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Behind the Scenes: Allison

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Rebecca Denton, Online Exec | 12:00 UK time, Thursday, 15 March 2012

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  • Comment number 1.


  • Comment number 2.

    Wooo! First!


  • Comment number 3.


  • Comment number 4.

    Don't worry ShoePigeon - second is good too :-) Away for a lookie

  • Comment number 5.

    Oooooh love this :) Ellie Kendrick is a cool bean and the way Michael talks is awesome :) haha. in other news theres a picture of some rather ugly teeth on the facebook :P

    Remind me of Gattis as an old one :P

  • Comment number 6.

    Aww, that's such a sweet clip, we are being spoilt for behind the scenes things at the moment, but are we not having an extra scene this week?


  • Comment number 7.

    Youtube Link :)

  • Comment number 8.

    @ShoePigeon. We are indeed being spoilt :) i for one am really glad they've started posting behind the scenes clips :) not the same as all the mischief from S3 :/ but we're getting there :D

  • Comment number 9.

    We are spoiled today! Ellie is so much like allison I can see why they chose her!
    Would love to see her in something else. Has anyone seen her in anything?

  • Comment number 10.

    yay more BTS awh Ellie seems really lovely and the cast and crew seem really fond of her!!!

  • Comment number 11.


    Please please PLEASE bring Ali Aly Allison back next series in the same way you did for Adam. (Who you could also bring back)

    Thanking you in advance

    Lots of love and Hugs

    Howling Blue xxxxxxxxxxxxxxoooooooooo

  • Comment number 12.

    9. @Emma. She was in the diary of anne frank :) shes quite a good young actress.

  • Comment number 13.

    Emma she played Anne Frank in a adaption that the 主播大秀 did of her diary in 2010. Very well acted very erie in a way because it was filmed in the hiding area that Anne Frank and her family had used.

  • Comment number 14.

    Ellie was in the film An Education and the first series of upstairs downstairs! She also played Anne Frank in the tv drama

  • Comment number 15.

    Been teaser hunting, don't click on links if you don't like MILD SPOILERS.

    Making History looks EPIC!


  • Comment number 16.

    15. thankyou Shoe :) should fill up my lunch break quite easily :P x

  • Comment number 17.

    Thanks for that Rebecca and the Team! Love behind the scenes stuff. I loved Allison in the episode (in minority again, I know) and wasn't it great to hear Michael confirm that Tom *bluddy loved her* sweet! Personally, I'd like to see her back again some time - maybe when she's finished uni? :-)

    On a complete aside - doesn't LT have lovely hands!

  • Comment number 18.

    @15: OMG, reading those reviews and teasers... I already know 'Making History' will be my favourite episode ever!!! :D

    I can't wait, arrghh.

  • Comment number 19.

    Shoepigeon. thankyou for posting those links..

    Ohhh this is exciting can hardly wait.

  • Comment number 20.

    @breathethroughit - you've changed your name? Who *were* you before, if you don't mind me asking?

  • Comment number 21.

    @howling blue
    Thank you and yesss of course I knew I recognised her. She was very good as Anne Frank and that was some time ago. Wonder how old she is?
    They really do have a massive stock of talent on this show. Love the BTS stuff.
    I have a makeup artist friend and did some extra work some years ago so I really enjoy these clips!

  • Comment number 22.

    @sasha- I thought she was great too. there really are some people in the world who are that naive and that excited about life, pure innocence which is what made her so great for Tom but also why he had to push her away. She would have lost that innocence otherwise.

  • Comment number 23.

    Ladies and Gentlemen,

    Would anyone care to tell the story they have discerned from the bits of scroll so far. I sort of gave up on it as it was beyond me trying to translate the symbols.

    Thankyou that is all

  • Comment number 24.

    lots of vampires, werewolves, babies, death and trinity. That is all I have managed to grasp. Does that help?

  • Comment number 25.

    I haven't been able to keep up with everyone's blog entries lately but has anyone mentioned the wall of symbols behind Phil Trethowan - I wonder what that's about.

  • Comment number 26.

    25. Gingernut. I only realised when another blogger said but the "wall of symbols" they're all smiley faces :P haha i felt like a fool :P x

  • Comment number 27.

    Hi Bloggers! Hi Ginger - I was wondering the same - and Sasha! Made it!

    Thanks Rebecca, for this. I love the behind the scenes stuff on the blog best of all.

  • Comment number 28.

    Gingernut. The wall of symbols are what Regus had constructed during his take as vampire recorder. They are the vampire symbols. I dont think we are meant to try and decipher them but some are very tongue in cheek and amusing.

