]

  • Comment number 41.

    Laurar [39] - my favorite is the one where they talk about the ghost babies
    thanks BHP for the most fabulous blog ever!

  • Comment number 42.

    Jemmerzem - my favourites are the video diaries, or any where they are all in it together really. I hope, hope, hope that we get more of the same this time around

  • Comment number 43.

    Got bored did another quiz

  • Comment number 44.

    43 Thanks Ewan! Won't get a chance to do it tonight as packing for short holiday after three day trips in a row but will check it out when I get back.

  • Comment number 45.

    enjoy and have a good trip.

  • Comment number 46.

    Do you reckon we'll find out what comments they actually got?

  • Comment number 47.

    46 - As to that check the blog where they ask for our support then listen to the names mentioned and you get the answer to that question.
    speaking of answers.

  • Comment number 48.

    I've done that, but theres multiple entries from people who were mentioned. I'm just curious is all

  • Comment number 49.

    Ok then it is the twitpic you might have to search for that and the pause button nad the blog mentioned. If you really want to know it's either that or bug MrP until he gives in but you may not be popular by the end of it.

    sorry I can't be more help.

  • Comment number 50.

    thats fine, haha! Like I said, I'm just curious

  • Comment number 51.

    Ah well even I don't have that much time

  • Comment number 52.

    new pic of Aidan put up on twitter by the BHBProduction Team

    the lovely boy's looking thinner...I'm starting a campaign to get chocs to him!

  • Comment number 53.

    And one of Marcus

    with a smile to be noticed

  • Comment number 54.

    Hi everyone...this is my last blog post as I'm flying off to Australia tomorrow where I'll be living with my man for the next two years. I won't be able to see the blog vids or series 3 of Being Human the same time as all of you ...I'll just have to wait for the DVD *sighs*
    First up....I want to say bye and cheers to all BH bloggers, especially those who have been blogging since March 2009 when I first blogged here. I know a lot of those original bloggers have stopped blogging but I hope they return as this blog was..and is...the best Ö÷²¥´óÐã blog. That of course is down to the wonderful Barry Pilling and his team ( hello Geoff!) Cheers guys..you're the best!

    Second up...bye to all cast and crew of Being Human..especially to my lovely fellow Dubliners....thanks for all the fantastic tv , videos and laughs you've given me over the last 2 years. All power to your writing elbow Lord Toby. I'll be spreading the word about Being Human down under and see if I get encourage more watchers.

    Cheers to all of you...it's been a blast!

  • Comment number 55.

    Evening everyone!

    Hello Brown...lovely to hear from you again. Hopefully you will still be able to see the blog vids as Mr. Pilling is usually so kind as to put them up on You Tube so that people outside the UK can see them.
    You'll have a wonderful time in Oz, and hopefully we'll hear from you on this blog again soon. x

  • Comment number 56.

    Evening all!

    Brown: Awwww... *sniff, sniff* ....just thinking of all the laughs we've had blogging the kind of stuff we did, and also hoping in the BH Production Team, cast, etc, no-one ever gets to know our real identities for reasons I'm sure most of them have worked out...hehe...actually, its a bit late for that cos at least 2 of them already do. I already have my new identity sorted & my passport is on its way to me for a quick escape should I need it, but you're making your escape to the other side of the world imminently. Where has this last year gone??

    All the best to you and yours...have a wonderful life out there, mind the spiders especially the little red ones that hide under the loo seats (they call loos "dunnies" out there...just thought you'd like a bit of inside info)..so don't forget to check regularly cos they bite! Check out YT regularly for the vids as they're kindly being put on there by Mr P and co who attend to our every BH need...almost...

    Best wishes to you both hun!xxxx

  • Comment number 57.

    all the best in Oz Brown - a special thanks to you for your vids - esp The Clinic ones - and getting me into Snow Patrol! Have a great time.

  • Comment number 58.

    Ah browneyes your leaving us well, TOM in OZ still comments here despite where he is so hopefully this isn't goodbye for ever just good bye to regular hours. as always it will be a race to see who can put the link to youtube up first for those out of the country.

  • Comment number 59.

    Think I've fallen in love with Sinead all over again, by the way hiya folks I've haven't been on here in ages. Hope you're all hanging on in there till January?

