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S4 Files: The Toy Car

Rebecca Denton, Online Exec | 21:00 UK time, Friday, 24 February 2012


Car, Kirby




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  • Comment number 1.

    New blog!

  • Comment number 2.

    Who knows the make of car it looks a little before my time - plus not into cars.

    However is it from 1973?

  • Comment number 3.

    well if Kirby owned a toy shop...

  • Comment number 4.

    aww i havent got a clue. its not a hurse is it? dont know how to spell that!

  • Comment number 5.

    Is it this?

  • Comment number 6.

    ive got no idea what make it is.

  • Comment number 7.

    5- it looks like it. could someone be stuffed in the boot? couldnt read the info about it properly -im on the phone gassing!

  • Comment number 8.

    5: On second look, probably not that. A girl can dream, though.

  • Comment number 9.

    5. Yes i think so. If not its pretty close. I thought it was a volvo but that was a wild guess.

  • Comment number 10.

    Well thats a very nice toy car.... any ideas???

  • Comment number 11.

    But it looks closer to this:

  • Comment number 12.

    It looks like a Lada...my parents in law used to drive them many moons ago. On first look it doesn't look like a Volvo Amazon but then again i'm no car expert.

  • Comment number 13.

    im deffo convinced someones been stuffed in that big boot regardless of what make the car is.

  • Comment number 14.

    There has been an error. Ignore preview which was due tomorrow :(

  • Comment number 15.

    with the video blog gone for around 24 hours it's time to go.

  • Comment number 16.

    hi all new here would like to slightly go off subject back to the scrolls,have noticed few remarks about the trinity id just like to point out the trinity is for annie shes th spirit ,trinity means spirit :) it just occured what does trinity actually mean? lol

  • Comment number 17.

    I'm new - hello everybody :D

    When I saw the picture my first thought was "Hey Mitchell had a black Volvo too." I don't know if it is important. You can see it in the first episode it is almost the same except that this toy car is a estate car.

    Sorry for my English but I'm German.

  • Comment number 18.

    after looking close at the hood it looks like there is some paper sticking out. or maybe part of the car?

  • Comment number 19.

    I believe it's the estate car version of an Austin Morris 1100. Too slopey at the back and does not have a big bump/curve in the bonnet to be the old Volvo.

  • Comment number 20.

    was there a fuel ration in 1973 in the uk ??

  • Comment number 21.

    Haven't there been a few old looking toys in some of the other pictures we've seen from HH. We know, thanks to the letter, that Kirby worked with toys in someway. Also, the decor of HH is very 70's and Kirby died in the 70's, maybe he's got some connection to the house? Don't know why he would try to cause problems for our trio if that's the case, so maybe not.

  • Comment number 22.


    Looks like a good bet.

  • Comment number 23.

    Kind of off-topic, but do we know what happened to Leo's car? Does Hal still have it?

  • Comment number 24.

    Morning All! Morning Mods!

    Loved the letter from 1973 and very interesting that we now have a toy car. It has to be significant - remember the cartoon drawing that we saw of Regus and Michaela?

    Somehow, I don't think Kirby has been sent by anyone, but I don't know why, just a gut feeling. Going back to the scrolls - and the symbol of the burnt arm and death - could it be that Kirby died in a car crash and had a burnt arm? Is this the person that Regus warned Annie about?

    I think Kirby will be one of those people who are very good at 'sowing little seeds of doubt' in people's minds and will cause a huge amount of disruption to our trinity, whilst pretending to be an all-round-nice-guy.

    17 - Hello Maeve and welcome to the blog.

    21- Sarasalian - I love the idea that Kirby is somehow connected to HH. In the letter, Jane said that she was ready for Kirby to move in with her (didn't she?) - well, I don't remember that she said that she was going to move in with him... so perhaps he was staying at HH at the time?

  • Comment number 25.