  • Comment number 29.

    @Gingernut. They look like mostly silly faces and other funny scribbles.
    Bet they had a laugh doing them? Not so sure on significance if any?
    Who knows??

  • Comment number 30.

    is it not the chalkboard that was in the vampire headquarters? I seem to remember it from ep1. No idea what the symbols are all about though

  • Comment number 31.

    25 Some of them are like proof readers marks

  • Comment number 32.

    wow ginger, dont ya feel popular? Never seen so many instant replies.
    I've got ot go now teach algebra to 12 year olds. Grrr

  • Comment number 33.

    Morning bloggers and all! Officially flummoxed by that last scroll, just spent a fair bit of time catching up, and now going to check out the new BTS.

    *can't resist grabbing megaphone*: It's Thursday, and you know what that means....FAJITAS!!

  • Comment number 34.

    Love This,

    "We are not staking anyone"

  • Comment number 35.

    OR Smiley faces even!! pah ha ha. I knew that!

  • Comment number 36.

    Things are running rather too smoothly while I'm away.....

    *walks off grumbling*

  • Comment number 37.

    Never Rebecca. We need you!!

  • Comment number 38.

    No Rebecca we really missed you we are just hiding it well!!!

  • Comment number 39.

    Thank you - you're all lovely!

  • Comment number 40.

    36 - All liess

  • Comment number 41.


  • Comment number 42.

    Mistrees Rebecca...of course things are running smoothly...(whispers to crack blog infiltration team..."Have you got the stakes ready? The crucifixes? Holy water? Did you get the vial of ww blood? Right...Team 1...Manc, Sasha, Sea...you will take out the pale-faced Mods...they are not Old Ones, we can handle them...Team 2...Em...does anyone know how to hack into the BH team's laptops? I'm sure Manc can do it, with Ewan currently absent, either preparing for the Old Ones arrival, or leading the ww/human fightback, depending on your point of view...)

    Everything is under control boss...

    P.S Can Ruby get her question for DM on Sunday in somewhere? I'm sure her brain is thinking up a story...I can see the computer from here... ;)

  • Comment number 43.

    @ginger. lovely popular you :P @Rebecca. Please don't leave us :P keep all the cool posts coming :D *wanders off to clean the windows*

  • Comment number 44.

    At the ready Scotch but perhaps I should warn you that I have had my moments as an honorary Mod.

  • Comment number 45.

    Sea...is that when the Mods have a quiet time, cup of tea, comfort break, well, honorary Mod staff are a valuable spying source...Scottish Mod is off today...I think...the sweetie trail I laid hasn't been touched...think it's the pale-faced ones...the green box keeps appearing you know what that means...

  • Comment number 46.

    Thanks for the great BTS post. Very interesting.
    I particularly liked the stuff about Allison being a social outsider in more than one way, and Tom's response which doesn't see her as a geek because he's been brought up outside society himself.

    I also really like the character of Allison as she seems to have been conceived by the writers, and Ellie Kendrick seems great. So why did I find Allison really quite annoying in the episode? I think it comes down to over-acting (which I guess happens somewhere between the actor and the direction they're given). This is always going to be a matter of personal taste, but I think if the geeky school-debater side of her had been toned down a bit she would have seemed less of a cariacature (is that how you spell it?) without losing much of the funny. Sometimes less is more.

  • Comment number 47.

    Woo hoo, more Behind The Scenes stuff!

    Loved Allison, thought she was great, and her and Tom were lovely together! Really hope that we get to see her again in Series 5, just like we saw more of Adam in this Series.

  • Comment number 48.

    I'd like to see Allison back IN SERIES 5 PLEASE (just in case anyone from the Beeb is listening) but I take what you say Lizzie. I think most of the characters this series have been larger than life.

  • Comment number 49.

    Ok, whilst we're on Behind the Scenes here's a pic I've found of Hal and Cutler - from ep 8 I think.

    and Hal and Tom fooling around

  • Comment number 50.

    Oops - sorry about that. The one time I don't preview a pic. Try again

  • Comment number 51.

    Afternoon everyone!
    Ohhh more BTS, I love these little clips!

    Though I found Allison a bit annoying at times, I would like to see her again.

    *gets down on knees and prays for SERIES 5*

  • Comment number 52.

    We are being spoiled with these clips. I really liked Allison but then my husband did say that I was very like Allison, when younger (complete with blue peter badge!). I hope I'm less annoying now though...
    Thanks Sea for the lovely photos. Nice to see Damien and Tom messing around, looks like they have fun on set.