  • Comment number 60.

    Brown you nearly made me cry! Have tweeted you and also sent you a YouTube message :-) I will of course miss you have missed you lots recently as it is! Anyway I know this is something you have been wanting/planning for a while now so I hope you and man have a great time and hope it's everything you've been hoping. Please do stay in touch sending love, hugs and lots of good luck across the pond xxxx miss you already!! xxxx

  • Comment number 61.

    Well there are good days and bad days losing a blogger is bad, when donating platelets and finding out the nurse who is impaling your arm is a BH fan a good day, sort of it still hurts.

  • Comment number 62.

    I will miss you Brown....Im out of touch a bit myself, having moved from one side of my town to the other...and no internet for 8 days...I knew Bh was filming , so its nice to catch up on the Bh videos and blogs....I even forgot Aidans Birthday... well I did have a week in Whitby before all that packing....so hes a beautiful gorgous 27 year old now......

  • Comment number 63.

    Hi all, Like brilliant, I have also been a bit out of touch recently but am loving this blog...what little sweethearts they all are.

    I will miss brown too (I knew eventually she would have to step down gracefully and leave the vampire for me and anglo to fight over...hehe) Have a great time brown.

    Thanks for the piccie Dorina....how can he be getting thinner?....the man never stops eating.

    Anyway.....how many sleeps til S3?

  • Comment number 64.

    Too many sleeps! Father Christmas has to come first!

  • Comment number 65.

    Oh not him again....I seem to remember spending last Christmas just wishing the beardy-man would hurry up and get out the way so January could come.

  • Comment number 66.

    I know, January is a looong time off yet.
    Here's hoping to loads of blog stuff to keep us entertained...

  • Comment number 67.


    Meant to say good luck to brownirisheyes! Sounds like you'll have an amazing time and I'm sure you'll reach the nice folk on here at some point in the future, all the best!

    How we all doing?

  • Comment number 68.

    Bye for now brownirisheyes...hopefully you'll let us know either here or on Twitter how it goes for you down under. I'm going to miss your insightful and witty blog posts...and all those lovely Aidan filled videos you made ( I have them stored on my YT faves so will think of you when I watch them.) Have a great few years whereever you're going to be in Aus.

    Brilliant and vampfan...long time no hear!..great to see you back on here and hope it continues.
    Now..vampfan...you know what I'm going to say ....the vampire kissed me you will recall ( ok...albeit probably accidently but I'm developing a selective memory in this regard)...so no way can he be left to the clutches of you and anglo!

  • Comment number 69.

    Hello. Just showing my face and saying hello bloggers!!

    Great to see Brilliantmighty and Vampfan back again. How are you both? Keeping well I hope.

  • Comment number 70.

    Evening bloggers...hope you're all well.

    Vampfan: (63) Hey there, good to hear from you again...BH Prod are indeed sweeties, taking time to give us what we need...but we won't go there at the moment..no doubt when BH3 begins, you and I will be battling for supremacy and a certain vampire again, now that Brown isn't around...but I do believe there will be plenty eager to fill her shoes...I do miss our little conversations. I'm not sure how he's become so lean in the face...what are they doing to him I wonder?

    DGTTD: I'm fine...hope you're well too...I must pop back later as I will on and off here and elsewhere tonight...see you later if you're around!

    Can't wait for S3...wonder if it is going to be on in the Autumn?..

  • Comment number 71.

    Hi to you too Dorina.....I see we're all starting to get a bit possessive again.lol. It's like the old days! I would say that there's plenty of Aidan to go round, but that just doesn't seem to be the case anymore as he's looking so slim. I'm offering to feed him pies! lol

  • Comment number 72.

    Oh, and hello to you too anglo...and DGTTD..hi! I'm good thanks. I'm eagerly awaiting the next blog post and I'm sure it's gonna be a corker!

  • Comment number 73.

    hi joooos and anglo....I hate to mention THAT kiss again ( no...I love to mention THAT kiss again...) but as Aidan's chosen blogger I offer my services to head to Cardiff forthwith armed with chocolate and any goodies you want to send me to feed up the gorgeous one...I'm worried about him...he's fading away!

  • Comment number 74.

