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Garret Keogh, Online Editor | 13:19 UK time, Friday, 11 February 2011

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This week's episode is called The Pack, and this preview clip gives us a little clue why. George, Nina, Tom and McNair are all werewolves but that's not an indication that they're all going to get on.

McNair is clearly very protective over Tom, so how will he feel about having new werewolves around?

Find out this Sunday at 9pm on Ö÷²¥´óÐã Three.


  • Comment number 1.

    Friendly bloke McNair !!! Not

  • Comment number 2.

    OMG I got 1st post Emotional!! is the only way I can describe it lol

  • Comment number 3.

    I like the way that George's post-stockings-comment nervous laugh is like a dog panting.

  • Comment number 4.

    3 Haha I know, it reminded me of sheldon from big bang theory

  • Comment number 5.

    Can I just say Sinead's background acting = win. I just adore her's (and Nina's) expressions *grin* but then if you spend that much time with George, it must be fairly routine

  • Comment number 6.

    Wow - what an appetite-whetter! Only 2 and a bit days to see the whole thing but still the waiting's hard. Three fine actors there.

  • Comment number 7.

    Hi This is my first time posting after spending a long time hovering around. Really love the show, best thing on tv. Looking forward to the next episode and meeting the werewolves again.
    On a different tack a couple of things from the last season have been bothering me - did they leave the Bristol house as it was - wouldnt Mitchell's bed still be covered in blood stained sheets and what about his blood stained clothes after he killed the Policeman. He didnt seem to be in a fit state to clean up after himself. Also why has there been no mention on TV of the dead bodies from Mitchells killing spree in the facility and the body of the coroner.
    Also what about all the records there must have been left lying around in the facility. Any thoughts.

  • Comment number 8.

    Wooooooooooooo far too excited for this!!! More werewolves =D How did George not know McNair was a werewolf? thought they might be able to like, 'smell' eachother or in BH that might only work with indivduals in their own packs? Hmmmmmmmmm haha

    LOVE LOVE McNair, he's defo the Alpha and only doing his job, protecting his young (Love Tom too, so so cute)

    As you can tell, im far too excited for this episode, liking that werewolves are getting more airtime at last

    x x x x x

  • Comment number 9.

    YES! Just,yes!
    I've been waiting for this, werewolf are my favourite brand of the supernatural. :p It'll be interesting to see some that are more 'wolf-like' in their behaviour. At least in terms of 'pack dynamics' and such. Can't wait for the episode...

  • Comment number 10.

    ahhhhhhhhhhhhh so cool i cant wait

  • Comment number 11.

    George is absolutely scrumptious! He doesn't wear stockings....much. Wonder how McNair winds up at the Supernatural Hostel?

  • Comment number 12.

    Afternoon all. I've not commented during this series, but I've been keeping up with the blog in my own quiet way. Brilliant episode three and now looking forward eagerly to Sunday night for The Pack.

    I thought you might like to watch Aidan's appearance with the rest of The Hobbit cast at their first New Zealand press conference. The video is long, AT looks a bit "biblical" with his beard and even longer hair, and he only answers a couple of questions.

    If you're offended by swearing, stick your fingers in your ears during Martin Freeman's bits. He's funny, but a little profane!

    Here's the link to the video: www.3news.co.nz/The-Hobbit-media-conference--full-video/tabid/312/articleID/198020/Default.aspx

  • Comment number 13.

    Stockings? Ohhh George! You really must stop digging yourself into such holes... ;)

  • Comment number 14.

    This looks so good... I can't wait till sunday!! :)

  • Comment number 15.

    Very exciting clip for ep4 there...good one! George looking jumpy, Nina nervous and McNair scary. Will we get to know more about McNair and Tom, whether they really are father and son, and perhaps how they became werewolves/who made them and when?

    Poor George twitchy and Russell doing those little facial movements that give George that edge without allowing him to go OTT and become a parody.

    Wonderful! Bring on ep4 xxx

  • Comment number 16.

    12. Frostmaiden was it me or has our boy bulked up a bit? I thought he was looking very hm broad also loved the beard v. strange for me? ah well.

    Can't wait for Sunday as usual!!!! Not usually that hooked on the furry ones but obviously loving George & Nina and McNair has definatley 'Got my attention' ;O) looking forward to seeing how the dynamics of the house might change having 'the pack' around. 2 more sleeps!!!!

  • Comment number 17.

    Frostmaiden [12], thanks so much for posting the Hobbit link. Irrelevant to BH, but fascinating watching charming, chatty James Nesbitt and strong, silent Richard Armitage - 25 minutes gone before he appears to utter a word.

    Aidan Turner does indeed look magnificently biblical, muscular, confident. No prosthetics to be used, I hope. Pointless, surely, to cast him and then cover him up?

    Zoya [5], you're so right about Nina's expressions. Sinead Keenan's just great in that scene.

  • Comment number 18.

    Thanks for the Hobbit link. Nice to see all the cast looking so relaxed together, so I hope it all goes smoothly now. Jimmy Nesbitt is a legend.

