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Preview Ep 3: The Graveyard Shift

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Rebecca Denton, Online Exec | 20:30 UK time, Saturday, 18 February 2012


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  • Comment number 1.

    Get a job Hal

  • Comment number 2.

    And- we're off. Great last line from Tom.

  • Comment number 3.

    So what were these 'unwise investments.'

    Also seeing as he has been sequestered for the last 55 years which crash?

  • Comment number 4.

    Great clip, really looking forward to tomorrow :-)

    Also, third! XD

  • Comment number 5.

    Still laughing at Tom's last line, brilliant, can't wait till tomorrow :)

  • Comment number 6.

    Yay! new clip. In 55 seconds, I am loving the lines "That is how I manage my condition" & "If you eat people, we'll have to try something else". I agree with Annie Hal, you have been clean for 50 years.... give it a go, what could possibly go wrong!! Counting downthe hours to Sunday to see what goes wrong.

  • Comment number 7.

    Free-loader Hal! Crikey, totally loving Michael Socha this series. Adore his accent! Oh, and just have to add a comment about Annie's curls: :D Thank you hair-and-make-up team! x

  • Comment number 8.

    We'll see how this turns out in 24 hours.

  • Comment number 9.

    Tom's eyebrows are a law unto themselves! They should get a mention on the credits!

    Funny clip. Thanks Rebecca.

  • Comment number 10.

    So looking forward to tomorrow. Poor Hal, his face is priceless! Get a job?!!! Moi! an OO?

  • Comment number 11.

    @ topomostro Michael Socha/Tom jut keeps getting better and I think his accent really helps with his great lines:D And yes, Annie's hair has been cured, I really hated her's and Nina's hair last series! Maybe new Ö÷²¥´óÐã cutbacks on mousse and hairspray... :P

  • Comment number 12.

    ROFL - 'and if you do start eating people; we'll just have to try something else'
    Superb! Sooooo looking forward until 9pm tomorrow! Thanks Rebecca and the rest of the team.

  • Comment number 13.

    Oh dear Tom . He is so wonderfully innocent and trusting .

  • Comment number 14.

    Hal, if you don't get a job you'll be among "people in general" because you'll be homeless. I don't think that Tom's wages alone cover even the low rent of Honolulu Heights. Get a job, however, and you could be all alone in the café kitchen seeing very few other people.
    Maybe Annie should start actually running the house as a B&B for supernaturals? She doesn't sleep so she has lots of time to do washing and so on.

  • Comment number 15.

    hahaha I loved the line 'and if you do start eating people, we'll have to just try something else'

    Cannot wait until tomorrow! 23 hours and 40 mins!

  • Comment number 16.

    im really starting to love Tom he is so funny! but when i close my eyes at night i keep seeing his eyesbrows!! Hmmm im a bit miffed that they have done another baddie policeman like Herrick. he was fab. R.i.p

  • Comment number 17.

    Brilliant, can't wait for tomorrows episode. However this talk about needing money has given me a thought (always dangerous!), Who actually owns the B&B? George,Nina, and Mitchell are all gone, and it can't be Annie, obviously! Isn't it a bit weird that Tom and Hal have just moved in??

  • Comment number 18.

    I have to say I am loving both Tom, for his comedic element he brings to BH and Hal, who's just good looking. :)

    I have to say i am desperate to see Travelling Light (which stars Damien Molony), just out of interest have any bloggers seen in yet and would you recommend it?

  • Comment number 19.

    What could possibly go wrong Hal. Looking forward to tomorrows episode.

  • Comment number 20.

    Well, someone registered Eve's birth (she's a British citizen)... quite possibly Tom has (with Annie instructing him) sorted something out with the landlord (who had a lot of trouble getting tenants in the first place so would be happy that the place is staying occupied).
    At least Hal can truthfully say that he's an ex-soldier with OCD, that could get the café owner an Equal Opportunities fund or something.

  • Comment number 21.

