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Farwell To Our Best Friend, George.

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Rebecca Denton, Online Exec | 21:50 UK time, Sunday, 5 February 2012


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'I need to be with my Nina.'

And with that, through the door, and our of our lives he went.

A huge, loving farewell to the magic, talented, amazing, kind and brilliant Russell Tovey and his wonderful portrayal of George. Our dear, dear, George.

Recover from the dramatic fallout of the first episode of the new series and leave your tributes to our favourite, most beloved werewolf right here.

Aw WOOOOOOOOOO!Ìý *sniff sniff* We’ll always have a ‘hole’ in our heart for George.Ìý


  • Comment number 1.

    I honestly did not see that one coming!

    Goodbye George, We will miss you!

  • Comment number 2.

    What a galling episode. Poor Nina, but I feel it was a relief for George. Getting my Aidan fix now on Ö÷²¥´óÐã4!

  • Comment number 3.

    Russell Tovey thankyou so much for screaming like a girl. You are a legend. George was a Prince amongst were wolves

  • Comment number 4.

    The sacrifice is made for the child's sake.
    Now the future looks not as bright.
    Yet hope, a child is coming back.

    Well done for now together they'll watch.

    See you on the new blog.

  • Comment number 5.

    'Keep me in your heart' - Are you kidding - Russell you will always be in our hearts. Fantasticlly well done and I wish you all the very best in the future. You will be missed and never, ever forgotton. Sasha xxx

  • Comment number 6.

    I cant believe it, in two episodes we have lost Mitchell, Nina and George.. now how fair is this. Ok so the story will move on but you have to admit, the best Werewolf of all time has to be George.. loved Russell on BH he is going to be a huge miss. I will of course keep watching, but nobody will replace him. Sigh..

  • Comment number 7.

    Thanks for the past 3 years Russell, you have been fantastic and I wish you all the best for your future ventures. We'll remember George with great fondness! xx

  • Comment number 8.

    Mr Tovey you are a legend your interpretation of George has set a new standard for all future werewolves we have laughed with you and at you (with love) we have definately cried with you and we have many happy memories as you probably do of you with your friends at the pink house you will be missed more than you will ever know as will Sinead a beautiful pairing its official things will never be the same but in Lord Toby We Trust. Good luck with all you future endevours I love your tweets you smutty little devil Be Happy Big Guy xx And everytime I get a text message and my phone howls at me I will think of you ;o)

  • Comment number 9.

    Thankyou Russel. We'll miss you so much :) You played a brilliant ever-so-slightly-girly Werewolf and no Werewolf will ever be so... In touch with his feminine side. But your departure! It made me cry, damn you!

  • Comment number 10.

    Thanks for all the brilliant memories Russell, you gave George a real humanity. A man full of heart, humour and flaws.

    I wish you all the best for the future.

  • Comment number 11.

    What an amazingly action filled and emotional way for George to go, so beautiful and perfectly written and acted.
    Russell we will miss you and never forget the part you played in making BH so amazing.
    I also want to say how amazing Nina was and farewell to Sinead who will also be missed dearly.
    Oh and as if I wasn't tearful enough you had to put Mitchells death in to the Farewell Russell video. :)

  • Comment number 12.

    Completely gutted to see 3 of the main characters go! :'( What a brave act for the writers to do this!
    But I feel this is going to be yet another excellent series and i can't wait to see how poor Annie and Tom cope.
    How you do keep us on our toes!

  • Comment number 13.

    Ah Russell, i hope you're reading these. Just wanted to say thanks for George, the best most awkward human being there is and the best Werewolf bar none.

    It was you as an actor who brought me to Being Human, being a Werewolf was just a bonus.

    I wish you all the best for the future. I love Him and Her and i loved George.

    Thanks again Russell, you'll be missed but never forgot.

  • Comment number 14.

    George Sands will always be my hero.

  • Comment number 15.

    I've been preparing for this moment from the second I heard that Russell Tovey was leaving Being Human, but even so it hurts an awful lot to see him go.

    Goodbye Russell. Goodbye George. I'm going to miss you both. Thank you for being awesome.

