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S4 FILES: Email Evidence, Barry PD

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Rebecca Denton, Online Exec | 15:30 UK time, Thursday, 2 February 2012

Police Email




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  • Comment number 1.

    Ooh, new blog. But of all the times for my computer to play up. Can't zoom in and see what's on the screen !!

  • Comment number 2.

    Wow - thanks for the heads up Susie - gets magnifying glass!

  • Comment number 3.

    You can click to enlarge. Click with the mouse-wheel and it'll open in a new tab, really big.

  • Comment number 4.

    I know but my computer keeps freezing on one part of pic. However, have now saved pic in my files and have perused. Mmm. See at top that it's an automated reply and address not in use any more....

  • Comment number 5.

    Yay! New Blog - Had terrible trouble getting in to Blog! Hello susie, sasha and janine!

    What have we got? Email Evidence! HO HO!

  • Comment number 6.

    Poor Gerry. I reckon he is about to be re-assigned as well, after that email. Just noticed that his friend's name is Phil Pathford but the automated reply says 'Tom Pathford'. Clearly not a lot of care is taken by the 're-assignment committee' (or vampires!) to get someone's name right...

  • Comment number 7.

    Am I being dense - email says to DCI Phil Pathford but automated response says DCI TOM Pathford has been reassigned??

  • Comment number 8.

    Ah.. just above on the tool bar - can you see 'page'? Click on that - go down to zoom - which is probably set at 100% or 125% - hover and then you will see options to change it - I find 200% is good - but don't forget to change it back.

    Oh and thank you Rebecca!

  • Comment number 9.

    WYNDAM!!!! Yay! Guess that answers - sort of - that question. Seems Wyndam disappears just as so many in the department. I like to think promoted. so that he can return in S5....@TW Wyndam S5>>>>TW>>>>WyndamS5.

    Suspect Gerry's desk will be immediately vacant....

    Revolving door on the morgue! rofl!

    So Griffin is the same as the old boss, as Wyndam....hmmmm...

  • Comment number 10.

    6 & 7 - Yup the man from del monte has made a mistake. The e-mails we can see have been forwarded to someone else at 16.02 on the same day. Wonder who they were forwarded to?

  • Comment number 11.

    Whose computer are we looking at? Is that a red bike in the background?

  • Comment number 12.

    Could someone please knock that hat off the screen and we can see who the email is being forwarded to. And whilst they're at it can they tell me what the gold thing is at the right hand side of the screen - could just be a desk lamp I suppose.

  • Comment number 13.

    Hmmm, interesting reading. I fear we may never get to meet poor Gerry.

    The whole 'Phil' and 'Tom' thing has me confused. Not that it takes much to confuse me though.

    Thanks for the heads up susie.

    And thanks of course to Rebecca, wasn't expecting anything new till after 8, if at all.

  • Comment number 14.

    Have to say I'm loving the new pics, the clues, what fun!

  • Comment number 15.

    Mm.... Discrepancy in spelling of Rutherton between the two emails aswell - original says Rurherton ??

  • Comment number 16.

    12. sasha. I think the gold thing is just that, a lamp, you can see a base just behind the monitor.

    I'm guessing someone has access to Phil/Tom's email account and has forwarded it to a higher power. Perhaps this is Griffin's office.

    At least the office in this pic doesn't need to be dusted down!

  • Comment number 17.

    Oh dear :(. If you're "reassigned" that really doesnt sound good. Not good at all. Vampires are everywhere.
    I wonder, how many humans are actually left in Barry??

  • Comment number 18.

    Don't leave me hanging mate .... ooh dear - ominous

  • Comment number 19.

    OMG! That was brilliant!

    (I wish we could move that info on the right further down the page so the picture can be bigger - the font size has changed again - I know - working to a Blog format - can't be helped... but...)

    Sooo *rolls up sleeves* Is this Wyndam's exit Blog? Looks like it to me.

