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Garret Keogh, Online Editor | 17:23 UK time, Friday, 20 August 2010

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When watching Being Human it's easy to forget that Nina is actually Sinead, George is actually Russell, Annie is actually Lenora and Mitchell actually owns shampoo. I mean, is Aidan.

The way the actors take on their characters so completely never fails to amaze us, so we wanted to find out more about what makes a great actor. This week we caught up with Sinead Keenan for her top tips on the matter, including her speciality... mastering accents.


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  • Comment number 1.

    Oh yes a Sinead Blog well worth the wait

  • Comment number 2.


  • Comment number 3.

    Oh...wasn't expecting a new vid so soon...bless you Mr P!

    And Sinead, Sinead....I honestly don't think I've met a more generous actor....giving of her time on twitter, with wonderful tips to aspiring actors on this lovely vid, or chatting to fans when she meets them...oh...and occasionally popping on here.

    Oh and Mr P...loving the 'Mitchell actually owns shampoo' line! ..what I want to know is...does he own toothpaste...!

  • Comment number 4.

    Sinead is an absolute diamond. Really lovely, i'm still amazed that she takes time out to tweet folk. And shes generally just fantastic!

  • Comment number 5.

    Sinead is amazing. Even when re-watching episodes, she always astounds me. And she seems like such a lovely person, too. Love her!

  • Comment number 6.

    Yeah, convinced Aidan doesn't own shampoo. Seems like a straight up, on sale at the shop, soap guy.

  • Comment number 7.

    Aww, Sinead is so, so lovely! :) Though, I have to admit, seeing those Nina bits again made me tear up a wee bit!

    A great new video - thanks Mr P [and Sinead!]! :D

  • Comment number 8.

    I was riveted to the spot listening to this,well,that put's me out as being an actress,I would NEVER remember my lines,although I do remember song lines well! lol

    Such a gorgeous lady Sinead is,lovely voice too,and such a BRILLIANT actress,wow the emotion's she show's in her performances there,lovely seeing those scene's again.

    I shall send this onto my Scottish friend who is an aspiring actress...Thank you very much for another fabulous blog Mr Pilling..could you find out what brand of shampoo Mr Turner use's..'Wash & Go' maybe,ha :O)...

    I adore you all!

  • Comment number 9.

    Thank you Mr P for answering our requests for more Sinead. We love you & the lovely Sinead. She has to be the nicest woman in showbiz. Great tips & keep em coming!
    Dorina (3) I too love the comment about Aidan & shampoo!

  • Comment number 10.

    What an actor Sinead is...and a generous one too, giving her time to tell us a little about her job. Much appreciated by us...and thanks again Barry for doing a blog video despite being busy editing, etc...thanks again!xx

  • Comment number 11.

    Hurrah for the basics, and lovely to see Sinead!

  • Comment number 12.

    Ah yay!:-) That actually really helped!
    Going to be using them in the future:)

  • Comment number 13.

    Well I may not act but the tips work for life as well, weird that.

  • Comment number 14.

    Aw, thankyou Mr Pilling for another excellent blog post. I certainly wasn't expecting one today.

    Sinead is fab! She's definitely my favourite Being Human actor and is very genuine too.

    Am also loving the "Mitchell actually owns shampoo" line, and as Dorina said, was also wondering if he owns toothpaste! lol

    Thanks again Mr P, have a great weekend.

  • Comment number 15.

    First, thanx for allowing these to play overseas.

    Second, thanx for allowing these to be embedded in other blogs.

    Third, since so many aspiring actors watch BH, it's great that this video provides actual and real advice in this form. This in its own way is a community service.

    Well done to all.

    Tom in Oz

  • Comment number 16.

    Yay!!! Three hoorays for BH prod and the Ö÷²¥´óÐã, that they made the vids available for us long-deprived fans who watch from outside UK.

    This one is further proof what fine people work on our beloved saga. Sinead is real credit to the title of the series, as are all the other actors and crew.

  • Comment number 17.

    That was lovely ..thank you!

  • Comment number 18.