    17. I was thinking that too! It would look really suspious that Hal and Tom have just 'moved in' without the landlord/lady knowing. I wonder how thery are going to explain that one.

  • Comment number 22.

    Maybe George worked something out with the landlord, he wrote the letter to Eve as a just in case if he got killed, he probably had suspisions that Tom would want to move in so if anything happened to him then Eve 'officially' had someone to live with (as people cant see Annie)

  • Comment number 23.

    Galadhwen, I have given this some careful thought. I believe the house was registered in George and Nina's names. Presumably, Annie and Tom have covered up George's death (so that Tom can steal G's identity and claim to Social Services that Eve is his ... clever, eh? Otherwise they really would be in a pickle). Rent must be low what with all those murders that happened there just a few months ago (*cough* we just won't draw attention to the fact that the murders would not have happened there if not for the current tenants' peculiar taste in friends). Then, of course, there's all the money Annie got from flogging Mitchell's old stuff (some of it antique!) on ebay (you noticed the laptop last week). There were guitars, an accordion, loads of old records, a collection of leather jackets and Paul Smith shoes, some 'vintage' board games plus a massive collection of Laurel and Hardy dvds. And don't forget the car! That went on ebay too. Picked up a couple of grand for that, which has definitely made the last few months easier, what with all those nappies, and formula. Also, Tom turned up a huge stash of cigarettes at the back of Mitchell's wardrobe (fell off a lorry, naturally) and he was able to flog those down the local pub.
    So, that tided them over for a while.

    Sadly, George did not own much worth flogging, and this is why it comes to Hal getting a job. If only Mitchell had stolen the deeds to Herrick's property portfolio in Clifton (Bristol), Annie, Tom, Eve and Hal would never have had to work again. As it is, it looks very likely that Annie will have to start taking in ironing soon.

  • Comment number 24.

    where is everyone? It seems so quiet. Has the curse of the green box reappeared?

  • Comment number 25.

    i was thinking about the house and eve too. she would be in care wouldnt she? social services wouldnt just let her stay with tom. but dont think about all that cos they cant write everything. just pretend its all sorted!!

  • Comment number 26.

    "Is tha' Mr Dwy... Du... the lan'lord of 'Onolulu 'ahrts? Yeah, this is yer new tenant, 'cos I'd just moved in like, an' not 'ad time ta call ya, an' the others done a runner... yeah she was, yeah, so they wen' off cos of grief like... I don't fink so, I'd've 'eard if they 'ad... No, they din't. They def'nitely ain't done that. Posi'ive. Anyway, you're gonna 'ave to start comin' roun' cos I ain't got no bank account or nowt... cos of that bad stuff what the bankers done, I don' trust 'em... sorry mate. But do ya want yer rent or not? You'll 'ave to come round 'ere to get it then, an' the door stays on t'chain I'm 'fraid cos we've 'ad some bad types come round... [pause] There'll be a cup of tea for ya though, proper great tea. What? No, ain't no-one else... livin' 'ere 'cept the baby, I were just checkin' on 'er like... er, can ya make it two days aftah that, 'cos I don' get paid til Sa'urdays... fanks mate. I swear it'll be worth it for the tea. It's proper 'mazin' tea. Cheers mate."

  • Comment number 27.

    Haha this is brill, i've heard a lot about this episode what with all those spoilers. I'd have to say, Hal to me is definitely the cutest vampire ever! Can't wait to see him being bossed around the cafe by our also gorgeous Tom tomorro :-)

  • Comment number 28.

    @aok666 :D Brilliant! Transcribed his lovely Derbyshire accent just perfect! And those are totally Tom's words. Straight up, open, charming, honest (sort of, as honest as you can be when you have to cover up suspicious deaths and strange night time habits!).

  • Comment number 29.

    26. Haha I bet that's actually what the phonecall would sound like! Wish they'd actually did a recording of it to put on the blog :-(

  • Comment number 30.

    I wish I could do him trying to register Eve's birth, but I don't know what the process is to register a baby...
    Big question for me is: what have they done with the bodies (George, and Headless It's-My-First-Day Vampire [shredded by George])? Burnt them maybe?