    Has anyone sent this to Lee Ingleby yet btw?

    Dear Lee,

    For someone who played a part lasting 10 minutes if that in Being Human Series 3 - you made quite an impact. Your portrayal of Edgar Wydham has inspired much debate on this blog and fanfic writers in their droves created wonderful stories inspired by EG - and you brought that character to life.
    So long, blue eyes - you will be missed - but I hope you get to come back in Series 5 (hang on - what am I saying!) for flashbacks.

    Love Manc x

  • Comment number 20.

    Aw, Manc! What a fantastic tribute to Edgar Wyndham & to Lee Ingleby for portraying is so well. Wyndham certainly had a huge impact on me. His character could have been developed so much further, and, as you say has been the subject of so much debate on here & been a huge influence on fanfics.
    Thanks to Lord Toby & Lee for such brilliance!

  • Comment number 21.

    This is an automated reply. DCI Tom Pathford has been reassigned. This e-mail address is no longer in use.

    From PC Gerry Ruderfors
    Sean 17 November 2011 111:49
    Subject Overtime Claim forms

    This is nothing to do with overtime. That was just a boring e-mail title that I came up with in the hope that no-one else would want to read it. The fact that I bothered should give you an idea what this is about.

  • Comment number 22.

    Look, you know me. I'm not a conspiracy theorist. I'm not a boat rocker. I just do the job in front of me and go home. I'm usually the guy at the back with one eye on my pension and the other on the clock. But not any more. And when the work-to-rule coppers are worried then there really is a problem.
    I suppose it started with the Box Tunnel purge. Those of us that kept our jobs after that considered ourselves damn lucky. Wyndham seemed pretty harsh, but he managed to get the killer which is a damn sight more than that so called 'task force' He was a clean broom through the department. The amount of officers that he fired or reassigned in that mess was a wake up call for all of us.

  • Comment number 23.

    Hi everyone!

    Sasha, I think it is a red bike in the background.

    19. Well said, Manc. Wyndy's Wenches are crossing fingers and toes, hoping we might see Edgar in S5 or in flashbacks.

  • Comment number 24.

    I should think Wyndam would have 'reassigned' that guy to oblivion given that he spelled his name wrong...
    I'd be very disappointed if he hadn't!

  • Comment number 25.

    Oops! I interrupted Ewan. Sorry about that.

    24 Lol!

  • Comment number 26.

    At the time we just viewed it as a bit of a shake up at the station. And of course we were all busy jockeying for positions that had suddenly opened up to really pay attention. Promotions through the ying yang. Too busy to ask obvious questions, such as: exactly what department is Wyndham from, exactly? And why did so many officers transfer without farewell drinks? Or even cleaning out their lockers?
    I should have opened my eyes. I should have paid attention. But it's the biggest lies you over look. That something so big, so audacious could could be pulled off right under your nose.

  • Comment number 27.

    20 - thanks Auntie Jo 24- thanks Inch *waving*

    So glad Ewan is putting the message on the blog - now we don't have to zoom in at 400% - thanks Ewan - you are fab!

  • Comment number 28.

    And then Wyndham is transferred. Or retires. Or is promoted depending on who you speak to. More smoke and mirrors. His replacement, Griffin, well you've met him. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. Still no idea of what agency he represents. Way above my pay grade, as I've been reminded several times. Obviously something with clout, given his clearance. Some said MI5, MI6. I asked MacGregor straight one day. He just quoted the old standby of 'National security' and winked and tapped his nose.

  • Comment number 29.

    I'm also gutted that Wyndam won't be making an appearance, thought Lee Ingleby played him brilliantly for all of 5 minutes screen time.

    Lee was brilliantly creepy as Cameron Pell in 'Luther' and had me anticipating his return in BH4.

    Oh well, just have to put faith in the newly assembled cast, i'm sure they'll live up to expectations.

  • Comment number 30.

