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Garret Keogh, Online Editor | 13:55 UK time, Monday, 17 January 2011

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The new Being Human trailer has arrived and it's bursting with footage from series three.

Featuring Annie trapped on the other side, Robson Green as father and werewolf McNair, Lacey Turner taunting Mitchell as Lia and George and Nina struggling to get a bit, you know, a bit fruity. (Well that's the trouble when you share a flat with panicky supernaturals) And is that werewolf in a cage...?

It's all going off when the show hits Ö÷²¥´óÐã Three this Sunday 23rd January at 9pm.


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  • Comment number 1.

    How can I possibly wait until Sunday for this??!!

  • Comment number 2.

    Love it! Loving the comedy Mitchell bursting in on George and Nina bit :-D excited now! xx

  • Comment number 3.

    i cant wait only 6 more sleeps its like Christmas all over again

  • Comment number 4.

    Cant wait till Sunday x

  • Comment number 5.

    Ahhhhhh! Yus!

    Some seriously happy dancing happening here!

    Get Annie back!

  • Comment number 6.

    Oh I am sooo excited!! Christmas has indeed come early! or late...
    Can't wait for Sunday now!!
    Thank you BHProd!!!

  • Comment number 7.

    For those outside the UK

    it's time to join the debate

  • Comment number 8.

    :) Yay i'm so exited!!! can't wait till Sunday :D

  • Comment number 9.

    A cage I'm not sure about after all if you look at some points George gets arrested,

    But then again we have McNairs flashbacks to look forwards to so as I proceed to watch this Many Many times I will try to work out if it is the George & Nina werewolf or a different one not too sure how many viewings that will take but I must find the answer.

  • Comment number 10.

    Ewan how are you not ill?

  • Comment number 11.

    Define ill.

  • Comment number 12.

    driven mentally insane by endless unanswerable questions
    I would be but I let things go.. I'm probably too laid back

  • Comment number 13.

    Endless, unanswerable questions hehe....that's how I'd define the whole year leading to S3!

    Mitchell bursting into George and Nina's room - Maybe Mitchell has just seen Annie's message?

    I see what you mean about the sort-of cage.

  • Comment number 14.

    Ah that it's simple I can keep a lot of spoilers - what not to put on the blog what to post in my head and remain calm the same goes with unanswered questions.

    Admittedly Saturday night the pressure might be a bit too much leading to a night of Alcohol dancing and in the morning hoping I haven't ended up on you tube but apart from that I'm pretty Zen on the whole unanswered questions thing.

  • Comment number 15.

    Aaaahh!! Bring on Sunday :D This is keeping me going through stupid exams knowing this is coming ^_^

  • Comment number 16.

    13 - Also we didnn't get to see the basement in the rather excellent tour now did we another option to ponder.

  • Comment number 17.

    what werewolf was in the cage do ya reckon?

  • Comment number 18.

    Maybe there isn't a basement?
    [13] true. the build up to this series has been many unanswered questions

  • Comment number 19.

    First, thanks ewan for the youtube link :)
    Now: Oh my god! I don't think I can manage 6 days...

  • Comment number 20.

    George or Nina
    McNair or Tom
    or any other

    Well from my viewing it looks (in the dark unclear angle) like the George and Nina Werewolf.

    The choices are The basement could look like that or George in the police station.

    Another option is The Vampire games played with Werewolves so in the end who knows.

    Now here is a thought.
    Are the police good police or bad police are they delivering George to the vampires?
    or will there be problems at the station?

    more questions make the waiting that much more fun right?

  • Comment number 21.

    18 - It has been clearly stated there is a basement but my thoughts is maybe in a different Set as to why we didn't see one in the tour.
    19 - it's what I do

  • Comment number 22.

    If there was a basement, that would be boring. They should have to try harder than that

  • Comment number 23.

    A basement for one not for two so one changes in doors one changes out so still interesting plus if visits come during a full moon then sound might travel in that case.

    interested again?

  • Comment number 24.

    What if one of em escaped?

  • Comment number 25.

    Oh I hadn't realised sorry

  • Comment number 26.