  • Comment number 16.

    im still crying why do they keep doing this to us its so sad but i hope they go on to do better things :)

  • Comment number 17.

    Russell is a brilliant actor. In Gavin & Stacey, Him & Her, or as Alonso Frame in Dr. Who, he IS that character, you don't think "that's George the werewolf ". That, to me is the mark of a great talent. Some actors seem to always play the same role. Will miss George, but look forward to seeing more of RT, got the feeling he will surprise us.

  • Comment number 18.

    R.I.P. George AND Nina. You will both be me missed loads! Russel your......AMAZING! What more could be said! Its been great, we'll miss you soooo much!

  • Comment number 19.

    George your last Transformation was your best and the only one you really wanted/needed. You came a long way from "who wants a piece of my chair!"
    Sad you are gone, and sad you missed your daughters life, but you wont be forgotten. Love from a fellow wolf

    Anyone else feel for Tom when he wanted George to take the place of Mcnair?

    I,m rewatching at 10.. anyone joining me if you dare!!

  • Comment number 20.

    The writing next to the drawn moon from which George tricks his body into transformation is Greek and translates as 'The moonlight sonata.' Beethoven's 'moonlight sonata' is the background music to a well-known and beautiful Greek poem by Ritsos, which bares the same name. The poem is, among many other things, about loneliness, death, desire, potentials.[Unsuitable/Broken URL removed by Moderator]
    I wonder how this 'trace' found its way into the scene of BH.
    Farewell, George.

  • Comment number 21.

    dear George

    you heart was too big; you loved your friends, you loved your Nina and you hated the monster you became every full moon and you hated yourself for having infected your lover.
    Life without her was empty, you became a shadow of yourself and only by saving your daughter, you became human again; you regained your soul...
    We shall miss you, but we know thar where you are now, it is by your Nina's side that we shall find you when our time has come.
    Go in peace , George, warrior of battles which you did not choose , wars that were inflected on you. You were the first victim.
    Go in peace, safe in the knowledge that your friends Tom and Annie will rise to the occasion and raise your hairy baby , not so hairy is she... or not. They will give her a strong sense of duty and discipline with Tom; and at the same time a warm fuzzy love which all children need from a nurturing mother like Annie.
    Cross the threshold of your own door, soldier. Another soldier is waiting for you with Nina. It will be pizza , beer and the Real Hustle and marigolds fields for ever...

  • Comment number 22.

    Russell, if you are reading this, thank you for three and a bit (pilot and S4 opener) amazing seasons of this brilliant show. You're just wonderful, an amazing actor and though I'm so sad to see you and Sinead (and of course Aidan) leave us, I'm just as thrilled to be able to follow you all in your future works!

    19- I was sniffling everytime Tom was on screen! I adore Michael and Tom is just precious. He's so lost, literally an abandoned puppy. He'll have a good home with Annie and Eve (and Hal) though *nod*

    Also, you brave thing! It'll be a good while before I can even watch clips from tonight's episode. Good luck!

  • Comment number 23.

    Champagne to Russell Tovey for whom 2011 and 2012 have heralded his forthcoming successes. You have spread open your wings. Soar in the skies and enjoy the deserved rewards pof such finely honed acting skills.
    We shall miss you in Being Human; but we shall meet again and again with pleasure.
    To Russell Tovey and Hollywood, beware of this big bad boy!

  • Comment number 24.

    I will always keep you in my heart George :)

    Russell, your character of George was the first character i fell in love with. You made me laugh, you made me roll my eyes and tonight not for the first time you made me cry. Thank you for George. I will miss him terribly but let's hope that it's not truly the end for him.

    Good luck with your future projects, much love to you x

  • Comment number 25.

    *sobs* Bye George. :(.

  • Comment number 26.

    And Bye Russell Tovey you awesome awesome man.
    We will miss you loads, I'll miss you loads. I'm here since the pilot. I will definably miss you loads :(.

  • Comment number 27.

    Russell!....crying again now.....of course we'll always keep George in our hearts.
    Going to miss you so much from being Human but all power to your elbow for future ventures. Love you!

  • Comment number 28.

