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Live Blog. Ep 2: Being Human 1955

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Rebecca Denton, Online Exec | 19:00 UK time, Sunday, 12 February 2012


What will this intriguing episode bring? Will Eve, Annie and Tom meet our barber shop trio? Will we hear from the mysterious future woman? Is she Eve? What the heck is that smooth, swaggering vampire Cutler up to? How much Fergus can Annie take? Is Regus a good vampire, a bad vampire or is there something more to him? Will Tom stop being so darn gorgeous? And... Hal. Well. Are you ready to really, properly meet Hal? Did it get hot in here?

Lay down your fearless predictions below.

Great Scott! It's really here....! Being Human 1955, 9pm on Ö÷²¥´óÐã Three.




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  • Comment number 1.

    The dominoes will fall where they may

  • Comment number 2.

    The owls are not what they seem

  • Comment number 3.

    The problem is when that happens I have only 1 and a half hours in which to finish.

    *mumbling about fallen dominoes.

  • Comment number 4.

    So thoughts in general from what I've read on other blogs are.

    Leo and Pearl pass on.
    Annie goes Motherly on Tom, with half thought out rules.
    Tom and Hal rub each other the wrong way.
    More funney than last week.
    Ghosts have a nice chat?

  • Comment number 5.

    Exciting! And Pearl's dress is gorgeous, I love the big skirts.

  • Comment number 6.

    Looking forward to the new episode. I agree, Min, Pearl's dress is stunning. Before this though, I need to sort out dinner, polish off my pudding and make sure everyone is settled and quiet...

  • Comment number 7.

    Seems the rest of the troops haven't gathered yet... Hello to Ewan and Min.

    Well, I can't say what I hope for ep 2, because I'd rather be surprised. Happy watching!

  • Comment number 8.

    4 - Think you've just about covered everything there Ewan. So what is new, I ask myself x

  • Comment number 9.

    I predict... this will be a slower episode, with a much needed chance to get to know all the amazing new characters. Can't wait to see Hal properly, he seems a bit more Bill Compton than Mitchell, but thats still alright.
    Speaking of which, True Blood Season 4 is airing directly after this episode of Being Human! However will I cope! Do I watch both and not have a chance to digest either?
    I think I'll stagger them, Being Human on Sunday, True Blood on Friday: my weeks gone before you know it!

  • Comment number 10.

    Hey Everyone! It's BH Night... I'm excited.

    We truly welcome all thoughts and opinions - it keeps the show alive... so keep 'em coming!

    The huge amount of content is integral to series 4, and has been created for and exists because of the people here... so we're listening and will keep an eye on how this works - it's certainly fast-paced!

    Have fun tonight. It's a GREAT Ep.. a bit more relaxing if I may say, after last week.

    See you on the other side.......!

  • Comment number 11.

    4. Ewan.....oh I'm all for Hal and Tom rubbing each other........sorry, did I miss a bit there?

  • Comment number 12.

    Ghaar the dominoes fell again I'll have to start again with an hour to go.

  • Comment number 13.

    Hello Buzz! My brain is wiped clean of any theories I may have in preparation for watching this episode. I like to go in open minded and ready to be surprised, otherwise you find yourself looking for clues intentionally. I do this afterwards!

    But I agree, it sounds like there will be far more comedy in this episode. I'm sure there will be funny scenes between Tom and Hal as they try to determine who will be the alpha male. Rawr!

  • Comment number 14.

    @Dornia ... don't get me started... honestly. ;-)

  • Comment number 15.

    How olde is Leo?
    I'm guessing about 76
    (Mcnairs grandad was 100 and something wasn't he?)

  • Comment number 16.

    11 - Dorina - you're a very naughty girl (a la monty python - don't know if you're even old enough to get it but hey)

  • Comment number 17.

    10. Rebecca: if the content is integral rather than complementary, why is it on a blog and not in the show? Someone might be missing out.

  • Comment number 18.

    Very excited about the episode tonight.
    Look fwd to live blogging :0)

    Thx Rebecca for making everyone welcome on the blog.

  • Comment number 19.


    RL Louis Mahoney is 73 and born in Gambia, hence the African accent.

    Leo is x + 55YEARS so from the prequel to the very least 75ys old

    and McNair grandpa lived to be 103!

  • Comment number 20.