    Morning all!
    One day left!
    I was watching ep1 &2 last night. And i picked up some points that may be of interest. Ill post them up later as i am only passing quickly.

  • Comment number 26.

    Ohhh nooo the clips gone, But it will be up later right?

    "No one says court anymore"

  • Comment number 27.

    DontDrinkTheHotChoc: Yup I came to the same conclusion. Austin 1100 Mk1 Countryman Estate. Not that I'm a classic British car geek. Google was my friend! Apparently same car model as used in Fawlty Towers episode "Gourmet Night".

  • Comment number 28.

    @mistress denton

    good belated morning

    Kirby... has a stock of toys...could be a shop, could be a toy company salesman... hence the car... hence a Barry B&B cheap accomodation, even by 1973 standards. We stayed in better hotels, and I am old enough to remember. He was moving 'in' with Jane. Which suggests he did not own a house/flat. Rent yes but again only a flat and renting does not suggest owning a shop. Again look at the car, not the fanciest of car but a good reliable car to transport his ware as a salesman .
    What was he really selling? or transporting? why does he play so much with little Cassie? Is Ray, however imperfect such a bad man? Possibly Kirby has set him since a long time?
    and did not see the clip, so no problem

  • Comment number 29.

    12 - If car was 1973, not a Lada if Wikipedia was right to claim Ladas not sold in UK or Ireland until 1974 Alison Jane Bark

  • Comment number 30.

    OK. Are you all working for the DVLA? *waving to the DVLA in Swansea* :D

    And I was about to ask Mathew what year that Fawlty Towers ep was filmed/shown! But alison's (29) brilliant piece of detection work rules out that car being Kirby's unless he died much later than the letter in 1973 and unless he was rich enough to buy a new car in 1974 - and believe me (I've heard it said :S) very few people bought new cars in 70s - most only bought second/third hand cars if they had one at all.


  • Comment number 31.

    Speaking of the DVLA, Manc, Ivan fans, Paul Rhys was in the New Tricks repeat on Ö÷²¥´óÐã1 last night, over to i-player for that one, that'll be a little wait for a few driving licence requests then... :)

    Saint and Manc - Thank you for the lovely reviews...there was a clue in that chapter... evil cackling...

  • Comment number 32.

    31 - hiya Misty - loved your new chapter on fanfic and thanks for posting the link. I read an interview somewhere with Paul Rhys recently, he said he still gets Ivan fanmail now! But the DVLA were always hardcore...

    20 teamhal - 'was there fuel ration in 1973 in UK?' Err.. no. But there were a lot of strikes and the economy was very bad... but you have got me thinking now...

    Was there anything significant that happened in 1973 in the UK? Or are we barking up the wrong tree. Judging from what we've seen of Kirby so far, his clothes and hairstyle, he died in the 70s.

    Oh and that reminds me - any fans of Darren Evans, who played Dewi, in Ep 1 - he is in a new film - set in the 70s funnily enough - called 'Hunky Dory' and it's in cinemas now.

  • Comment number 33.

    Is Here For The Pineapples anyone on here? Just wondering...

  • Comment number 34.

    There was a fuel shortage in 1973 we had power cuts ect ect.
    Could mean earth's resources and allergies ect ect and the damage it is doing the damage it could do the damage it will do .There have been some bad grammer mentioned back handed statements makes me think of regus comic he said two negatives equal A postive i dont think he ment blood i think it ment that some statements dont always mean what we think they mean I found this example in goggle The phrase "Mr. Jones was not incompetent" will seldom mean "Mr. Jones was very competent" since the speaker would have found a more flattering way to say so. Instead, some kind of problem is implied, though Mr. Jones possesses basic competence at his tasks.I think others things also are clues like the the fairy tales the actal ones we know that have been metioned twilight the Terminator they all hold clues .

  • Comment number 35.

    Everybody is talking about the Bad Grammar the question is. Is it bad or is it a clue?

    Is there something in the sentences that we need to know?