    Well done Mr P.! Thanks for this lovely video of our wonderful Sinead :)
    Look, I keep finding bits about SDCC. I can't remember if we've already seen this one, so I'll post it anyway. Good night all, I love this blog!!!

    PS: Sorry I made a mistake and realised I had posted this msg on previous page!! :P

  • Comment number 19.

    OMG look what I found here:

    and here:
    I'd already seen two pics from this photoshoot on 'aidanturneronline' but they were tagged. Here we can have a view of the originals. Wow I've been lucky 2nite!!! Enjoy bloggers :))

  • Comment number 20.

    Best advice out of all of that - a job that doesn't eat away at your soul.

  • Comment number 21.

    LOL birkin,and I replied about your fabby link on the other blog post too!!!

    WOWZERS..lol..talk about Vampish!Those photos of the threesome are amazing!!They are just like top Models....Lenora is looking extremely Vampish,and Aidan,well....(faints) lol.Russell just looks adorableeeeeeeeeeeee..lol

    Thank you again birkin

  • Comment number 22.

    Hi Lorri, thanks for the comments. I added you on Twitter! These are very beautiful pics, but I found out they aren't new, they're from a photoshoot which was partly published on 'GT magazine' issue feb'09. :D

  • Comment number 23.

    Great blog. I love Sinead - nice to see her becoming ever more central. Ewan -this must have made your day! As for Aidan and his shampoo (or lack of), we love him however he comes, but I expect he's got the sort of hair that goes into an Afro every time its washed.I don't care about your personal hygiene, Aidan - I like a bit of man-musk.

  • Comment number 24.

    Does anyone know what in-between jobs our 4 have done? I seem to recall reading that Aidan's done a bit of burger-flipping but can't remember any further details on this.

  • Comment number 25.

    A long time ago in blogs past Russell stated he'd like an action figure of George I just worked out how it could work

    inside the head you have two sets of eyes that change from blue to yellow and when they do the mouth opens to reveal four overly long canines - now as to the switch it would have to be on the head and something that obviously protrudes.

    So thoughts on what the switch should be I really can't think of anything.

  • Comment number 26.

    I feel a bit bad saying this, Ewan, but....his ears?

  • Comment number 27.

    Really Jan how could you.......

    fall so easily into that trap

  • Comment number 28.

    Somebody was bound to say it - I don't mind being the fall guy. And I love him really. It's all said with affection.

  • Comment number 29.

    True, it does show how bored I am that I bothered to set the trap in the first place

  • Comment number 30.

    Hi again birkin!!

    Oh I don't mind how old the pics are,they are still fabby!! lol

    Yes,it's lovely having you on the twitter train with me!! :O))

    See you aroundddd

  • Comment number 31.

    I'm pleased to have been of service, Ewan. Quiet here today, isn't it. Do you think everyone else is at the V Festival apart from us?

  • Comment number 32.

    Hi, Lorri. You sent your post while I was talking to Ewan. So that's three of us then.

  • Comment number 33.

    Who knows where everyone is? maybe it's the lack of new information to tear apart for entirely wrong connections?
    still just going to DVD player and re watching old eps see you around. or look for the wolf on twitter.

  • Comment number 34.

    Hello there Jan,and birkin again too!

    What is this V Festival? I know Russell Tovey is there,was it some music festival,ooooo what fun,I should like to go to one of those...

    Enjoy your evenings

  • Comment number 35.


    i can remeber lines (i mean i can remember dizzie rasscles song lyrics to rap along to i dont know about a script)
    and i can be sort of dramatic mabey i could be an actress but i doubt that!
    oh yeah and i think aiden turners on something on tv i can hear it well ill have look at that! :)

  • Comment number 36.

    Oh,just looked at my online TV guide,and yes,it's a music festival after all! Oh goodie, they'll be showing highlight's of the event tomorow (Sunday)on Channel 4 at 5.30pm :O))

  • Comment number 37.

    Evening all...just a few lines!