    Is Mitchell back on the train, around about 16 seconds?

  • Comment number 27.

    [26] it does look like it! Is Lia one of the people on the train?

  • Comment number 28.

    I am sure I read somewhere that Robson Green's werewolf son is some kind of prize fighter? perhaps werewolf prize fights are held in cages? I certainly would want a cage between me and a fighting werewolf!!!

  • Comment number 29.

    Yes he does seem to be in a carriage, I don't think it's the train but an Echo of the train on the other side after all Mitchell must face his past so the train would be a good way to do that.

    Nice catch

  • Comment number 30.

    ok ewan, its an echo of the train. I wonder what it means?

  • Comment number 31.

    Annie: ~whimper~

    George and Nina: *salacious whistle*

    Mitchell: KNOCK!! *thwap*

    Lining up my sources, 'cause we're in for a ride!

  • Comment number 32.

    I literally can't wait! I just screamed proper loud and got told to shut up...but I can't! I'm too excited!

  • Comment number 33.

    Ooo its geat watching this trailer over and over and...lol..

    I was saying over in 'Twitter' land, that I think Sinead & Russell make a great comedy act!

    Aidan's acting is even better then ever this time round!I even noticed his nostrils flare in one scene..lol.:O)He is TOP'S in his angry scene's.its so realistic! (wait, it IS real isn't it?? lol)

    Ohhh,roll on next Monday!!!!!

    love & HugsXXX

  • Comment number 34.

    30 - Well I think - big chance I'm wrong that moment where it's empty save for him wont last very long - the Dead must have plans.

  • Comment number 35.

    wow... I can't believe that I have never watched this series before!
    Now I can't wait for the series to begin ;3

  • Comment number 36.

    Erm how have you never watched BH human before?!

  • Comment number 37.

    oh my god, the wait is almost over!!
    I cannot wait for Sunday.
    Loving the trailer!!! I've been hanging around the blog for ages,so thought i'd finally say hi to all the faithful followers!!

  • Comment number 38.

    Haven't been on for a long long while so ... waves! Looks likely its the train. Love the idea of a train corridor as Mitchell's corridor. Maybe you only get anonymous men with sticks if you've done nothing really wrong in your life. If you have, a corridor full of people you've harmed sounds a load more scary. Wonder whether they're going to assemble all the extras from series 2 back again?

    Also wonder whether the door bursting open scene shows the door back from purgatory. If you need a door to get back, then it entering into the romm containing the person you care most about on earth (ie. George) would be as likely a place for it to open as any. Also saves a potentially risky journey on public transport back to where you started!


  • Comment number 39.

    38 - Not thinking that He's bursting into George and Nina's room from the other side.

    George to Nina well Mitchell's trying to get Annie back why don't we have a little fun while we wait
    can't really see it myself

    More likely that He's bursting in to say it's time, a door is perchance available at the most awkward time to go through.

    36 - I second that emotion.

  • Comment number 40.

    So, so excited now!
    That is all.

  • Comment number 41.

    EEEEE!!!!!! Thank you BHProd!!

    Words cannot describe just how excited I am right now!!! :D :D :D

  • Comment number 42.

    now four week day potential blogs left what could they contain?

    Jason Watkins on playing evil - A given we have been promised.

    what else
    Do we get a prequel bit or did we get the Annie broadcasts instead?
    There is with most Ö÷²¥´óÐã 3 programs a pre released clip do we get that?
    What else?
    remember 4 weekdays left to go then Saturday - ?
    and Sunday, Sunday, Sunday
    sorry a little carried away there.

    What will there be or will we be given longer to digest this trailer or even maybe an (hopes with fingers crossed) extended trailer?

    So many options

  • Comment number 43.

    I am so looking forward and I'm so excited to this why can't Sunday hurry up and get its back side here already

    just 2 days from a full moon, anyone else feel a little agitated?

  • Comment number 44.