  • Comment number 36.

    @MancVamp I am sure there was some kind of rationing i am sure the powercuts were on a rota i can remember having candles and may be petrol was not rationed or the goverment were going to ration petrol either way i am pretty sure we had a fuel shortage but i will try to google it i could be wrong .

  • Comment number 37.

    34/35 No. It is not bad - and it is not a clue.

    teamhal - In your example of "Mr. Jones was not incompetent" this is an example of pragmatics - not syntax (grammar) Pragmatics is about when we make an assumption about something which is not always stated.

    Mr Jones was not incompetent = he wasn't, but I am not saying that he was competent either - is what the assumption is.

    But that is an excellent point!

    Ewan - just to be on the safe side, hon, what do you mean? Can you give me an example?

  • Comment number 38.

    I've been thinking; if Kirby is but a travelling salesman, he will drive a reliable yet not 'model of the year' car> and the shape of the car aisles seem a bit old for 1973>
    looking for reliable old-for-1973 car with trunk allowing to transport boxes and found this, which production stopped in 1973
    and this can come under 'family car'

    a family man looking for a family car for his family

  • Comment number 39.

    @37 yes sorry not grammeri was just trying to to expalin what i think Regus meant and hopefully that may of helped for some one to explain the the rest sorry .

  • Comment number 40.

    37 - There are always codes.

    I've seen them.

  • Comment number 41.

    Now I can imagine your faces when you read that and I laugh.

  • Comment number 42.

    1971 and 1973 were famous for an international petrol crisis
    petrol went sky rocketting or rocketing>? not sure?
    1971 was founf for the breakdown of the Bretton Woods agreement and its international consequences on world currencies, Britain went decimal, shall we say the times were unideal and petrol was vastly expensive and people lost their jobs etc etc same for 1973
    Possibly, he lost his job, his car etc etc
    1973 major oil crisis

  • Comment number 43.

    38 - oooh I like the idea that Kirby is a travelling salesman! That was quite a respectable profession in the 70s - no stigma attached at all. Lack of transport meant that most goods were bought 'on the doorstep' and people were grateful for it - my mother was!

    36/39 heh heh - candles! Making toast over the fire in the days of coal fires, missing Blue Peter, as there was no electricity! Sorry teamhal, but when you said 'rationing' I thought you meant like in the war! But yes you are right - I think people could only buy so much petrol at one time, couldn't they?

    Sherbert dips, licorice shoe-laces, chopper bikes, 'chip-away' toys, ahhh... it would be fun to see a 1970s ep.

    40- Ha! you're a flamin' torment Ewan... talk about dark and obscure - you know very well that I'm not going to get that :D - *shudders* don't want to go to the dark side, Ewan, please don't make me - peeps posting spoilers, "and you know how I feel about that"...

  • Comment number 44.

    Link for fuel crisis

    Please can you allow this link there is no swearing or anything that i can see that would upset any one

  • Comment number 45.

    Could somebody put all the mistakes and the sentence they're in and the clues will reveal themselves.

  • Comment number 46.

    42/44 -Blimey Saint/teamhal - that's brilliant!

    45 - Ewan - I swear to God, I will swing for you one of these days.... *narrows eyes and slugs gin*

  • Comment number 47.

    @ MancVamp I feel so old I found a link not a good one but i am sure that if you google you find a lot more

  • Comment number 48.

    Must not use 'swing' in a joke.

  • Comment number 49.

    Like you're not going to use that word in a joke, Ewan...look at the eyes glinting away there... :)

    Re: 23 - oletaolyta - Leo's car...we could ask the top secret DVLA squad if Hal's managed to get a driving licence...photo id might be a bit tricky for him, but I'm sure the crew there would like to do him a favour...what's that? Computer and phonelines are down there...Ah, I-Player still working though...

  • Comment number 50.