  • Comment number 31.

    that is some pretty slick hair there Hal

  • Comment number 32.

    Had a chuckle at the preview. Tomorrow can't come quick enough.

    Lozzie: I'm going to see 'Travelling Light' in Newcastle on April 6th and i'm really looking forward to it. Dorina saw it in London last night and loved it (and i think she's seeing Sex With A Stranger starring Russell Tovey tonight). I know you could see it via a participating cinema last Thursday i think it was, i think one or two bloggers have seen that but don't quote me.

  • Comment number 33.

    a0k666 The process for registering a baby is different if you are married or not married. If married, either father or mother can register the baby, and the baby's parents will be registered as the two married people, even if only one of them is present. If unmarried, the mother can only register the father if he is present with her; if not, the baby is registered as 'father unknown'. I don't believe the (unmarried) father alone can register the baby, though this might be different if the mother is dead?

    So ... since Nina is dead, Tom could register her if he steals G's identity, which would def help him out with the whole bank account, NI contributions stuff, and might even entitle him to some tax credits!

  • Comment number 34.

    But wouldn't Tom need photo ID and so on to register Eve? And can babies be registered name-pending then "updated" later?

  • Comment number 35.

    Also, had another thought ... Annie can't rent-a-ghost while carrying a living thing (S4E1) but can she do so if carrying a dead thing? For instance, could she have rent-a-ghosted while holding onto George's body and took it some place more seemly for a burial...? Tom could have met her there to do the digging, but Annie could have removed G's body without anyone seeing.

    Dear, oh dear. You know I'm avoiding marking books again, don't you? See, this is what it does to me!

  • Comment number 36.

    :-) She could rentaghost while holding baby Rufus, and I suppose that tea is technically a dead thing...
    My idea was that Tom could have got some of that used cooking oil (or siphoned some petrol) and burnt the bodies.

  • Comment number 37.

    @34 I think you'd just need your birth certificate, or passport, both of which could be faked with a little skill (or money - that's what they did with the money from the crates of cigarettes - Tom has some good contacts in that pub).

  • Comment number 38.

    Tom probably has a birth certificate, somewhere, but the name on it won't be Tom McNair. I wonder whether Nina ever got a chance to tell him his actual name (which would have been on the police records from the case of his parents' death and his disappearance aged 1)? If she did, he could actually claim to be the dad...

  • Comment number 39.

    What I know from practical POV, can't say how many babies up to two three weeks old, who are registered at our surgery under the calling baby smith, dewy or mitchell who later turn out with finally a first name, and even time to time a different surname!

  • Comment number 40.

    Ah, so would Tom be able to update Eve without having to show ID?

  • Comment number 41.


    i DOUBT IT

  • Comment number 42.

    He'll just have to pretend to be the dad and use his actual name (and birth certificate) then.

  • Comment number 43.

    YES and we go back to the biblical theme
    EP 1 / THE SAVIOURS myths
    EP 2 / THE THREE un-WISE men (would you select as a place of safety a household where 6 policemen were killed and the BT20 arrested; not to mention the fact 2 vampires lived and killed and... etc)
    EP 3/ The holy family? but if Tom is reported as the father , we have Joseph the foster father and Annie as the virgin mother; Annie never gave birth but Eve has become none the less her child

  • Comment number 44.

    Excellent deduction, hope it holds for the other five episodes! Although I don't think that the Southend-On-Sea Trinity would have heard of the murders etc. at Honolulu Heights (never mind the two ex-resident vampires - that would only have been known to vamp society, which Hal has been avoiding), and Mitchell's arrest and escape were covered-up by Wyndham and co. (Plus, watch Annie's "ritual" and you'll see that Hal and Pearl very clearly give each other sideways "funny looks" - they're not taken in at all; Tom presumably doesn't get most of the references due to his sheltered upbringing and just looks bored, while Leo is losing consciousness.)
    (Supernatural Trinity - that's sort of biblical too, now I think about it, if applied to the Pink House Trinity - the father [George, even if it didn't happen for a year or so], the son [Mitchell - all that time with Herrick counts as father-son stuff in a way] and the holy spirit/ghost [Annie - she's the kindest person in the world, after all]... not sure what Nina counts as)

  • Comment number 45.