    17. People who watch the show will see as much as they need to to enjoy and understand the series. By integral I mean... woven in, deeper, part of the seams. Not everyone wants the extras, but for some people the series alone is not enough - they want more! We hope you enjoy...

  • Comment number 21.

    15. And you are! And thank YOU. x

  • Comment number 22.

    Looking forward to some more positive interaction and less twattage in this episode..... And Ed, the Log Lady knows..

  • Comment number 23.

    Evening all approaching the blog tonight with a completely open mind no theories or preconceptions about anything think last week although setting us up for the series was throwing us curve balls, red herrings and there was soo much to take in, this week I'm just going to settle into the journey after a frantic start and see where LT & the gang take us.
    Why does this hour take soo long ?
    And whats this about Hal & Tom rubbing each other ??? Miss Denton there appears to be a new innuendo tone to the blog since your arrival love it keep up the good work

  • Comment number 24.

    But McNairs grandad probally wasn't a werewolf

  • Comment number 25.

    Just under 40 mins to go! Ive rewatched last weeks, cant wait for 9pm

  • Comment number 26.

    22. I forgot about Twattage how could I have forgotten Twattage? yes less twattage but more twattage moments would be appreciated

  • Comment number 27.

    35 minutes the dominoes are looking good anyone on twitter it's time to start trending.

  • Comment number 28.

    With half an hour to go it's time to see how the feral and the Old One get along when they first meet each other.

  • Comment number 29.

    24. thanks Saffz- wander if The WW curse weakens Older-wolves or as Mcnair seemed to think they healed stronger each time?
    Maybe Leo being Tied to his bed and not enought game meat in the woods left him weaker?

  • Comment number 30.

    The question is.
    How old was Leo in 1955?

    After all he could have been older than he looked.

    There is a thought.

  • Comment number 31.

    28. Feral knocks over a Dominoe or two I bet, wander if Leo will calm Tom down and give him some sage Olde wolf wisdom

  • Comment number 32.

    27 Set 'em up Ewan, love a good game of dominoes.

    Right, my lot are... ummm... sleeping *coughs* ... right now... how long to go? Just over 25 mins? Good.

    Predictions? Hal will get his kit... oh never mind...

  • Comment number 33.

    Ewan hows your dominoes going, need any help? Ive tried to get it trending for you.
    Looking very forward to this ep! 19mins and 42 secs!!

  • Comment number 34.


    do not forget
    I bet Leo leaving his money to Tom to allow him buying the Cafe!

  • Comment number 35.

    34 - Saint - good call - I think you may just be right there darn it.......why didn't I think of that?

  • Comment number 36.

    Manc, did you read the SFX article ages ago? It said something about hal topless covered in blood in a house in Russia (i think it was russia) with a dodgy tash. I reckon thats going to be tonight!!

  • Comment number 37.

    Did someone just cough on the dominoes?

    15 minutes to go and start the dominoes again.

  • Comment number 38.

    Oh dear Ewan!

  • Comment number 39.

    OK, will have to watch 'young gardener of the year' , last week it young 'young taylor or seamstress of the year'
    then BH

    sofa ready, friends sitting already, who has taken the party rings, box of tissues, Leo and Pearl...
    Every time I watch Leo and hear Pearl mentionning her Marie Claire, I cry
    so getting ready for the worse...

    and waiting to hear about that new commandment

    'thou shall not hide stakes in my shrubbery'

    OK fifteen minutes to go

    bowing to @mistress denton, the mods and the august assembly of bloggers

    come Panda, we need to get those front sits!

  • Comment number 40.

    I hope i dont get modded for that! (sorry)

  • Comment number 41.

    Tom, stop knocking over Ewan Dominoes! he is a WW you know!

    Any more guesses on Leos age?

  • Comment number 42.

    32- sorry - Hal gets his kit what exactly?

  • Comment number 43.

    Can someone please pass me the party rings and a nice cup of tea please?

    8 mins and 55 secs until Being Human 1955

  • Comment number 44.

    I was thinkin' maybe Leo will leave some money to Tom too, cus here's something I've been worrying about - Hal explains to Leo in the last episode that if he dies he and Pearl lose the house and she fades away. But! Annie's in a very similar situation! HH was owned by the 3 VISIBLE housemates that the land lord would've been familiar with, Tom needs to do something to keep the place for them or to an outsider it'd look pretty dodgy. A bit mundane I know but it could be an issue for our "supernatural triumvirate" :P

  • Comment number 45.