  • Comment number 53.

    Hello bloggers, lurkers, mods and Rebecca!
    Ooo, BTS stuff, love it! Ellie Kendrick is amazing and definitely agree with what Phil said about having to celebrate your inner geek! Done.

    @LizzyT, I don't know if she was that much of a caricature, I've met quite a few people even more stereotypically geeky than that!

    Can I add my vote to bringing her and Adam back next series please!

  • Comment number 54.

    The one who really annoyed me was the posh schoolgirl at the beginning of Hold The Front Page...I really wanted Adam to bite her...

  • Comment number 55.

    @Scotch Agreed!

    @sea Thanks for the photos. Looks like they have fun on set. I did really like the song MS and DM apparently made up on set that's in the SFX interview with MS. Everyone has probably seen it already, but still...

    鈥淪carry, scarry head鈥
    The lines go down from neck to brow on this boy鈥檚 head!
    Scary scary vamp (Scary, scary, scary vamp!)
    He鈥檚 dressed divine, but the boy with the lines is dressed like a tramp. (Dressed like a tramp!)
    Quite nice see-through ghost
    Others have been and gone but she鈥檚 number one, so she鈥檚 paid the most.
    She鈥檚 paid the most!鈥

  • Comment number 56.

    @54 yes Scotch she was annoying I dont think I could deal with her for a whole episode!!!

    As for Allison I think I have already mentioned that she reminded me of me *hides from all those who dont like her* and I would love to have her back for series 5 which we will have definitely .... most probably ... we have to right???? .. please????

  • Comment number 57.

    I really love Allison, she's feisty but fair. She needs to be brought back at some point, maybe she can outwit the vampire solicitors when she's a barrister in court! She could out them from power without violence. That'd be cool!

  • Comment number 58.

    Afternoon all!

    I'm just passing through. Thanks for another BTS video BHP and Rebecca - you're really spoiling us and we all appreciate

    Hi Sea! Great pics - lovely to see the boys having fun.

    @Sasha - re scrolls. The hourglass symbol has been in a few scrolls - I thought it might mean "all" or "many" but your interpretation works too. At the moment I'm thinking the scroll might mean "Vampires killed the mother of the saviour of all mankind" - but it's much too unambiguous a translation since I'm still not convinced that Baby Eve is the saviour of humankind. I prefer your suggestion.

    Right, I'd better skedaddle.
    *See* you all later.

  • Comment number 59.

    @55 Rentaghost I want a video of this!!! - 'He鈥檚 dressed divine, but the boy with the lines is dressed like a tramp.' has to be the best line closely followed by 'She鈥檚 paid the most!'

  • Comment number 60.

    And I'm going to go and and write my essay now

    well now

    or now

    (its a sugar high)

  • Comment number 61.

    Scotch (54) - absolutely!

    RentAGhost (53) - yes, you're right, I've met plenty of people more extremely geeky than Allison. But they wouldn't be my favourite characters in a TV series either! ;)

    *struggles to breathe under the weight of all the love for Allison coming out of the woodwork*

  • Comment number 62.

    Wait did she say that Allison was 17? I'm 19 but she looks about 20 something haha, I wonder how old Tom is?

  • Comment number 63.

    Hi @Hodge (62)
    Tom's 21 cos he had his 21st birthday during the A Spectre Calls ep.
    Allison must be older than 17 - there are references to her being at university

  • Comment number 64.

    49 @sea thanks for the photos!
    55 @RentA thanks for the link!

    I suppose if in the BH verse it's August she could just be about to start uni? She could just be one of the younger ones in her yeargroup.

  • Comment number 65.

    She was living at home but I think she said she was sorting out going to university so 17 is about right!!

  • Comment number 66.

    63. Doh, just thought I'd rewatch the BTS and one of the first things Ellie Kendrick says is that Allison's 17. I've clearly had too much Kia-Ora today *skulks off to detox*

  • Comment number 67.


    Allison is clearly a bright girl, hence can see her way ahead than normal age group, hene already in Uni and I can see why Tom would feel she deserves better than him. I KNOW IT IS STUPID BUT TOM IS A VERY NICE BOY.

    Sor far, BH has skirted away from this type of human reaction known as class warfare, but this episode was also about it and it was remarkably well done, light touches; a game of shadows, but like Rembrandt the rare light brings life to the unseen

  • Comment number 68.

    Good eveniing everyone. How are all you lovely people today?