    How does setting up a guardian work? Maybe George simply did that for Tom with Eve as he was preparing his letters and stuff. Just in case. When he died he did tell Tom that he HAD to stay with them. I assumed that that was for protection and for Annie but maybe for that too? Just thinking out loud!

    Don't know what happened with the house though. Maybe the Landlord found out that his tenants, Mitchell, Nina and George, had left and Tom showed up to take their place and he let him?

  • Comment number 46.

    Pretty random but I was just watching the repeat on Ö÷²¥´óÐã3 of last week's episode. The shop keeper looks like an older James Nesbitt, to me! I think I may need to sleep...

  • Comment number 47.

    From the point of view of registering births etc, it really depends if Eve was born in hospital or with official midwives. If they were worried quite what form Eve would take when born, they may have gone for a homebirth with no witnesses. If there's no official record of a birth, there would be no expectation of a registration of birth, because it's the midwives who send that information onto the registrar. No one would be any the wiser that a baby had been born. It's very easy to fly under the radar if you've never been officially listed. I'm thinking that this makes me sound very dodgy! But I take it mainly from friends who have had independent midwives (and are a bit hippy and a lot paranoid) and also from homeschooling. I promise this will make sense in a minute! I sent my children to school but after some bullying I removed my son, and homeschooled, I had constant pressure from the LEA coming around pestering me to check what I was teaching etc. My friends who never sent their children to school at all, were never on an official list, so no-one knew the children existed, or that they were homeschooled. So basically if you don't use official bodies, you can avoid a lot of supervision. I was wondering about the social worker, but it looked like the police chief (forgot his name) alerted her to 'a situation' so that wouldn't necessarily rule out the possibility of stealth parenting!

    I am thinking about this in way too much detail!

    RE Hal's OCD, this is actually a part of older vampire myths and superstitions. Some people believed that if they mixed different seeds and threw them over the floor, that the vampire would be compelled to stop and sort them before it could pursue them, and thus slow it down. Perhaps a lot of vampires become OCD after a long life and attempts at staying 'clean'? Hmm gonna have to go back to the old myths for a refresher course. Maybe the Vampire recorder gives lectures!

  • Comment number 48.

    Love this!
    While I will never ever say "Mitchell who?" I am really enjoying both Hal and Tom. They are both just brilliant.

  • Comment number 49.

    Coincidentally, I just read a news item that says that there is no record of Charlie Chaplin's birth. Apparently it was quite possible to have a baby under the radar in 1889. I would imagine it would be more difficult now with all the systems modern society has in place but probably not impossible. Nina didn't hide her pregnancy however - at very least the hospital knew and there would be medical records. The social worker knew George had a baby and must have known of Nina's death because she didn't call out for Nina. So Eve's birth is known about by the welfare system - her birth will have to be registered and there will be checks on her welfare. If I was a social worker checking on this baby's welfare I would be a little concerned to say the least - mother murdered and father ????, very strange young man claiming to be the guardian? And who this this other really odd young man also living in the house?

    Maybe Fergus submitted a dodgy report after he killed the social worker and got the case closed? That would buy our heroes some time at least.

  • Comment number 50.

    morning bloggers
    its BH day
    12 hours from now we will all be glued to our tellys

  • Comment number 51.

    Morning Bloggers! Morning Mods!

    50 - It is indeed - can.not.wait!

    Eve was born probably about two weeks old before Nina died. You've got 42 days to register a birth. I think it's unlikely she'd be registered as Nina and George didn't know if she was a ww so wouldn't want an official record of her until after first full moon and they knew if she was *human*. Eve wasn't named until George was dying - for me, she hasn't been registered at all.