    And so it begins hehe. SO Dorina, what's this incident you may have mentioned? Hehe.

    Anglo - I would love S3 to start in Autumn. There seems to be much debate whether it'll be on this year or the next. It's gonna be next year though aint it. Darn!

  • Comment number 75.

    Dorina (73): I see you're in dreamland again! Hopefully we'll get a good look at Aidan in the next blog video and we can make a full assessment of his needs then! lol

  • Comment number 76.

    Joooos, Dorina, DGTTD: Evening girls...glad we're all gettin' in the mood, so to speak! Well, we do need the practice...its been ages since we frightened the BH Production Team and Mr Pilling, not to mention a certain Irishman..

    Dorina: Kiss?...what kiss was that, then?...have you mentioned it before?..hehe

    DGTTD: Yes, I think it'll be January...but it would be nice to get it in October so I don't work myself up into a frenzy and kvetch until Christmas...I'd prefer to deal with it in the autumn and relax over Christmas...would love to see a re-run of S1 and then S2 for any newbies who are keen to see everything from scratch so they can understand S3 of course...would there be any other reason why I'd suggesting seeing the first two series again?..

  • Comment number 77.

    DGTTD. Hi. I'm afraid I'm thinking it will be January, but at least it wont've been rushed. I reckon they're filming earlier this year, than last, cos Aidan, Russell, Lenora and Sinead seem to have much more other work on other projects now...which is good, obviously...but I'd like to see series 3 this year.

  • Comment number 78.

    Heyo to all. Yeah, I believe that may indeed be the case. I've never wanted a year to pass quickly before haha! But it will mean the new season will be fantastic.

    Gettin in the mood hehe! This is what deprivation does haha! Oh dear..

  • Comment number 79.

    DGTTD: I think the Being Human production team like to deprive us and leave us begging for more! We are completely at their mercy. lol

  • Comment number 80.

    True true hehe. It works!

  • Comment number 81.

    Joooos, DGTTD: Yeah, anything to keep their hold over us...make us grovel and beg lol..XD

  • Comment number 82.

    DGTTD..sorry I missed you earlier darling...sooo good evening to you...my incident/...well..the wild passionate snog Aidan gave me of course (..only a very slight exaggeration there)

    BHProduction Team...do you have any word on when BH3 will hit the screens?...I have promised to take my little mum away for a week in either Nov or Jan but cannot possibly plan this until I know when BH3 will air...don't want to miss it! ( sorry mum!)

    And also BHProduction Team...as you can see...we are close to sending food parcels to Aidan as he may be wasting away...a new blog vid..a very long blog vid please...is needed with the Irishman at the centre so that we can determine his physical state...all in the cause of first aid you understand...

  • Comment number 83.

    Dorina: (82) And so say all of us!

  • Comment number 84.

    So, any news on Herrick then?

  • Comment number 85.

    Oh, I seem to have killed the conversation. Back to Aidan then....

  • Comment number 86.

    BHProduction Team...so many questions for you darlings...yes..the lovely Jason Watkins..what do we know about when he'll be in Cardiff?...and what will he be...revived vampire?...zombie?..somthing else?..answers on a postcard please....

  • Comment number 87.

    Dorina; I'm thinking some sort of hybid vampire-werewolf zombie thing. Toby's imagination is wild, so who knows eh?

  • Comment number 88.

    Evening all :)
    D - totally with you on the very long blog vid RE: Aidan's health...

  • Comment number 89.

    Hehe, shame on you Dorina! You all good today? Lucky you though! A girl can dream hehe.

  • Comment number 90.

    Morning all....Firstly, thanks for all the welcome backs....aawwww,all warm and fuzzy. Anyway everyone still seems on top form.

    Dorina (68)....Anglo, tell Dorina to stop trying to make me cry!!

    So have we had no clue or hint as to when S3 may be with us?

  • Comment number 91.