    @wyndham... Gone back to sunnier climates or having met a sticky end?

    ok, having a fondness for the wrath of God, I want him back in season 5

    Methinks Wyndham or rather lee Ingleby may find an offer from LW, the type of Offer one does not refuse for next season filming

    now november 2011, the emailk was sent in November... where does this season begin really... Winter in Wales???

  • Comment number 31.

    19. EG or EW? (Are they writing fanfic about Ed?)

  • Comment number 32.

    It's good to see that not everyone in Barry Police Force is corrupt. Although, i doubt poor Gerry will last very long now that his email is exposed.

    Is it just me or does anyone else think that 'Fergus' looks and sounds like he should be a WW? Maybe he's an attack dog for the Old Ones. Surely not all WW are enemies of the Vamps?

  • Comment number 33.

    It looks like we won't be seeing Wyndham in series 4. Pity...

    It seems that the vampires are infiltrating the police! Series 4 plot point, maybe?

  • Comment number 34.

    But there is something rotten in this police station. Something not right. Too many secrets, too many corners being cut, too many files being altered, too many bodies disappearing. I heard PC Hanly joke that we should put a revolving door on the morgue. The next day his desk was empty. Apparently he 'transferred'. Which is all very well, but why was his car still in the car park?
    God, I don't want to say what I think is happening because it sounds insane. Others can see it, I know they can. They don't want to meet my eye. Sometimes the tension in this office. it's stifling. I just don't know who I can trust anymore. Who's in their pocket.

  • Comment number 35.

    But we came up together. I know you. If there is one man in this station that can't be brought, can't be intimidated, it's you. I hope I'm right.
    Given your clearance you probably have a better idea of what's going on than me. We need to meet up. Pool our information. Figure out who we can trust.
    Don't leave me hanging mate.

  • Comment number 36.

    Things to note the hat on the computer I've seen someone in the trailer wearing a hat like that.
    What they said about Eve.

    Oh dear.

  • Comment number 37.

    Now comments
    Revolving door and transfers.
    Some dead, some recruited?

    Tom will be busy.

    Now this is where we get to realise how the vampires plan to take control recruitment on a scale that Herrick might have found alarming - Nothing like Herrick Herrick with the brakes off - Oh dear.

  • Comment number 38.

    36. Had the same thoughts myself about the hat Ewan.

    Unfortunately we can't see the brim and how decorated it is.

    Something else i noticed, the monitor screen is turned away from the seat at the desk and the keyboard. As if someone else has turned it to view it.

  • Comment number 39.

    I cant even read the email because when i click on the pic to make it bigger it only shows up one part and i can't zoom or anything...so would a kind soul be willing to transcribe said email so i can read it? pretty please? #puss in boots eyes

  • Comment number 40.

    Ruby - scroll up

  • Comment number 41.

    39. Ruby. Try saving the picture then viewing it from your computers own picture viewer software.

    Right click and 'save target as'. Also Ewan has transcribed it over several blog entries.

  • Comment number 42.

    31 - *chokes* Evening drunkkath! I had noticed that and assumed a typo but maybe not? A legend in his own lifetime :-)

  • Comment number 43.

    The date and the content also seem to shout that time has passed.

    this might be quite a few months in the future for HH

  • Comment number 44.

    as we said

    if you remember we had sort of calculated that time was bound to have passed... when s4 would start as baby eve was bound to be born in teh summer due to WW gestation' shorter duration

    now 2 things to ponder, what is that red thing in the back ground, what is that thing along the vertical screen

    finally email sent at 11.49 but screen clock is 16.12

  • Comment number 45.

    The Ö÷²¥´óÐã Drama Publicist has just tweeted to say that:

    tomorrow on Ö÷²¥´óÐã Breakfast at approx 8.45 - Damien Malony, Michael Socha and Lenora Crichlow on the sofa!!!! Thank you Roxie!

  • Comment number 46.