    Jan: Aidan...burger-flipping?? Haven't heard that, must have been a while ago..he's done some stage work in Ireland at The Abbey and been in films over there (Alarm and others I can't recall) plus The Clinic, an Irish soap set in a doctors' surgery...also seen an advert with a pair of eyes on a poster which look suspiciously like his!! However, they may not be..can't remember what it was advertising either..sorry, I'm tired and senile these days..

    And to all those who are interested, Russell is starring in a series about two young people who are surgically attached to their bed, their flat, their computer and tv who don't work but love each other and live on benefits..called Him & Her on Ö÷²¥´óÐã Three I think on 6th September. Not for the faint-hearted but bound to be funny..check it out on Ö÷²¥´óÐã Three webpage..it also stars Sarah Solemani who was in Mrs Henderson presents if you ever saw that film.

    Goodnight all!x

  • Comment number 38.

    hey people thanks mr P so nice to hear from our favourite female werewolf.

    shes always so sweet and doesnt mind talking to us nut jobs thanks again guys

  • Comment number 39.


    Thanks BHP for posting a blog from the lovely SK! And some great advice too, she seems like such a lovely lass! Maybe we could get a wee video from Lenora?

    If only I could act haha...

  • Comment number 40.

    I second that haham!

  • Comment number 41.

    Been away all weekend so only just found this, thanks so much Mr P it is really lovely to see and hear Sinead.
    Also chuckled at the shampoo comment - but I did notice you carefully said MITCHELL owns shampoo we are still in the dark about whether Aidan does or not LOL

  • Comment number 42.

    Sinead is such a sweetheart :) Love the stab at Aidan about owning shampoo ha ha. He's just too damm sexy to care about his hairstyle anyway and to be honest.. he totally rocks the scruff look!

  • Comment number 43.

    oh yeah A.T wasnt on telly mum and dad were watching desperate romantics on recorder thinggey. well basicly he was on telly but...(confuseing)

  • Comment number 44.



    The writers of the [Ö÷²¥´óÐã] British Broadcasting Company series Being Human must begin to expand their character base and think outside of the box or die a short death. The long running series Dark Shadows was dying a rapid death in its beginning, until the advent of the character of Barnabus and the writters given full freedom to think and write outside of the box, then the series took off like a rocket, with several movies having been made spin off's of the series.


    In the series FOREVER KNIGHT, the characters that made the series take off was his long time French lover, and Vampire Night Club Owner and the Night Stalker Radio Voice of the Vampire Community.


    The new series THE GATES, has the full cast of Evil Succubus, White and Black Magic Wicken/Witches, all in a standoff behind a Gated Community in which neither is allow to hunt.


    The Ghost needs to have a way of communications, and that means a Medium an individual who hass the ability to communicate with those who have passed over, it would also be wise to bring in a Physic, a person who can see into the future. The Arch Enemy has been introduced now the characters must learn too accept just what they really are and that they are unique, and their abilities can either be put to good use or bad use, for the good of not only humans but of their own kind, the constant battle to deny what they are will very soon wear thin, a connection could be made to the series Sanctuary, as their is one Sanctuary in London. The Vampire has crossed the Rubicon, by killing a Chief Inspector of the London Police, and letting a convicted Child Abuser off which many who had a child abused will take as a slap in their face as they would do much worse to those that had abused their children and the member of their families would follow that settement.

    The trio could become the center of Sanctuary or gateway to such Sanctuary an open forum and house with contacts a hub for those of special powers if one wants, but the series needs to let the writters think outside the box, way outside the box, new characters new abilities, the Ghost and a Medium on one episode, a Witch/Wicken working with the Werewolf on another the sign of the Pentagram, but it must open up.


  • Comment number 45.


    Now, in the American Empire we had a [DJ] Disk Jockey named Wolf Man Jack, so George is looking for a job to fit with his new found man within and his [156 I.Q.], so why not a late night early morning Radio [DJ] of London, THE WOLF MAN OF LONDON, playing all the latest in music of his choice and talking to can in's humans and special persons, with code phrases, messages to and from members with in the community giving George the chance to let it all out and Howl At The Moon, Jazz, Rock, Country, music of his choice and conversation of his choice.