    I think I can safely say that George Sands and Mr Russell Tovey will always be in hearts. You've made me laugh and cry more times than a grown woman should over a fictional character. George is a beautifully written character, but it is also through your talent and warmth that he has been given life and come to mean so much to so many people. I'll miss watching you every Sunday on BH, but I look forward to watching you in all your new ventures. Good luck with everything; it's shaping up to be a stellar year and a remarkable future for you. Fangs fur the memories, it's been a blast.

  • Comment number 29.

    Thank you Russell for making us all love George. It's been said before this evening but you really are a legend and truly the best cryer in the business. Of course you do realise that my family can never have pizza and watch the Real Hustle now without shedding many a tear in your honour and for the memories you our favourite supernaturals in the pink house. Good luck with all your future projects...we'll be watching you!!! XXX

  • Comment number 30.

    Best of luck Russell in the future. We have loved watching you as our funny, loveable George. He's had an emotional ride, but hopefully is now at peace with his Nina.

    I hope the new characters will have plenty of "domestic situations, doing mundane things in the house, tea making, chatting, bickering..." It will be a fond reminder of the original three when they were all together.

  • Comment number 31.

    Goodbye Russell

    The Fall of George

  • Comment number 32.

    Loved George for all his beautifully delivered funny dialogue, but mostly cos when he cried, it always made me want to sob. Will be sadly missed x

  • Comment number 33.

    Ewan thanks for the vid links. Love the behind the scenes vids.
    So long George, it's just the end of THIS story. I'm sure we'll see you again, and you'll still be screaming like a girl. Onward!

  • Comment number 34.

    TW you gave George one of the most amazing exits. I love you and bloody HATE you for that!

    George was one of the best characters on TV and I for one, will hold him dear forever.

    Mr Tovey your performance throughout this ep was outstanding. You broke my heart!

  • Comment number 35.

    You'll be sorely missed Russell but you're absolutely right....there are some wonderful new characters coming.

  • Comment number 36.

    I cannot believe it! That's Mitchell, Nina and George in the space of 2 episodes, how unfair is that! I haven't cried so much in a long time :'(
    Russell, we will always keep you in our hearts (and on DVD :D), you have graced our screens for a wonderful 23 episodes; that's 23 hours of laughter, love and tears that no BH fan will forget. And yet we must move on with the story :( it seems unjust that you were taken from our screens, although we could not have asked for a more noble death.
    I think that a spin-off series about pergatory should be made: Being Human Pergatory - Life After Death, that way we could follow your fantastic story forever :). On the plus side we know from Mitchell's past experience that Tom or Annie could go into pergatory and get George and Nina back.
    We love you Russell and I hope that you grace our screens soon :') xxxx

  • Comment number 37.

    I must say, I think I'm more gutted about Russell leaving then Aidan (and trust me, I loved AT). I loved what RT brought to George, who was honestly my favourite character (I even named my car after him haha). I have laughter and cried (mainly laughed) with George and he will be greatly missed!!

    Russell we adore you :) and thank you so much for bringing George to life so wonderfully! Couldnt think of a better actor to play him!

    x x x x x x

  • Comment number 38.

    This sums up all the best stuff about 'Being Human'. Where has all that personal interaction gone? I'm sure many people will enjoy it now, with it's references to 'Terminator' and 'Underworld', but really this was the stuff I liked, and with three of the four main characters gone it's literally not what it was.

  • Comment number 39.

    Farewell George last nights episode was emotional and brilliant all at the same time. Russell Tovey what an amazing actor you are. I think everyone shed a tear last night watching those final scenes. xx

  • Comment number 40.

    Allow people, new people in

    That is what I call Elegance

  • Comment number 41.

    Clearing throat...putting tissue box down...

    There's a new ghost hovering about the blog just now...
    He's a sad one, but there's a smile there too...
    He's going to keep an eye on the little one for a while, just to see how she's getting on...
    He'll be no trouble, he'll leave us the odd shepherd's pie out in the blog kitchen...
    He won't be here for long though...
    He's got someone to go on through to the light for... x

  • Comment number 42.

    Nice darts Russell................You played a blinder mate...!!!

    The best mincing werewolf ever !!!!!

    Good luck

  • Comment number 43.