    By the way - sorry if off topic a bit - I was Rewatching Submarine last night (very cool movie with Craig Roberts/Adam) and I recognised one of his school mates...and guess who he was? Sweet Dewi!! Talk machine there as well. Very funny :0)

  • Comment number 46.

    41 Lycan I think he's i his 80's probably 84.

    Right im going to go and get ready for Being human. Happy watchin everyone (well maybe not)

  • Comment number 47.

    WEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! sorry had to go before ...................its Coming ..........ep2

  • Comment number 48.

    45- Oh I read online somewhere yesterday that he was *only in it*. I've got the book and DVD - both yet untouched. Would you recomment it then?

  • Comment number 49.

    5 minutes to go time to find the comfy see and settle down with what's left of the party rings.

    Be seeing you.

  • Comment number 50.

    Okay time to shutdown, switch to twitter on my phone and get comfy...

    Here we go again folks :D

  • Comment number 51.

    48. Sasha the book is alot better than the film. The fil is outstanding but the book is so funny, when i read it i jut picture Craig Roberts. Its brill! I would recommend it!!

  • Comment number 52.

    47- Lycan - you ok? Saint has pills for stuff you know.....just saying.... :-)

    Sorry Rebecca but you are now on your own.............see you in an hour!

  • Comment number 53.

    48 - really loved it. Got free tickets for the preview but then got the DVD so that my boyfriend could watch it too. The writing is great, and Craig and yasmine (lead girl) are really good

  • Comment number 54.

    The 1955 woman (is it Pearl?) is really pretty. Bet Annie is a bit jealous of her dress - not an Ugg in sight.

    Ewan - you seem positively giddy tonight! How many party rings have you had?

  • Comment number 55.

    52 - No Sasha, ms Denton is not alone. There's a sorry Swede here as well. Feeling a bit left out. Kicking my shoes. Picking my nails. Counting the light bulbs. Humming to myself. Ah, well...

  • Comment number 56.

    'Is he a werewolf. Yes, a very naughty werewolf.'

  • Comment number 57.

    Did Annie just become George for a moment ???? lol
    Still pmsl about 'Make it so'

  • Comment number 58.

    'She's George and Nina's baby, why aint that enough? Come on little 'un'

  • Comment number 59.

    How many Star War quotes tonight???? Are you Ok Miss Denton hope your not too lonely

  • Comment number 60.

    Favourite line so far: 'they're eating my focus group'. Genius.

  • Comment number 61.

    'Are you somehow drunk?'

  • Comment number 62.

    Whoa don't be slaggin the tea !!! think we just established why the lights were flickering conflicting energies anyone?

  • Comment number 63.

    59 - Isn't "he's a very naughty werewolf" more of a Monty Phyton quote? Something like 'he's not a werewolf, he's a very naughty boy'..?

  • Comment number 64.

    Everyone, quickly, hide the Kia Ora.

  • Comment number 65.

    Well done Hal.

    But trying to watch this live on iPlayer. AAARRRRGGGGGHHHHHHHH! Stops ever few seconds.

    Leo and Pearl -

    Goodbye Leo

  • Comment number 66.

    Well Well Well Wellll?

  • Comment number 67.

    'I'm having a herbal, Kiwi and strawberry, it's been that kind of day'. Really enjoyed this episode. Hal is beginning to really 'flesh' out as a character. Dominoes have never seemed so sinister!

  • Comment number 68.

    That was Hilarious!! Annie has never been so great!! The Ceremony was awsome!!! I LOVE Hal too! I can totally see him growing on me.

  • Comment number 69.

    So Pearl was a Gilbert in the end

  • Comment number 70.

    I love this show, so very very much!

    Wish I could be more indepth but, alas, at the moment I cannot. Laughed, cried, and having started gnawing on my fingernails again. Just love this show, it's cast and crew, so very much.

    Thank you!

  • Comment number 71.

    Brilliant episode, loads of funny lines and great introduction to Hal. Its a shame Pearl and Leo had to go I really liked them but it was a really nice way for them to go.

    However at the start when it was just Annie, Tom and Eve in the house I kept expecting to see George and then it really hit me that he wouldn't be there any more.

