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Garret Keogh, Online Editor | 14:53 UK time, Monday, 26 January 2009

New to BH? Watch out, this post contains spoilers from series one...



george2.jpgThe wait has ended and episode one of Being Human has officially arrived.Ìý With George tearing the flat apart, Herrick talking of a vampire revolution and Annie longing for her beloved Owen, it certainly had a lot going on.Ìý


But what did you think?Ìý Add your comment below


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  • Comment number 1.

    Excellent first episode (I saw the pilot last year) which was definitely darker and very very enjoyable - only six episodes? - start making the second series now and make it longer :)

    Great character development and definitely bookmarked to watch the rest of the series - 10/10.

  • Comment number 2.

    I have just finished watching this show on the iplayer. I missed it last night despite all of the adverts on the radio.

    Fantastic show makes a change from all the reality show's on the tv,

    I can't wait for the next show, Thank you for putting something different on the tv.

  • Comment number 3.

    Just managed to watch episode 1.
    I needn't have worried about the cast changes - all of the cast were brilliant.
    Many thanks to everyone involved in Being Human, a superb piece of work.

  • Comment number 4.

    Rubbish compared to the pilot. Where are the actors who played the vampire and ghost? The vampire in the pilot was dark and mysterious and I felt sympathetic towards the ghost, but the new ghost is annoying and whiny. After seeing the pilot I was looking forward to more but now I am disappointed. I won't be watching any more.

  • Comment number 5.

    I loved it. It's funny, gruesome, touching and chilling in turns, well acted and if it keeps up the standard and doesn't fall into the normal pits (too much angst, getting hung up on minor plots, losing the thread) could well stay the course. Only 6 episodes?? Get writing the next series!

  • Comment number 6.

    What a brilliant show, thoroughly enjoyed it. I was worried it would be scary or gory but it wasn't. The transformation of the wolf was very effective and the acting was brilliant, well done!

  • Comment number 7.

    I was really quite pleased with the first episode. It had a good story line and there is plenty of room for development. I think Aidan Turner plays the part of Mitchell really well and the transition from the pilot is really good. Unfortunately I can't say the same for Lenora and the part of Annie. Andrea Riseborough's character in the pilot was really distinctive and funny and stopped the serious side of plotline from turning the programme into being a melodrama. Lenora in episode one was just annoying and whiney by comparison. Even the 'cup of tea' joke didn't seem funny this time around. Sorry. She is not a bad actress, but is just not right for this role.

  • Comment number 8.

    Loved the pilot but was really disappointed in this episode. Missed the dry humour which kept everything from getting mawkish the first time round. And Guy Flanagan who I thought was totally convincing as Mitchell. This new actor - sorry, it just didn't work for me. Over all, too dark, too depressing and I didn't have the same sense of "connection" with the characters that I had in the pilot. Won't be tuning in again.

  • Comment number 9.

    Thank you so much for making this series, I’m getting goose bumps just writing about it. So far, I’ve seen it four times and I really enjoyed it from start to finish.

    Favourite line has to be "you smell like a polo, do you have a hole".

    The only thing that I can say I’m only very very slightly disappointed about was the face of the Ware wolf. Baring in mind I’m a huge vampire and ware wolf fan and I’ve become a custom to films budgets.

    I also like the music featured, can’t knock a bit of Johnny Cash.

    All in all I really enjoyed it and I will be tuning in every Sunday.

  • Comment number 10.

    I was wary about watching the first episode, as the pilot was so fantastic that I didn't think the show would be able to recreate that, especially when I read the casting changes. I'm happy to say I was wrong to doubt though, and I can't wait for the rest of the series. Roll on Sunday!

    My one complaint is that the series will be too short! Bravo to everyone involved, especially whichever genius comissioned it.

  • Comment number 11.

    I was so caught up in the pilot that I've been crazy excited about the series- so much so that when the series was merely mentioned by an actor in a panel I squealled in a totally embarrassing manner even for a fangirl!
    The reason I was so excited was because the pilot was spot on- exactly what the audience wanted. I was hooked instantly. 52 minutes and I was totally invested.
    Not so much now.
    The cast changes and 'lightening' of the story or whatever you wanna call it are annoying. Nothing more nothing less.
    The changes made were completely unnecessary and have lessened the show, in my opinion.
    The new Annie and Mitchell- fine, okay... but why? Guy and Andrea's versions had me on the edge of my seat but the new ones- no offense to the actors but they're not who I want to see and they left me feeling like something is missing. The new Herrick on the other hand is terrible, again not the actor, the part. What the hell? I mean seriously and what's with Seth? Could he be any more crappily creepy in the background. Honestly, the 'and your little dog too' line pretty much sums up the crappiness of the vampires in the series.

    The saving grace is the only part not butchered- George. Spot on perfect, just like in the pilot and the only character I really care about now.

    The worst part- the series, first episode at least, is not bad. It's watchable, but it's not addictive.
    It's not a must see and it most certainly will not elicit squeals or shrieks of excitement.
    I'm just totally disappointed.

  • Comment number 12.

    Having watched the first episode of the series immediately followed by the pilot, (which had been lauded by a friend...), was dreadfully disappointed to note that the pilot was not only significantly superior in terms of dialogue, plot and humour but that excellent performances had been sacrificed (apt) for prettier faces; Annie was far more credible (and 'human'...) in the pilot, and Mitchell seductively charming, self-possessed and humourously dark - not merely "dark"! And don't get me started with the Buffy-esque Herrick - not a patch on Adrian Lester. I'm sorry to say the series is not as addictive as the pilot suggested it could have been...