    Although the social worker turned up at HH, that was Fergus' doing probably and no official report existed, would imagine.

    It is very easy, if social services are not already involved, to take over the care of a child - actually it is ridiculously easy, scarily so.

  • Comment number 52.

    Good morning,
    I'm choosing to think about the new episode rather than the registering of the baby. I hope that this episode will be not just as good but even better than the last. FINGERS CROSSED

  • Comment number 53.

    *runs in... runs round...* Can't Wait!

    Many thanks to Ruby for the fab chapter 23 - was wonderful! And many thanks to Lithium Doll for another great story too - if you are reading this.

    In a couple of the mags before Being Human started, they said that the story starts several months after the death of Nina *stifled sob*. Because the social worker came round, although prompted by Fergus no doubt, they must have known about Eve, George and the death of Nina *sob*.

    But what about George's PARENTS?

    Just over 9 hours to goooooo..... Argghhhhhh...
    Morning All! Morning Mods!

  • Comment number 54.

    52 - Yeah I suppose it is a bit crazy - the semantics. We've tended to tear each episode to pieces and then put it back together again. But it is always about the show - the next episode and the ones that come after. I'm confident you can uncross your fingers. I feel positive that tonight's episode will be fantastic. Just over 9 hours to go!

  • Comment number 55.

    53 - Good Sunday Morning Manc! I think mags must've been wrong thoug as it couldn't have been several months after Nina's death. Eve had her first full moon in Episode 1 - George was relieved when Griffin told him that Eve hadn't transformed - was just a *human baby*. Do wonder about George's parents though. They must come into it somewhere, I just can't see how. Maybe George couldn't get in touch with them - they were off caravaning around Cornwall or the likes. I know, I know it is very weak just can't think of anything else that makes even remote sense.

  • Comment number 56.

    Hullo Bloggers! Hal abd Tom do make me laugh. Can't wait for tonight's ep.

    A little bit of trivia. I watched Inside Men to see how Greg Chillin's come on in the years since S1 and another name caught my eye. Inside Men is written by BH writer Tony Basgallop. Tony wrote BH S2E5 the 1960's ep.

  • Comment number 57.

    What about transport? I think Mitchell's car has disappeared, Tom has given his van away and Hal has that 1950's car which is a bit noticeable for a vamp. I reckon this ep will see Hal updating himself - new clothes, new car, new job...

  • Comment number 58.

    55 - oooh yes! That's right! So she was only 4 weeks old in Ep 1 or less?

    Hiya Sea! Not seen Inside Men - watched the first 20 mins of first ep - but it wasn't for me really - what's Greg Chilin like in it? Oh, I want Owen back!
    Did Tony Basgallop write it? One of my fave eps S2Ep5.

    46 - Min I was watching some BH clips before and I think perhaps the guy in the junk shop reminded me of the the guy who owns the cafe and interviewed Tom - I think.

    The BH trailer has over 102,000 views so far.

  • Comment number 59.

    @mistress denton
    @mods and PTBs

    good afternoon ,
    @sea_otter, sasha, mancvamp, vampsrule, mrs barrowboy from the GMT latitude and waving to our downunderian friends

    The written scene states 'you have not been out for nine days', I bet it was a home delivery as G&N would be worried the baby would be a very hairy baby. And that unseen scene was 2 wks before the full more.
    Time line
    Eve birth- 9 days later Nina's Death- 2wks and one or two days later : George's death and The Eve of the War. Knowing it took 2 weeks for Leo to recover from the 'change' and that would be his last: my bet is that BH 1955 is either set two weeks but probably three weeks later. We shall see if The Graveyard shift is near a full moon or spot on.

  • Comment number 60.

    Hi Sea!

    58 - Yeah, if you remember the script blog with George, Nina and Eve - Nina says about it being full moon in two weeks time. So Nina has only been dead 2 weeks or so at start of series. No wonder George was still in a right state!

    102,000 and counting - superb!