    44 - Think the red thing in background is the cross bar / handle bar of a bike. First e-mail was sent at 16.12 with an immediate automated response saying account no longer valid. Someone has then taken the original and automatic response and forwarded those to someone else at 16.12.

  • Comment number 47.

    Ooh, intriguing! I wonder how much of this information will feature in the actual series. There's something almost 1984-esque about this - Big Brother is most definitely watching you and this time he has fangs!

  • Comment number 48.

    Saint I am looking at the e-mail and using that as a clue. The time passed is obvious yes Nina dying not being filmed after all.
    but the e-mail is the conformation, that is what I'm saying.

  • Comment number 49.

    Im not sure how much weight this theory has but perhaps the other old ones killed Edgar. At the end of S3 he said he wanted to see George and Nina's baby born but the others wanted them killed, it seemed like he was the only thing stopping the others from going after them. Now, from what we have heard from S4, the old ones are coming for Eve and have possibly already killed Nina and i don't think they would be doing that if EW was still in the picture.

  • Comment number 50.

    45 - Woohoo! Thanks for passing that on Manc! Alarm set!

    46 - The 'someone' could of course be Gerry Rutherton (assuming that is correct spelling) and he is passing it on - but after the wording of the e-mail, would he have trusted anyone else? Why are there so many spelling/name irregularities? Is that intentional or has someone been careless?

  • Comment number 51.

    Ö÷²¥´óÐã Drama Publicist has just tweeted to say:

    Tomorrow: lots of radio with #beinghuman including a live interview with Gemma Cairney at 1pm on Ö÷²¥´óÐã Radio 1 Xtra

    Thanks Roxie! x

  • Comment number 52.

    49 - i can imagine the old ones sitting in south america having power struggles and disagreements every few months

  • Comment number 53.

    45. Thanks Manc, Just tivoed the whole 3 hours so i don't miss it.

  • Comment number 54.

    53 - Ooooh you've got tivo in your kennel? Posh!

  • Comment number 55.

    Ewan many thanks for that, didn't even notice that you had done so many apologies for my short sightedness.

    Manc: They're on Ö÷²¥´óÐã Breakfast...oh at the worst possible time for me because that's when i walk my daughter to school! #cries. :( Might Sky+ before i go...if i remember...tends to get a bit manic in the Ruby household in the mornings!

  • Comment number 56.

    50 - Or could it be that someone has deliberately made spelling errors in order to warn Gerry that something's amiss? Just a thought...

  • Comment number 57.

    45- woo hoo! An early dose of Annie on my telly!! :-) :-) :-)

    As for the old ones, they don't seem to be as well organised as Herrick do they? He may only of had Bristol but..

  • Comment number 58.

    Ooh brilliant news! Thanks Manc and Roxie!

    57 Or an even scarier thought is that their plans are so advanced that they no longer feel the need to hide. Annie was right, they are "like bacteria".

  • Comment number 59.

    54. Lol, Yeah, i do sasha. All mod cons for todays Big Dog about town!

    Even came with a chicken on a string!

  • Comment number 60.

    im wondering if all the 'reassigned' officers are just dead, or have been recruited, like Cooper was going to recruit Nancy

  • Comment number 61.

    58- Well, i guess the long term plan is to take over and you can't be subtle when you want to take over the world!

  • Comment number 62.

    Ooooo but i cnt read it

    Feels sorry for Manc having to miss the first episode,

    3 DAYSS

    "You know when they . . Kill people"

  • Comment number 63.

    60- RECRUITED!!!! I hope

  • Comment number 64.

    60 There would be quite a sizable vampire army if all the missing police officers have been recruited. Tom and the other HH residents had better start start bulk buying wooden chairs for staking purposes.

    61. Yes, world domination does require a certain amount of audacity. delusions of grandeur and homicidal tendencies are also helpful.

  • Comment number 65.