  • Comment number 19.

    nnnnhhhhahahahahah lol love IT ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh cant wait pleae time hurry up 50 hours 2 go

  • Comment number 20.

    Hello folks, nearly Sunday!
    Lovely wee trailer, how can Sinead totally steal a scene without even speaking? Wish I had a talent...
    Anyway, I posted this a couple of blogs ago but things are moving so fast here just now:

    I've been thinking more about what Lia said to Mitchell. So killing him completes someone else's journey. Does that really sound like George or Nina? Aren't they a bit young to be completing their journey? They both seem to be more reconciled to their condition so it can't mean helping them come to terms with that. She says Mitchell's the final piece in someone else's story so that definitely suggests the end of the someone else.
    Any thoughts, or am I heading down the wrong path completely?

  • Comment number 21.

    and on YT

  • Comment number 22.

    Its the weekend WOOOOOO

  • Comment number 23.

    My contenders for whose story Mitchell will complete are currently Annie or possibly Herrick. I don't see it being George or Nina, but am prepared to be proved wrong.

  • Comment number 24.

    7 - Between the full moon + box tunnel a few days had passed before he raids CenSSA long enough for him to clean up or at least burn the bedding if he doesn't know how a washing machine works

  • Comment number 25.

    12- Thank you for the link to The Hobbit press conference, won't play in its entirety for me for some reason but gonna try again on hubby's computer later. AT looks lovely (understatement much!) with the full beard, longer hair and while the t-shirt hides a lot, he looks like he's bulked up.

    On topic...Sunday...can't wait for Sunday....

  • Comment number 26.

    Cant wait,
    I wnt the weekend to go quick for Bh.
    but i want it to go slow, because i dnt wna go bck to skl.

  • Comment number 27.

    Can't believe that after this episode the series will be half over :( Especially as I have feelings of doom about the series end. :(

  • Comment number 28.

    can see this week's episode being really good. McNair - the werewolf shaped bullet in Mitchell's death ? will Annie be able to save him or will George take on McNair in a 1 on 1 werewolf attack ? will George find out that Tom was also conceived whilst in transformation and it killed the mother giving birth?

    Who thinks Robson Green has been a great choice for a Hard man/Werewolf character ?

    Is it Sunday yet ???????

  • Comment number 29.

    ooh! McNair you softy! does this mean we finally get to see Russell Tovey in a pair of stockings????

  • Comment number 30.

    12 - OMG AT's beard! Still soooo hot!

    I love men with long hair, and sometimes beards. Mmmmmmmm....
    Aidan you sexy bearded hobbit vampire!

    Thankyou for linking that Frostmaiden!

    Now if a complete copy of him (with or without the beard I dont care) but aged 14 turned up at my doorstep he would immedietly be my boyfriend and I would spend my eternal life with him. Oh and I'd make him a cake, I dont know why I just want to bake a cake.

  • Comment number 31.

    just wanted to say my last comment was just basically saying aidan's really really good looking and I was not trying to suggest anything. He is just so nice looking and seems very friendly and would be a good friend.

  • Comment number 32.

    I checked and it seems that no-one has mentioned that Tom seems to have the same problem as George does some of the time. Not so good at stealth, think about it why did he in a van he'd been living it find himself unable from making a ruckus?

    As we saw him looking in on a sleeping Nina in the Trail last week I'm thinking he might be found out.

  • Comment number 33.

    28 how did u know that when tom was born, his mother was killed in the process.... and i also feel that lia's prophecy about completing someone else's journey could be referring to annie, if u guys are interested, the synopsis for daddy ghoul episode is up on wiki

  • Comment number 34.

    Frostmaiden, thanks for the hobbit link. :)

    We are obviously willing George not to kill Mitchell but could it be that he will have to chose between him and his new little family (Nina and furry baby)? Could Mitchell be doing the ultimate sacrifice and so free his soul? The mere thought has me weeping.

    I already really don't like McNair. RG is a good choice to portray him though.

  • Comment number 35.

    Blog virgin here :P
    But i don't know if anyone ever noticed in episode 1 when Tom staked Vincent the stake he used was wolf shaped so maybe mcnair will be the one to have his journey completed, as we see him being quite mean to Mitchel in one of the clips.

  • Comment number 36.

    nina rolls her eyes when he is talking about the stockings like not again

  • Comment number 37.

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  • Comment number 38.

    okay know I'm probably being a bit slow on the uptake, is Nina still pregnant? I know she clutched her tummy, and George asks her if she's okay, and she said yes, she looked a bit chilled to have had a miscarrage.

  • Comment number 39.

    Wow- another "grip my seat" episode! The cage scene was phenomenal...Go Annie-she can fight now! McNair was perfect in his role tonite and as we see the story unfold, I must say I was looking forward to a possible truce between he and Mitchell. Well, let's just hope he has Mitchell's back in a pinch if need be....Then BAM, all it took for me was the pant leg in the final scene for me to know that it was Herrick!!! (tg he's in a straightjacket ATM!)
    Poor Mitchell...how can he keep everyone safe yet still develop that beautiful relationship he describes with Annie?


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