    This is going to be exciting, but I'm already a little annoyed by George/Nina happy couple routine. I mean, from the trailer it seems that George is trying to talk Mitchell out of going to rescue Annie. I mean, really? If that was Nina would George be trying to persuade himself not to go? I just feel like I know George is happy he has Nina and they're doing the "oh so happy couple" routine but...hopefully they'll notice that just b/c everything is seemingly peachy with them doesn't mean it is for everyone else.
    Mitchell GO GET ANNIE!!
    Thanks for the sneak peak!

  • Comment number 45.

    Hello all bloggers, especially the newbies..Us_thickies_at_the_hospital !!! What a fab name..it may be shortened to UTATH though :-)

    What a wonderful trailer..can see what the team meant by humour. Wonderful to see it back on our screens on Sunday, am absolutely thrilled.

    Bet the National Grid will be overloaded around 8.55pm on Sunday night with all those kettles being switched on and likewise the TVs and DVDs!

    Thank you BH Prod...we *heart* you all!xxx

  • Comment number 46.

    Hey Ewan. Thought you would take the bait. Have to confess my ideas have always been way off beat in the past - but still can't resist speculating if only to fill the time between now and Sunday.

    Anyway, I wasn't suggesting anything so heartless. Perhaps time passes more quickly in the ever after and Mitchell has been gone for weeks. I can see it now. Nina: "cheer up baby, it's a lot less gloomy without a depressed vampire in the attic, and at least the TV's no longer on the blink." George: "you do look very pretty - oh bl**dy h*ll!"

    And what think you of corridors?

  • Comment number 47.

    Not sure if this has been mentioned [or if the moderators will allow the external link] but there are Being Human greeting cards!!! They are shown in issue 205 of SFX magazine and are really, REALLY cool! :)

    This is the link to the website:

    Hopefully more merchandise will be made available soon! :D

  • Comment number 48.

    Dear BHP, a huge thank you for feeding our addiction, I am now completely co-dependent on you!

    Loving the Mitchell on a train pic on the homepage. The tension is really ratcheting up already, and ep1 is still 6 days away!
    Looks like Nina has left her horrible big jumpers behind in the cottage - hurray.

    SO excited....

  • Comment number 49.

    I thought it was sunday just gone, you have no idea how bitterly dissapointed and heart broken i was when i realised i got the dates wrong...then i saw this trailer and now all is right in the world :)

  • Comment number 50.

    How fantastic to see loads more action on here - that sounded perverse, it wasnt meant to - loads of new peeps too!! Love to you all!
    I've read a few things now that have hinted at a series 4... I know it goes without saying but we need to get behind this series BIG TIME! I've converted two people at work already, and a third has almost succumbed to its charms... lets show the Ö÷²¥´óÐã how much Being Human means to us, xx

  • Comment number 51.

    47. Ooohhhh. Those cards really are cool. Thanks for the tip Piratemoose. Will go nicely with my mug.

  • Comment number 52.

    46 - Corridors lead to rooms - In a place of the spirit or where in the ever-after that exists on the other side of the door the Corridors I see as a passage to that place. It's hard to explain the mechanics that I visualise in words but here goes.

    As Ghosts exist they can 'Jump' from one place to another. in a way it's like they are only touching our world and can change how they touch it. Like they partly exist here and not here.
    Now the stronger the Ghost the stronger their grip on the world.

    Where does this fit into corridors you ask well. The door way is a passage from one world to the next as it only touches this world then it can be opened from anywhere to anywhere the borders are weak - Where there has been a recent death or Door. Now this gateway might be long or short but a familiar image pulled from people would be a corridor so that created reality would be what the spirit traverses to reach the other side.

    Now if you've followed that - firstly well done - as the corridors are a passageway the other side would not there fore just be a long series of corridors only the entry and exit. To the world that exists.

    Wait, did you say bait?

    47 - No Nina cards BOOooo

  • Comment number 53.

    It's good to finally have an account so i can comment this seems to be dragging in so much I wish I could have a pause, rewind and fastforward button (pause of homework, rewind so i can rewatch being human episodes and fastforward so i can see the next episode XD)

  • Comment number 54.

    OMG!! PM (47) I made the loudest and creepiest noise yet when spying those cards! Amazing - top find!