    No one need know that in the studio maybe a Ghost and he can have an open mike night for question to the Medium the Ghost it is time to give aire to all the possibilies, George needs a job and London needs a Wolf Man of London.


  • Comment number 46.

    grow up Hurcule the premise is being human fitting in with humans not like supernatural or the other shows whose whole premise is monster of the week being human relies on the bond between the characters and the slow expansion of the supernatural world not BAM a new villain or BAM a new monster every week it is about Mitchell and Annie George and Nina their relationships are what make the show great without having to rely on cheep gimmickry so until you watch the show enough to get that pleas, please to prevent yourself seeming so much the fool when you comment on the show.

    I'm not saying that to hurt you just help you this has been a public service announcement from the British please take heed.

  • Comment number 47.

    Oh and before I forget there have been Mediums and clairvoyants and communication from the other side of the door plus Lord Toby has promised a new supernatural appearing in series 3

  • Comment number 48.


    We respectfully disagree with your position, in todays economy you have to sell nothing is going to sell itself, the Canadians have gone back to the [1950's] approach to television and are selling products directly on the television programs they are producing, they are out and out advertising TWIZZLERS, on Warehouse 13, they are also airing commercials with one television series set of stars interacting with other television stars selling their series.

    When your in a good economy you can sell anyone anything, but in a bad economy you have to hawk your wares and you better be out their at the crack of dawn and until the late hours of the evening, at present [80%] Eighty percent of the American Empire lists the economy as Poor to Very Poor, and in case you push and you push hard.

    The series Being Human has potential, but it is a tool to sell products, the better the series does the better the product base does. If the British Public Service Announcement is we are simply above it all and will not lower ourselves to doing what is needed to improve the show or push the product in a poor economy, we hope that works out for you.

    If on the other hand, looking for the writers, products support merchants want money in the old pocket, outside of the box thinking and hard salesmanship in this economy would be the better choice.


  • Comment number 49.

    Oh dear Oh dear please try to understand as you said this is a product economy but in such an economy you get stores that sell good quality goods, the things you keep or if consumable keep buying. Then you have supermarkets or Malls where you are besieged by tasteless pap that fills you stomach and that is it the real problem with this is that as you can't taste it you don't feel full and keep eating until your so obese that you can't get up from the chair and you fingers are too thick for you to change the channel.

    Now I'm not saying that all American TV is this tasteless fattening garbage there are good American shows, but when they have no real story or really any true originality, or like lost disappear into a very dark and odour full place what starts out exceptional turns to something that you tread in.

    the fact that the otherness of being human expands slowly as or heroes discover it adds a sense of believability sourly lacking in shows where they try to cram everything in without looking at the people.

    what you seem to want is an ancient prophecy denoting that.
    When she who past through deaths door twice resides with mated pair of beasts and a dark soul reaching for the light.It shall be a sign of the coming of the war and they shall stand at the heart of it.

    really have some respect. look I'm working in a stables tomorrow so need to get up but please for your own sake think about what your saying.

  • Comment number 50.


    EWAN WRITES: Oh dear Oh dear please try to understand as you said this is a product economy but in such an economy you get stores that sell good quality goods, the things you keep or if consumable keep buying. Then you have supermarkets or Malls where you are besieged by tasteless pap that fills you stomach and that is it the real problem with this is that as you can't taste it you don't feel full and keep eating until your so obese that you can't get up from the chair and you fingers are too thick for you to change the channel.

    TRIATHLON REPLYS: Welcome to the real world of the consumer economy, it ain't pretty it's just necessary, money makes the world go round, we are not to concerned about the signs of war in short order Israel will attack Iran and drag us all into a very, very large one, but in the mean time television is what it is a sales tool.

    And, why should George become the Wolf Man of London the late night to early morning [DJ] on radio you have commercial spots and you simply show old George the Wolf Man of London on radio, on Being Human selling a British product a [BMW] or your always drinking pints, but what of, an Irish or German brew or do the Brits make a beer, if so plug it on Wolf Man of London's radio show on Being Human.