    Loved it. Ep1 was an opener to be proud of, brilliantly written and fantastically played. Shocking too, but that's part of it - it's a drama after all, whatever the subject matter. Can't wait to see what the rest of the series holds and loved the terminator-like 'flash-forwards'. RIP Mitchell, George and Nina. Maybe a reunion in Being Dead in the offing???

  • Comment number 44.

    Oh Russell, you are a sweetheart! I wish you all the best for the future.
    And George. My poor, poor George. Thank you for bringing him so wonderfully to life. No one can move me from laughter to tears as quickly as George. I will miss him but am so glad he got a door so can be with his Nina. Goodbye George! Good luck Russell!

  • Comment number 45.

    Hello again. Long time no see. Not looked at blog for months and stumbled upon start of new series by accident -Yay! Sort of.. I remembered how I loved the first n second series and then how the plot, characterisation and frankly entire premise fell apart (as far as I'm concerned, and for a huge variety of reasons I bored people on previous blogs..) at the third :( So far, so mourned.
    And now its come to this! Toms accent for a start, what happened there? Its verging on comedy now. Werewolf blood is poisonous to vampires.. since when? Messing with the mythology is irritating (to say nothing of being obviously clunkily done to move plot) and throws up many questions from previous series/fight scenes. And the going Tardis on us by opening with the future >:( Oh knickers, really? Does the phrase less is more have any meaning here? Vampire werewolf ghost splendid. It was all nicely balanced and had genuine meaningful human situations. There is now no tv and a bit of cake and a laugh before oops I ripped someones throat out. It's mostly all lurching from misery horror death and catastrophe to the next. Perhaps there will be a rest in another episode but please not a totally "comedy" one like when Georges dad "died". The new vampire ie Mitchells replacement. He lives with a hairdresser. And was having his hair done!! And he has ocd so maybe a clean freak! Very droll :D But the new ghost.. Too Annie clone so far. The refusing to face reality and being domestic, same manner, the only difference is the dress. And I'm wondering how they are going to proceed with the ghost fashions not changing but sort of do with that one. Annies grey stuff is more amenable to the subtley allowed changes but a big fifties dress? Are they going to have them in different colour ways? Brighter or darker so she lookes like her contrast is being turned up and down? Have it get flatter or wider? I am sort of hoping Mitchells replacement (I know hes got a name but I just cant help it, hes Mitchells replacement and I may as well use the abbreviation MR from now on) turns out to have a fantastically sunny insoucient personality and sees trying to tune done his animal nature as an amusing diversion. He's clean and well groomed so maybe he is the antithesis I asked for on previous blog :D
    The baby. Is it or isn't a good thing? I wish I cared :/ Given that its not once been fed or had its nappy changed and according to Annie, hardly picked up, plus now both it's parents are dead and it's been surrounded by murderous vampires I'd say its on course for attachment disorder at the very least. I wait with extreme trepidation as how the time travel is going to mess about with an already cut to ribbons concept. The door to the beyond should've been enough plot device for things to happen outside of real world vampire werewolf ghost interactions. Time travel is over egging the pudding. The third series failed dismally with the door though. Mitchells rescueing Annie was inspired but I think they missed a trick. The door as either sinister place or heavenly realm seemed more fitting for Being Human than time travel (YAWN) Fundamental spiritual and relationship type questions seemed to be intitially asked by BH but now its all over the shop.. Was Russells forced partial transformation supposed to be horrific or funny like Igor? Or both? I'm confused and disappointed but I will keep watching if for no other reason than I like to criticise.
    Truly life without a loved one leaves a gaping wound which remains a permanent void :( Yes I mean Mitchell. I know everyone says move on BUT MOVE ON TO WHAT?? THERES NOTHING LEFT LIFE IS EMPTY!! ITS HOLLOW I TELL YOU!!!

  • Comment number 46.

    I could not see that coming!

    Anyway...I just want to say that Russell has been a great part of being human and he will be greatly missed! I was crying a lot all the way through Georges death. and im even crying now as i type.

  • Comment number 47.