  • Comment number 55.

    6 days from now people of the blog 6 days from this moment being human season 3 begins to broadcast.

    A truly happy thought

  • Comment number 56.

    Just managed to watch the trailer and clip from Hattie. I will definitely be tuning in to Ö÷²¥´óÐã 4 to get my Aidan fix on wednesday!!! x x
    Anglo, thanks for the welcome

  • Comment number 57.

    Laurar [54] - Aren't they AMAZING?!?! :D This is what it says about them in SFX:
    "The lack of Being Human merch out there is a huge disappointment (come on Ö÷²¥´óÐã, we want Russell Tovey's bare buns in action figure form!), so we were delighted when these greetings cards arrived. There are eight in all, suitable for all manner of occasions. Half of them use original slogans ("Get into the birthday spirit with a nice cup of tea!", for example"), while another four feature dialogue from the show - like a certain exchange about George wearing skinny jeans. We'd like a range of potty-mouthed Misfit cards next, please!"

    I think I may have to be really sad and send myself some birthday cards this year lol :D They're right, though, surely it's time for some action figures!? *is hopeful*

  • Comment number 58.

    47. Many thanks for this link.

    Great cards!

    Mitchell 'through the ages' has got to be one of my all time fav scenes from series 1.

  • Comment number 59.

    in the hattie doo dah i saw it on t.v and it took me a while to realise Aidan was there

  • Comment number 60.

    AHHHH!!!! I cannot wait for sunday! after watching this far, far too many times, i am pretty sure that is George werewolf at the end, but ewan, why is george arrested? I am amazed at the amazing theories on here, i am going to be on here a lot more!

  • Comment number 61.

    Sam on the top of the page there are options

    Ö÷²¥´óÐã - On TV etc click on On TV and then find out where it says Lia there is a two line description of the episode that reads

    If Mitchell is to rescue Annie from purgatory, then first he must face up to his haunting past. Meanwhile, George is arrested moments before the full moon.

  • Comment number 62.

    ooh, it looks great, from a bit of magazine scanning in sainsbury's I know a little of what happens but I'm still enticed, can't wait till sunday

    ewan, wow, you should go professional, in fact I would love for you to sit and pick holes and fabricate conspiracies for my own screenplay *hinthint* ;]

    So are you saying that because of her new strength annie will permanently have a strong grip on the world or can she choose when to weaken her grip and be invisible/not quite there?

  • Comment number 63.

    oh, ok, thanks ewan, will check that more often!

  • Comment number 64.

    62 - Right here goes - Her link to the world and others Anchors her and gives her strenght yes - in the pilot (some have seen some have not) the first Annie to Georges ex says.
    "Just Being recognised by someone being liked and known it's like that's what makes you real"

    Now that's how I got the idea - The more she can hold onto the others the stronger she gets. there is reference to the house being part of her as well.

    The way Herrick planned to destroy her was to burn down the house.
    these links bind her to the world.

    Mitchell in S 1 ep 6
    "It's the house that keeps you here. It's me and George"

    Now the doors them selves their appearance giving her strenght.

    The Doors open or exist over the worlds are in a way a link to this earth and the other their presence might link her more and more to both worlds.
    The closing of a door gave her the strenght to open one.
    I don't think Annie is any where near finding her potential. Yet

    Now most well all of this is guess work on my part but I think I'm close.

  • Comment number 65.

    Awesome , can anyone tell me the name of the song in this vid ? Sounds familiar but cant put my finger on it :(


  • Comment number 66.

    When is it coming to Ö÷²¥´óÐã America?

  • Comment number 67.

    For those outside the UK a better quality trailer

  • Comment number 68.

    65 - Can't keep it in - Cat Stevens

  • Comment number 69.

    68. Not the very first one , the one after the title sequence at 0.02 . Such a great choice of music !

    Really cant wait now :)

  • Comment number 70.

    That got my blood rushing, bring on Sunday

  • Comment number 71.

    69 - Good point it is different Just got used to answering with Cat Stephens but it also seems contained I think it might be composed for the show or just the trailer. being human has very good composed music.