  • Comment number 61.

    Hal unwise financial investments and still reeling from the revelation that our 'Thomas' is so 'financially' savvy. It would seem McNair Sr woodland home very private schooling was very good.
    500 years of crashes.
    everybody was spending a fortune on tulips!
    The John Law/paper money/Lousiana Krach
    1873 known as the Panic of 1873
    in Austria after the unification of the Prussian empire and see wikipedia for all the world panic details
    French banks debacle
    American banks debacle
    and I should mention as you may well guess that any war, and total wars make it worse cause Stock Markets dissatisfaction...

  • Comment number 62.

    When it comes to financial unwise investments,

    I suggest this interesting piece of information
    The South Sea Company known as the South Sea Bubble
    As you will read, it has connections with .... South America. And unsuccessful ship ventures.

  • Comment number 63.

    60 - oh yes, that's right Sasha - but how do we know how old Eve was before Nina went out for that breath of fresh air and never came back *sob*?

    Hiya Saint! I got the feeling that 'the crash' was more recent - for example, the crash that has just gone. He must have had money before that, have you seen that suit! That is one helluvan expensive suit! Which in the clip, he has taken off.. and his now in a vest... looks very promising, tonight's Ep....

  • Comment number 64.

    Sorry! Because Eve hasn't changed into a werewolf! Sorry! :/

    Trying to peel carrots at the same time as reading the blog.....

  • Comment number 65.

    56 - Another name to look and see is Leila Mimmack or Christa in becoming human and also Nicola Walker otherwise known as Wendy.

  • Comment number 66.

    65 - Well, I know that Nicola Walker was in Spooks - but not seen or heard anything about Leila Mimmack who played Christa - what's she been in?

  • Comment number 67.

    two films

    neither supernatural.

  • Comment number 68.

    Oh yes apart from that she stared in Married Single Other we know but can you tell me the name of her character?

    Yes it was Gina.

  • Comment number 69.

    cant wait for tonight episode . I saw on regus comic that many things were written could be clues may be not i always read too much into things but he did write double negative makes A positive i dont think he meant blood i am wondering whether this could be related to the scrolls an the symbols i have goggled it and wish i was clever enough to make it make sense .

  • Comment number 70.

    i cant wait for tonights episode! Hal and Tom should go back to Leos shop and get his clothes and belongings and some bits he could flog. y'know i do love the others (Mitchell, George and Nina) but these guys are really growing on me and i dont miss them! its really holding its own so far and Annie is so funny like she used to be.

  • Comment number 71.

    Not sure if this has been mentioned yet or not, but remember that Nina's pregnancy was much quicker than normal. Therefore even if her colleagues at the hospital knew she was pregnant, they wouldn't have expected the baby until later. Seeing as she died about a week after giving birth, perhaps the authorities assumed she was still pregnant at the time and the baby died with her? That would mean that Eve's existence was still a secret.

  • Comment number 72.

    New here, hi! SAINTIXE56 suggested popping over and it was the /best plan ever/, thank you, SAINTIXE56!

    Loving reading all the comments and speculation and reallyreallyreally looking forward to tonight's episode and, uhm. That is all.

  • Comment number 73.

    @72 lithiumdoll

    throwing confetti and fireworks

    welcome, welcome and please stay/come back

    and please , please carry on with the phenomenal good fanfiction

  • Comment number 74.

    65/66 Good Afternoon All. Can't wait for tonights episode.

    Leila Mimmack who played Christa in BcH is currently in Inside Men on Ö÷²¥´óÐã1 as Dita.

  • Comment number 75.

    72. Hello and welcome to the Blog Lithium Doll! And thanks for writing that great fanfic for us! I read it this morning upon recommendation of Rubyrosettared (high praise indeed) and it was fab. Really enjoyed it.
    A lot of people like fanfic here on the blog, if you like you can leave a link to your story so everyone that wants to can read it. xxx

    73 - *throws confetti tooo* :D

  • Comment number 76.