    62- is this guess the quote? it was said by Gilbert to Annie in the 80s night club when talking about George and Mitchell when they first meet.

  • Comment number 66.

    62 - Don't worry Saffz - not me poorly - another Blogger. Thanks x

  • Comment number 67.

    After another read of the email i would guess,

    Reassigned = Recruited. Fired = Dead.

    Poor old PC Hanley, obviously doesn't need his car where he went.

    Also, Griffin having possible MI5 or MI6 clearance!

    Just how high up does it go?

  • Comment number 68.

    just done a flick back to this time last year on the blog and the first preview clip of S3Ep1 was put up on the friday before the first episode aired. Fingers crossed for tomorrow :)

  • Comment number 69.

    Oooh a new blog!

    56- Had a quick skim through and I was just thinking that same thing, Susie! Then again it could be a sign of stress or someone typing in a hurry, or someone who doesn't care about what they're typing. So many possibilities.

    Sort of worried about how many Vampires there are lurking in South Wales. Might have to go buy myself a crucifix and brush up on my ninja skills

  • Comment number 70.

    My, that post took forever to go through. My internet has been terrible today.

    Another read of the email just made me feel so sorry for all the PCs being 'reassigned' and 'fired', so I might stop looking for more hidden clues before I end up in tears over the poor fictional Bobbies. Just wait until the Druids hear about this, Vampires! *shakes fist*

  • Comment number 71.

    What I take from this is hooray..there is at least one person in Barry PD who is questioning what has been going on. I was not the only one saying after the final episode of BH3 that how come the man from Del Monte swanned in and noone queried that.... ok..Gerry Ruderfors' days may be numbered, but he may have left his concerns elsewhere.....

  • Comment number 72.

    Hmm... Someone has been busy in the police department. More vampires controlling the police but this time people who are suspicious are disappearing. These vampires aren't as subtle as Herrick was. They are sloppy. Too many questions being asked. I know I'm stating the obvious here and it has probably already been said but I'm not getting much from these. This was easier on BcH :/

  • Comment number 73.

    Evenin all... Well at least this seems to confirm what I thought that the copper in the trailer was a vamp not ghost.

    64. Inch.. also wandered if the Vamps will have any Humans on their side helping with cover-ups (instead of too many vamp-cops).

    Tom, buy chairs? hes a backwoods boy more used to cutting his own in the woods and carving them with love - REMINDS ME what ever became of Brian?

  • Comment number 74.

    With the way things are going with all these sloppy vampires, I wouldn't be surprised if the humans start learning about their various supernatural neighbours towards the end of this season. All out war in S5 then? Humans vs Vampires vs Werewolves vs Ghosts vs Fangirls/boys vs Everyone else?

    My money's on the fandom!

  • Comment number 75.

    73 I wouldn't be surprised if the vamps did have some human supporters. After all, series 2 had the girl they found on the internet who ended up being drained by Ivan and series 3 had the S&M vampire "pets".

    Tom wouldn't buy chairs but Annie is a lady and she'd probably want to invest in plenty of "deadly furniture".

  • Comment number 76.

    Yes Gilbert x

    I wna read this cnt zoom in

  • Comment number 77.

    76 Hi Saffz. If you look at posts 21, 22, 26, 34 and 35, you'll see that Ewan's typed all of the message up for us.

  • Comment number 78.

    Oooooo thankx ewan ur ledge

  • Comment number 79.

    75. yes thanks for reminder of supporters, what about human enemies?

    Annie "Deadly Furniture" LOL - love annie - hope we see her super powers soon (best annie scene when she stormed the Funeral parlour and hurled vamps round like rag dolls ) - I digress

    I guess the fact Annie and Co. are on Breakfast TV 2moz means there not at my local radio station - guess they where here 2day, must go check iplayer Dreckly.

    AUNTY MANC - well spotted on interviews + Give my Lurve to "LurveBH" I look forward to teasing my little Janneress soon! (no Whales this year.. she might remember)

  • Comment number 80.