  • Comment number 72.

    53 - Thanks for that - will get it out the wrapper at some point over the next few weeks.

    On a BH note - was I the only person that dropped tear there?

  • Comment number 73.

    The look on Cutlers face when he realises what type of vampires he's dealing with.

  • Comment number 74.

    Blimey - That was A-maz-ing!
    69 - Yep, echoes of Gilbert. Wasn't Leo great! Wnt to watch it again now.

  • Comment number 75.

    72. - Oh lordy no, I was sniffling all over the place. This show has always been therapy for me, especially now. Plus the amazing writing, cast and crew help somewhat.

    71.- Same about expecting to see George around. Especially with it being such a 'domestic' episode, I almost expected to see George and Mitchell watching Real Hustle on the sofa, which makes all the repressed grief in that house even more raw and realistic. If we're feeling that, how must Tom and Annie be feeling?

  • Comment number 76.

    64 - Exactly Rebecca - that Kia Ora is full of that preservative stuff - as if Hal need that!

    69 - Yup - every Annie will have a Gilbert, no doubt. I hope I'll have a Gilbert!

  • Comment number 77.

    A five minute wobble at the "ceremony" where I worried Annie was going to end up being used as a slightly embarrassing comedy only character as has happened on occasion previously. However by the end of the episode, she came back to the Annie we had in series one and long may that last!

    Tears for a second week running, this time shorter lived tho. And though missing Mitchell (along with a million other gals, no doubt), Hal won me over with his speech in the shop and even made a me wibble a little (like any decent vampire should). Looking forward to more of him and what's to come.

    All in all, I am still enjoying this, even without Mitchell, George and Nina. Bring on the rest of the series!!!

  • Comment number 78.

    I think I missed the reason why the episode was called 1955. Was that the year when Pearl died? Or when Pearl, Leo and Hal set up house together?

  • Comment number 79.

    Enjoyed episode 2....partly because I watched sections of it being filmed but also because it brought Hal and his emotional baggage into the frame.
    Not a surprise about Pearl and Leo....would have loved to have seen a prequel when they first met!
    Hal all over the place emotionally which is exactly as he should be after losing some of his 'controls' after 50 odd years.
    Thought Tom and Hal's interactions spot on for a couple of 'dudes' who will be fighting to be top dog so to speak and who have no reason to trust each other at this point.
    The question is...why does future lady want baby Eve killed....and who is future lady?
    Shame that Cutler didn't get the results of his focus group...ah well...another week, another political dimension....

  • Comment number 80.

    Oh, and really loving Hal's OCD nature. Nice touch.

  • Comment number 81.

    75- yeah it really was a Series 1 style episode, and although its sad we won't be seeing George or Mitchell any time soon its nice to know that BH can still have that amazing feeling with the new characters.

    Bring on episode 3.

  • Comment number 82.

    Hi bloggers! Well I have to admit after having a bit of a BH "wobble" after last weeks episode, I enjoyed tonights ep a lot more. Pleased to see we now have a werewolf, ghost & vampire living together. Enjoying the interactions between Hal & Tom... :D

  • Comment number 83.

    Hello. I enjoyed this episode. Tom was charming, his comic timing is effortless and his eyebrows splendidly soulful, coupled with the deadpan Midlands accent. Hal was ... dangerous, intriguing, repellent and bewitching. But this episode belonged to Annie - to Lenora! - who was an absolute goddess throughout! She is such a fabulous actress - she just owns the screen. She turns lines on a page into a person, a person full of love and compassion, sweetness and pain, courage and heart. Plus, she's so funny! She's a genuinely brilliant comic actress, made all the better for the fact that she controls the pathos just perfectly.

    Oh, and Eve! Let's not forget that tiny pink little baby! She's so cute, with her little twitchy fingers and her floppy head! Annie looks like a natural mother when she swaddles her :)Whoever that future woman is, I don't agree she's pursuing the right course in trying to kill Eve x.

  • Comment number 84.

    81 - Well I absolutely loved Mitchell to bits and thought George was great but I can quite honestly neither passed through my mind in that episode tonight - not even for a split second!

  • Comment number 85.

    Dorina, nothing wrong with a vampire with emotional baggage.... Makes MUCH more interesting viewing ;)

  • Comment number 86.