    In the American Empire we have the Neison Ratings System and if your not pulling down good ratings and in a hurry one week your on the next your gone, we just lost another series called the Scoundrels, it simply went away, layoffs are on a daily bases now, [1] one was layed off today from the staff of the place were we live, and [10] were layed off at a local casino, were a friend of ours is working now [12] twelve hour shifts to make up the slack. If its just keep a stiff upper Brit lip and muddle thru, well O.K., the Brits have changed they use to sell tea to you if you wanted it or not, times change.


  • Comment number 51.

    Hello everyone!

    Um,sorry HERCULE_SAVINIEN,but I for one don't fully understand what you are on about up there? Call be ditzy,but your words are far too intense & complicated for me to read...are you trying to prove something here???

    We are all here because 'Being Human' is a series that we all love,not just for the fantastic & gripping story lines,and wonderful star's who are all down to earth wonderful people,who even unlike many other star's,interact with their fans..but also it brings it's fan's together on blogs such as this to chatter and talk about the series...we don't need anyone sticking their ore in with heavy words,I just think that is all down to jelaousy,and really,you should back off as you could and will make many here very angry..at the end of the day....we Love BH!

    There, I have said what I feel..phewie lol

    Hugs to all

  • Comment number 52.

    Hercule I'm not too sure why you have come to a fan-blog to complain about the state of the economy but whatever your views are the Ö÷²¥´óÐã is not, and cannot be, like the US or Canadian stations. It is a public institution with a specific charter on editorial independence which forbids most of what you are suggesting. If you are really serious rather than just making mischief you can read all about the Ö÷²¥´óÐã's editorial guidelines here


  • Comment number 53.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 54.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 55.

    Hercule you need to research your topic and especially on the Ö÷²¥´óÐã and the basic fact that Being Human is about Mitchell, Annie, George and Nina trying to lead human lives, in other words Being Human.

  • Comment number 56.

    Moonwalker, Lorri, Ewan: Precisely...I couldn't have put it better myself.

    If all you want to do, Hercule, is to rant, then I think you ought to find a blog that suits your needs more, because this blog certainly isn't it.

  • Comment number 57.

    Hi all

    Been busy and have not had the chance to check out the blog for several days. What a wonderful surprise to find this lovely video featuring Sinead. She really is a sweetheart for giving so much of her time to us fans.

  • Comment number 58.

    Ok so I just caught up on reading the comments. hercule_savinien I agree with the others above this is a friendly fan blog that many people from many countries come together to talk about this great show. I'm not quite sure why you're writing what you're wtiting on this blog but the "American Empire" really please GET OVER YOURSELF and stop writing like you represent the opionions of everyone in this country.

  • Comment number 59.

    Hi everyone. I really wouldn't worry about the comments from this Hercule_Savinien. He either doesn't 'get' Being Human (or us) and, quite frankly, who cares? Or he's just mischief-making and, once again, who cares? Probably best just to ignore him.

  • Comment number 60.

    Jan (59) We will, oh, we will! We have a nice little community on here and want to keep it that way, after all :)=

  • Comment number 61.

    I couldn't agree with you more Jan and Anglo. :)

  • Comment number 62.

    Well, that was interesting. Anyway, how we all doing? Anyone got any news about special guests on the show?

  • Comment number 63.

    DGTTD: Hello...and hi to Wendy too!! And everyone else..

    I am afraid I only know of the two that have already been mentioned :( ...sorry to be boring!

  • Comment number 64.

    I know three I think

    Kia Owen as ?
    Robsen Green as a werewolf
    Lacy Turner a guide for Mitchell on the other side

  • Comment number 65.

    Ewan: Sorry, forgot about Kai...wonder what his character will be? And Lacey Turner's come to that...

  • Comment number 66.


    Dang! One could only hope for more hehe. It's going to be good.

  • Comment number 67.

    I was sure Kai was to be a werewolf. mind you I can't back up that claim as of yet!

  • Comment number 68.

    the questions will remain for at least 4 and a bit months but the waiting will drive us a little crazy or crazier in some cases guessing what will come.

  • Comment number 69.

    Hi again!!

    Oooo I think they are keeping alot of the guest star's a secret!It will be exiting really don't you think,just to wait to watch S3 and spot them when they are on!:O)))

  • Comment number 70.