    Hi All. Are you aware that you can click on it and it will pop out into a super big version? Just checking... I've tested it in all major browsers on Mac and PC so not sure why it wouldn't work for you. x

  • Comment number 81.

    80 - Lagginess of the computers?

  • Comment number 82.

    80 - Nope i just get the hat and corner of the screen

  • Comment number 83.

    3 days to go.

  • Comment number 84.

    on a mac i have to do right click on the pic and click on "open link in new window" if that helps anyone

  • Comment number 85.

    Anyone else having probs with this updating or is it my internet connection?

  • Comment number 86.

    82 - click your expand box on the top right of your screen then you should be able to scroll up, down and across

  • Comment number 87.

    Good Morning All, Good Morning Rebecca!

    Just a quick reminder that the cast of BH are on Ö÷²¥´óÐã breakfast this morning at around 8:55. Which unfortunately means they'll only be on for 5 minutes but it's better than nothing.

  • Comment number 88.

    Good Morning Bloggers! Good Morning Rebecca!

    Thanks for the reminder BBD. I see we get a mention on the main Ö÷²¥´óÐã homepage - says we're back *with a fang* hahahahahahha funny!

  • Comment number 89.

    Morning all. Big busy day today of Being Human press. Radio, tele and whatnot.


    2 more sleeps..... :-)

  • Comment number 90.

    Forgot to set my alarm so I could be up and ready in time for the gang on Ö÷²¥´óÐã breakfast. Thankfully the post arrived at what was possibly the earliest time ever (so, before dinnertime) to make sure I was awake -_-

    Eeeee! Can we just skip Friday and Saturday and most of Sunday? Hop from 9am Fri to 9pm Sun? I'm sure no-one will mind

  • Comment number 91.

    @mistress denton

    I confirm there is a problem with the downloading of the picture

    when I press on the pic all I get is an enlarged pic of the policeman hat ??? and that is it.

    unable to explain why but it is so.

  • Comment number 92.

    91- see my post at 86

  • Comment number 93.

    Isn't Lenora gorgeous? *sigh*

  • Comment number 94.

    Awwww, there's our gang! They all look lovely! Really enjoyed the clip as well (hopefully it'll be online at some point).

    So nice seeing our lot on tv, and Damien is fitting in wonderfully! Eeeeeeee! Excited and giddy!

  • Comment number 95.

    93. Yes, she is! It's strange seeing her out of grey clothes!

  • Comment number 96.

    I love when Lenora keeps promoting the ghostness. She really is wonderful. And yay, mention of wonderful fans...and also some mystery ones *grin*

    Also seems like Toby and the crew will never have to worry about secrets being revealed accidentally during interviews, it always seems to end up being a 'who would win in a fight between/which is it better to be' chat anyway ^_^

  • Comment number 97.

    Well, that was short and sweet!

    Gotta love Michael Socha, absolutely no heirs and graces!

    No great revelations but it was good to see the gang.

  • Comment number 98.

    @mistress denton

    @seren fach, @sasha, @bigbadgog, @yekim-mikey, @suzie
    waving from sunny yet rather frosty Humberside


  • Comment number 99.

    They all looked so good. I loved Damien's cheeky comment about having to restrain himself from going for Susanna's neck. And Michael didn't swear once. Brilliant BH clip too.

  • Comment number 100.

    Hi @SAINTIXE56. Have you tried using your arrow keys to jog across the picture? Are you on mac or PC? You just need to zoom in, there are several ways to do it. I can do it on my Mac at home, and both PC's at work in all browsers, so I'm not sure what you're doing wrong? Otherwise ... Right click, download save image to your desktop...

    I can't make the high resolution versions much smaller or you won't be able to zoom in on stuff.

    Is everyone else okay now? Seems you've got the contents of the email now anyway. (thanks @ewan)

    What did you all think of Damian? Lovely, right?


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