    I believe we have a very different Annie. the situation was not the PH or HH, this time we have a Mitchell begging to be helped and it is Leo who offered salvation, not the other way around, and this time it worked.
    We have in fact a frozen pic of a 1955 family@ a father figure though dying. a wife who tries to pretend all is fine... in front of her partner to crumble down as soon she is out of sight and a heart broken son who realizes that very soon he will loose both parents and will be alone to face the big bad world. No Pearl is not Annie, she pretends to take stupid pills and everybody from Leo to Hal, knows she plays a role
    and by the way so happy to see you and you were bored me. There is not a blog police around. the very idea of it is nauseating. welcome back siv555, we missed you

  • Comment number 48.

    What a great performance by Mr. Tovey. I felt like I losing a friend while watching George fight to the death for his daughter. It was sad ending that I wasnt expecting especially so soon but it was en epic send off.

    I'm going to miss Russell loads. His portrayal as George was nothing short of brilliant. I wish him all the best.

  • Comment number 49.

    Just wanted to add my goodbye to George.

    I will truly miss you George, you were probably what made Being Human be "human" the most. Your attempt to normality, till the very end, made me smile and saddened every time. You fought so hard to keep everything unchanged, under control, because the life you had made you happy. And what is more human than that?

    The pink house, Annie and Mitchell were a sane place where you could be yourself, be George. And I will never forget how you tried to convince yourself and Mitchell that he didn't need to die, that he could "move to Scotland", that you could have "locked him in the attic". That was so George to me: siding with his friends, no matter what, for good and for worse. Because deep down you knew that once Mitchell was gone...the lives of the rest of you could never be the same.

    And so farewell George Sands. Hope you're happy in the parallel BH universe, behind the door.

    Thank you Russell for giving life to a wonderful character, who will never be forgotten :-) You made us laugh and cry for a fictional character whom had become a very good friends to us all.

    Good luck with your future adventures, we'll be sure following!

  • Comment number 50.

    first Mitchell, then Nina and now George...... :'( thank you so much for being so amazing and for screaming like a girl.... you will be missed and never forgotton x

  • Comment number 51.

    watching last nights episode brought back memories from the first season. after George dies I couldn't stop crying thinking about the time when Mitchell and George moved into the house, holding a TV. i still haven't gotton over Mitchell's death after a year (i haven't watched his death since and i cry when i hear anything linked to him...) and now i have george to get over aswell.

    as we say goodbye to old characters, with a heavy heart, we have to welcome the new :) (that smiley face was hard to type...)

  • Comment number 52.

    Wouldn't that have happened the second day of the full moon? Why would he not have been able to turn back normally, at least a few hours later, apart from other acting commitments?

  • Comment number 53.

    Why do all of the good werewolves die young?
    George was the very best of werewolves and his final act of love was heart-breaking. He is with his Nina now *sob* and I have just managed to pick myself up off the floor.

  • Comment number 54.

    Oh Russell, I wish you could have stayed forever. But as in real life, we get our hearts ripped out every time a loved one dies. And George was definitely loved. Very, very much.

    With endless admiration for you your talent,
    xxx bye George.
    Cu Russell. Take care.

  • Comment number 55.

    Thank you Russell for such wonderful moments and memories of George and for helping to create such a brilliant partnership of characters. It's sad that George has now gone, truly. But I wish you personally all the best for what's to come.

  • Comment number 56.

    Russell- you were amazing, funny, deep and so so loyal in your portrayal of George, but its hats off to you, kind sir for such a wonderful journey and the very best of everything thats good (including caramel snack a jacks!) for your future.

  • Comment number 57.

    Thank you Russell, you have been my all time favorite werewolf. We will miss you but it looks like the 'ship' is in good hands.

  • Comment number 58.

    Oh dear, will I ever be able to post a 'goodbye' comment without bawling my eyes out? Probably not.

    I loved George. I loved everything about George. I think every single one of my all time favourite scenes involve George. From "You're a Spy, aren't you?" (in the Pink House) to "You are not my friend" (to Mitchell after leaving the cage in WSB) to the final "I'm doing this because I love you" (THAT iconic scene).