    Shiny, a new BTS clip ^.^ Thx Mistress Rebecca.

    I'd have thought Allison would be older than 17, too, but I'm just really bad at guessing peoples age. That clip made Allison more likeable, somehow, don't know why.

    re: Scrolls: Where does everybody get "Woman pregnant with savior from" Doesn't the pregnant-woman-symbol just mean "baby" ?*is confused*

  • Comment number 69.

    @Hodge (62) Yeah, she's meant to be 17, but in RL Ellie Kendrick is about 21 or something.
    @LizzyT is it you that's been borrowing from the blog KiaOra stash? Oh dear... I've heard it can do terrible (unmentioned) things! *begins to back away slowly*

  • Comment number 70.

    @0positiv I was wondering that too, I thought it just meant baby... maybe I missed something. (waits 180 seconds.......)

  • Comment number 71.

    69: p**s-sticks! Caught orange-handed...

    0positive/RentAGhost: I think the pregnant woman symbol in the latest scroll has the symbol for the saviour/godhead inside her instead of a normal baby. That's why it's confusing

  • Comment number 72.

    180 secs later...Oh and the other reason the scroll is confusing is that the evil geniuses of BH have deliberately made it maddeningly so, and are cackling with glee at us poor bloggers. They must so be enjoying messing with our tiny minds!

    Do you think we can go on scroll-strike and demand the key to a couple more symbols?

  • Comment number 73.

    68 & 70 - The symbol inside the prenant woman means Godhead or saviour.

  • Comment number 74.

    my inet-connection is kinda wobbly tonight Oo

    70-@RentAGhost Annoying those 180 s can be, right? Especally when the blog is moving fast... On the recap vlog it says "baby (human)" next to the pregnant symbol with the stick figure

    71-@LizzyT But then it would still just mean "baby (savior)" wouldn't it? The outer symbol means baby and the thing it's pregnant with defines the kind of baby

  • Comment number 75.

    73 - Sorry that, of course, should pregnant woman. Preview Sasha, preview!

  • Comment number 76.

    Hey @LizzyT thanks for the reply, I completley forgot that he turned 21 in that episode haha, hope they bring back Allison in another series.

  • Comment number 77.

    @0positive (71) - oh, I get what you mean now. Being a bit slow. Been skimping on the origami (keeps the mind and fingers nimble).

    And I agree 180 seconds is my least favourite timespan at the moment!

  • Comment number 78.

    @opositiv and rentie

    go the scrolls as in episode one, you know the drill capture image enalrge etc
    you can she that the baby symbol is not the symbol shown here
    you can see like a little baby head arms legs inside teh woman tummy!!
    hence it is not a baby here

    again now you go back to episode 1 when FW gets the third scroll
    and ypou can se ethat teh saviour symbol is twice shown as on the first and third scroll and you have two cocentric circles

    this circle has only one ring, hence a half-god? IMNHO
    hence teh proposal of this being the hearld of the real savior like john the baptist to jesus

    but this is a theory , just about as crazy as anybody else

  • Comment number 79.

    77-@LizzyT you're not slow, I'm not so good at explaining what I mean. Also I might be completely wrong ^.^

    I get that those 180 s are spam-protection...it's still a pain in the neck though for everybody who is not spamming :(

  • Comment number 80.

    78-@SAINTIXE56 But Regus explaines the symbol as meaning "Baby, specifically human baby" or something like that. Not "expecting mother".
    Maybe this being a smaller scale for the God-Head symbol it just wasn't possible to draw the concentric circles as individual circles so the run into each other and it looks like one circle.

  • Comment number 81.

    Good Afternoon All. I hope we're all well.

    Love the BTS stuff, keep it coming. Thank you.

    Hi sasha, took your advice and slept. Too much Kia-Ora the other night!

  • Comment number 82.

    81 - Hiya BBD - Kia-Ora and mojitos!? Never a good mix. So you'll be as bright as a shiney new pin then?

  • Comment number 83.

    @Saint (78)
    @0positiv (80)

    Maybe there are fewer circles because it is a baby 'god-head'... I guess it depends how you interpret the other symbol like this that had the symbol with a stick man in it. I assumed the stick man was what made the symbol = a specifically human baby, but then I guess if the symbols were obvious we wouldn't all be in need of a paracetomol would we?

  • Comment number 84.

    @rentaghost 55- just read that interview, thanks for putting that up :) but why does he swear so much!!!
    the song is so funny especially the bit about lenora being paid the most.

    i think ep7 will be my fav, i dont know which ep i liked the best yet. if anyone can spot any spoilers please put a link up i love it! thanks x

  • Comment number 85.