    48 - Ewan - AGTKH (Am Going To Kill Him) Anyway you - never mind that *fingers train-timetables lovingly* about this Kirby chap -

    47 -teamhal - ok - but how did we get to talking about the price of petrol in relation to Kirby again? I've missed something here, haven't I? Was it a clue?


    What do we think he is like?
    Why and actually how has he come back through a door? - we've only seen Annie come back through a door so far...
    Will he get sent packing at the end of the ep? (if you know already.. please, please don't spill).

  • Comment number 51.

    Natural resources one persons kryptonite another persons weapon ??

  • Comment number 52.

    Haven't a clue about Kirby, Manc. All I could think about when I saw the clip after last week's ep when he was outside the front of HH was Gok Wan...
    Though it is an estate car so family of some kind...

  • Comment number 53.

    @ MancVamp i have no idea how we got on to the price of petrol lol
    I think Kirby has some thing to do with donation In 1973 they did i think the first bone marrow transplant with unrelated people . There are a shortage of donors ect especially for certain tissue types . the reason i am thinking along these lines is because of the letter i put my reasons in the letter blog I was just following a rule of fairytales could be wrong nearly always am but its good to try and second guess i think he is either the fairy god mother type who will give you tests to see if your worthy or the Rumpelstiltskin type who give you tests to trick you .

  • Comment number 54.

    Hi Blog,
    Having a quick cuppa and blog catch-up. It's been busy around here :)
    Just to throw in another angle on the car as a clue to something: We have the letter where Jane is popping down to the butcher, a 70s death/ghost, and a 70s(?) car. So maybe there was an accident on the way to the butcher. Was Jane, or Cassie, or Kirby run over? But it's a toy car - so that might be a bit unlikely. Hmmm.

  • Comment number 55.

    Anyone else think Nina would be chomping to get through from purgatory herself? George might be with her, or working through the doors to get to her, but that's her daughter there, with an Old One in the house...dry or not...she could be trying to force a way through, having found out about FW/Eve's plans...or none of the above...and then Kirby's a wrong'un...

  • Comment number 56.

    Hello Jac_E! Have done the lunch run, Mods, would you like a blueberry doughnut or a pink jammie one? Your blood sugar runs a bit low, I know, on Saturdays, night out before, glugging from a few...Morgans as in rum or as in people...

  • Comment number 57.

    53 lol! Indeed!

    I like this myself from oleta at 34 on last blog:

    I'm thinking this letter is bait, something he 'allows' Annie to find so as to give himself a sympathetic backstory and a reason for wanting to stay and be a 'family' with our trio and eve. It would be particularly aimed at Annie as a de facto single mother, (and you could almost extend the metaphor to include her violent ex-partner, even though Mitchell was never violent towards Annie herself). However even if the letter is something fabricated, Kirby couldn't stop his innate creepiness coming through, because that focus on the little girl, seems like he is either grooming her or her mother. I work in a related area with victims, so maybe I am hypervigilant, but people like that do attach themselves to single mums they see as vulnerable. They are also very charming and manipulative, and Kirby seems to be both of these things.

    For the following reasons:

    1. I also think this letter might be bait - seems reasonable to me. The letter is somewhere hidden in HH and Annie, with Kirby's help will read it.
    2. Annie will sympathise with Kirby if he died in HH. He has an attachment to HH and has come back through a door as he did.
    3. Violent ex-partner? - no, of course not Mitchell - OWEN - who killed her! Yes.
    4. Charming and manipulative - oh yes - and isn't it sad that so many women are really taken in by this type of 'charming and manipulative man? It always shocks me when a perfectly intelligent woman suddenly turns into a 'Stepford Wife' for want of a better expression when that particular type of 'monster' comes along. Of course, this 'type' is not men! It also shocks me when a perfectly intelligent man falls for some 'charming and manipulative' woman!

    But I'm digressing a bit here- mmm well, agreed with oleta on the whole. :D
  • Comment number 58.