    Oh lordy! (We) the little Being Human community are very passionate about the Fab 4, Lord Toby & the production team. It's a fabulous concept & all of us here love it. We understand that some may not like it, but maybe this isn't the place for those folk?

    lots of BH love


  • Comment number 71.

    Julia: Too right sweetie....

    Just bring on the Twilight fans...

  • Comment number 72.

    Speaking of which I am trying to subtly convert one but having no luck yet as they haven't been able to get time see the DVD I lent them.

  • Comment number 73.

    Hi Bloggers!
    SK really is a fab lady & I love her acting tips, even though I have no plans to ever act myself! I think "learn your lines" is a great one, definitely my favourite anyway :D
    Regarding Hercule's comments, aren't the "American Empire" getting their own version of BH in the near future? Perhaps the writers of this show will "think outside the box" & this will meet with your approval? But in the meantime I think most of us are quite happy with the British version of BH just the way it is!

  • Comment number 74.


    TO EWAN: What in the world did you write in your comments to get the moderators to shot you down twice? Use !##$%^&* next time if you can't think of a passive agressive means of getting by the boys.

    TO Ginger Red:

    Regarding Hercule's comments, aren't the "American Empire" getting their own version of BH in the near future? Perhaps the writers of this show will "think outside the box" & this will meet with your pproval? But in the meantime I think most of us are quite happy with the British version of BH just the way it is!

    Reply: Yes we do in fact have a version of Being Human, in the American Empire which is what the of the world beyond the British Isle calls the colonies now a days, the series is call THE GATES, it is about an entire community a GATED COMMUNITY, with its own police force within its walled community where they have not just Werewolves faced off against Vampires, there are also Witches and Wicken, one being Black Magic the Other White, and Succubus's Young women who suck the very life out of men, and its on the same idea of Being Human but on a larger scale, the Werewolves have problems even between themselves over who is going to be the Alpha Male, with challenges from Beta Males, But no Ghost's which is a major differernce. No, hunting within the Gates Allowed on penality of death. We take the opinion that those who blog about the show should demand writer freedom above all in his scripts, to often the stars feel that they run things in put is one issue but ownership is another team work is the best plan, but thinking out of the box is a main ingrediant. And if you feel its not broke don't fix it, OK, we feel there is always room for improvement, we would hate to see it go, Dr. Who sets the standard always on the cutting edge, and the writers have said they just do something because they can, this should be the standard of the writers of Being Human, we did it because we could.


    We feel that the addition of a Medium to the Being Human Mix would give Voice to the Ghost character beyond that now given, Ghost to Ghost communications as the [RAF] Royal Air Force Corporal is spreading the Ghost's name around the Spirit Community, yet there can be no inter-action with the normal human community.


    We feel it would give voice to the entire Special Community within London thru George, and could be used to bring in yet another character not living in the house as technical assist to the show, the Hospital, House, and Furnal Parlor is a small circle.


  • Comment number 75.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 76.


    TO EWAN: What in the world did you write in your comments to get the moderators to shot you down twice? Use !##$%^&* next time if you can't think of a passive agressive means of getting by the boys.

    TO Ginger Red:

    Regarding Hercule's comments, aren't the "American Empire" getting their own version of BH in the near future? Perhaps the writers of this show will "think outside the box" & this will meet with your pproval? But in the meantime I think most of us are quite happy with the British version of BH just the way it is!

    Reply: Yes we do in fact have a version of Being Human, in the American Empire which is what the of the world beyond the British Isle calls the colonies now a days, the series is call THE GATES, it is about an entire community a GATED COMMUNITY, with its own police force within its walled community where they have not just Werewolves faced off against Vampires, there are also Witches and Wicken, one being Black Magic the Other White, and Succubus's Young women who suck the very life out of men, and its on the same idea of Being Human but on a larger scale, the Werewolves have problems even between themselves over who is going to be the Alpha Male, with challenges from Beta Males, But no Ghost's which is a major differernce. No, hunting within the Gates Allowed on penality of death. We take the opinion that those who blog about the show should demand writer freedom above all in his scripts, to often the stars feel that they run things in put is one issue but ownership is another team work is the best plan, but thinking out of the box is a main ingrediant. And if you feel its not broke don't fix it, OK, we feel there is always room for improvement, we would hate to see it go, Dr. Who sets the standard always on the cutting edge, and the writers have said they just do something because they can, this should be the standard of the writers of Being Human, we did it because we could.