    Not sure if this teaser has been posted yet.

  • Comment number 86.

    Right, anyone fancy a brew? I'm having a good old builders' tea, but I've got Earl Grey, cammomile, green tea and there might be a kiwi & strawberry at the back of the cupboard.

    Leanne (84): I love the spoilers too, though occasionally I regret reading them. I always think I like the more comedy-based episodes, but then I get totally hooked on the really dramatic ones too - and it certainly looks like that's what's coming up. Can't wait!

  • Comment number 87.

    @LizzyT thanks for the tea, I brought biscuits! (Hobnobs and some jammy dodgers for MS in case he's about, if anyone wondered)
    @nerdyalice Oooo, the next ep sounds good, not that any of them are ever bad, but I'm sure you know what I mean!

  • Comment number 88.

    the thing is that the shape of the baby looks like a human and human + baby inside suggests a woman...
    hence our pregnant woman theory

    and we know Regus speech varies from when he speaks to humans who know naught about teh scrolls and vampires who may not know everything but know enough not to be fooled by gross misinterpretation or foolish claims when not outright lies

    where is Champollion ghost when you need it!

  • Comment number 89.

    @LizzyT I'm sticking with the strong coffee, but thanks all the same!
    @RentA Ohhh yummy,
    I know exactly what you mean!

    Hurry up Sunday!!

  • Comment number 90.

    @82. Yeah, i'm good sasha. Note quite 'shiny new pin bright' but bright nonetheless.

    I've gone and spoiled things by reading spoilers (thanks for the links everyone).

    All i'll say is Sundays ep looks like it'll be a cracker! Word of warning, remember never to discuss spoilers here!

    We don't want a repeat of that (101) incident! Thanks.

  • Comment number 91.

    @Saint Exactly!

    Dear BH people could we pretty please possibly get another deciphering-thingy to clarify things/let us know we aren't barking up the wrong tree. (except of course the WW's on the blog who will bark at any tree certain times of the month) If as Saint suggests this comes in the form of a slab of Egyptian rock we would also be very happy.

    Yours spookily

  • Comment number 92.

    @RentAGhost - thanks, but don't tempt me! I'm trying to stay away from all naughty snackages!
    @nerdyalice - I could do you an espresso or a filter coffee, but they'd probably be really bad because I don't drink the stuff myself! Do you think Sunday would come around quicker if I did?

  • Comment number 93.

    you have given me food for thought

    the moon symbol is 2 plain thin-ink , not blod not fuxzzy, not like rays symbol right
    and there is the slash / symbol inside

    consider the saviour/god's head symbol

    again two concentric circles but this time the ink thickness is heavier and the aspect is more like rays

    could it be the the symbol could also be used as the 'sun' SYMBOL
    a brighter planet, a bolder planet???

    then next musing
    why only one circle can very well be it is just because it has such a small space to occupy
    yet it is able to draw perfectly well seen the shape of a baby on other scrolls. possibly the one circle is significant
    what doe sit mean
    beats me!

  • Comment number 94.

    I notice Lycurious is up to his old tricks on twitter, he posted:

    "starting to sink my teeth into evidence collecting now! this is exciting"

    What does he know that we don't?

  • Comment number 95.

    Possibly inspired by the comments on lack of Scottish characters in BH prior to the lovely and endangered Alex showing up, can anyone remind me if there have been any redheads on BH? I believe we are a significantly under-represented minority on the show ;)

    Oh, and ginger extras don鈥檛 count. Neither does Richard, because I really don鈥檛 want to be represented by a g*mp-owning carpet salesman thank you very much.

  • Comment number 96.

    @BBD everything?

  • Comment number 97.

    prehaps by sinking his teeth into the evidence he's creating it? More bodies popping up on the moores I imagine!

  • Comment number 98.

    90 - Ah the dreaded spoiler. Sometimes I wrestle with myself over spoiler but never give in - coz I really don't want to be *spoiled*. Wish you hadn't looked at them?

  • Comment number 99.

    I think the next episode looks cracking but I fear that we will be left with an almighty cliffhanger - and a whole week to wait for the final episode. Just going to off and watch the Old Ones' prequel. Would not want to be anywhere near Mr Snow when he gets peckish...
    Definitely agree that we need a Scrolls recap. Or a video of Regus explaining the scrolls to us?

  • Comment number 100.

    @nerdyalice thanks for that some really interesting hints without any spoilers!! :)

    Cant wait for Sunday now!!!

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