    Brings to mind the Butcher The Baker The Candle stick maker all needed at christmas Mr snow santa the fuel crises winter 1973 the toys . The Butcher could be mean a Sweeney todd person
    Natural resources cause fire too great fire of london where to start Coffee or tea any one

  • Comment number 59.

    Afternoon fellow vampires

    My god the week goes slow dosnt it?

    26 - Hal of course :-)

  • Comment number 60.

    Apparently one of the Mods fixed the latte machine...it tastes a bit funny though, a bit coppery, metallic, and it's a bit dark red...oh it's a new blend of South American coffee...oh...it's not off a container ship is it? The one that is still chugging it's way towards us...I'm a bit suspicious...The very pale Mods are on again...could you just pass me that crucifix just in case, Manc...

  • Comment number 61.


    Interesting picture not seen yet and very worrying

    mum is the word

    for those of you unafraid by spoilers

  • Comment number 62.

    The violent ex also could be a way to lie and say that is how Nina might have trusted him.

    The I don't want to see what happened to Cassie and Jane angle. However Nina would sees through his lies. Annie might still be clinging on to the hope that Nina would send a message. That is the weakness Annie's hope.

    If Nina had sent him she'd have sent a message ahead. Still how long will Annie believe and will we get to see her kick Kirby's Endoplasmic Donkey back through the door. Or will it be something else?

  • Comment number 63.

    Oh Saftz as you like to prove yourself a present.

    "but I didn't actually ask."

  • Comment number 64.

    61 - Ooooooooooo

  • Comment number 65.

    63 - Heyyy ewan

    Hal to Micheala about the jounal. While hes wiping the tables.

  • Comment number 66.

    The one ghost Annie would trust would be Gilbert I think, but she would be willing to believe at least at first, because if anyone would want to get back a message, it would be Nina, and she would be trying like mad if the other side know anymore about what's happening over here. If that makes sense. Gilbert would be the one I'd think to try to get through to Annie, but he's probably gone through the system by now. Nina wouldn't have known him. And for Kirby to still be available to get through...means he's a baddie, or just really good at getting through doors. The light was white behind him wasn't it? But then again it was someone else's door...

  • Comment number 67.

    66 - True, But Annie has been to purgery and back a couple of times....

    But yes i belive Kirby is a badiee

  • Comment number 68.

    what if the i am right about the donor rule relating to fairy tales and that means tissue types ???may be fuel means fire burnt arm an all that jazz could realate to guy Fawkes may be our histories are a way of relating to the scrolls Domineos meaning runes ect i cant really what i mean but fairy tales have rules they have villians good people ect ect .It was metioned we know these stories we were told that yes we know these stories but we know a lot of stories may be that was what Regus meant on his comic strip Two negatives equal A postive we know these stories could have been a back handed statement we presumed we knew .

  • Comment number 69.

    65 - knew you'd get it.

  • Comment number 70.

    63 ooh Ewan - that is really hard.

    sorry Saffz, I knew the quote straight away and it was on my list, but I got led astray by Ewan - that's my story and I'm sticking with it!

    54 - coooeee hiya Jac! Yes, I agree, I'm going to make the assumption (pragmatics) that someone died on the way to, or shortly after, the butchers.
    Hope you and your family are well? Nearly Spring now Jac. x

  • Comment number 71.

    That's the thing Saffz. There really should be a revolving door in purgatory, the amount of times people are getting through. That or it really depends on how strong a spirit you are, Annie's grown in strength, but the doors are there for a reason...aren't they Lord Toby? So how strong is Kirby?

  • Comment number 72.

    69 - Off course,

    Got anymore?

  • Comment number 73.

    Ewan yes Nina would see through his lies, what if he went to George in purgatory? Out of the two, who would believe the "I want to help...I'm a good guy" routine...Nina, not a hope in hell, George, maybe...then again maybe he is trying to test them for what is to come...or not...oh my head is going again.