  • Comment number 72.

    It's all getting very philosophical here this eveing. Which is just as well as there's nothing on TV now that Silent Witness is over.

    Agree that the doors are the gateway - the momentary opening between Earth and whatever (in Toby's imagination) exists beyond. This perhaps leads to a personal passageway, the corridor in which a person prepares to meet the judgement that awaits when the corridor ends. Perhaps the images are intended to frighten - to make a person submissive to their judgment? To survive, you'd need to confess in the face of those demons and it goes without saying that the more personal those experiences are - actual victims as opposed to anonymous men with sticks and ropes - the harder it would be to resist them.

    Annie's treatment seems to have been entirely unfair. As someone on the blog put it before, someone who has never done wrong in life being sent to Hell?
    Perhaps then she was too resistant and, as we know, snubbed the authorities by breaking their rules? Perhaps Michell will survive by being beaten down? Accepting the process. Life's unfair and as George asks (I think) why is it always up to the victims to make amends?

    I agree, I think Annie will emerge from this with a stronger grip on humanity for having played those games and retained her integrity. Perhaps Mitchell's grip will be weaker. Can't wait to see what happens.

  • Comment number 73.

    Ahhh back again! Hi! Actually can't stay away hehe!

    Can't wait to see what happens when Mitchell saves Annie. But surely (even when Annie's back), the corridor folk will be raging? Wonder if anything will come about that....

  • Comment number 74.

    2 small points
    One it was Nina who asked
    "why is it always up to the victims to do the right thing."

    The other point that was the most favoured reason for Annie being sent to hell is Fear - they are scared of how strong she is. Annie says
    "They don't have forms for that."
    In reference to dragging Kemp over - if you remember the Guardians worked through others and tricks to get ghosts to pass over but Annie has the strenght to literally Yank a living person through the door.
    When people are scared they react badly.

    After all what (in his mind) convinces Owen to kill Annie is when she shows a shred of defiance against him. When she pushes back he kills her, maybe because he can see his control over her slipping and that frightens him - not being in control of her.

  • Comment number 75.

    Hi Fitzov!

    I think with Annie it was because no one had ever turned down the door before (Mitchell said it - I just rewatched S1 lol). So it would be unheard of to do so. Especially when she turned it down for a second time. I can imagine the corridor folk would need to make an example of her so it would not be a repeat offence with other ghosts.

  • Comment number 76.

    Oh yeah agree with Ewan's point also. They have no idea what Annie is capable of. I don't think Annie does either.

  • Comment number 77.

    Go get your (our) girl Mitchell! So excited, 6 days left.

  • Comment number 78.

    Hey, what is going on? Being Human trailer says "Not in your area" (Northern California) and in checking Ö÷²¥´óÐã for all times on Sunday 1/23/11, it is not listed at any time. I hope the new American "Being ........" didn't screw this up.. Most of us dont like the American versions of English series..BAD writing and much too puritanical.

    Can anyone fill me in about what is going on...[Personal details removed by Moderator]

  • Comment number 79.

    Evening UK bloggers, the US BH premiered tonight - well done, I think it's going to fly. Very different in tone (very dark, not much humor), it's just a different take on Lord Toby's vision. I think I'll be able to warm up to the characters. What I did miss most of all is our excellent music.

  • Comment number 80.

    I don't think that BH3 will be airing on Ö÷²¥´óÐã America until probably sometime in July. That seems to be mostly the way of it (sadly).

    Can I just say how painful it is to be waiting such an excruciatingly long time for the new episodes and knowing that just across the pond the rest of you are blissing out to them? Terrible, really. The "Syfy" version just doesn't begin to compare.

  • Comment number 81.

    Oh, and the greeting cards! I only wish that my fellow BH addict friends hadn't already had their birthdays recently so I didn't have to wait a whole year to give them one!

  • Comment number 82.

    Ewan re my comment 190. re cage Please see 191. This may help explain and save you some time?! Cheers.

  • Comment number 83.