    Someone once said (sorry, I don't remember who - perhaps Sinéad?) "no-one cries like Russell Tovey" and it's so true. And no-one made me cry more. I cried with laughter, with anguish, with pain, and finally with sorrow.

    Ryan from the crew sent this lovely pic of Russell between takes of filming his penultimate scene in S4. He said, "We LOVE Russell" and I bet they did.

    Goodbye and thank you for bringing life to George. "This is how we'll remember you" x

  • Comment number 59.

    Darnit, all you people make me cry. You're sooooooo meeeeaaan!

    Thanks for all you did on the show Russell. Will miss George greatly. You rock so hard. All the best for your future endeavors.

    xx Fleem

  • Comment number 60.

    I am ANGRY and upset at the shambles the show has become!

    I have no reall reason to keep watching and it’s not really to do with Russell Tovey leaving. OK I may be going out on a limb but it's my chance to voice MY humble opinion. "Eve of the War" was patchy at best and doesn't rate well in the story arch created by the first 3 seasons. By the end of the show it was a shambles – like drawn threads tied neatly that were supposed to be clever - but left me emotionally disconnected and I don't think there was any light to balance the dark. The Mr Weasly soothsayer guy just didn’t work on any level for me...and neither did the whimpy vampire who got the campervan as a mystery prize and left!

    If you watch the last episode of season three with first episode of season four the average person would be slashing their wrists….like I said at start I am ANGRY…this could have been better…the so called trap for George & Tom just didn’t make sense…basically if George sat in his room and wallowed in more grief by the end of the episode they would be alive …the dialogue just wasn’t convincing for George to trust Tom to go to the warehouse…

    Basically if the character Annie had done her job none of this mess would have happened… when you think about it…she is responsible for all the others dying! And what was odd, was that when Annie told George his daughter was gone, George didn't even get slightly mad at her...the script writing was fraying at the seams compared to other season!

    Russell's acting was pretty much the only good thing about the episode and though it was meant to be heart wrenching I didn't shed one tear!

    There were so many plot points that didn't make sense...even the lack of Jewish stuff around Eve's crib surely George didn't become a Christian just for one ep!...

    Did you notice there we no George moments where he had flashbacks to Nina - not a one! So it's pretty obvious why Sinead left the production...and there is no farewell Sinead vid or mention of one being made but Turner and Tovey got one! I suppose 3 years of having been in the cast and virtually ignored by Ö÷²¥´óÐã must have gotten Sinead Keenan down at times!

    My ramblings here are cobbled too…like the threads that didn’t make sense in the show…but at least it might make some of you think more deeply about some of the behind the scenes goings-on in the show…

    Tom in Oz (on a limb)

  • Comment number 61.

    Tom In Oz - Crikey!

  • Comment number 62.

    60- You are the first person that i have heard say anything bad about the episode so don't you think a rewatch with a more open mind might be in order?

  • Comment number 63.

    I loved the episode - my favourite programme is back, hooray - but I wish we hadn't known that Russell was leaving as then George's death might have been more of a shock, as it was I was just waiting for it to happen, just didn't know how.
    Off to watch it again.
    Tom, you're not biased really, are you?
    I'm trusting in Toby - we couldn't keep the pink house loveliness, the show had to move on and the new characters look most promising.

  • Comment number 64.

    Oh Russell I think there will be a huge heart shaped void in Being Human without you and Nina, I will miss your characters so much, so real and so human admist the chaos, very best of everything to both you and Sinead

  • Comment number 65.

    60. Well said Tom! x

    62. I think that's an incredibly patronising thing to say, Tom is as entitled to his opinion as anyone else and just cos you don't agree with it , doesn't mean it isn't valid!

    Maybe you should go back through the blogs and read them properly cos you'll see there are plenty of other people who have expressed negative things about Ep 1 ( sorry, was that patronising?)

  • Comment number 66.

    Miss you Mr T. Your girly screaming was a lovely counterpoint to your towering emotional scenes. You Sir, are an excellent cryer.
    Perhaps some of the comments on this thread are more to do with the episode content than missing George? I know same thing.. Im going with Gingernut 63. Angst angst pending and will miss Georges put downs, sarcasm, naivety, confusion and empathy...

  • Comment number 67.