    Brilliant! I really liked it. Laugh out loud moments, teary moments, argh-what-is-he-doing?! moments. Much more of a "starter" episode than the previous one, wasn't it?

    I did clock on a bit early that it was Pearl affecting the lights but it didn't make it any less enjoyable.

  • Comment number 87.

    83 - Gosh - well said Topo - I would have said just that, if only I had your way with words. Thanks!

  • Comment number 88.

    I Was Laughing All The Way Through Being Human Tonight :) I Love When Being Humans Funny And LOVING HAL I New He Was Going To Be Good :) and Tom Hes Just Funny !! But Il Give It To Annie I Was Crying When She Done That Hole Ceremony Thing Makes Me Laugh Thinking About It :D

  • Comment number 89.

    What new stories have we found out.

    1. The Woman is after Eve.
    2. Hal is living on the edge.
    3. Tom is still hunting Vampires.
    4. Annie is learning a new skill.
    5. The lackeys in charge not a good idea.
    6. Cutler doesn't like the lackeys.
    7. Careful what you report to the police.
    8. Annie really wants to be in charge of the house.

  • Comment number 90.

    Mmmm, I did love Hal's speech in the pawn shop. It made me go all goose-bumpy. And the look on Annie's face as she walked past George and Nina's old bedroom - I thought that was a very nice touch. It may take me a couple of days to get over the fact that she installed Tom into Mitchell's old room, however.

    The best line had to be "Thou shalt not hide stakes in my shrubbery."

    And I always knew there was a reason my mother wouldn't let me drink Kia Ora.

  • Comment number 91.

    Hals scared of spiders! - remember "spidey sense" from s3?

    Toms wolf hugging speech to pawn shop owner (surly git) leading to Hals scarey chat in his ear aboujt killing was epic.

    Get rid of the TV in ~Eves room and that Bl**dy future Woman

    New house rule - NO Vampire in eves room!!

    Love Leos music

  • Comment number 92.


    wont be able ever again to quote Et tu Brute the same way, giggles a plenty

  • Comment number 93.

    Personally, I think we should have a 'Go Annie' moment. As I said in another blog, Lenora, as far as I'm concerned (and it is only MY opinion so no-one shout at me) doesn't get enough credit. She is absolutely fantastic and I love her to bits!

  • Comment number 94.

    83 Hi Topo! - Tom's eyebrows - lol! They are splendid though, aren't they?

  • Comment number 95.

    Now thats more like our kind of twattage
    Annie was at her most fantastic from start to finish brilliant
    Still think the future lady is coming for her though even though she was encouraging Hal to kill Eve - don't know why just do.
    Don't know about Hal? great performance don't get me wrong but he's got too much repressed to be able to trust him ?? (that an the fact he's far too much like my ex, shudder)
    Why are the Vampire focus group studying WW transformation? Sorry why WERE they being consumed by their own kind does not bode well for the future of the vampires does it?? (Have to say still don't think any of them would have matched any of our previous ones yet)
    Heinrik-Nelson I've never seen it done before but its temporary effectiveness was impressive
    Loved Pearl & Leo a lovely end to their brief story, don't think her and Annie would have lasted long under the same roof - Don't ever slag the tea luv!!!!
    Why did Annie make herself herbal tea if she can't drink it??
    How many Star Wars references were there tonight??

  • Comment number 96.

    84- Really? I was so sure George was going to appear from round a corner somewhere. And when we heard George's scream on the outside of the Vamp HQ, a part of me was hoping he had somehow came back.

    But alas it was not meant to be...

  • Comment number 97.

    91. Haha! I almost forgot the spider bit! Ah that had me rolling!

  • Comment number 98.

    have you noticed all the answers to previous episodes loose ends?

    Saint collecting all the cupcakes bets from her double door!
    the camels were a car running out of gas, a really unsuspected camel!

    and Hal blowing the dominoes was frightening

  • Comment number 99.

    93 - I agree sasha! It's time for a Lenora-love-in! xx

  • Comment number 100.

    95. Cutler was determining people's responses to the idea that werewolves exist. Ö÷²¥´óÐãless people are easy to come by and they'll do silly stuff like that for a bit of food/money! I still think he's planning to reveal werewolves to show humanity that being recruited by the vampires is the lesser of two evils. "Show them something worse."


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