    Lol the thing is that really isn't that much of an exageration is it dorina stop being so modest :-D as for the date everyone in the know seems to be saying "early new year" so I'm praying january again (not just in case there's a premiere that might be on my birthday and I can get birthday kisses from the boys...honest...lol) I really hope there will be one again though I mean it went down a storm didn't it?! And it made us fans so so happy :-D

    Did I blog last Night in the end i really can't remember now and it's too much like hard work to scroll up on my phone lol so if I didn't - hi again VF and brilliant :-) long time no see! You need to
    come back to Twitter :-)

  • Comment number 92.

    thinking back to January and the special screenings at BAFTA and in Mayfair does bring a very warm feeling - strange given it was so very cold.
    But Im still hoping against hope that S3 will come this year. They are all now saying 2011 - but it will be finished by autumn - so why wait? Im guessing they don't really know - it will be up to the schedulers and marketers and Ö÷²¥´óÐã3 etc - there's still no sign of Russell's comedy so they do seem to be very moveable things. Which isnt good for our mental states!

  • Comment number 93.

    Hi Jooos, Eagle, Vampfan...it is good to be back, just like old times.!! Just been told I have series 2 as a late birthday pressie....Cant wait for series 3.! Aidan really has lost weight, your right we must keep him fed....he scoffed 2 lots of m&ms in Nottingham I gave him...ah....that was ages ago now...I was going to say 9 months, but thought that would set some of you off on the wrong foot, so to speak.!

  • Comment number 94.

    Haha BMQ not to mention the haribo the all those moam things and the lollies! :-P aww i miss them I really hope we get chance to see them and of course each other soon :-)

    Just read another thing about the US being human it's so confusing - renaming George Josh was a bit odd because it's so similar then apparently Annie is to be Molly...well I suppose George and Annie are very english names but to rename Mitchell Aidan?! That's just bizarre lol it's a proper Irish name so does that mean they're gonna keep the character Irish or just saw our Aidan and quite fancied the name? I did at first think that it was a journalist getting confused but have read it 2 different places now and it seems common knowledge amongst the fans (i've been a bit out of the loop I think lol)

    But confusion aside do any of you reckon you'll be watching the show online or when it comes to tv over here??

    I hope it does come to telly over here because let's face it true blood did really well and although I obviously think being human is better true blood was more well known so I reckon of the American show does the same a lot of british veiwers will go out of their way to wath our original...what d'ya reckon?

  • Comment number 95.

    That last bit made no sense lol sorry! What I mean is that people over here tend to go nuts for shows that have done well in the states nothing to do with true blood really just that it's also about a vampire and did well in America then came here and lots of people watched it...I'm hoping that the US BH gets the same reception - whatever your feelings about the remake if it does well it might encourage people to watch the original...hopefully that makes more sense lol

  • Comment number 96.

    I'm really not sure I want to see the American version - there'll be loads of recognisable bits and the characters will be a bit the same - but it will still be so different - I'll end up shouting at the screen which is not a good look. I liked True Blood at the beginning - but Ive got half the last series still unwatched on my box - and am still going back to BH for the nth rewatch - which says something.

  • Comment number 97.

    95 - trouble is if US BH comes here and people who havent seen our original BH like it and look up the original they'll always be comparing it with what they saw first - if that makes sense - so however good the original BH is it will be seen as inferior? The newbies would even get attached to the new Mitchell (yes "Aidan" as the vamps' US name is so wrong) and find the original AT/Mitchell odd - which is so so wrong.

  • Comment number 98.

    I think I'll have to watch it - in some ways I'm looking forward to it...like I say if it does well it might help our BH...but on the other hand I want it to spectacularly fail to prove that only Toby/Matt/Phil can make it well and only aidan lenora sinead and russell can bring it to life...but that's quite a childish view to have I know :-D

    As long as they don't forget about us when they get a few thousand more fans I don't mind lol :-D

  • Comment number 99.

    Ah I dunno though I mean remember most of us fans started as fans of a very different BH - obviously the pilot was written and produced by the same people and george was the same but apart from that and the basic premise the show was totally different to the series': different actors and a totally different tone and direction yet the majority of the fans (I think!) got used to the series and eventually grew to love it :-) I can't honestly say which I prefer - I go through phases of preferring the pilot but as I've said before it wouldn't have worked as a series Which obviously the lord Toby knew :-) yet because it's so different you can love both i think :-) hope that's the case anyway...

  • Comment number 100.

    Who knows what the new show will be like I just have one thought Aidan is not a very Jewish name as a result don't think it's the final name.


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