    82 - Right the cage. In this season there is a Basement where one of our werewolves will change, I assumed it's in another set as otherwise we would have seen it in the last blog the very informative house tour by the ever wonderful Sinead Keenan.

    So the thought is they may not have a cage this season.

    if you want more views see post 20.

    78 - Don check post 67

  • Comment number 84.

    I watched the Syfy version of BH and...it does what it says on the tin, ie a more-or-less faithful American version of the UK original, but with less attractive actors. The vampire may be called ‘Aidan’ but Sam Witwer is no Aidan Turner.

    However, I don’t believe that Americans are such dim or lazy viewers that they need more sign-posting of the plot. A slimy-looking policeman? Part of the beauty of Jason Watkins’ portrayal of Herrick was that he looked so unassuming and ordinary.

    It’s OK, I didn’t hate it, but beyond being a moneyspinner for some, unless future episodes veer off markedly from the original, the remake seems rather pointless.

    Roll on Sunday and S3 of the first and finest BH.

  • Comment number 85.

    Heyo! You're getting my weekly magazine update hahaha!

    And we have it! Being Human is on the cover of Radio Times. And my other classy regulars have rated it very highly.

    And a little fact I didn't know about Lia (unless we know this already and I've completely ignored hehe)........

    A vet student who was bitten (and killed) by a vampire, with the possibility it was Mitchell hmm....

  • Comment number 86.

    Here is one thing nobody has pointed out about the US being human that I could find the make up.

    Marcus Whitney and his team help so much with making us believe being human because of the amazing make-up that helps you see the damaged caused to people and makes you believe that violence was done SyFy not so much yes there is blood in plenty but you don't believe it as much.

    Roll on Sunday

  • Comment number 87.

    The SyFy version of Being Human, I grudgingly admit was good and funny. However it annoyed me when they used some extreamly similar scenes or lines for example when Herrick's syfy equivilent said your a shark, be a shark. I agree with musterdseed, I prefer the UK actors. But the syfy actors were not as bad as they could have been

  • Comment number 88.

    Don, I live in the US too, to watch the blog videos, we just have to wait for some nice person to post it on youtube or for Ö÷²¥´óÐã to put it on facebook. Ive been googleing when BH3 will premiere in the US, people say either in febuary or over the summer, so we just have to see what people put on youtube

  • Comment number 89.

    I do wish I could see this episode. Being Human Ö÷²¥´óÐã was being shown on our "Space Channel" and has now been replaced with some North American verson of Being Human. Now that we here in Canada are hooked on it we can no longer watch it. I wish the powers that be would consider the Cultural differences and how they just might not transfer so well. I cannot even watch my show on this web site. Somebody call me a whambulance!

  • Comment number 90.

    OMG. Internet's been down, only just got to see this! CAN'T WAIT FOR SUNDAY!

  • Comment number 91.

    Great trailer for episode 1....5 days and counting!

    Hello and welcome to all new bloggers

    DHTTD..didn't know that about Lia...knew she was a ghost but not how she came to be one. Ohhh..I wonder if she mistakenly thinks it was Mitchell, makes her prophecy..but maybe then finds out she was wrong...she comes back into the final epsiode so something brings her back.

  • Comment number 92.

    So ridiculously awesome!

  • Comment number 93.

    Lia's prophesy? Did I miss something?

  • Comment number 94.


  • Comment number 95.

    Lia's prophecy is in a spoiler

    It concerns something happening to Mitchell - What well I want to be welcome on the blog so I'll leave it at something not good involving another supernatural species. I think that was vague enough not to be told off for/

  • Comment number 96.

    And vague enough to irritate me too. I guess I'll just have to wait... Thanks anyway :)

  • Comment number 97.

    well just over 5 days to wait till you get an answer or until someone slips up. if you really want to know go four blogs back there where it reveals the launch date, you will also find a link to a press pack there are many spoilers in that pack so be warned - warned a lot.

  • Comment number 98.

    if someone slips up I may have to have words.

  • Comment number 99.

    IS that so watching words IS important that we leave out spoilers right?

  • Comment number 100.

    Don't worry I know what to say and not to say.


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