  • Comment number 74.

    73 - After resent events i think both would be a bit unsure.

  • Comment number 75.

    72 -

    "It's amazing how these things stick."

    "I think I just did."

    "No I don't like it."

    "Well they started it."

    "I'll do it with ya."

  • Comment number 76.

    In this series there are a lot of stories rolled into one for example theres a bit of twilight now I am going to say that Annie is bella and eve is the renesemee if you know the story you get what i mean Annie has a bigger gift than she thinks . what i am saying some how I think all whats going on is a paradox of we already know so what we already know is what we have seen or read and can relate to .ok i stop rambling because it proberly is not making any sense and i am even confusing myself

  • Comment number 77.

    Here is another question will this be the episode where Tom doesn't kill or hasn't just killed a Vampire?

  • Comment number 78.

    55@scotchMist, I agree there's no way Nina would send anyone else if there was a possibility that she could come herself. Even if she were with George, that protective Mum thing would still take priority, at least it always has with me!

    57 @mancvamp, OWEN! Of course, that makes much more sense.

  • Comment number 79.

    75 - *sharp intake of breath* harsh...

    Go Saffz!

  • Comment number 80.

    75 - Ohhhh noooo some are really hard.

    1: Fergus
    2: Micheala
    3: Regus
    4: Annie
    5: Tom

    Think quite a few are wrong....

  • Comment number 81.

    Not a clue about the car, although I did think it was a model of Leo's car at first. I just need to ask a quick question and I know all you clever vamps, werewolves and ghosts here will know: did we ever find out if Ivan was actually killed in series 2? I know he was in the funeral parlour when it was bombed but Daisy et al could have just assumed he was killed. I'm thinking about the 'man with a burnt arm' part of the scroll, usually vamps would fully heal but if there's been something in the bomb (holy water/silver etc) then maybe it could have scarred him. It's probably just wishful thinking on my part, although all the mentions of Ivan did seem to come from out of nowhere!

  • Comment number 82.

    George has experienced Annie and Gilbert, oh and Sykes. No harm from ghosts, apart from Lia, but he didn't see her did he? Kirby will be playing like a pro on the Nina sent me spiel because that's the one thing that Annie would want to hear, she wants to know she's doing the right thing, that they can protect Eve. If he knows stuff, who's been talking on the other side, other than Nina and George? But then that doesn't account for knowing things about Hal. But he will have a lot of victims on the other side like most of the vamps, I'd say Kirby's a gatekeeper, but I don't think they'd have to stick their foot in the doors to get through...

  • Comment number 83.

    Doors lead to significant events in one's life. Lia mentioned doors leading to the buildings of orphanages in the sense of good deeds. And we know Mitchell did good things too.
    Good people are happy to move on. They have learnt, they have progressed; the lovely old lady had a spring in her step when she crossed her door; good peeps move on, they do not wish to go back. Leo and Pearl were happy to go to their afterlife, lives... bad peeps on the other hand would not like their corridors and would not wish to redeem, correct the wrong, apologize for their mistakes and crimes.
    A good person might wish to protect his family, friends - true - would he interfere as such with their free will remains to be seen. I have met some peple who wet through a real life threatening experience, like seeing death smiling at them, they describr the experience as peaceful and not frightening, if a door has to be crossed, even if they loved their family, the had accepted the crossing; would Nina interfere???
    Would not be the first time Nina acts stupidly

  • Comment number 84.

    80 - 4 I double used Regis.

  • Comment number 85.

    by the way , there is a new pic on the blog see link showing Hal with his 2012 haircut and modern look
    and it is not a spoiler because it is on the bbc blog


  • Comment number 86.

    84 - Sooo which ones were right?

  • Comment number 87.