    74 - Hello Doggie! *winks* I can't wait either, and I have to make a carrot cake this afternoon! (don't ask)
    oooh is Christa also in Inside Men? Quite a few BH family references there then. Thanks for info. She was really good. I thought she would be in S4 of BH... thought she could have come back with Adam and hooked up with Tom...The ideal couple. But I can't see that happening now.

  • Comment number 77.

    73 - Saint, you should never, ever throw fireworks!

    Wellcome LithiumDoll - glad you joined the party.

  • Comment number 78.

    77 - *tuts* - please excuse typo!

  • Comment number 79.

    74 - Erm 65.

  • Comment number 80.

    71- nina was pregnant when Georges dad didn't die but they did not tell his parents. because Eve was born less than usual 40 weeks later they would not be expecting to be grandparents therefore it would be difficult to explain her existence.
    I agree with those of you who don't think Eve's birth has been registered.

  • Comment number 81.

    72 HI im also new here and I can't wait for tonights episode!

    I know I said I was gonna just think about tonights episode but there's one thing that haunts my mind, what (are/have) they (going to do/done) with Loe's body? Is it still up there? Did they burn it? Are they going to have a funeral?

  • Comment number 82.

    32.rubyrosettared, thank you. Yeah i did see on Twitter that Dorina had met the lovely Russell and Damien (Lucky her!!!)

    I don't know if anyone else noticed this but in ep 1 Leo says about 'how does superman cut his hair' and then in ep 2 Fergus says to Cutler 'All the others have gone to their Clark Kents'. There's Superman references in both eps and Regus' supervillian comic on the blog.
    Is this a coinsidence?
    Sorry I was rewatching Ep2 today and i picked the references up, do tell me if it was ridiculous to point it out.

  • Comment number 83.

    82 - Oh well spotted lozzie! It is most certainly not ridiculous to point it out - I do remember both being mentioned in ep 1 and 2 but had not thought to connect them! Mmmm twirls moustache ~|~.........

  • Comment number 84.

    In Inside Men

    Leila Mimmack - Dita
    Gregg Chillin - Riaz
    Nicola Walker - Kirsty

  • Comment number 85.

    Clark Kents could just be an obvious comparison for "human personas" and the Superman's-scissors thing is an imaginative barbershop conversation (especially when the customer is close to indestructible himself)

  • Comment number 86.

    83. I didn't know how they could be related to the stories. Superman is a comic character whereas this is a supernatural programme.

  • Comment number 87.

    85 a0k666, but why use 2 Superman comparisons? LT could have used a different comparison. It could be relevant or it could just be a coinsidence.

  • Comment number 88.

    @lozzie_lo: you're right, it could be relevant or maybe not. Maybe it's like the graffiti (usually just means that nobody bothered to clean it off before filming), or maybe it's a sneak hint. Hard to tell with such good writers. :-) though I can't think of a better way to say "human personas" than "Clark Kents"

    Well done Megan2345 and mrsbarrowboy - I hadn't realised that the fast pregnancy would have covered for Eve! Let's see, the "friend in imaging" had Nina down as 16 weeks when she was actually 8 (chronologically), Nina would have given birth about ten or eleven weeks later so would have been assumed to be about 7 months pregnant when she died. I'm guessing that her colleagues have assumed that the baby died with Nina. As for the Grandparents Sands, they were never told about the pregnancy (because of the uncertainty over what exactly it would be, and we're not just talking about what sort of nappies would be required here) so no problems there (although I hope they've been informed of their son's death!).
    And I'd forgotten that Leo's body would need carting off to whereever they put Sasha, George and Random Beheaded It's-My-First-Day Vampire. The woods must have a very smelly patch in them by now...

  • Comment number 89.

    @ a0k666 you're right, it is very hard to tell with brilliant writters. We'll just have to see how it pans out and see if there are anymore 'superhero' reference in the next few eps.

    Can't wait until tonight! 4 hours and 34 mins until The Graveyard Shift :-)

  • Comment number 90.