  • Comment number 77.


    TO EWAN: What in the world did you write in your comments to get the moderators to shot you down twice? Use !##$%^&* next time if you can't think of a passive agressive means of getting by the boys.

    TO Ginger Red:

    Regarding Hercule's comments, aren't the "American Empire" getting their own version of BH in the near future? Perhaps the writers of this show will "think outside the box" & this will meet with your pproval? But in the meantime I think most of us are quite happy with the British version of BH just the way it is!

    Reply: Yes we do in fact have a version of Being Human, in the American Empire which is what the of the world beyond the British Isle calls the colonies now a days, the series is call THE GATES, it is about an entire community a GATED COMMUNITY, with its own police force within its walled community where they have not just Werewolves faced off against Vampires, there are also Witches and Wicken, one being Black Magic the Other White, and Succubus's Young women who suck the very life out of men, and its on the same idea of Being Human but on a larger scale, the Werewolves have problems even between themselves over who is going to be the Alpha Male, with challenges from Beta Males, But no Ghost's which is a major differernce. No, hunting within the Gates Allowed on penality of death. We take the opinion that those who blog about the show should demand writer freedom above all in his scripts, to often the stars feel that they run things in put is one issue but ownership is another team work is the best plan, but thinking out of the box is a main ingrediant. And if you feel its not broke don't fix it, OK, we feel there is always room for improvement, we would hate to see it go, Dr. Who sets the standard always on the cutting edge, and the writers have said they just do something because they can, this should be the standard of the writers of Being Human, we did it because we could.



  • Comment number 78.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 79.


    TO EWAN: What in the world did you write in your comments to get the moderators to shot you down twice? Use !##$%^&* next time if you can't think of a passive agressive means of getting by the boys.

    TO Ginger Red:

    Regarding Hercule's comments, aren't the "American Empire" getting their own version of BH in the near future? Perhaps the writers of this show will "think outside the box" & this will meet with your pproval? But in the meantime I think most of us are quite happy with the British version of BH just the way it is!

    Reply: Yes we do in fact have a version of Being Human, in the American Empire which is what the of the world beyond the British Isle calls the colonies now a days, the series is call THE GATES, it is about an entire community a GATED COMMUNITY, with its own police force within its walled community where they have not just Werewolves faced off against Vampires, there are also Witches and Wicken, one being Black Magic the Other White, and Succubus's Young women who suck the very life out of men, and its on the same idea of Being Human but on a larger scale, the Werewolves have problems even between themselves over who is going to be the Alpha Male, with challenges from Beta Males, But no Ghost's which is a major differernce. No, hunting within the Gates Allowed on penality of death. We take the opinion that those who blog about the show should demand writer freedom above all in his scripts, to often the stars feel that they run things in put is one issue but ownership is another team work is the best plan, but thinking out of the box is a main ingrediant. And if you feel its not broke don't fix it, OK, we feel there is always room for improvement, we would hate to see it go, Dr. Who sets the standard always on the cutting edge, and the writers have said they just do something because they can, this should be the standard of the writers of Being Human, we did it because we could.


  • Comment number 80.

    I think Kai Owen would make a wonderful werewolf - not that I'm saying he wouldn't make a good vampire however! I can just imagine him more as - perhaps - a friend for George... :)

    [70] Julia - I agree whole-heartedly!

  • Comment number 81.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 82.

    Ok I've been summoned...whats occurin? (Off to Wales next week I'm getting prepared!)

    Apparently some heavy stuff going down! So "Hercule" can't say I've really understood a word you've said so whats the problem with us? See if we can't get this sorted out hey? :-)

    Hiya to everyone else long time no speak hope you're all well xx

  • Comment number 83.