    Ive already said a huge farewell to you, Russell/ George and I think its fair also to say a big thank you and farewell to Sinead Keenan/Nina who your character so desperately wanted to be with. Sinead- you've been terrific and I wish you luck and love in your very bright future.
    Mods I hope you dont mind me saying this as there doesnt seem to be a 'Farewell to Sinead' blog and this seemed the most appropriate alternative :)

  • Comment number 68.

    @60 - couldn't have said it better Tom, it was all over the place. George was the main character and I'm gutted to see him go, but I'm going to keep watching to see if the new characters gel.

  • Comment number 69.

    On a positive note, it will be interesting to see Russell in other roles as well (e.g. in a the upcoming film, Effie).

    Thanks to Toby Whithouse for creating the series.

    Seb ([Unsuitable/Broken URL removed by Moderator])

  • Comment number 70.

    To put a fine point on it: this episode felt like one from the North American series with some of the British actors. Lenora Crichlow and Russell Tovey were wonderful as always, but the writing was all over the place, inconsistent with canon and a complete divorce from character development. I realize Being Human cannot force anyone to stay on, but seriously, did someone brand new write the script for this episode? There had to be some better way to incorporate cast departures.

  • Comment number 71.

    Tom In Oz has said most of it already. Well written post Tom.

    I came into the new series, expecting to like it less (due to no Aiden), but I knew that Russel Tovey and Lenora Crixhlow were great and may make it worth watching.

    But I just knew, a few mins in, realising they had lost Nina in such a dismissive way, that this was not going to be good. The writers seem to have forgotten that we really only care about what we see, no matter what occurs between episodes. They effectively ripped out a main character with no real story behind it.

    The very last thing this show needed was to start how it finished. The whole end of Mitchell scene, based on comments here at the time, did not go down well with about 50% of the participants. Do the producers / writers not take notice of their own blog?

    So, what almot finished the whole franchise, was used as a starting point for the new series. Really?

    Clearly the writers have forgotten that this show became popular as a light-hearted supernatural show, that was an original insight into how people get by in their lives (hence the title BEING HUMAN!).

    As others have mentioned, 3 main characters lost in 2 episodes. No show can survive that. What were they thinking? It was sad to see the real end of Being Human.

    Whatever we have now is a different show, different writing and focus, that only shares a name and one character with the much-loved original.

  • Comment number 72.

    To keep something fresh things to change & expand or else it all gets a tad tedious......
    For everybody getting their knickers in a twist about how s4"Lost its Way" or "deviated from the path" or "Changed existing Mythology" etc.etc.etc
    Chill the **** out...!!!
    It was the first episode of a new series with some serious loose ends to tie up as a result of loosing key cast members & I personally think that while E1 was certainly crammed the BH team did a great job of setting us up ready for whats to come.

  • Comment number 73.

    Just posted this on the latest blog..but I see some of you are still here...To Edward George ..maybe we can consider this the tribute we wanted for Mitchell, George and Nina.

  • Comment number 74.

    cried buckets when george died ... as soon as i heard that his liver and other major organs were failing ... that he had given his life to save his daughter - i was helpless.

    thank you to russell tovey for being such a fantastic actor for the part of george. i also love you in him & her xxx

    my favourite george quote: "you smell like a polo...have you got a hole?"

  • Comment number 75.

    This series just goes on getting better!
    He will be back - nothing surer! ';^)>

  • Comment number 76.

    I will really miss George in Being Human. It was a blow that we have now lost Mitchell also. Thank you all for makeing being human the show it is. I love it & have been a fan 4 yrs.

  • Comment number 77.


  • Comment number 78.

    OMG! I just finished watching on Netflix in Canada all 3 seasons/series of Being Human! I LOVE IT! I'm so sad how it ended. I just found out there are more episodes but they are not available in Canada, and are block on my computer too! I cant wait to see the new episodes. I love the spoilers! THANK U!

  • Comment number 79.

    George if you're reading this ... we still love you ! It was the brilliance of your performance - & Annie's, Nina's & Mitchell's - that laid the foundation for the new series ... the fact we can enjoy the new team is really just more tribute to all you original guys. Good Luck.


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