  • Comment number 13.

    "Vix002" put it exactly right. I not only agree but feel that if, in delaying the series by not following up the pilot, half the original cast were lost. Then we have been robbed of a fantastic series.

    I think we will still get a very good one however.Better than some of the bbc's recent output and with little in the genre of comparable quality. "Darkly and intelligently humorous" is better than just "Dark"

  • Comment number 14.

    Can the pilot be put back on the real player or have the Ö÷²¥´óÐã already lost the rights ? It would show everyone that missed it how good the show could be !

  • Comment number 15.

    I've just seen the first episode on iplayer, as I missed it on Sunday.
    I really enjoyed it and found it good watching.
    The werewolf transformation was good, but the werewolf itself wasn't exactly what I expected, but it wasn't too bad either.
    I will definatly be watching the rest of the series though.

  • Comment number 16.

    What a great episode, not normally the sort of thing I would watch but my husband made me watch and I am so glad he did. The synopsis sounds ridiculous but the great writing and acting actually makes it believable and I ended up feeling real empathy towards the characters. Just hope it catches on and another series is made.

  • Comment number 17.

    Hi guys, loving the feedback on ep1, I can assure you that Toby Whithouse does personally read it. I have a question though... What do you think of Herrick? I've just added his video profile to the blog and I'd love to hear your thoughts on the character.

    And only 3 days to go til ep 2...!

    Barry, BH Prod Team

  • Comment number 18.

    Russell Tovey is truly one of the best actors i have ever seen.

    I have seen some things that he has been in and I think that Being Human is the best yet.

    I am looking forward to seeing more of him asif I have not seen enuff already

    Russell Tovey is a great great guy and i wish him all the verry best that life have to offer

    and if one day i am ever lucky enuff to meat him i would tell him to his face how great i think young actor is.

  • Comment number 19.

    i have seen the fist episode it was fantastic and cant wait for episode 2

  • Comment number 20.

    well this series ticks all my boxes. quality programe, grade A cast, i for one cannot wait for the rest of the shows

  • Comment number 21.

    10 out of 10. I was riveted to every minute!

    I hope this lasts a long time.

  • Comment number 22.

    Really enjoyed the first episode, I'd watched it 5 times by Monday (Twice on telly, three times on iPlayer lol). Russell is such a good actor and George is such a hilarious actor. Thoufght Aidan was really, really good, I like his interpretation of Mitchell as much as Guy's.
    On another note,

    I'm Glad to see that after I started ending my comments on Being Human videos with ''Roll on...' a few people have been influenced and started using my phrase too (''timelordwannabe'' [more like PsionicP3wannabe]), as the saying goes; ''Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery''. Roll on Sunday!!!

  • Comment number 23.

    I absolutely loved the 1st episode and can't wait till tomorrow nights ep.. i really loved the pilot and thought i would be disappointed, but i wasn't at all.I thought all three lead characters were great but particularly loved the "Herrick"character played by Jason Watkins...truly terrifying..at last someone in a television show playing a sinister evil character without going totally over the top.He seems completely natural yet completely unnerving at the same time.BRILLIANT. .i've seen him in loads of other stuff but didn't look up his name before.He was in a film called "confetti" that came out a couple of years ago and he played a very camp wedding planner.i couldn't believe it was the same actor playing two such different parts.Why is he not a household name?Anyway, although Herrick was only in a handful of scene's in the 1st episode i hope his part gets bigger and i can't wait to see how the whole series develops.Can't wait for tomorrow night!!!

  • Comment number 24.

    Any chance of a list of music, some I recognised but all of them.

  • Comment number 25.

    This show is great, I enjoyed this even more than the pilot last year. Hope the rest of the series is as good

  • Comment number 26.

    I'm sorry but I actually happen to like Herrick's character much more than the one played by Adrian Lester.
    Lester essentially plays the same character in pretty much every show he's in.
    Jason Watkins is a brilliant actor, I really like what he's doing with the part.

  • Comment number 27.

    Hi guys,

    Just want to say that I'm really enjoying the discussion here. Its great to hear so many honest comments.

    'OtherNiceMan' - Thanks for being so interested, a list of music is a really good idea. I'll see what I can do and hopefully get back to you asap.

    On a personal note I also really enjoyed the soundtrack, especially 'Hounds of Love' by the Futureheads, which is played in the background of the cafe scene with George and Tully (26mins 10secs).

    In the meantime if anyone else has any thoughts on the music feel free to add more...

  • Comment number 28.

    hi just wanted to say absolutely LOVED it! and after hearing there was a pilot i went and found that on utube and watched it but i am sooooo glad you made the changes bbc!! i have to say i thought that this mitchell especially brought something more to the part and i am very happy with the changes! i felt that the annie in the pilot was a bit hard to believe whereas lenoras annie is easier to understand and connect with. If the pilot had been the first episode i do not think i would have tuned in for the rest- but with the changes this is shaping up to be a GREAT show! thanks for putting something different on bbc!! but only 6 episodes!!! nooooo does that mean we will have to wait for a year for the second series???!! noooo!!

  • Comment number 29.

    I watched the first two episodes and really enjoyed them. I've just checked out the pilot though, and can't understand the recasting. Although I like the current cast, I think the Ö÷²¥´óÐã has made a mistake recasting. The previous actors in the role of the vampire, head vampire and ghost were stronger and more interesting. I think they gave the show more depth. I even felt strongly enough about this to want to post! Not something I'd normally bother with. Too late now I supose...real shame though. I hope the producers of the show read these blogs - it sounds like quite a few people agree with my thoughts on this.


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