    We are on equal footing most of the time we don't understand the Brits in operations with them we had the Canadians translate and then explan what the Brits really were saying, but that being said it's this whole Blog thing, now on Being Human the use every four letter word that we can understand plus some Brit language that you know are those dirty words but we don't, and those that are understood by our dirty word people delete them from being heard, but that being said a Moderator on this site will stop EWAN from using naughty words, its insane, George Carlin an American Comedian of the [60's] did a whole show on the [7] Seven Dirty Words, man this list most be [7] Seven Books Thick with your moderators, yet they are used on the show Being Human, its nuts.


  • Comment number 84.

    Just so you know EE I did not use profanity I suggested My reply would have been less than polite had I answered the advertising question.
    also check post 59

  • Comment number 85.

    Ok, again not reaaaaally getting your point (oh and its eagle eyes - not eye...that sounds more like some sort of medical disorder...)

    As far as the swearing goes...that is not exclusive to British programs I think bad language is pretty universal? Unless you live in the bible belt perhaps? The reason they don't allow swearing on the blog is due to the fact that anyone can access it including young children and people who may be adverse to swearing for whatever reason, whereas being human airs after the watershed - it is on after 9pm therefore everyone in the UK knows that programs are allowed to show nudity/sex/people swearing etc. The program also carries a warning - before the show goes out a very nice well spoken lady tells us it's going to contain lots of blood, sex, swearing...all the good stuff :-)

    Ok so...next problem - shoot :-)

    PS - it tells us your name when you post the comment you don't have to put it at the end...just to save you a wee bit of time...

  • Comment number 86.

    No worries Ewan :-) s'all good.

  • Comment number 87.

    Ok Hercule just had another read...So your problem is that you don't understand the program basically yes? I'm doing my best to put this politely but...it's not really the shows problem? If you don't understand maybe try something a bit more simple to start off with...

  • Comment number 88.

    [83] In fairness, there's a pretty obvious reason mate, why such would be moderated here compared to the aired show.

  • Comment number 89.

    I know it is, really the assumption that I don't know how to insinuate curse or bible belt translation cuss words was kind of insulting. Don't know why.

  • Comment number 90.

    Hehe, just read up a bit and eagle eyes, you explained what I meant perfectly!

  • Comment number 91.

    Hey up DGTTD (wow that took a lot of concentration getting the letters right lol!) Hows things?

  • Comment number 92.

    Oh gosh darn it Ewan it is a pain in the butt aint it?

    Good good DGTTD :-)

    Now trying to think of the "British-isms" from the show...the only one's I've had to explain to American viewers are the "polo" line (they don't have polo's in the states) and the significance of English celebs - Terry Wogan/Ulrika Johnson :-)

    Perhaps my American friends are slightly more...erm...worldy wise :-)

  • Comment number 93.

    Hi! I'm good! Yeah, even I continually put the letters in the wrong order haha. Apparantly using my own name is silly. How are you? All good?

  • Comment number 94.

    Good glad you're well - I'm off to Wales next week :-) woohoo off to see some friends and do some Gavin and Stacey location spotting hehehe :-)

  • Comment number 95.

    Have fun there EE and if by chance you spy anything - hint hint

  • Comment number 96.

    Ah cool! I'm really getting into Gavin and Stacey (didn't like it before but now love it!).

    Been doing a little googling there; all I have to say is someone has a lot of time on their hands. I might be calling the kettle black but eh. Suppose everyone is entitled to their own opinions.

  • Comment number 97.

    Lol nah not going to be looking for the BH guys - feel a bit bad Colin was saying they got a bit mobbed by loads of fans a couple of weeks ago :-S but hoping to see some places where Gavin and Stacey was filmed and gonna go up to the Bay to see the Torchwood tower :-) should be good :-)

  • Comment number 98.

    What about the googling sorry DGTTD? Lost me a bit there...doesn't take a lot at the mo hehe

  • Comment number 99.

    A certain individual causing a stir today!

  • Comment number 100.

    well maybe find some places for G&S will be the same as those already filmed in BH and in January you can go 'I was there'


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