    Regarding werewolves burial, I suspect George and Leo have their own patch near McNair.
    Werewolves dying as human , they would expect to be buried 'humanely' and in the woods as wolves do.
    Sasha's body had disappeared, Gethin sort of said so. I expect G and M left the body somewhere where it could be found and given a proper funeral. Gethin's nightmarish meeting would be accepted by his psychiatrist as 'guilt trip hallucination'. Feeling like not mourning enough and worried sick about her missing body... Counselling would have been advised...
    Now vamps...

  • Comment number 91.

    Theory about time traveling ghost-girl (sorry if someone already said somthing similar i dont read the comments much): when she said she was going to save the world what if she meant for the vampires? we have been presuming that she was on the side on the humans but we could be wrong- we know that the vampires are trying to use werewolves as the 'worse' thing, so she and her werewolf people could be the 'opposition' but are really just scaring humans over to the side of the vamps. if that makes any sense... at all

  • Comment number 92.

    Vamps unlike Zombies who do not normally happen, unlike werewolves who die a proper death and cross doors ... can come back. Herrick had his head ripped off by George and he came back. I suspect the cooking oil has some use aside the kitchen. Stake and chips anyone?

  • Comment number 93.

    Eaten! Stuffed now.

    80 - Mrs B - Good point! George's parents Never Knew - that Nina was expecting and have noooo idea that baby Eve even exists! I was worrying about that - thanks!

    82 - ooh lozzie! Well spotted!

    88 Hello a0k666 - hope I spelt your name right there... sooo back we go to that little graveyard in the woods... along with McNair.Just how many bodies are buried there now? Ah.. but vamps go up in smoke... so we don't need to worry about them.

    Question - why did Hal lean over baby Eve's cot and pick her up as if to eat her?
    First human contact in years? Persuaded by That Woman From The Future?

    (Damien Molony said that suit he was wearing in that scene was so tight that it ripped when he bent down to pick up the baby! Oh and by the way, the mother of one of the sets of twins on set sent a pic of them to @bbcbeinghuman.)

  • Comment number 94.

    @lozzie and AOK

    Season 3: the tetanus mobile as in the bat mobile mentionned in the pack
    season 4: stroming the bat cave

    hence revieweing season 1 and 2 should be done looking for superman and batman reference
    and batman well, dracula shapeshifted into a bat, right?

  • Comment number 95.

    sorry storming the bat cave
    appalling spelling
    apologies to all

    now the ripping/ripped suit, that would be a blooper of massive mirth
    and sort of lessened the tension
    try and be frightening when everybody just heard the sound of your clothing comeing apart, and what part just ... opened... top or bottom?

  • Comment number 96.

    @SAINTIXE56 I never noticed the tetanus mobile bit but now you've said it, i remember!

    @Manc I remember seeing somewhere that Damien's suit ripped. when i was watching that scene it did make me chuckle.

  • Comment number 97.

    @saint I would say the top opened, it would be rather embarrassing if the bottoms ripped.
    I wonder if it will be on the outakes on the DVD?

  • Comment number 98.

    Don't we love Tom! :) X

  • Comment number 99.

    98 - Oh yes we do! Nice to see you back Black-Rose. x

  • Comment number 100.

    In less than 4 hours, we shall, all of us, be sitting watching the third instalment of the fourth season. We are all wondering about those scrolls. Tom is not lacking in motherly fan love. We all would love our sons to be as 'nice' and 'well behaved', though like Annie I draw the line at having stakes hidden in my shrubbery. Annie and Eve make us laugh, make us care. As for Leo and Pearl, we wished them lost sincerely a happy and long afterlife together. Which leaves in with Hal whom we are dying to know more about.
    And what of the Future Woan: is she Eve? And what about ...the Old Ones, the Prophecy and the First vampires and the Devil and...
    and yes: Mitchell, Herrick, George and Nina stories did end. We loved them, we still love them. But the show goes on; Life goes on and it is human to wish so.
    Toby Whithouse has won.


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