    77 - Ewan - you always say that - which means 'no' Tom will kill a vampire in Ep 4 pack it in giving spoilers! :S Can't go anywhere to avoid them at the mo!
    76 - teamhal Ok. I get the 'big picture' there in that comment, hon, - but.... can't see that we're going down that worn path, lovvie. No sirreeeeee.... sorry.
    78 - oleta - agrees. :-)

  • Comment number 88.

    Saint, Saint, Saint.

    I can't believe I have to say this but please stop blaming Nina for Mitchell's actions. Maybe you can blame Lucy a bit but really stop.

  • Comment number 89.

    86 - 4 is the only one you got wrong.

  • Comment number 90.

    teamhal - sorry haven't read any Twilight, or seen the films, anytime the first one comes on telly, I seem to switch on at the baseball part, and just go..."Would it kill you to smile a little, put a bit of blusher on, you are scaring the wildlife..."

  • Comment number 91.

    84- Guess they were all right Saffz except number 4 which was Regus? maybe? Blimey Saffz! Well done!

  • Comment number 92.

    Good afternoon all!
    I'm back as promised. Last night i watched the first 2 eps of this series. I know we were talking about Cutler earlier and his plans and how old he must be.

    This is what i picked up from the eps:
    *Cutler looks down on Regus (more power?)
    *He must be important to go to the meeting as there were only a few vamps (griffen-head of the hq, Regus-vamp recorder and some other vamps we dont know)
    *He must be realitivly young to 'know what the world is like'
    *he says 'you people are obsessed with history
    *he says 'you' alot rather than 'we'
    *Griffen says 'I'don't care who you are, who your maker was.'
    *When fergus interupts Cutlers focus group he tells him to 'p*** off'
    *He doesn't think that Fergus is important
    *he not scared of Fergus.

  • Comment number 93.

    I think that car looks like the one in Mitchell's prequel. I'm rubbish with cars though!

  • Comment number 94.

    89 - Cooooll

    Heres one for you ewan

    "Not here you dont"

  • Comment number 95.

    I have no idea which blog we're on at the moment. There's absolutely NO chanse for me to keep up. I only wanted to state this:


    His prequel was plain and utter rubbish*, but in the actual eps he's brilliant.

    PS. Misty (90) - ROFL! Indeed.

    * With "rubbish" I mean "so bad I nearly burned my eyes".

  • Comment number 96.

    ''''''''''''''''SPOILERS FOR.... SEASON 3 , NO JOKE AND FINALLY AN ANSWER TO A MUCH DEBATED QUESTION.........................................................

  • Comment number 97.

    Hi Snowy! I'm just waiting for the Twilight fans backlash. Think I'm safe. The pale-faced Mods are on, they agree with Regus on that one...they started it first...

  • Comment number 98.

    93 - Min - I thought the same Min. Thought it was the volvo - black, square.. apparently not! More to cars than you think! Who knew? *shrugs*

    92 hmmm - some good points lozzie - hard to tell right now - but so far, I am really unimpressed by Cutler - a non-entity so far for me. Not sure which is the most disappointing - Cutler as a character or Andrew Gower as an actor playing the part... I feel I should give both a more time and I should be patient.... hmmm -

  • Comment number 99.

    an old ones scrolls related question
    Any one thought that may be the old ones are a tad upset with the vampires for using up natural resources after all wast there rules didt mitchell try to get things back on an even keel is that why the oldies are coming laws have been broken and the newbies are trying to pass the buck some how on to werewolfs would explain the focus group and video . now heres the thing if they have been recruiting and havet passed on the laws that is punishable surely ? and those that are talking about a new super natural maybe the new supernateral is what we already know with a twist what if they just had the abilities like being able to talk for Britain like that new vamp for an example and someone like that could talk his way out of anything ok nothing special but just a gift we all have individual little gifts we just dont realise . ok this sounds a bit twilightly now doest it but thats another point about this series there is a theme and they are rolled into one maybe ???? clues maybe ???

  • Comment number 100.

    Tom to Michaela apparently poetry isn't official currency


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